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8。照几张学校舞蹈和篮球的相片10。翻阅报纸12。结果14。很大地发展16。迅速传播18。最早的印刷书籍20。不久的将来22。代表24。给《新标准》写篇报道26。允许和我们看电影28。首先30。被邀请做广告32。开始训练34。跨栏天赋36。训练计划38。少年体校40。拥挤的体育馆 1


1. 父母们常常把自己的孩子同别人的作比较。

2. 他会被鼓励在体育之外花费更多的时间吗?

3. 让尽可能多的学生回答你的问题。

4. 你知道电话是什么时候发明的吗?

5. 我宁愿打乒乓球也不愿意游泳。

6. 教室里必须保持干净。

7. 她太兴奋了以至于不能说一句话。

8. 保护环境是我们的责任。

9. 我想弄清楚我是否年纪太大而不能学驾驶了。

10. 学生们不允许在阅览室里说话。


1. Who will we choose to represent China in the next Olympics?

2. How many gold medals did we win at the Athens Olympics?

3. My mother often makes me do some housework.4. I saw Jack helping a blind man cross the street yesterday.5. Have you posted the letters yet?

6. We should hand in our exercises on time every day.7. We can download music from Internet.8. She took these photos on the Great Wall last week..单选

1. A lot of stories ________ by Granny when I was young.A.told meB.are told meC.were told meD.were told to me

2. Older people ________ well.A.looks afterB.must be looked afterC.must look afterD.looked after

3.So far, the moon _________ by man already.A.is visitedB.will be visitedC.has been visitedD.was visited

4.These bananas look different from those ones.They______here from Taiwan yesterday.A.are broughtB.were broughtC.would beD.had been

5.This kind of books sells well.They________ already.A.sold outB.have sold outC.are sold outD.have been sold out

6.The new hall is the tallest building in the town.__________ from here ?

A.Can it seeB.Can it seenC.Can it be seenD.Can see

7.Great changes ________ in our city.Many tall buildings _________.A.have taken place , have set upB.have taken place, have been set up

C.were taken place, were set upC.have been taken place , have been set up

8.Cotton ________ in the southeast of China.A.is grownB.are grownC.growsD.grow

9.The sick boy ________ to hospital by the police yesterday.A.tookB.is takenC.was takenD.had taken

10.The books on this shelf must not _________ out of the library.A.are borrowedB.be borrowedC.borrowedD.borrow

11.Why are you still here? They are all ready to start.I’m sorry , but I __________ when to start.A.don’t tellB.didn’t tellC.haven’t toldD.wasn’t told

12.The mistakes in the exercises will ________ the teacher.A.crossB.be crossingC.be crossed byD.cross by

13.Three quarters of the world’s newspapers and magazines ________ English.A.write inB.is written inC.are written ofD.are written in

14.The national flag _______ in our school every morning.A.is risingB.is raisedC.is raisingD.is risen

15.A.talk on Chinese history _________ in the school hall next week.A.is givenB.has been giveC.will be givenD.gives

16.He met many problems ________ he was going over his lessons.A.beforeB.as soon asC.sinceD.while

17.David, is that man your head teacher?

It________ be him.He is the tallest in our school


18.----Would you please _______ me your raincoat ?-----Sure, here you are.A.lendB.borrowC.giveD.pass


Yesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter, and their guide, Gavin Jones.The police said that they had ____36___during an adventure(冒险)tour of Cape York Peninsula.This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the ___37___ of the missing people.The police said that the search had covered a ___38___ area, but the rainforest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain.Later on Chief Officer, Roger Fleet, said, “The travelers had a ___39___ with them.If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.”

The three travelers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota car.They took a small dirt road that ___40____ down to the Daintree River, a ___41___ river full of crocodiles.Roger Fleet said the tourists wouldn’t have ___42____trouble if they had stayed on the main road.A photo of Vicky and Tom was ___43____ by a policeman under the “Be Careful about crocodiles” sign near the river.Why was the photo left behind? This is just one of the unanswered questions.___44____ questions are: Why was the photo left behind? Why was the Toyota parked and locked at the edge of the rainforest? The police said that the travelers had ___45____ a map of the area behind.Why? Why had someone drawn a cross on the point ___46___the car is? Is this a sign? What does it mean? If anyone can give ___47___ or has seen these three young people, contact the local police in Cooktown.297

36.A.failed B.disappeared C.missedD.injured

37.A.danger B.health C.safety D.journey

38.A.wideB.big C.small D.narrow

39.A.mapB.book C.radio D.card

40.A.walksB.swims C.jumps D.runs

41.A.wonderfulB.interesting C.dangerous D.terrible

42.A.got outB.got into C.got off D.got up

43.A.heardB.thought C.caught D.found

44.A.Other B.Another C.Some D.Any

45.A.leftB.taken C.drawn D.seen

46.A.whatB.why C.which D.where

47.A.invitationB.information C.instruction D.interview

阅读理解 1


48.If you want to be a ________, you can call AL Hotel.A.waiterB.reporterC.cleanerD.driver

49.If you want to work as a reporter, you should call ________.A.5564779B.7665898C.5583366D.6338001

50.How long does Mr.Green need a baby sitter to work?

A.One day.B.Two days.C.A week.D.Half a month.(B)

Mr.King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager.He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of danger.The manager pays him more.Mr.Baker, one of his friends, works in a factory outside the city.It is far from his house and he has to go to work by bus.As the traffic is crowded in the morning, sometimes he is late for the work.He hopes to buy a car, but he hasn’t enough money.He decides to buy an old one.He chose a beautiful but cheap car.He said he wanted to have a trial(实验)drive, the seller agreed.He called Mr.King and asked him to help him.Mr.King examined the car at first and then drove it away.At first he drove slowly and it worked well.Then he drove fast.And when he reached a crossing, the light turned red.He tried to stop it, but he failed and nearly hit an old woman.A policeman told him to stop, but the car went on until it hit a big tree by the road.What made such a good driver make this kind of mistake?

51.Mr.King is paid more because he ________.A.always drives very slowlyB.is not afraid of danger

C.has driven for yearsD.drives very well

52.Mr.Baker decides to ________.A.buy a second-hand carB.have a trial drive

C.choose a new carD.sell his old car

53.Mr.King tried to stop the car when ________.A.he saw an old woman crossing the street

B.he saw a big tree by the road

C.the traffic lights turned red

D.the policeman shouted angrily at him


Height is just one of the thousands of features your genes(基因)decide.In fact, because you have two parents, your genes provide you a height that usually lands somewhere between the height of each parent.If both your parents are tall, then most probably you will be tall, too, but if you have questions about how tall you're going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find it out.But genes don't decide everything.For example, eating an unhealthy diet can keep you from growing to your full potential(潜力).Getting plenty of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow to the expected height.No doubt you're wondering how fast you should grow.It depends.There's no perfect or right answer.Generally speaking, kids grow about 2 inches(6 centimeters)a year between age 3 and Your doctor will know how your growth has been going over the years.Two centimeters here and 2 inches there are not nearly as important as the height you're at now, how you've been growing up to this point, and what other changes your body may be going through.Don't be scared if you seem to have grown a lot in a very short time.Everyone has a growth spurt(高峰)during puberty.The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys.But it can be earlier or later---between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys.You'll usually begin to notice that you're growing faster about a year or so after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty.(298)

54.What does the word “puberty” mean ________.A.A period that you are a young child

B.A period that your body looks like a baby

C.A period that you develop your habits

D.A period that your body changes quickly

55.If you want to know how fast and how tall you should grow, ________.A.you should have enough exercise

B.you can ask doctors for help

C.you should save the environment

D.You can record your growth during puberty

56.After reading the passage, we can infer ________?

A.how good it is to be a doctor

B.how much sleep time we need

C.why genes can’t decide everything

D.what healthy diet is


I don't think it was a good idea._________? 2.I didn't imagine that they would say anything._________? 3.I don't think she will come this afternoon._________? 4.I don’t think they came back two months ago _______? 5.I don’t believe that he could translate this book ______? 6.I do not think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_____? A.did he B.could he C.do I D.has not he 7.They don’t believe I am right,_? A do they

B don’t they C am I

D aren’t I 8.I don’t think she is right ,_? A do I

B don’t I C isn’t he D is he 9._---I don’t think I can ass the exam._--____it is much too difficult for us.10— Do you have enough to all your daily expenses? Oh yes, enough and to spare.A cover

B send C offer

D fill Will eighty dollars enough?-------Another twenty_____.A will go B will cover C will fix D will do 12 $100 a month could hardly----the cost of his life in such a big city in this country.A.spend B.take C.cover D.meet 13 The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed__ my memory A.on



D.by 14 His parents tried to ____on him that it is necessary to be honest.A.expect B.impress C.influence D.effect


黑龙江学位英语考试真题强化训练(150 minutes)

Paper One(90 minutes)Part I.Vocabulary and Structure(10 points;15 minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1.In no circumstances __________ a lie.A.you should tell B.shouldn't you tell C.you shouldn't tell D.should you tell 2.__________they managed to take from the tombs, there seemed to be no end to the valuable.A.What B.Which C.How much D.However much 3.The ten-page report may __________ one simple point: it's impractical to establish a chemical plant in that region with so many difficulties and oppositions.A.get down to B.come down to C.settle down D.take down 4.Don't do that again!You not only endangered yourself, but also put your friend __________.A.as a result B.at length C.at risk D.by mistake 5.“Perhaps you should go home now.” “No, I __________ on staying here for a while longer.” A.persist B.stick C.sit D.insist 6.__________ a major disaster will get us to realize that we can't go on destroying the rain forests of the world.A.Anything but B.Nothing but C.But that D.Everything hut 7.We went very often to Hyde Park __________ speakers addressed the passing crowds on different subjects.A.which B.where C.that D.for 8.The matter __________ you were arguing about last night had been settled.A.as B.that C.for which D.what 9.The Chinese Red Cross __________ a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled.A.assigned B.contributed C.furnished D.administered 10.The motorway __________ we drive to work is always crowded.A.that B.on which C.which D.on that 11.If he __________ promotion, he would be an important man today.A.gained B.had gained C.gains D.was to gain 12.Will the AIDS patients benefit __________ the new drug? A.out of B.through C.upon D.from 13.Fond of singing as she is, she is __________ a good singer by profession.A.everything but B.anything but C.nothing but D.something but 14.Could you tell me __________ to fly from Chicago to New York? A.it costs how much B.how much does it cost C.how much costs it D.how much it costs 15.I was very tired.Otherwise, I ___________ to the theatre with you.A.had gone B.would go C.went D.would have gone 16.He couldn't even __________ a cow from a horse.A.tell B.contrast C.compare D.recognize 17.Are you sure Mr.Johnson will show you __________ the new computer? A.to use B.using C.how to use D.what to use 18.Quite a lot of people watch TV only to __________ time.A.waste B.spend C.kill D.pass 19.The soldiers were put in prison because they __________ to obey orders..A.refused B.rejected C.denied D.objected 20.I missed the train and __________ was late for school.A.finally B.eventually C.subsequently D.consequently Part II.Cloze Test(10 points;20 minutes)Directions: Read the passage through.Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage.Blacken the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen on the Answer Sheet.Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land.Geographers(地理学家)compare and contrast 21 places on the earth.But they also 22 beyond the individual places and consider the earth as a 23.The world geography 24 from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth” and graphein, 25 means “to write”.The English word geography means, “to describe the earth”.26 Geography books focus on a small area 27 a town or city.Others deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 28 continent.Many geography books deal with the whole earth.Another 29 to divide the study of 30 is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography.The former focuses on the natural world;the 31 starts with human beings and 32 how human beings and their subject, 33 branch can neglect the other.But when geography is considered as a single subject, 34 branch can neglect the other.A geographer might be described 35 one who observes records and explains the __36_ between places.If places 37 alike, there would be little need for geographers.We know, however, 38 no two places are exactly the same.Geography, 39 is a point of view, a special way of 40 at places.21.A.similar B.various C.distant D.famous 22.A.pass B.reach C.go D.set 23.A.whole B.unit C.part D.total 24.A.falls B.removes C.results D.comes 25.A.what B.that C.which D.it 26.A.Some B.Many C.Most D.Few 27.A.outside B.except C.like D.as 28.A.extensive B.enormous C.overall D.entire 29.A.way B.means C.habits D.technique 30.A.world B.earth C.globe D.geography 31.A.second B.latter C.next D.later 32.A.learns B.realizes C.studies D.believes 33.A.upon B.for C.as D.to 34.A.either B.neither C.one D.each 35.A.for B.to C.by D.as 36.A.exception B.differences C.sameness D.divisions 37.A being B.are C.were D.be 38.A.although B.whether C.since D.that 39.A.then B.nevertheless C.still D.moreover 40.A.working B.getting C.arriving D.looking Part III.Reading Comprehension(40 points;55 minutes)Section 1 Directions: Each of the following three passages is followed by some questions.For each question there are four choices.Choose the best answer to each question.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Banks are ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts;they rely on depositors not to demand payment all at the same time.If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not sound, that it cannot pay off its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day.If they did, the bank could not pay all the accounts.However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be funds to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it.Mrs.Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced.One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs.Vaught lived.The other banks anticipated a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs.Vaught worked as a teller had enough funds in hand to pay off as many depositors as might apply.The officers simply instructed the tellers to pay on demand.Next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside.The length of the line convinced many that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone.People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers' windows.Clothing was torn and limbs were broken, but the jam continued for hours.The power of the panic atmosphere is evident in the fact that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was sound and could pay out all depositors, nevertheless withdrew the funds in their own accounts.Mrs.Vaught says that she had difficulty restraining herself from doing the same.41.A bank run occurs when __________.A.a bank is closed for one or more days B.too many depositors attempt to draw out their money at one time C.there is not enough money to pay all of its depositors at one time D.employees of a bank take their own funds out of the bank 42.The tellers in Mrs.Vaught's bank were told to __________.A.explain why they could not pay out all deposits B.pay out deposits as requested C.assure customers that the bank was sound D.pay out money as slowly as possible 43.The essential cause of a run on a bank is __________.A.loss of confidence B.lack of sufficient funds C.crowds of people D.inefficient tellers 44.Which of the following did Mrs.Vaught say? A.She knew that the bank was not sound.B.She feared that too many withdrawals would close the bank.C.She was not able to draw out her money.D.She was tempted to draw out her money.45.According to the passage, the actions of the customers of Mrs.Vaught's bank were influenced chiefly by the __________.A.ease with which they could obtain their money B.confidence demonstrated by other customers of the bank C.confidence that Mrs.Vaught demonstrated D.failure of several other banks to open Passage Two Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Gravity holds us so dose to the Earth's surface that nobody can jump more than a few feet into the air without the force of gravity pulling him down.It takes a powerful engine to keep an airplane up in the air.If you throw a ball upwards as hard as you can, you will notice that it travels in a curved path before it comes back to the ground.If the Earth had no gravity, the ball, instead of traveling in a curve, would move away in a straight line;in fact, it would never come back to the ground.If the Earth were to lose its pull of gravity, we should all fly off it as it spins round in space.The Earth has a strong pull, but modem rockets going out into space are able to escape from the gravity, because they travel so quickly.With the ball thrown into the air, the height reached by the ball depends upon how hard it is thrown.The greater the starting-speed, the higher the ball will go.If it could be thrown so that it traveled fast enough, the ball would escape into space and never come back.Nobody can throw a ball as fast at this, but powerful rocket engines can send spaceships away from the Earth at such a speed that the Earth's gravity is not able to pull them back.This is how we can now send rockets to the Moon.46.Gravity holds us dose the Earth's surface, and as a result, __________.A.we can lift ourselves no more than a few feet above the Earth B.nobody can jump a few feet into the air C.no one will be pulled down D.any one of us can Jump as high as expected 47.What would happen to a ball thrown upwards if there were no gravity? A.It would spin round in space.B.It would fly off into space C.It would fall into a curved path.D.It would move towards the Earth.48.The ball thrown into the air would never come back to the ground __________.A.without such a powerful horizontal push B.if it were thrown upwards as hard as you can C.should it travel in a curved path D.were it not for gravity 49.The height the ball will reach depends on __________.A.the escape velocity B.the limiting velocity C.its starting velocity D.its traveling speed 50.What is it that makes it possible to put a spaceship into orbit? A.the Earth's gravity B.a strong pull C.a powerful engine D.the powerful rocket engine Passage Three Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Does a bee know what is going on its mind when it navigates its way to distant food sources and back to the hive, using polarized sunlight and the tiny magnet it carries as an aid? Or is the bee just a machine?(Unable to do its mathematics and dance its language in any other way to use Donald Griffin's term)Does a bee have “awareness”, or to use a phrase I like better, can a bee think and imagine? There is an experiment for this, or at least an observation, made long ago by Karl Von Frisch and more recently confirmed by James Gould at Princeton, biologists who wish to study such things as bees to fly from the hive to one or another special place.To do this, they begin by placing a source of sugar very close to the hive so that the bees can learn what the game is about.Then, at regular intervals, the dish or whatever is moved progressively farther and farther from the hive.Eventually, the target is being moved 100 feet or more at a jump, very far from the hive.Sooner or later, while this process is going on, the geologists shifting the dish of sugar will find the bees are out there waiting for them precisely where the next position had been planned.This is an uncomfortable observation to make.51.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A.The Bee Hive: Nature's Candy Shop B.Testing the Awareness of Bees C.Navigational Techniques of Birds and Insects D.Behaviorists Versus Biologists: A Zoological Debate 52.In the second paragraph why is Karl Von Frisch mentioned? A.To introduce his observation on bee behavior.B.To contrast his theories with those of James Gould.C.To give credit to his description of the bee hive.D.To support the argument that bees use sunlight to navigate.53.According to the author, why was sugar used in the study? A.To keep the bees nourished and healthy during the experiment.B.To train the bees to travel to a particular place.C.To reward the bees for performing the experiment correctly.D.To ensure that the bees did not sting the scientists.54.The result of the experiment explained in the passage seems to indicate which of the following? A.Research using bees is too dangerous to be conducted successfully.B.Bees are unable to navigate beyond 100 feet of their hive.C.Scientists can teach bees to speak to people.D.Bees are able to perform limited reasoning tasks.55.Which of the following best describes the format of the passage? A.a response to criticism B.a comparison of two competing theories C.a question followed by a possible answer D.a position supported by scientific debate Section 2 Directions: Read the following passage, and then decide whether the statements are true(A)or false(B).Then blacken the corresponding letter(A or B)on the Answer Sheet.(对的在答题卡上划A, 错的在答题卡上划B)Passage Four Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage: Mrs.Green gave her husband her letters to post when he was going to work.But sometimes Mr.Green forgot to do so and kept them in his pocket for days.One fine morning in March, Mrs.Green asked him to post a letter.“Please post this letter and don't forget,' she said.Mr.Green put the letter in his pocket and said, ”I am sure to post this one.“ Mrs.Green smiled and said, ”Yes, I believe that you will this time.“ Mrs.Green looked at his back, and was still smiling when she closed the door.Mr.Green walked slowly along the street.Soon a man came up from behind him.When he walked by, the man looked back and smiled, ”Don't forget to post the letter!“ Then a girl walked by, and she turned and smiled, too.”Don't forget to post that letter!“ she said.Mr.Green said to himself, ”Why are these people smiling at me? And how do they know I have a letter to post?“ At last he came to a post office, posted the letter, and walked on.But after a while, a boy came up from behind him and asked him, ”Did you post your letter?“ ”Yes, I did,“ said Mr.Green.”Then I can take off this paper,“ said the boy.He took a large piece of paper from the back of Mr.Green's coat and showed it to him.On the paper were these words-”Ask him to post the letter.“()56.Mrs.Green asked her husband to post her letters on his way home.()57.Mr.Green sometimes forgot to post the letters immediately.()58.Many people in the street knew Mr.Green.()59.Mr.Green had his wife put the large piece of paper on his back.()60.The paper on his back was a good hint to help Mr.Green remember to post the letter.Paper Two(60 minutes)Part IV.Short Answer Questions(10 points;15 minutes)Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements.Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words(not exceeding 10 words.)Write your answers on the Answer Sheet of Paper Two.(请将此部分的答案写在试卷二的答题纸上)

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.Thank-you cards seem to be rare in an age when the Internet continues to reduce human contact.

Although our society has changed greatly over the past century,the etiquette(礼节)of thank-you notes has not.

While most people would agree that thank-you notes are a necessity,there are still those who forever delay or are forgetful for unknown reasons.

And at no time of the year are thank-you notes more obvious(or lacking)than June.The month of brides and graduations,and the beginning of summer parties.

”It's a must-do thing.A real thank-you does not come by e-mail.They come in the mail in an envelope.And what comes out of an envelope is a beautiful thing to touch and to pass around for everyone to read,“said etiquette expert Letitia Baldrige.

Don't think for a second that Baldrige is old-fashioned.Handwritten thank-you notes-any handwritten letters,for that matter-have taken on an air of extra importance and dignity(尊严)in this e-hyper(超电子)world.

Baldrige remains hopeful that the art may be enjoying a renaissance(复兴). More than simply obeying rules of etiquette,thank-you cards are a sign of caring.

”They're more important now than ever,“expert Peter Post says.”You're building a relationship.And part of building that relationship is that you acknowledge(表示谢意)when someone has done something nice for you.'' The payoff(回报),Post says,can be huge.“It perpetuates(延续),”he says.“The more we do it,the more it comes back to us,and it's a benefit to us a11.It makes our world a little bit nicer place to live in.” 61.The writer thinks the Internet ________________________________________.62.Baldrige argues that a thank-you note should be __________________________ 63.A thank-you note should be handwritten because it takes on an air of _________ ____________________ 64.To build a relationship,you should give thanks to someone who________________________ 65.The passage is mainly about _______________________________________.Part V.Writing(30 points;45 minutes)Task 1(10points;15minutes)Directions: Write a letter of about 80 words(从略)Task 2(20points;30minutes)Directions: For this part, you are required to write a short essay of about 150 words(从略)1-5 DDBCD 6-10 BBBBB 11-15 BDBDD.16-20 ACCAD 21-25 B CADC 26-30 ACDAD 31-35 BCABD 36-40 BCDAD 41-45 BBADD 46-50 ABDCD 51-55 BABDC 56-60 F T F F T 61.reduces human contact 62.handwritten and sent in an envelope 63.extra importance and dignity 64.has done something nice for you 65.the role of thank-you notes



1.We all know that France is a______(Europe)country.2.There are different food cultures between China and______(west)countries.3.Several______(Russia)came to our school last week.4.“Excuse me, can I take this seat?” he said to the young woman______(polite)

5.At______(one)I didn’t like him, but now I do.6.I want to make______(friend)with you.7.What are those______(child)doing over there?

8.Let’s listen to his______(suggest).9.There are a lot of______(mouse)in the old house.10.The young man fell______(sleep)as soon as he lay down.Ⅱ.单项选择

1.Jack is sleeping.You should turn______ the music.A.onB.lowC.downD.little

2.The book fell______ the table onto the floor.A.onB.ofC.offD.over 3If you______ well______ English, you’ll easily find a job.A.will do, atB.do, inC.will do, inD.do, at—What did the mother say?—She said they______ take her children______ her.A.can’t, fromB.couldn’t, awayC.didn’t, awayD.couldn’t, away from

5.We have______ running for two hours.When shall we stop, sir?

A.been practicingB.practice C.practisedD.practising—Would you mind______ the window? It’s too cold here.—OK.I’ll do it right away.A.to openB.openingC.closingD.to close

7.When I was walking past the window, I saw Ben______ my homework.I really got______.A.copying, annoyB.copying, annoyedC.was copying, annoyD.is copying, annoyed

8.I don’t think they are too personal,______?A.don’t IB.are theyC.aren’t theyD.do I 9 It’s just three days______ her grandma died.A.sinceB.untilC.beforeD.for

10.Li Fang said she was______ in the______ stories.A.interesting, interestingB.interested, interesting

C.interested, interestedD.interesting, interested

11.He has looked for it______, but he can’t find it______.How sad he is!

A.everywhere, everywhereB.anywhere, anywhere

C.everywhere, anywhereD.somewhere, anywhere

12.Who’s______ my dinner?There’s nothing left and I’m so hungry.A.eatingB.eatenC.been eatingD.eats

13.There will be______ water and______ trees in our village.How can we live here?

A.little, fewerB.less, lessC.more, fewerD.less, fewer


It is well-known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat.Why? _1_ the weather in Britain often changes quickly.It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to _2_ long.Spring can be rainy or windy, _3_ the weather is getting warmer, you can have more sunny days.In fact there _4_ as much sunshine in spring as in summer.Summer is _5_ time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest(名胜).The weather can be sunny.People often go out to have a walk or swim.Autumn is a beautiful season, _6_ trees and parks changing colors.During autumn it is still nice to be outside, too.In winter, it gets colder.It might

snow, especially(尤其)on high land in the north.It is _7_ very windy in this season.January and February are the coldest _8_ of the year, while the warmest _9_ often July and August.The difference _10_ temperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain.The average(平均)temperature of winter is about 4.5℃, and summer is about 15.5℃.1.A.ForB.AsC.BecauseD.Since



4.A.canB.can beC.haveD.can have

5.A.the earliestB.the latestC.the worstD.the best


7.A.alsoB.tooC.eitherD.as well




语法-Have you got some water to drink?-Here you are.There___ still some in the bottle.A.areB.wereC.isD.was

2. ____ there many American friends in the school last Friday?


3.In 1850, about a third of U.S.A___ covered by forests.A.wereB.has beenC./D.was

4Most of our earth____ covered by water.A.areB.isC.wasD.were

5.These police often _ __ the children across the street.A.helpB.helpsC.helpingD.is helping


二)A good memory is a great help in learning a language.Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children——like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents——seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one.In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.Our mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but also of what we feel, hear, smell and taste.When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends.In the same way there is much work to do before we can keep a picture forever(永远)in our mind.Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.1.We usually begin to learn our own language by______ it.A.speakingB.hearingC.sayingD.teaching

2.If you have a good______, you’ll have less difficulty in learning something.A.teacherB.cameraC.memoryD.family

3.The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two languages more easily because______.A.they are very cleverB.they have good teachers

C.they have more chances to use these languagesD.they have a better life

4.______ can take photos of what can be seen, felt, heard, smelt and tasted.A.A cameraB.MemoryC.A diaryD.A man’s mind

5.Memory is______ that we keep in our mind and carry about with us.A.the best diaryB.the best cameraC.a great helpD.a beautiful picture





1, what is the definition of a tour guide? A: the tour guide personnel is also referred to as the guide who obtain the tourist certificate legally according to the management regulations of the guide personnel, accept the travel agency’s assignment and offers guiding, interpreting and related tourism services to guests.2、导游人员的基本职责是什么?






2, what is the basic duty of a tour guide? 1, accept the task, and lead the tourist to have a tour.2, give tour narration and disseminate culture.3, arrange related matters, protect the safety of tourists

4、Reflect the views and requirements, arrange related activities.5, answer inquiries and deal with problems.三、客观要求复杂多变是导游服务的鲜明特征之一,这种复杂性体现在哪些方面?





the complex of some objective requests is one of the most distinctive features of the tour guide service, in what respects are this complexity embodied? 1, the complexity of the service objects 2, the diversity of tour requirements 3, complicated interpersonal relationship 4, with spiritual pollution







what are the main duties and responsibilities of a local guide? 1, arrange travel activities.2, do a good job of reception.3, provide tour narration.4, maintain security.5, deal with problems

8.地陪导游人员熟悉接待计划要关注哪些要点? 答:(1)旅游团的基本信息;(2)旅游团员的基本情况;(3)全程旅游路线,入境旅游团的入出境地点;(4)所乘交通工具情况;(5)交通票据情况;(6)特殊要求和注意事项。

8.What sould the local guide pay attention in order to be familiar with the reception plan?

Answer:(1)the basic information of the group;(2)the basic situation of the tourism members;(3)the whole tour routes, inbound and departure city of the foreign tour group;(4)the status of transport;(5)the traffic tickets;(6)special requirements and matters needing attention.7.地陪的准备工作有哪几个方面? 答:(1)落实接待计划;(2)落实接待事宜;(3)做好物质准备;(4)做好语言和知识准备;(5)做好形象准备;(6)做好心理准备;(7)联络畅通准备。

which are the aspects of local guide’s preparation work? Answer:(1)to carry out the reception plan;(2)the implement of the reception;(3)have a good material preperation;(4)have a good preparation regarding to the language and knowledge;(5)have an good image preparation;(6)have good mental preparation;(7)keep good contact with certain personnel.9.《导游服务质量》要求:地陪在团队抵达的前一天,应该落实哪些接待事宜? 答:(1)落实接待车辆;(2)落实住房;(3)落实用餐;(4)落实行李运送;(5)了解不熟悉的景点;(6)与全陪联系。

What should the local guide put into practise the day before the group arrival according to the guide's service quality requirements:

Answer:(1)implement the arrangement of vehicles;(2)make arrangement of the accommodation;(3)make arrangement of the meal;(4)deal with the baggage;(5)get well know about some unfamiliar sights;(6)contact the tour escort.10、地陪在旅游团抵达之前应做好哪些工作?




What kind of preparation work should the local guide make before the tour group arrives? 1.make certain the arrival time of the tour group.2.Consult with the driver about the set-off time and parking spot.3.contact with the porter to make arrangement of the luggage.4.Double check the exact arrival time of the tour group.4.Waiting the tour group at the meeting station ahead of time.11.旅游团抵达饭店后,地陪应做好哪些主要工作? 答:(1)协助办理入住手续;(2)介绍饭店设施;


What should a local guide do after the tour group arrives at the hotel? 1.assist the tour group to go through the check in procedure.2.introduce the hotel facilities.3.announce the itinerary at the first day or the next day.4.take care of their luggage and send it to their rooms.5.escort the tour group to enjoy the first meal of the tour.6.assist to deal with any problems that may happen after check-in 7.arrange the wake-up service for the tour group.六、地陪在带领团队参观游览出发前的服务包括哪些内容?






14.导游人员的参观游览服务内容为哪些方面? 答:(1)出发前的服务;(2)途中导游;(3)景点导游讲解;(4)参观活动;(5)返程中的工作;




















5、演出结束后腰提醒游客带好随身无物品 二
















19.全陪需要做好哪些联络协调工作? 答:(1)要做好领队与地陪、游客与地陪之 间的联络、协调工作;(2)做好旅游线路各站间,特别是上下站之间的联络工作;(3)抵达下一站后,全陪要主动把团队的相关信息通报给地陪,以便地陪能采取更有效、主动的方法,提供更好的服务。

17.上团前,全陪须携带的证件和有关资料是什么? 答:(1)必带的证件:本人身份证、导游证;(2)必要的票据和物品,如旅游团接待计划、分房表、旅游宣传品、徽记、社旗、全陪日志等;

(3)所需结算单据和费用:团款结算单、支票、差旅费等。18.全陪首站(入境站)接团服务应做哪些工作? 答:(1)接团前,全陪应向旅行社了解本团接待工作的详细安排情况;(2)全陪应当提前30分钟到接站地点与地陪一起迎接旅游团;(3)接到旅游团后,全陪应与领队尽快核实有关情况,做好以下工作:向领队做自我介绍、核实团队人数、行李件数,如果人数变化;与计划不符,应尽快与组团社联系;(4)协助领队向地陪交接行李;(5)致欢迎词。

17、你作为一名全陪,所乘飞机即将降落,请问应如何做好抵站服务工作? 答:(1)应提醒游客整理带齐个人随身物品,下机时注意安全(2)机后凭行李票领取行李,如发现游客行李丢失和损失,要立即与机场有关部门联系处理并做好游客的安抚工作(3)出港后,应举社旗走在游客的前面,以便尽快同接该团的地陪取得联系(4)向地陪介绍领队和旅行团的情况,并将该团计划外的有关情况转告地陪(5)组织游客登车,提醒其注意安排并负责清点人数。




3、提供旅行过程中的服务(生活服务,讲解服务和文娱活动,为游客当好购物顾问)。15.全陪在向下一站转移的途中服务包含哪些内容? 答:(1)全陪必须熟悉各种交通工具的







20.你作为一名全陪,请问该如何做好离站服务工作? 答:(1)提前提醒地陪落实离站的交通票据及核实准确时间;(2)如离站时间因故变化,要立即通知下一站接待社或请本接站社通知,以防空接和漏接的发生;(3)协助领队和地陪妥善办理离站事宜,向游客讲清托运行李的有关规定,并提醒游客检查、带好旅游证件;(4)协助领队和地陪清点托运行李,并妥善保存行李票。(5)按规定与地接社办妥财务结账手续,并妥善保管财务收据。(6)







20.在落实境外旅游服务中安排团队入住时,领队应做好哪些工作? 答:(1)在当地导游人员的引领下负责办理入住手续并分配房间;








How can the tour guide coordinate well with the tour leader? 1.show your respect to the tour leader, and consult with him frequently.2.take good care of the tour leader, and support his work.3.give great honor to the tour leader, and stimulate his positivity.4.be more flexible and changeable, hold the initiative.5.strive for the support of tourists, and avoid the direct confliction, 二十六、一名合格的导游人员应该具备那种素质要求?







What kind of quality should a qualified tour guide process? 1, good ideology and morality.2, extensive knowledge structure.3, strong ability to work independently.4, skilled tour guide skills.5, the positive enterprising spirit.6, a healthy body and mentality.二











What are the basic principles to provide the tour narration? 1, the principle of objectivity: based on objective reality.2, the principle of pertinence: varies from person to person, target-oriented.3,the principle of planning.4, the principle of flexibility.三












33, according to the guide's personnel management ordinance, which personnel shall not be issued the tourist certificate? 1, has no capacity for civil conduct or with limited capacity.2, people with infectious diseases.3, have gotten criminal punishment except for criminal negligence.4, have been revoked the tourist certificate legally.三





d、游客本身的原因 1.导游服务的发展趋势是什么?


1.What is the developing trend of guides' service? Answer:(1)high content of knowledge;(2)meas of science and technology;(3)the diversification of guide method;(4)personalized service;(5)the liberalisation of tour guide professional.答:(1)独立执行政策和进行宣传讲解的能力;(2)教强的组织协调能力;(3)善于和各种人打交道的能力;(4)独立分析、解决问题、处理事故的t能力。

Answer:(1)an ability to execute policy and present publicity and explanation independently;(2)the strong ability of organization and coordination;(3)is good at communicate with all sorts of people;(4)the ability of independent analysis, solving problems and dealing with accidents.16.导游员下团后,应做哪些善后工作? 答:(1)认真、妥善处理旅游团游览时遗留的问题;(2)与旅行社结清账务,归还所借物品;(3)及时写好团队接待工作总结。

16.What should the tour guide do after finishing guiding a tour group? Answer:(1)handle the problems leaving over from the tour group seriously and properly;(2)settle accounts with the travel agency and return the borrowed items;(3)write a work summary of the group reception in time.25、导游人员带团原则是什么? 答:(1)游客至上原则;(2)服务至上原则;(3)履行合同原则;(4)公平对待原则;

What is the principles of guiding a tour group? Answer:(1)the principle of tourists first;(2)the principle of service first;(3)to principle of performing the contract;(4)the principle of fair treatment;


讲解的内容,而且能生动地表达口头语言无法表达的内容。在导游讲解时,你认为如何用好手势? 答:(1)要简洁易懂;(2)要协调合拍;(3)要富有变化(4)要节制使用


When presenting tour narration, gestures can not only emphasize or explanation the content of interpretation, but also can vividly present the content that the spoken language can't express.fhow to use gesture well as a tour guide? Answer:(1)should be concise and easy to understand;(2)should be harmonious with your spoken language;(3)should be full of changes(4)should be used with restraint(5)should avoid some gestures that are taboo for the tourists.32、在导游讲解结束后,导游人员如何应对游客的提问? 答:(1)如问题与游览有关,且导游人员指导如何回答,可以在回答问题的同时进行深入讲解,既能有好的效果,又能增强游客对自己的信任;(2)如问题与游览无关,就要设法巧妙的回避;(3)如遇到自己不清楚的问题,切忌胡乱回答,以免贻笑大方,失去游客信任;(4)如自己知道确切答案,但游客有另一种说法时,要注意不要当众争执,不要直接指出对方的错误,要努力回避矛盾,找出共同点,给对方找“梯子”下台,及时转换话题。

32, at the end of the tour explanation, how to respond to the questions arising from visitors? Answer:(1)if the question is related to the visit, and tour guide knows how to answer it, tour guide can answer questions while in-depth explanation, it can have a good effect, and enhance the trust from tourists;(2)if the problem has nothing to do with the tour,tour guide should try to avoided it skillfully;(3)if you don't know the answer of the problem, you shouldn’t answer it at random, for fear of making a laughingstock before experts and losing the trust from visitors.(4)if you know the exact answer, but tourist has some other saying about the question, you should not dispute it in public, and don't directly pointed out his mistakes.You should try to avoid confliction and find common ground, or find a “ladder” to let the tourist step down and timely change the subject.33、什么是漏接?如何预防?


35、导游员应当如何防止错接事故的发生? 答:(1)导游员应当提前到达接站地点,迎接旅游团(2)接团时认真核实:客源地组团社名称,目的地组团社的名称、团号、人数、领队、姓名,下榻饭店等(3)提高警惕,严防社会其他人员非法接走旅游团。

36、误机(车、船)事故带来的后果严重,导游人员应当如何杜绝此类事故的发生? 答:(1)认真核实机(车、船)票的班次(车次、船次)日期、时间及在哪个(车站、码头)乘机(车、船)等。(2)如果票据没有落实,带团期间要随时和接待社有关人员保持联系,没有行李车的旅游团在拿到票据核实无误后,地陪应立即将其交到全陪或游客手中(3)离开当天不安排旅游团到地域复杂、偏远的景点参观游览,不安排自由活动;(4)留有充裕的时间去机场(车站、码头)要考虑到交通堵塞或突发事件等因素(5)保证团按以下规定时间到达离站地点:乘国内航班,提前1.5小时到机场,乘国际航班出境应提前2小时到机场,乘火车或轮船,提前1小时到达车站或码头。40、依据《导游人员管理条例》,哪些人员不得颁发导游证? 答:(1)无民事行为能力或限制民事行为能力。(2)患有传染疾病的。(3)受过刑处罚,过失犯罪除外。(4)被吊销导游证的。

37、导游员应如何协助司机做好交通事故的预防? 答:(1)司机开车时,导游人员不要与司机聊天,以免分散其注意力;(2)安排游览日程时,在时间上要留有余地,避免造成司机为抢时间、赶日程而违章、超速行驶,不催促司机开快车。(3)遇天气不好,交通拥挤、路况不好等情况,要主动提醒司机注意安全,谨慎驾驶;(4)如果天气恶劣,地陪对日程安排可适当灵活地加以调整;如遇有道路不安全的情况,可以改变行程。必须把安全放在第一位。(5)应阻止非本司机开车,还要提醒司机不要饮酒;如遇司机酒后开车,导游员应立即阻止,并向旅行社领导汇报,请求改派其他车辆或调换司机。(6)接待游客之前,提醒司机检查车辆,发现事故隐患及时提出更换车辆的建议。



41、导游人员资格证书与导游证的期限是相同的吗?为什么? 答:导游人员资格证书没有期限规定,而导游证是有期限规定的;因为《导游人员管理条例》规定:导游证的有效期限为三年,持导游证的有效期满后继续从事导游活动的,应当在有效期满三个月前,向省、自治区、直辖市旅游行政部门申请办理换发导游证手续。

45、台湾是我省入境旅游主要客源地之一。请问,接待台湾同胞时应注意哪些重要问题? 答:(1)坚持一个中国原则,正确对待政治敏感问题(2)坚持使用规范语言,防止出现错误称谓(3)坚持正面宣传引导,防止加强加于人带来消极影响。





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