
时间:2019-05-15 00:57:30下载本文作者:会员上传







(黄委会西峰水土保持科学试验站,甘肃 庆阳 745000)

摘要:在地理信息系统支持下,以TM影像为主要信息源,采用计算机辅助下的人工解译,对以晋陕蒙接壤地区为中心的砒砂岩分布范围进行全面界定,并将其划分为裸露区、覆土区、覆沙区三个类型区,确定了每一类型区的分布范围及面积大小。通过对砒砂岩区治理水土流失的生物措施及工程措施进行调研,本文提出了砒砂岩区综合治理的总体思路。提出在大面积封禁治理,充分发挥生态系统的自我修复功能的前提下,将沙棘作为砒砂岩区生物措施治理的突破口,采用混交造林方式,在立地条件较好的地方栽种油松、柠条;在工程措施方面结合沙棘植物“柔性坝”技术,以大、中型拦泥库为骨架,以淤地坝为主体,建设支流坝系。实现淤粗排细,改善进入下游河道的水沙条件及泥沙组成。关键词:砒砂岩 分布范围 治理 遥感

The Soft Rock Borderline Defining and Its treatments Wu Yonghong Jin Jian Mu Zhilong Yun Dianzhi(Xifeng Soil and Water Conservation Experimental Station under Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee, 745000, Qingyang, Gansu)Abstract: Take the tm remote sensing data as the main information source, with the supportting of geographic information system, by the meathod of computer assistanted artificial translation, we defined the bordline of the soft rock which mainly takes Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area as its distribution center, and divided it into such three types areas as the exposed area, the loess covered area and the sand covered area.The distributive scope and the area size of each type have been determined.By inveresting biological and engineering measures for soil erosion in soft rock area, this paper gives some advices and general ideas on vegetation construction and comprehensive treatment in these areas, under the premise of large area closing treatment and the ecological recovering of ecosystem, takes seabuckthorn as the breakthrough for biological treatment, Chinese pine, ningtiao can be planted on places with good site condition.Mixed forestation is the most suitable forestation structure.For engineering measures, we should consider seabuckthorn vegetation “flexible dam” technology, take large and medium-sized dams as its framework, silt dams as it principal part, contruct branch dam system, in order to deposit coarse silt and exclude fine silt, and reform the runoff and sediment condition and sediment composition in lower reaches of the yellow river.Key words: soft rock board line distribution type remote sensing 前言





2i2 范围界定与类型区划分的标准

2.1 砒砂岩范围界定标准 顾名思义,凡是存在砒砂岩的地方就应该确定为砒砂岩分布区,但是以此划定的范围对于研究黄河泥沙和进行砒砂岩治理并无实际意义。我们界定范围的目的就是要为今后砒砂岩区的治理提供依据,因此,我们所说的砒砂岩分布区指的是砒砂岩在地表出露并已造成水土流失危害或潜在水土流失危害的地区。即使从地质图或钻探资料上看,某些地方的下覆基岩与砒砂岩有着同样的岩性,但在这些地方地表没有砒砂岩露头,即没有砒砂岩影像特征,砒砂岩在这些地方没有形成水土流失危害,就不把这些地方划为砒砂岩分布区。因此,砒砂岩分布范围的界定标准是:如果砒砂岩在某一地区的侵蚀沟中有大面积出露,即影像上具有砒砂岩的影像特征,则该区为砒砂岩分布区。当然,在黄土高原的其它地方也有与砒砂岩具有相同的岩性,同时也有水土流失现象,但这些岩层不叫砒砂岩,这些地方也不属于我们这次范围界定的工作区,这次范围界定的工作区是:以晋陕蒙接壤区为中心的砒砂岩集中、连片出露的地方。


2.2 砒砂岩类型区划分标准







2面积16685.48 km的27.2%、22.2%、50.6%。分布范围东至黄河,西达杭锦旗境内的毛布拉孔兑,从西北向东南沿毛乌素沙地西北缘分布,南抵陕西省神木县城,北到库布齐沙漠南缘,介于北纬38°10′~40°10′,东经108°45′~111°31′之间,大致分布在由杭锦旗、清水河县、神木县城三点组成的三角形区域内(见图1)。砒砂岩在各主要直接入黄支流的分布面积以窟野河和皇甫川面积最大,其次为孤山川、清水川、浑河。皇甫川、孤山川、清水川几乎全流域都分布在砒砂岩区,窟野河在神木以上基本全部分布在砒砂岩区。还约有三2109°0'0“E110°0'0”E111°0'0“E112°0'0”E黄毛不浪沟卜尔色太40°0'0“N河R!黑赖沟沟柳西罕台河达拉特旗黄哈什拉柳沟河虎斯太河砒砂岩分布区地图40°0'0”N壕清河区河河浑川沟东胜区自治十里正川R!长准格尔旗R!清水河R!杭锦旗R鄂尔多斯市!H黄杨家川川R!兰39°0'0“NH!5!地市乡县市铁路河流覆土砒砂岩区R!秃尾110°0'0”ER!神木省界县界公路覆沙砒砂岩区裸露砒砂岩区(剧烈侵蚀)裸露砒砂岩区(强度侵蚀)河109°0'0“E111°0'0”E图1


fig.1 Map of soft rock distribution 分之一面积的砒砂岩分布在内蒙古十大孔兑及其它直接入黄支沟。砒砂岩区的综合治理

4.1 综合治理开发的总体思路


4.2 植物措施治理思路


砒砂岩区地广人稀,荒地资源丰富,加之能源重化工基地建设和城镇化进程加快,广大农村人口增长趋势已渐和缓。尽管降雨时空分布不均,但多年平均降雨量约400mm。在该区图 例红碱淖府谷川R保德!R!朱家黄窟野漪河!R西苛岚R!五寨西岚汾河112°0'0“E39°0'0”N陕山河川牛孤木伦甫川川内孛R!水黄河县乌清蒙伊金霍洛旗河偏河曲R偏关!关山河川川古R!R!托克托R!域实施生态修复将是生态建设中速度最快、效益最好、成本最低的措施之一。











4.3 工程措施治理思路






参 考 文 献



讨,泥沙研究,2003年6月第3期,p63~65; [2] 姚文艺,时明立,崔长江:黄河泥沙问题研究综述,黄河水利职业技术学院学报,2004年1月第16卷

1期,p1~4; The Soft Rock Borderline Defining and Its Treatments

Wu Yonghong, Jin Jian,Mu Zhilong and Yun Dianzhi

(Xifeng Soil and Water Conservation Experimental Station under Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee, , Qingyang, Gansu745000)

Abstract: Take the tm remote sensing data as the main information source, with the supporting of gtaTeo








c e d e information system, by the method of computer assistant artificial translation, we defined the board line of soft rock which mainly takes Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area as its distribution center, divided it into such three types areas as the exposed area, the loess covered area and the sand covered area.distributive scope and the area size of each type have been determined.By investigating biological and engineering measures for soil erosion in soft rock area, this paper gives some advices and general ideas on vegetation construction and comprehensive treatment in these areas, under the premise of large area closing treatment and the ecological recovering of ecosystem, takes sea buckthorn as the breakthrough for biological treatment, Chinese pine, caragana intermedia can be planted on places with good site condition.Mixed forestation is the most suitable forestation structure.For engineering measures, we should consider sea buckthorn vegetation “flexible dam” technology, take large and medium-sized dams as its framework, silt d




as it principal part, constructs branch dam system, in order to deposit coarse silt and exclude fine silt, and reform the runoff and sediment condition and sediment composition in lower reaches of the yellow river.Key words: soft rock

board line

distribution type

remote sensing Preface In the Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area of Yellow River Basin, Distributed a loose rock commonly known as “Soft Rock” by the local people(“Soft Rock” is a local name, some people translate it as “Feldspathic Sandstone”), it specifically refers to the thick interbed rock layers which is composed of sandstone, sand shale and mud sandstone of Paleozoic Permian, Mesozoic Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous.This formation belongs to continental clastic rock series.Because of its thin overlying rocks and low pressure, it has characteristics of lower degree diagenesis, poor levels of cementation between sands, and lower structural strength.It is hard as stone when it is dry, but soft as mud when it is wet.As a result of its natural physical, chemical characters and the special local natural and cultural environment, weathering denudation is often occurred on soft rock.The local people was deeply endured the hazards of its severe soil erosion, regards it as arsenic poisoning, so called it “Soft Rock”.The soil erosion modulus in soft rock area is as high as 30000 ~ 40000 t/km2.a.The annual sediment discharge is 161 million tons.Among them, the yield of coarse sediment which diameter greater than 0.05 mm is 098.2 million tons, account for 39% of the total volume of sediment discharge of the eight northern coarse sediment tributaries in the territorial of Hekou town to Longmen.It is the severest erosion region in Loess Plateau, it was called the “highest erosion of the world” and “environmental cancer” by Chinese and foreign experts.Our central government attaches great importance to the controlling soft rock erosion in this area, and have launched a number of research and treatment projects in the region.It has played a positive role for revealing the complex mechanism of soil loss and the implementing scientific control.But for many years people only know that Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area is the soft rock distribution center, but how far on earth is the range of the Soft Rock? No one knows.Therefore, that how to draw the line and make a division to the soft rock distribution is not only very important to control the soil and water loss in soft rock areas, but also provide the scientific basis for the coarse silt areas of the Yellow River.In order to identify the distribution of the Soft Rock quickly and accurately, we use remote sensing technology to define the scope of Soft Rock, chose satellite remote sensing image TM as a source of information, use geographic information systems as the platform for data acquisition.Through the wild-spot investigations to establish TM image interpretation signs, a computer-aided interpretation of images is used.The area of each map spot is automatically calculated by computer.2 Standards for board line definition and

types division 2.1 Standards for soft rock board line definition

As the name suggests, all place where exists soft rock should be identified as soft rock area, but this delineation has no practical significance in Soft Rock management and the sediment research work of the Yellow River.The purpose that we define the scope of Soft Rock area is to provide the basis for the future management, therefore, what we call the Soft Rock area refer to the region that Soft Rock is exposed on the surface land and severe soil erosion has caused or potential erosion will occur.That is to say , Even if the sandstone bedrock of certain areas have the same lithology from drilling data or geological map, but there isn’t Soft Rock outcrop in these areas, or we can’t find Soft Rock from satellite image, and severe soil erosion hasn’t occurred in these areas, we don’t identify these areas as Soft Rock area.Therefore, the standards for soft rock board line definition are: areas that there are large Soft Rock outcrop or we can distinguish Soft Rock from satellite image.These areas are Soft Rock area.Indeed, in some places on loess plateau, the lithology is the same with Soft Rock, and soil erosion has occurred in these areas, but we don’t call it Soft Rock area, it doesn’t belong to our workaround.The workaround is places mainly take Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area as its distribution center and have large areas of Soft Rock outcrop.In 1998, researchers of Suide soil and water conservation station drew the line and made a division to the Soft Rock distribution in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area by Mss Satellite image.According to the different surface cover, they divided whole Soft Rock area into exposed, sand covered and loess covered Soft Rock partitions.This division method can basically represent the characteristics in Soft Rock area.Therefore, our investigation is still in use of such division methods and its name in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.But the exact border is based on specific image features of TM and field survey.Previous research drew the scope line in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia contiguous area.Our research work extends the range west to Maobula gully in Hangjin Country.The area is larger than before.2.2

Standards for type areas division Exposed area: Soft Rock can be seen at the surface land, there isn’t loess, Aeolian sandy soil covered on it or covered with thin loess or Aeolian sandy soil(0.1-1.5 m).All such regions that account for more than 70 percent of the total area are exposed Soft Rock area.Exposed Soft Rock areas are hilly topography, with average gully density of 5 ~ 7 km/km2,Scarce vegetation, low coverage degree, covered with thin layer of loess or floating sand(usually 10 ~ 150 cm), large areas bedrock are exposed.Erosion modulus is about 21,000t/km2.a, mainly by water erosion, with serious composite erosion.Soft Rock not only exposed in valley but also on slope, with lithology of conglomerate, sandstone and mudstone, across bedding, mixed colors, as reddish brown, purple, yellow-green, white, gray, serious water and wind erosion.Its image features is characterized by developed valley and drainage network.The valley shadow is not obvious.Image tone is light.It is lack of vegetation in color(green).Most parts present red meat, light purple.Loess covered area: Soft Rock is covered with loess on slop and exposed in gully.The average thickness is more than 1.5m.All such regions that bare Soft Rock takes more than 30 percent of the total area are loess covered Soft Rock area.Its landform is loess hilly and gully.Vegetation coverage degree is high than exposed area.Loess thickness range differs from a few meters to tens of meters.Loess is thick on top hill and gradually become thin from top to bottom.Average gully density between 3 ~ 6 km/km2.Most slop land is natural pasture except some cultivated land on mild slope land of top hill.Vegetation coverage degree is about 20%.Soil erosion modulus is 1,5000t/km2.a, belong to severe soil erosion region.Water erosion is the major erosion type, with wind erosion and gravity erosion alternative occurred.Soft Rock exposed in the gully which below the shoulder line of valleys, and deeply cut, appears typical “V” shape gully;its slope is steeper than 35 degree.With Horizontal beddings, lithology of Soft Rock is sandstone, mudstone.Rock colors are purple, yellow-green and gray.Compared with exposed area, loess covered area is well covered with vegetation.Its image features is characterized by developed valley and drainage network and green in color, with deeply cut gully, obvious gully shadow and dark image tone.Sand covered area: By the impact of sandstorms from the Kubuqi Desert and the Mu Us Sandy Land, the Soft rock on hills of Ordos plateau buried under the sand, or dunes alternate with Soft Rock, formed the landscape that Soft Rock is covered with loess on slop and exposed in gully.All such regions that bare Soft Rock takes more than 30 percent of the total area are sand covered Soft Rock area.Its average gully density is between 1 ~ 3 km/km2.The desertification of surface land is serious.Soil erosion modulus is 8000t/km2.a.Wind erosion is the major erosion type, compound with serious water erosion.The difference between loess covered area and sand covered area is the material that covered on Soft rock.The surface of sand covered area is covered by sand and drainage network is not developed.Therefore, its image features are characterized by no obvious texture, not developed drainage network, light gully shadow, obvious sandy features.The Soft Rock lithology is mudstone, pebbled sandstone, shale and arkose, with loose cementation and severe weathering denudation.Rock colors are purple, brown, gray, yellow ginger.3 oft Rock distributive scopes The result shows that the total area of Soft Rock is 16,700 km2, located in Dongsheng district, Zhungeer, Yijinhuoluo, Dalate, Hangjin country of Ordos City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;Shenmu, Fugu County of Shaanxi Province;other small areas of Soft Rock scattered in Hequ and Baode County of Shanxi Province and Qingshuihe County of Inner Mongolia, among the total area of 16685.48 km2, bare Soft Rock area is 4543.89 km2, sand covered Soft Rock is 3709.18 km2, loess covered Soft Rock is 8432.41 km2, accounts for 27.2%, 22.2%, 50.6% respectively.Along the northwest edge of Mu Us Sandy Land from northwest to southeast, its 109°0'0“E110°0'0”E111°0'0“E112°0'0”E黄毛不浪沟卜尔色太40°0'0“N河R!黑赖沟沟柳西罕台河达拉特旗黄哈什拉柳沟河虎斯太河砒砂岩分布区地图40°0'0”N壕清河区河河浑川沟东胜区自治十里正川R!长准格尔旗R!清水河R!杭锦旗R鄂尔多斯市!H黄杨家川川R!兰39°0'0“NH!5!地市乡县市铁路河流覆土砒砂岩区R!秃尾110°0'0”ER!神木省界县界公路覆沙砒砂岩区裸露砒砂岩区(剧烈侵蚀)裸露砒砂岩区(强度侵蚀)河109°0'0“E111°0'0”EFig.1 Map of soft rock distribution 图 例红碱淖川府谷R保德!R!朱家黄窟野漪河!R西苛岚R!五寨西岚河汾112°0'0“E39°0'0”N陕山河川牛孤木伦甫川川内孛R!水河县乌清黄蒙伊金霍洛旗河偏河曲R偏关!关山河川川古R!R!托克托R!distribution is east to the Yellow River, west to the Maobula gully in Hangjin Country, south to Shenmu country town, north to the south edge of Kubuqi desert, The geographic coordinate are between latitude 38 ° 10 '~ 40 ° 10', longitude 108 ° 45 '~ 111 ° 31', and generally distributed in the triangular regions composed by three country towns of Hangjin , Qingshuihe and Shenmu Country(see Figure 1).In the major first grade tributaries flowing into the Yellow River, Kuye River and Huangfu River basin are the two larger Soft Rock distribution areas, followed by Gushan, Qingshui and Hun River basins.Almost all of river basins of Huangfu, Gushan and Qingshui River are Soft Rock distribution area, Kuye River above Shenmu are all of Soft Rock distribution area, and about one-third of the Soft Rock area distributed in the 10 large gullies of Inner Mongolia and other branch gullies directly flowing into the Yellow River.4 Comprehensive treatment of Soft Rock 4.1 General idea for comprehensive treatment According to the specific circumstances and needs of local economic development, general idea for comprehensive treatment is that implementing large area closing treatment and giving full play to the ecological recovering of ecosystem, under this premise, and actively promoting vegetation construction with local conditions, Returning farmland to forest and grassland, taking construction of gully and dam system as the breakthrough point to increase key projects based gully dam system construction.4.2 Ideas for treatment by vegetation measures(1)The implementation of ecological recovery and vegetation construction It is sparsely populated and rich in wasteland in Soft Rock area, coupled with construction of energy and heavy chemical industry base and speeding up of urbanization process, the major rural population growth trend has begun slowdown.Despite the uneven distribution of rainfall, with the annul precipitation of about 400 mm, It will be one of the fastest, best-effective, lowest cost measure to implement ecological restoration in ecological construction in the region.(2)Take Sea buckthorn as a breakthrough for biological treatment measures

By the growth of the existing sea buckthorn in this area, Sea buckthorn can be used as the starting point for biological measures, especially in those areas where serious soil erosion has been occurred on exposed soft rock in order to give full play to its excellent protection performance.In the long run, planting sea buckthorn should be according to the local natural characteristics.Flattening areas should try to use broad strip planting, suitable planting spacing including 1 ~ 24 × 6 ~ 10m in order to facilitate grazing.We strongly advocate planting mixed forest of sea buckthorn in order to play the function in soil and water conservation and soil improvement, and at the same time create the right environment for the growth of other plants, and promote vegetation succession in this area to the healthy direction.In addition, we must also strengthen the development and research work of improved varieties of sea buckthorn in order to enhance its economic value.(3)Planting caragana intermedia on sand covered soft rock Caragana intermedia have characteristics of drought tolerance, broad adaptation.It can grow under any soft rock condition particularly suitable for the growth in the loose sandy soil.Therefore, it is feasible to promote the cultivation of caragana intermedia in sand covered Soft Rock area.To make full use of caragana grazing value, we should advocate enclosed rotational grazing, timely stumping and reasonable using.Through replanting caragana, we can improve the value in use of low-yield sandy grassland.(4)Chinese pine;sea buckthorn can be used as the main planting tree species in Soft Rock area The survey result shows that Chinese pine can grow normally in Soft Rock slope, the annual height growth reaches 20-30cm;whether in the slopes or gullies sea buckthorn can grow very well, the annual height growth reaches 20-50cm.Therefore, the Chinese pine, sea buckthorn is the main planting tree species in Soft Rock area, but Chinese Pine can only grow on gentle Soft Rock slope.(5)Other species which can be promoted to cultivate

Typical investigation showed that excellent forage plants which have higher popularization value are:Leymus chinensis, wheatgrass, Bromus inermis, alfalfa, Sha Da Wang, pocockia ruthenica, vetch etc..Execellent shrubs are: HedysarumMaxim, Salix cheiophila, Salix Psammophila, Chinese Tamarisk, Rosa xanthina, splendens;Execellent trees are: arborvitae, Scotch pine, HeBei poplar, Hankow willow, black locust.(6)According to the biological characteristics of different grass and tree species and the forestation site conditions, we should use mixed types for vegetation construction in Soft Rock area.4.3 Ideas for treatment by engineering measures(1)Take large and medium-sized mud-retaining dam for the skeleton, silt dam as the main body, construct tributary dam system

According to research results of dam system engineering layout, under normal circumstances, the ratio of key dams and silt dams Between 1:2 to 1:5, the problem of Soft Rock Dam System is that there are too large proportion of key dams, and smaller proportion of medium and small sized silt dams.Of course, the emergence of this situation is related to the development stage of dam system.These dam systems are in the stage from young to mature.Small and medium sized silt dams are still in the initial stage.It is the main body for future construction.(2)Use plants “Flexible Dam” and silt dam integration technology, achieve the target of “depositing coarse sand and discharging the fine”

Arrange Sea buckthorn “flexible dam” near the dam body, the end of the upstream, and the upper part of spillway.Take “Flexible Dam” as the main body, silt dam, artificial wetland and beach as the main components of basic farmland in gully bottom.Based on key dam, ensured by mini reservoir, formed a system of tributary gully depositing coarse sand, “artificial beach” and dam land depositing fine sand.Man-made wetland and dam land are formed between dams, natural runoff infiltration is increased.Coarse sand is deposited and fine sand is discharged.Water and sediment conditions, sediment composition that access to downstream river are improved.The ecological function of the Yellow River is maintained.


情 况 简 报

第 11 期


2017 年 11月 25日

金龙煤矿 11 月事故隐患分布及治理进展




〔2017〕5 号文)要求,现将 2017 年 11月 1 日至 11月 30 日矿




事故隐患共计 38 条,其中:C 级隐患 5 条,D 级隐患 33条。主


“一通三防”方面,C 级隐患 1 条,D 级隐患 11条;

采掘顶板管理方面,C 级隐患 2 条,D 级隐患 8 条;

机电运输方面,C 级隐患 1条,D 级隐患 5 条;

防治水方面,C 级隐患 0 条,D 级隐患 3条;

其他方面,C 级隐患 1 条,D 级隐患 6条。

















上述 38条事故隐患中,各责任单位已按照整改时限要求进



三、11 月事故隐患排查与治理重点








3.加强瓦斯抽采钻孔的管理,特别是封孔质量、抽放管路 的检查,提高瓦斯抽放量和抽放浓度。

4.雨季期间,各单位、相关部门要加强“三防”措施要求 的执行,落实好雨季期间矿井防治水措施和应急预案,暴雨前要










关于免除砂岩矿地质环境恢复治理保证金的申请 石龙区国土资源局:





核心提示:张家界美景 张家界美景 张家界砂岩峰林地质公园位于湖南省张家界市,总占地面积3600平方公里,由张家界、索溪峪、天子山、杨家界四个主要风景区和黄龙洞等构成一个完整的生态系统,山、水、桥、洞、瀑地貌景观齐全,是一处难得的天然博物馆和罕见的旅游名胜地。





张家界新遨旅游欢迎您来张家界旅游!官方网 24小时联系热线:大彭 *** QQ:1140786559

第五篇:砂岩矿采石厂 应急预案

新港 王冲砂岩矿采石厂 应急预案






1、应急工作领导小组 组长:徐云红 副组长:龚炳华


































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