总之,欣赏自我,也欣赏学生,让教师在教育中享受生活,让学生在学习中享受童年。生活中充满了欣赏,你才会每天心情愉快。幸福的感觉才会悄悄地来到你的身边。(浣江小学 朱小平)
劳模精神是先进生产力和先进意识的集中体现, 是时代主旋律的突出代表,我们不一定人人都能成为劳模,但我们人人都可以践行劳模精神,在平凡的工作岗位中大放异彩。作为一名基层工作者,结合自身工作,我认为可以从以下几方面践行劳模精神:
最后,“感化”是目的教学活动中,良好的师生关系具体表现为向师性和向生性。这就是教师和学生之间感情融洽、心理相容、形成愉快和谐的课堂气氛。苏霍姆费斯基说过“教育技巧的全部奥妙就在于如何爱护学生。”教师在教学中,从爱护学生出发才能客观地一视同仁地对待每一个学生。使他们能感受到教师的关心和爱护。特别是对一些 “问题学生”,教师只要把全部的爱心献给他们,对他们给予了解、尊重和信任,时刻关注他们的点滴进步,给予肯定和表扬,就能把问题学生转变过来。
She reflected the current situation of China.We want to be rich, we want to be respected , we want to be democratic, we want to be happy and we are on our way to it!1 day ago: Your mistake and downfall is your want--need--obsession--for being rich.You will not find happiness in money.You might live a more comfortable life, even see more of the world--but like consuming name brands--it only makes you happy for a short time--and then crash, and need another fix.Narcotic capitalism.True happiness is within.The man who has nothing, if he wants to,can have everything.Give, don't take.Be.BMW and Nike and Apple is not the meaning of life--its is the destruction of it.find out more.JZ Wang +1Edit Delete Reply Yang intentionally choose to ignore the key reason that underlines all of serious social problems, as well as people's disappointment and anger Actually, she is focusing on letting the world know what situation we face in China at present, numbers of problems looking for solutions.IT IS complicated but we are now experiencing.going to a university does not make you educated or intelligent or a critical thinker)I do appreciate YANG Lan for telling the world about these.At least all the examples she uses are what were once a hot topic in mainland China.And they are much more updated than what the outside world tend to believe.I think these examples truly reflect the young generation in China today, and how they are responding and transferring the Chinese society.I think she only “truly reflect some of the young generation in China”, I believe she can do something more.James Yao +6Edit Delete
A real patriot is not the one that blindly praises his own country even the country is in real problems, but one that humbly learn from others and find solutions to build a better country.The country's future lies not in good praises alone, but in good actions with real results that deserver good praises.stepping on TED stage to her is just a show, not spreading ideas.she has no valuable ideas.as far as this speech is concerned.I hope more native Chinese can stand here and tell whole world how China looks like now and what will be in the future.I know there are lots of problems in China right now, but I really believe that things are going better.The quickly improvement of internet in China is one example.The media is opening out in some extent, much better than ten years ago, I think.Actually, I feel lucky that I was born after the policy of reformation and opening, and that I am living in the era of China with peace.The elder generation, our parents, they were working very very hard for decades to achieve a high-speed increasing economy.As my father told, when he married with my mother nearly thirty years ago, what they possessed were only few articles of furniture in a very small room, less than 20 meter square.And both my parents did not have the opportunity to gain education for the poverty at that time.Though the soaring housing price make a great amount of young people(plain office workers)despaired, the situation is much better than our parents when they were young.As young people, we are often dissatisfied with a lot of phenomenon in China and like to complain the government’s ability together.However, I believe deep in my heart that the government is trying to do its best(上有政策,下有对策), and China is developing all the time.And we are the generation to achieve it, remaking China and building a better society for the next generation.Just like our parents work for us.We are on the way!TED is one of my favorite website for its purpose that to spread great ideas from the whole world.But it is a pity that there are so few native Chinese to give lecture here.Hope for more such lecture in the future.China needs to introduce itself to the world.Yafim Simanovsky +7Edit Delete Reply I think she is taking a very Eastern approach towards the talkchinese media is no exception to this rule.The “real” China is difficult to grasp, as well as the “real” West.Is the West treated equally in chinese Media? I can read chinese and I found chinese media being biased as wellsomething we have in common.China is treated unfairly by western media.Well, please take a number-America is treated unfairly as well by german Medial, Africa, South-America...And personally I am tired of the “you can´t speak chinese so you don´t get the real China” argument.Sometimes it might be true, but any other time it is just an excuse.Can every Chinese explain to me the real China? Can every Westerner explain whats really going on in America, Italy, Spain? Samuel Morse 0Edit Delete Reply Oct 4 2011: Hey Ray, I live in Ninbo right now, and I do know some people who speak English, but none so well as this speaker...just sayin' Arthur Borges 50+ 0Edit Delete Reply 6 days ago: I'm afraid we still have the stereotype of the man in the local Chinese laundry who can't pronounce their “R”s correctly.Never mind that R is a problem for Cantonese rather than Mainlanders in general.And for most of the world, “Chinese” food is actually Cantonese cooking because historically, that's where most emigrants hailed from.Benjamin Blank 0Edit Delete Reply 5 days ago: At most it is ignorant not to speak and write Chinese.....isn't it implying that the Chinese are dangerous for Westerners not to speak and write Chinese? Welcome to the Lazy west.Chinese influence is inevitable everywhere, and at some level all of us know that.It is the idea that Chinese are “foreign” that is dangerous.We will adapt when the info is in our face, everything is completely in our face here.A little numb, but not completely stupid and fat.All of us in the world have something to offer that is probably vital for our evolution as humans, otherwise extinction would be a fact.It is learning each other that is the most amazing part of living now, something we did not have at this level of intensity in the past.When the “real” Global Social Network arrives I will be happy to argue on.Joy Zhang 0Edit Delete Reply 4 days ago: Can't agree with you too much Stefan Alexiev 0Edit Delete Reply 5 days ago: I feel like the latest generation can change the world everywhere.We now have the sources through which we can speak and be heard and we do not have to listen to the manipulated, biased, and corrupt mainstream media.We now how our own voices and we can build followings of like minded people and make things happen.For example the current financial crisis, Occupy Wall Street Movement, and more on the financial related news can be found on sites like http://www.xiexiebang.com/ which are unbiased, individually run, and have no interest in bringing you false information.We can eventually block out mainstream media, stop being follower sheep, and think for ourselves because the truth is out there through blogs and other media.Load more comments…