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中国人写的雅思作文有结构但语言不够地道;native speaker写的文章够地道,但不够雅思!因此,市面上总找不到“完美”的雅思例文。


Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are brought up by wealthy parents.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficulties posed by the „real world‟ when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children of wealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties.The implications and veracity of this argument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination.(58words)

点评: 1+ 1 ‟ 模式,最后 1 句为主题句。此段的主题句稍微有点特殊,它的确否定了前面所提到的观点,从而表达出了自己的观点,此外还引出了下文。特别是最后半句: but in fact require closer examination,感觉是在抛砖引玉。

The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck, and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in adulthood.Inversely, the children of wealthy families, thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths, are believed to be completely ignorant of the value of money, having had everything provided for them in their youth and oftentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood.They are believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility.This belief, though logical, overlooks one key point which is , of course, education.(100words)

点评: 1 ‟ +3 模式,第 1 句是主题句。请注意,从此段的内容来看,这是个让步段(即分析自己并不赞成的观点)。虽然 4 段论的作文的主体段是两面讨论,但是本人还是喜欢这样的写作,即主体段的观点还是有侧重的,把让步段放在前面,最后 1 句话引出下一段,这样过度地很自然,而且自己的观点也比较明确!

The basis of this argument is , of course, knowing the value of money, and the idea that children of the poor know this, and those of the wealthy do not.Who though, is in a better position to teach their children the value of money;someone skilled in earning and keeping it, the wealthy parent, or someone who can not seem to acquire it, the poor parent? Both wealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money, whether it is formal, or in the school of hard knocks.Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore this education.(101words)

点评:这段的内容感觉写得不够直接,还是在分析对方观点的漏洞!请注意,前面让步段已经这么写过了,那么这一段最好是正面地论证自己的观点,这样从内容上来说更 convincing 一点!此外,需要说明的是,大家发现作者的内容还是有一定深度,但是这是要有一定的英语功底才行的!如果英语功底不行的话,建议内容不要写太深,因为那样容易造成考官看不懂你在说什么!

A poor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, without wealth.A wealthy child may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management;the key to developing this skill is education.点评:最后一段有点像是提出解决这个问题的办法,即 education.它没有像传统的结尾段那样简单的重申自己的观点。


全文的观点有待揣摩,作者很明显是不赞成题目的说法,即 Children who grow up in families which are short of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children who are br

ought up by wealthy parents.但是作者自己是更偏向穷人家的孩子呢,还是富人家的孩子呢?!根据文章来看,作者是中立,他所看重的是他们所接受的教育。In other words,整篇文章又是一次中立的写法。在雅思考试中,这种写法经常使用,还是非常实用的,大家可以学习一下。此外,文章中有很多好词好句,特别是长句,值得模仿一下。




文 章 来 源 自 3 e du教 育网Some people prefer planning for the future while others argue that we should focus on the present.What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.真题大意:有人认为应该计划将来,也有人认为重点就是现在。你同意哪一种想法? 请说出你的道理,并却从个人的知识或经验中,举出例子来证明。

Example Writing:

The present is where everything begins and there is no time like the present.Without being prisoners of the past, winners prefer working in the changing present toward the unpredictable future.The trouble with some people is that they are planning only for the unforeseeable time to nete and not facing the reality now.Paradoxically, the future is now.It is more realistic to regard life as an awareness of the present rather than a prediction beyond knowledge.Since the future is anybody's guess, “one today is worth two tomorrows,” to quote Benjamin Franklin.Therefore, the way we live and the way we work ought to keep in step with the present leading to the future.The logic may be that we can only learn from the past, and on the other hand the future does not affect us now as much as does the present.It also makes sense that the way to plan tomorrow is to enjoy living and working as wisely and beautifully today as possible.Our argument for focusing on today may as well be based on the fact that the present does not sit still for a portrait, but is changing constantly.Change being the law of life, concentrating our mind on what is happening in the present is probably more true to life than dreaming of the future.It means that life for us today is always beneting and never being.Obviously, today has its own problems to be solved, so there is no need to be over troubled about the future.Accordingly, it is better not to foresee the future but be

concerned about taking care of the present.It is one thing to prefer planning for the future, but it is quite another to control the change that follows soon enough.Focusing on the present is more important than merely planning for the future because right now is one of the moments we are influencing our future.Practically, we should see the future in the present which carries more weight in real life.It stands to reason that the future actually begins now.




题目:Nuclear energy is better than other resources in meeting ever-increasing needs of the globe.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


第一段: 社会背景描述+正向观点+自己观点

Nowadays, on account of increasingly serious environmental pollution and gradual depletion of fossil fuels, nuclear energy which should be based on safety remains one of the major choices for most countries in tackling the global energy shortage and climate change.Therefore, some individuals are convinced that nuclear energy to be given foremost consideration can meet ever-increasing demand of humans toward energy.After serious consideration, I deem it is not only conducive to sound development of environment for mankind, but to maintaining social stability and harmony..第二段:支持观点


To begin with, nuclear energy utilized in reasonable and effective way plays an active role in promoting the benignant and sustainable development of survival environment of human beings.For example, utilizing the nuclear energy is a valid way to greatly eliminate deteriorating environmental situation triggered by the excessive use of fossil fuel, because fossil fuel can conduce to global warming that triggers a series of issues including melting glaciers and sea-level rise.Besides the global sea-level rise can directly submerge the coastal lowland areas with dense population, and developed industries and agriculture.Therefore, nuclear power is bound the preferred way to replace the traditional energy resources.第三段:支持观点

论点:核能有利于社会和谐稳定+反向例证:石油资源导致区域冲突与不稳定+结论:核能有效规避此问题In addition, reasonable development and utilization of nuclear energy can be the energetic motivation to maintain stability and harmony of the society.Namely that United States waging war toward Iraq was intended to seize the plentiful oil resources in the Middle East, which imposed great regional conflicts and made Iraqi people suffer from irretrievable pain.Furthermore, suppressing European oil resources and crippling the European economy by the means of United States getting the command of oil resources in the Middle East gave rise to conflicts and instability between European countries.However,Utilizing and popularizing nuclear power adequately can effectively evade the series of issues evoked by seizing the energy sources.第四段:让步段


另一种观点:核能带来致命危害+和平隐患 对此反驳:双边多边合作解决此问题+核能与社会经济发展紧密相连

Admittedly, radioactivity of nuclear power can bring about the fatal detriment, such as the Nuclear leak of Fukushima Nuclear Power Station.Besides, it also generates hidden dangers toward World Peace, such as nuclear issue in Iran and North Korean.However, multilateral and bilateral cooperation utilized by various countries can adequately share the precious experience, communicate information and enforce the law to tackle the relevant issues.Besides, to tackle the climate change, nuclear industry, especially in 21 century, is bound to maintain vibrant momentum of development and get more closely related to economic and social development of countries around the world.第五段:总结段:总结观点+建议/倡导



To sum up, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view that utilizing the nuclear energy in reasonable and valid way can play the irreversible role in improving the

deteriorating survival environment and safeguarding long-term unity and stability of society.Meanwhile, governments around the world need to increase consultation, build consensus, deepen cooperation and tackle changes of nuclear safety together.津桥国际学院雅思培训名师授课签约保分

第四篇:雅思考试大作文话题 环境保护和破坏



环境问题是目前世界范围内的一个热门话题,人们越来越注意环境恶化environmental degradation 对地球产生影响,一般来说,环境问题有以下内容

全球变暖,冰川融化,海平面上升sea level rise,淡水减少,汽车尾气排放

污染物增加,垃圾增多,废水增多,生活环境恶化deteriorating environment

水资源减少,干旱,水灾,雷暴增加droughts, floods and violent storms

能源供应不足,可代替资源缺乏alternative energy 食品供应不足food supply problem 导致饥荒,土地生产力下降low fertility 森林减少deforestation,过度放牧overgrazing 解决环境问题需要采取以下一些步骤 全球合作,制定环境保护的标准和协议 提高公众意识awareness

政府投资,采用对环境有利的科技environmentally friendly technology 雅思作文核心词汇

可更新能源alternative/ renewable resource 治污政策anti-pollution policies 可分解材料biodegradable materials


碳排放carbon emissions 碳足迹carbon footprint

生态持续性ecological sustainability 生态系统ecosystem 节能的energy efficient

耗能的energy inefficient/ intensive 环境意识environmental awareness 环境恶化environmental degradation

对环境产生的后果和影响environmental effect / impact 环境保护environmental protection 环境责任environmental responsibility

环境标准 environmental standards

环保的 environmentally benign/ friendly/ nature-friendly 全球变暖global warming

温室气体排放 green gas emissions 自然资源natural resources 自然维护nature conservation

污染减排,缓解措施pollution reduction , mitigation measure

消耗资源的resource-intensive 野生生物栖息地wildlife habitat 题库题目: 看是否有生词,思考主体段落拓展核心点 Topic


Some people think cheap air travel brings us benefits while others believe that non-essential flights should be cut in order to reduce environmental problems caused by cheap air travel.Discuss both views and give your own opinion Topic

Pollution and other environmental problems result from a country’s development.Pollution is unavoidable if a country intends to become richer.To what extent do you agree or disagree ?


考生在雅思写作考试时有两种常见写作顺序。一种是先写大作文,另一种是先写小作文。到底哪一种更为可取呢? 如果先写大作文的话,由于大作文在写作中得分的比重大,所以可以先攻克难关,有充分的时间来写大作文,可以避免由于花过多时间在小作文上而导致大作文写不完的情形。但如果大作文的时间花得太长了,小作文没写好的话,也是很可惜的。而且,考生在刚提笔写作的时候,通常需要一段时间来进入写作状态,这样一来,大作文的前半部分可能写得就会不如人意。反之,如果先写小作文,虽然可能有大作文还等在后面的心理压力,但好处更多。首先,小作文比较简单,套话多,结构容易,表达法也更加固定,所以写起来比较顺利,可以增强自信心。其次,进入写作状态是需要时间的,先写小作文可以让自己的笔头越写越顺,等到20分钟后开始写大作文的时候,正好进入最佳状态,来面对大作文。总之,我个人认为,还是先写小作文,然后再写大作文更为可取。当然,如果考生习惯了先写大作文的话,也是完全可以按照自己的步调来进行的。但无论先写大作文还是小作文,都需要分配好时间,那就是小作文20分钟左右,大作文40分钟左右。附:以上的回答我是故意按照雅思“分析利弊”的写作套路来写的。大家可以琢磨琢磨:)



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