
时间:2019-05-15 07:50:14下载本文作者:会员上传



When it comes to the topic of ________(作文的话题及某种社会现象,一般是作文标题),some people hold the idea that __________(人们的看法、观点).As far as I am concerned, I think __________(我的看法、观点).So I firmly insist the idea that ____________(我的看法、观点).There are several reasons for this __________(这种现象或某种观点), but in general, they come down to three major ones, which listed as follows.To start with, the government should take the responsibility.__________(第一个原因).That is to say, _____________(扩展介绍).What’s more, _________(进一步阐述).Secondly, ____________(第二个原因).Besides _____________(扩展介绍).As a result of_________(带来的影响).Finally, ____________(第三个原因).Not only ____________, but also ____________(带来的影响).Obviously, it is high time that we did something to deal with the problem_____________.(本段小结)

To sum up, I insist that __________(我的看法、观点).It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to solve the problem.On one hand, ___________(给出建议).On the other hand, everyone should do his part, too.___________(给出建议).I believe all these measures will certainly help to solve the problem.______________(改变某种现象,进一步完善).



1997 The problems I Have in my English Study 1.遇到了哪些困难



The problems I Have in my English Study


After studing English for a period of time, I have met many difficulties.Among all these difficulties, oral English, I think is the biggest one.I’m always a fraid of wrong English words and wrong English grammars in my chatting to others.As a result, the more nervous I am, the less fluently I can speak English.Apart from this, reading comprehension is another obstacle.Although the main idea of a passage can be grasped by me, there are still a lot of mistakes when I deal with the questions.I think the reasons causing the above problems are as follows.On the one hand, the opportunity for practicing my goral English is few.Even if I run across a foreign in the street, my hesitation makes me lose the chance.This is why my oral English not so good.On the other hand, when I do reading comprehension, I concentrate on rading speed merely, regardless of intensive understanding.This is not strange why I can not comprehend the primary idea of a passage.In terms of the problems above, I think out ways of resolving them.From now on, I should encourage myself to grasp any chance to speak English.Besides, when reading a passage, I should pay much attention to comprehension while noticing my reading speed.I believe the problems I have in my English study can be overcome with correct ways.1998 Part Ⅲ Guided Writing(30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words under the title of Why We Work.Your composition should be based on the following outline given in English.1. Some people live to work.2. Other people work to live.3. Your opinion.Why We Work 参考范文1 When we live in the world,we all work for some reason or other.Different people have different attitudes towards work.Some people live to work..They devote themselves to their work..The aim for which they work is to realize the value of life,to promote the development of society and to make more people live happy life.They make great contributions to society and at the same time they also find pleasure from their work.On the contrary,other people work to live.They regard work as a way of making a living.The purpose for which they work is to kill time or to make enough money to support themselves and their families.They often regard work as what they have to do.So they can’t pick up pleasure and enjoyment from their work.Such people,once they can afford to support themselves and their families,perhaps quit their work.In my opinion,we shouldn’t go to the extremes.Since we are members of society,we should do what we can to better it so that we can live in more comfortable and more convenient surrounding.Good life is an assurance of smooth work.Only when we realize this can we live happily and work well.参考范文1

Facing the topic of why we work, there are various answers coming from various people by the rason that people have different philosophy of life.In the first place, some people regard subsistences as the most important thing so they think they work to live.What they care in work is how much thay can be paid.They ignore whether the work is vapid as long as they can earn more money from it.In the second place, contrary to the abouve idea, there are a lot of people who believe that they live to place, contrary to the above idea, there are a lot of people who believe that they live to work.Their life goal is to make an achievement and become successful through hard work.Usually they choose their work depending on whetherthe work can accord with their interest and aim.As far as I’m concerned, we shouldn’t limit our work to the way of earning our livelihood, but work for the prosperity and mightiness of our country.This is not only a correct attitude we should take, but also a significant way we live.1999 Part Ⅲ Guided Writing(30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:For this part,you are to write a composition of no less than 120 words on The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents.You should write according to the three-points outline given below.Outline:

1.跨世纪人才应具备哪些素质; 2.为什么需要具备这些素质; 3.怎样才能成为跨世纪人才。

The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents


The Quality of Cross-Century Talentys In order to survive and succeed in the 21st century,the cross-century talents should have good educational background,strong communication skills and open-mind,etc.Because our society is characterized with the“knowledge economy”,education background is becoming vital to all of us.We surely need to learn the modern technology in order to succeed in our life.As the world economy becomes more and more globalized,we need to contact with different people in different parts of the world.A good command of foreign language and an understanding of cultural difference become increasingly important.As good command of foreign language and an understanding of cultural difference become increasingly important.As the world becomes“smaller”,we need to be more open-minded to new ideas.To become a cross-century talent,we need to bear in mind that learning is no longer a once-and-for-all experience,but an on-going process,or in other words,the idea of life-long renewal will prevail.参考范文2

Facing the arrival of the 21th century, as the cross-centry talents, what quality should we be equipped with? The first, I think, is knowledge.The second is health.Meanwhile, somececessary skills must be grasped, such as being accomplished in a certain foreign language, using computers skillfully and so on.First of all, in this age of knowledge explosion, people who own the most useful knowledge can go ahead, otherwise will fall behind.To the whole country, knowledge is the key factor to determine whether we can make our cungtry stronger than others.Secondly, the people’s health level can indicate whether a country is prosperous.In 2008, we should greet Being Olympic Games with healthy body.The last but not the least, English and computer have becaome a bridge to communicate with people in various countries.Therefore, their importance is indubitable to each of us.In a word, if we’d like to become a cross-century talent, we ought to study hard and strengthen the physical training so as to be qualified cross-century talent.2000 Which is More Important,Wealth or Health?

参考范文1 Different people have different viewpoints about this subject.Some say that wealth is more important,for keeping fit needs money.Others say health is more important,for you can do nothing without a good health.This question is still under discussion.In my opinion,health is more important than wealth.The following points can we support my statement.First,a good health will enable you to enjoy your life.With a good health,you will be happy with yourself and your family as well.Second,a good health will enable you to work effectively.In this way,you may do more contributions to our society.Third,a good health is also the best way of money saving.With a good health,you will reduce the economic burden for yourself,your family and the society as well.I can’t imagine what will happen to a society whose citizens have a poor health.Therefore,health is more important than health.参考范文2 Along with the rhym of modern life becoming faster than before, a new word “subhealth” set people thinking deeply.Which is more important, health or weath? Some people hold that wealth is the most important thing to their life while others hold that nothing is more important than health.Their reasons are following.Above all, many people allege that as long as they are wealthy, anyting else, such as health, happiness ans so on, can be bought.Surely, wealth is number one to them.The idea of making a fortune occupies their mind and they ignore all other things, including health.On the contrary to this, a lot of people believe that they’ve got nothing if losing their health.They think wealth and happiness become significant only under the status of health, therefore they’d rather quit some opportunities of earning money in order to keep healthy.As far as I am concerned, money is not the key to open all doors.Without health, money is meaningless to people.We should take right attitude to deal with this matter.【点评】



The Greatest Invention in the Past Century In your composition,you should clearly state your opinion and give reasons to support your argument.参考范文1 When speaking of great inventions and discoveries in the last century, I can say that the invention of the Internet is the most important.The Internet plays a role in our work and daily life so significant that people regard it as an indispendable partner.The following examples can prove this point of view.First of all, when we’d like to obtain some imofrmation in a certain field in the past, we had to spend a great deal of time to consult may people and refer to a lot of books.However, the Internet makes it relaxable and eay.In just a few seconds, the information you need appears on the web page.In addition, comparing with the tradional letter, the Internet creates a quick and convenient method for us to communicate.It really shortens the distances of the whole world that can be named as earth village.No matter what we do, the Internet provides us the most effective ans useful means of communication, In conclusion, people can’t imagine what it is like without the Internet nowadays, especially so some people who engage in electronic business.What we should do is to further improve the Internet’s function and makes it serve human being better.2002 1.State the changes in the number of Chinese traveling abroad in the past three years.2.Give possible reasons for the changes.参考范文1 The increase in the Number of Chinese Traveling Abroad The chart given abouve shows that there were about 7.5 million Chinese traveling abroad in 1999, and the number went up to 10 million in 2000.It was even more in 2001, reaching 12.1 million.It is undoubted that the number of Chinese traveling abroad mounted up continually.The factors that cuase this trend are various, but the main ones, in my opinion, are the following.In the first place, economy is the primary factor.As we know, the income of ordinary people in China is increasing constantly.Traveling aborad is no longer a burden they can’t afford.In the second place, communication between China and other countries is more and more frequent.Chinese people are eager to go abroad personally, getting to know how people live under different cultures and customs.At the same time, it is also to improve foreigners’ understanding to China——an old and big country.Since teavel can not only accelerate the exchanges of different counties, but also improve the friendship between Chinese people and people in other countries, our country should further perfect the travel sustem and unsure more development of travel industry.2003 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less that 120 words under the title of“What will money bring us,fortune or misfortune?”Your composition should be based on the following story given in Chinese.Give at least two reasons to support your choice.夺命之物



明明说:“会,是爸爸教我这么做的。爸爸和我一起爬到了门口,他说忘了一件东西,就又爬回去了。” 参加救火的消防员说,他们发现那具男尸时,他的手里紧紧地攥着一沓百元大钞。于是,人们明白了:有一种东西杀人夺命,比大火还厉害。(摘自《深圳青年》 第3期上半月刊,作者廖钧)


As the story tells us,we have to think which we are to consider as more important,life or money.The father in the story is the victim of his savings,because he loses his life when trying to get his money out of the house regardless of the risk.The story is intended to tell us that money sometimes brings misfortune if one has become a slave of money.My argument is listed as follows:

On one hand,to be the master of money can make life more meaningful and bring fortune.It is known to all that there are many other things that are more important than money,such as knowledge,health and friendship.Overestimate of the importance and value of money is likely to confine one’s activity and thinking to money.As a result,everything else is overlooked and happiness will not come easily.On the other hand,to be a slave of money can make a person end up with disaster,just as the father in the story.Many crimes are related to money,including robbery,bribery and stealing.This follows that we have to take a positive attitude towards money.In conclusion,I’ll never do such a silly thing as the father has done.Money does mean a lot,but it does not mean everything.I’ll learn a lesson from the story and try to devote myself to more important tasks rather than become a slave of money.2004 Part Ⅲ Guided Writing(25 minutes,15 points)

Directions:Read the story in Chinese below,and then write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of“The Goal of Life”.Your composition should be based on the story and the following outline: 1.What have you learned from the story?

2.What is the goal of your life?If you have achieved the goal of your life,what would you do? 目


参考范文1 After reading this instructive storys we can learn that there is no goal,there is no life,and we should set new goals for life in different periods of life.Otherwises,sad story such as the disabled man mentioned in the story would happen.Only with the renewed goals,can we improve ourselves step by step,and make our life more colorful and meaningful.Certainly,everyone has his own goal of life.I have mine too.My goal is to become a famous surgeon.I’ll work hard to achieve this goal by learning and practicing more,so that I can make myself more knowledgeable and skillful,and use them to benefit my patients.If I have achieved this goal,I would set up a new one.Then,I’ll do my best to achieve it.Therefore,everyone should set different goals in different periods of life,and try his best to achieve it.In this way,we will live happily.2005 Part Ⅱ Writing(30 minutes,15 points)Outline:

1.Choose either of the two positions:College students should(not)be allowed to get married.2.State your reasons for or against the issue.3.Conclusion

参考范文1 Whether college students should be allowedto get married

There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not College students should be allowed to get married.Some people think it is humanistic to allow college students to get married,while there are some others who believe that it may make a far-reaching negative impact upon the students’ study.Were it left for me to decide whether college students should be allowed to get married or not,I would not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief.First of all,academic studying is what the college life should focus on.The whole point of marriage is that it imposes clear obligations,not just the right to pursue your own happiness,but to provide both emotional and practical care for each other,which surely wastes a lot of time.More importantly,most college students are relying on their parents’ financial support to continue their study.Surely,their parents hope they can concentrate on study instead of love affairs.Most important of all,a great majority of college students are still young,that is,they have not yet developed a sound opinion as to the true implication of love and marriage,thereby,most of their marriages may end up in divorce.From what we discussed above,we can safely come to the conclusion that it is unwise to allow college students to get married.Because it wasted too much time,money and energy,which greatly influences their studies and both physical and mental welfare.And the rules and regulations should be made by both the college and the governments to be manifest to all college students that college students are forbidden to get married.参考范文2

A heated debate that whether college students should be allowed to get married before they graduate has existed for a long time.Since their age is old enough to begin the marriage life legally, some people believe that it doesn’t accord with the law of human rights if they are not permitted to get married.As far as I’m concerned, the advantages are less than the abuses if college students have their marriage during their university education.The reasons are as follows.First of all, apart form some exceptional status, most college students’s life is around home and campus.Without social anneal, they are not mature enough to face the obligation that marriage brings.Furthermore, most college students can’t be independent economically, still relying on their parents’ support.How can they carry a family’s burden? Secondly, competition in modern society is becoming aboil increasingly.It’s not easy for college students to greet challenges if they don’t have sufficient preparation for their future, and early marriage will influence their study undoubtedly.In order to own a happy and steady family, a solid basis of career is necessary.Therefore, college students ought to concentrate their mind on study but not be married so early.Thirdly, college life is valuable and fugacious.In this collective, we can not only gain abundant knowledge, but win sincer friendship as well.It is a pity for college students who will limit themselves into personal life of marriage of they are allowed to get married.In conclusion, it is not suitable for college students to get married during their college education.They should fully utilize the golden time to prepare mentally, intellectually and economically.参考范文1

2006 Part Ⅱ Writing(30 minutes,15 points)

Some college graduates choose to work as village officials.1.Do you think it is a good idea? 2.What can they offer the countryside?

3.What can they gain from their village positions?


College graduates work as village officials.People find it hard to find a job,especially the college graduates.Most of them just want to work in the big and developed cities,such as Shenzhen,Shanghai,etc.But the situation has changed.Some college graduates prefer to work as village officials in the rural areas,I think it is a good idea.First,it not only can ease the job-hunting pressure in the big cities,but also can make the college graduates have more job chances.Second,the college graduates can bring the advanced science and technology to the lagging rural areas.For example,they can teach the villagers how to feed the pigs effectively and plant the fruits and vegetables scientifically,which can help the villagers live a wealthy life in a short time.Third,the college graduates can exercise themselves in the poor living condition.They can know much more about Chinese farmers,and they may have a better and larger platform to display their talents and abilities.In a word,I am in favor of this idea,and I wish I could be a village official after graduation.参考范文2

Along with the quantity of college graduates increasing continually, working as village officials appears in many newspapers.Is it a correct choice for these college graduates who’d rather create their careers in the countryside than wait for a big company’s offer with hundreds of competitors? I think the answer is positive.Young college graduates possess many characters that are needed by the countryside, such as good education, activeness, enthusiasm and so on.Apart from these, they bring to the countryside new management ideas, latest techniques and many others.They also shorten the distance between rural areas and cities because they can grasp information from various fields timely.In a word, the rural areas can take on new appearance going with the arrival of college graduates.As college graduates, they can also gain a lot during their working in village.Through combining the theory with practice, they can obtain practical knowledge that is unable to study on campus.Furthermore, ours is an age with better phusical conditions than before.Some college graduates from urban areas never know poverty and hardship and the experience of village officials anneal them phusically and mentally.Form the statements above I may draw the conclusion that it is a good idea for college graduates to work as village officials.2007

Who and How to Take Care of Seniors?


Since China adopted one-child policy,together with improvement made in the social undertakings such as welfare and health care,there has emerged a problem of how to support seniors in recent years.As every coin has two sides,the side effect of one-child policy has appeared,for example,the child regarded by other family members as the little prince or princess,always has his wishes satisfied without difficulty.Growing up in this family,no wonder they lack in sense of caring for others and learning to be independent of parents.Can they support their aging parents whose life expectancy has been prolonged?

To effectively cope with this social problem of taking care of seniors today,I may put forward several suggestions as follows:First,young adults in a family should spend more time with their elder members,giving financial help,chatting over favorite topics,doing family work.Secondly,the governments at all levels should finance the construction of more seniors care centers for aged people who wish to lessen the burden of their children.Last but not the least,the sense of responsibility for caring the seniors should be planted to the heart of everyone.To sum up,I firmly hold that taking care of the seniors is one of Chinese traditional virtue and it involves the effort of young adults together with love from every corner of the society,particular social institutions.Only by doing so can we build a harmonious society.参考范文2

There are growing concerns among general public about the isssu of who and how to take care of the seniors.Since China adopted one-child policy, there has emerged a problem of how to support the seniors.As there are two sides for everything, the side-effect of one-child policy has appeared.The child always has his wishes without difficulty.They lack the sense of caring for others and learning to be independent of their parents.So they can not support their aging parents.In order to solve this social peoblem of takeing car of the seniors effectively, the following suggestions should be taken into consideration: on the one hand, young adults should spend more time with the seniors, doing family work and chatting over favourite topics as well as providing financial support for them.On the other hand, the governments should provide more financial help for the construction of more seniors care centers in order to lessen the burdent of the young generation.As far as I am concerned, I view taking care of the seniors as one of the traditional virtues in China.Under no circumstance should we ingnore the importance of taking care of the seniors and providing a comfortable condition for them.Only by doing so can we build a harmonious society.2008

Self-confidence Is a Key to Success


From what is illustrated in this picture / As can be seen from the above picture, the man with full-confidence finally steps up to the championship while the non-confident person becomes the steps of the successful man.It is supposed that success is a beautiful dream that everyone wants to come true.However, there are many factors led to success.But it is no doubt that self-confidence is one of the keys to success.There are various reasons accounting for this.Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various troubles on the way to success.When coming cross difficulties, we must be confident to overcome them, only through which can we finally achieve the goal.Furthermore, if we are not self-confident when we confront dilemma, we would not realize not only the personal dream but also the national dream.And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disaster.From what we discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that self-confidence is a key to success both for the personal and the nation.If we uphold the sprite of self-confidence, we are able to conquer all the difficulties and achieve the goal no matter how serious the difficulties are!

参考范文2 What is a key to success? Probably some people would claim tha power and interpersonal relation are main factors leading to success.In my opinion, self-confidence is a key to success.Because of being in possession of self-confidence, the question of “Can I do it?” is raplaced by the affirmative sentence “I can do it.” Because of it, many national industries are set up on the basis of shortage of capital and technology;because of it, our athletes conquer difficulties and win the final triumph in the world gymkhana.We have to admit that when facing the difficulty, most of us have the thought of moving back and giving up, so we need self-confidence.All in all, one life only with self-confidence is a life of sifnificance and brilliance.Self-confidence is also a route to success, we will benefit from it our lifetime if we choose it to be our friend.2009 Part II Writing(30 minutes, 15 points)Blog is an on-line diary that one keeps on his frequently updated personal web page.Blog often reflects the personality and experiences of the author.1.Introductory remarks.2.My opinion about blog: For or against, and reasons.OR What I think blog can do.3.Conclusion.There is no doubt that the blog has gained increasing popularity in people’s daily life in the past years.As we can see, people of varied ages, occupations and social ranks have their own blogs.They are somewhat like their online diaries.Truly, the blog has some attractive traits.The most noticeable one is that one can share his or her own feelings and thoughts with many others.In this sense, a blog is like a book one has published about himself.Compared with traditional books, blogs have some advantages.For one thing, they can be continually renewed and revised at the author’s will.For another, one can, to some extent, choose his readers.However, as every coin has two sides, the blog also has some drawbacks.First, some authors attack others in their articles and infringe upon others’ rights.Secondly, since the blog is not a real book, the intellectual property rights of the writer cannot be well protected.To sum up, the blog is like a two-edged sword, which has both merits and flaws.Of course, we should not give up eating for fear of choking.Instead, we should exert proper supervision over it and let it serve us better.1、引言,住处博客在当今社会非常流行





My favorite way of keeping fit


My favorite way of keeping fits Observations and research findings indicate that people are increasingly concerned about keeping fits.The importance people attach to it and the rapid development of related services are the signs of this.There are several ways of keeping fits.Dieting should be fundamental to one’s health.We are more choice than ever before.Therefore, we should be cautious to select the proper foods and to control the reasonable amount.What’s more, taking experience is another essential way.In addition, nobody is exposed to be considered as healthy in mental disorder, so that keeping mental health is also important.As for me, I am exerting all my strength on keeping my fits, by taking reasonable dieting and proper exercise and by remaining in good mind.In particular, I like jogging, more than four times per week, and approximately .

2011 How to handle stress

1.Common source of stress 2.Healthy ways to reduce stress 3.How you have overcome stressful situations.2010

1.What do you think about the story? 2.What do you learn from it?

Never yield to setbacks/frustrations














































“叮铃铃”,上课铃响了,我们纷纷涌进教室等待着这一次无情的英语考试 。
















米老师很快的给我们把卷子发了下来,开始考了。就像往常测试一样的考了。隐约可以听到铅笔“沙沙沙”的响声,就像一首动听的曲子,令人陶醉在这个“沙沙沙”的曲子中,过了一两分钟,这首动听的曲子听了,我们不约而同的停住了手中的笔,只有英语课代表没有停止手中的`笔。而同学们都在吹着手中的汗,满头的汗不停的在往下流。尤其是英语课代表,嘴里一直在不停的念着英语单词,不愧是英语班长。单词总是在口中喋喋不休得念 ,我看完之后不得不伸出大拇指说一声“佩服”简直是佩服不已。第二天,成绩下来了,我的英语成绩是95分。英语课代表是100分,这时米老师来了。看到同学们很开心就知道我们考好了。这次英语考试。使同学们很开心.




















The prevalence of __ has been a big and almost every day’s newspaper has reports concerning __.Although measures have been implemented to 空中填关键词,画线词组可根据褒贬前后替换。


Considering every aspect of the issue, we may attribute the phenomenon to the following factors.Ascribe owe credit __________.Taking into account __________.In view of __________.空中填事例。


There are several ways to address this problem.Laws and regulations should be implemented to ban At the same 画线词组根据褒贬自己改。


Only by attaching importance to the controversial issue can we effectively and efficiently address the problem.画线词组可根据褒贬前后替换,这个是万能结尾。



作文 第一篇

The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces.Must solve this problem must start from foundation.First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness.Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling.Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product.Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect.Causes the city's appearance to be neater.For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment.To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags.Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.第二篇

People often think that water will never be used up.There is plenty of water, such as rain, water from the rivers and wells.It seems as if water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage.In fact water is rather limited on the earth.With the rapid increase of population and fast development of industries, water is more needed than before.At the same time, a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day.Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water shortage already.There, water supply is controlled and industry has been restrained.What should we do about the water shortage? I think, first, the people should be made aware of the real situation about the water.Everyone should consciously save on water and certain law should be made that no water will be polluted.We have to protect the existing water resources and develop new ones.In this way I believe that our cities will not be thirsty for water in the future.范文是网上找的,仅供参考。希望大家加入自己的理解和老师的提示以完善作文。



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    2012年全国职称英语考试答题技巧之完成句子一、全国职称英语考试完成句子的题型要求 每个题目都是一个判断句,但留有一个或两个空格,要求根据原文填空。目前考试中,绝大部分都......


    完形填空 1,平民 爱啊硬邦邦插花用什么 2,Invention 第二轮宠儿锻炼出网络表演 3,Most parents 如何洞房e脱而偶数爱戴 4,1688 好哇我儿孙慈善友爱不生重病 5,Not everybody read......

    全国成人学位英语考试模拟题 答案

    2011年广东省成人学位英语考试模拟题 Part I Dialogue Completion (15 Points) Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 c......


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    求职Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply for the post of sales representative with your corporation, as advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. I successful......