吴邦国委员长在上海世博会中国国家馆日官方仪式上的致辞 2010年10月1日
Speech at the Official Ceremony for the China National Pavilion Day on Shanghai Expo by Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress Expo Center, World Expo Park, Oct.1, 2010
Your Excellencies Heads of State and Speakers of Parliament, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,在隆重庆祝新中国成立61周年的喜庆日子里,我们又迎来上海世博会中国国家馆日,不仅给中国的国庆增添了欢乐的气氛,也把上海世博会推向了新的高潮。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向出席中国国家馆日活动的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!
On this joyous day of grand celebration for the 61st anniversary of the People's Republic of China, we gather here to mark the China National Pavilion Day of Expo 2010 Shanghai.It adds to happiness of the anniversary of the People's Republic, and it brings the Expo 2010 Shanghai event to a new height.At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm welcome and sincere thanks to all distinguished guests attending the China National Pavilion Day events.上海世博会是世博史上第一次在发展中国家举行的全球盛会。5个月来,参展的246个国家和国际组织汇集黄埔江畔,100多位外国领导人莅临世博园区,近6000万中外游客接踵而至,200多万中外志愿者真诚奉献,联袂演绎了“城市,让生活更美好”的华彩乐章。不到6平方公里的世博园,千姿百态的万国建筑毗邻而居,独具匠心的创意布展争奇斗艳,丰富多彩的文艺演出竞相绽放,| 各领风骚的最佳实践区熠熠生辉,启迪智慧的论坛对话精彩纷呈,| 生动体现了世界的多样性,构成一幅多元文化、多种文明和谐共融的美好画卷。
Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first such global event hosted by a developing country in the history of the world expo.In the past five months, participants from 246 countries and international organizations have gathered by the Huangpu River to attend the Expo.The Expo site has hosted over 100 foreign leaders and nearly 60 million Chinese and foreign visitors.Together with the over two million dedicated volunteers from home and abroad, they have made “Better City, Better Life” a living reality.In the less than six square kilometer Expo Park, pavilions of diverse styles bearing distinct features of different countries stand alongside each other, hosting creative exhibitions and various cultural performances, not to mention the unique Urban Best Practices Area and the inspiring forum dialogues.Together, they form a vivid picture of the diverse world and the harmonious co-existence of different cultures and civilizations.我们完全有理由相信,在各方共同努力下,上海世博会一定能够办成一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会。借此机会,我谨对大力支持上海世博会的各国政府和人民、国际展览局和有关国际组织、各参展方以及所有为上海世博会作出贡献的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢!
We have every reason to believe that, with concerted efforts of all sides, Expo 2010 Shanghai will surely be a successful, splendid and unforgettable event.Let me take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to the governments and peoples of other countries, to the International Exhibitions Bureau and relevant international organizations, to all participants for their great support for the Expo and to all friends who have contributed their share to the Expo.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,屹立于上海世博园的中国馆“东方之冠”,光彩夺目,气势磅礴,它以“城市发展中的中华智慧”为主线,让人从中感受中国人民创造美好生活的生动实践,领略中华文化世代传承的和谐理念,畅想中国科学发展的美好未来。
Standing proudly in the Expo Park, the splendid and magnificent China Pavilion, the “Oriental Crown”, is a showcase of “Chinese Wisdom in Urban Development”.It is living proof of the effort by the Chinese people in pursuit of a better life.It gives expression to the long-lasting belief in harmony as rooted in the Chinese culture and to the vision of a brighter future of China through scientific development.中华民族有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,在5000多年的漫长岁月中,各族中华儿女在这片广袤的大地上薪火相传、生生不息,| 孕育了勤劳勇敢、自强不息的优秀品格,铸就了海纳百川、兼容并蓄的博大胸怀,| 形成了鼎故革新、勇于探索的进取精神,为人类社会的文明进步作出了不可磨灭的重大贡献。The Chinese nation has a long history and a splendid culture.For over 5,000 years, generation after generation of the Chinese people of different ethnic groups have lived on this vast land.They have formed a fine character of diligence, courage and self-reliance.They are open-minded and inclusive.They dare to innovate and explore new ways of development.The contribution they have made to the progress of human civilization is significant and indelible.新中国成立60多年来,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,以改天换地的豪情壮志和波澜壮阔的创新实践,成功实现了从半殖民地半封建社会到民族独立、人民当家作主新社会的历史性转变,从新民主主义革命到社会主义革命和建设的历史性转变,从高度集中的计划经济体制到充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制、从封闭半封闭到全方位开放的历史性转变,谱写了中华民族气壮山河的壮丽史诗。Over the past 60 years or more since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in an earth-shaking and pioneering endeavor and succeeded in bringing about three historic shifts: the shift from a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society to a new society of national independence, where people are the masters of their own country;the shift from a new democratic revolution to a socialist revolution and development;and the shift from a highly centralized planned economy to a robust socialist market economy and from a closed or semi-closed state to one of all-round opening up.These are indeed epoch-making changes of the Chinese nation.改革开放30多年来,国民经济以世界上少有的速度持续快速发展,各项事业全面进步,综合国力大大增强,| 人民生活总体达到小康,城乡面貌日新月异,| 民族团结和睦,社会和谐稳定,国际地位不断提升,古老的中华大地焕发出勃勃生机。In the past 30 years since the beginning of reform and opening-up, China's economy has maintained rapid growth rarely seen in the world.Our social programs have made progress.Our comprehensive national strength has increased significantly.Our people, on the whole, are leading a life of moderate prosperity, with the outlook of rural and urban areas steadily improving.We enjoy unity and amity among all our ethnic groups, harmony and stability in our society and continued rise in our international standing.China, once an ancient land, is taking on new vigor and vitality.展望未来,到2020年,我们将建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会,到本世纪中叶将基本实现现代化。这是一代又一代中国人梦寐以求的美好愿景和矢志不渝的奋斗目标。Looking ahead, we will build a moderately prosperous society at a higher level by 2020 to benefit our over one billion people, and will realize modernization by the middle of this century.This is the grand vision and abiding goal of the Chinese people from generation to generation.正是因为中国人民曾饱受贫寒饥饿的煎熬,更加渴望过上富足安康的生活,发展已成为中国人内在的共同追求。The Chinese people, once plagued by poverty and hunger, long all the more for a life of prosperity and peace.This had made development a common pursuit of the Chinese people.正是因为中国改革开放以来始终把发展作为第一要务,人民生活一天比一天好,发展是硬道理的思想已深入人心,不可逆转。China has given top priority to development ever since it started reform and opening-up.This has resulted in higher and higher living standards of the people and rendered the belief that development is of overwhelming importance popular and unchangeable.正是因为中华民族酷爱和平,近代又频受劫难、屡遭战乱,中国人更加珍惜和平,更加懂得维护世界和平既是应尽的国际义务,也是谋求自身发展的内在需要。The Chinese nation is a peace-loving nation.Having suffered from numerous atrocities and wars in modern history, we know all too well the value of peace.And we are keener in the understanding that to uphold world peace is our international obligation and serves our development need at home.中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,是在人口多、底子薄、起步晚的基础上发展起来的,仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段。我们相信,前进的道路上会遇到这样或那样的矛盾和困难,但我们对未来充满信心。因为我们已经开辟了中国特色社会主义发展道路,形成了中国特色社会主义理论体系。China is the largest developing country in the world, and China's development is based on a large population, a weak economic foundation and a late start in development.China remains and will continue to be in the primary stage of socialism for a fairly long period of time.We are consciously aware that there will be problems and challenges on the way ahead.Yet, we are fully confident about our future, because we have embarked on a road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have formulated a system of theories on socialism with Chinese characteristics.只要我们坚定不移地沿着这条道路走下去,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进社会和谐,就一定能够把中国建设成为富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。As long as we follow this road unswervingly, thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, continue to free our minds, remain committed to reform and opening-up and promote scientific development and social harmony, we will certainly make China a socialist modern country that is prosperous, democratic, harmonious and culturally advanced.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
再过一个月,上海世博会就要落下帷幕。但世博会倡导的进步创新、和谐共融的精神历久弥新,世界人民求和平谋发展促合作的时代潮流滚滚向前。让我们携起手来,加强交流互鉴,密切沟通协调,积极应对挑战,为推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而努力奋斗!谢谢大家。Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Though Expo 2010 Shanghai will be concluded in one month's time, the spirit of progress, innovation, harmony and common prosperity advocated by the Expo will long endure.Ours is a time when people around the world are calling for peace, development and cooperation.Let us join hands to enhance exchanges and mutual learning, deepen contacts and coordination, rise up to challenges, and work together to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity!Thank you.
第二篇:吴邦国-2010 10 1 中国国家馆日致辞
吴邦国委员长在上海世博会中国国家馆日官方仪式上的致辞 2010年10月1日
Speech at the Official Ceremony for the China National Pavilion Day on Shanghai Expo by Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress Expo Center, World Expo Park, Oct.1, 2010
Your Excellencies Heads of State and Speakers of Parliament, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,在隆重庆祝新中国成立61周年的喜庆日子里,我们又迎来上海世博会中国国家馆日,不仅给中国的国庆增添了欢乐的气氛,也把上海世博会推向了新的高潮。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向出席中国国家馆日活动的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!
On this joyous day of grand celebration for the 61st anniversary of the People's Republic of China, we gather here to mark the China National Pavilion Day of Expo 2010 Shanghai.It adds to happiness of the anniversary of the People's Republic, and it brings the Expo 2010 Shanghai event to a new height.At the outset, I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, warm welcome and sincere thanks to all distinguished guests attending the China National Pavilion Day events.上海世博会是世博史上第一次在发展中国家举行的全球盛会。5个月来,参展的246个国家和国际组织汇集黄埔江畔,100多位外国领导人莅临世博园区,近6000万中外游客接踵而至,200多万中外志愿者真诚奉献,联袂演绎了“城市,让生活更美好”的华彩乐章。不到6平方公里的世博园,千姿百态的万国建筑毗邻而居,独具匠心的创意布展争奇斗艳,丰富多彩的文艺演出竞相绽放,各领风骚的最佳实践区熠熠生辉,启迪智慧的论坛对话精彩纷呈,| 生动体现了世界的多样性,构成一幅多元文化、多种文明和谐共融的美好画卷。
Expo 2010 Shanghai is the first such global event hosted by a developing country in the history of the world expo.In the past five months, participants from 246 countries and international organizations have gathered by the Huangpu River to attend the Expo.The Expo site has hosted over 100 foreign leaders and nearly 60 million Chinese and foreign visitors.Together with the over two million dedicated volunteers from home and abroad, they have made “Better City, Better Life” a living reality.In the less than six square kilometer Expo Park, pavilions of diverse styles bearing distinct features of different countries stand alongside each other, hosting creative exhibitions and various cultural performances, not to mention the unique Urban Best Practices Area and the inspiring forum dialogues.Together, they form a vivid picture of the diverse world and the harmonious co-existence of different cultures and civilizations.我们完全有理由相信,在各方共同努力下,上海世博会一定能够办成一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会。借此机会,我谨对大力支持上海世博会的各国政府和人民、国际展览局和有关国际组织、各参展方以及所有为上海世博会作出贡献的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢!
We have every reason to believe that, with concerted efforts of all sides, Expo 2010 Shanghai will surely be a successful, splendid and unforgettable event.Let me take this opportunity to express sincere gratitude to the governments and peoples of other countries, to the International Exhibitions Bureau and relevant international organizations, to all participants for their great support for the Expo and to all friends who have contributed their share to the Expo.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,屹立于上海世博园的中国馆“东方之冠”,光彩夺目,气势磅礴,它以“城市发展中的中华智慧”为主线,让人从中感受中国人民创造美好生活的生动实践,领略中华文化世代传承的和谐理念,畅想中国科学发展的美好未来。
Standing proudly in the Expo Park, the splendid and magnificent China Pavilion, the “Oriental Crown”, is a showcase of “Chinese Wisdom in Urban Development”.It is living proof of the effort by the Chinese people in pursuit of a better life.It gives expression to the long-lasting belief in harmony as rooted in the Chinese culture and to the vision of a brighter future of China through scientific development.
Secretary-General’s Message on International Day of Happiness 秘书长国际幸福日致辞 20 March 2014 2014年3月20日
The twin concepts of happiness and well-being increasingly feature in international discussions of sustainable development and the future we want.如今,国际上在讨论可持续发展以及我们希望的未来话题时,日益频繁地谈及幸福和福祉这一对相辅相成的概念。
Many countries are going beyond the rhetoric of quality of life to incorporate practical measures to promote these concepts in their legislation and policy-making.These good practices can inspire other countries so that measuring and accounting for broader well-being, and not simply national income, becomes a universal practice.许多国家已不再停留于空谈生活质量,而是开始采取切实可行的措施,在立法和政策制定过程中推行这两个概念。这些好的做法可激励其他国家行动起来,从而使衡量和计算广义的福祉(不仅仅是国民收入)成为全世界普遍的做法。
Happiness may have different meanings for different people.But we can all agree that it means working to end conflict, poverty and other unfortunate conditions in which so many of our fellow human beings live.幸福的含义可能因人而异。但我们可达成这样一个共识:幸福意味着努力结束冲突、贫穷和其他不幸的境况。而我们人类有许许多多的同胞正生活在这种种不幸的境况之中。
Happiness is neither a frivolity nor a luxury.It is a deep-seated yearning shared by all members of the human family.It should be denied to no-one and available to all.This aspiration is implicit in the pledge of the United Nations Charter to promote peace, justice, human rights, social progress and improved standards of life.幸福既非无聊琐事,也非奢侈之求,而是人类大家庭每一成员都抱有的一种深深向往。不应剥夺任何人追求幸福的权利,而应向所有的人开启幸福之门。这一愿望包含在《联合国宪章》关于促进和平、正义、人权、社会进步及改善民生的承诺之中。
Now is the time to convert this promise into concrete international and national action to eradicate poverty, promote social inclusion and inter-cultural harmony, ensure decent livelihoods, protect the environment and build institutions for good governance.These are the foundations for human happiness and well-being.现在,应将这一承诺化为消除贫穷、促进社会包容和文化间和谐、确保体面生计、保护环境以及建设善治机构的具体国际和国家行动。这些方面正是人类幸福和福祉的基石。
At this time of year, few sights evoke more feelings of cheer and goodwill than the twinkling lights of a Christmas tree.每年此时,没有什么情景比一棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光更让人感到欢乐祥和。
The popularity of a tree at Christmas is due in part to my great-great grandparents, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.After this touching picture was published, many families wanted a Christmas tree of their own, and the custom soon spread.人们对圣诞树的喜爱要部分归功于我的曾曾曾祖父母——维多利亚女王和阿尔伯特亲王。这张温馨的图片公布后,很多家庭都想要一棵自己的圣诞树,这一习俗也很快普及开来。
In 1949, I spent Christmas in Malta as a newly-married naval wife.We have returned to that island over the years, including last month for a meeting of Commonwealth leaders;and this year I met another group of leaders: The Queen's Young Leaders, an inspirational group, each of them a symbol of hope in their own Commonwealth communities.1949年,初为军嫂的我在马耳他度过圣诞节。多年以来,我们多次回到马耳他岛,上个月还在那里召开英联邦领导人会议。今年我会晤了另一批领导人,“女王青年领袖”是一个鼓舞人心的团体,每个人都是各自英联邦社区的希望。
Gathering round the tree gives us a chance to think about the year ahead--I am looking forward to a busy 2016, though I have been warned I may have Happy Birthday sung to me more than once or twice.聚在圣诞树旁,让我们有机会展望来年。我盼望着2016年忙忙碌碌,尽管有人说,我可能不止一次甚至两次听到生日歌。
It also allows us to reflect on the year that has passed, as we think of those who are far away or no longer with us.Many people say the first Christmas after losing a loved one is particularly hard.But it's also a time to remember all that we have to be thankful for.圣诞树让我们回首过去的一年,于是我们想到了那些远离和已经离开我们的人。很多人说失去平生所爱后的第一个圣诞节是最艰难的,可此时也该想想我们要感恩的人。
It is true that the world has had to confront moments of darkness this year, but the Gospel of John contains a verse of great hope, often read at Christmas carol services: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”.今年,世界不得不面对诸多黑暗时刻,这是事实。可《约翰福音》有一句充满希望的话这样说,圣诞赞歌中常常朗诵,“光明照亮了黑暗,黑暗却无法蒙蔽光明。”
One cause for thankfulness this summer was marking 70 years since the end of the Second World War.On VJ Day, we honoured the remaining veterans of that terrible conflict in the Far East, as well as remembering the thousands who never returned.今年夏天纪念二战结束七十周年是一件值得感恩的事。在对日作战胜利日,我们给在远东那场可怕战役中的在世老兵们授勋,缅怀数千名没有回到祖国的牺牲者。The procession from Horse Guards Parade to Westminster Abbey must have been one of the slowest ever, because so many people wanted to say “thank you” to them.从骑兵卫队场到威斯敏斯特宫的队伍大抵是行进最慢的一次,太多的人想对他们说一声“谢谢”。
At the end of that war, the people of Oslo began sending an annual gift of a Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square.It has 500 light bulbs and is enjoyed not just by Christians but by people of all faiths, and of none.At the very top sits a bright star, to represent the Star of Bethlehem.战争结束后,奥斯陆人民每年向特拉法加广场赠送一棵圣诞树。树上挂着500个灯泡,不仅基督徒喜爱它,无论何种信仰或有无信仰的人们都喜爱它。在树顶有一颗明星,它代表着“伯利恒之星”。
The custom of topping a tree also goes back to Prince Albert's time.For his family's tree, he chose an angel, helping to remind us that the focus of the Christmas story is on one particular family.这一风俗也可追溯到阿尔伯特亲王时代。他把一个天使放在家里的圣诞树顶,提醒我们圣诞节纪念了一个家庭的故事。
For Joseph and Mary, the circumstances of Jesus's birthwere far from ideal, but worse was to come as the family was forced to flee the country.It's no surprise that such a human story still captures our imagination and continues to inspire all of us who are Christians, the world over.对于约瑟和玛丽而言,耶稣出生在马厩,这样的环境远非理想,可更糟糕的是这家人还被迫逃离故土。这个人伦故事依旧捕捉着我们的想象力,继续激励着全世界所有的基督徒,这并不令人惊讶。
Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ's unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another.基督短暂的一生中颠沛流离、饱受迫害,可他一如既往倡导的不是复仇和暴力,而是人人相爱。
Although it is not an easy message to follow, we shouldn't be discouraged;rather, it inspires us to try harder: to be thankful for the people who bring love and happiness into our own lives, and to look for ways of spreading that love to others, whenever and wherever we can.尽管践行不易,我们也不要灰心。这鼓励着我们要加倍努力,感谢那些给我们生命带来爱和幸福的人,并想方设法将那份爱传递给他人——无论何时,无论何处。
One of the joys of living a long life is watching one's children, then grandchildren, then great-grandchildren, help decorate the Christmas tree.And this year my family has a new member to join in the fun.长寿的喜悦之一是儿孙绕膝。先是儿女,然后是孙辈,现在有重孙辈帮我装扮圣诞树。今年,我家又有一位新成员共享天