International Settlement Endorsement Endorsee Dishonor Remitter
Remitting Bank Reversing Bank Mail Transfer, M/T
Payment in Advance Be sold up
Documentary Collection
Document against Acceptance, D/A Trust Receipt, T/R Expiry Date Packing Loan Credit Line
国际结算Correspondent Bank 背书Endorser
被背书人Holder of value 拒付Remittance 汇付人Beneficiary 汇出行Paying Bank
中间行Telegraphic Transfer, T/T
信汇Remittance by Banker’s Demand Draft, D/D 预付货款Open Account Transaction, O/A 售定Consignment
跟单托收Document against Payment, D/P 承兑交单Collection Bill Purchased 信托收据SWIFT
有效期限Documentary L/C 打包放款Outward Bill 开征授信额度
代理行 背书人
付过对价持票人 汇付 受益人 汇入行 电汇 票汇
货到付款,赊销 寄售
付款交单 托收出口押汇
环球银行金融电讯协会跟单信用证 出口押汇
面值:face value 赊账:open account 破产法:bankruptcy law 印花税:stamp duty 总资产:total assets 贸易壁垒:trade barrier 进口关税:import tariff 资金转移:fund transfer 有形贸易:tangible trade 无形贸易:intangible trade 国际惯例:international customs and practices 清算系统:clearing system 银行竞争:banking competition 国际支付:international payment 缺乏经验:lack of expertise 全球策略:global strategy 专业服务:professional service 财务报表:financial statement 远期汇票:term bill 跟单汇票:documentary draft 流通工具:negotiable instrument 授权签字:authorized signature 金融机构:financial institution 运输单据:shipping document 托收指示:collection instruction 拒绝证书:protest 商业用途:commercial utility 契约安排:contractual arrangement 付款义务:obligation of payment 独立责任:independent responsibility 合同义务:contractual obligation 信用评估:credit evaluation 经济衰退:economic recession 法律文件:legal document 指定银行:nominated bank 信誉调查:credit investigation 提货担保:shipping guarantee 转移风险:transfer risk 信用额度:credit line 汇款人账户:remitter's account 可兑换货币:convertible currency 大小写金额:amount in words and figures SWIFT密押:SWIFT authentication key 第二还款来源:the second source of repayment 多式联运提单:multimodal transport document 全球金融市场:global financial market 需要时的代理:agent in case of need 全球经济一体化:economic globalization 带有不符点的单据:discrepant document 有条件的付款承诺:conditional undertaking of payment 无条件的支付承诺:unconditional promise of payment 全球金融同业通讯协会:SWIFT 无条件的书面支付命令:unconditional order of payment in writing 海外分支机构和代理行:overseas branches and correspondent banks
1.国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资,从其他国家借贷资金等等。The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trade, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on.2.许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业务。
Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance.3.大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。
Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade.4.一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款,托收和信用证。
Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit.5.用于国际结算的的货币是可兑换的货币。
Currencies used in the international settlement are convertible currencies.6.每一个通信和支付系统都有自己的使用规则。
Each communication and payment system has its own rules.7.有五种美元清算的方式。
There are fives US dollar fund transfer payment methods.8.欧元是欧盟国家使用的货币。
Euro is the single currency of the European Union.9.香港作为国际金融中心必须遵循国际惯例。
As an international financial center, Hong Kong must follow international payment practices.10.两家银行建立代理行关系的原则是基于双方的互惠互利。
The overall principle to establish correspondent banking relationship between two banks is on the basis of mutual benefits.11.一家银行对其所在国金融系统的重要性是对该银行进行评级的重要因素。
The importance of a bank to its country's financial system is a major factor in the rating process.12.穆迪和标准普尔在对银行进行评级时有许多相似之处。
Moody and Standard&Poor's share many similarities in rating banks.13.许多著名的大银行是根据一定的程序来向代理行提供信用额度。
The credit line for a correspondent is worked out according to certain procedures in many sizeable and well-known banks.14.银行不仅可从贸易融资中获利,而且还可以介入金融活动之中。
Not only banks can gain from trade finance, they can also engage in those financial activities.15.由于这张信用卡的持卡人不讲信用,发卡银行将取消该卡。
The issuing bank of this credit will cancel the holder's card because of his poor credit standing.16.旅行支票异于在国外银行·旅店·商店·机场等兑现。
Traveller's checks are easily encashable at banks, hotel, shops and airports abroad.17.汇票和本票的定义有一些相似之处。There are some similarities between the definition of a bill of exchange and a promissory note.18.请开立一张以Mr.Smith为付款人的金额为2000美元的即期汇票。Please draw a sight draft on Mr.Simth for US dollars 2000.19.由于电信业的迅猛发展,大多数的付款义务都是通过电汇方式完成。
With rapid telecommunication, most payment transactions are handled by telegraphic transfer.20.在付款业务中总是会出现一些差错。
In the process of payment transfer, some mistakes may occur.21.处理付款业务中的典型错误是将头寸付款方式和链式付款方式的报文混淆。
It is a typical mistake to confuse the message types of the cover method with those of the serial method.22.在一些国家,通常用于国内付款的链式方式也用于跨境付款。
In some countries and for some currencies, the serial method-typical for domestic payments-is also used cross-border.23.电汇常常用于大金额和时间较紧的情况。
T/T is often used when the remittance amount is large and the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit.24.跟单托收适用于出口商既不想用赊账也不愿意用信用证的情况。
Documentary collections are suitable in cases where the exporter is reluctant to supply the goods on an open account basis, but does not need the strong security provided by a documentary credit.25.《跟单托收统一惯例》是国际托收业务中通行的规则。
The Unifrom Rules for Collections from an internationally accepted code of practice covering documentary collections.26.单据应符合进口国家的法律和法规的要求。
The type of documents should comply with the laws and regulations of the importing country.27.拒绝证书是法庭认可的拒付的法律依据,它要由公证机构来制作。
Bill protesting is a legal evidence of dishonor acceptable to a court of law, and it will come into force by a notarization of notary office.28.在此契约安排下的每一项条款都是独立的。
Each item in contracts in this arrangement is independent of one another.29.进口商也要对远期汇票进行承兑并到期付款。An importer is also obliged to make an acceptance on the term bill of exchange and make payment on its due.30.既然大多数的信用证都是不可撤销的,故此字样印就在开证申请书上。
Since the great majority of credits are irrevocable, the indication of irrevocability is printed in the application form.31.出口商在向他的银行提示单据前就应确信其单据满足了信用证的要求。
Before the exporter presents the documents to his bank, he must ensure that they fully meet the requirements laid down in the credit.32.银行必须根据信用证的条款和要求仔细的审核单据。
The bank must check the presented documents carefully against the wording of the terms of credit.33.用于国际贸易中的保函分两类:直接保函和间接保函。
The guarantees used in international business can be divided into two categories: direct guarantees and indirect guarantees.34.银行开具各种类型的保函:投标保函·履约保函·预付款保函和尾款保函。
Banks issue various types of guarantee or bond, and they are bid bonds, performance bonds, maintenance or retention bonds.35.预付款保函向买方提供了一个资金安全的保证。
The advance payment guarantee provides financial security to the buyer.36.开立传统的信用证是为了国际贸易中货物交易的付款。
The traditional documentary letter of credit serves the purpose of securing payment of the contract price in the international trade of goods.37.信用证和保函的主要不同点是:信用证是一个付款工具,而保函是一个合同义务被履行的保证。
The main difference between a letter of credit and a guarantee is that the letter of credit actually represents a payment instrument while the guarantee is an assurance that contractual obligations will be fulfilled.38.出口商收到信用证后,将根据信用证的要求准备出货和缮制单据。
On receipt of a letter of credit, the exporter will prepare his shipments according to the requirements of the credit and complete the relating aocuments.39.一般来说,信用证里要规定最后交单日期。
In general, the latest date of presentation is specified in the credit.40.在信用证业务中,银行应只审核单据。
In credit operations, banks must make examination on the basis of the documents alone.41.银行对没有要求提示的单据不予理会,以避免由此而产生的拒付。
Banks should disregard cnditions without stating the documents to be presented in compliance to avoid unnecessary refusal.42.提单是出口商和承运人之间的运输合同。
The bill of lading is an evidence of the contract for carriage between the exporter and the carrier.43.国际贸易融资是银行向进口商和出口商提供的国际结算项下的融资服务。International trade finance is a financial service under the international trade settlement provided by banks for importers and exporters.44.信用额度内容和贸易融资产品是构成贸易融资的重要因素。
Credit line structure and trade financing facilities constitute important factors of trade finance.45.在信用证业务下,银行应该特别关注贸易背景和市场。
The bank should always keep an eye on the trade background and its market under the letter of credit.46.监督是控制打包放款风险的重要措施。
Supervision is an important step to control the risk of packing loan.47.出口押汇是出口银行提供的贸易融资产品。
Export bill purchased refers to a financing facility provided by exporter's bank.
What we get wrong about China Global Public Square By Bhaskar Chakravorti, Special to CNN Editor’s note: Bhaskar Chakravorti is senior associate dean of International Business and Finance and founding executive director of the Institute for Business in the Global Context at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.The views expressed are the author's own.We now know who will be leading the two most important nations for the global economy – for the next four years in the United States’ case, and for a decade in China’s.By the time President Obama is ready to leave office, China will have passed the U.S.in GDP terms, at least according to a report by the OECD.But with GDP no longer Chinese leaders’ top concern, the country has its sights set on catching up with the U.S.in another area – innovation.On a recent to visit to speak at the World Economic Forum's Summer Davos in Tianjin, I was struck by the sense of urgency among Chinese leaders to close the gap when it comes to innovation.It was clear to me that it is time for the U.S.to pay close attention, because urgency in China is generally followed by execution.Unfortunately, America has worked itself up over the wrong issues as far as “competitiveness” is concerned: we bemoan the fact that China has taken our jobs(and 42 percent of Americans believe that China is already the world’s largest economy, a Pew survey suggested).But those worried about the country’s future would be better served focusing on U.S.competitiveness in innovation, something that has the potential to put this country’s growth back on track.The problem is that there is a general(and misplaced)belief that China will always be a loser, that it can only imitate, not innovate.Critics argue that its society is too top-down and that American innovation will always be buoyed by Silicon Valley.More from CNN: U.S.needs an infrastructure bank But the reality is that it is naïve to believe China cannot narrow the gap in innovation, and the second Obama administration would do well to consider that America could actually learn a thing or two from across the Pacific.And it could start by grappling with some widely held myths: 1.There is no innovation in China, only piracy and imitation.Most innovation begins with imitation;America got its start by imitating inventions from the Old World.Meanwhile, many Chinese “imitations, ” such as Alibaba, Tencent or Sina Weibo, have moved far beyond being mere copies of their U.S.counterparts.Each is solving problems uniquely relevant to Chinese businesses and consumers, something that could create platforms for innovations that are propelled into global markets.2.The Chinese approach to innovation is too top-down and state-led – real innovation only comes from the bottom-up.The Chinese state is committed to bringing China to the ranks of the innovative nations by 2020.Silicon Valley entrepreneurs might shudder at this top-down approach.Yet consider, for example, where the American entrepreneur would be if the U.S.government had not funded the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that gave birth to the Internet.The state must play a role in investing in foundational innovations, such as the Internet and mobile technologies.Once these foundations are laid, then a competitive bottom-up ecosystem will encourage creative destruction.But sadly, U.S.government investment in such foundational innovations has been on a steady decline.3.Intellectual property rights protection in China is too weak to encourage innovation.China's weaker intellectual property protection could, arguably, make it easier to foster a climate conducive to open innovation.Of course, a balance needs to be struck between open access to intellectual property and protecting it – with no protection, innovation will stall, because investors need returns on their investment.Unfortunately, in the U.S., intellectual property protections block innovation just as much as they promote it.4.In a globalized economy, sustaining innovation requires investment in international markets;China's brand and soft power abroad is weak and dated.Despite several unresolved issues such as territorial disputes and balance of trade, China's influence in the world's fast-growing regions, including Africa, Latin America and East Asia, is growing more rapidly than that of the United States.When Chinese innovations look for inputs or consumers and they turn to these markets, they are likely to have as many opportunities as well-known U.S.brands – perhaps even a better chance.Indeed, when it comes to ties with Africa and Latin America, China is often one step ahead of the U.S.5.China's education model emphasizes rote learning;innovation can only flourish in environments that encourage exploration, critical thinking and a broad education in the liberal arts tradition.The danger with the Chinese approach is that if you don’t expose students to other disciplines and encourage critical thinking, they may lack the breadth to blossom into creative problem-solvers and risk takers.However, the U.S.system has some severe deficits of its own.A recent U.S.Department of Commerce report, for example, highlights a growing gap in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.Notably, immigrants are the ones filling the education gap – half the start-ups in Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants.Sure, the Chinese model of innovation needs plenty of work, but in many ways China is also learning from the U.S.and following in our early footsteps.As China moves up the curve and adds the uniqueness of its own experience and approach, it may create a new hybrid model that has lessons for other nations, including the United States.Remember, it’s true that the global positioning system is a product of the U.S.Department of Defense.But the Chinese were the ones who gave us the compass in the first place.Chakravorti is author of “The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World.” 编辑注:巴斯卡·查卡拉沃迪是塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院(Fletcher School at Tufts University)全球商业研究院的国际商业和金融高级副院长和创始人执行董事。本文仅为作者个人观点。
ACP Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries 非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团
ADB Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟公约 AU African Union
BFA Boao Forum for Asia博鳌亚洲论坛
BIE Bureau of International Expositions 国际展览局 BIS Bank for International Settlements 国际清算银行 CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission食品法典委员会 CDB Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比开发银行 CFC Common Fund for Commodities
CSD Commission on Sustainable Development 联合国可持续发展委员会
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECLAC UN Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean
ECOSOC UN Economic and Social Council
ESCAP UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会
ESCWA UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
European Union 欧洲联盟
G 8 Summit Group of Eight Summit
八国集团首脑会议 G20 Group of Twenty 20国集团 G24 Group of Twenty Four 24国集团
IADB Inter-American Development Bank
美洲开发银行/泛美开发银行 IATA
International Air Transport Association
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Civil Aviation Organization
国际民航组织 ICC
The International Chamber of Commerce
国际商会 ICO International Coffee Organization
ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes 国际投资争端解决中心 IDA
International Development Association
国际开发协会 IDB Inter-American Development Bank
美洲开发银行 IDB Islamic Development Bank
伊斯兰开发银行 IEA International Energy Agency
International Electro Technical Commission 国际电工委员会 IFA International Franchise Association 国际特许经营加盟协会 IFAC
International Federation of Accountants
国际会计师联合会 IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development
国际农业发展基金 IFC
International Finance Corporation
国际金融公司 IGC International Grains Council
国际谷物理事会 ILO
International Labor Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
International Maritime Committee
国际海事委员会 IMO
International Maritime Organization
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
国际竹藤组织 INRO
International Natural Rubber Organization
国际天然橡胶组织 IOE
Office International Des Epizooties
国际兽疫组织 IOOC
International Olive Oil Council
国际橄榄油理事会 ISF
International Shipping Federation
International Organization for Standardization
国际标准化组织 ISO
International Sugar Organization 国际糖组织 ITC
International Trade Centre
International Textiles and Clothing Bureau 国际纺织品与服装局 ITER international thermonuclear experimental reactor 国际高热原子能反应堆 ITU
International Telecommunication Union
African Development Fund
ADF African Groundnut Council
AGC African Liberation Committee
African Postal Union 非洲邮政联盟 AFPU African Postal and Telecommunication Union 非洲邮政电信联盟 APU/ATU African Timber Organization
ATO Agency for the Protection of Number weapons in Latin America 拉丁美洲禁止核武器组织 OPANAL American International Chamber of Commerce
Andean Pact Organization 安
Asian and Pacific Coconut Community 亚洲和太平洋椰子共同体 APCC Asian Cleaning Union 亚洲清算联盟 ACU Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行 ADB Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries 铁矿砂出口国协会 APEF Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries 天然橡胶生产国协会
Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institution 亚洲最高审计组织 ASOSAI Bank of the Central African States 中非国家银行 EBAC Benelux Economic Union 比荷卢经济联盟
Caribbean Community 加勒比共同体
Caribbean Multinational Shipping Company 加勒比多国海运公司
Cartagena Group 卡塔赫纳集团
Central African Monetary Union 中非货币同盟
Central American Bank of Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行
BCIE Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场
CACM Civil Aviation Council of Arab States 阿拉伯国家民用航空理事会 CACAS Commission of the Cartagena Agreement 卡塔赫纳协定委员会 JUNAC Commonwealth 英联邦
Cocoa Producer’s Alliance 可可生产者联盟 CPA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa 东部和南部非洲共同市场 COMESA Conference of Non-Aligned Countries 不结盟国家会议
Conference on Confidence and Security-Building Measures and Consultative Assembly Between the African Caribbean and Pacific State(ACP)and the European Economic Community(EEL)非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家-欧洲经济共同体咨询会议
Contadora Group 孔塔多拉集团
Co-ordinating Committee for Export to Communist Countries 巴黎统筹委员会 COCOM Coordination Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries 不结盟国家协调局
Council for Cultural Cooperation 文化合作理事会 CCC Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助委员会(经互会)CMEA Council of Arab Economic Unity 阿拉伯经济统一体理事会 CAEU Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事会 CCC Danube Commission 多瑙河委员会
Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa 东非控制沙漠蝗虫组织 DLCO-EA East African Community 东非共同体 EAC EAST ASIA-LATIN AMERICA FORUM 东亚-拉美论坛 EALAF Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经济委员会 ECA Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 ESCAP Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会 ECE Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean 拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会 ECLA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia 西亚经济社会委员会 ECWA Economic Community of Central African States 中非国家经济共同体 CEEAC Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries 大湖国家经济共同体 CEPGL Economic Community of West African States 西非国家经济共同体 ECOWAS
European Atomic Energy Community 西欧原子能共同体 EURATOM European Coal and Steel Community 西欧煤钢共同体 ECSC European Conference of Ministers of Transport 欧洲交通部长会议 ECMT European Communities 欧洲共同体 EC European Economic and Monetary Union 欧洲经济和货币同盟 EMU European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟 EFTA European Investment Bank 欧洲投资银行 EIB European Monetary Cooperation Fund 欧洲货币合作基金组织 EMCF European Organization for Nuclear Research 欧洲核研究组织 CERN European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation 欧洲航行安全组织 EUROCONIROL European Space Agency 欧洲航天局 ESA European Union 欧洲联盟 EU Food Aid Committee 粮食援助委员会
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 联合国粮食及农业组织 FAO France-African Summit Conference 法国-非洲国家首脑会议
French Community 法兰西共同体
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税和贸易总协定 GATT Geneva Conference on Disarmament 日内瓦裁军谈判会议 CD Group of Africa,Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries 非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团
Group of Latin American and Caribbean Sugar Exporting Countries--GEPLACEA拉丁美洲和加勒比糖出口国集团
Group of Ten(Paris Club)十国集团(巴黎俱乐部)
Group of Twenty Four 二十四国集团
Jerusalem Committee 耶路撒冷委员会
Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation 环印度洋地区合作联盟
Inter-African Coffee Organization 中非国家咖啡组织 IACO Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission 美洲国家核能委员会 IANEC Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics 政府间信息局 IBI Intergovernmental Committee for Migration 政府间移民委员会 ICM Intergovernmental Copyright Committee 政府间版权委员会 ICC Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries 铜出口政府间委员会 CIPEC International Association of Mercury Producer 国际水银生产者协会
International Bauxite Association 国际铝矾土协会 IBA International Bureau of Education 国际教育局 IBE International Bureau of Weight and Measures 国际计量局 BIPM International Cable Protection Committee 国际电缆保护委员会 ICPC International Civil Defence Organization 国际民防组织 ICDO International Cocoa Organization 国际可可组织 ICCO International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle Against Pollution 保护摩泽尔河流防止污染国际委员会
International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries 东南大西洋渔业国际委员会 ICSEAF International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage 国际排灌委员会 ICID International Committee for European Security and Co-operation 欧洲安全与合作国际委员会 CISCE International Committee for Physical Education and Sport of UNESCO 联合国科教文组织政府间体育运动委员会 ICPES or ICPESUNESCO International Cotton Advisory Committee 国际棉花咨询委员会 ICAC International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 国际海洋考察理事会 ICES International Court of Justice 国际法院 ICJ International Criminal Organization 国际刑事警察组织 INTERPOL International Economic Cooperation Conference 国际经济合作组织(南北对话)The North-South Dialogue International Energy Agency 国际能源机构 IEA International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 IFC International Investment Bank 国际投资银行 IIB International Jute Organization 国际黄麻组织
International Lead and Zine Study Group 国际铅锌研究小组 ILZSG International Maritime Satellite Organization 国际海事卫星组织 INMARSAT International Olive Oil Council 国际橄榄油理事会 IOOC International Organization of Legal Metrology 国际法定度量衡组织 OIML International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions 国际最高审计机关组织 INTOSAL International Patent Cooperation Union 国际专利合作同盟
International Radio and Television Organization 国际广播电视组织 OIRT International Rubber Study Group 国际橡胶研究小组 IRSC International Tea Committee 国际茶叶委员会 ITC International Tea Promotion Association 国际茶叶促进协会 ITPA International Telecommunications Satellite Organization 国际通信卫星组织 INTELSAT International Tin Council 国际锡理事会 ITC
International Whaling Commission 国际捕鲸委员会 IWC International Wheat Council 国际小麦理事会 IMC African Liberation Committee 非洲解放委员会 African Postal Union(AFPU)非洲邮政联盟 ANC(African National Congress)非洲人民大会 Andean Pact Organization 安
Permanent Consultative Committee of the Maghreb 马格里布常设咨询委员会 PCCM Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel 萨赫勒地带国家间抗旱常设委员会 ICDCS Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central America Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化总条约常设秘书处 SIEC Region Co-operation for Development 区域发展合作组织 RCD Scientific Technical and Research Commission of the Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织科技研究委员会 STRCOAU/STRC South and West Asia Postal Union 西南亚邮政同盟 SWAPU South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 南亚区域合作联盟 SAARC South-East Asia Lumber Producers Association 东南亚木材生产者协会 SEALPA Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization 东南亚教育部长组织 SEAMEO Southern African Customs Union 南部非洲关税同盟
South Pacific Commission 南太平洋委员会 SPC South-South Conference 南南会议
Standing Conference of Atlantic Organization 大西洋组织常设会议 SCAO Summit Conference of Major Cities of the World 世界大城市首脑会议
Summit of Five Portuguese-Speaking Countries in Africa 非洲葡语国家五国首脑会议
The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 和平利用外层空间委员会 COPUOS The Preferential Trade Area of Eastern and Southern Africa 东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区 PTA The Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs 联合国社会发展和人道主义事业中心 UNCSDHA United Nations Centre on Science and Technology for Development 联合国科学和技术促进发展中心 UNC-STD United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations 联合国跨国公司中心 UNCTC United Nations Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会 UNICEE United Nations Commission on Human Rights 联合国人权委员会
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 联合国国际贸易法委员会 UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs 联合国麻醉药品委员会
United Nations Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction联合国国际刑事管辖问题委员会
United Nations Commission on Transnational Corporations 联合国跨国公司委员会
United Nations Common Fund 联合国共同基金会
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 联合国环境与发展会议 UNCED United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易和发展会议 UNCTAD United Nations Development Authority 联合国发展管理局 UNDC United Nations Development Corporation 联合国开发公司 UNDC United Nations Development Fund for Women 联合国妇女发展基金会 UNIFEM United Nations Development Programme 联合国开发计划署 UNDP United Nations Economic Development Administration 联合国经济发展管理局
United Nations Education,Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国科学、教育及文化组织 UNESCO United Nations Environment Fund 联合国环境基金 UNEF United Nations Environment Programme 联合国环境规划署 UNEP United Nations Fund for Science and Technology for Development 联合国科学与与技术促进发展基金
United Nations General Assembly 联合国大会 GA United Nations Industrial Development Fund 联合国工业发展基金
United Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国工业发展组织 UNIDO United Nations Information Centre 联合国新闻中心 UNIC United Nations Institute for Training and Research 联合国训练和研究所 UNITAR United Nations International Law Commission 联合国国际法委员会 ILC United Nations Military Observer 联合国军事观察员 UNMO United Nations Military Staff Committee 联合国军事参谋团 UNMSC United Nations Population Fund 联合国人口基金 UNFPA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration联合国善后救济总署 UNRRA United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 联合国社会发展研究所 UNRISD United Nations Sea-Bed Committee 联合国海底委员会
United Nations Secretariat 联合国秘书处 ST United Nations Security Council 联合国安全理事会 SC United Nations Technical Assistance Fund 联合国技术援助基金
United Nations Trusteeship Council 联合国托管理事会
United Nations University 联合国大学 UNU
Universal Postal Union 万国邮政联盟 PUP West African Cleaning House 西非清算协会 WACH West African Development Bank 西非开发银行 WADB West African Economic Community 西非经济共同体 CEAO West African Monetary Union 西非货币联盟 WAMU Western European Union 西欧联盟 WEU World Government Organization Coordinating Council 世界政府组织协调理事会 WGOCC World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WHO World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织 WIPO World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织 WMO World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织 WTO ICA:international cooperative alliance国际合作社联盟
ICC-CAPA:ICC commission on Asia and Pacific Affairs国际商会亚洲及太平洋事务委员会 ICDA:international cooperative development association国际合作发展协会
ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross)红十字国际委员会
IDO:international development organization国际开发中心
IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development)
Institute of chartered accountants
International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions 国际最高审计机关组织 international trade development organization国际贸易发展组织 IOC(International Olympic Committee)
国际奥林匹克委员会 IOJ(International Organization of Journalists)国际新闻工作者协会
IRTO(International Radio and Television Organization)国际广播电视组织 Jerusalem Committee 耶路撒冷委员会
Join Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)联合原子能研究所
Latin American Integration Association(LAIA)拉丁美洲总体话联盟
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OIE Office International Des Epizooties
PBEC Pacific Basin Economic Council
PECC Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
太平洋经济合作理事会 PIF
Pacific Islands Forum
SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization
SEAFDEC Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center 东南亚渔业开发中心
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial telecommunication 环球银行间金融电讯协会
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UN Economic Commission for Africa
联合国非洲经济委员会 UNECE UN Economic Commission forEurope
UNIDROIT International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 国际统一私法协会
WAIPA World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies 世界投资促进机构协会 WASME Association for Small and Medium Enterprises
世界中小企业协会 WCO
World Customs Organization
世界海关组织 WEC World Energy Council 世界能源理事会
World Food Council
World Federation of Direct Selling Associations
世界直销协会联盟 WFP
World Food Programme
World Intellectual Property Organization
世界知识产权组织 WTCA
World Trade Center Association
世界贸易中心协会 WWF 世界自然基金会World Wildlife Fund ICC
国际商务委员会(美洲国际)= The Interstate Commerce Commission of U.S.A.Security Council 安理会
NASA 美国国家航天局National Aeronautics and Space Administration NAM(the Non-Aligned Movement)不结盟运动
NBA---National Basketball Association(美国)国家篮球协会
OAU(Organization of African Unity)
OIC(Organization of the Islamic Conference)伊斯兰会议组织
Palestine National Authority 巴勒斯坦民族权力机构
PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization)巴勒斯坦解放组织
SWIFT Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication
UEA(Universal Esperanto Association)
国际世界语协会 CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China ANSI : American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会
USA : United States of America 美利坚合众国
USDA : United States Department of Agriculture 美国农业部
ACM : Association for Computing Machinery(美国)电脑协会
USNA : United States Naval Academy
• NSC : National Security Council 国家安全委员会
CBC : Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 加拿大广播公司 • FTC : Federal Trade Commission
• DOJ : Department Of Justice
AAAS : American Association for the Advancement of Science
BEA : Bureau of Economic Analysis 经济分析局
• IEC : International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电子技术委员会
• USMA : United States Military Academy 美国陆军军官学校
ACS : American Cancer Society 美国癌症学会
AMA : American Medical Association 美国医学协会
HMO : Health Maintenance Organization 卫生维护组织
EFTA : European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟
• AP : Associated Press 美国联合通讯社,美联社,美联社
• APA : American Psychological Association 美国心理学协会
NCIC : National Crime Information Center 国家犯罪信息中心/国家刑事犯罪情报中心
• SPCA : Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 英国动物保护协会
ADA : American Dental Association 美国牙医学会
MS : Microsoft 微软
APL : Applied Physics Laboratory 应用物理试验室[美]
NASD : National Association of Securities Dealers 全国证券交易商协会
BBB : Better Business Bureau 商务改善协会
NGS : National Geographic Society 全国地理学会
ABA : American Bar Association 美国律师协会
AKC : American Kennel Club
•VFD : Volunteer Fire Department 志愿消防队
• ABC : Australian Broadcasting Corporation 澳大利亚广播公司
•ACLU : American Civil Liberties Union
• BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司
• CNN : Cable News Network
• ECMA : European Computer Manufacturers Association 欧洲计算机制造商协会
• ASPCA : American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 美国防止虐待动物协会
• MADD : Mothers Against Drunk Driving 抗议司机酒后驾驶母亲协会
• YMCA : Young Men's Christian Association 基督教青年会
BA : British Airways 英国航空公司
• ECB : European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行
UPS : United Parcel Service 联合包裹快递
IDC : International Data Corporation 国际数据公司
• NAS : National Academy of Sciences 国家科学院
SIG : Special Interest Group 共同利益组织
• ASE : American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所
• AAA : American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会 AHL : American Hockey League 美国曲棍球联盟
EMU : European Monetary Union 欧洲货币联盟
• ABA : American Bankers Association 美国银行家协会
ALA : American Library Association 美国图书馆协会
ARC : American Red Cross 美国红十字会
MLB : Major League Baseball 美国全国棒球协会和盟国棒球协会 NPR : National Public Radio 美国全国公共电台
AFL : American Federation of Labor 美国劳工联合会
•CERT : Computer Emergency Response Team
NHL : National Hockey League 全国曲棍球联盟
APC : American Power Conversion 美国能源转换
IAFF : International Association of Fire Fighters 国际消防战斗员协会
NEA : National Education Association 全国教育协会
PBS : Public Broadcasting Service 公共广播事务局
IRC : International Red Cross 国际红十字会
NEA : National Endowment for the Arts 全国艺术捐赠基金会
GCC : Gulf Cooperation Council 海湾合作委员会
GM : General Motors 通用汽车公司
AA : American Airlines 美国美洲航空
WWF: World Wrestling Federation 世界摔角联盟
AMC: American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司
AAL : American Airlines 美国航空公司
DA : Department of the Army(美国)陆军部
OSS : Office of Strategic Services 战略情报局
ASC: American Society of Cinematographers 美国电影摄影师学会
NPF : National Park Foundation 国家公园基金会
AAA : Agricultural Adjustment Administration 美国家业调节局
ABA : American Booksellers Association美国书商协会
ACU : Australian Catholic University澳大利亚天主教大学
NOW : National Organization for Women(美国)全国妇女组织
AFI : American Film Institute 美国电影学会
CEC : Commission of the European Communities 欧盟委员会
LWV : League of Women Voters 女选民联盟
FEDEX : Federal Express 联邦快递
FHA: Federal Housing Administration 联邦住宅管理局
UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易与发展会议 United Nations Common Fund 联合国共同基金会 WBT:world board of trade国际贸易委员会
WPC(World Peace Council)世界和平理事会Arab Monetary Fund
Council of Arab Economic Unity CAEU
Arab League Educational,Cultural and Scientific Organization ALECSO
国际船东协会International Shipping Federation ISP
国际船级社协会 International Association of Classification Societies IACS
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC
国际纯粹和应用生物物理学联盟 International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics
International Commission on Large Dam ICOLD
Federation International du Sport Universities FISU 国际地球科学信息网络集团
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network CIESIN
国际地球学联盟International Geographical Union IGU 国际地震中心International Seismological Centre ISC
国际地质大会International Geological Congress IGC
国际地质科学联盟 International Union of Geological Sciences IUGS
International Permafrost Association
International Association of Independent Tanker Owners
International Bureau of Weight and Measurements
International Union for Child Welfare
International Union of Judges
International Law Association
International Commission of Jurists
International Association of Legal Science
International Textile Institute---ITI
International Radiation Protection Association IRPA
国际妇女同盟 International Alliance of Women IAW
international Women Society
International Association of Ports and Harbors
国际公务员协会联合会 Federation of International Civil Servants Associations FICSA
国际公务员制度委员会International Civil Service Commission ICSC
International Paleontological Association IPA
International Organization of Employers IOE
International Association of Broadcasting
International Hydrographic Organization
International Sea-Bed Authority
International Maritime Satellite Organization INMARSAT
International Shipping Federation
International Association of Lighthouse Authorities IALA
International Council of Aeronautical Sciences ICAS
Aeronautic International Federation
International Air Transport Association IATA 国际航运会议常设协会Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses PIANC
International Chamber of Shipping
国际和平利用原子能会议International Conference on the Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy
International Peace Academy IPA
International Nuclear Data Committee INDC
国际环境法理事会International Council of Environmental Law
International Institute for Environmental Affairs
International Planned Parenthood Federation IPPF
国际建筑师协会International Union of Architects IUA
International Relief Union IRU
International Military Sports Council
Commission on International Development CID
International Foundation of Sciences
International Council of Scientific Unions ICSU
International Committee on Space Research ICSR
国际空运协会 International Air Transport Association
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP
International Bar Association IBA
International Wool Textile Organization IWTO
Women’s International Democratic Federation WIDF
国际难民知识International Refugee Organization IRO
International Energy Agency IEA
International Academy for Europe and Asia IAEA
国际人口问题科学研究联合会 International Union for the Scientific Study of Population IUSSP
International Court of Human Rights
国际人权联合会International Federation of Human Rights
International Man and Biosphere Reserve Network
International Commercial Arbitration Association
国际商业仲裁会 International Council for Commercial Arbitration
International Association for Ecology
国际生物化学与分子生物学联盟 International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
International Union of Biological Sciences IUBS
国际圣经协会 International Bible Society IBS
International Mathematical Union IMU
International Water Resources Association IWRA
International Silk Association ISA
国际天文学联合会 International Astronomical Union IAU
国际通讯卫星知识 International Telecommunications Satellite Organization INTELSAT
国际土壤协会 International Society of Soil Science
国际细胞生物学联合会 International Federation for Cell Biology IFCB
International Union of Psychological Science
International Federation of Journalists
International Federation for Information and Documentation
International Association of Penal Law IAPL
国际刑事学会 International Association of Criminal Science
国际宣教协会 International Missionary Council
国际学生联合会 International Union of Student IUS
International Organization for Migration IOM
国际遗传学联合会International Genetics Federation IGF
国际译联 International Federation of Translators
International Music Council IMC
International Association of Applied Psychology IAAP
International Alliance for Distribution by Cable
国际宇航科学院IAA International Academy of Astronautics
International Association for Plant Physiologists IAPP
国际自动控制联合会 International Federation of Automatic Control
International confederation of Free Trade Union
国际足球联合会International Football Federation FIFA 海湾(阿拉伯国家)合作委员会 Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf,Gulf Cooperation Council GCC
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research SCOR
Commission on Maritime Meteorology
Advisory committee on Marine Resources Research
Advisory Committee of the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
和平利用原子能委员会 Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes
CUAEPP 红十字与红月会国际联合会
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IFRCS 环境问题科学委员会
Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment SCOPE 环境与发展国际研究中心Centre for International Research of Environment and Development CIRED
Pacific Rim Forum PRF
World Council of Churches WCC
基督教女青年会YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association
基督教青年会YMCA Young men’s Christian Association
Planned Parenthood–World Population
Caribbean community and Common Market CARICOM
Latin America Common Market
LACM 拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器组织
Organization for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲货币同盟 Latin American Monetary Union
拉丁美洲发展金融机构协会 Latin American Association of Development of Financing Institutions
Latin American Energy Organization
Association of Latin American Sociology
Special Committee on Latin American Coordination
Latin American Free Trade Area
Latin American Free Trade Market
Latin American Free Trade Association
World Federation of United Nations Associations WFUNA 伦敦核供应国俱乐部
London Suppliers’ Club
Union du Maghreb UMA
Inter-American Export Promotion Centre
Inter-American Saving and Loans Banks
美洲国家间人权委员会 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
美洲国际组织OAS Organization of American States
Inter-American Economic and Social Council
Inter-America Development Bank
North-South Coordinating committee
Southern African Development Community
南部非洲关税同盟 Southern African Customs Union SACU
South Common Market
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSCE(formerly known as Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
European Court of Human Rights
European Commission of Human Rights
Regional Cooperation Organization for Development RCOD
日美欧委员会Trilateral Commission of Japan, North America and Europe
Socialist International
世界残疾人组织理事会CWOIH Council of World Organizations Interested in the Handicapped
世界动物保护联合会 World Federation for the Protection of Animals
World Fellowship of Buddhists WFB
世界工会联合会World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU
World Peace Council WPC
World Council of Churches WCC
World Federation of Teachers’ Unions
World Federation of Scientific Worker
World Confederation of Labor
World Muslim Congress
Muslim World League MWL
World Assembly of Youth WAY
World Conference on Human Rights
World Islamic Congress
World Medical Association
World Academy of Art and Science
World Jewish Congress
World Organization for Early Children’s Education
World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies
World Conservation Union
World Conference on Religion and Peace
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council PECC 西方七国首脑会议 Seven-Nation Economic Summit
Group of Seven Summit G7 Summit
Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS
Western European Union WEU
Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee AALCC
Asian-African Conference
亚非拉人民团结组织 Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America OSPAALA
Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organization
亚非新闻工作者协会 Afro-Asian Journalists’ Association AAJA
Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation
亚欧环境技术中心 Asia-Europe Environmental Technology Center
亚太安全合作理事会 Council on Security Cooperation in Asia and Pacific Region
CSCAP 亚太空间技术应用多边合作会议
Asia-Pacific Conference on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications
APC-MCSTA conference
Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
Federation of Asian Chemical Societies FACS
Asian Environmental Society
Christian Conference of Asia CCA 亚洲及太平洋和平与裁军区域中心Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific
Asian and Pacific Council ASPAC
Asian Development Bank ADB
Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies
Asian Youth Council AYC
Asian Productivity Organization
亚洲太平洋广播联盟 Asian-Pacific Broadcasting Union ABU
Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies OANA
Asian-Pacific Postal Union
亚洲遥感协会 Asian Association on Remote Sensing AARS
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs
Ad Hoc Committee on the Indian Ocean
British Commonwealth of Nations
Economic Community of Central African States
中非国家联盟 Union of Central African States UEAC
Central American Common Market
Organization of Central American States
Summer holiday is coming.How excited!I have made a plan for my summer holiday.First of all, I will go to Hong Kong to visit my aunt.And then I will stay with her for a while.As Hong Kong is the shopping paradise, of course, I will ask my aunt to go shopping with me.I will also eat the delicious food there.And then I will go home.I know that study comes first.So I will finish my homework first.After that I will go out play with my friends.And then I will take a good rest to prepare for my coming back to school.