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Unit 4, book

4Unit 4 The Telecommunications Revolution

Period:2 periods

Teaching Material:New Horizon College English

Teaching Objectives: The students will be able to:

A: learn to use some important words such as:

condense, recession, revenue, desperate, promote

etc.B: learn to use “rather than” and “twice as…as, three

times as…as”;

C: master the prefix “super-,auto-”

Teaching Procedure:

A.Pre-reading Activity(10minutes)

Students listening to a short passage and answering the following questions

B.While-reading Activity

1.Ask students some sign post questions to each paragraph to see how well

the students understand each paragraph and train Ss skimming ability.(Some of the questions are on 95 Comprehension of the text)

1.Language Points:

boost living standards…(Para.1)

boost: v.1)make sth.increase, or become better or more successful

There is nothing like winning to boost the morale of players.没有什么比获胜更能提高运动员的士气。

Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego.得到那份工作大大增强了他的自信。

2)praise and publicize to make sth.more popular

Her books have been boosted in The Observer recently.她的书近来得到了《观察者》杂志的推介。

n.1)sth.that helps or encourages sb.or sth.else

The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.减税将使经济得到急需的增长。

Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for her morale.竞赛获奖对她的士气而言是极好的鼓励。

2)(esp.AmE)an act of pushing sb.up from behind

He gave her a boost over the fence.他从身后把她推过栏杆。

as a way to leap over whole stages of economic development.(Para.2)Note the difference between economic and economical.Both words are adjectives.Economic describes things relating to the economy of a country and economics.When economic has this meaning, it always comes before a noun.If an activity is economic, it makes a profit or saves money.When economic has this meaning, it can either be in front of a noun or after a verb.For example:

Economic conditions are more favorable.经济形势更加有利。

Have you ever read something about the economic theories of Ricardo? 你读过李嘉图的一些经济理论吗?

It is not always practical or economic to recover energy from organic matter.从有机物质中提取能量并非总是很实用或经济的。

Something that is economical does not cost a lot of money to operate or use.If a person is economical, they are careful not to waste money, effort or time.For example:

This system was extremely economical because it ran on half-price electricity.这个系统非常省钱,因为它用的是半价的电。

People are having to be as economical as possible.人们只好尽可能地节省。…to condense the time required…(Para.2)

condense: v.1)reduce(esp.sth.written)to a smaller or shortened form

I tried to condense the report into as few words as possible.我努力把报告压缩得尽可能短一些。

He managed to condense his letter of application to one page.他设法将他的申请信压缩成一页。

2)(of a gas)become liquid or sometimes solid, esp.by becoming cooler

When a gas or vapor condenses, it changes into liquid.气体或水蒸气冷凝时变成液体。

…a huge advantage over countries stuck with old technology.(Para.2)an advantage over: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable position compared to other people

His height and reach give him an advantage over other boxers.他的身高和臂长使他比其他拳击手更具优势。

His connections gave him an advantage over the others.他有门路,所以比别


Her working experience gave her a big advantage over the others for the job.她的工作经历使她比其他申请这项工作的人占有更大的优势。…countries stuck with old technology.(Para.2)

be stuck with: have no choice about dealing with(sb., sth.)or doing(sth.unwanted or unpleasant)

Why am I always stuck with the dirty work? 我为什么老是得干脏活?Jim always got stuck with cleaning the garage.吉姆总是不得不干打扫车库的活。

Compare: Let's just make a decision, and then stick with it.让我们做个决定,然后坚持这一决定。

I'd rather stick with a way of doing things that I know will work.我宁愿坚持用我认为能起作用的方法做事。

… desperate for any phones, period.(Para.3)

desperate: a.1)(~for sth.or ~to do sth.)needing or wanting sth.very much

I was absolutely desperate to see her.我简直太想见到她了。

I'm desperate for a cigarette.我非常想抽烟。

2)showing a willingness to take risks, esp.because one is in a bad situation that he / she wants to change

The prisoners grew more desperate in despair.囚徒们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。

His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.他日益恶化的经济状况迫使他采取孤注一掷的措施。

3)(of a situation)extremely serious or dangerous

The children are in desperate need of love and attention.孩子们急需得到照顾和关爱。

They face a desperate shortage of water.他们面临严重缺水的局面。To lick this problem,…(Para.4)

lick: vt.1)(informal)easily defeat sb.or deal with sth.It was a tricky problem but I think we've licked it.问题很棘手,但我认为我们已经解决了。

I think we've finally got the problem licked.我认为我们最终算是解决了那个问题。

2)move one's tongue over the surface of sth.in order to eat it, make it wet or clean it

He licked the ice cream left on his fingers.他舔掉了沾在手指上的冰淇淋。The cat licked up the milk from its bowl.猫从碗里舔喝牛奶。

She licked the honey off the spoon.她舔净了汤匙上的蜜。

To offer peak performance…(Para.6)

peak: a.used to describe the highest level of sth., or a time when the greatest number of people are doing or using sth.The Information Age is a time of peak demand for computers.信息时代是大量需求电脑的时期。

March is one of the peak periods for our business.三月份是我们业务的高峰期。

n.[C] the point when sb.or sth.is best, most successful, strongest, etc.Demand for coal is at its peak in January and February.一、二月份是对煤的需求量最大的月份。

Membership of the club has fallen from a peak of 600 people in 1990.俱乐部会员的人数已从1990年600人的高峰跌落下来。

v.reach the highest point or value

Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.石油生产于20世纪80年代初达到颠峰。

Unemployment peaked at 17% during the recession.萧条时期失业率高达17%。

…at your disposal.(Para.8)

disposal n.1)[U] the power or authority to use freely

We will use all the means at our disposal to solve this dispute.我们将运用我们能支配的一切手段来解决这一争端。

During their visit I put my car at their disposal.在他们来访期间,我把汽车交给他们随意使用。

2)[U] the act of getting rid of sth.Please see to the disposal of that rubbish.请把那堆垃圾清理掉。

Locals are objecting to the land being used as a disposal site for household waste.当地人反对把这块土地用作家庭垃圾的处理场。

…annual revenue…(Para.8)

revenue: n.[C] the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization, etc.receives from its business

Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.广告收入资助商业电视频道。

The company's annual revenues rose by 30%.公司的年收入增长了30%。Taxes provide most of the government's revenue.政府的大部分收入是税款。Government revenues have fallen dramatically with four million people out of work.随着400万人失业,政府岁入已急剧下降。

That's partly because Latin American customers talk two to four times as long on the phone as people in North America.(Para.8)

Note the structure “two to four times as long as” in the sentence.We can use this structure to indicate the size or extent of something by comparing it to something else.Expressions such as “twice”, “three times” or “one fifth” can be used in front of “as…as”:

Water is eight hundred times as dense as air.This animal is three times as popular with girls as with boys.Their house is about three times as big as ours.…they'll persist …(Para.11)

persist: v.1)(~in sth., ~in doing sth.or with sth.)continue to do sth.in spite of difficulties or opposition, in a way that can seem unreasonable

Why do you persist in blaming yourself for what happened? 你为什么要不停地为所发生的事责备自己呢?

She persisted in her search for the truth.她持之以恒地寻求真理。He persisted with his questioning.他坚持追问。

2)continue to exist

The belief that the earth was flat persisted for many centuries.认为地球是平面的观念延续了数个世纪。

If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor.如果症状持续下去就要去看医生。

C.Post-reading Activity

1.Ask students to sum up the main idea of the text and to analyze the writing techniques of the text.Structural analysis of the text

The reading passage deals with one of the popular and current topics of

today — telecommunications revolution.The passage explores the topic from different aspects:

the advantages of telecommunications technologies, questions that should be considered in developing the new technologies for developing countries, different countries trying to solve different problems with different resolutions, and lastly the conclusions.Look at the following chart and you will find:

1.The first part is made up of 2 paragraphs, Paragraphs 1 and 2.The 2 paragraphs focus on the overwhelming advantages of telecommunications revolution, esp.for developing countries: boosting living standards and promoting internal and foreign investment;stepping directly into the information age and leaping over whole stages of economic development;changing from labor-intensive model to high-tech intensive model to give developing countries a huge advantage over countries stuck with old technology.2.The second part is 1 paragraph only: Paragraph 3.T agraph leading to specific countries in their efforts to develop telecommunications technologies.3.The third part is the biggest part of the passage, consisting of 7 paragraphs, from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 10.This part deals with 6 different countries or regions, such as Russia, China, Hungary, Latin American countries, Thailand and Vietnam in the transformation of telecommunications technologies.Different countries have different backgrounds and they seek different ways out of their respective problems to realize telecommunications transformation.Russia needs to invest in information technology a huge amount of money to update its ancient telephone system but it is unlikely due to a poor economy.China, taking advantage of its backwardness, invests a huge amount of money to become a major part of the information superhighway.And Shanghai plans telecommunications networks as powerful as those in Manhattan.Hungary sold a 30% stake in its national phone company and leased rights to Western companies to overcome the problem of funding and to speed up the import of Western technology.Hungary also finds that it is worth doing so.While Hungary is trying to find the money through various ways for telecommunications equipment, Latin American countries are making money out of the new technologies.People in Thailand are happy to accept

the new technologies as they can make better use of all the time they spend stuck in traffic with mobile phones.And Vietnam, despite its backwardness, plans to invest more money in op ber,tical fi digital switches, and decades.transmission systems annually to keep pace with anyone in Asia in new technology for 4.The fourth part is 1 paragraph, Paragraph 11 and it is a conclusion full of confidence.The passage concludes to say that developing countries can catch up with Americans and Western Europeans in telecommunications technologies if they persist in their efforts even though they will make mistakes in the process of transformation

2.Homework:Learn the words and phrases by heart and next week there will be a dictation;Do all the exercises on the book with translation done on the exercise book.(2)

Period:2 periods

Teaching Material:New Horizon College English

Teaching Procedure:

1.Dictation of the words and phrases

2.comment on and appraise the exercises.Reading skills: recognizing paragraph patterns: Cause and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Time Sequence, a Set of Sequential Actions, a General Point Supported by Details/ Examples/ a List of Things, a Problem-Solution Pattern, etc.(Section B)
































第三篇:译林版小学英语4上 Unit5 知识点

Unit 5 知识点

一、单词:过关签名:clock钟;fridge冰箱;sofa沙发;table桌子;bathroom卫生间;bedroom卧室;kitchen厨房;living room客厅;home家;come来;hungry饥饿的二、词组:过关签名:

1、in your bedroom在你的卧室里

2、my skirts我的短裙

3、on the sofa在沙发上

4、his white cap他的白色帽子

5、come and look过来看看

6、I’d like我想要

7、in the kitchen在厨房

8、nice and clean漂亮又干净

9、fly my kite放风筝

10、Here you are给你

11、our new home我们的新家


1、Where’s …?回答:It’s in/on/near/…..2、Where are …? 回答:They’re in/on/near/…..3、What would you like?你想要什么?I’d like…我想要…

4、We have…in the living room 在客厅里我们有…

5、How are you?你好吗?回答:Fine,thank you。或说I’m hungry/fine/….四、课文翻译:第五单元我们的新家过关签名:第一幅图:妈妈,我的包在哪里?它在你的卧室里。







1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

2.以s.x.sh.ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 二、一般现在时





1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks.以s.x.sh.ch.o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies







2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting

3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping

四、be going to

1.be going to 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。

2.肯定句:be going to +动词原形,如:Jim is going to play football.否定句:be not going to +动词原形,如:Jim is not going to play football.一般疑问句:把be动词调到句首,如:Is Jim going to play football? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+going to+动词原形?如:What is Jim going to do? 疑问词当主语时:疑问词+be+going to+动词原形?如:Who is going to play football? 五、一般过去时



⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t)

⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t)

⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。


否定句:didn’t +动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday.一般疑问句:在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。如:Did Jim go home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:

⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?如: What did Jim do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday?


1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:pull-pulled, cook-cooked




5.不规则动词过去式: am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat












(若是be going to 就用原形)









a、Am--was Is--was Are--were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,所有复数全用are。

b、肯定和否定句 I am(not)from London.He is(not)a teacher.She is(not)in the dining room.My hair is(not)long.Her eyes are(not)small.c、一般疑问句 Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are.No, you aren’t.Are they American? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.我们现在学过的be动词大致分两类:is、am、are为一类,一般用于一般现在时、现 在进行时和一般将来时中,was和were为另一类,一般用于一般过去时。















这里强调两点:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was;最好不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。


a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

b.以s.x.sh.ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries

d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives

e.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet ,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese

























第一人称 I me we us my mine our ours

第二人称 you you you you your yours your yours

第三人称 he him they them his his their theirs

she her her hers

it it its its














有三种可能:be动词(am、is、are、was、were)+not、情态动词(can、must、should)+ not、助动词(do、does、did)+ not


1、看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not。

2、看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not。

3、如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词+ not。分四个步骤:























如:His birthday is on the 5th of May.他的生日在五月五日。




如上句When is his birthday ?








The children are very happy on Christmas Day.She often does some housework at the weekend.(2)一般现在时中的be动词:

一般用原形:am is are

am用于第一人称单数(I);is用于第三人称单数(he she it和其他人名或称谓,如:Ben his sister等);are用于第二人称单数(you)和所有复数(包括第一人称复数we、第二人称复数you;第三人称复数they和其他复数,如the children、his parents等)。



第一种情况:主语是第三人称单数(he she it 和其他,如Helen、her cousin 等),动词后一般加s或es。







Be动词是is、am ←→ 名词用原形(这里包括可数名词的单数和不可数名词)

Be动词是are ←→ 名词加s或es

动词加s或es ←→ 主语是第三人称单数

动词用原形 ←→ 主语不是第三人称单数





The girls were on the grass just now.They visited my parents last weekend.(2)一般过去时中的be动词:

一般用过去式:was were

was用于第一人称单数(I)和第三人称单数(he she it和其他人名或称谓,如:Ben、his sister等);were用于第二人称单数(you)和所有复数(包括第一人称复数we、第二人称复数you;第三人称复数they和其他复数,如the children、his parents等)。









just now a moment yesterday last week last night last weekend last year last month three days ago two weeks ago

five years ago


Be动词是was或were 该句是一般过去时

动词加ed 有表示过去的时间状语



Be going to +动词原形。




一个句子中既有be动词,又有going、to和动词,且动词用的是原形←→ 该句是现在进行时

(4)句中往往有tomorrow、soon、next week等词。







一个句子中既有be动词,又有动词,且动词加了ing ←→ 该句是现在进行时


七、Have、Has和There be结构

1、There be结构包括there is there are there was there were



(1)There be 句型表示:在某地有某物(或人)

(2)在there be 句型中,主语是单数,be 动词用is;主语是复数,be 动词用are;如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be 动词的那个名词决定。

(3)there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。

(4)there be句型与have(has)的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has)表示某人拥有某物。

(5)some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句或疑问句。

(6)and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句或疑问句。

(7)针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?

(8)针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是: What’s + 介词短语?

(9)There be结构一般用在句子的开头,而have等词只能用于某一个主语后面。



Unit 1


1.in the hope of...(怀着......的希望)

in the hope of...=in hopes of...2.take along(随身带着)

3.lose heart(失去信心;灰心)

lose heart → to lose one's courage or confidence.4.day after day(日复一日地)

[名词 + after + 名词]的句型表示“连续;许多”:

5.in this way(用这种方式)

in...way 用某种方式;用作状语。


7.go through


go through(=search, examine)侧重查找(错误、要点等)



ahead 为副词;ahead of 后接用名词。

9.anything of interest


10.be well-known as an artist


as 表“充作、作为” → as a teacher/doctor/actor

11.be pleased with(对......感到满意)介词with与表“满、充满”之意的词连用的用法:

Unit 2 No smoking, please

1.go ahead(用吧, 有较活的译法)

2.burn down


3.compare A to B


4.give up


5.be used to(doing)sth.已习惯于(做)某事

6.get into the habit of...(养成做某事的习惯)

7.compare A with B


8.next door(to us)


9.fall asleep


10.one third


11.die from smoking


die from/of辨异请见Unit 15(Senior 1)。

12.fall by 25%



13.[mind + 名词/doing something]的用法

14.[介词 + whom/which + 不定式]相当于一个形容词短语的用法


Unit 3 Body language

1.a dining room


2.one another


3.make oneself understood(让别人明白自己)

4.take...for example


5.an English-spoken country(讲英语的国家)

6.at all


7.the same as



Unit 4


1.fix a time for something(确定时间做某事)

2.get down to work(开始认真做某事)

3.a face-to-face interview(面对面的采访)

4.be popular with sb.(受到某人欢迎)

5.go with


6.What's on?(上演什么?)

7.hold a meeting(开会)

8.do a telephone interview(进行电视采访)

9.look up

(查找, 抬头看)

10.work on a newspaper(在报业工作)

11.stop working on...(停止编写......)

12.take photos


13.make changes(使发生变化)

14.by lorry


15.a latest newspaper 最新出版的报纸

16.report new plays


17.learn about(学到, 得知)

18.a good way of doing something(一种做某事的好办法)

19.as well(也;又)

20.care for(喜欢;想要)

21.late in the day;later in the day(在那天稍晚些时候)

Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin

1.uncertain 的用法

2.set off/out(出发)

3.in the air(在空中)

4.in a short while(过了一小会儿)

5.be uncertain about/of(对...不确定)

6.in(one's)search of(寻求)

7.in a hurry(匆忙)

8.bring up(抚育;呕吐)

9.play the piano(演奏钢琴)

10.at the very beginning(就在刚刚开始)

11.a period of several weeks(在好几周期间)

12.put on a play(上演戏剧等)

13.at the age of 15(在15岁)

14.A is recognized as B.(A 被认作B。)

75.A is known as B.(A以B闻名。)→ as作'当作, 担任, 以......解。

16.of this kind(此类)[of this kind =this kind of]

17.the contributions to...(对...的贡献)

18.as if 的用法

Unit 6 Mainly revision


2.look round(仔细查看、环顾四周)

3.sooner or later(迟早)

4.add to(增添)

5.a certain kind of stamp(某种邮票)

Unit 7 Canada

1.all the year round(一年到头)

2.be famous for(因...而著名)

3.a great deal of(大量)

4.natural gas(天然气)

5.make use of =to use(利用)

6.refer to(谈到、提及、有关)

7.a type of(一种类型的...)

8.clear up(整理、收拾)

9.from time to time(有时、不时)

10.at the end(of...)(在...)尽头

11.drive away(把车)开走

12.generally speaking(一般地说)

13.struggle against(开展斗争反对...)

14.one third of(...的三分之一)

15.speak the same way(用相同的方式说话)

Unit 8 First aid

1.don't have to(do sth.)(不必干某事)

2.lay, lie的用法

3.fall off(跌倒;减少)

4.knock off(one's feet)(把...击倒)

5.deal with(对付;处理)

6.throw up(呕吐)


8.out of one's reach(够不着)

9.ought to(应该)

10.pay attention to(注意)

11.take it easy(别紧张)

12.by mistake(弄误会)

13.hold up(举起)

Unit 9

Saving the earth

1.so that → 以便、为了

2.turn A into B(把A变成B)

3.in place(在适当的位置)

4.be fit for(适合于)

5.blow away(刮走)

6.a power station(发电站)

7.lose one's sight(失去视力)

8.die out(消失)

9.go off(走开)

10.point to(指着)

11.to one's joy(使某人高兴的是)

12.a cloud of...(一层...)

13.the injured(受伤的人)

14.a well-kept secret(严守的秘密)

15.be/keep busy doing sth.(忙于做某事)

Unit 10 At the shop

1.名词短语/祈使句 + and结构的用法

2.at a tailor's shop(在裁缝店)

3.or else(否则;要不然)

4.change A for B(用A交换B)

5.be after A(追求A;想得到A)

6.do someone a favour(to do sth.)(帮某人一个忙)

7.make...to one's own measure(根据或适合某人的尺寸做...)

8.put down(抄下, 记下)

9.drop in(有不速之客来访)

10.show sb.out(送某人出去)

11.depend on/upon(依靠)

12.once upon a time(从前)

13.at the bottom(在底部)

14.come off(从...离开;脱落)

15.try something on(试穿)

16.have...on sh.(身上带着...)

17.judge someone by his looks(以貌取人)

18.put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.(给某人增加做某事的麻烦)

19.just a moment(稍等一下)

20.just the thing(正是此物)

21.do some research about A(对A展开研究工作)

22.do up the buttons(扣上扣子)

23.laugh at(嘲笑, 不认真对待)

24.A is suitable for B.(A适合B。)

Unit 11


1.There's no need to do...(没必要做...)


3.be anxious about(为A而忧虑)

4.push over(推倒)

5.blow down(刮倒)

6.as well as(也;和;此外)

7.cut off(切断)

8.cut down(削减、放倒)

9.call in(召来)

10.blow over(吹倒)

11.take the place of(取代、代替某人职务)

12.clear away(把...清理)

13.once again(再次)

14.long hours(长时间)

15.add A to B(把A加在B上)

16.see to(处理、照料)

17.bring down(取下)

18.something the matter(出错)

19.offer sth.to sb.(向某人提供某物)

20.later on(随后)

Unit 12 Mainly revision

1.the other day(几天前)

2.for one thing 首先(用于说明理由)

3.stare at(凝视)

4.hold one's breath(屏住呼吸)

5.carry off(夺走)

6.throw at(向...投去)

7.so as to(以便、为了)

8.struggle to one's feet(挣扎着站起来)

9.fall over(跌倒、倒下)

10.speed up(加速)

11.put something in order(把某物摆放整齐)外研版高中英语必修5重点短语

必修5 词组 1

Module 1.1.It is obvious(to sb.)that 2.confuse A with/and B 3.be confused by sth.4.in confusion 5.compare...with...6.compare...to 7.comepared to/with 8.variety of=varieties of 9.differ from sb./sth.10.differ in...11.have sth.in common(with sb./sth.)12.have a lot/much/a great deal in common with...13.have nothing/little in common with...14.in common with sb./sth.15.make a difference 16.make some difference to...17.make much difference to...18.make no difference to...19.be similar to 20.be similar in 21.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.22.have some/much difficulty with sth.23.with difficulty 24.lead to sb.doing sth.25.lead sb.to do sth.26.announce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth 27.add...to...28.add to 29.add up...30.add up to...31.make an announcement 32.at present 33.make an attempt to do sth.34.make an attempt at doing sth.35.at one’s first attempt 36.attempt at(doing)sth.37.in favour of 38.do sb.a favour 39.ask sb.a favour =ask a favour of sb 40.in sb.’s favour 41.refer to...as...42.refer to 43.make(a)reference(s)to 44.now(that)+ 句子 Module 2 1.to one’s satisfaction 2.offer one’s hand 3.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.4.show/have respect for sb.=respect sb.5.give/send my respects to sb.6.in all respects 7.pass by 8.pass away 9.pass down 10.pass on 11.take...for granted 12.take it/things easy 13.take one’s time 14.in particular 15.be particular about/over...16.have an effect on...17.take up 18.when(1)Sb.was about to do sth.when...=Sb.was on the point of doing sth.when...某人正要干某事时,这时…….(2)Sb.was doing sth.when...某人正在干某事时,这

时……(3)Sb.had(just)done sth.when...某人刚干完某事时,这时…… 19.apply(to sb.)for sth.20.apply sth.to sth.21.apply to...22.apply oneself to...23.sth.require doing/to be done 24.require sb.to do sth.25.require that...(should)do sth.26.in great demand 27.meet/satisfy one’s demand(s)28.demand to do sth.29.demand that...(should)do sth.30.in response to 31.make/give a response to 32.make/give no response to Module 3 1.on account of 2.on no account 3.take sth.into account =take account of sth.4.account for 5.lie-lay-lain-lying lie-lied-lied-lying lay – laid –laid – laying 6.The boy lying on the ground lied that his cock laid an egg.7.get into(a)panic 8.be at/in a panic 9.be curious about 10.out of curiosity 11.satisfy one’s curiosity 12.have connection with 13.have a direct/close/strong connection with 14.have sth./nothing to do with 15.be related to 16.to one’s astonishment 17.to one’s surprise 18.to one’s excitement 19.to one’s disappointment 20.to one’s sorrow 21.to one’s joy 22.to one’s satisfaction

必修5 词组 2

23.warn sb.about/of sth.24.warn sb.not to do sth.=warn against doing sth 25.be determined to do sth.26.force sb.to do sth.=force sb.into doing sth 27.force sth.on/upon sb.28.play a trick on sb.29.make fun of sb.30.make up 31.be/feel in the mood for(doing)sth =be/feel in the mood to do sth.32.in a bad/good mood 33.be set in 34.set off 35.set out to do sth.36.set about doing sth.37.set sth.aside 38.set up 39.resemble … in… Module 4 1.hide sth.from sb.2.come to an end 3.put an end to 4.bring...to an end 5.in the end 6.date back to=date from 7.dress up 8.dress up as...9.dress up in red 10.dress sb.(oneself)11.be dressed in white 12.make...with...13.make...on...14.consist of 15.give up 16.give away 17.give back 18.give in to 19.give off 20.give out 21.take in 22.take off 23.take on 24.take place 25.take up 26.There is/was no need for sb.to do 27.There is no possibility that...… 28.There is no doubt that...29.There is no point in doing sth.Module 5 1.retire from 2.perform one’s promise 3.perform an operation on sb.4.have an advantage over 5.have an advantage in 6.take advantage of 7.to sb’s advantage 8.have the advantage of 9.give sb.a guarantee 10.under guarantee 11.on the increase 12.together with 13.increase by 14.increase(from…)to 15.by chance 16.take a chance/chances 17.protest against/about/at 18.declare sth.(to be)sth.19.declare war on/against sb.20.declare against 21.declare for 22.declare that...23.So what? 24.rise to one’s feet 25.pick up 26.That’s not the point 27.to the point 28.off the point 29.There’s no point in...Module 6 1.protect...from/agai

nst...2.prevent...from stop...from keep...from 3.be worthy of sth 4.sth.be worthy of being done =sth.be worthy to be done 5.on the stop 6.in good condition 7.in bad/poor condition 8.on one condition 9.on condition that 10.on no condition 11.in danger of 12.out of danger 13.be in fashion 14.be/go out of fashion 15.take aim at 16.aim sth.at 17.aim at 18.aim to do 19.be aimed at 20.involve sb.in 21.be involve in 22.focus on 23.focus one’s attention/eyes on 24.be concerned with 25.as/so far as I’m concerned 26.as far as sth.is concerned 27.stand for 28.set up 29.set about 30.set off 31.set down 32.set out(+ to do)

Module 1.1.从句 对某人来说,……是显然的

2.把A和B相混淆 3.被…….搞糊涂了 4.困惑的;困窘地 5.和……比较 6.把……比作 7.和……相比(作状语)8.各种各样的

9.与某人或某物有区别,相异 10.在某方面不同

11.和某人或某物有相同之处 12.与……有很多共同之处 13.与……没有/很少有共同之处 14.和……一样 15.有关系;有重要性; 16.对……有些关系

17.关系重大;有重大影响 18.对……没有关系 19.与……相似 20.在……方面相似

21.做某事有些/很多困难 22.做某事有一些/很多困难 23.困(艰)难地 24.使得某人做某事 25.使得某人去做某事 26.向某人宣布某事 27.把……加到……中 28.增加

29.合计;加起来 30.总计

31.发表声明,通知 32.现在;目前 33.试图做某事

34.试图(尝试)做某事 35.第一次尝试 36.尝试(做)某事 37.同意,支持,拥护 38.帮某人一个忙 39.请求某人帮忙 40.有助于某人 41.称……为…… 42.参考 43.提及,论及 44.由于;既然 Module 2 1.使某人感到满意的是 2.伸出手 3.为某人提供某物 4.尊敬某人

5.请代我向某人问好/致意 6.无论从哪方面来看 7.经过;从……旁经过 8.去世;(时间等)消磨掉,过去 9.把……一代传一代;流传 10.传递 11.认为…...理所当然

12.轻松,放松 13.慢慢来,不着急 14.尤其,特别地 15.对……讲究/挑剔 16.对……有影响 17.站好位置以备……


19.(向某人)申请某物 20.把……应用于…… 21.适用于…… 22.致力于…… 23.某物需要被做…… 24.要求某人做某事 25.要求做某事 26.需求很大

27.满足某人的需要 28.要求做某事 29.要求某人做某事 30.作为……的回应 31.对…...做出反应 32.对…不予回答/理解 Module 3


2.决不,在任何条件下都不 3.把某事考虑在内 4.做出解释,提出理由 5.平躺;位于 说谎 放置; 产卵

6.躺在地上的小男孩撒谎说他的公鸡下了一只蛋。7.陷入恐慌状态 8.在恐慌中 9.对……好奇,感兴趣 10.出于好奇

11.满足某人的好奇心 12.与…有联系/有关联

13.与…有直接/密切/牢固的联系 14.与…有关/与…无关 15.与…有关

16.令某人吃惊的是 17.令某人吃惊的是 18.令某人激动的是 19.令人失望的是 20.令人难过的是 21.令人高兴的是 22.令人满意的是 23.警告某人某事 24.警告某人不要做某事 25.决心做某事 26.强迫某人做某事 27.把…强加于某人 28.拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人 29.嘲笑某人;取笑某人 30.编造;组成;和解;化妆;弥补… 31.有心情做某事






必修5 词组 2

32.情绪不好/很好 33.以…为背景

34.出发;引爆,使爆炸 35.开始做某事 36.开始/着手做某事

37.把某物放在一边;省出; 38.建立;设立;创立 39.在…方面像… Module 4 1.隐藏某物不让人发现; 对某人隐瞒某事 2.完结

3.结束,终止 4.使…结束 5.终于;最后 6.追溯到,开始于 7.装扮;打扮 8.装扮成… 9.穿上红色的衣服 10.给某人穿衣 11.穿着白色衣服 12.用…在…做标记 13.在…上做…记号 14.由…组成;由…构成 15.放弃 16.赠送 17.归还;恢复健康 18.向…让步,屈服于 19.发出,放出(气体,气味等)20.分发(试卷等),筋疲力尽 21.收留 22.脱掉(衣服);飞机(起飞)23.显现;承担(工作,责任等)24.发生

25.开始从事;继续,接下去 26.某人没有必要做… 27.不可能… 28.毫无疑问… 29.做某事没有意义 Module 5 1.从…退休,从…退役 2.履行承诺 3.给某人做手术 4.比…有优势 5.在…方面占优势 6.利用

7.对某人有利 8.有…的优势

9.给某人保证/承诺 10.在保修期内 11.正在增加 12.加之,连用;和,与

13.增加了(表示增加的比率)14.(从…)增长到…(表示增加后的结果)15.偶然的,意外的,碰巧 16.碰运气/冒险 17.反对…,抗议…

18.宣布某物是…,断言…为… 19.对…宣战 20.表示反对… 21.表示赞同 22.声明,郑重地说

23.(非正式)那又怎样呢?结果怎样? 24.站起身 25.把…扶起来;接某人;收听;好转

26.那不是关键;没有说到点子上 27.很得要领的;中肯的 28.离题的 29.干…没有用;干…没有意义 Module 6 1.保护…免受 2.阻止某人做某事 3.值得…,配得上… 4.某事值得做 5.当场,在现场 6.状况良好,保存得好 7.状况不佳,破烂不堪 8.有一个条件 9.如果,条件是,只要 10.绝不

11.有…的危险 12.脱离危险 13.在流行 14.不流行/过时



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