
时间:2019-05-15 02:15:03下载本文作者:会员上传




北美托福独立写作题目为:The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.(这个社会要求年轻人遵守的规则太严格吗?)针对这样的托福写作题目考生该如何撰写文章呢?

2012.10.12NA The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.When it comes to various rules that young people have to follow, some people claim that those rules are too stringent[A1] , therefore stifling individuality[A2].But others argue that rules are vital[A3] for the youngsters[A4] , and I am one of them.In the family, young people must follow some rules made by parents.For example, many children are required to go back home immediately after school.Despite[A5] the strictness of the rule, it is not unnecessary considering the fact that children may encounter[A6] various unexpected dangers wandering in the street.Besides, I heard some of my friend complain that their parents ask them to save money.This complaint is even more unreasonable because all too often[A7] young people are impulsive buyers[A8] and family rules about saving money cannot be ignored[A9].Family rules do not end up here.Probably some of us are asked to respect the old and cherish the young.[A10] This rule is also of vital importance for a harmonious[A11] family.Schools and companies are also places where rules are miscellaneous[A12].Take my school rules as an example.The first rule, and probably the most controversial rule, is that students must wear school uniforms.Some students hate this rule, for they believe the rule stifles their individuality.Nevertheless, there are good reasons for the rule: students in our school coming from different family backgrounds, which means we have students who are well-off[A13] and students who have to rely on school loans[A14] to finish schooling.Under this circumstance, it is not unreasonable that students are forced to wear school uniform.The abolition [A15] of the rule will lead to comparison among students, which may cause declining test scores [A16] and degradation of morality[A17].Last but not least, there are laws that young people have to obey for the sake of [A18] their well-being[A19].Laws about legal drinking age are advantageous to young adults’ physical health.It is a common knowledge that drinking at an early age is detrimental: it may cause mental incapacity and excessive reliance on alcohol.Worse, some crimes are triggered[A20] by drinking excessively, for drunken people always lack rational thinking and are easily irritated.From the above discussion I firmly believe that rules, no matter in family, schools or society, are necessary and should be obeyed by young people.Only rule-abiding[A21] citizens are capable of living a secure and prosperous life.相关词汇:

A1 严格的

A2 Stifle individuality压抑个性

A3 重要的 A4 年轻人

A5 尽管

A6 遇到

A7 常常

A8 冲动型购买者

A9 忽略

A10 尊老爱幼

A11和谐的 A12 各种各样的 A13 富裕的 A14 贷款

A15 废除

A16 成绩下降

A17 道德滑坡

A18 为了

A19 幸福

A20 引起

A21 遵守规则的



Agree or disagree A university should focus more on its facilities, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers

Nowadays, highly education has been attached more important than before.A argue that school facilities should pay more attention than professor lecture.From my perspective, although such hardware like computer centers and science lab provide some benefits to university students, university depends on quality of stuff.Admittedly, a school equipped with great facilities is more appealing the applicants.The reason is that it can make study easier.A bright library offers such a quiet condition for knowledge absorption;a computer center provides a self-govern ways to study;a science lab make student get more practice about miracles.However, this factors become less considerate when it comes to the quality of the professors.For one thing, not only do famous teachers can impart the knowledge, but instill the angle that to solve the problem.To pass on knowledge, a human is no better than a machine or a high-tech tool.The difference lies in the

special ways to get the solutions and the potential inspiration by the former.Take my favorite teacher for example, she often shows us some different way to solve the difficulties.And then she tells us the angle to work out the problem.As for me, it was not until her explanation, that I know about the easier way to work the problem.That is something that high-tech can barely achieve.For another, universities with qualified teachers tend to have higher graduate employment.It is not hard to imagine that a teacher with connections can bring more opportunity to get internship.As an old saying goes, knowledge starts with practice.It is still true now.Students who swamped in labs, would never face the brutal fact that you need a window for people to see what you’ve got.In this way, a well-connect professor can open that for you, instead of lifeless labs.In conclusion, though facilities could promote learning, but it fail to generate more practical merits to students.Recruit more qualified teacher should be paid more attention and stress.



Does a zoo have no useful purpose?官方网站:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A zoo has no useful purpose.Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.『分析』



Perhaps one of the most blameworthy factors that make some people raise the eyebrow to zoos and criticize that “A zoo has no useful purpose” is its exorbitant price to maintain.However, it is too hasty to say so, since most zoos have their significance, both educational and scientific.Modern zoos act as centers of education and are designed to make learning about animals an interesting and enjoyable experience.They provide visitors with the chance to see rare creatures, such as tigers, zebras, penguins, and giant pandas, which come from many different parts of the globe.Zoos also introduce people to their own local wildlife, offering a valuable learning experience in an increasingly urban world.At the same time, most zoos provide educational programs aimed at a wide range of ages.A visit to a zoo provides children an opportunity to see and touch animals other than household pets.For older schoolchildren, many zoos conduct classes or day trips that focus on different aspects of animal biology and the impact of humans on animal life.Modern zoos also have their scientific imports and can function as a sanctuary for endangered animals and therefore help maintaining ecosystems.In zoos scientists can create an animal population that can become self-sustaining in the wild.An example of a successful reintroduction to the wild is the Pe David's deer.This Asian deer was native to marshlands in northeast China before its habitat was destroyed more than 800 years ago and it became extinct in the wild.Since that time the species has been bred in zoos in China and later in Europe.In 1985 four Pe David's deer were released to the wild in a protected animal reserve in China, where they are now breeding successfully.On the other hand, some experts warn against placing too much reliance on zoos as biological “arks,” wherespecies can be protected regardless of environmental changes outside.Critics warn that zoos, like all humaninstitutions, are vulnerable to unforeseen events, such as disease, fires, and financial or social upheaval.Moresignificantly, the number of species that zoos can protect is strictly limited.Today's zoos are home to no more than

a few thousand species—only a fraction of the world's animal life.Zoos already have to perform a delicate balancing

act between large, crowd-attracting animals and threatened animals that have less visitor appeal.During the 21st

century, zoo experts will face even harder decisions about which species they can afford to save.


托福写作范文欣赏:a new university in your community



这篇托福独立写作满分范文的主要内容是讨论了如果政府宣布计划兴建一所新的大学,而有些人认为你所在的社区是个建大学的好地方,那么请你也对比一下在你所在的社区建新大学的好处和坏处。The government has announced that it plans to build a new university.Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university.Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community.Use specific details in your discussion.①优点:学生上学方便;促进当地的教育发展




My community is located in a quiet and small town with very

beautiful natural sceneries.The environment is very suitable for a new university.Everyone in my community would without doubt enjoy a sense of pride when informed that a new university will be built here.However, just as any other constructions, this action will bring many advantages as well as disadvantages to my community.The most essential and exciting advantage is that a new university will definitely enhance the education on all levels in my community.Usually, children living nearby a university would frequently visit or play in the university, and thus they can be unconsciously influenced by the academic environment.This influence might be more effective to them than any preach from their parents about the importance of studying.By building a new university, children in my community will develop a greater motivation for studying hard.Moreover, with a university located nearby, all the primary schools, middle schools will have a greater sense of competition.The teachers may encourage the students to work harder to get a university degree, since it would be very embarrassing that the students of their own community could not be admitted by the new university.Besides, a new university in my community will boom the local economy.As we all know, universities are always surrounded by a wide range of stores, restaurants and markets which provide services to the students and faculty.Thus it is very likely that the new university will

encourage the local residents to offer their services around the school.As a result, more people will be employed and the employment rate which bothers the government for years might eventually drop.However, with closer examination, the disadvantages of building a new university in my community could also be formidable.Since my community is far from the city, most of its residents are seniors.Even for the younger people living here, they prefer a quiet environment and are afraid of any major changes made to their lives.Therefore, the attention brought by a new university might be unbearable to these local people.To be specific, traffic will no doubt increase in the near future.With more cars and people on the roads, it is possible that the local environmental quality will decrease.If the air is no more clean, our community might lose its strongest attraction.Then current residents might feel quite reluctant to live here in the future.In sum, the advantages of building a new university in my community seems very promising, yet we have to consider the undesirable consequences it might bring about.The government should really be cautious and take all the possible factors into consideration before making such a decision.'




1,多少字数合适?OG上说综合写作150-225,独立写作300。个人认为综合250字,独立380+比较妥当,但是不用追求太多的字数,有字数没质量的作文绝对不能得高分。但是有质量的作文字数肯定少不了,ETS要求Use specific reasons and details to supportyour choice,你想想达到这个要求的作文字数能太少吗?















Do you agree or disagree: Because people are busy with doing so many things, they can do few things well?


Some people may hold the view that they are able to do things well even if they are busy with doing so many things simultaneously or during a given period.Although plausible at the first glance, I disagree with the statement.Depending on my own personal experience and personality, I firmly maintain that people can do few things well when they are busy with doing so many things.My arguments of this opinion are listed as follows.解析:




When people are engaged in a large extent of work simultaneously, they will not be able to perform all of them perfectly.Just imagine how terrible it will be: too many jobs need to be done by the same person in a given time.Once such a picture appears in my mind, I feel dizzy.To me, it is impossible to do everything well with the limited energy and many others factors.Therefore , I agree with the statement too many things to be done at the same time cause few to be well done.The reasons are as follow.Revised:


案例2 :语言罗嗦,绕弯子给出自己观点,浪费时间

Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible.Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time.Which of these situations do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.original:

With the development of science and technology, people’s living standard has been improving day by day.According to the family plan, one couple could have only one child.So child becomes the center of the whole family.Some of them are even spoiled.Therefore, I think it is better if the young adult could live independent from their parents as soon as possible.解析:



As we all know, some young adults have the sense of independence in a special period so that they want to choose to live apart from their family, while others still choose to stay with parents in the family.Family can provide young adults a warm bay where he or she could turn to whenever any problems arise.However, considering the sound development of the young adult both mentally and physically, I think to live independently the earlier, the better.Independence is a lesson that each of us must face one day.The detailed reasons are listed below.解析:


integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。(注:文章内容和lecture内容注定是对立的,如果你考的不是对立的,那只有一种可能,你的RP次到了人神共愤的地步了。)

综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。

independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。











1.The lecturediscusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that…(用于第一段)

2.The professormade the point that …The reading , in contrast, held a different view.(用于第一或第二三四段)

3.Another important pointshowed in the listening material is that …but the reading presents aconflicting idea that…(用于第三四段)

4.Finally, the professorstated that...which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who saidthat...(用于第四段)

5.In general, the professordiscussed the problem of …that the reading viewed in acontraryopposingdifferent angle.(最后总结段)

6.According tothe lecture… on the other hand while the reading stated that …

7.The professor made the pointthat… on the contrary in contrast however, the writer demonstrated an ideathat…

8.The lecturesupportsillustrates the idea that…

9.The lecturecontradictsrefutes is contrary to is the opposite of the idea that…

10.Contrary tothe belief in the passage that …the professor says that…

11.The professorrefutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that… by saying that…(6-11均用于第二三四段)








还有极小部分发散性题目很少考,而前面两种其实是一种题目,不信?你看个例子。Q:Yourschoolhasreceived a gift of money.What do you think is the best wayforyourschool to spend this money? Use specific reasons and detailstosupport yourchoice.这个题目没有给你二选一的选项,我们要做的是把它转化为二选一,捐款的用途无外乎这么几种:建图书馆、体育馆(还可细分篮球、**。。)、学生公寓、办公大楼、买电脑。。这么多选项你只要从中挑选一个,然后把这个和其他的相比较这篇文章你就搞定了!除了题目固定之外,写作的手法同样很固定。其实大家只要熟读范文100篇,不会背书也能写。而且能写高分作文。具体的方法就是在论坛找到那谁谁谁的185篇满分作文,挑选其中你觉得写的不错的把其中铺垫的句型,转换词挑出来,背一背,背多了你会发现所有的满分作文其实是一个套路出来的流水线作品(除极少数作文)。流水线作文谁不会写呢?那满分作文其实很简单的!



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