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Unit 1 text A

Alliance Campaign Conquest Crucial Decisive Declaration Desperate Efficient Engage Equip Heroic Instruct Invasion Launch Limp Minus

Occupation Offensive Raw Reckon Region Render Resistance Siege Stroke(n.)Toll

Underestimate Weaken

At the cost of Be faced with

Be/get bogged down Bide one’s time Bring to a halt Catch sb off guard Drag on

Engage/be engaged in(doing)sth.In the case of Press on/ahead Reckon with

Stand/get/be in the way

Take a gamble Take its/a toll Thanks to

Turn the tide(against)

Text B

Aboard Ambitious Boast Cancel Concern Contest Objective Obstacle Responsible Secure Stiff

Withstand Call off Due to Hold out In case

On the eve of Pay off Pin downPrior to

Unit 2 text A

Alert Apart

Application Approximately

Automate Bunch(v.)Calculate Computerize Correlate Decrease Detect Eliminate Expansion Frequency Harzard Incorporate Lane Lucrative Magnetic Monotonous Mount Orbit

Prototype Remote Satellite Signal Steer Vapor Vibrate

Be poised to(do)Get/be stuck in In the air Send out Start up

Take control of

Turn(sth.)into a reality

Text B

Accommodate Address(v.)Affordable Component Costly

Exposure Feasible Implement Mature Realistic Resume(v.)Select Shift Stress Thereby

At the start of By means of En route

In cooperation with

Unit 3 text A

Applicant Barely

Beforehand Blurt Chuckle Endeavor Generously Grill

Inadequate Incidentally Measurable Partner Physically Preparation Prospective Respond Rude Sparkle Structure Taxi(v.)Veteran As I see it

(as)the saying goes Beyond one’s/anyone’s wildest dreams

Follow up

From the standpoint of Go after

In sb.’s hands

In the neighborhood of Make a difference Take/have a crack at

Text B

Administration Benign Brand Carve Clatter Coil Fright Intricate Lengthen Messenger Mortal Pregnant Quiver Scrap Tear Unable Come at get in

Put in a word(for sb.)Take on

Unit 4 text A

Academic Accelerate Advantageous Aspire Asset Center(v.)Considerable Contradiction Displace

Domestic Earnest Economy Elsewhere Endorse Entitle Erase

Establishment Facilitate Forefront Growth

Increasingly Investment Landmark Network v.Outlook Overtake Patriotic Pendulum Strengthen Unlike Vanish Witness A handful of A variety of At odds with Be committed to Let alone

Makeno/little difference Strike a balance Sweep aside

Text B

Advantage Currency Fatigue Globalize Herald Inherent Namely Originate Participation

Stable Subsidy A majority of Add to Blow up Phase out In evidence So be it

Take advantage of You bet

Unit 5 text A

Affectionate Broke Candid Capable Constitution Current Deceptive Definite Hitherto Insane Instinct Mild Oddly Pawn Rub Sip Spicy Stroke

Transparent Trim Vacancy Vanity Wrinkle

(all)of a piece Be/go all to pieces Down and out Drive at

For one’s own part/the part of

In a way

In accordance with In bad/good condition Something of Stick to

Be taken aback Turn up

With(a)good/bad grace

Text B

Assumption Dump Fate Guilt Layer Literally Shaky Sheer

At one time or another Be overwhelmed with Come to grips with By far

Conjure up

Get to one’s feet

Get/keep under control Pass judgment on Reach for

Teach sb.a lesson Think up Well up

Unit 6 text A

Appalling applience Bewilder Burden

Comparative Confine Convention

Cram Decorate Discontent Distribution Divert Evade Explosion Famine Fax

Forecast Fraction Frontier Futile Honorary Minute Multiply Nurture Oblige Offspring Perception Prosperity Provoke Reaction Remedy Shortage Streamline Toil

Be doomed to By nature Eat into

Keep sb.up with sth.On the go

Point the way to sth.Pour in

Large quantities of Set about Switch off Waste away

text B

browse caption

dedicate endurance opt parallel possess suspend temporal thrill

waterproof back and force crash down in a rush make haste no wonder on the wing run the risk of under pressure

Unit 7 text A

accomplice ally armed chaos clear coat coup crystal debris denounce divine dusk

explosive fanatic farewell grief heal hijack illusion memorial mood mourn

perish revenge revolve sacred shatter solidarity sting topple tragic void

wreckage blot out bring down

fill/step intosb.’s shoes

in the aftermath of in the space of

in(great/crystal)detail long before/after pickat

take have get revenge on

think back on

Text B

aggravate arrangement collective consequent conservation conservative dependent destruction disrupt distort indebted justify pose proclaim revise stain

a long way from sth.take stock of sth.track down

Unit 8 text A

bare dart

disembark dissolve fleet fringe fuss glide heap heave hollow hop hush illumine loop mute opaque paddle repute slap slump smear

spectacular strip(n.)stuff swarm tangle thrash trail


at the edge of

be dying to do/for sth.get one’s hands on in(all)silence in flocks

in the heart of night after night

day after day now…now… out of range out of sight out of the way take apart

Text B

bound dash emigrate gear glimpse refresh snatch surf

at the foot of carve out embark on hit the road in a … vein in action live up to meet up with on wheels pop in stop off

wind/snake one’s way

第二篇:大学英语综合教程1 单词表

Unit 1 Test A off and on 断断续续地,有时 take hold 生根,确立

associate 使联系起来,使联想

assignment(分配的)工作,任务,作业 turn out 编写,制作 paragraph 段落

agony(身心的)极度痛苦 assign 分配,分派

cheerless阴郁的,沉闷的 tedious乏味的,冗长的 reputation 名声,名誉 inability无能,无力 inspire激励,鼓舞

formal 刻板的,拘谨的,正式的,正规的 rigid一成不变的,严格的 out of date过时的 excessively过分地

prim古板的,拘谨的,循规蹈矩的,整洁的 severe朴素的,严重的,剧烈的 wavy波形的,波浪形的 necktie领带

pointed有尖的,尖的 jaw颌,颚

comic 滑稽的,喜剧的,连环漫画(册)antique古物,古玩 tackle处理,应付

informal(指讲话,文字)口语体的,非正式的 essay散文,小品文,论说文 distribute分发,分配,分送 finally最终,终于

face up to勇敢地接受或对付 scan浏览,粗略地看 spaghetti意大利式细面条

title标题,题目,给...加标题,加题目于 extraordinary不同寻常的,奇特的

sequence一连串相关的事物,次序,顺序 image形象,印象,(图)像 vivid生动的,逼真的 adult成年人,成年动物 recall回想起,回忆起


respectable可敬的,体面的,文雅的 put down写下 recapture再现,再次经历 relive再体验,重温 violate违背,违反 compose创作

turn in交(作业)command命令,指令


what’s more而且,此外,更有甚者 contempt轻视,轻蔑

ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄,被戏弄 open-hearted诚挚的

enjoyment愉快,欢乐,满意 hold back控制(感情,眼泪等)avoid避免

demonstration表明,证明 calling职业,使命

career生涯,事业,职业 seal印章,图章 essence本质,精髓

Unit 1 Test B tradition传统 award授予,给予

valedictorian致告别词的毕业生代表 maintain保持,维持 look forward to盼望 participate in参加 registration登记,注册 fee费(如会费等)gym健身房,体育馆

compare to相比,比得上 falsify窜改,歪曲

plus(常置于被修饰词后面)比...略好(或略高)一些的,加,加上 tie平手,不分胜负

drown out(指声音)淹没 here and there 各处 filter渗过,渗透

resign顺从,听任,辞职 make it办成,做到,赶上 principal校长,院长 policy方针,政策 regarding关于,至于 dignity尊严

muster激起,聚集 represent代表,象征 expectation期待,预期 clasp紧抓,紧握

significance意义,意思 hoe用锄除(草),用锄整(地)spring up迅速生长或出现 delicate脆弱的,柔软的

withdrawn沉默寡言的,不善交际的 drag拖着脚步走 exception例外 tremble颤抖,哆嗦 yell叫喊

innocent天真无邪的,清白的 hug拥抱 pat轻拍

Unit 2 Test A be lost in(lose oneself in)专心致志于 windshield(汽车的)挡风玻璃 cab出租车


apologetically 道歉的,带有歉意的 or something诸如此类的事 go ahead 继续,开始

know/learn by heart记住,能背出 on the road 在旅途中 estimate估计

might/may(just)as well不妨,(也)无妨 not much of a不太好的 keep up保持

correspondence通信(联系),信件 practically自始至终,一直 neighborhood街坊,四邻 kind/sort of有几分,有点儿 lose touch(with sb)失去联系 guy家伙,伙计

a couple of几个,一对,一双

tough不幸的,困难的,坚固的,坚强的 on one’s mind 记挂在心头 keep in touch(with)(与...)保持联系,保持接触 come up(尤指意想不到地)发生,出现 shrug耸(肩)urge力劝,催促


reference提及,谈到,参考,查阅 absolutely完全地,极其

reunion(家人,朋友,同事等久别后的)重聚 go by(时间)逝去 hang out闲荡,徘徊 every now and then有时 mostly几乎全部,多半,大体

awful非常的,极大的,可怕的,糟糕的 choke(使)窒息,堵塞

choke up(因激动等)哽得说不出话,堵塞 destination目的地 skip略过,跳过,跳跃 sorrowful伤心的,悲伤的 in the distance在(相当)远处

unpack打开 right away立刻,马上

Unit 2 Test B let down使失望,不帮助 burn off烧掉 peer仔细看

uneasy不安的,担心的 bump颠簸着前进

get rid of消灭,除去 stuff东西,原料 tow拖,拉,牵引 soak(使)浸透 pitch颠簸


burst into突然(烧,哭等)起来 flame火焰,火舌 spin(使)旋转 fling抛,扔,掷 roar轰鸣(声),吼叫(声)crash撞,撞坏,坠毁 steer驾驶 bare赤裸的 grip紧握

explosion爆炸 extent程度,范围 injury伤害,损伤

worse still更糟糕的是

in bad/good shape 身体状况差(好)despair绝望 hang on 坚持

permanently永久地,固定地 principle信条,原则,原理 draw on利用,动用,靠 character品德,品质,性格 lean倚,靠

exclaim惊叫,呼喊 grab一把抓住 slide(使)滑动


medal奖章,奖牌,勋章 courageous勇敢的,无畏的 rescue援救,营救


Unit 3 Test A likely可能的,可能 privileged有特权的 privilege特权 minority少数

do without没有...而设法对付过去 highly很,非常

risky危险的,有风险的 nasty令人难受的

brutish野兽般的,野蛮的 anyway不管怎么说

put/turn the clock back倒退,开倒车 cut off切断,中断,切下,剪下 competition竞争,比赛 bring about引起,导致 moreover而且,再者

inquiring好问的,爱探索的 inquire询问

global世界的,全球的 suppress抑制,压制


inventiveness发明才能,创造力 slow down减慢 rate速度,比率 ensure保证,确保 democratic民主的

informed有知识的,了解情况的,明智的 inform告诉,通知

at the moment此刻,目前

in two minds犹豫不决,三心二意 steady平稳的,稳定的 evident明显的

cartoon漫画,动画片 element成分,元素 astronomy天文学

series连续,系列,系列节目 fiction小说,虚构 harness驾驭,利用 background背景 acid酸(性的),酸味的(物质)greenhouse温室

nuclear原子核的,核心的 weapon武器

genetic基因的,遗传(学)的 engineering工程,工程学 basis基础 lie in在于 rote死记硬背

learn by rote死记硬背地学习relevance相关,关联

in terms of从...方面(或角度)来说,按照,根据 equation等式,方程(式)brief简洁的,短暂的 mathematical数学的 halve将...减半 tend倾向,趋向

in the form of呈...的形状,以...形式 precise精确的

qualitative定性的,性质上的 grasp掌握,了解 concept概念

sufficient充分的,足够的 convey传达,表达 diagram图表,图解 framework框架,结构 molecular分子的

transistor晶体管,晶体管收音机 put across解释清楚,使被理解 proportion比例,部分 truly真正地,确实地 magic魔术,魔力

fit into适合,符合,属于

producer(电影,电视片等的)制片人,生产者,制造人 responsibility责任 educate教育

entertain给...以欢乐,招待 hence因此,从此 contact与...接触 alien外国的,陌生的 civilization文明

Unit 3 Test B deadline最后期限

headline(报纸上新闻报导等的)标题 immediately直接地,贴近地 victim受害者,罹难者 frustrate使沮丧,使灰心 yield泄露,产生

step by step逐步地,稳定地 outcome结果

result in导致,结果是 gradual逐渐的,渐变的 process过程 conclusion结论 propose提出,建议 random任意的,随机的 compare with与...比较 evaluate评估,评价

characterize成为...的特征 bulk大部分,(巨大的)体积 submit提交,呈递 publish发表,出版


press release(通讯社或政府机构等发布的)新闻稿 challenge挑战 amount数量,总数

wear down(使)变小,变少,变弱

organic有机(体)的,只施用有机肥料的 trumpet大肆宣扬 reverse挫折,逆境 somehow以某种方式

Unit 4 Test A driveway宅旁私家车道 mow修剪(草坪),刈(草)lawn草地,草坪


turn away拒绝帮忙,不让...进入

weed除去...的杂草,除草,杂草,野草 assume假设,以为

compliment赞扬,赞美的言辞或行为 work out制定出,解决,算出 weekly每周的,一周一次的 clean up打扫,清除 do with对待,处理 determination决心,决定

personnel人事部门,全体人员,全体职员 apprentice学徒

capacity能力,才能 blueprint蓝图

micrometer测微计,千分尺 precision精密,精确(性)turn down拒绝

skilled熟练的,有技巧的,技术性的 grinder磨工


instrument工具,器械,仪器 for sale待售 wreck残破物,(尤指失事船只,飞机等的)残骸 call on拜访

banker银行家,银行高级职员 loan借,贷,贷款

character(人的)品德,品质,性格 damn丝毫


mortgage抵押借款,按揭 down payment定金,(分期付款的)初付款额 discard抛弃

odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品 screen纱门,纱窗,屏,荧屏 hardware五金器具,(计算机的)硬件 spot地点,斑点 confidence信心

amaze使惊愕,使诧异 amazement惊愕,诧异 diet日常饮食

send for派人去叫,召唤,派人去取 hunt寻找,打猎,猎取 abandon抛弃,放弃

property(房)地产,财产 shed小屋,棚


sponsor为...做保证人,主办,发起,保证人,主办人,发起人 amuse逗乐,给...提供娱乐 approach接近

millionaire百万富翁 pass away去世

check on检查,调查,察看 handle管理,处理,操纵 livable适于居住的

homey舒适的,像家一样的 stature身材,身高,境界 industrialist工业家,实业家 route路线,路程

principle信条,原则,原理 vision远见,视觉,视力 optimism乐观,乐观主义 above all最重要的是 integrity正直,完整

rung(梯子的)横档,梯级 basement地下室 giant巨大的,巨人 balance平衡,余额

balance sheet资产负债表 decimal小数

Unit 4 Test B illegal不合法的,违法的

immigrant(外来)移民,移民的,移入的 taco stand卖玉米面卷的摊子 connection连接,联系,(可资利用的)熟人,关系 put up with忍受,容忍 in search of寻找 head for向...行进 supervise监督,指导 land赢得,得到

temporary暂时的,临时的 response回答,反应 risk冒...的危险,(使)遭受危险,危险,风险

acquire(靠自己的能力,努力等)取得,获得,学到 make(both)ends meet勉强维持生计,使收支相抵 associate’s degree准学士学位 environment环境,周围状况 on the side作为兼职

stand a chance of有...的希望,有...的可能 prospect前景,预期,展望 reserve保留,储备,预订

rare稀有的,罕见的,不寻常的 former以前的,早先的,旧时的 quit停止,放弃


impress给...深刻的印象,使钦佩 show up来到,露面 flip转动,使翻转


Unit 5 Test A obituary讣告 die of死于

coronary冠状动脉的 thrombosis血栓(形成)acquaintance相识的人,(略微的)了解 instantly立刻,马上 workaholic工作狂

classic典范,典型,典型的 day off休息日

conceivably可想到的,可想象的 retire退休

executive(企业等中的)行政领导,管理人员 extracurricular课外的 monthly每月的,每月一次的 golf高尔夫球运动 salad色拉,凉拌蔬菜

overweight肥胖的,超重的,过重的 survivor遗留的家属,幸存者,生还者 survive比...活得长,经历...后幸存 marketable适合市场需求的,可出售的 mother抚育(孩子)give up放弃


compete against/with与...竞争,与...对抗 care for照看,照顾 dearly非常地


eldest第一个出生的,年龄最大的 manufacturer(尤指用机器)大量制造 funeral葬礼

embarrass使尴尬,使局促不安 newly新近地

married结婚的,已婚的 odd临时的,不固定的 grass大麻

grab at抓住,夺得

favorite特别受喜爱的人(或物),最喜欢的 stay up醒着,不去睡

board为...提供膳宿,搭伙,寄宿 widow寡妇 deceased死的

the deceased已死的人 replace代替,取代

look sb in the eye直视某人 bitter愤怒的,委屈的,怨恨的 straighten out解决

finance财政,金融,财源,财力 stock股票,证券,公债 option期权,选择

stock option股票期权,优价认股权 and all that诸如此类的 heart-attack心脏病发作 natural非常适合的人 pick out辨认出,分辨出

lineup(为接受检查等而排列的)一行人,一排人 discreet谨慎的,(言行)审慎的 inquiry打听,询问 replacement接替者,替代物 ask around四处打听

Unit 5 Test B pop up出现,发生


among others(除列举到的之外)还有许多 distract使分心

relationship关系,关联,亲属关系 socialize交往,交际 delegate授(权),把...委托给下级 input投入(物),输入 typically通常,典型地 disarray混乱,紊乱 intimacy亲昵关系,亲密 divorce离婚 focus on集中

depression忧愁,沮丧 link连接,联系

concern担心,忧虑,关心的事 extreme极度的

in short总之,简言之 well-being康乐,安乐

solution解决,解决方法,解答 addition瘾,沉溺 survey调查

priority优先考虑的事 relax松弛,放松 detail细节

oriented以...为方向的,重视...的 schedule将...列为计划表 overall包括一切的,总的 fulfilling令人心满意足的 reliable可信赖的,可靠的 diversion转向,转移 productive多产的

on one’s own独自地,独立地 staff全体雇员 let go松开,释放

Unit 6 Test A valentine情人

make one’s way走去 grand宏伟的,壮丽的

absorb完全吸收住...的注意,吸收 margin页边空白 reflect反映,显示

thoughtful深思的,体贴的 insightful具有洞察力的 insight洞察力


locate找到...的位置,使坐落于 correspond通信


overseas去(在)国外(的),去(在)海外(的)fertile肥沃的,富饶的 romance爱情故事,风流韵事 bud发芽,萌芽,(枝叶的)芽,花蕾 haunt使担忧,使苦恼,(鬼魂)常出没于 take a chance(on sth)碰运气,冒险 disgust使厌烦,使反感 whichever无论哪个或哪些 lapel(西服上衣的)翻领

sustain支持,使(努力等)持续下去,保持 unfailing永恒的,无穷的 slim苗条的,细小的,微小的 curl鬈发


provocative挑逗的,挑衅的 curve(使)弯曲

go sb’s way与某人同路 murmur轻声说,咕哝

more than a little很,非常 ankle踝,踝节部


heel(鞋,袜等的)后跟,脚后跟,踵 split(使)裂开,破裂 keen强烈的,热切的 longing渴望 companion陪伴 uphold支持,维护

sensible通情达理的,理智的 kindly亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的 glow光亮,光辉 hesitate踌躇,犹豫 grip握紧,紧握

leather(动物的)皮,皮革 identify识别 grateful感激的

be grateful to(sb)for(sth)为某事感激某人 square挺直(肩膀)salute(向...)行举手礼

lieutenant海军上尉,陆军中尉 broaden(使)变宽,(使)扩大 wisdom智慧,明智

in response to作为对...的回应

Unit 6 Test B come across偶然遇见,碰上 make out辨认出 hope for希望,期待 clue线索

identify身份 other than除了

nursing home(尤指接纳老年人的)私人疗养院 exchange交换,互换

match up to与...一样好,比得上 lead线索

for sure毫无疑问

security治安保卫,安全,安全感 goodness天哪 relief轻松,宽慰

be in love with(sb)热恋着(某人)come to an end结束 adjust校准,调准

catch up on(sth)事后了解关于...的情况,弥补(耽搁下来的工作等)knot(绳等的)结 tie the knot结婚 erect挺直的,直立的

Unit 7 Test A extensively广泛地,大量地 intelligence智力

intelligent聪明的,有才智的 controversy争论,争议 surround围绕,包围 consciousness意识 explore探究,探索 obvious明显的 vet兽医

keeper(动物园的)饲养员 encounter遇到,遭遇 reveal展示,揭露

convince使确信,使信服 feat技艺,业绩,功绩

captivity被俘,监禁,束缚 dominant统治的,占优势的 species物种 planet行星

make a deal达成交易

conservationist自然资源保护论者 gorilla大猩猩

suspicious可疑的,猜疑的 peanut花生

only to结果却,不料 blank有表情的,空白的 negotiate谈判,协商 stake奖品,奖金,赌注 pineapple凤梨,菠萝


undertake从事,承担(任务等)anthropologist人类学者 figure out理解,推断出

extend延伸,伸展,扩大,加长 dealing交易,买卖

chip薄片,碎片,集成电路片 expand扩大,扩展 switch转换,变换 foil金属薄片,箔

virtuous有道德的,善良的 promptly立即地 stem茎,(树)干,(叶)梗 whale鲸

cooperate合作,协作 behaviorist行为主义者

in sb’s interest(s)为了某人的利益 go far帮助很大,很有成效 consultant顾问 behavior举止,行为 assess评估,估量

judgment判断,意见,看法 mate配偶,伙伴,同事 thrive茁壮成长,兴旺 at first起先 stretcher担架

emergency紧急情况,突然事件 go wrong有毛病的,出故障 halt停住,停止 throw up呕吐 apparently明显地 size up估量,判断 release释放 slide(使)滑动 primate灵长目动物 evidence证据,迹象 deceive欺骗

inaccessible达不到的,难得到的 original最初的,原始的

colony(生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群,群体,殖民地gaze凝视,注视 give in让步,屈服,投降

underneath在(...)下面,在(...)底下 pea-brained笨的 turtle(海)龟

survival生存,幸存 disaster灾难

wipe out消灭,消除 dinosaur恐龙


Unit 7 Test B cautious谨慎的

display流露,显示,展示 adequate充分的,足够的 accompany陪伴,陪同 exhibit展示 nest巢,窝


not have the heart(to do sth)不愿,不忍心(做某事)status地位,身份


pull oneself together振作起来 at first sight乍一看,一见之下 instinct本能,生性 purchase买,购买

nevertheless然而,虽然如此 twist转动,(使)扭曲,扭伤 pair off(使)成对,成双 decline谢绝 take to喜欢上


magnificent宏大的,壮观的,出色的 shed light on阐明



field biologist野外生物学家 coyote(北美草原的)郊狼 indicate表明

observe观察,注意 lick舔

tell of讲述 otter獭,水獭

get around各处走动

make a habit of形成...的习惯 alarm使惊慌,使恐慌 by any chance或许,可能

in the world竟然,到底,究竟 reject拒绝接受

Unit 8 Test A fable寓言


run out of用完,耗尽 file档案,卷宗 folder文件夹

drugstore(兼营杂货的)药房 handful一把,少量

modestly不太多,不太大,适中 upset使苦恼,使心烦意乱 ignorant无知的,不知道的 ignorance无知,愚昧

senior(大学或中学)毕业班的学生 private私人的,私有的 slice部分,(薄薄的)一片 calculation计算 nonexistent不存在的 chill(使)变冷,(使)不寒而栗 indifference漠不关心 sum总结,概述,合计 sum up总结,概括

financial财政的,金融的 accumulate积累,积聚 ancestor祖先,祖宗 intellectual智力的 affect影响


function运作,起作用,作用,功能 idle懒散的,空闲的

jam发生故障,卡住,堵塞 break down停止运转,失败,垮了

drive(sth)home(to sb)使清楚无误地理解 humble谦卑的,卑微的

dramatize将...改编为剧本,将...戏剧化 headphone头戴式受话器,耳机

portable便携(式)的,手提(式)的 peasant农民,雇农 county(英国的)郡,(美国的)县 hut小屋,棚屋 search for寻找 poverty贫穷,贫困 leisure空闲,闲暇

luxury奢侈品,奢华,奢侈 mill工厂,制造厂 subway地铁

better off更富有,更舒服 foe敌人

scare(使)惊慌,(使)恐惧 foxhole散兵坑(小型掩体)wake up醒了

porter(旅馆,火车站等的)搬行李工人,搬运工人 complex复杂的

manual体力的,手工做的 slum贫民窟


privacy(不受干扰的)独处,隐私,隐秘 trash垃圾,废物

befriend帮助,以朋友态度对待 swear发誓,宣誓

make a living by靠...维持生计 miracle奇迹 faculty官能

contemptible令人鄙视的,可轻蔑的 coward懦夫

Unit 8 Test B ditch抛弃,丢弃

multiplication乘法,倍增 off-limits禁止使用的 access接近,进入,享用 seminar研讨会

benefit好处,利益,有益于 device装置,设备 call for要求

discourage使灰心,使泄气 in the first place首先 proceed继续进行

competent有能力的,能胜任的 essential必要的,最重要的 adolescent青少年

concentrate on集中(注意力,精力等)于 solve解决(问题,困难等)appropriate适当的,得体的 cut down减少

reflect on思考,沉思 effective有效的 confuse使困惑

what if如果...怎么样 communicate交流,交际 strategy策略,战略 at hand在手边,临近bat眨(眼睛)claim声称,断言

commonplace普通的,平凡的 section(事物的)一部分 circumference圆周

factor将...分解因子,因素 quadratic二次的 sole唯一的

contribute作出贡献,贡献出 ultimate最终的,根本的



Unit 1 Test A off and on 断断续续地,有时 take hold 生根,确立 associate 使联系起来,使联想

assignment(分配的)工作,任务,作业 turn out 编写,制作 paragraph 段落 agony(身心的)极度痛苦 assign 分配,分派 cheerless阴郁的,沉闷的 tedious乏味的,冗长的 reputation 名声,名誉 inability无能,无力 inspire激励,鼓舞

formal 刻板的,拘谨的,正式的,正规的 rigid一成不变的,严格的 out of date过时的 excessively过分地

prim古板的,拘谨的,循规蹈矩的,整洁的 severe朴素的,严重的,剧烈的 wavy波形的,波浪形的 necktie领带

pointed有尖的,尖的 jaw颌,颚

comic 滑稽的,喜剧的,连环漫画(册)antique古物,古玩 tackle处理,应付

informal(指讲话,文字)口语体的,非正式的 essay散文,小品文,论说文 distribute分发,分配,分送 finally最终,终于

face up to勇敢地接受或对付 scan浏览,粗略地看 spaghetti意大利式细面条

title标题,题目,给...加标题,加题目于 extraordinary不同寻常的,奇特的 sequence一连串相关的事物,次序,顺序 image形象,印象,(图)像 vivid生动的,逼真的 adult成年人,成年动物 recall回想起,回忆起

social社会的,社交的,交谊的 respectable可敬的,体面的,文雅的 put down写下

recapture再现,再次经历 relive再体验,重温 violate违背,违反 compose创作 turn in交(作业)command命令,指令 discipline惩罚,处分,纪律 what’s more而且,此外,更有甚者 contempt轻视,轻蔑 ridicule嘲笑,嘲弄,被戏弄 open-hearted诚挚的 enjoyment愉快,欢乐,满意 hold back控制(感情,眼泪等)avoid避免

demonstration表明,证明 calling职业,使命 career生涯,事业,职业 seal印章,图章 essence本质,精髓 《大学英语综合教程》第一册

Unit 1 Test B tradition传统 award授予,给予

valedictorian致告别词的毕业生代表 maintain保持,维持 look forward to盼望 participate in参加 registration登记,注册 fee费(如会费等)gym健身房,体育馆 compare to相比,比得上 falsify窜改,歪曲


tie平手,不分胜负 drown out(指声音)淹没 here and there 各处 filter渗过,渗透 resign顺从,听任,辞职 make it办成,做到,赶上 principal校长,院长 policy方针,政策 regarding关于,至于 dignity尊严 muster激起,聚集 represent代表,象征 expectation期待,预期 clasp紧抓,紧握 significance意义,意思 hoe用锄除(草),用锄整(地)spring up迅速生长或出现 delicate脆弱的,柔软的

withdrawn沉默寡言的,不善交际的 drag拖着脚步走 exception例外 tremble颤抖,哆嗦 yell叫喊

innocent天真无邪的,清白的 hug拥抱 pat轻拍 《大学英语综合教程》第一册

Unit 2 Test A be lost in(lose oneself in)专心致志于 windshield(汽车的)挡风玻璃 cab出租车

available可用的,可得到的 apologetically 道歉的,带有歉意的 or something诸如此类的事 go ahead 继续,开始

know/learn by heart记住,能背出 on the road 在旅途中 estimate估计

might/may(just)as well不妨,(也)无妨 not much of a不太好的 keep up保持

correspondence通信(联系),信件 practically自始至终,一直 neighborhood街坊,四邻 kind/sort of有几分,有点儿 lose touch(with sb)失去联系 guy家伙,伙计 a couple of几个,一对,一双

tough不幸的,困难的,坚固的,坚强的 on one’s mind 记挂在心头

keep in touch(with)(与...)保持联系,保持接触 come up(尤指意想不到地)发生,出现 shrug耸(肩)urge力劝,催促 postpone推迟,使延期

reference提及,谈到,参考,查阅 absolutely完全地,极其

reunion(家人,朋友,同事等久别后的)重聚 go by(时间)逝去 hang out闲荡,徘徊 every now and then有时 mostly几乎全部,多半,大体

awful非常的,极大的,可怕的,糟糕的 choke(使)窒息,堵塞

choke up(因激动等)哽得说不出话,堵塞 destination目的地 skip略过,跳过,跳跃 sorrowful伤心的,悲伤的 in the distance在(相当)远处 unpack打开

right away立刻,马上


Unit 2 Test B let down使失望,不帮助 burn off烧掉 peer仔细看

uneasy不安的,担心的 bump颠簸着前进 get rid of消灭,除去 stuff东西,原料 tow拖,拉,牵引 soak(使)浸透 pitch颠簸


burst into突然(烧,哭等)起来 flame火焰,火舌 spin(使)旋转 fling抛,扔,掷

roar轰鸣(声),吼叫(声)crash撞,撞坏,坠毁 steer驾驶 bare赤裸的 grip紧握 explosion爆炸 extent程度,范围 injury伤害,损伤 worse still更糟糕的是

in bad/good shape 身体状况差(好)despair绝望 hang on 坚持

permanently永久地,固定地 principle信条,原则,原理 draw on利用,动用,靠 character品德,品质,性格 lean倚,靠 exclaim惊叫,呼喊 grab一把抓住 slide(使)滑动


medal奖章,奖牌,勋章 courageous勇敢的,无畏的 rescue援救,营救



Unit 3 Test A likely可能的,可能 privileged有特权的 privilege特权 minority少数

do without没有...而设法对付过去 highly很,非常 risky危险的,有风险的 nasty令人难受的

brutish野兽般的,野蛮的 anyway不管怎么说

put/turn the clock back倒退,开倒车 cut off切断,中断,切下,剪下 competition竞争,比赛 bring about引起,导致 moreover而且,再者 inquiring好问的,爱探索的 inquire询问 global世界的,全球的 suppress抑制,压制 initiative首创精神,主动 inventiveness发明才能,创造力 slow down减慢 rate速度,比率 ensure保证,确保 democratic民主的

informed有知识的,了解情况的,明智的 inform告诉,通知 at the moment此刻,目前 in two minds犹豫不决,三心二意 steady平稳的,稳定的 evident明显的 cartoon漫画,动画片 element成分,元素 astronomy天文学

series连续,系列,系列节目 fiction小说,虚构 harness驾驭,利用 background背景


nuclear原子核的,核心的 weapon武器

genetic基因的,遗传(学)的 engineering工程,工程学 basis基础 lie in在于 rote死记硬背

learn by rote死记硬背地学习relevance相关,关联

in terms of从...方面(或角度)来说,按照,根据equation等式,方程(式)brief简洁的,短暂的 mathematical数学的 halve将...减半 tend倾向,趋向

in the form of呈...的形状,以...形式 precise精确的

qualitative定性的,性质上的 grasp掌握,了解 concept概念


convey传达,表达 diagram图表,图解 framework框架,结构 molecular分子的

transistor晶体管,晶体管收音机 put across解释清楚,使被理解 proportion比例,部分 truly真正地,确实地 magic魔术,魔力

fit into适合,符合,属于

producer(电影,电视片等的)制片人,生产者,制造人responsibility责任 educate教育

entertain给...以欢乐,招待 hence因此,从此 contact与...接触 alien外国的,陌生的 civilization文明


Unit 3 Test B deadline最后期限

headline(报纸上新闻报导等的)标题 immediately直接地,贴近地 victim受害者,罹难者 frustrate使沮丧,使灰心 yield泄露,产生

step by step逐步地,稳定地 outcome结果

result in导致,结果是 gradual逐渐的,渐变的 process过程 conclusion结论 propose提出,建议 random任意的,随机的 compare with与...比较 evaluate评估,评价 characterize成为...的特征 bulk大部分,(巨大的)体积 submit提交,呈递 publish发表,出版


press release(通讯社或政府机构等发布的)新闻稿 challenge挑战 amount数量,总数

wear down(使)变小,变少,变弱 organic有机(体)的,只施用有机肥料的 trumpet大肆宣扬 reverse挫折,逆境 somehow以某种方式


Unit 4 Test A driveway宅旁私家车道 mow修剪(草坪),刈(草)lawn草地,草坪


turn away拒绝帮忙,不让...进入 weed除去...的杂草,除草,杂草,野草 assume假设,以为

compliment赞扬,赞美的言辞或行为 work out制定出,解决,算出 weekly每周的,一周一次的 clean up打扫,清除 do with对待,处理 determination决心,决定

personnel人事部门,全体人员,全体职员 apprentice学徒 capacity能力,才能 blueprint蓝图

micrometer测微计,千分尺 precision精密,精确(性)turn down拒绝

skilled熟练的,有技巧的,技术性的 grinder磨工

grind磨,磨碎,碾碎 instrument工具,器械,仪器 for sale待售

wreck残破物,(尤指失事船只,飞机等的)残骸 call on拜访

banker银行家,银行高级职员 loan借,贷,贷款

character(人的)品德,品质,性格 damn丝毫 reluctantly勉强地 mortgage抵押借款,按揭

down payment定金,(分期付款的)初付款额 discard抛弃

odds and ends零星杂物,琐碎物品 screen纱门,纱窗,屏,荧屏 hardware五金器具,(计算机的)硬件 spot地点,斑点 confidence信心 amaze使惊愕,使诧异 amazement惊愕,诧异 diet日常饮食

send for派人去叫,召唤,派人去取 hunt寻找,打猎,猎取 abandon抛弃,放弃 property(房)地产,财产 shed小屋,棚 sometime某个时候


amuse逗乐,给...提供娱乐 approach接近millionaire百万富翁 pass away去世

check on检查,调查,察看 handle管理,处理,操纵 livable适于居住的

homey舒适的,像家一样的 stature身材,身高,境界 industrialist工业家,实业家 route路线,路程

principle信条,原则,原理 vision远见,视觉,视力 optimism乐观,乐观主义 above all最重要的是 integrity正直,完整 rung(梯子的)横档,梯级 basement地下室 giant巨大的,巨人 balance平衡,余额 balance sheet资产负债表 decimal小数 《大学英语综合教程》第一册

Unit 4 Test B illegal不合法的,违法的

immigrant(外来)移民,移民的,移入的 taco stand卖玉米面卷的摊子

connection连接,联系,(可资利用的)熟人,关系 put up with忍受,容忍 in search of寻找 head for向...行进 supervise监督,指导 land赢得,得到

temporary暂时的,临时的 response回答,反应

risk冒...的危险,(使)遭受危险,危险,风险 acquire(靠自己的能力,努力等)取得,获得,学到 make(both)ends meet勉强维持生计,使收支相抵 associate’s degree准学士学位 environment环境,周围状况 on the side作为兼职

stand a chance of有...的希望,有...的可能 prospect前景,预期,展望 reserve保留,储备,预订 rare稀有的,罕见的,不寻常的 former以前的,早先的,旧时的 quit停止,放弃

deserve应受,应得,值得 impress给...深刻的印象,使钦佩 show up来到,露面 flip转动,使翻转



Unit 5 Test A obituary讣告 die of死于

coronary冠状动脉的 thrombosis血栓(形成)

acquaintance相识的人,(略微的)了解 instantly立刻,马上 workaholic工作狂

classic典范,典型,典型的 day off休息日

conceivably可想到的,可想象的 retire退休

executive(企业等中的)行政领导,管理人员 extracurricular课外的 monthly每月的,每月一次的 golf高尔夫球运动 salad色拉,凉拌蔬菜

overweight肥胖的,超重的,过重的 survivor遗留的家属,幸存者,生还者 survive比...活得长,经历...后幸存 marketable适合市场需求的,可出售的 mother抚育(孩子)give up放弃 compete竞争,对抗

compete against/with与...竞争,与...对抗 care for照看,照顾 dearly非常地


eldest第一个出生的,年龄最大的 manufacturer(尤指用机器)大量制造 funeral葬礼

embarrass使尴尬,使局促不安 newly新近地 married结婚的,已婚的 odd临时的,不固定的 grass大麻

grab at抓住,夺得

favorite特别受喜爱的人(或物),最喜欢的 stay up醒着,不去睡

board为...提供膳宿,搭伙,寄宿 widow寡妇 deceased死的

the deceased已死的人 replace代替,取代

look sb in the eye直视某人 bitter愤怒的,委屈的,怨恨的 straighten out解决

finance财政,金融,财源,财力 stock股票,证券,公债 option期权,选择

stock option股票期权,优价认股权 and all that诸如此类的 heart-attack心脏病发作 natural非常适合的人 pick out辨认出,分辨出 lineup(为接受检查等而排列的)一行人,一排人 discreet谨慎的,(言行)审慎的 inquiry打听,询问

replacement接替者,替代物 ask around四处打听


Unit 5 Test B pop up出现,发生

enthusiastic极感兴趣的,热心的 among others(除列举到的之外)还有许多 distract使分心

relationship关系,关联,亲属关系 socialize交往,交际

delegate授(权),把...委托给下级 input投入(物),输入 typically通常,典型地 disarray混乱,紊乱 intimacy亲昵关系,亲密 divorce离婚 focus on集中

depression忧愁,沮丧 link连接,联系

concern担心,忧虑,关心的事 extreme极度的 in short总之,简言之 well-being康乐,安乐

solution解决,解决方法,解答 addition瘾,沉溺 survey调查

priority优先考虑的事 relax松弛,放松 detail细节

oriented以...为方向的,重视...的 schedule将...列为计划表 overall包括一切的,总的 fulfilling令人心满意足的 reliable可信赖的,可靠的 diversion转向,转移 productive多产的

on one’s own独自地,独立地 staff全体雇员 let go松开,释放


Unit 6 Test A valentine情人 make one’s way走去 grand宏伟的,壮丽的

absorb完全吸收住...的注意,吸收 margin页边空白 reflect反映,显示 thoughtful深思的,体贴的 insightful具有洞察力的 insight洞察力

previous早先的,先前的 locate找到...的位置,使坐落于 correspond通信 ship(尤指用船)运送

overseas去(在)国外(的),去(在)海外(的)fertile肥沃的,富饶的 romance爱情故事,风流韵事 bud发芽,萌芽,(枝叶的)芽,花蕾 haunt使担忧,使苦恼,(鬼魂)常出没于 take a chance(on sth)碰运气,冒险 disgust使厌烦,使反感 whichever无论哪个或哪些 lapel(西服上衣的)翻领

sustain支持,使(努力等)持续下去,保持 unfailing永恒的,无穷的 slim苗条的,细小的,微小的 curl鬈发 chin下巴,颏

provocative挑逗的,挑衅的 curve(使)弯曲 go sb’s way与某人同路 murmur轻声说,咕哝

more than a little很,非常 ankle踝,踝节部 thrust挤入,插入,猛推

heel(鞋,袜等的)后跟,脚后跟,踵split(使)裂开,破裂 keen强烈的,热切的 longing渴望 companion陪伴 uphold支持,维护

sensible通情达理的,理智的 kindly亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的 glow光亮,光辉

hesitate踌躇,犹豫 grip握紧,紧握

leather(动物的)皮,皮革 identify识别 grateful感激的

be grateful to(sb)for(sth)为某事感激某人 square挺直(肩膀)salute(向...)行举手礼 lieutenant海军上尉,陆军中尉 broaden(使)变宽,(使)扩大 wisdom智慧,明智

in response to作为对...的回应


Unit 6 Test B come across偶然遇见,碰上 make out辨认出 hope for希望,期待 clue线索 identify身份 other than除了

nursing home(尤指接纳老年人的)私人疗养院 exchange交换,互换

match up to与...一样好,比得上 lead线索

for sure毫无疑问

security治安保卫,安全,安全感 goodness天哪 relief轻松,宽慰

be in love with(sb)热恋着(某人)come to an end结束 adjust校准,调准

catch up on(sth)事后了解关于...的情况,弥补(耽搁下来的工作等)knot(绳等的)结 tie the knot结婚 erect挺直的,直立的


Unit 7 Test A extensively广泛地,大量地 intelligence智力

intelligent聪明的,有才智的 controversy争论,争议 surround围绕,包围 consciousness意识 explore探究,探索 obvious明显的 vet兽医

keeper(动物园的)饲养员 encounter遇到,遭遇 reveal展示,揭露 convince使确信,使信服 feat技艺,业绩,功绩 captivity被俘,监禁,束缚 dominant统治的,占优势的 species物种 planet行星

make a deal达成交易

conservationist自然资源保护论者 gorilla大猩猩

suspicious可疑的,猜疑的 peanut花生

only to结果却,不料 blank有表情的,空白的 negotiate谈判,协商 stake奖品,奖金,赌注 pineapple凤梨,菠萝


undertake从事,承担(任务等)anthropologist人类学者 figure out理解,推断出 extend延伸,伸展,扩大,加长 dealing交易,买卖

chip薄片,碎片,集成电路片 expand扩大,扩展 switch转换,变换 foil金属薄片,箔

virtuous有道德的,善良的 promptly立即地

stem茎,(树)干,(叶)梗 whale鲸

cooperate合作,协作 behaviorist行为主义者

in sb’s interest(s)为了某人的利益 go far帮助很大,很有成效 consultant顾问 behavior举止,行为 assess评估,估量

judgment判断,意见,看法 mate配偶,伙伴,同事 thrive茁壮成长,兴旺 at first起先 stretcher担架

emergency紧急情况,突然事件 go wrong有毛病的,出故障 halt停住,停止 throw up呕吐 apparently明显地 size up估量,判断 release释放 slide(使)滑动 primate灵长目动物 evidence证据,迹象 deceive欺骗

inaccessible达不到的,难得到的 original最初的,原始的

colony(生长在同一地方的动物或植物)群,群体,殖民地gaze凝视,注视 give in让步,屈服,投降

underneath在(...)下面,在(...)底下 pea-brained笨的 turtle(海)龟 survival生存,幸存 disaster灾难 wipe out消灭,消除 dinosaur恐龙



Unit 7 Test B cautious谨慎的

display流露,显示,展示 adequate充分的,足够的 accompany陪伴,陪同 exhibit展示 nest巢,窝


not have the heart(to do sth)不愿,不忍心(做某事)status地位,身份 flock(鸟,兽等)一群 pull oneself together振作起来 at first sight乍一看,一见之下 instinct本能,生性 purchase买,购买

nevertheless然而,虽然如此 twist转动,(使)扭曲,扭伤 pair off(使)成对,成双 decline谢绝 take to喜欢上 reproduce生殖,繁育

magnificent宏大的,壮观的,出色的 shed light on阐明


heap(sth)on(sb)大量地给予(某人)(某物)marital婚姻的,夫妻的 field biologist野外生物学家 coyote(北美草原的)郊狼 indicate表明 observe观察,注意 lick舔 tell of讲述 otter獭,水獭 get around各处走动

make a habit of形成...的习惯 alarm使惊慌,使恐慌 by any chance或许,可能 in the world竟然,到底,究竟 reject拒绝接受


Unit 8 Test A fable寓言 teenager青少年 run out of用完,耗尽 file档案,卷宗 folder文件夹

drugstore(兼营杂货的)药房 handful一把,少量

modestly不太多,不太大,适中 upset使苦恼,使心烦意乱 ignorant无知的,不知道的 ignorance无知,愚昧

senior(大学或中学)毕业班的学生 private私人的,私有的 slice部分,(薄薄的)一片 calculation计算 nonexistent不存在的

chill(使)变冷,(使)不寒而栗 indifference漠不关心 sum总结,概述,合计 sum up总结,概括 financial财政的,金融的 accumulate积累,积聚 ancestor祖先,祖宗 intellectual智力的 affect影响 industrial工业的

function运作,起作用,作用,功能 idle懒散的,空闲的 jam发生故障,卡住,堵塞 break down停止运转,失败,垮了

drive(sth)home(to sb)使清楚无误地理解 humble谦卑的,卑微的

dramatize将...改编为剧本,将...戏剧化 headphone头戴式受话器,耳机 portable便携(式)的,手提(式)的 peasant农民,雇农

county(英国的)郡,(美国的)县 hut小屋,棚屋 search for寻找 poverty贫穷,贫困 leisure空闲,闲暇 luxury奢侈品,奢华,奢侈 mill工厂,制造厂 subway地铁

better off更富有,更舒服 foe敌人

scare(使)惊慌,(使)恐惧 foxhole散兵坑(小型掩体)wake up醒了

porter(旅馆,火车站等的)搬行李工人,搬运工人 complex复杂的

manual体力的,手工做的 slum贫民窟

plumbing(水,煤气等)管道设施 privacy(不受干扰的)独处,隐私,隐秘 trash垃圾,废物

befriend帮助,以朋友态度对待 swear发誓,宣誓

make a living by靠...维持生计 miracle奇迹 faculty官能

contemptible令人鄙视的,可轻蔑的 coward懦夫


Unit 8 Test B ditch抛弃,丢弃

multiplication乘法,倍增 off-limits禁止使用的 access接近,进入,享用 seminar研讨会

benefit好处,利益,有益于 device装置,设备 call for要求

discourage使灰心,使泄气 in the first place首先 proceed继续进行

competent有能力的,能胜任的 essential必要的,最重要的 adolescent青少年

concentrate on集中(注意力,精力等)于 solve解决(问题,困难等)appropriate适当的,得体的 cut down减少

reflect on思考,沉思 effective有效的 confuse使困惑 what if如果...怎么样 communicate交流,交际 strategy策略,战略 at hand在手边,临近bat眨(眼睛)claim声称,断言

commonplace普通的,平凡的 section(事物的)一部分 circumference圆周

factor将...分解因子,因素 quadratic二次的 sole唯一的

contribute作出贡献,贡献出 ultimate最终的,根本的




Mr.Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.We must not underestimate the enemy.They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.Having been cut of a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate.Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.Unit3

1)Despite theinadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, theveteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.2)Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted(out)that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.3)We have the technology and ourpartner has the capital.Working together, we’ll have the future in our hands.4)If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations.Yousee, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.5)People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricken area.Unit5

I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and himself

Uint6 They are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in an attempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ cures for diseases that are beyond remedy so far.Her unique teaching methods apart, Ms Wilson, my math teacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head.The regular weather forecast by the Central TV Station keeps us up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.The appalling explosion started a big fire and caused the partial collapse of the building.In the modern world, there are more ways than ever to waste away time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into our precious time.


:Mr.Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumnharvest in on the farm.:We must not underestimate the enemy.They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.:Having been cut of a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate.Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.:Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.Unit2:There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.:The expansion of urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fall in living standards and an increase in social problem.The research shows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are closely correlated with global temperatures.The frequency of the bus service has been improved from 15 to 12 minutes recently.:The diver stood on the edge of the diving board, poised to jump at the signal from the coach.Unit3Despite the inadequate length of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilot managed to stop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.:Grilled by the reporters, the movie star eventually blurted(out)that she had undergone two plastic surgeries.:We have the technology and our partner has the capital.Working together, we’ll have the future in our hands.If I had known beforehand that you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations.You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.People gave generously upon learning that new school rooms with stronger structures were to be built in the earthquake-stricken area.Unit4:Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy, John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.:Ilike hiring young people.They are earnest learners and committed to work.:Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children, Mary cares more about her personal growth.4.有一大批同事们和你意见不合,这是怎么回事:Why is it that a considerable number of colleagues are at odds with you?

5.中国政府出台了一系列政策以加强同发展中国家的合作:The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.我的直觉是亨利会设法参加这次探险,因为他有一点冒险家的气质:I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join the expedition, because he is something of an adventurer.2.即使置身于一个嘈杂的环境中,他也能坚持做手头的工作:He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he is exposed to noises.3.这个商标是依据迄今有效的法律注册的:The trademark was registered in accordance with the laws hitherto in force.4.奇怪的是,许多人资源帮助组织会议,但是只有少数几人到场:Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organize the meeting, but only a few turned up.The teacher’s affectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mike perceived the society and himself.They are exploring the new frontiers of medical science in an attempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ cures for diseases that are beyond remedy so far.Her unique teaching methods apart, Ms Wilson, my math teacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head.The regular weather forecast by the Central TV Station keeps us up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.4.可怕的爆炸引起了一场大火,并造成这栋大楼部分坍塌:The appalling explosion started a big fire and caused the partial collapse of the building.In the modern world, there are more ways than ever to waste away time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into our precious time.Some high-ranking officers of the armed forces started a coup, toppling the government and throwing the country into chaos.2.下滑的市场粉碎了她快速致富的幻想:The falling market shattered the illusion about getting rich quickly.Thinking back on the history of World War II, we can see that the formation of the Allies was the natural product of the development of political and military circumstances then.:Paul felt stung when Jim called him a religious fanatic.But as he was in no mood for q quarrel not in a quarreling mood, he simply pretended not to hear it.:People say that time heals all wounds.But for those who have lost their loved ones in the event, will time fill up the void in their hearts?

:Janet was just the kind of girl Mike knew he could trust, so he bared his heart to her on their first date.:At first the girls played on the fringe of the dark forest, now laughing, now screaming, but before long they were out of sight.3.足球队员一下飞机,就见一个车队在等待着他们的到来:The moment the football players disembarked from the plane, they saw a fleet of cars waiting for their arrival.4.卡森谴责他的对手用误导的信息来玷污他的人品:Carson condemned his opponent for using misleading information to smear his character.5.亚历克斯将一个塞满钞票的钱包交给了警察。他说他是在跳下校车时在马路边上捡到的:Alex gave the policeman a wallet stuffed with banknotes.He said he had found it on the curb when he hopped off his school bus.丙晨工作室制



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