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Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it.2.网络教育为全职人员提供了利用业余时间接受继续教育的机会。

Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time.3.刚上大学时,他不知道是否需要把老师讲的内容一字不落地都记下来 When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor's mouth.4.没有人觉察出他隐藏在笑容背后的绝望

Nobody detects his despair well hidden behind his smile.5.有些学生能轻松自如地与陌生人交谈,可有些学生却很难做到这一点。

Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so.Unit2.1.他们这儿不卖薯条,如果你想吃,得去肯德基或麦当劳。

They don't serve chips / French fries here.If you want it, you have to go to a KFC or McDonald's.2.他拣起一个核桃,想用锤子把它砸开,可没想到却把它砸碎了。

He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it.3.当金子加热融化后,他们把金水倒进模子,铸成金条。

When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar.4.他承认是他打破了教室的窗玻璃。He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.5.令我们欣喜的是,新的经济计划开始对经济发展产生积极影响。

To our delight, the new economic policy is beginning to have a positive effect on the economy Unit3.1.老师很有可能不欣赏不会独立思考的学生。

It is most likely that teachers won't think much of students who cannot think for themselves 2.他上中学的时候,几乎没有什么人去做科学实验,更谈不上接受这方面的训练了。When he was in high school, hardly anyone did scientific experiments, much less had training in this respect.3.嫉妒是由懒惰和无知造成的。Envy is the result of laziness and ignorance


Rather than picking any volunteer job, some college students choose activities based on their majors.5.最好的办法就是把学生分成若干小组,让他们针对具体的问题进行讨论。

The best approach is to break the students up into several groups so that they can focus their discussion on specific problems.Unit4.1.据估计,目前中国 4 亿手机用户中,有大约一半人的隐私受到了威胁。

It is estimated that today, the privacy of half of the 0.4 billion mobile phone subscribers is in danger.2.人们在购买生活必需品上的花费越少,他们安排诸如旅游等娱乐活动就越多。

The less people spend on daily necessities, the more arrangements they will make for leisure activities such as travelling.3.对我来说,旅游最大的好处就是可以去不同的地方,了解不同文化背景下人们的生活方

式以及传统习俗。What I especially like about travelling is that I can go to different places and learn about particular lifestyles, conventions and customs in different cultures.4.在大多数情况下,文化碰撞激起的是人们对不同文化的好奇心,只有在极少数情况下,文化碰撞会造成尴尬。

In most cases, cultural bumps arouse people's curiosity about different cultures.Only on rare occasions can they cause embarrassment


You can reserve the right to make independent choices, but as an adult, you should not act on impulse.Unit5.1.那位身穿红衬衫的人突然收起假笑,露出他的本来面目。

Suddenly the man in the red shirt turned off his false smile and showed his true colours.2.妻子声称丈夫很懒,不愿做家务,丈夫对此予以坚决否认。

The husband flatly contradicted his wife's claim that he was too lazy to do the housework.3.经理已经做出保证,在他的任期结束之前,他不会离任。

The manager pledged his word that he would not leave the office until the last day of his term 4.他没有意识到,对她美貌的迷恋使他对她的缺点视而不见。

He didn't realize that his fascination for her beauty had blinded him to her faults.5.当得知警察终于在树林里找到她的孩子时,这位年轻的太太流下了眼泪。

On hearing that the police had finally found her child in the woods, the young lady shed tears.Unit6.1.一定要先确认把邮票贴牢了,再把信投入信箱。

Make sure the stamp is firmly attached to the letter before you drop it into the mailbox.2.很多青少年痴迷网络游戏,这会对他们的身心健康造成损害。

Many youngsters are addicted to net games, which can damage their physical and mental health.3.她坐在桌子旁边读报,看上去好像什么事也没发生过。

She sat at the table reading the newspaper, looking for all the world as if nothing had happened.4.我本打算去购物中心购物以缓解压力,但后来我改主意了。我决定好好睡一觉。

I had intended to reduce stress by shopping in the mall, but I changed my mind.I decided to have

a good sleep instead.5.议会否决了总统提出的最新经济提案,因为它引起了广泛的批评。The Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President because it provoked widespread criticism.Unit7.1.你只要将这张桌子搬到另一间办公室就行,其他的事由我来负责。

You just move the desk to another office, and I'll see to the rest.2.有些美国人认为,对隐私和个人资料的保护妨碍了对恐怖主义和有组织犯罪的打击。Some Americans believe that the protection of privacy and personal data holds back the fight against terrorism and organized crime.3.这位著名的科学家将在北京大学发表有关全球气候变化与公共政策的演讲。This well-known scientist will lecture at Peking University on global climate change and public policy.4.鲍勃需要控制自己,不能再贪玩和浪费机会了。

Bob needs to get himself together and stop messing around and wasting his opportunity.5.当约翰踩到香蕉皮滑倒的时候,那几个搞恶作剧的男孩放声大笑。

As John slipped on the banana skin and fell over, those mischievous boys laughed their heads off.Unit8.1.他抑制不住自己的好奇心,决心立刻出发,去看看真实的普罗旺斯是什么样子。He couldn't contain his curiosity, so he resolved to set off immediately to see what Provence was really like.2.随着截止日期的临近,他花更多的时间搜寻线索,以确保结论与事实相符。As the deadline approaches, he is spending more time searching for clues, making sure that the conclusion is matched by the fact.3.他们大约每隔两天就争吵一次,整整持续了半年多,谁也不肯认输。Their quarrels continued at approximately two-day intervals for more than half a year, and neither wanted to yield to the other.4.我们刚躺下,旅店的大门就被撞开了,一群士兵冲了进来。No sooner had we gone to bed than the door of the hotel burst open and a group of soldiers rushed in.5.由于突然下起了大雨,他们在路上花的时间比预计多了一倍。Due to the unexpected heavy rain, the time they spent on the road was twice as long as they had intended to.Unit9.1.在灾难面前,人们不惜一切代价挽救生命。

In the face of a disaster, people save lives at any cost.2.他认为在整个项目开始之初就对计划进行调整没有意义。

He believed that there would be no point in adjusting the plan at the beginning of the whole project.3.学生们正在集中精力复习功课,突然之间这座城市发生地震了。Students were concentrating on reviewing lessons when, all of a sudden, an earthquake struck the city.4.他答应坚持锻炼身体,但是我们都清楚,他迟早是要放弃的。He promised to keep on taking exercise, but we all know it's just a matter of time before he gives up.5.他以专心从事慈善事业而闻名。

He distinguishes himself by committing himself to doing charity work.Unit10.1.人们担心温室效应给环境带来的巨大威胁。

People are fearful of the huge threat posed by greenhouse effect on the environment.2.在大城市里生活一段时间后,他发现自己已经很难再适应乡村生活了。After living in a big city for a while, he found that it was hard for him to be conditioned to rural life again.3.他渐渐意识到没有人能够对这件事做出一个令人信服的解释。

It gradually dawned on him that no one would come up with a convincing explanation of this incident.4.人们想当然地认为苦干有助于成功。

It is taken for granted that hard work contributes to success.5.他总是找理由逃避集体活动。

He is finding excuses to walk away from collective activities


综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编



Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house.2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。

Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes.3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。

It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets.4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。

I think Chris is after my job.5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。

She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her.6.那些树枝干而易断。

The branches were dry and brittle.7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.8.地面向海倾斜。

The land slopes down to the sea.9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。

His pockets were bulging with money.10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。

I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare.第三单元


An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon.2.这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。

The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission.3.她知道他的话一句真的也没有。

She did not give credence to a single word of his story.4.一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。

Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes.5.我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。

I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket.6.由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。

Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work.7.他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。

He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon.It’s just/only a matter of a few hours, that’s all.第四单元



Only after investigation can we have the right to speak.2.我们绝不应当盲从。

On no account should we follow others blindly.3.他绝不是担任这项工作的最佳人选。

By no means is he the best person for the job.4.第一次成功绝非是最后的胜利。

In on way was the success in the first round the ultimate/final victory.5.别处找不到这样美丽的景色。

Nowhere else could one find such beautiful scenery.6.他曾多次给了我忠告。

Many a time has he given me good advice.7.献身于祖国现代化的人是幸福的。

Happy is he who dedicates his life to modernization of his motherland/country.第二部分


He failed to make it as a pop singer, but he turned out to be a successful businessman.2.电影中的动人情节紧紧地抓住了观众的心。

The thrilling plot of the movie captured the heart of the audience.3.公司要关心的事务之一是确保员工的安全。

One of the company’s main concerns is to ensure the safety of its employees.4.退休的总统不愿放弃他的特权。

The retired president was unwilling to let go of his privileges.5.南茜感到热泪涌入了眼眶。

Nancy could feel hot tears welling up in her eyes.6.加强我们关系的最好办法不是赠送礼物,而是坦诚地交换意见。

The best way to strengthen our bond is not to give gifts but to exchange our opinions frankly.7.如果像这样开车,你最终要进医院。

You’ll end up in the hospital if you drive your car like this.8.虽然我们没表露出什么,但实际上我们很为她的安全担心。

In truth we feared for her safety, although we didn’t let it be known.第五单元


If you can’t afford to pay in cash, you can buy the car on credit.2.我说过要帮他,而这也是我想要做的。我会可守诺言的。

I said I’d help him and that’s what I’m going to do.I shall keep my word.3.我与这家公司休戚相关,不愿看到他破产。

I’ve a stake in this company and don’t wish to see it go bankrupt.4.随着工业生产的发展,旧的封建制度开始崩溃。

With the development of industrial production, the old feudal system began to fall apart.5.他很能干,把农场搞得井井有条。

He is very competent and keeps everything straight on the farm.6.新的教学体制旨在把学习更多课程的主动权交给学生。

The new educational system aims to give the students the initiative to learn more subjects.7.在旅行出发之前先要把我们的车子调整好。

Before starting on our trip we should tune the car up.第六单元



They are to have their wedding next month.2.他因为作出了重大发现而将接受祝贺。

He is to be congratulated on his brilliant discovery.3.要是明天下雨,比赛就得推迟。

If it were to rain tomorrow, the match would be postponed.4.别灰心,最好的还在后面。Do not despair, The best is yet to come.5.那是在1550年,他决定第二次航行到美洲新大陆去。

That was in 1550,He was to sail to the New World of America in the following year.(future in the past)6.你们不应当在阅览室内讲话。You are not to talk in the reading room.7.新的交通规则必须得到遵守。

The new traffic regulations are to be observed.8.远征之前路线应该事先计划好。

The route is to be planned before the expedition.第二部分


The landlady told me that the rent must be paid in advance.2.虽然这家公司鼓吹他们的产品要比其他公司的好,但实际上他们的质量不如人家。

Although this company boasts that its products are superior to those of other companies, they are actually inferior in quality.3.最根本的问题是他们缺少兴趣。

What lies at the root of the problem is their lack of interest.4.警方访问了一些目击者,但无人能说清楚这事故是怎么发生的。

The police interviewed several witnesses, but none of them could tell how the accident came about.5.百货商店的新楼不符合安全条例。

The new building of the department store does not conform to the safety regulations.6.她从集邮中得到了很大的满足。

She derived great satisfaction from her stamp collection.7.五彩的气球和旗帜为这个小城增添了节日气氛。

Colorful balloons and flags added to the festive atmosphere of the small town.8.金钱很重要,可是幸福并不总是和财富联系在一起的。

Money is very important, but happiness is not always associated with wealth.第七单元



It is a disgrace that he(should)lie in public.2.他会如此不高兴,令人遗憾。

It is a pity that he should be so upset.3.恼人的是我竟把票给忘了。

It is a nuisance that I should have forgotten my ticket.4.我们的野餐让一场雨给搅了,真可惜。

It is a shame that our picnic should be spoiled by the rain.5.你务必参加这个会议。

It is essential that you should attend the meeting.6.我们应该跟上世界的最新发展,这是很重要的。

It is important that we should keep up with the most recent developments in the world.7.大学生懂一点计算机有好处。

It is desirable that university students should know how to work with computers.8.真奇怪,他竟不通知我们就走了。

It is strange that he should have gone away without letting us know.第二部分


There is a Greek art collection on display at the museum at the moment.2.他在森林里迷了路,没有食物,只得靠吃野菜、野果求生。

Lost in the forest and out of food, he was reduced to eating wild herbs and fruit to keep himself alive.3.这块地方被划出来准备作操场用。

This area has been marked off as a future playground.4.除了蹚过这片泥泞的水域外,别无选择。

There was no choice but to wade through the muddy water.5.这位国会议员呼吁政府建造更多的学校。

The congressman appealed to the government to set up more schools.6.他们在国外度假时钱和护照都被偷了,陷入可怕的困境之中。

They were in a dreadful plight when their money and passports were stolen while they were on holiday in a foreign country.7.在她朋友的催促下,我安排了一位医生去看她。

At the urging of her friends, I arranged for a doctor to see her.8.他竭力想做出镇定的样子,但是他颤抖的声音暴露了他自己。He tried to keep up a calm appearance, but his trembling voice gave him away.第九单元


She seems to take little pleasure in doing such things.2.教授告诉我们风景画的传统可追溯到史前时代。

The professor told us that the tradition of landscape painting could date from the prehistoric age.3.听了这位作家的讲座之后,他决定弃医从文。

After attending the lecture of the famous writer, he decided to give up medicine and take to literature.4.让我们免去礼节,直接进入讨论吧。

Let's dispense with the formalities and go directly into the discussion.5.这些动物跑得非常快,因此它们的捕食方法确实很有效。

These animals run extraordinarily fast and in consequence their hunting methods are very efficient indeed.6.警方搜查了这个地区的每幢房子寻找逃犯,但毫无成果。

The police searched every house in the district for the escaped criminal, but to no avail.7.父母往往会为孩子的成就感到非常自豪。

Parents tend to take very great pride in the achievements of their children.第十单元

1.许多新兴国家在刚获得独立的时候,都遇到过经济问题的困扰。Many developing countries after independence were afflicted with economic problems to begin with.2.为了保护国内工业,政府决定对进口倾销产品征收反倾销关税。

In order to protect domestic industries, the government decided to impose an anti-dumping tariff on imported products.3.只有学问而没有实践经验,这种学问没有多少价值。Knowledge without practical experience counts for little.4.敌军入侵使得成千上万的老百姓只好弃家而逃。

Thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes to the invading enemy troops.5.我在上海住了很久,已把这个城市看作我的第二故乡。

I've lived in Shanghai so long that I look upon the city as my second home


The roof will have to be propped up while repairs are being carried out.7.在困难前面,他仍然保持着幽默感。

In the face of great hardship, he managed to keep his sense of humor.


【Unit4 翻译】1)接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn't mind.2)众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。It is well known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.3)我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.4)我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。I propose that we go to find Prof.Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening.5)她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up.6)教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.7)我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法(solution)来。I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one.8)乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作(masterpiece)。At first glance the picture didn't look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.

第四篇:大学体验英语 第三版 七八单元翻译






有些学生做研究是为了挣钱。如果只是将做科研看成一种就业,这可是大学生能得到的最理想的工作之一。斯黛拉说:“我需要一份收入,与其在餐厅端盘子,不如在这里工作。”有偿研究工作使她的勤工俭学变成了充满魅力的学习机会。她的工资也有保障,因为今年启动了一项计划,给大学生研究工作提供100 000美元的基金。这笔资金将给50名大学生提供勤工俭学的研究岗位。







因为有了这些软件技术,我相信自己有能力在事业上做更大的事情。我意识到我能管理涉及许多同事、顾客、资源和产品等方方面面事务的复杂项目。1988年,我向社会公开办学习班,事业做得非常成功,所以我在1989年能够永远舍弃传统教育这一行。几年以后,原本只有我一个人的家庭企业发展成了一个大集团公司,至少培养了11 000名成人学习电脑和商务技术。














那一课可以用艾莉莎和卡伦对我说过的一番话来做一个最好的总结。当时是最后一个学期期末,我很难过,需要靠在一个人肩上痛哭一场。艾莉莎和卡伦对我说:“不管以后我们相 距多远,或与谁交朋友了,只要我们想起大学生活,我们首先就会想起彼此。”




偶尔,她们还会回到那个神秘的山谷,与老朋友见面,笑谈那些美好的时光。忘掉所有的 不快。



她最喜欢红玫瑰,她的名字也叫“玫瑰”。每年, 她丈夫都会用漂亮的蝴蝶结扎上一束美丽的玫瑰送给她。丈夫去世的那一年,玫瑰依旧送到了她的门前。像以往的每年一样,玫瑰中的卡片上写着:“献给我心爱的人。”


















Even when young, Blizten would tease Grandma by carrying her slippers away.2.这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇。

The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady.3.一个真正有幽默感的人在任何聚会上常常是注意力的焦点。

The truly humorous individual is often the focus of attention in any gathering.4.双关语与其他幽默形式相比需要更细微、更巧妙的语言技巧。

Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms.5.读者的乐趣就在于追随故事里隐含的线索。

The fun for the reader is in following the clues hidden in the story.6.大多数侦探小说使读者感到不安,而不是慰藉。

Instead of being comforting, most detective novels unsettle their readers.7.在一场谋杀案打乱了人们的生活之前,这是一个安定、可预测的世界。

This is a world which is safe and predictable until a murder shatters people’s lives.8.毫无疑问,音乐会继续发挥它的诱惑力。

There seems no doubt that music will continue to exert its attraction.Unit 2The Power of Words


Because I was a teenager then, his words couldn’t have been more inspiring.2.每当我怀疑自己不是当作家的料时,便会重温他的便笺。

Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread his note.3.毫不奇怪,他的朋友圈子就像附近的伊利(Erie)湖那么大。

Not surprisingly, he has a body of friends as big as nearby Lake Erie.4.我得知汤姆养成了一个给各行各业的人写快捷的便笺的习惯。

I learned that Tom made a habit of writing a quick note to people in all walks of life.5.在一个惯于冷漠、无动于衷的世界上,这种便笺带来了温暖和安慰。

In a world too often cold and unresponsive, such notes bring warmth and reassurance.6.他的便条不仅写给同事,还写给萍水相逢的和完全陌生的人。

His notes go not only to associates, but to casual acquaintances and total strangers.7.清新和热情会长久地回荡在读者的心灵中。

The freshness and enthusiasm will linger in the reader’s mind long afterward.8.给我留下了深刻的印象的,是他每次真诚的反应。

What impressed me so much was his sincere response every time.Unit 3Gender Difference


Various types of behavior and emotions are patterned by both heredity and culture.2.在教育中存在一种偏爱男孩胜于女孩的文化偏见。

There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls.3.那些成为积极的课堂参与者的学生会形成更积极的态度。

Those students who become active classroom participants will develop more positive attitudes.4.请男生回答问题的次数远比女生多,这对学习过程有着巨大的影响。

Calling on males far more than on female students has a tremendous impact on the learning process.5.有时候教师们不知不觉地阻止女孩像男孩一样积极地参与。

Sometimes teachers unknowingly prevented girls from participating as actively as boys.6.男生作业做得马虎却受表扬,要是女生做这样的作业就得不到宽容。Boys receive praise for sloppy work that would not be tolerated from girls.7.女孩子到九岁时数学一直比男孩子强,但此后便落后了。

Girls are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine, but fall behind from then on.8.即使男孩们占少数时,他们也得到老师们三分之二的注意力。

Boys get two-thirds of the teachers’ attention even when they are in a minority.Unit 4Creativity


If Dick had listened to his boss, we might not have masking tape.2.有时犯傻是通向创造性的必要的一步。

Sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity.3.创造性并非与生俱来,也不一定就是高智慧的特征。

Creativity is not something one is born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence.4.许多教育者十分看重考试分数,往往为了正确的答案而牺牲了创造性。

With strong emphasis on test scores, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers.5.创造一个荒诞想法受到尊重和赞赏,而不是鄙视或不理会的环境是很重要的。

It is important to create a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed.6.即使是为了中美友谊,我们也并不特别感激这种干预。

Even for the sake of Chinese-American friendship, we were not particularly grateful for this intervention.7.大人几乎毫不犹豫地干涉小孩成长的过程。

Adults feel little hesitation about intervening in the child-growing process.8.在希望孩子怎样行事上,我们遇到了两种截然不同的态度。

We were dealing with totally different attitudes about the preferred behavior for children.Unit 5

1.做个好榜样并不需要十全十美, 而且人们也不应该期盼完美。

You don’t have to be perfect to be a good role model, and people shouldn’t expect perfection.2.他显示出一个优秀者应具有的诸如诚实、毅力这些品格吗?

Does he display the values—like honesty and determination—that are part of being a good person?


Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times.4.如果孩子们心目中的英雄犯了错误,他们就不会觉得世界末日到了。

If the kid’s heroes should make mistakes, it won’t seem like the end of the world to them.5.要成为一名体育明星,你必须具备非凡的竞争意识。

To become a star athlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outlook.6.他们变得很自负,表现得就像他们的运动生涯会永远辉煌下去。

They become conceited and behave as if their athletic success will last forever.7.当他们因为享有特权便自认为可以为所欲为时,危险就随之而至。

The danger arises when they think that because they are privileged they can have anything they want.8.人们期望运动员来充当社会的英雄是一种误导。

It’s misguided for society to look to athletes for its heroes.Unit 6


At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac.2.然而对疾病的恐惧并非我们唯一的恐惧。同样患病的危险也并非我们唯一会遇上的危险。

But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run.3. 现代生活中充满了各种各样的威胁,诸如对我们生命的威胁,对我们未来的威胁。

Modern life is full of all manner of threats—to our lives and our future.4. 风险几乎总是一个可能性的问题而无确定性可言。

Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty.5. 上面说的这一切,只是从另一角度说明我们所做的事没有一件是百分之百安


All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is completely safe.6. 但是即便你买得起,这笔额外的费用以及所带来的不便是否值得呢?

But is the added cost and inconvenience worth the difference in price, even

supposing you could afford it?

7. 关键在于要让自己了解相应的风险,然后见机行事。

The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly.8. 风险管理需要两大要素:常识以及与我们可能要承担的风险的性质和程度相


Risk management requires two things: common sense and information about the

character and degree of the risks we may be running.Unit 7


When your work came in beyond the deadline, we pretended not to care.2.在过去的50年中,大学使你们丧失了得到充分培养的机会。

College has deprived you of adequate preparation for the last 50 years.3.在大学里,我们必须学会规划时间,学会容忍。

At college, we must learn to budget our time and to be tolerant.4.我们与来自世界各地的人相识,开阔了我们的视野,使我们彼此加深了解。

We meet people from different parts of the world that broaden our view of the world and help

us understand each other better.



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