山东省宁津县育新中学七年级英语下册 Module4-6达标练习四(精选多篇)

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第一篇:山东省宁津县育新中学七年级英语下册 Module4-6达标练习四




()1.—Is there _______ bookshop near here?

—Yes.This is Xinghua Jie.Go along _______ street and turn left.You can see it then.A.a;a B.a;theC.the;a D.the;the

()2.—Could you tell me _______ to get to Bright Bank?

—Take the second turning on the right.It’s near there.A.whatB.whenC.how D.why()3.The moon is now _______ the trees in the east.A.onB.inC.under D.above

()4.Why not _______ a taxi to the zoo? It can save us a lot of time.A.taking B.to takeC.takesD.take()5.You can _______ the bus at Xinhua Stop.Your destination(目的地)is not far from it.A.get on B.get toC.get offD.get up()6.From the tower, you can see _______ of London _______ a nice day.A.most;in B.many;inC.most;onD.many;on()7._______ you walk along the street, the ice cream shop will be on your right.A.Before B.AsC.After D.Because二根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子。每空限填一词。31.I often start doing my homework at 8:00 pm and f________(结束)it at 10:00 pm.32.C________(穿过)the street and you can see a tall building.33.My father takes the u________(地铁)to work every day.34.You can enjoy many beautiful p________(油画)in the gallery(美术馆).35.The r________(铁路)station is not far from the museum.

第二篇:山东省宁津县育新中学七年级英语下册 Module4-6达标练习三



()1.—________ meat do we need to buy?

—Three ________.A.How much;kiloB.How many;kilo

C.How much;kilosD.How many;kilos

()2.This blue down coat(羽绒服)looks nice.I want to ________.A.try up itB.try on itC.try it upD.try it on


—I’d like to buy some chicken.A.How about going to the cinemaB.What are you doing now

C.What will you do at homeD.What can I do for you()4.—_______ is the building?

—About fifty metres.A.How long B.How muchC.How old D.How high

()5.—What is that _______ the street?

—I think that’s a clothes shop.A.in the end B.in the end of

C.at the end D.at the end of()6.—Thank you for helping me.—_______A.See you.B.Have a nice day.C.You are welcome.D.That’s very kind of you.二.词汇运用


31.My favourite fruit is the ________(柠檬).32.Do you know the ________(价钱)of the strawberry?

33.We will ________(比较)these two reports(报告)carefully.34.My mother enjoys going to the ________(市场).35.You can see flowers ________(在任何地方)in the city.B.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。36.How many ________(church)are there in your city?

37.Mount Heng is ________(low)than Mount Hua.38.I think Green City is bigger and ________(busy)than Sun City.39.Can I ask you some ________(question)?40.There are no ________(island)near the hill.

第三篇:山东省冠县东古城镇中学七年级英语下册 Module 11 Body language暑假作业

七年级英语下册 Module 11 Body language暑假作业(无答案)

Unit 1


1.肢体语言________________2.点头 ________________ 3.握手 ________________4.碰鼻子 ________________5.彼此拥抱 ________________6.做不同的事情 ________________

二、单词拼写1.The v________ to your school is from USA2.Don’t t_________ the electricity, it’s dangerous.3.R________ is on the north of China.4.The new bridge is built by ______(德国人)5.The camera is made in _________(日本).6.Tom is from the USA, so he is an A___________

三、单项选择1.Mike is ___ English boy.A.a B.theC.an D./2.______ give up(放弃), you’ll be successful.A.Not B.Often C.Never D Hardly3.When Maori people meet thire friends, they usually______.A.Nod their heads B.Shake hands C.Hug each other D.Touch noses4.________ people usually kiss three times, left,right,left.A.Chinense B.British C.Russian D.German5.Both the ________ and the ________ are our friends.A.English;Russia B.British;RussiansC.British;Russia D.England;Russians



1.有时我们见面时点点头。We sometimes _______ _______ _________ when we meet.2.不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯。There are different customs _______ _______ ________.3.那是因为你不够细心。_________ __________ you are not careful enough.4.在美国,一些人喜欢相互拥抱或亲吻。In the USA, some people like to ________ ________ _________or kiss.5.他们是我最好朋友的父母。They are my _______ _______ _________.五、完形填空 Different things usually stand for different feelings.Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life.People say red is an exciting and active color.They associate(使发生联系)red with a strong feeling like 1.Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines.Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn.People say orange is a 4 color.They associate orange with happiness.Yellow is the color of __5__.People say it is a cheerful color.They associate yellow too, with happiness.Green is the cool color of grass in __6__.People say it is a refreshing color.In general, people __7__ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors.The warm colors are red, orange and __8__.Where there are warm color and a lot of light, people usually want to be __9__.Those who like to be with __10 _ like red.The cool colors are __11_ and blue.Where are these colors, people are usually worried.Some scientists say that time seems to __12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors.They suggest that a warm color is a good __13_ for a living room or a __14_.People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly.__15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1.A.sadness B.anger C.administration D.smile 2.A.roads B.ways C.danger D.places 3.A.land

B.leaves C.grass

D.mountains 4.A.lively B.dark C.noisy

D.frightening 1

5.A.moonlight B.light C.sunlight D.stars 6.A.summer B.spring C.autumn D.winter 7.A.speak B.say C.talk about D.tell 8.A.green B.yellow C.white

D.gray 9.A.calm B.sleepy C.active D.helpful 10.A.the other B.another C.other one D.others 11.A.black B.green C.golden D.yellow 12.A.go round B.go by C.go off D.go along 13.A.one B.way C.fact

D.matter 14.A.factory B.classroom C.restaurant D.hospital 15.A.Different B.Cool C.Warm D.All

根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。对的在括号内填“ T ”, 错的填“ F ”.()1.He gets up late every day.()2.He often teaches us English.()3.After class , he likes singing and playing basketball.()4.On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.()5.He doesn’t like Chinese food Unit 2


1.和某人谈话______________2.挽着胳膊____________3.一点也不________________ 4.当心,小心______________5.私人空间________________

二、用单词的适当形式填空1.Here ___________(be)some ways to welcome them.2.It is impolite ________(look)at people in someplaces.3.Don’t _________(stand)too close to North Americans.4.You should be _______(politely)to the teachers.5.It’s ________(danger)to wave goodbye to Greece people

三、单项选择1.Let’s go and play football, __________? That’s wonderful!A.will you B.do you C.won’t we D.shall we2.Don’t forget to correct the mistakes you made in your hometown, __________?A.don’t you B.will you C.aren’t you D.haven’t you3.----I don’t think Lucy will come today, ________ she?----_________, she won’t.She is ill and stays at home A.won’t;No B.will;No C.won’t;Yes D.will;Yes 4.----Don’t stop on the grass next time, Mike.----__________.A.Is that so? B.Don’t worry C.I don’t know D.Sorry, I won’t5.----Did you enjoy the concert last night?----Very much.__________ wonderful concert it wasA.What B.What a C.How D.how a

四、完形填空Nasreddin was a poor man, so he tried to grow __1__ he could in his 2

own garden, so that he would not have to buy so many in the market.One evening he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window.A white ox had got into the garden and __2__ his vegetables.Nasreddin at once took his stick, ran out and chased the ox, but he was too old to catch it.When he got back to his garden, he found that the ox had ruined most of his precious vegetables.__3__, while he __4__ in the street near his house, he saw a cart with two white oxen which looked very much like the one that __5__ his vegetables.He was carrying his stick with him, __6__ he at once began to beat the two oxen with it.As neither of them looked more like the ox that had eaten his vegetables than the other, he beat both of them equally hard.The owner of the ox and cart was drinking coffee in a __7__ coffee-house.When he saw __8__ Nasreddin was doing __9__ his animals, he ran out and shouted, “What are you doing? What have those poor animals done to you for you to beat them like that?”“You keep out this!” Nasreddin shouted back, “This is a matter between me and one of these two oxen.He knows very well __10__ I am beating him!”

1.A.so many vegetablesB.many vegetablesC.as many as vegetablesD.as many vegetables as 2.A.was eating B.ate C.had eaten D.has eaten 3.A.Next day B.Next morningC.Last morning D.The next morning 4.A.walks B.waked C.was walking D.walking 5.A.ruined B.had eaten C.ate

D.had ruin 6.A.so

B.and C.but

D.or 7.A.beside B.nearby C.near D.near by 8.A.that

B.which C.why

D.what 9.A.for B.to

C.with D.on 10.A.reason B.when C.why


五、阅读理解Many students in China are learning English.Some of these students are small children.Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年).Many are adults.Some learn at school, others study by themselves.A few learn English language(语言)over the radio, on television, or in films.One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question.Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.They study their own language and maths and English...Some people learn English because it is useful for their work.Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies, because at college or university(大学)some of their books are in English.Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.1.Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____.A.No, they aren't B.No, they are C.Yes, they are D.Yes, they aren't 2.If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____.A.learn at school B.study by himself C.work hard D.study hard 3.The sentence “It is difficult to answer that question” means ____.A.that question is not difficult to answer B.that question is difficult to answer it C.it is difficultly to answer that question D.it is hard to answer that question 4.“Their own language” means ____.A.Chinese B.English C.French D.3

Japanese 5.What's the Chinese of “study by themselves”?A.和他们一起学习B.自学C.向他们学习D.通过学习Unit 3

一、词汇扩展1.__________(Russia)kiss each other three times when they meet.2.It’s not right __________(wave)goodbye in Greece.3.It’s a way of _________(be)polite and showing respect.4.It’s__________(importance)to learn English well.5You cannot __________(bring)food or drink to the classroom.6.Don’t say__________(something)too personal.二、用所给词的正确形式填空1.______ this kind of peach, and you will like it.A.To try B.Trying C.Try D.Tried2.__________, or you’ll be lateA.Hurry up B.Take itdown C.To hurry up D.Hurries up3.Ssh!________ talk loudly.The baby is sleeping right now.A.Do B.Does C.Don’t D.Doesn’t 4.“_______ exercise every day, my child.It’s good for your health,” Father said.A.Taking B.To take C.Take

D.Takes5.Don’t _______ too much TV.It’s bad for your eyes.A.watch B.watched C.watching D.to watch6.________ sleep too late.It’s bad for your health.A.Do B.Not C.Don’t D.Please not

三、句型转换1.You can’t listen to music in class.(改为同义句)________ listen to music in class.2.Body language means the different things in different countries.改为一般疑问句)_______ body language _______ the different things in different countries?3.They wanted to_build_the_railroad.(对画线部分提问)________ did they want ________ ________?4.B ilding a building like this is very difficult.(改为同义句)________ very difficult ________ ________ a building like this.5.I have a big garden.There are many beautiful flowers in it.(合成一句)I have a big garden ________ many beautiful flowers in it.四、阅读理解James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problem.Some older boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.James is very unhappy and he doesn't know what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation. Don't feel worried.It's not your fault(过错)!Being bullied(被欺负)can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone.Don't feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell them.It might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friend's parents.After you tell someone,you will get some support and feel some relief(解脱). Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here are other things you can do.Some people express their feelings more easily on paper.Write a letter to someone or keep a diary.Include all the details(细节)about what the bullies do, as well as when and where the bullying happens.You can use it as proof to show what is going on.And it is a wonderful idea to show your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult.Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!Also,don't show you are sad and don't try and fight withthe bullies.You could get in trouble yourself.Ignore them andjust walk away.The bullies will soon stop.4

1.What do you think the text is trying to tell us? A.What to do about being bullied.B.How to be a good student at school.C.What to write well in a diary.D.How to give suggestions to teenagers.2.Why does the text advise you not to feel worried if bullied? A.Because you are not alone.B.Because it is not your fault.C.Because someone has known about it.D.Because you' re doing something wrong.3.You'd better go and find a person you can trust and ____.A.know what happens B.learn from them C.ask for help D.make them lonely 4.If you remember and follow the suggestions above, ____.A.nobody will speak to the bullies B.everybody will feel some relief C.someone will express their feelings D.the bullies will soon stop 5.What does the underlined word “ignore” mean in the text? A.take no notice of B.take care of C.make full use of D.get more help from

五.(2011•山东)完型填空Many kids think they are 1.They think they aren't the prettiest or the smartest.At the same time, they think they aren't even the ugliest or the silliest, which would at least make them stand out.Everyone feels that way sometimes, 2 in middle school.Kids 3 realize how special they are.It is 4 growing up.Growing up means understanding what you can offer the world.When you're young, you realize that just by being yourself, you do offer 5 to other people.Maybe you aren't the best, but that doesn't make you “not amazing”.Do yourself a favor.Think about your friends carefully.Write down a list of things that you like about them.Think about 6 you make friends with them.You will 7 know that in the end, no matter if they aren't the smartest or the prettiest or 8 talented, they are great in their own way.And they feel just the same 9 you!Remember, it gets easier as you grow older.If you try your best, you are still pretty 10.1.A.special B.ordinary C.unusual D.ugly 2.A.especial B.especially C.more often D.often 3.A.often B.more often C.not often D.seldom 4.A.part of B.one of C.some D.about 5.A.anything B.everything C.something D.some thing 6.A.reason B.season C.where D.why 7.A.get to B.got to C.have to D.getting to 8.A./ B.more C.most D.the most 9.A as B.to C.about D.for1 0.A.smart B.amazing C.clever D.well Revision

一、单项选择 1.----Do you like my picture?---_________!It’s the nicest one I’ve ever seen.A.What beautiful B.How careful C.How wonderful D.What wonderful picture2.There is going to __________ a report ________ Chinese history in our school this evening.A.have;on B.be;on C.have;for D.5

be;of3.----Could you get me a piano, Mum?----There __________ enough room in our room.But we’ll try.A.is B.are C.isn’t D.aren’t4.“Sorry for being late again.”“________ here on time next time, or you’ll be punished.” A.Be B.Being C.To be D.Been5.-May I listen to the music here, Mr.White?-Sorry, you’d better it like that.A.not to do B.not do

C.don’t do D.not do to6.Boys and girls, ________ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).A.putting B.to put C.put D.puts7.“_______ exercise every day, my child.It’s good for your health.” Father said.A.Taking B.To take C.Take D.Takes8--You look rather tired.________ stopping to have a rest?--All right.A Why not B How about C Why not to D.why don’t 9 ______ tell a lie.A Hardly B Not C No D Never 10.Please ________ look outside.Look at the blackboard.A not B don’t C aren’t D can’t 11.His father ______him how to play the piano when he was young.A.teached B.teaches C.taught D.teach12 ______ go for the book alone, Ms Zhang.A Let’s B Let me C Letus D Allow 13 John, read the text for us,________? A does he B will he C do you D will you 14.Let’s do it at once, ________ ?A shall we B will you C do we D do you 15.He ________ the whole day doing his homework.A.took B.cost C.spent D.paid


Do you know Eskimos(爱斯基摩人)? Let me tell you something about their 1.The Eskimos live near the North Pole(北极).There are only two 2 there, winter and summer, There are no spring 3 autumn there.The winter nights are 4.You can't 5 the sun for more than two months, even at noon.The summer days are long.For more than two months, the sun never 6 and there is no night.The Eskimos have 7 clothes.They make their clothes from the skin of animals.From these skins they make coats, caps and 8.Near the North Pole trees can't grow, for it is too 9 there.The Eskimos 10 make their houses from skins, snow or stones(石头).When they 11 in storm and can't 12 home, they make house of snow.They 13 these snow houses when the storm is 14.Life is 15 for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.1.A.work B.life C.holiday D.families 2.A.weather B.seasons C.months D.years 3.A.not B.or C.and D.as 4.A.short B.warm C.long D.cold 5.A.see

B.watch C.look D.look at 6.A.rises B.goes up C.drops D.goes down 7.A.beautiful B.metal C.warm D.cool 8.A.goods B.drinks C.medicine D.shoes 9.A.cold B.hot C.dry D.wet 10.A.will B.should C.never D.have to 11.A.go out B.go over C.keep on D.get on 12.A.get back B.got off C.get on D.get in 6

13.A.make B.leave C.stay D.break 14.A.over B.coming C.going D.hard 15.A.easy B.interesting C.hard D.lucky


1.What does “Spring Festival” mean in Chinese A.新年 B.春节 C.圣诞节 D.立春 2.We know every Chinese year is given ____ name.A.a plant B.a family C.a full D.an animal 3.How do the people of China usually spend New Year's Eve A.They put on new clothes and go to park.B.they wear their new clothes and have a good sleep C They put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends.D They usually stay up late to welcome the new year.4.What do the people often do on the first day of the new year A.Have a good rest.Eat all kinds of good food.B.Go to see their parents.C.Grandparents and some good friends.D.Watch TV.5.What does the story tell about A.Festivals B.Spring Festivals C.Winter holidays.D.The first day of the year(B)

There is nothing more important to life than the Sun.Without the Sun all living things on the Earth would die.The Sun is a star.In the sky there are thousands of stars like the Sun.They are as large as the Sun and as hot as the Sun.At night you can see many stars, but in the day time you can only see one star the Sun.The Sun is much nearer to us than any other stars.That is why it looks the biggest and brightest of all the stars.The distance between the Sun and the Earth is as much as 150 million kilometers.Most of the stars are thousands of light years away from the Earth.Do you know the light year? Nothing in the world travels faster than light.It travels 300,000 kilometers a second(秒).And one light year is the distance that light travels in one year.1、____ can live without the Sun.A、People B、Animals C、Plants D、Nothing

2、The most important to life is____.A、the Moon B、the stars C、the Sun D、the sky

3、The Sun looks the biggest and brightest of all the stars because____.A、it's the biggest of all the stars B、it's the brightest of all the stars.C、it's much nearer to us than any other starsD、it's far away from the Earth 7

4、Light travels ____ in the world.A、fastest B、slowest C、much faster D、much slower

5、From the passage we know that light travels ____ kilometers per(每个)minute.A、600, 000 B、300, 000 C、150, 000 D、18,000,000(C)

Once there was a black and white cat.He was named Tom.One day he was asleep under a tree in the forest.Suddenly he was awakened by the song of a bird.Then he felt very hungry.He wanted to have something good to eat. He looked around.He looked up at the blue sky and looked down at the green grass.Something was moving in the tree.It was a sparrow(麻雀).He talked to the sparrow and asked it to be friends with him.When it came near,he caught the sparrow.He was going to eat it.The sparrow said,“No gentleman eats his dinner till he has washed his face.” The cat was surprised to hear that.He began to wash his face with his paw,and the sparrow flew away. The cat was sorry to lose his dinner and said,“As long as I live,I will eat first and wash my face afterward.”


1.How did the cat feel to lose his dinner? 2.What was the cat's name?

3.What did the sparrow ask the cat to wash? 4.What will the cat do first in the future? 5.Where was the cat?


Many parents want their children to be famous one day.But do children have the same___1___? A new__2____—Hi, Ke'ai is on at Beijing Children's Art Theatre.It tells the story of a boy called Ke'ai.His parents would like him to become a painter or a ___3____ one day.They teach him to ___4___and to play the violin, but Ke'ai doesn't enjoy these activities.Then one day Ke'ai's parents see Liu Xiang win a gold___5___ at the Athens Olympic Games, and they want him to be a sportsman.“___6___do they want me to be someone else?” Ke'ai asks and says, “I only want to be____7______.” The play shows us that it is good for parents to learn to _____8_____their children.It helps parents to think about what kids want to do.Young audiences(观众)enjoy the story, and also the___9___in the play.There are two songs in the play.One of them, “Ke'ai's Song” is very ___10_____to learn, so the audiences can sing the song on their way home after the play!1.A.jobs B.dreams C.habits D.hobbies 2.A.song B.film C.play D.opera 3.A.writer B.teacher C.sportsman D.musician 4.A.paint B.write C.run D.drive 5.A.match B.ring C.medal D.race 6.A.How B.Why C.When D.Where 7.A.myself B.different C.alone D.great 8.A.encourage B.understand C.criticize D.inspire 9.A.light B.clothes C.skill D.music 10.A.easy B.difficult C.important D.necessary

Module 11 Body language 单元达标测试卷(时间:90分钟 满分:100分)

一、单项选择(1分×20=20分)1.--Don’t stop on the grass next time, Mike.--__________.A.Is that so? B.Don’t worry C.I don’t know D.Sorry, I won’t

2.--Did you enjoy the concert last night?--Very much.__________ wonderful concert it wasA.What B.What a C.How D.how a 3.--Do you like my picture?--__________!It’s the nicest one I’ve ever seen.A.What beautiful B.How careful C.How wonderful D.What wonderful picture 4.There is going to __________ a report __________ Chinese history in our school this evening.A.have;on B.be;on C.have;for D.be;of 5.--Could you get me a piano, Mum?--There __________ enough room in our room.But we’ll try.A.is B.are C.isn’t D.aren’t.Her doctor said: “________ work so hard” A Stop B Can’t C Don’t D Not

7.Mike, ________ to be here at 8 o’clock A is sure B be sure C will be sure D is sure that 8.________ when you cross the road.A To care B Care C Be careful D To be careful 9.________him the secret, will you? A Don’t tell B Not to tell C Not telling D No telling 10.________ in bed.It’s bad for your eyes.A Not to read B Don’t read C Don’t to read D Not read

11.People in Russia kiss three______ when they meet.A.time B.times C.twice D.time 12.They are very tired.Why ________ have a rest? A not they B do not they C don’t they D not to 13--You look rather tired.________ stopping to have a rest?--All right.A Why not B How about C Why not to Dwhy don’t ______ tell a lie.A Hardly B Not C No D Never 15.Please ________ look outside.Look at the blackboard.A not B don’t C aren’t D can’t

16.Why don’t you join us in the game? A What not B Why not C Why to D How to 17 ______ go for the book alone, Ms Zhang.A Let’s B Let me C Let us D Allow 18 John, read the text for us,________? A does he B will he C do you D will you 19.Let’s do it at once, ________ ?

A shall we B will you C do we D do you 20.Let us do it at once, ________ ? A shall we B will you C do we D do you

二、用适当形式填空(1分×10=10分)1.They are some ________(Rssia)people.2.Many _________(visit)came to the Great Wall and took photos.3.People usually kiss three _______(time), left,right,left.4.There are a lot of _______(country)in the 9

world.5.It’s polite to shake ________(hand)when people meet.6.Who is the tallest p________ in your class?7.____________(give)us ten years and just see what our country will be like.8.____________(not, let)the baby cry.9.Wear more clothes or you ____________(catch)a cold.10.Let’s __________(not, say)anything about it.三、补全对话(1分×5=5分)A.Of course.B.OK, I will.C.Thank you.D.I agree with you.E.Don’t mention it.F.I’m glad you like it.()1.Thank you for the gift.It’s so nice.()2.Wish you good luck in the final exam!()3.My computer doesn’t work.May I use yours?()4.Animals are our friends.We should protect them.()5.Remember to turn off the lights when you leave home.四、完形填空(1分×15=15分)Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip(旅行)to another town.He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to 1 things with.He 2 to take ten servants with him.They would 3 the things to sell and the food to 4 on their trip.Before they started, a little boy ran up to 5 and asked to 6 with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, 7 may go with us.8 you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my 9 , you can’t carry a 10 load(担子).You must 11 the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest load to carry.That was bread.“You are 12.” said his master, “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.” The boy said 13 and lifted the load gladly.On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town.All the servants were tired 14 the little servant.Do you know 15 ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived at the town.1.A.eat B.buy


D.get 2.A.decided B.liked


D.tried 3.A.take



D.borrow 4.A.cook B.eat


D.drink 5.A.them B.the servants(仆人)C.the road D.the rich man


B.stay C.go

D.talk 7.A.you B.he


D.they 8.A.Since B.If

C.Because D.But 9.A.family B.guests

C.servants D.things 10.A.heavy B.light


D.difficult 11.A.eat


C.pick up D.understand 12.A.brave B.right


D.foolish 13.A.sorry B.nothing C.angrily

D.good-bye 14.A.besides B.of


D.with 10

15.A.who B.him

C.that D.why

五、阅读理解(2分×15=30分)(A)Many students in China are learning English.Some of these students are small children.Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年).Many are adults.Some learn at school, others study by themselves.A few learn English language(语言)over the radio, on television, or in films.One must work hard to learn another language.Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question.Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects.They study their own language and maths and English...Some people learn English because it is useful for their work.Many people often learn English for their higher sutdies, because at college or university(大学)some of their books are in English.Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.1.Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____.A.No, they aren't B.No, they are C.Yes, they are D.Yes, they aren't 2.If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____.A.learn at school B.study by himself C.work hard D.study hard 3.The sentence “It is difficult to answer that question” means ____.A.that question is not difficult to answer B.that question is difficult to answer it C.it is difficultly to answer that questionD.it is hard to answer that question 4.“Their own language” means ____.A.Chinese B.English C.French D.Japanese 5.What's the Chinese of “study by themselves”?____A.和他们一起学习B.自学 C.向他们学习D.通过学习(B)

We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival.There is name for each Chinese year.We may call it the year of sheep, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig.And this year is the year of horse.Before New year's Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.On New Year's Eve, there is a big family dinner.After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year.On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends.They say “Gook luck” and some other greetings to each other.People usually have a very good time during the festival.1.What does “Spring Festival” mean in Chinese A.新年 B.春节 C.圣诞节 D.立春

2.We know every Chinese year is given ____ name.A.a plant B.a family C.a full D.an animal 3.How do the people of China usually spend New Year's Eve A.They put on new clothes and go to park.B.they wear their new clothes and have a good sleep C They put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends.D They usually stay up late to welcome the new year.4.What do the people often do on the first day of the new year A.Have a good rest.Eat all kinds of good food.B.Go to see their parents.C.Grandparents and some good friends.D.Watch TV.11

5.What does the story tell about A.Festivals B.Spring Festivals C.Winter holidays.D.The first day of the year(C)


1.If you get lost in the forest, you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible.(尽快)()2.You can keep on shouting or whistling always three times toghether for help.()3.When you hear two shouts or whistles, you know that people will come to help you.()4.You can’t go anywhere even when you feel thirsty(口渴的)or hungry.()5.You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk.()

六、词汇应用(10分)Every Saturday morning,there is a line of boys and girls on Garden Street.They are waiting to see a film.The film never starts before eight o'clock.But the boys and girls can't wait to come earlier every time.They do not mind(介意)waiting for a long time at all. One Saturday morning,there was a very interesting film.Tom came running down the street.He wanted to be one of the first to get in.He walked up to the front of the line and pushed his way in there. Now Tom pushed his way right in front of Peter,and no other people were in front of him.Peter did not say a word.Instead,he reached up and pulled off Tom's hat.He handed the hat to the boy behind him and said,“Pass it back,John.” John passed the hat to the girl behind him. “Pass it on,Kate,”John said to the girl. The hat was passed very quickly to Betty Cook at the end of the line.Tom looked at Peter and asked,“Where's my hat?” Peter pointed(指向)down the line.There,at the end of the line,Betty was holding up Tom's hat.Everybody smiled but said nothing. Tom stood there for some time.Then he walked all the way back to Betty.“Here's your hat,”she said politely(有礼貌地). Tom goes to see the films on Saturday morning as before.But now he goes straight(直地)to the end of the line and waits for his turn to buy the tickets.


1.The film d_______ s_______ u_______ eight o'clock every Saturday morning. 2.From the story we know that Saturday morning Peter was f_______ in line and Betty Cook was at the e_______ of it.

3.The boys and girls passed Tom's hat on because he was a q_______ j_______. 4.Tom walked all the way back to Betty to get h_______ h_______.

5.From then on Tom always waited i_______ l_______ to buy the tickets for the films.

七、书面表达(10分)写一篇关于 Body language 的短文,介绍几种常见的Body language。60词。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

第四篇:山东省冠县东古城镇中学七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town暑假作业

七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town暑假作业(无答案)

1.in front of 与 in the front of in front of意思为:在...内部的(范围之内)前面 in the front of意思为:在...内部的(范围之外)前部

例如:There is a car in front of the house and Tom sits in the front of the car.1.the way to sw意思为:去...的路,如果表示地点的是_______ ________ _______ 等表示地点的副词,那么介词to应该__________.On one’s way to sw 在某人去...的路上 例如:I don’t know the way to the bank.I see some beautiful flowers on my way to school.2.go along...沿着...走= go down walk up 这三个词组都是沿...走,其后面一般接道路河流等名词 1)up有“向上”的意思,且带有向说话人而来的意思 2)along指表示“沿着”,不表示方向

3)down 有“向下的意思”有里说话人而去的意思。

3.turn 转向转弯

翻译:左转__________ =__________________

右转___________=_________________ 4.on one’s left 在...的左边 翻译;在你的左边_________________ 在你的右边________________ 5.翻译:挨着___________ 在...对面________________ 6.为什么不做某事______________________ =______________________ 7.get to,arrive,reach 到达 get to 后接地点名词,到达某地

arrive in/at in 后面接大地点,at后接小地点 reach后面直接接地点名词

例如:When do you arrive at shool every day? He gets to the park by bus.How do we reach the zoo? 8.Welcome to sw 欢迎来到某地 练习:Welcome to our school.9.Above在...之上,两者不接触。On在某物体的表面上,over 在..之上,指垂直 例如:There is a photo of my pen pal above the desk.The light is over the desk.The book is on the desk.10.翻译:上车________________ 下车________________

on the other side of 在...的另一边

例如:there are many flowers on the other side of the road.路的另一边有许多花。


1.在...的左边/右边________________ 2.在...和...直接(两者)________________ 3.在...的前面________________ 4.转左/右 ________________ 5.在那边________________ 6.到达________________ 7.在...的中间________________ 8.在晴朗的一天________________ 9.乘船________________ 10.下车________________ 11.靠近________________ 12.买东西________________ 13.了解________________ 14.在...的另一边________________ 问路的重点句型:

Could/Can you tell me the way to....please? Which the way to...please? Excuse me.Where is...? How can I get to...Is there a/an...near here? Do you know the way to...? I want to...,do you know the way.I am looking for...Can you tell me where it is? 练习:

1、walk ___________(沿着)the street and take the second turning on the left.2.Their school is___________(在...对面)the post office.3.There are some_______________(油画)on the wall of our classroom.4.There is a blackboard b____________ the two windows.5.We have to walk on the____________(右边)side of the road.选择

1.there is an old stone bridge_______ the river.A.Over B.on C.under D.in 2.The Whites are going to visit two famous cities in China.One is Beijing and________ is Shanghai.A.Another B.other C.others D.the other 3.--Excuse me,_________?--go straight ahead.It’s about100 metres.on your right.A.when does the bookshop open B.how can I get to the bookshop C.what can I do for you D.do you know the way 4.Just walk down and turn_________,The market is________ A.the left;left B.left;on the left C.the right;right D.right;the right 5.It will _________you one and a half hours to walk there.A.pay B.spend C.cost D.take 翻译句子


__________ __________ _________ Wangfujing Dajie,and you will find the shop.




1.I think it is ________ interesting book.A aB anC 不填Dthe

2.He playsbasketball every day.And now he is playing piano at home.A.the;theB./;/C.the;/D./;the 3.—Would you like to go for a picnic with us? —_____, but I’m too busy.A.No, I can’t B.I’d likeC.Yes, I’d love toD.Why not 4.The boss made him ______12 hours a day.

A.to workB.workC.workedD.works 5.I found a little boy ______in the street.A.playsB.playedC.playD.playing 6.He any classes last week.A.doesn’t haveB.didn’t haveC.isn’t haveD.wasn’t have 7._____yourbrother_______English?

ADo,likeB Do ,likesC Does,likeDDoes, likes 8.-----Does it often ________in South China?----Yes, there is much __________.A.rain;rainB.rains;rainsC.rains;rainD.rain;rains 9.Listen!Can you hear her in her room?A.singB.singsC.singingD.is singing 10.Ann asked us to stop and listen to her.A.talkB.talksC.to talkD.talking

11.the windows before you leave the classroom.A.To closeB.ClosingC.ClosedD.Close 12.She’s good at _____.A.readB.readingC.to readD.reads 13.I was born ________.A.on MayB.in 1993C.in May 11thD.in Saturday morning 14.Who’s the young womanthe sunglasses?A.inB.hasC.wearD.with

15.Old Henry doesn’t have a son a daughter.A.butB.withC.andD.or 16.The Smiths decidedParis on vacation.A.went toB.to go toC.to goD.go to 17.Mrs Jameson went to the park with a __________boy.A.eight-year-oldB.five-year-oldC.five year oldD.five years old 18.—Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?—Sorry.I’m new here.—.A.Not at all B.Bad luckC.Thank you all the same D.Thank you 19.---Your English is very good.--_________________.A No, it isn't goodB YesCThank youD Don't say like this 20.—I’m going to Hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday.—A.Have a good timeB.Best wishes to themC.Thand you very much D.It’s OK ?---He is a police officer.A.Who is your fatherB.What is your father doC.What your father isD.What does your father do

22.—Who cleaned the classroom this morning?—Li Hong ____.A.doesB.wasC.didD.is 23.----Would you like to go shopping with me?—-Yes, _____________.A.I wouldB.I’d love toC.that’s all rightD.you are welcome 24.—____ does your cousin look like?—She is beautiful.A.HowB.WhyC.WhereD.What 25.Please give __ some food to eat.He's hungry.A.heB.hisC.themD.him

26.Please_______thesethings _____yourclassroom.Abring , toBtake , toC bring ,forD take ,for 27.I have ________ to tell you.A something importantBimportant something

Csome importantthingDvery important something 28.The children have homework to do every day.A.many tooB.too manyC.much tooD.too much 29.We have for you as a reporter.A.a workB.worksC.jobsD.a job 30.The flowers smell _____.A.wellB.badlyC.goodD.much well 31.How much did you spend this new book?A.onB.inC.atD.of 32.September is _____month of the year.AnineB ninthC theninthD thenineth


33.I did some reading last weekend.(改为一般疑问句 anyreading last weekend? 34.My brother has supper at about six.(改为一般疑问句)__________your brother _________supper at about six?

35.It’s 对划线部分提问)_______________________is it today?

36.He doesn’t want to do anything.(改为同义句)Heto do.37.Tom, sit on the chair, please.(用现在进行时态改写句子)Tomon the chair.38.Open the door,please.(改成否定句)Please open the door.39.Did you go out for a walk after supper?(作否定回答)No,____________________________ 40.often,we,to,go,see,Beijing Opera,our,friends,with(连词成句)



41.I’d like some42.I didn’t agree with(they).43What about ________(have)a rest?

44He often tells us interesting

45.The Chinese like ________(eat)different kind of food.46.What day ________(be)it last weekend? 47.She can ________(speak)much English.48.It’s cold outside.____________(not open)the door, please.49.Peter_________(see)an interesting talk show on TV just now.50.Look, they_____________(make)skites.

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