
时间:2019-05-15 05:53:56下载本文作者:会员上传




Website of the Ministry of Education has developed examination revealed the reform plan to complete enrollment of some details.Overall program and high

Consider supporting the implementation of the reform will be introduced in the first half of next year views.In the entrance examination reform, will no longer be held to explore a foreign language exam in the college entrance examination, carried out more than a year of socialization test.1.在全球化的世界中,英语的重要性不言而喻,但在中国,英语教育却一直都有不少争议,前段时间还有前教育官员公开呼吁取消英语。在这样的背景下,北京、山东等省市相继传来酝酿将英语考试列为改革重点的消息。其中,山东准备取消高考英语口语考试,北京计划降低英语高考分值等都显示,尽管社会公众对英语教育的去留抑或改革仍存争论,教育部门已经有了取态.在思考这些改革措施的利弊之前,有必要先回到原点,讨论一下英语教育是否有必要性。

In a globalized world, the importance of English is self-evident, but in Chinese, English education has always had a lot of controversy, some time ago, a former education officials have publicly called for the abolition of English.In this context, Beijing, Shandong and other provinces have been brewing in the English exam as a reform-focused news.Among them, Shandong ready to cancel spoken English entrance exams, Beijing plans to lower entrance scores are all displayed in English, even though the public on the fate or the English education reform still controversial, state education departments already have taken in thinking about these reform measures before the pros and cons, it is necessary to return to the origin, to discuss whether there is the need for English education.2.自从清末民初中国教育开始现代化改革之后,一批使用英语教学的教会大学不断涌现,甚至引领中国高等教育潮流,这使得英语成为报读某些专业的语言要求,也倒逼出各地中学的英语课以作衔接。在此背景下,民国时期培养出了一批极具国际视野的人材。中华人民共和国建立后不久,随着整个教育制度按苏联模式调整,俄语取代英语成为第一外语,但这段插曲不过二十余年,从上世纪七十年代开始,英语又重新成为中国的第一外语,然后随之而来的三十年,是一个中国重新融入世界的时代。客观地讲,在近现代的中国,英语教育地位之沉伏与整个社会的开放度一直呈正相关关系。

Since the beginning of the modernization of the late Qing Dynasty Chinese education reform, a group of college English teaching in the church continue to emerge, even leading the Chinese trend of higher education, which makes English the language to enroll in some professional requirements, but also throughout the Middle English pour extract Lesson for convergence.In this context, the Republic of China has trained a group of highly talented international perspective.Shortly after the establishment of the People's Republic, with the entire education system by the Soviet model adjustments, Russian replaced English as the first foreign language, but this episode, but more than twenty years, from the beginning of the seventies of the last century, English has become China's first re-a foreign language, then the ensuing three decades, is a Chinese re-integration era world.Objectively speaking, in modern and contemporary China, the openness of the status of English education and society as a whole volt Shen has shown a positive correlation.在上述历史背景下思考英语教育,对于认为中国应与国际接轨的人而言,英语不存在要不要学的问题,只有应该怎样教的问题。如果这一基本观点是大多数人都愿意接受的话,那么这次高考英语教革带出的信号就有不少值得商榷的地方了。英语教育被外界诟病最多的地方主要有两点,一是耗费精力,二是哑巴英语。从经济学的角度看,这是个投入大、产出低的问题。学生的精力有限,“投入大”就意味着挤占了学习其它科目的时间,“产出低”指的是重读写、轻听说,结果学生在未来的工作和生活中仍无法使用英语。因此,当下的英语教育确实必须进行改革,目标应该是减少学习时间“投入”的同时提高听说能力方面的“产出”。

Reflections on English education in the above historical background that China should respect international standards of the people, English is not a problem not to learn only what should be taught.If this basic point is that most people are willing to accept, then the college entrance examination in English teaching reform signals out there with a lot of questionable place.English education has been criticized most places outside there are two points, one exhausting, two are dumb English.From an economic point of view, this is a big investment and output low.Students with limited energy, “big investment” means crowding out of time learning other subjects, “output low” refers to heavy reader, light heard the results of students are still unable to use English in the future work and life.Therefore, the current English education really must be reformed, the goal should be to reduce the learning time “input” while improving capabilities heard “output.”

3.学生: 压力减轻,但不能放松学习“英语社会化考试对我们来说是一件好事,因为这可以减轻我们的学习负担,分散我们的考试压力。”太原志达中学一位初三学生告诉记者。根据“三年早知道”原则,英语社会化将在2017年推广实行,所以现在的初三学生很可能是“第一个吃螃蟹的人”,英语高考怎么考是与他们的命运休戚相关的大事。“英语社会化考试只是换了一种考试方式,并不是说就不考了。英语既然还得考,那就还得学,对我来说没什么大的区别,学习压力还在,不过是大与小的问题。”今年在山大附中读高二的田雨说。田雨将于2015年参加高考,英语改革不会对她产生影响,她仍然在为提高英语成绩而“头悬梁,锥刺股”。太原市志达中学一位初中生刘伯宇说:“我不用再整天为提高自己的英语成绩而绞尽脑汁,也不怕因为以后高考英语失利而影响自己上大学。可以多次参加高考英语考试,机会多了,担心也少了。”但同时这位同学也告诉记者,“英语实行社会化考试了,我会抱着轻松的心态学习更加实用的英语。毕竟英语是国际语言,掌握一定的英语水平对我们来说也是好事。”

Student:.“ Socialized English exam is a good thing for us , because it can reduce the burden of our study , diversify our exam pressure” pressure to reduce , but not relaxed learning Taiyuan Chitat a junior high school student told reporters.According to “ three years early to know ” principle, will promote the implementation of English society in 2017 , so now the third-year student is likely to be the “first person to eat crab ” , English entrance exam is how solidarity with their fate event.“ Socialization English exam just changed the way a test is not to say do not test the English had taken since , it had to learn , for me no big difference, the pressure is still learning , but a large with a small problem.” this year Alexander High School sophomore Tian said.Tian Yu to take the exam in 2015 , the English Reformation would not have an impact on her, she is still in order to improve their English while “ the first cantilever , cone Cigu.” A high school junior high school students in Taiyuan Chitat刘伯宇said:.“ I do not have all day to improve their performance in English and brains , are not afraid of losing because after the college entrance examination in English and can affect their college entrance examination has participated in the English exam , opportunities , and also less worried.” but the students also told reporters , “

socialized English exam, I will hold a more relaxed attitude to learn practical English , after all, English is the international language , English master certain level is a good thing for us.”

家长:不管如何改,学到真本领就好。关于高考英语改革,退出高考统一考试,实行社会化一年多考,很多家长大松一口气。太原市十五中一位学生家长表示:“一直以来孩子们为了在英语考试中获得更好的成绩不断地做题,但真正到实际应用中却开不了口,成了‘哑巴’,虽然都知道这样的学习方法不对,但在那种考试体制下也没有其他办法。现在好了,国家改革英语更加注重英语的实用性,孩子压力小了,能学到更加实用的英语了。” “我家孩子的英语成绩一直很好,但是其他科目的成绩相对弱一些。英语实行社会化考试,我认为能够让孩子学到更实用的东西,但是在高考中的重要性可能会下降,孩子的优势就削弱了。作为家长我们能做的就是鼓励孩子,帮助孩子加强其他科目的学习。”太原师院附中初一学生家长张女士这样说。在被问及会采用哪些措施帮助孩子更好地应对高考时,张女士表示:“现在还来得及,毕竟孩子才上初一,通过学校教育和补习班培训,应该可以全面提升孩子的各科成绩。”太原市六十七中的一位家长在采访中这样对记者说道: “这肯定是好事啊!能减轻孩子负担。”当被问及会不会影响孩子学习英语的热情时,这位家长说:“影响应该不会太大,虽然英语的比重下降了,但并不是取消英语考试。英语高考改革不管如何改,只要出发点是为了让孩子们学到更好更有用的东西就行了。”

Parents: No matter what changes , learn new skills like.About the entrance of the English Reformation , quit unified college entrance examination , the implementation of multi-year examination of socialization , many parents big relief.One-fifth of parents in Taiyuan , said: “ The children have been in order to obtain better results in English continue to do the exam questions, but really did not open my mouth to practical applications , become a ' dumb ', although all this learning method does not know , but in that there is no other way to test the system.now, pay more attention to the country's reform English English practicality , pressure small children , can learn a more practical English.” “ My family child's English results have been good , but relatively weak performance in other subjects.socialized English exam , I think it allows children to learn more practical things, but the importance of the entrance might fall on the child's strengths weakened.as parents we can do is to encourage children to help children strengthen learning in other subjects.” Taiyuan Teachers College High School who started the very fact that the parents say.When asked what measures will be used to help children better cope with the college entrance examination , Ms.Zhang said: “It is not too late , after the child was on the first day , and cram school education through training , should be able to enhance the child's academic results.” Sixty-seven in Taiyuan, a parent in an interview this reporter said:“!this is definitely a good thing ah can reduce the burden on the child , ” when asked will not affect the child 's enthusiasm for learning English , the parents said : “The impact should not be too large , although the proportion of English has declined, but not abolish English English entrance exam reform regardless of change, as long as the starting point is to let the kids learn better with something more on the line.”

老师: 结合实际,英语学习要有选择。“英语社会化这个政策如果落实下来,肯定能让学生大松一口气。学生不用再那么辛苦的一分一分去挣。可以多次参加考试,机会多了,压力小了,成功的几率自然也就大了。”山大附中的英语老师刘老师这样告诉记者。她表示,虽然英语社会化考试会使小部分英语成绩好的学生在高考时失去优势,但对大部分同学来说这项政策更加公平,也更加人性化。英语实行社会化考试,似乎英语学习就不再那么重要,学生就可以放松一些。面对社会上存在的这种声音,刘老师表示:“英语社会化是换了一种方式去考,既然还是要考那就不能不重视英语学习。毕竟这次改革只是调整了英语考试方式,并不是让英语彻底退出高考舞台。从另一方面来说,很多有名的高校在招录学生时,还是很看重英语成绩的。”刘老师建议,在高考英语改革后,学生应该针对个人情况有选择性地去学英语。对于那些以后想报考英语专业的学生来说,应该加强英语学习。而对于那些不学英语专业的学生来说,可以适当放松,可以将时间用到其他科目的学习中去。但是这部分学生要将英语作为一种语言工具去学习,多注重英语的实用性学习。

Teacher: actual learning English have a choice.“ English society of this policy , if implemented down, will certainly make a big relief student , students no longer so hard to earn one minute can be many times the exam , opportunities , and pressure is small , the probability of success naturally is big.” Alexander High School English teacher Liu told reporters.She said that although the English society of the small part of the exam will lose the advantage of good scores in English at the entrance , but for most of the students of this policy is fairer and more humane.English socialized examination , it seems that learning English is no longer so important, students can relax.Face in the society such voices , Liu said: “The English are socialized for a way to test , since it would still have to consider the importance of English learning , after all, can not only adjust the reform of English examinations.English is not completely out of the entrance to let the stage.on the other hand , many famous universities when recruiting students, English is still very valued achievements.” Liu suggested that after the entrance of the English Reformation , the student should have a personal situation selectively to learn English.For those students who wish to apply for English majors later , it should strengthen the learning of English.And for those who do not learn English professional , it can be appropriate to relax , you can use the time to study other subjects.But this part of the students of English as a language tool you want to learn more emphasis on practical learning English.培训机构:细则出台后,将有计划调整教学。英语实行社会化考试后,对省城一些英语培训机构的经营和课程安排会不会产生影响呢?记者走访了相关的培训机构。太原学大教育培训学校漪汾校区老师告诉记者:“我们对这个方案也进行了重点学习,虽然课程安排暂时没有变化,但是也在积极准备当中,等相关具体措施出台,会根据具体措施来调整自己的课程及教学方案。” 随后记者致电太原美康英语培训学校,工作人员表示目前该方案对培训机构没有产生影响,培训机构的课程安排在短期内不会有任何变化。明年上半年具体细则出台后,我们会根据实际情况及时从时间和进度上进行课程调整和教学方案改进。高考英语改革是大势所趋,是我国教育体制改革的需要,也是把学生从疲于奔命的学习状态中解脱出来的需要。但是,虽然高考英语实行社会化考试,但英语毕竟是一门国际语言,所以英语学习却不能就此放下,而是要换一种心态,换一种学习方法。

Training institutions: the rules promulgated , there will be plans to adjust teaching.After the implementation of social English exam , the provincial capital of the operation and the curriculum of some English language training institutions will not affect it? Reporters visited the relevant training institutions.Taiyuan science education teacher training school campus Yifen told reporters : “We have also been the focus of this program to learn, although no change in the curriculum , but also actively preparing for them, and other related specific measures introduced, will be adjusted according to the specific measures their curriculum and teaching programs.” then the reporter called Meikang English training school in Taiyuan , the staff said the program currently does not have an impact on training institutions, training institutions arrange courses in the short term there will not be any change.Specific rules introduced after the first half of next year , we will promptly adjust curriculum and teaching programs to improve and progress from the time according to the actual situation.English entrance examination reform is the general

trend is the need of education reform, but also the student 's learning state freed from exhausted out of the needs.However, although the college entrance exam socialized English , but English is an international language , after all , so learning English but can not put down on this , but want to change a mindset , a different way of learning.4.针对这些变化,胡俊杰建议大学英语教学要进行配套改革。例如构建以“通用英语、通识英语、通用学术英语和专业英语”为主的多元化的课程体系。继续在教学模式上进行创新,实现学生个性化的自主学习方式。例如在全校范围内组织适合不同年级学生的自主学习活动:单词拼写比赛、课文朗读大赛、配音比赛、演讲比赛、喜剧表演比赛、写作大赛等等。在学校支持下,通过购买、整合、共享和自主开发等多种形式建设自主学习资源库和学习的平台。


In response to these changes, Hu Junjie proposal to conduct college English

teaching reform.For example, to build a “general English, General English, General

English for Academic and Professional English” based diversified curriculum.Continue to innovate in teaching mode, to achieve self-learning students personalized way.Such as self-organization within the school learning activities for different grade students: spelling contest, text reading contest, dubbing the game, speech contests, comedy competitions, writing contest, and so on.In school support, through the purchase, integration, sharing, and other forms of self-development and build our own library of learning resources and learning platform.It is also important to improve college English evaluation mechanisms.Dilute the screening function, strengthen its anti-dial function on teaching and learning, using

assessment to mobilize the enthusiasm of students and enhance students' ability to learn on their own self-confidence.Evaluation of students will use formative assessment and summative evaluation of the combination of two forms of the form, especially for formative assessment given due attention.











第三篇:高考英语改革 英语作文

Alright.Maybe it's time for me to make a comment for this policy change.I was really looking forward to seeing the change when I first read the news Call for reform of English language assessments in March this year.This piece of news pretty much left me the impression that policy-makers in China were already aware of the importance of oral English in the development of students' comprehensive language capabilities.I thought there could be some marks taken out specifically for oral English part in the College English Test.I even misread the news “China to downgrade English section of college admissions test” when I first saw the title because I thought the reduced marks would all be attributed to oral English assessment.However, when I looked at the details of the policy change, I would say I was startled, then upset, cause there was nothing to do with oral English at all, and the whole weight of English reduced!

There is an added 30 points for Chinese which quite a few people think students will benefit from.I personally do not agree with this view.Traditional Chinese culture and Chinese literature, of course, are very important and could be an important source for students to establish their philosophy of life.But is an added 30 points strong enough to make a difference? Some people might say yes, but I would say no.Both the public and education system operators see marks somewhat synonymous with emphasis and outcome.But people like me could only see a changed pattern of assessment, and for us the nature of assessment does not change at all.I expect that there would not be any discernible return of that marks.On the other hand, when you give much needed marks to oral English assessment, you can almost see an immediate return on your “investment”.Students begin to speak English and use English.Results improve and hope is created where once there were only complaints and criticism towards Chinese lingually-disabled students.The future benefits for the long term English assessment reform of the whole education system are incalculable.The demand for native speakers increase and thus more foreigners come to China for living, given the job loss rate is fairly high in foreign countries.China therefore functions as a balancing role and it not only benefits China.Having seen the new policy which I don't think is clever, or even fiscally responsible, I feel upset.I'd say it's a stupid policy for me.Hopefully China is at the height of reform under President Xi.I still see positive to the future of English assessment regulations.




在学校领导的倡导和大力的支持下,我们外语教研室以《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》和《教育部关于推进高等职业教育改革创新引领职业教育科学发展的若干意见》为指导方针,围绕大学英语教学进行了一系列的改革尝试——注重培养综合能力,强调提升职业素质。努力培养生产、建设、服务、管理第一线的高端技能型专门人才。改革实施以来,取得了很大成效。在此,我结合我的教学实践和大家分享一下我的感受。1 做好了基础英语对医学英语的铺垫




经过基础英语阶段的学习,学生的词汇量大约在4000-4500 左右。考虑学生的实际水平和接受能力,教研室编写了医学英语教材。这些教材在教学实践中体现了很高的实用性。5 实施了合理多元化的测评方法













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