第一篇:英语辩论 学术写作 - 常用词
One—party States 人权 Human rights 人权宣言
Declarations of the Rights of Man and the Citizen 工会 Trade unions
下议院 House of Commons 上议院 House of Lords 个人主义 Individualism 女权主义 Feminism 马列主Marxism—Leninism 马克思主义 Marxism 马基雅维里主Machiavelli 王权 Crown
无产阶级 Proletariat
无产阶专政 Dictatorship of the proletariat 无政府主义 Anarchism 专制 Despotism
专制政府/绝对专制主义 Absolute government/absolutism
中央与地方的关系 Central/Local relations 分权 Separation of powers公共行政 Public administration 公民权利 Civil rights 公民自由 Civil liberties 正义Justice
可审判性Justiciability平等Equality 奴隶制Slavery 占统治地位的党 Dominant party 代表Delegate
代议员Representative 代议制政府
Representative government 代表制Representation 主权Sovereignty 市民社会Civil society 市(镇)长Major
立宪主义Constitutionalism立宪政体 Constitutional government 立法机关Legislatures 立法否决Legislative veto 立法委员会
Legislative committees 立法起草
Legislative drafting 半总统制
Semi-presidential systems 议长Speaker 议会制度
Parliamentary system 司法机构Judiciary 司法行政官Magistrate 司法审查Judicial review 民主Democracy 民主党Democratic Party
民主集中制Democratic centralism 民意测验Opinion polls
共产党Communist Parties共和国Republic 机构/制度Institution 权力Power 权利Rights
权利法案Bill of rights 权威Authority 妇女选举权
Women’s suffrage 地方长官Prefect
地方政府Local government 地方政府财政
Local government finance 地方政治Local politics 同意Consent
同意投票Approval voting 团体理论Group theory 邦联Confederation
邦联条例Articles of Confederation 自由Freedom
自由党Liberal parties 自由裁量权Discretion 自决Self-determination 自治Self-government 自治领Dominion 行为主义Behaviouralism 行政Administration 行政机关Executives
政委员Administrative board 行政法庭
Administrative tribunal 行政法院
Administrative court 州长Governor 多元主义Pluralism 多元社会Plural society 多头制Polyarchy 多数派政府
Majority government 多数统治Majority rule 决策Decision making 决策理论Decision theory 农奴制Serfdom 阶层/阶级Class
麦迪逊,詹姆斯Madison,James 苏格拉底Socrates 极权主义Totalitarianism 否决权Veto 投票Voting 投票率Turnout 护宪Entrenchment 财产权Property 利益Interests 利益表达与聚合 Interest articulation and aggregation 利益集团Interest group
言论,表达和出版自由Freedom of speech,expression,and the press 社区/共同体Community 社团主义Corporatism 社会主义Socialism 社会民主主义 Social democracy
社会契约论Social contract君主制Monarchy 责任Responsibility 责任政府
Responsible government
直接民主Direct democracy直接行动Direct action 杰斐逊,托马斯Jefferson,Thomas 欧洲议会
European Parliament 欧洲共同体
European Community 歧视Discrimination 国际法International Law 国家State
国家元首Head of state 国家消亡
Withering away of the state 国家财政危机
Fiscal crisis of the state 非暴力反抗
Civil disobedience 非暴力行为
Non-violent action 制定法Statute Law 制衡Checks and balance 委任Patronage 委员会Commission 质询Interpellation 法Law 法令Act 法官Judge 法治Rule of law 法律的正当程序 Due process of law 法案,议案Bill 宗教自由
Freedom of religion 审判Adjudication 审查制度Censorship 官僚制/官僚Bureaucracy 实证主义Positivism 封建主义Feudalism
革命和反革命Revolution and counter-revolution 政体Polity 政纲platform 政变Coup D’etat 政府Government 政府组成过程 Government formation process 政府首脑
Head of government 政府调查Public inquiry 政治Politics
政治义务Political obligation 政治文化Political culture 政治中的种族问题 Race in politics 政治心理学
Political psychology 政治发展
Political development
政治行动委员会(美国)Political action committee 政治行为研究 Political behaviour 政治地理学
Political geography
政治权力Political power 政治局(及常务委员会)Politburo(and Pesidium)政治沟通
Political communication 政治体系/政治系统 Political system 政治参与
Political participation 政治财政Political finance 政治科学Political science 政治社会化
Political socialization 政治社会学
Political sociology 政治学的定量方法
Quantitative methods in politics 政治态度Political attitudes 政治腐败
Political corruption 政治继承
Political succession 政治理论Political theory 政治暴力Political violence 政治影响Political influence
政治整合/政治一体化Political integratio 政党分赃制Spoils system 政党认同Party identification 政党代表大会 Party convention
政党功能Parties,political:functions of 政党组织Party organization 政党核心集团Machine 政党秘密会议Caucus 政策分析Policy analysis 政策实施Implementation
政策输出研究Policy output studies 城市政府City government 城邦国家City state 贵族/贵族制Aristocracy 思想库Think tank 看守政府 Caretaker government 选区Constituency 选民登记
Registration of electors 选择投票Ticket-splitting 选择领导Leadership selection 选举Elections
选举团Electoral college 选举纲领Election program 选举制度Electoral system 选票Ballot
重农主义Physiocracy 重划选区Redistribution 重商主义Mercantilism 种族灭绝Genocide 种族主义Racism 种族隔离Apartheid 顺从Deference
保守主义Conservatism 保守党Conservative parties保护主义Clientelism 修正主义Revisionism 独立机构
Independent agency
独立宣言Declaration of Independence 独裁主义,权威主义Authoritarianism 独裁制Autocracy 帝国Empire
帝国主义Imperialism 美国革命
American Revolution 美国国会Congress 美国辉格党Whig:U.S.首相(总理)/首相(总理)制政府
Prime minister/Prime ministerial government
总统,总统制President/Presidential system总罢工General strike 总督Governor-General 派别Faction 咨询和同意
Advice and consent 宣传Propaganda 宪法Constitutional law 宪法规约
Conventionofthe constitution
宪法/宪政Constitution/constitutionalism 神权政治Theocracy 神授王权
Divine right of kings 费边主义Fabianism 绝对专制主义Absolutism 统治阶级Ruling class 统治能力Governability 恐怖Terror 恐怖主义Terrorism 格劳修斯Grotius 监护Tutelage 监察专员Ombudsman 党派首领Boss 罢免Recall 恩格斯Engels
缺席投票Absence voting 特权Prerogative 特许状Charter 秘密警察Secret police 倒台与政权更迭
Breakdown and regime change 候选人选择
candidate selection 爱国主义Patriotism 被保护国Protectorate
竞争性政党制度Competitive party system 竞选运动Election campaign 部门Department
部长,部Minister/Ministry 部长会议Council of Ministers 准司法Quasi-judicial 准--非政府组织Quango 资历制Seniority 资产阶级Bourgeoisie 资本主义Capitalism 浮动投票人Floating vote 浪漫主义Romanticism 宽容Toleration 家长型控制Paternalism 调查委员会Selectcommittee 预算,预算编制Budget/Budgeting 陪审团Jury 理性Rationality
理性选择方法Rational choice 教权主义Clericalism 教会与国家
Church and State 基本权利Fundamental right 基层党组织
Primary party organization 职能代表
Functional representation 授权立法
Delegated legislation 授权学说Mandate theory 常设委员会
Standing committee 累计投票Cumulative vote 唯心主义Idealism 领导Leadership 第二院,上议院 Second chambers 康德Kant
混合政府Mixed government 弹劾Impeachment 隐私Privacy
殖民统治Colonial government 联合,联合政府 Coalition/Coalition government 联合民主
Consociational democracy 协商民主
联合国United Nations 联邦制Federalism 联邦党人文集 Federalist Papers 联盟,联合League 超载Overload 超国家政府
Supranational government 博爱Fraternity 斯大林Stalin 斯宾诺莎Spinoza 斯密,亚当Smith,Adam 最低下限Droop quota 最高行政法院 Conseil d’Aetat
最高法院Supreme court 黑格尔Hegal 辉格党与托利党 Whigs and Tories 等级Estates
集体行动Collective action集体领导 Collective leadership 集合理论Coalition theory 街区选举,集团投票 Block vote
普通法Common law 游说Lobbying
雇主组织Employer’s organization 强制性投票
Compulsory voting 鼓励性行动
Affirmative action 路德,马丁Luther,Martin 解散议会
Dissolution of parliament 意识形态Ideology 新左派New Left 新右派New Right 新政New deal
新教政党Protestant parties 福利国家Welfare state
群众性政党Mass membership party 僭主制/暴政Tyranny 寡头制Oligarchy 寡头政治铁律
Iron law of oligarchy 精英,精英主义Elites,Elitism 精英理论Doctrine of elites 腐败选区Rotten borough 弊政Maladministration 熊彼特Schumpeter 影子内阁Shadow cabinet 暴力Violence 潘恩Paine 霍布斯Hobbes 穆勒Mill
激进主义Radicalism 激进政党Radical parties 整体主义Holism 辩证法Dialectic
辩证唯物主义Dialectical materialism 警察Police
警察国家Police state 时事政治词汇
国内时事Domestic Affairs
中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会 17th National Congress of Communist Party of China(17th NCCPC)中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC 中央纪律检查委员会 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection 中共中央委员会 CPC Central Committee 全国人民代表大会(简称 全国人大)National People’s Congress(NPC)
九届全国人大四次会议 the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress 全国人大代表 deputy to the National People’s Congress 全国人民代表大会主席团 the NPC Presidium 全国人民代表大会常务委员会 the NPC Standing Committee 全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅 the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)
中国政协委员 member of the National Committee of CPPCC 最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court
最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court 最高人民检察院Supreme People’s Procuratorate
国务院State Council
外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs
国防部Ministry of National Defense
国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission
国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission
教育部Ministry of Education
科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology
国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense
国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission
公安部Ministry of Public Security
安全部Ministry of State Security
监察部Ministry of Supervision
民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs
司法部Ministry of Justice
财政部Ministry of Finance
人事部Ministry of Personnel
劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Security
国土资源部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources
建设部Ministry of Construction
铁道部Ministry of Railways
交通部Ministry of Communications
信息产业部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications
水利部Ministry of Water Resources
农业部Ministry of Agriculture
对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation
文化部Ministry of Culture
卫生部Ministry of Health
国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission
中国人民银行People’s Bank of China
审计署Auditing Administration
中共中央总书记 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee
政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee
政治局委员 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
书记处书记 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee
中央委员 Member, Central Committee
候补委员 Alternate Member
省委/市委书记 Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC
党组书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China
全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress
秘书长 Secretary-General
主任委员 Chairman
委员 Member
(地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People’s Congress
人大代表 Deputy to the People’s Congress
国务院总理 Premier, State Council
副总理Vice Premier
国务委员 State Councilor
秘书长 Secretary-General
(国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for
(国务院各部)部长 Minister
部长助理 Assistant Minister
司长 Director
局长 Director
省长 Governor
常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor
自治区人民政府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government
地区专员 Commissioner, prefecture
香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor
区长 Chief Executive, District Government
县长 Chief Executive, County Government
乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government
秘书长 Secretary-General
办公厅主任 Director, General Office
(部委办)主任 Director
处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief
科长/股长 Section Chief
科员 Clerk/Officer
有中国特色的社会主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics 邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory 三个代表 three represents theory(the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of “Three Represents” 坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.两大历史性课题(提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力)the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程forge ahead with the new great project of Party building 三讲教育:讲学习,讲政治,讲正气three emphases education(to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)新闻发布会news conference 政府工作报告government’s work report 国有企业state-owned enterprises(SOE)人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product(GDP)国民生产总值gross national product(GNP)经济房low-cost housing 西部大开发 the strategy of developing the western region 西部大开发战略develop-the-west strategy 扩大住房贷款,助学贷款和大件消费品贷款expand housing loans, student loans and major commodity loans 弱势群体 disadvantaged groups(对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。Special employment assistance should be given to members of disadvantaged groups.)西电东送 transmission of electricity from the western to the eastern region 加快经济结构调整 accelerate economic restructuring 购买力 purchasing power 消费者物价指数Consumer Price Index(CPI)城镇社会保障体系 urban social security system 下岗职工基本生活费 subsistence allowances for laid-off workers 离退休人员基本养老金 basic pensions for retirees 特困行业和企业 industries and enterprises in dire straits 试点项目 pilot project 抵抗全球经济衰退 to combat the global economic slump 医疗改革 health care reform 农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural workers 扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption 乡镇企业 township enterprises 地方保护主义local protectionism fgA中国英语学习网 不正当竞争unfair competition fgA中国英语学习网 与时俱进 advance with the times 综合国力 overall national strength 可持续发展 sustainable development 三峡工程 Three-Gorges Project 三峡移民 Migrants from Three Gorges area 电视会议 televised meeting 常务委员 Standing Committee member 下岗职工 laid-off workers 再就业 re-employment 再就业下岗人员 re-employment of laid-off workers 隐形就业 hidden employment 国有企业改革 Reform of state-owned enterprises 医保制度改革 Reform of medical insurance system 政府机构改革 Reform of government institutions 现代远程教育 modern distance education 青藏铁路 Qinghai-Tibet Railway 农村电网改造 projects to upgrade rural power grids 退耕还林、还草工程 Grain for Green Project 增收节支 increase revenue and cut government expenditure 全面小康社会 all-round well-off society 构建和谐社会to build a harmonious society 对某事予以严重关注express grave concern over sth.fgA中国英语学习网 对某事表示深切关注be deeply concerned about sth.fgA中国英语学习网 旨在做某事in a bid to do sth.海峡两岸关系cross-Strait relations 国务院台湾事务办公室Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council 三通(指台湾海峡两岸实现通商,通航和通邮)three direct links of trade , mail , and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits fgA中国英语学习网 一国两制one country, two systemsfgA中国英语学习网 反对“台独” oppose the “Independence of Taiwan 一个中国的原则是和平统一的基础
The One-China Principle is the foundation and prerequisite for peaceful reunification 国际时事International Affairs 大使,使节ambassador大使馆embassy 武装部队armed forces 逮捕arrest 当局 authorities 禁止ban 炸弹;轰炸bomb 人体炸弹body bomb 预算budget 内阁cabinet 运动,选举campaign 候选人,选手candidate 伤亡casualty 停火cease-fire 首领,长官chief 倒塌collapse 谴责condemn 腐败corruption 撞击,坠毁crash 汇市 currency market 僵局deadlock 死亡数death toll 赤字deficit / 盈余 surplus 外交关系diplomatic tie 经济复苏economic recovery 选举election
少数民族ethnic groups 证据evidence 驱逐,放逐expel 世界经济global economy 有罪的guilty 劫机hijack 人质hostage 独立independence 通货膨胀inflation 投资invest 共同的joint 伊拉克战争Iraq War 多数majority 行动,步骤move 相互的mutual 核武器nuclear weapon 开枪,开火open fire 推翻,颠覆overthrow 国会parliament(Britain);congress(US)维和部队peace-keeping force(美)五角大楼(美国国防部办公楼)Pentagon 方针,政策policy 投票,民意测验 poll 总统,主席 president 提议,提案proposal 抗议protest 经济萧条recession 区域的regional 收入revenue
暴动和抢劫rioting and looting 安全 security 间谍spy 战略strategy 自杀suicide
高峰会议summit meeting 生还者survivor 恐怖主义terrorism 恐怖分子terrorist 被困的 trapped 台风 typhoon 协议 treaty 动荡 unrest 受害者victim 暴力violence
安全理事会Security Council
联合国大会UN General Assembly
联合国教育科学文化组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
世界卫生组织World Health Organization(WHO)世界贸易组织World Trade Organization(WTO)自由贸易协定Free Trade Agreement(FTA)fgA中国英语学习网
发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系to develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability
发展民族经济to develop the national economy
贩卖军火to peddle munitions
国家不分大小,应该一律平等All countries, big or small, should be equal
建立正常的国家关系to establish normal state relations
求得公平合理的解决to seek a fair and reasonable solution
取长补短to make up for each other’s deficiencies
通过外交途径进行谈判to negotiate through diplomatic channels
维护国家独立和主权完整to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty
用和平手段解决争端to solve disputes by peaceful means
维护世界和平to safeguard world peace
1.贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken
2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off
3.优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding
4.积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous:
5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental = baneful =undesirable
6.明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest
7.健康的:healthy = robust = sound = wholesome
8.惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous
9.美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching
10.有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigourous =animated
11.流行的: popular = prevailing = prent = pervasive
1.提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize
2.引起:cause = trigger = endanger
3.解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with
4.拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate
5.培养:develop = cultivate = foster = nurture
6.激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur
7.认为: think = assert = hold = claim = argue
8.完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve
9.保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold
10.有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize
11.减轻:ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten
1.影响:influence= impact
2.危险:danger = perils =hazards
3.污染:pollution = contamination
4.人类:human beings= mankind = humane race
5.老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens
6.幸福:happiness = well-being
7.老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers
8.教育 education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing
9.青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents
10.优点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue
11.责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability能力: ability = capacity = power = skill
13.职业: job = career = employment = profession
14.娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation= entertainment
15.孩子: children = Offspring = descendant = kid
be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be saturated with
2.努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for
3.从事: embark in = take up = set about = go in for
in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age
a host f = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of
一. 科技类
1.advanced science 尖端科学 2.scientific invention 科学发明
3.exert a far-reaching impact on… 对…产生一种深远的影响 4.double-edged sword 双刃剑
5.earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变
6.pay the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路 7.lay a solid foundation for… 为…打下良好的基础 8.energy crisis 能源危机
9.depletion of resources 能源消耗 10.milestone 里程碑
11.sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12.technical innovation 科技创新 13.expediency 权宜之计
14.antithetical 与…背道而驰的
15.over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16.a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 17.exhaust gas 废气 18.disastrous 灾难性的
19.overshadow 使…相形见绌 20.compared to/with… 与…相比 21.usher in 引领
22.speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适 23.opposite forces 负面影响 24.a fatal breakdown 致命故障 25.potential hazards 潜在危险
26.pose a threat to… 对…有一种威胁
27.promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展 28.accelerate 加速…
29.means of transportation 交通方式 30.transportation tools 交通工具 31.social status 社会地位
32.environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源 33.make people’s life easier 使人们生活更方便 34.alternative fuel 可替代燃料
35.sustainable development 可持续性发展 36.scientific exploration 科学探索 37.air travel 航空旅行 38.ridiculous 可笑的 39.absurd 荒唐的 40.substitute 取代
41.overcome difficulties 克服困难 42.make progress 取得进步
43.a sense of national pride 民族自豪感 44.unprecedented 前所未有的 45.soaring 不断上升的
46.give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展 47.see dramatic breakthroughs 取得突破性进展 48.aggravate 使恶化 49.optimize 优化
50.cure-all solution 万能良药 二. 文化类
1.cultural insights 文化视角 2.learn about the world 了解世界
3.a thrilling experience 一种令人激动的经历 4.abstract 抽象的 5.concrete 具体的
6.cultural diversity 文化多元化 7.cultural treasures 文化宝藏
8.cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流 9.cultural reconstruction 文化重建 10.spiritual civilization 精神文明 11.heritage sites遗产
12.achievements of art 艺术成就 13.tear down 拆除
14.humane historical sites 人文历史遗址 15.preserve the cultural relics 保护文化遗产 16.skyscraper 摩天大楼
17.high-rise office buildings 高层建筑物
18.city construction 城市建设 19.well-structured 结构良好的 20.crystallization 结晶 21.visual enjoyment 视觉享受 22.driving force 驱动力 23.reconstruct 重建 24.destruct 破坏
25.architectural industry 建筑工业 26.map out 制定出 27.city designing 城市设计 28.beautify our life 美化我们的生活 29.human civilization 人类文明 30.cradle of culture 文化摇篮 31.mainstream culture 主流文化 32.cultural traditions 文化传统 33.national pride 民族自豪
34.local customs and practices 风土人情 35.attract people’s eyes 吸引人们的眼球 36.artistic taste 艺术品味 37.cornerstone 基石
38.be closely interrelated with… 与…有密切关系 39.adhere to the tradition 坚持传统
40.architectural vandalism 破坏建筑行为 41.carry forward … 弘扬… 42.cultural needs 文化需求 43.reputation 声望
44.maintain the world peace 维护世界和平45.artistic reflection 艺术反映 46.give publicity to… 宣传… 47.burden 负担
48.cause irreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失 49.national identity and value 民族特性和价值观
50.remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解 51.symbol 象征
52.artistic standards 艺术水准 53.enjoy great popularity 广受欢迎 54.cultural devolution 文化退化
三. 教育类
1.adapt oneself to the development of使自己适应…的发展
2.scope of knowledge知识面
3.narrow the gap between缩小了…的鸿沟
4.lighten the burden of减轻了…的负担
5.comprehensive knowledge广博的知识
6.distance education远程教育
7.enrich the teaching method丰富教育手段
8.be attractive to somebody对…具有吸引力
13.multimedia teaching多媒体教学
14.solid professional working experience扎实的职业工作经验
15.vocational education职业教育
17.stress-related illness与压力有关的疾病
18.enjoy equal rights享有平等权利
19.receive education接受教育
26.the cultural diversity文化的多元性
28.exchange experience交流经验
29.undertake the due obligations承担责任
30.offer a chance of education提供一种教育机会
31.give a big push to the development of education给予教育极大的推动
32.vocational guidance职业指导
33.vocational training职业训练
34.face possible pressure and competition迎接可能的压力和竞争
35.Be easily taken in by容易受到某人或某事的欺骗
36.exam-oriented education应试教育
38.education for all-round development全面发展教育
39.have quick and easy access to something更快地接触到…东西
40.Develop Our Creative Mind培养我们创造性思维
41.Fake Diplomas假文凭
42.Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age拥抱知识经济时代
43.Renew Knowledge革新知识
45.compulsory education义务教育
46.keep skills fresh and up-to-date使得技能可以与时俱进
47.widen one’s knowledge拓展知识面
48.enrich one’s social and life experience丰富了社会和生活阅历
49.enlarge one’s view拓展知识面
50.broaden one’s horizons拓展知识面
51.realize the value of life实现生命价值
52.grasp good communication skills掌握良好的交流技能
53.remove misunderstanding and discrimination消除误解和歧视
54.improve cultural integration and globalization促进了文化的融合和文化全球化
55.cultivate a strong sense of responsibility培养了强烈的责任感
56.promote social skills and competence提高了社会能力和竞争力
57.make contribution to society对社会做出贡献
58.quality Education素质教育
59.cross-cultural communication跨文化交流
60.rote learning死记硬背
61.concentrate one’s attention on关注…
62.student-oriented education以学生为主体的教育
63.bias of culture文化偏见
64.cradle of culture文化摇篮
65.mainstream culture主流文化
66.system of education教育体制
67.tap one’s potential挖掘某人的潜能
68.go astray误入歧途
69.commit crimes犯罪
70.Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.教育不是注满木桶水,而是点燃生命的火
74.intellectual development智力发展
76.thinking capacity思考能力
77.universal language世界语
78.linguistic studies语言学研究
79.a means of communication一种交流工具
80.mechanical translation机械翻译
82.develop linguistic skills培养语言技能
83.verbal communication口头交流
84.grammatical rules语法规则
89.a complex progress一个复杂过程
91.cultivate logical thinking培养逻辑思维
94.an unrealistic dream一个不切实际的梦想
95.comprehensive knowledge全面的知识
96.communicate with others directly, and freely与他人直接自由交流
97.face-to-face communication面对面交流
98.stimulate one’s interest激发了…的兴趣
99.artificial intelligence人工智能
100.help children learn a foreign language in a more vivid and interactive way
102.increase efficiency提高效率
103.easy accessibility易于操作
104.make astounding advances突飞猛进
105.enrich the teaching and learning methods丰富了教学手段
108.speedy communication快速的交流
109.read between the lines读懂暗含的意思
110.language acquisition语言习得
113.be fully aware of…充分意识到…
117.precious gift宝贵的礼物
119.mission impossible不可能的任务 120.ambiguity歧义
四. 媒体类
1.news media 新闻媒体 2.mass media 大众媒体 3.entertainment 娱乐 4.journalism 新闻业 5.journal 期刊
6.the latest news 最新消息 7.exclusive news 独家新闻 8.news agency 新闻社 9.news blockout 新闻封锁 10.news censorship 新闻审查 11.freedom of the press 新闻自由 12.coverage 新闻报道
13.do reportage on … 报导… 14.hit the headlines 上头条 15.issue 出版、发行 16.newsstand 报摊
17.free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人 18.chief editor 总编 19.editorial 社论
20.newsworthy 值得报道的
21.cause discomfort and panic 导致不安和恐慌 22.the barometer of public opinion 舆论的晴雨表 23.live broadcast 直播
24.quiz show 智力竞争节目 25.game show 游戏节目 26.variety show 综合节目 27.talk show 脱口秀 28.sitcom 情景喜剧 29.soap opera 肥皂剧 30.movie star 电影明星 31.movie king 影帝 32.movie queen 影后 33.affair 绯闻 34.celebrity 名人 35.fame 名声
36.rise to fame 声名鹊起
37.sensationalize the public attentions 吸引大众注意 38.invade one’s privacy 侵扰了…的隐私 39.misleading 误导性的 40.cheating 欺骗性的 41.popularity 知名度 42.scandal 丑闻
43.sensational 轰动的
44.prevalent 普遍的、流行的 45.imperative 重要的、必要的 46.audience ratings 收视率 47.propaganda 宣传
48.be abducted by 受…诱导 49.purify one’s soul 净化心灵
50.live in virtual world 生活在一个虚拟世界中
51.be a great comfort to somebody 对…来说是一个巨大安慰 52.meet different tastes 满足不同口味
53.provide somebody with something 给…提供… 54.follow the fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚 55.commit crimes 犯罪
56.be inconceivable to somebody 对…来说是难以想象的 57.impressive 给人印象深刻的 58.right to know 知情权
59.in the disguise of … 打着…的幌子
60.endanger social stability and safety 危害社会稳定和安全
61.information era 信息时代
62.keep one informed about something 使人们了解… 63.audience/viewers 观众
64.have unhealthy and harmful effects on… 对…有不良影响 65.information-explosion society 信息爆炸的社会 66.influential 有影响的
67.revolutionize the way we acquire information 彻底改变了我们获取信息的方式 68.blessing 福 69.curse 祸
70.various thrilling programs 各种各样激动人心的节目 71.poor-quality programs 低质量节目 72.ever-accelerated 不断发展的 73.exaggerate 夸张
74.enjoyable 令人享受的 75.fashionable 时尚的
76.electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射 77.psychological illnesses 心理疾病 78.isolated 孤僻的
79.unimaginative 缺乏想象力的
80.unsociable 不好社交的
81.deprive somebody of one’s imagination and creativity
82.jeopardize one’s health 危害健康 83.be exposed to… 了解到…接触到…
84.find its way into every family 进入千家万户 85.global village 地球村
86.be indulged in… 沉溺于… 87.be addicted to … 对…上瘾 88.be fascinated by … 被…所吸引 89.be dependent on … 依赖…
90.second-hand information 二手信息 91.go astray 误入歧途
92.embark on the criminal road 走上犯罪道路 93.irresistible 无法抵制的 94.hallmark 标志
95.create topics of discussion 制造交谈话题 96.critical thinking 批判性思维
97.powerful means of communication 有力的交流工具 98.main cause 主因
99.tempting 有诱惑力的 100.reliable 可靠的
101.family attachment 家庭归属感 102.mutual understanding 相互了解 103.alienation of affection 感情疏远 104.be sick of … 对…厌倦 105.generation gap 代沟
106.exchanges of feelings 感情交流 107.emotional bond 感情纽带
108.strengthen family ties 加强家庭纽带关系 109.be detached from reality 与现实隔绝 110.distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 111.edifying 有教育意义的 112.couch potato 电视迷
113.be harmful to … 对…有害 114.imitate 模仿
115.inexpressible 难以形容的
116.physical and mental health 身心健康
117.stimulate one’s imagination and creativity 激发某人想象力和创造力 118.unwholesome lifestyle.不健康的生活方式 119.a great deal of information 大量的信息 120.disinteresting 令人索然无味的 五. 旅游类词汇
1.tourist attractions/tourist spots/places of interest旅游景点
2.push back/expand one’s vision/horizons开阔眼界
3.tourists can interact with the locals游客与当地人的互动 4.promote cultural communication促进文化交流
5.draw/attract/appeal to /be a magnet for somebody吸引 6.first-hand experience亲身体验 7.mutual understanding相互了解
8.seclude/isolate the tourist from the locals把游客和当地人隔离 9.commercialise/commodity 商业化 10.tourist traps欺骗游客的手段 11.conflict with与...冲突
六. 政府投资类词汇
1.ordinary citizens 老百姓 2.make concerned efforts 3.eliminate poverty 消除贫困
4.the department concerned 有关部门 5.take effective measures 有效的措施 6.invest… into 投入
7.health and medical treatment 医疗卫生 8.authorities(n)当局
9.citizens/the citizenry老百姓 10.regulate/administer 规范 11.implement(vt)实施
12.legislate(vi)/make laws立法
13.a democratic and progressive government民主与开放的政府 16.tough/strict/stringent laws/legislation严格的法律 15.rules and regulations规章制度 17.allocate money to sth.为...拨款
18.subsidise/be a patron of/invest in sth.为...拨款 19.finance/fund sth.为...拨款
20.dedicate money to sth.为...拨款 21.budget预算
22.tax revenue 税收
23.government spending/expenditure on sth.政府某方面的开支 24.curtail(vt)削减 25.augment(vt)增加
26.give priority to sth.把...当成当务之急 27.responsibility/obligation责任 28.humanitarian aid人道主义救援 29.administer/regulate管理 30.arms race军备竞赛 31.self-defense自卫 七. 环境和动物保护类
1.perform experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验
2.testing animals 用于实验的动物
3.be subjected to experiments 被迫接受试验 4.animal rights 动物权利 5.clinical research 临床研究 6.cruel 残忍的 7.extremist 极端主义者 8.medical research 医学研究 9.origin of species 物种起源 10.alternative method 替代的方法 11.biological diversity 生物多样性 12.natural balance 自然平衡
13.equilibrium of ecosystem 生态平衡 14.endangered animals 濒危动物 15.diversity of species 物种多样性 16.live and let live 活着就是与万物共存 17.meaningless 没有意义的 18.dominant species 优势物种 19.laboratory 实验室 20.vaccine 疫苗 21.infringement 侵犯 22.right to live 生存权
23.life-threatening diseases 危及生命的疾病
24.scientific gains 科学成果
25.an ever-lasting theme 一个永恒的主题 26.evolution 进化
27.computer simulation 电脑模拟 28.humane 人道的
29.medical technology 医疗技术 30.equal 公平的 31.unreliable 不可信赖的 32.valid 有效的、正当的33.the main industry 主要行业 34.fishing and farming
35.the wastewater from some factories 工厂废水 36.keep away from it 远离
37.drink and wash every day 每天喝水、每天洗衣服 38.gas energy 煤气
39.rely on for heating
供热 40.electric energy
电能 41.solar energy 太阳能 42.hydro-energy 水能
43.people can not live without them
没有不行 44.is unequally distributed over 不均匀地分布在 45.in coastal cities
46.protect environment
保护环境 47.a basic state policy
基本国策 48.enact laws and regulations 制定法律、法规 49.environmental protection 环境保护 50.environmental standards
51.see an unprecedented upsurge
出现了从来未有过的高潮 52.give their support to the government’s work
支持政府工作 53.talk about environmental protection issues 讨论环保问题 54.participate in environmental protection activities 参与环保活动 55.use cloth bags
使用布袋 56.plastic bags
57.fight against sandstorms 与沙尘暴作战
58.volunteer to plant trees and grass
自愿种草植树 59.adopt various measures
采取各种各样的措施 60.curb environmental pollution
61.environmental protection funds keep rising 环保基金持续增长 62.global warming
全球变暖 63.have different effects
64.blame global warming for extreme weather events 指责全球变暖带来了极端天气
65.severe droughts
严重的干旱 66.floods and storms
67.climate changes
68.affect people everywhere
影响着所有地方的人们 69.cause many disastrous crop losses 为庄稼带来灾难性的损失 70.sea level rise
海平面上升 71.wildlife habitats
72.provide food, shelter and the right conditions for plants and animals
73.adjust themselves to the changes physically and mentally
使他们自己在身体上和心理上适应这些改变 74.waste energy
浪费能源 75.Acute disease 76.Biosphere生物圈 77.Chemical substance 78.Chronic disease 慢性病 79.Commercial interest 商业利益 80.Conducive to good health 有益健康的 81.Deforestation 采伐森林 82.Demolish 毁坏 破坏
83.Densely-populated 人口密集的 84.Die out 85.Domestic sewage家庭污水 86.Ecology生态学
87.Endangered 88.Energy shortage能源缺乏 89.Fatal disease 致命的疾病 90.Greenhouse effect温室效应 91.Indispensable 92.Interdependent 相互依赖的 93.Overgraze 过度放牧 94.Reforestation 从新造林 95.Remedial measure 补救措施 96.Short-sighted短视的
97.Take revenge on human 报复 98.White pollution白色污染
八. 社会类
1.urbanization 城市化 2.centralization 集中化 3.imbalance 不平衡
4.in the long run 从长远角度而言 5.infrastructure 基础设施 6.booming 繁荣发展的 7.tertiary industry 第三产业 8.levy tax征税 9.tax revenue 税收
10.commercialization 商业化 11.traffic congestion 交通拥挤 12.water scarcity 水短缺
13.the environmental pollution 环境污染 14.over-industrialization 过度工业化 15.over-crowdedness 过度拥挤 16.unemployment 失业
17.wealth distribution 财富分配 18.social instability 社会动荡
19.urban construction 城市建设 20.population explosion 人口激增 21.a rising crime rate 犯罪率上升
22.consumption of energy and resources 能源和资源消耗 23.offer more job opportunities 提供更多的就业机会 24.a rapid pace of life 快节奏生活
25.stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病 26.high cost of living 高额生活费用 27.pastoral life 田园生活
28.class polarization 阶级两极分化 29.social welfare 社会福利
30.give special care to … 给予…特殊关照 31.urban expansion 城市扩张
32.convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具 33.better medical services 更好的医疗服务 34.pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力 35.be vulnerable to … 易于患上… 36.rural-to-urban shift城乡迁移 37.on the brink of … 处于…边缘 38.pollutant 污染性物质 39.waste disposal 废物处理
40.put the blame on … 归咎于… 41.be attributable to … 归因为… 42.ways of consumption 消费方式 43.suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失
44.inhabitant/dweller/occupant/resident 居民 45.be confronted with… 面临着… 46.breed crimes 滋生犯罪 47.vicious cycle 恶性循环
48.a feasible measure 一种可行的措施 49.give priority to … 优先考虑… 50.city planners 城市规划者 九. 犯罪类
1.commit crimes 犯罪
2.offender, criminal 罪犯,违法者 3.school shooting 校园枪击
4.death penalty,capital punishment 死刑 5.life-imprisonment 无期徒刑 6.juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪
7.female crime 妇女犯罪 8.domestic violence 家庭暴力 9.lengthy jail 长期监禁
10.community service 社区服务 11.deterrent 威慑 12.victim 受害者 13.re-offense 重新犯罪
14.law-abiding citizens 守法的公民 15.innocent 无辜的 16.go astray 误入歧途
17.abandon evil and do good 弃恶扬善 18.regulate 规范 19.supervise 监督 20.break the law 违法
21.put other's life at risk 使别人的生命处于危险之中 22.crime prevention 罪案防范 23.reform the convicts 改造犯罪分子 24.correct one's misconduct 改过自新
1.Healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式 2.sedentary lifestyle久坐的 3.an active lifestyle积极锻炼的 4.excessive intake of…吃过多的…… 5.fast food快餐
6.convenience food方便食品
7.diabetes and respiratory disease糖尿病和呼吸道疾病 8.nutrition营养
9.balanced diet均衡的饮食
10.protein,vitamin,fibre and mineral蛋白质,维他命,纤维素和矿物质 11.obesity肥胖症
12.stress-related diseases和压力有关的疾病 13.therapy(非药物)治疗 14.treatment 治疗
15.Relieve=ease=alleviate stress减压 16.aerobic exercises有氧运动 17.vigorous/energetic经历充沛的 18.refreshing提神的
19.refresh your mind and body 提神 20.improve blood circulation血液循环
21.cultivate stamina and persistence培养耐力和毅力 22.develop teamwork spirit 培养团队合作精神 23.conduce to physical fitness身体健康 24.jeopardize= damage 危害
工作服,制服,校服 suits and ties西装领带
turn up for work looking smart工作时看起来很有精气神 a formal business dress code正式的商务着装要求 wear a collar穿着硬领衬衫 press the clothes熨衣服
Smart clothes for work 上班穿的很帅气 Wear formal dress 穿正式衣服 dress formally 穿衣正式
a tie and a shirt 穿西装打领带 wear casual clothes穿便装 in a suit穿正装 wear a suit 穿西装
wear uniforms 穿工作服
a work-based uniform 工作制服
Fast food restaurants 快餐店 a fast food outlet 快餐店
the fast food industry 快餐行业 tinned fruit 灌装水果
Contain fat, sugar 含有脂肪和糖分 ready meals 即食产品
ready-to-eat foods即食产品
A diet of convenience foods 快餐 Prepared meals 即食产品
An unhealthy diet 不健康的食品
Unhealthy junk food 不健康的垃圾食品 fed a diet of junk food 经常喂食垃圾食品
In the virtual world 在虚拟世界
An Internet connection/ access to Internet 可以上网 Get in the Internet age 网络时代 use the Internet 使用网络 surf the web上网
have Internet access 可以上网 Go online /get online 上网
Connected to the Internet 连接网络 Access the web 上网
looking at a computer screen 看电脑屏幕
young offenders 少年犯 minor offences 轻度犯罪 first-time offenders 首犯者
Hardened criminals,persistent offender , habitual criminals 惯犯 serious offenders 重犯
Career criminal 职业罪犯
Youth/juvenile crime 青少年犯罪 Petty crime 轻微犯罪
Corporate crime 商业罪案 Computer crime 电脑犯罪
reach space达到太空 get into space 达到太空 reach orbit 进入轨道 launch a satellite 发射卫星
launch space rockets 发射火箭 space planes 太空飞机
space exploration missions 太空探索计划 space technologies 太空科技 space science 太空科技
develop spacecrafts 发展太空飞船
recycle household rubbish 回收家庭垃圾 reduce household waste 减少家庭垃圾 cut waste 减少垃圾 Recycle waste 回收垃圾 give cash rewards 给奖金
free plastic shopping bags 免费的塑料袋 set higher recycling targets 设定更高的回收目标 introduce variable charges 不同的收费 use charges 使用收费 raise funds 筹款 Rubbish bins 垃圾桶
ruin sleep 破坏睡眠 sleep deprived 缺乏睡眠 Disturb sleep 影响休息 Lack of sleep 缺乏睡眠 Sleep deprivation 缺乏睡眠
Combat sleep problems 解决睡眠问题 suffer from insomnia 失眠
have difficulty in staying asleep 很难保持睡眠 sleep like a dog 睡的很死
sleep soundly睡得很香 get back to sleep 再次入睡
feel awake 保持清醒
lie awake 躺着睡不着
Stay up late at night 很晚都不睡 sleep habits 睡眠习惯
introduce guidelines 提供指引 Enact laws, enforce laws 实施法律 Make laws, introduce laws 实施法律 Pass laws 通过法律
strengthen enforcement 加强执法
take rigorous action against 采取严厉的措施打击 introduce tougher legislation 颁布严厉的法律 impose tighter restrictions on, 实施严厉的限制 subject to state regulation 受国家制度约束 tighten regulations 收紧法律
strict/tough/stringent regulations 严格的法律 全球变暖
Warm up the planet 使地球变暖 global warming 全球变暖
The greenhouse effect 温室效应 Climate change 气候变化
extreme weather conditions 极端天气条件 extreme weather events 极端天气 fight climate change 应对气候变化 weather phenomenon 天气现象 Rising sea levels 上升的海平面
Global temperatures rise 全球气温升高
Go green 环保
Environmentally friendly 环保的 Live a sustainable life 过环保的生活 Environmental impacts 环境的影响
Launch massive campaigns 开始大规模的宣传活动 Environmental awareness 环境意识
Educate the public about 给大众提供教育 Impose heavy fines 大额罚款 Recycle waste 回收垃圾 Rubbish bins 垃圾箱
Household waste/rubbish 家庭垃圾 Energy conservation 节能
Achieve career success 获得职业的成功 Successful people 成功人士
Have a fulfilling career 有一个成功的职业 Achieve fame 变得出名
Build/develop/establish a reputation 变得闻名 Earn/gain/acquire a reputation 变得有名 Become world famous 世界闻名 live out their dream, 实现梦想 realise dreams, 实现梦想 realise ambition, 实现野心
Study engineering subjects 学习工程 Business subjects 商科课程 Offer subjects 提供课程 University courses 大学课程 Take courses 上课 Art degrees 艺术学位 Study subjects 学习的专业
Study the course of their choice 学习自己喜欢的课程 Preferred area of study 喜欢的学习领域 Areas of knowledge 知识的领域
Mobile phones 手机 Mobile devices 移动工具 Mobile technology 移动科技
Hand-held devices 手拿的工具(就是电话的替换表达)A portable phone 可移动的电话 portable devices 移动通讯工具 Ring tones 铃声
Send text messages 发手机信息 instant message 短信
text on their mobiles 发手机信息 talk on the phone 用手机交流
speak on the phone 手机上说话 switch off work phones 关手机
Historic building 历史建筑 Historic sites 历史遗址
Historic monuments 历史建筑物
Places of historical interest 有历史意义的地方
Ancient buildings/heritage buildings, 古老建筑 A built heritage 建筑的遗产
Preservation of historic sites 历史遗址的保存 Renovate/repair old buildings 翻新老房子 Restore old buildings 翻新房子
upgrade historic buildings 翻新历史建筑
Flexible working hours 灵活的工作时间 shorten workweeks缩短工作天数 work fewer hours 减少工作时间
length of the average work week平均一周工作时间 reduce work hours缩短工作时间 shorter work week较短的工作周 Work long hours 长时间工作 work extra hours, 长时间工作 work excessive hours 长时间工作 Work overtime 加班
Box office is booming,票房上升
Screen beauties,屏幕上的美女 blockbuster action movies 动作大片 Top grossing films 高票房收入的电影 Big budget movies, 大制作的电影
A low-budget film 小预算小制作的电影 Main character, 主角 Central character, 主角 Male/female lead 男女主角 play supporting roles 扮演配角
Live in poverty 生活在贫困中
Live below the poverty line 贫困线下
Struggle financially 有经济问题
The gap between haves and have-nots贫富差距变大 the gap between rich and poor贫富差距,reduce inequality减少贫富差距,lifted out of poverty 摆脱贫困,fight poverty, 解决贫困
economic inequality贫富差距,Live on a tight budget 生活拮据
Work from home 在家工作 Work at home
Remote work, telecommuting, teleworking , homeworking 远程工作 Telecommuters/teleworkers/homeworkers can easily be exploited
在家工作的人很容易被剥削 Remote workers, 远程工作的人
Remote working technology, 远程工作的科技 Video conferencing 视频会议 Virtual online offices 虚拟办公室 Change working habits 改变工作习惯 Work arrangement 工作安排
Work in a team, 在团队里工作
Work well in groups, 在团队里很好工作 Work closely with others 紧密和别人工作 Collaborate with others, 和别人合作 Collaborate with others, 和别人合作 Play their part in 参与其中
Group assignments/projects 团队项目 Enjoy teamwork, 享受团队活动 Team spirit 团队精神
a tremendous team effort 团队的劳动成果
Bring enjoyment 带来快乐 Find enjoyment 找到快乐
improve the mood 让心情愉悦 lift the mood 让心情更好
Lighten my mood 让心情更好
put you in a good mood 让你心情好 Find contentment in 找到快乐
Live a happy and rewarding life 过满足的生活 Lead a pleasant life 过快乐的生活
Derive a sense of satisfaction from 获得满足感
Food shortage 食品短缺
The acute food shortage,食品紧缺 Food price rises 食品价格上涨 Soaring food prices食品价格上涨
increased demand for food,对食品的需求增加
meet the world's growing demand for food,满足食品的需求 Tackle famine, 解决饥荒
Chronic food shortages, 长期食品不够 fight world hunger,解决粮食不够 tackle global hunger,解决粮食不够
Computer technology 电脑科技 Computer literacy 电脑技能 learn computer skills 学习电脑技能
Enhance troubleshooting skills 提高修电脑的能力 Data technology 数字科技
Harness the power of big data 利用大数据的力量 Design a website/create a website 设计网站
The latest computer software 最新的电脑软件 In the computer industry 在电脑业 A computer expert 电脑专家
Firstly, from the money view , after some people meet the food and clothing, in order to prove its ability to get more recognition ,they make more money ; this pursuit become an inertial of am an, but they won't fill emptiness inside.Secondly, from the human relations, When people cannot derive enough satisfaction from interpersonal, he will have a special frenzy to compensate for the lack of love。But they forget, no matter how much of money can not buy the real love.The third, from the social and historical perspective, our parents lived a tightened life, so we also exist “afraid poor” psychology.This kind of social environment lead us to pursue the economic wealth, and may also cause people to make money but still afraid of being lost , therefore, human life would become the “the slave of money ”, back a heavy chains.Finally, from the psychology perspective, psychologist Maslow says, the person has five basic needs-physiological needs, safety requirements,love and belongingness need,respect needs, self realization needs.The money can satisfy people not only physiological needs, but also endowed with security, respect, love and self-actualization meaning, it is “universal”.Hence, hold this idea easily become a workaholic, they're busy to destination, have no time to enjoy really life.幸福,不是靠钱创造的,钱只能满足人一时的愿望,并不能得到永恒的满足。在我国当今社会被钱欲熏心的人还大有人在,他们最终东窗事发,被法律惩罚,王宝森、陈希同不就是很好的例子吗?结果他们得到了幸福没有呢?
Happiness is not create by money, it only to satisfy the desire temporary, and can't get eternal satisfied.There are many people captivated by money,and they had published by the legal finally.Wangbaosen and Chenxitong are the best examples.As a result, did they get the happiness?
The nature of man decided people's desire is endless, rich wants more.More will be more tired.I feel a sentence is very good: "happiness is the cat ate fish, dog ate meat, Oatman beat a small monster.Happiness is all around us, but we didn't find it in fact.Someone says: in fact, happiness is 10 years old wear the new clothes in the new year, 20 years old with several buddies talking extensively, 30 years old with own lover walked along red carpet, 40 watching my children in front of the mirror, then over her dress than her old mama was also beautiful.50 walking with your child, people say you are brothers, Age 60 Chinese a large family getting together in the new year, Age 70 holding the hand of his wife walking in the park...So I think happiness is to have enough money to spend, a lot of family love, friendship love, have time to do things you like, and have a healthy body.
题目:男生和女生之间有纯洁的友谊。The pure friendship exit in boys and girls.辩手一:俗话说“在家靠父母,出门靠朋友”、“多一个朋友多一条路”,这些都在阐明友谊对一个人的发展发挥着巨大的作用,当然友谊不仅仅限制于同性之间,自古就有“红颜知己”、“蓝颜知己”、“莫逆之交”“忘年之交”,可以看出友谊的跨度之大,范围之广,更何况在更加多元、开放的现代社会呢?As the saying goes ,parents can help us in home,so does friends out home.one friend stand for a chance.All these tell the trues that same sex play an imporent role for development ourselves.Of course,it not only happen in samesex,there are(),(),close friend ,friends between generation ,we can find its scope ,field is so broad, even in more pluralistic ,opend morden society ?
之所以一些人简单地认为没有,我认为是他们的预设或行动越过了友谊的界限,将奉献变为占有,将沟通变为投机,所以要想建立真正的友谊关键要端正态度,遏制贪欲,用宽广的胸襟拥抱友谊,我们要做的就是把握好这一火候。Some peole think it is not exist simplely, I think theire expect ,behaviour beyond the line of friendship.make sacrificial became occupy,communication became speculation , so if hope achieve pure friendship,we need to only to correct attitude,contain avarice,embrance friendship by broad mind and grasp the balance point.辩手二:按照逻辑原理,若否定一个命题,只需提供一个命题的反例即可。很明显,这样的例子是十分常见的。例如:苗可秀
与李小龙,成龙和金喜善,蔡依林与罗志祥,章子怡与苏毅。According to logical principle ,if negate subject ,we need to only provide a opposite subject.Obvious, there are many example , for example,另外对方还犯了一个“绝对化的错误”,因为任何绝对化都是一个伪命题,绝对的事情事实上是根本不存在的。Otherside, the opposite party make a mistake about absolute ,because any absolute thing all is a false subject , in fact absolute things is not exist.辩手三:从心理学方面看,认为男女之间不存在纯洁友谊的人,多是因为封闭、自私与恐惧,内心常常保持高度警惕,并通过
拒绝真诚的交流来维持安全感,相反那些自信且乐观的人,通过信任与坦诚更易建立起开放包容的心态并享受友谊带来的快乐。In psychological side, thoese people who think pure friendship is not exist,often display close ,selfish, horrible, keep height vigilant and refuse sinceres communication to maintain the sense of safe.Instend, these people who possess character of selfconfidience, optimistic ,build opend mind by trust and enjoy happy.辩手四:社会的发展为友谊的建立提供了更充分的条件,首先表现在职业的多样化,女性从家庭的解放,观念的开放,人与人
之间的交往更加频繁,传统意义上严格的性别观念意识也逐步解冻,人们更多地由工作上的关联聚集在一起,在这种合作互助的模式下,人们建立了纯洁的友谊。其次,通信网络的发达,人们兴趣爱好的多样化,因此出现了诸如俱乐部之类的交流活动组织,人们为了共同的目的带着热情与真诚走在一块儿,所以更容易建立起信任和友谊,当然这样的群体中不乏异性。再次,从性格方面考虑,男女由于性别的差异,两者在情感和心理方面具有互补性,也更倾向于接纳对方。最后,对方更多的是没有理解友谊、爱情二者之间的含义及区别,友谊更多的是理解与帮助,爱情更多的是依赖与占有。The development of socialprovid advantageous condition.First,the diverse of occupation, the update of concept ,the contact
from people to people ,became frequent , the strict traditional sex consciousness also thaw, people gather because works contact.Pure friendship is build in the middle of cooperate, help each other.Secondly, developed communication web , diverse interest lead to produce some communication organization, like club.These people build trust ,so friendship is build more easily.Of course it include opposite sex.Next ,because the difference of sex , they possess huge complement in emotional and psychological.In fact, one party accept the other party more easily.Last ,the opposite parety can not comprehension its intention and difference between friendship and love , friendship main display comprehention and help ,love main display rely and occupy.辩手五:综上所述,异性之间纯粹的友谊是肯定存在的,也是人类自身发展进程中所必须的。随着现代文明的发展,不仅在观
念上引导同时也为之提供了客观的条件,从实际效果看,纯洁的异性友谊呈现出规模与数量的同时上升。To sum up, the pure freidentship must be exist in opposite sex people ,also is essentitals in human developing process with morden civilizations development ,not only lead in conscious ,but also provide objective condition.In fact, pure oppositesex friendship have huge rise in scale and quantity.