• 焚香静气:焚品檀香,造就幽静、平和气氛
• 叶嘉酬宾:出示所泡茶叶让客人观赏
• 火煮山泉:泡茶用山溪泉水为上,用火煮沸
• 孟臣淋漓:即汤洗茶壶,惠孟臣是明代紫砂壶制作家,后人把名茶壶喻为孟臣
• 乌龙入宫:把乌龙茶放入紫砂壶内
• 悬壶高冲:又称高山流水,把盛开水的壶提高冲水,充分激荡茶叶使茶叶翻动清洁;
• 春风拂面:用壶盖轻轻刮去表面白色泡沫,使茶叶更清洁(不喝)• 重洗仙颜:用开水淋洗茶壶,即洗净茶壶外表又提高壶温
• 若琛出韵:即汤洗茶杯,若琛清初以擅长制茶杯而出名,后把茶杯喻为若琛瓯
• 玉液回壶:即把已泡好的茶水倒入另一个茶壶使茶汤更为均匀
• 游山玩水:沿着杯壁斟茶一圈
• 关公巡城:依次来回往各杯低斟茶水
• 韩信点兵:壶中茶水少许时,则住各杯点斟茶水(又称蜻蜓点水或观音滴水)• 三龙护鼎:用母指食指扶杯,中指托杯既稳当又雅观,三手指喻三龙,另一手做护杯势
• 喜闻幽香:即闻乌龙茶的香味
• 鉴赏三色:认真观看茶水在杯中的上中下三种颜色,故称三色
• 初品奇茗:观看、闻香后开始品茶汤味道(三口为一品)
• 尽杯谢茶:起身喝尽杯中之茶,以谢茶农栽种,制作佳茗
《Kung Fu Panda》
It's the story about a lazy懒惰的,irreverent不尊重的slacker懒鬼
panda,named Po, who is the biggest fan of
Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly严密的 come in handy便利的 while working
every day in his family's noodle shop.Unexpectedly出乎意料地 chosen to fulfill履行 an ancient远古的 prophecy预言, Po's
dreams become reality事实 when he joins the
world of Kung Fu and studies alongside在旁 his idols偶像, the legendary传说中的 Furious狂暴的 Five – Tigress雌虎, Crane鹤, Mantis螳螂, Viper毒蛇 and Monkey--under the leadership领导能力 of their guru领导, Master师傅 Shifu.But before they know it, the vengeful报复的 and treacherous背叛的 snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend保卫 everyone from the oncoming来临 threat威胁.Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master师傅 into reality事实? Po puts his heartinto the task任务, and the unlikely未必的 hero ultimately终于 finds that his greatest weaknesses软弱 turn out to be his greatest strengths力量.《Kong Fu Panda》’s opinion
I like watching films very much,and 《kongfu panda》
is my favourite among之一 all the films.It tells a story
about how a fat肥胖的 ,dull迟钝的 panda become a
expert in kongfu.It is really worth价值 watching.The
director导演 is Mark Osborne and John Stevenson from the U.S.,and it is a cartoon movie电影.So it is made by computer.It makes us to believe that the most powerful强大的 thing comes from our heart,so I like it very much.
鹤:Crane is the pragmatist of the group.Reluctant to resort to violence, he‟s a think first, punch second kind of bird.Sometimes a well placed quip is the strongest technique.He‟ll try to avoid a fight, if at all possible… but if he can‟t avoid it , he‟ll do everything he can to win it.The safety of his fellow Kung Fuers is his first priority.He‟s willing to risk his life to protect them.猴子:Mischievous, playful and enthusiastic, Master Monkey likes a good joke, but his easy-going attitude masks a cunning martial arts ability.More street smart than the rest of The Five, Master Monkey knows his way around the sometimes less than honorable world outside the Valley of Peace.虎妞:Tigress is the strongest and boldest of the Kung Fu masters.Basically, she‟s everything you‟d want in a hero: over-achieving, brave, fearless and, well, heroic…she‟s do anything to save the day.She is unwaveringly loyal to Po and what he represents as the Dragon Warrior.But underneath her stoic, iron-jawed exterior is a warm compassion that others seldom see.蛇:Viper is the „mother hen‟ of the group.It takes a cool head and a warm heart to manage the sometimes conflicting personalities of the Furious Five.But don‟t let her gentle nature fool you.Viper is a lightning fast warrior capable of taking down the most intimidating foe.Her power lies in her strength, her sinuous nature, her precision…oh, and then there‟s that deadly strike of hers.师父:Even though he has been elevated to Oogway‟s position as spiritual leader of the Valley of Peace, Shifu is a few steps shy of enlightenment.Though he ties his best, he strains under the pressure and responsibilities of stepping into such big shoes.Some times…all right most times, Po‟s antics can still send his old master searching for calm in a cup of hot tea and a meditative chant of “Inner peace…Inner peace…”
螳螂:Mantis may be the smallest of the Five, but he‟d never admit it.The little guy has a textbook Napoleaon complex: strong, fast and tiny, he possesses a mean temper and is ready to „throw down‟at the slightest insult.Nothing can strike fear into his brave little heart…except a female mantis.(Check with an entomologist—you‟ll understand why.)
熊猫:Freshly plucked from his duties as apprentices noodle maker at his dad‟s shop, Po is now the legendary Dragon Warrior.But despite all the adulation, Po is the same humble panda.Ever the fan boy, he is just as likely to stare slack-jawed at his fellow Furious Five‟s Kung Fu moves, as he is to dish out some himself.Though he is living out his dreams fighting alongside the stars of the Kung Fu world, Po‟s journey is not complete.The role of Dragon Warrior comes with new challenges and responsibilities Po must face on his way to becoming the best Kung Ku warrior he can be.
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We know that the panda is a Chinese national treasure.(我们知道熊猫是中国国宝)
They are lazy and gluttonous.Every time we see them ,they are either laying with half—opened eyes lazily or slowly going to reach the food ,then start heaving a meal.(它们很懒、很贪吃。每次看见它们不是懒洋洋的半眯着眼的躺着,就是慢悠悠的向食物走去,然后开始吃。)
And they are pretty lovely.I think it’s feather must be very comfortable.(它们非常可爱,我想它的毛摸上去一定非常舒服。)
Kung fu is one of the most precious parts of Chinese culture.(功夫中国文化最宝贵的一部分)
Today we will talk about kung panda.(今天我们讲功夫熊猫)
Kung Fu panda is a movie that allows me to see the Chinese national treasure panda and understand the Chinese kung fu from a point that I’ve never reached before.(功夫熊猫是一部让我可以进一步了解中国国宝熊猫和中国功夫的电影。)
The film tells the Kung Fu Panda po hopes to become hero.(电影讲述了熊猫阿宝希望成为功夫大侠)熊猫的名字宝,它很胖,几乎从床上滚下去。它在他的父亲平的一家面店工作,平,显然是家禽的一种,所以熊猫的父亲是个谜。