Characteristics of English for Science and Technology
General Use of Nominalization Nominalization In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a verb or an adjective as a noun, with or without morphological transformation, so that the word can now act as the head of a noun phrase.
例1.The paper analyzes the problem and solves it.在科技英语中则通常说:
The paper gives an analysis of the problem and offers a solution.例2.You can rectify this fault if you insert a slash.插入一条斜线便可以纠正错误。
在科技英语中则通常说:Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a slash.在这组例子中,名词化发生在两个地方,rectify-rectification, insert-insertion, 经过名词化处理后,含有两个诸位结构的复合句变成了只含一个主谓结构的简单句,从而使句子的结构更加精炼,也由于使用抽象名词替代原来的人称代词做主语而使句子的语体更加正式。2)用名词替代形容词
例3.It is doubtful how accurate the results are.结果的正确性值得怀疑。也可以表示为:The accuracy of these results is doubtful.3)用名词替代句子
例4.If the experiment is done by this method, there will be some loss of equipment.用这种方法做实验设备会有一些损失。可以表示为:
The doing of the experiment by this method will entail some loss of equipment.使用名词化结构的动因
1)名词与动词相比较,名词更具有静态性,不像动词那样生动具体和活跃。假如简单地述说一个事实或概念,仅指出动作和技术的特点,不需要动词那样生动具体,可用动作名词来替代动词。科研技术人员关心事物的现象、事实、特点,特别是抽象化的逻辑思维,因而名词化结构的使用,尤其符合科研技术人员表达 的需要。比如:
例5.The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends enormously by on temperature.The dependence of the rate of evaporation of a liquid on temperature is enormous.液体的蒸发速度很大程度上取决于它的温度。
词作主语,称之为无人称论述(impersonal statement)。实现无人称性的一个手段是使用被动语态从而避免使用 “I”等人称代词,其另一个手段是使用名词词组。例如:
例6.We can normally regulate the temperature by using a thermo-couple.通常可用热点偶调节温度。
Regulation of the temperature can normally be effected by the application of a thermo-couple.另外,用名词替代动词也可避免了与动词相关的人称和时态。例如 :
例7.While it is being compacted, considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete.在压实过程中,混凝土加上了相当的侧压力。
Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete during compaction.3)前置性(fronting)。主语在英语中所处的位置很重要。科技英语把较多的信息置于句首,这是一种语体特征。例如:
例8.Hypersonic speeds are quite commonly attained now.现在达到超音速相当普遍。
The attainment of hypersonic speeds is now quite common.4)文章简洁明了。名词词组替代从属语句,这样做使文章更为精练。例如: 例9.If the thickness of the lagging is increased, it will reduce the heat losses.增加隔热厚度会减低损耗。
An increase in the thickness of the lagging will reduce the heat losses.名词化结构分类(根据修饰词不同)
water purification system 净水系统
laser noise amplitude modulation 激光噪音调幅 heat treatment process 热处理过程
illumination intensity determination 照明强度测定
computer programming teaching device manual 计算机编程教学仪器指南 force fit: a fit by means of applying force, 即借外力压人的一种配合,简称压人配合
depth gage 测量深度的规或尺;深度规或尺 汉译中,名词迭加型一般采用顺译法。2)复合名词化结构(名词化名词性词组)
英语的修饰语有些前置,有些后置,扩展主要有LR(由左往右)语序。多个汉语修饰位次关系一般是:紧靠中心名词的是表示类别、性质的名词、形容词,其次是动词或动词词组,再是数量词或代词,离中心名词最远的是表示领属、时间、地 点的名词和代词。而英语修饰语序可前可后,单个修饰语一般在前,词组、短语、从句在后。
英语修辞一般来说遵守以下原则:限定词-描绘性形容词-表示大小、新旧的形容词-表示颜色的形容词-表示类别的形容词-表示类别的名词-中心名词。基本语序是:专有性-泛指性-名词 ;次要意义-重要意义-名词;程度弱-程度强-名词;大-小-名词。意思愈具体、物质性愈强,与中心名词的关系愈密切的就愈靠近中心名词。例如:
acute bacterial peritonitis 急性细菌性腹膜炎
special strengthening filler material特殊的强化用的填料
low average stress values较低的平均应力值
a non-uniform temperature field 非均匀的温度场
a mechanically worked surface layer经过机械加工的表层
a precise differential air pressure meter一只精密的差动气压表
a reversing variable-displacement reciprocating pump 可反置的变容积往复式工作泵
Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.阿基米德最先发现了固体排水的原理。
句中的名词化结构displacement of water by solid bodies由displace的名词加上两个介词短语构成,用来补充说明the principle。一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement这一事实。
The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of the iron and steel industry of our country.句中的名词化结构The building of these giant iron and steel works由build的动名词加上介词短语构成,充当句子的主语,其逻辑结构为动宾结构。
1.将名词化结构译为动词。许多名词化结构是由实义动词派生的名词作为中心名词并搭配介词短语构成,在翻译时根据汉语习惯可以还原成动词来译。All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, provided the potential difference is high enough.名词passage在翻译时要译为动词“通过”。此句翻译为:只要有足够的电位差,电流便可通过任何物体。
Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.句中名词化结构the transmission and reception应翻译为动词“发射和接收”。此句译为:电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像。
2.将名词化结构译为动宾关系。大多数复合名词性词组可以使用这种翻译方法。As a small-scale illustration of the artificial modification of physical weather processes, take the frost prevention in an orchard.句中名词化结构the artificial modification of physical weather processes中,physical weather processes是中心名词the artificial modification的修饰语,根据中文的特点,将这个名词化结构译为动宾结构“对天气的物理过程进行人工影响”。此句译为:我们可举果园中防霜作为说明对天气的物理过程进行小尺度人工影响的例子。
The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因此可以用有机或无极燃料着色。
This position was completely reversed by Haber’s development of the utilization of nitrogen from the air.由于哈勃发明了利用空气中的氮气的方法,这种局面就完全改观了。
Translation Practice I.Reference Answers for Exercise I(P.17)1.无线网状网的首次应用时在社区接入网中,例如在加州的Cerritos社区、采用Tropos Networks 或Garland得设备,有NexGen City 建网,所用的专用芯片来自MeshNetworks。
III.Chinese-English Translation(《汉英科技翻译》,严俊仁,P.36)1.储箱中装的东西是用泵排出的。
Discharge of the contents of the tank is effected by a pump.2.人的体温是靠消耗血液中的糖分来维持的。Our bodies are heated by consuming sugar in the blood.Our bodies are heated by the consumption of sugar in the blood.3.将现代风洞设备同其历史上的先驱相比较,很容易对风洞试验技术的进展情况作出评价类。
An appraisal of the advances in wind tunnel test techniques can be readily obtained by comparing the modern wind tunnel facilities with their historical predecessors.4.然而,数控技术更灵活,装配机床的花费更少,更换更快,而且停机维修时间更短。
Numerical control, however, offers more flexibility, lower tooling cost, quicker changes and less machine down-time.5.记录为知识的传递提供了条件,并帮助它不断继续发展下去。Records provide for the transmission of knowledge and aid its continued growth.6.这类预言要是试验所验证,那么,理论即得到了支持,并可导致形成某个定律或原理。
Verification of these predictions by experiment supports the theory and may lead to formulation of a law or principle.7.预言要是得不到试验的验证,也不会推翻理论,而会使该理论得到修正,并使常常会丰富这一理论。
Failure to obtain experimental verification of predictions may not overthrow a theory, but causes its modification and often enriches it.
电影《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中女主人公性格浅析 礼貌用语中的语用失误
A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald’s Success 从生态视野解读狼图腾
女性主义翻译研究——《简•爱》两种中文译本的比较 英文征婚广告和中文征婚广告所体现的文化差异 从中美文化差异看中国人创新能力的缺失与培养 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义
分析女性语言特点在英语委婉语中的体现——以《绝望主妇》为例 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中双关语的研究 论奥斯卡•王尔德的艺术道德观
论关联理论在商业广告翻译中的运用 汉英谚语的语意对比
解读托尼•莫瑞森小说《所罗门之歌》中黑人身份的迷失与回归 运用言语行为理论分析哈佛校长德鲁•福斯特的演说词 以《老友记》为例浅析美式幽默
Who Is Ishmael: Kantian Philosophy in Moby Dick Application of Constructivism to Task-based Reading Teaching in Senior High School 从女性主义视角看《抽彩》女主角的命运 商务英语中的冗余现象及语用功能
论格列佛人物形象在《格列佛游记》中所起的讽刺效果 文化语境视域下英语习语的汉译研究 论《织工马南》中的象征意义
An Ecocritical Analysis on Lady Chatterley’s Lover 解析《简爱》的帝国主义意识
Feminism under the Traditional Masculine Standards Comparison between High and Low-context Culture in Language Expression 从后殖民女性主义角度解读《藻海茫茫》 从生态学角度解读《白鲸》 企业网络营销策略分析
English to Chinese Translation Methods 从中西方文化差异看中国式英语
显现的被动•隐现的自我——《看不见的人》中被动语态的身份建构功能研究 对高中学生英语学习动机现状及激发策略的调查分析—以屏边高级中学为例 研究交替传译中的笔记特征以及它对翻译准确度的影响 从鹿鼎记和唐吉诃德的主要人物的较对比来比中西方侠文化 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective A Naturalistic Approach to Jude’s Tragedy in Jude the Obscure 无脸之殇——《英国病人》的后殖民指控分析 从《老人与海》看海明威的人生观 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考
《浮生六记》英译本文化词翻译策略探析(开题报告+论文)46 英式英语和美式英语中的词汇差异 47 谈呼啸山庄的复仇主题
从冲突到和解—解析《接骨师之女》中的母女关系 50 试析中文歌曲汉英语码转换的形式与功能
An Analysis of Hemingway’s Attitude towards War in For Whom the Bell Tolls 52 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读
The Comparison of Word Order between the Report at the th National Congress and Its English Version 54 布什总统演讲词中幽默话语的语用功能分析 55习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究 56 钱钟书翻译研究
The Effects of Family Education on Personalities in Little Women 59 《蝴蝶梦》中的女权主义
《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究 61 英语财经报道中的词汇衔接研究 62 提高学生说英语的兴趣和能力 63 语结与英语长句的翻译 64 论广告英语的人际沟通功能 65 六种颜色词语的英汉互译探索 66 公示语汉英翻译的问题与对策
Cultivation of Students’ Autonomy in Listening in Junior High School 68 从 “进步”话语解读《苔丝》中环境因素与人物性格 69 刘易斯小说《巴比特》中的都市景观和人物描写分析 70 《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 71 模因论视角下的中国网络新词翻译策略 72 法律语言特征和法律语言翻译
Study of English Borrowing from Chinese 74 《嘉莉妹妹》中女性自我意识探析
托马斯哈代与张爱玲作品中女性悲剧命运对比研究——以苔丝和顾曼桢为例 76 从生态批评主义角度看《白鲸》的生态观
许渊冲的“三美”原则在国外化妆品品牌名汉译中的应用 78 论《红字》中的孤独因素
解析哈代《远离尘嚣》中的悲剧因素 80 家乐福定价策略研究
On Application of TBLT to Junior High School Oral English Teaching 84 视听说结合提高大学英语听力教学效果之设想 85 论希斯克利夫出走的必然性 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考
透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异 87 浅论广告语汉译的美学效果
不伦,还是不朽?--从柏拉图的哲学理论视角解读《洛丽塔》(开题报告+论)89 从《了不起的盖茨比》看菲茨杰拉德的女性观 90 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中女性人物的认知局限 91 An Analysis of Huckleberry Finn’s Personality 92 从心理学角度看霍尔顿的内心世界 93 高中英语听前活动设计探究
浅析《小妇人》中乔的女性意识及其成长过程 95 从目的论角度研究中式菜名英译(开题报告+论文)96 论文化背景在高中英语阅读教学中的作用 97 高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析 98 英语中的女性歧视
《红字》中场景描写及其象征意义 100 美国梦的文化观察
On Paul’s Self-development in Sons and Lovers 103 埃德娜的觉醒——对《觉醒》的心理女性主义分析 104 浅谈教师与学生之间的课堂交流
浅析女性主义在薇拉﹒凯瑟作品中的表现 106 论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现 107 从关联理论解读《家庭战争》的幽默
Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning 109 Study of Translating Skills of Business Correspondence 110 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育
浅析欧洲中世纪骑士和中国侠士精神的差异─西欧中世纪初期骑士和中国秦汉游侠 112 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo 113 语用预设视野下的广告英语分析
A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 116 外语教学中的折中主义思想研究 117 初中英语课堂教学现状调查 118 语言迁移在英语教学中的应用
《觉醒》女主人公-艾德娜追求自我的过程 120 论《紫色》中的姐妹情谊 121 苔丝女性悲剧的性格因素 122 浅析英语教学中的情感因素
《名利场》和《嘉莉妹妹》女主角形象对比 124 德国功能目的论指导下广告口号的汉译
A Study on Strategies of Effective Teaching in the Junior Middle School EFL Classroom 127 试论英语中的歧义与翻译
从谭恩美小说中“家”的概念看其文化身份认定 129 功能对等理论视角下汉语新词的翻译 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考
论爱丽丝·沃克《紫色》中西丽女性自我的缺失与重塑 132 《蝴蝶梦》中女主角吕蓓卡的人物形象分析 133 英语词汇的文化内涵及词汇教学
English-Chinese Advertisement Translation 135 A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man 136 阿加莎克里斯蒂侦探小说中的罪犯形象 137 从中西婚礼文化看中西方文化差异
论英语被动语态的语篇功能及其翻译策略—以《高级英语》第二册为例 139 Cultural Connotation and Translation of Animal Words in Chinese and English 140 A Psychological Analysis on Self-identity Loss of Black People in The Bluest Eye 141 由英汉亲属称谓语看中英文化差异
从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例 144 美国C标准对中国英语教育的影响
The Painful Growth of Scarlett O’Hara in Her Three Marriages 146 从关联理论看美剧典故的翻译 147 跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析
英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析 149 乌托邦和老子道家思想的比较研究 150 中英委婉语语用功能的对比研究 151 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析
152 从《狼图腾》和《野性的呼唤》中狼的意象比较中西方生态意识 153 英语专业学生词汇学习策略特点研究 154 英汉恭维语的对比研究
155 生态视角下解读《荒野的呼唤》
156 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略 157 中英礼貌用语差异
158 论《英国病人》中角色的自我认知
159 论《某人住在一个多美的小城镇》的语言艺术(开题报告+文献综述+论文)160 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用 161 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学的研究 162 语用预设视野下的广告英语分析
163 从寂寞到超然—索尔•贝娄的《赫索格》中书信体的内心独白 164 从释意学理论看中英口译
165 从《嘉莉妹妹》看本性与理性的斗争
166 欲望与命运--《推销员之死》与《旅行推销员之死》中主人公的悲剧根源之比较 167 逆世的美丽——分析《飘》中主要人物表现的自我意识 168 英汉绿色词对比研究
169 A Research of Translation of English Songs into Chinese by Poetic Norms 170 论交际法在初中英语教学中的运用 171 论英语专业八级口语测试的内容效度 172 小学英语课堂任务设计的研究 173 文化差异对英语阅读的影响 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考
174 功能对等理论视角下李白诗歌中意象的英译 175 论商务英语信函写作的语篇衔接与连贯 176 A Brief Analysis of Political Euphemism 177 英语新闻的互文性研究
178 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿•考菲尔德的成长经历 179 Cultural Difference between Chinese and American Advertisement 180 跨文化交际中的语用失误与避免方法 181 谈双关语的翻译
182 从《卡斯特桥市长》看哈代作品中的宿命论色彩 183 论《喜福会》中女性的反抗精神
184 从合作原则的违反看小品“卖拐”中的幽默
185 浅析《到灯塔去》中女性主义思想在两位女主人公身上的体现 186 英文电影对英语学习的影响 187 《雾都孤儿》中的反犹主义
188 比较中西方身势语在沟通中的应用 189 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究
190 从人类文化语言学的角度分析英语语言中的性别歧视现象 191 完美管家还是他者—浅析《长日留痕》中的管家形象 192 旅游景点标志翻译初探
193 如何激发初中生的英语学习兴趣 194 商务英语函电的语言特征及翻译策略
195 Who Was to Blame:The Influence of Community on Pecola 196 从彼拉特透视托尼·莫里森的妇女主义
197 从文化差异透视女性的不同命运—薛宝钗与韩美兰对比研究 198 书面语言输入与输出对英语词汇习得的影响 199 论英语习语的文化内涵及其翻译策略 200 商务英语信函中名词化结构的翻译
Wokers compensation plan 员工补偿计划
Incontestable provision 不可抗辩条款
Grace period provision 宽限期条款
Reinstatement provision 复效条款
Misstatement of age provision 年龄误告条款
Suicide clause 自杀条款
Policy loan provision 贷款条款
Automatic premium loan provisions 自动垫缴保费条款
None-forfeiture provision 不丧失的现金价值条款
Policy assignment clause 保单转让条款
Beneficiary clause 受益人条款
Non-forfeiture benefits option clause 不丧失权益选择权条款
Cash surrender value non-forfeiture option 退保金不丧失选择权
Reduced paid-up insurance non-forfeiture option 减额交清保险不丧失选择权 Extended term insurance non-forfeiture option 展期保险不丧失选择权 Dividend option clause 红利选择权条款
Cash Dividend option 现金红利选择权
Premium reduction dividend option 抵减保费红利选择权
Accumulation at interest dividend option 累积利息红利选择权
Paid-up additional insurance dividend option 增额缴清保险红利选择权 Additional term insurance dividend option 增额定期保险红利选择权 Settlement option provision 保险金给付选择权条款
Premium payment option clause 保费交付选择权条款
Term life insurance 定期寿险
Level Term life insurance 定额定期寿险
Decreasing Term life insurance 减额定期寿险
Increasing Term life insurance增额定期寿险
Whole life insurance 终身寿险
Endowment insurance 两全保险
Waiver of premium for disability benefit 残疾免缴保费给付
Waiver of premium for payer benefit 投保人免缴保费给付
Disability income benefit 残疾收入给付
Accelerated death benefit 寿险提前给付
Terminal illness benefit 终末疾病给付
Dread disease benefit 重大疾病给付
Long-term care benefit 长期护理给付
Annuity 年金
Single premium Annuity 趸交年金
Periodical premium Annuity 期缴年金
Immediate Annuity 即期年金
Deferred Annuity 延期年金
Life Annuity 终身年金
Straight life Annuity 纯粹终身年金
Life income Annuity with period certain 固定期间终身年金
Life income with refund Annuity 全额偿还终身年金Annuity certain 确定年金
Temporary life Annuity 限期生存年金
Personal Annuity 个人年金
Joint Annuity联合年金
Fixed benefit Annuity 定额年金
Variable Annuity 变额年金
Participating contracts 分红保险
Cash dividend approach 现金红利法
Additions to benefits approach 增额红利法 Variable life insurance 变额保险
Universal life insurance 万能寿险
Medical expense coverage 医疗保险
Disease coverage 疾病保险
Disability income coverage 残疾收入保险 Deductible clause 免赔额条款
Coinsurance provision 共保条款
Critical illness insurance 重大疾病保
Long term care insurance 长期护理保险
Group insurance 团体保险
Master contract 总保单(团体保险)
Manual rating 手册费率法
Experience rating 经验费率法
Office premium 营业保费
Gross premium 毛保费
Net premium 纯保费
Loading 附加保费
Level premium 均衡保费
Mortality table 生命表
Simple interest 单利
Compound interest 复利
Retrospective method 过去法
Prospective method 未来法
FPT 一年期定期修正法
Before any evidence can be introduced in support of the topic at hand, the definition of invention must be established.Legally, an invention is a new, useful, and non-obvious process, machine, or product.Maurice Fabre, author of A History of Land
Transportation(1963), offered an interesting take on the automobile and its inventor.“who, for that matter ,can say who invented the automobile? Was it Cugnot with his lumbering 'fardier' of 1769? Was it Trevithick with his steam carriage of 1801, or Benz or Daimler with their first successful internal combustion gasoline engine cars of 1886?It depends what you mean by an automobile.” in the year 2001, what do we consider the automobile to be ? I invite the reader to take a minute to look out the window.I see a street lined with cars.Many of these cars possess similar shapes and sizes.In fact, some of them are the same make and model, only different colors.What does this tell us about the modern automobile? The modern automobile is not a single vehicle;it is a collection of millions of cars designed for utilization by a mass market.In fact, we could argue that the modern automobile is a giant technological system that entails a way of life.Entire economies depend on this automobile.Engineers design the components, machinists manufacture the components, assemblers assemble the components into complete systems, truck drivers deliver the assembled product, and salesmen sell the product to the masses.This brief description does not even account for the office
workers who handle logistics and maintain financial accounts, or the separate companies that mine raw materials or design and manufacture the needed machine tools.What would the economy of the United States be like without the modern automobile?
Obviously, the modern automobile and self propelled vehicle are necessarily the same.翻译:在任何证据被介绍来支持这个主题以前,必须建立发明的定义。从法律意义上来说,一项发明是一个新的、有用的创造性工艺、机器、或产品。Maurice Fabre的《陆运的历史》(1963)提供了一个有趣的汽车和其发明者。“关于那件事,谁可以说是谁发明了汽车吗?是1769年笨拙的柯诺特吗? 这是1801年特里维西克他的蒸汽运输车,或奔驰或戴姆勒的首次成功或1886年克莱斯勒的内部燃烧汽油引擎的汽车吗?那要看你怎么说一辆汽车。“在2001年,我们认为什么是汽车呢?我请读者花一分钟的时间往窗外看。我看到了街两旁的汽车。这些汽车具有相似的形状和大小。事实上,他们中的一些是相同的厂牌和型号,只是不同的颜色。这个是在告诉我们什么是关于现代的汽车吗?现代汽车不是单独的车辆,它是一个收集数百万辆汽车设计利用的大规模市场。事实上,我们可以认为在我们的生活方式中现代汽车是一个巨大的技术系统,整个经济依赖这种汽车。工程师设计组件,机械师制造部件,组装成完整的系统组装元件,卡车司机提供产品的组装、销售人员卖产品到群众。这一简单的描述甚至占用不了上班族们处理物流和维护金融帐户或者单独的的矿业公司开采原材料或设计和制造所需的工具的时间。如果没有现代汽车美国的经济将会怎么样呢?显然,现代汽车和自行式车辆必须是一样的。
3G TECHNOLOGY Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the 3G TECHNOLOGY of representative technologies this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study.Therefore, control this technology and then seem to be more to deliver the importance.Now I mainly introduce some knowledge of the 3G TECHNOLOGY.Keywords GPRS, TD-SCDMA,WCDMA , EDGE ,CDMA2000 , WAP , SYMBIAN G, the third Generation, known as the Chinese meaning is refers to the third Generation of digital communication.The growth of the global 3G was rapidly in recent years.From 2002 to 2008, the 3 G operators have been gradually from the original is pale and management to the accelerated development.By June 2008, global 3 G users accumulative total up to 709 million, the total 84 countries and regions issued 3 G licenses, including effective certificate for 249 copies.Our country of 3 G development is relatively later than the advanced countries.In 2009, China was officially forward 3 G time.In the economic crisis of the downturn state,China's ministry of information industry issued three third generation mobile communication(3 G)license for China mobile, China telecom and China Unicom.China Mobile use our country with independent intellectual property rights of the 3 G standard TD-SCDMA , China Telecom get CDMA2000 license and China Unicom WCDMA license.2009 as China 3 G formal first commercial.Although the technology behind 3G may seem complicated, the ways in which 3G will affect all of our lives are easy to imagine.Just imagine having a combined camera, video-camera, computer, stereo, and radio included in your mobile phone.Rich-media information and entertainment will be at your fingertips whenever you want anywhere there is a wireless network.Mobile communication is moving from simple voice to rich media, where we use more of our senses to intensify our experiences.But not all of this will happen at once.3G is an evolution to a communications ideal that no one completely understands yet.What we do know is that mobile multimedia will hit the Japanese markets in 2001, and Europe and North America will follow soon after.3G brings together high-speed radio access and IP-based services into one, powerful environment.The step towards IP is vital.IP is packet-based, which in simple terms, means users can be “on line” at all times, but without having to pay until we actually send or receive data.The connectionless nature of IP also makes access a lot faster: file downloads can take a few seconds and we can be connected to our corporate network with a single click.3G introduces wideband radio communications, with access speeds of up to 2Mbit/s.Compared with today's mobile networks, 3G will significantly boost network capacityAt home 3G is going to affect our home and social lives in many ways.The services that 3G enables will help us to manage our personal information, simplify tasks such as grocery shopping, make better use of our time and offer services that are just fun to use.Operators will be able to develop myriad new service opportunities to attract and retain new customers.Here are some examples:
· You're sitting on a train and use this “dead” time to log on to your bank account, check your balance and pay a few billsAt work
3G will not just support the needs of businesspeople who travel a lot, but will also help new, flexible working practices, such as home-working and remote access to corporate networks outside traditional working hours.Businesspeople are often high-volume airtime users, so they represent a big opportunity for mobile operators.Here are some examples:
At work you receive a message from your “smart” refrigerator at home.The message tells you that certain items need restocking and an order has already been prepared for the local grocery store, which you can approve, so that your groceries are ready to collect on the way home.·
You are on the road, and urgently need to discuss a draft presentation with a number of colleagues back in the office.Pulling into a service station, you use your 3G device to hold a telephone conference with your colleagues and, at the same time, you can all view the draft presentation and make changes on line.·
A maintenance engineer is repairing some equipment on a client's premises and hits a problem.Using his 3G device, he contacts his department and downloads a demonstration video that guides him through the repair process.TECHNOLOGY 3G brings together two powerful forces: wideband radio communications and IP-based services.Together, these lay the groundwork for advanced Mobile Internet services, including personalized portals, “infotainment”, mobile commerce and unified messaging-encompassing high-speed data, superior quality voice and video and location-based services.Making 3G a reality depends on technology developments in different areas.These include
amendments to the radio interface to support wideband communications and in the core network.Supporting technologies, such as WAP and Bluetooth, also have an important role to play.This section provides a brief overview of some of the main technologies and developments involved.Ericsson supports all of these technologies and has played an active role in their development.·GPRS General Packet Radio Service(GPRS)is an enhancement to existing GSM and TDMA networks that introduces packet data transmission, enabling “always on” mobility.This means that users can choose to be permanently logged on to e-mail, Internet access and other services, but do not have to pay for these services unless sending or receiving information.When EDGE is added to GPRS, these data rates will increase up to 384kbit/s.GPRS will be implemented by adding new packet data nodes and upgrading existing nodes to provide a routing path for packet data between the mobile terminal and a gateway node.The gateway node will provide interworking with external packet data networks for access to the Internet and intranets.Benefits:
·Faster data speeds and “always on” mobility ·Almost instantaneous connection set-up
·Connection to an abundance of data sources around the world, through support for multiple protocols, including IP
·A step towards full 3G services.·TD-SCDMA All called Time Division-Synchronous CDMA , this standard is formulated by mainland China alone the 3 G standard.On June 29, 1999, the China telecom science and technology and telecommunications research institute(Datang Telecom)to the ITU, but technical invention father put forward in Siemens AG.TD-SCDMA has the characteristics of low radiation, known as the green 3 G.This standard will intelligent wireless, synchronous CDMA and software radio today the international leading technology into which, in spectrum use efficiency, the business support for flexibility, frequency flexibility and cost, and other aspects of the unique advantages.In addition, because of the huge market in China, the standard by the major telecommunications equipment manufacturer to the attention of the world, more than half of the equipment factory now announced that can support TD-SCDMA standards.This standard is made after 2.5 of the intermediate links, and the generation of directly to the 3 G transition, so it is suitable to GSM system to 3 G to upgrade.Military communication network is the core of TD-SCDMA task.·WCDMA
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA)is a wideband radio technique that provides far higher data rates than other radio techniques available today, up to 2Mbit/s, and highly efficient use of radio spectrum.The higher bandwidth that WCDMA provides will deliver the full potential of 3G.For example,WCDMA allows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once.WCDMA is fully compliant with IMT-2000 and is the air interface technology for standards in the 2GHz bandwidth(the IMT-2000 core band), known as UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)in Europe and ARIB(Association of Radio Industry Businesses)in Japan.Ericsson has been at the forefront of WCDMA development.The company delivered an experimental WCDMA system to NTT DoCoMo in Japan back in 1998.Ericsson has also set up WCDMA test systems around the world.At 2000, Ericsson announced its first family of WCDMA base stations.·EDGE
Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution(EDGE)enables GSM and TDMA operators to offer 3G services using existing network frequencies.By making changes and additions to standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as the migration to ALL-IP and multimedia networks.·CDMA2000 CDMA2000 is a decidedly efficient 3G standard for the delivery of high bandwidth data and high capacity voice services.The evolution of the cdma2000 standard will enable mobile systems to offer data throughputs of 2 Mbit/sec and beyond.The higher bandwidth that cdma2000 provides will deliver the full potential of 3G.For example, cdma2000 also allows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once.CDMA2000 is fully compliant with IMT-2000 requirements for 3G.CDMA2000 will be implemented in the existing frequency bands of CMDA and TDMA at 800 and 1900 MHz, as well as in new spectrum at 2GHz in Japan.Ericsson is a leader in cdma2000 development, and a key driver in the standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as the migration to ALL-IP and multimedia networks.·Bluetooth
Bluetooth is an open standard for two-way, short-wave radio communications between different devices.It marks the end of cables and cords between mobile phones, palmtops, portable PCs and printers, for example.Furthermore, Bluetooth enables information between such devices to be synchronized.Diary information held on a PDA can be updated automatically when within range of a Bluetooth-enabled PC.Bluetooth is also going to be important for machine-to-machine communicationshundreds of companies are members of the worldwide WAP Forum。The latest version of the WAP standard, WAP 1.2.1, has recently been launched.Our dedicated WAP consutants are ready to assist operators and service providers sharpen their competitive edge.They help today's businesses adapt to the new economy and create cost-effective, innovative ways to communicate with customers.What will 3G give us
People will enjoy the 3G time what services it provide, the image of that, 3G is video conference on that plane;3G is patients receive timely assistance of medical experts;3G is fans will not miss the NBA basketball game;3G is to share with friends your beautiful vacation in Hawaii.· more and more 3G video phone
All along, we use QQ, MSN chat with friends remotely.As the mobile data transfer rate, image processing, transmission, mainly the acceptance of such display devices makes mobile video chat stranded.3G time to rely on high-speed 3G data transmission network, which 3G mobile phone users can “face to face” conversation.Through mobile video, As far away from the mother via cell phone together, were falling through the mobile phone lovers can meet again.·3G Push into the mobile phone shopping blowout Use the mobile internet shopping is a new way to shop, mobile shopping not only will be able to let consumer buy goods but also makes the satisfaction convenient for consumers to pick and choose goods compared with the constant.With the improvement of China's 3G network , more and more users will choose to phone shopping patterns.China's mobile phone shop will grow rapidly in a period.Online businesses not only include clothing, books, cell phones, toys, audio-visual products and other daily goods put on the network shelf, cars, laptop computers, jewelry and other luxury goods are also options for the list.One need only log out of 3G mobile phone shopping website of product information, we can buy our favorite items.Online shopping is not only cheaper than the mall , better able to send home delivery.If not satisfied can return on schedule, on-line business integrity committed to ensuring that the consumer's shopping safety.·Broadband Internet access to mobile phones to be a “small computer” Although China has just begun the road to 3G, broadband internet access business has been a bright spot, we can send and receive voice messages on the phone, write a blog, chat, search, download and so on, as well as top-notch services such as online games, mobile navigation, online chat and so on.·the key to the Mobile Office-OA system Although compared with traditional office, automation system greatly improves the working efficiency.However, the limitations of the region's OA system is limited to local area network applications, this office brings to enterprises a lot of inconvenience.Mobile office can keep in touch with units and complete work in anytime and at anywhere.3G mobile phones can download and install office, java and other office software, office software and hardware will be the traditional “compression” in the palm of a large mobile phone.·LCD TVs will be included in Mobile TV Mobile TV is to use with the operating system and streaming video-enabled smart phones to watch TV business.It is a multimedia that use CMMB technology, whether it is GPRS mobile phone or CD-MA1X phone, need to be equipped with mobile terminal operating system to install the appropriate player software.TV programs from the corresponding mobile communication company or by the corresponding SP to organize and deliver.Despite the development of a thriving scene 3G, but because mobile streaming media software, smooth video images and other technical aspects of picture quality there are some problems, Mobile TV strides also takes some time.3G技术
3G,全称为3rd Generation,中文含义就是指第三代数字通信。全球3G近年来快速成长,从2002年到2008年,全球3G运营商已经逐步从最初的惨淡经营转为现在的加速发展,截止2008年6月,全球3G用户累计已达到7.09亿,全球共有84个国家和地区发放了3G许可证,其中有效证为249张。
虽然在 3 G 后面的技术可能很复杂, 但是3 G 将会在我们生活中产生的影响是我们可以想象的。仅仅想像在你的行动电话中加入照相机、摄像机、计算机、音响以及收音机功能。这样,无论何时何地你都将能够通过无线网络获得大量的媒体信息和娱乐。
3G在带来高速的语音通路之外还集以IP为基础的服务为一身,有强大的发展环境。向IP方向发展是至关重要的。IP技术是以简单的数据包传输为基础的, 可以使用户同时上网,但是不必花钱除了我们发送或接收数据。IP 的自然无连接性可以大大提高存取速率: 文件下载只需要很短的时间,而且只需轻轻一点就能和网络连接上。
3G采用多频率通信技术,并且达到 2 Mbit/s 的通路速度。与现在的移动网络相比较,3G将会极大的提高网络容量-因此将能够支持更多的使用者, 同时能够提供更多复杂的服务。3 GSynchronous CDMA(时分同步CDMA),该标准是由中国大陆独自制定的3G标准,1999年6月29日,中国原邮电部电信科学技术研究院(大唐电信)向ITU提出,但技术发明始祖于西门子公司,TD-SCDMA具有辐射低的特点,被誉为绿色3G。该标准将智能无线、同步CDMA和软件无线电等当今国际领先技术融于其中,在频谱利用率、对业务支持具有灵活性、频率灵活性及成本等方面的独特优势。另外,由于中国内的庞大的市场,该标准受到各大主要电信设备厂商的重视,全球一半以上的设备厂商都宣布可以支持TD—SCDMA标准。该标准提出不经过2.5代的中间环节,直接向3G过渡,非常适用于GSM系统向3G升级。军用通信网也是TD-SCDMA的核心任务。· WCDMA
宽带码分多址接入技术(WCDMA)提供的数据传送速率远远大于现在我们采用的通信方式,提供高达2Mbit/s的传输速率, 大大提高了光纤对语音信号的传输率。3G提供更宽的带宽是3G中存在的巨 大的潜能。例如,WCDMA能够使语音信号、视频信号和数据同时进行传输。
宣布了他建立了WCDMA的基站。·EDGE 全球革命性的提高传输速率将是原来的GSM和TSMA运营商利用现有的设备提供3G服务。通过制定新的通信附加标准来对无线通信和网络中枢进化标准化,同时改革所有的IP业务和多媒体网络。· cdma2000 cdma2000对于提高宽带传输速率和递送高质量的语音服务无疑是3G标准最有效率的。cdma2000标准的发展将会使移动通信系统能够提供2Mbit/sec的数据传输率甚至超过这个标准。cdma2000提供的带宽向我们展示了3G的潜能。举例来说,cdma2000允许同时的传输多组声音图像数据。
cdma2000完全融合了IMT-2000标准,并且满足了3G的标准。cdma2000可以通过现有的CMDA和TDMA在800到1900 MHz的频段上实现,就像日本在2GHz的光谱中实现。
爱立信是cdma2000研发的先行者,它制定了对无线通信和网络中枢进行改革的新标准,同时也提出了对IP和多媒体网络进行改革的意见。· 蓝牙
蓝牙是由爱立信公司首先研制的,但现在蓝牙主要是由一个特殊的世界组织来主管。此技术已在所有电信器械生产商、计算机制造商以及芯片制造商中普及。· Symbian Symbian是一个被包括爱立信,诺基亚,摩托罗拉和 Psion公司共同投资的项目。Symbian的目标是通过以下两种方式提高其在移动通信市场的份额: · 第一, 通过发展软件的核心,优化系统结构,进一步的研发手机通信设备工具(例如个人数传助手,小巧的手机和通信器材)。
· 第二,制定移动设备传输信息的标准。Symbian的EPOC操作系统已经研制成功,而且爱立信已经在R380中使用了EPOC操作系统。· 无线传输通讯协定
无线传输通讯协定允许统过建立“无线传输通讯协定微型浏览器”组织电话信息的方向, 同样地网络浏览器经由英特网-个人计算机提供在线服务。典型地,无线传输通讯协定监控屏将会显示各种不同的服务或数据入口的若干超链接。
和采用无线传输通讯协定的手机一样,爱立信也已经宣布研制出一种无线传输通讯协定来服务开发者的装备(WapIDE)和无线传输通讯协定出入口/代理,用移动的网络在英特网和局域网络环境中来桥接无线传输通讯协定申请和服务。除此之外,爱立信提供应用专利, 像是爱立信本土化了英特网(ELI)给本地服务 , 提供时间和发展环境给无线传输通讯协定申请的无线传输通讯协定应用服务商。
爱立信是无线传输通讯协定论坛的四个最初成员之一。自从 1997 以后,当它成立的时候, 无线传输通讯协定论坛已经得到广泛的工业厂商的支持,他们大部分都是是世界无线传输通讯协定论坛的成员。最新版的无线传输通讯协定标准,无线传输通讯协定 1.2.1,刚刚被开发出来。
3G时代人们将会享受到他为我们提供的哪些服务呢,形象的说,3G就是飞机上的视频会议;3G就是病人接受及时救助的医学专家;3G就是篮球迷不会错过的NBA比赛;3G就是与朋友共享你在夏威夷的美好假期。· 视频手机因3G勃兴而扬帆启航
一直以来,我们通过QQ、MSN等视频聊天功能,与亲朋好友进行远程视频聊天。由于手机数据传输速率、图像处理传输、接受显示设备等达不到要求使得手机视频聊天搁浅。3G时代依靠3G网络的数据高速传输,从而3G手机用户可以“面对面”交谈。通过手机视频,相距万水千山的母子能够通过手机相聚,分别日久的恋人能够通过手机重逢。· 3G推动手机购物进入井喷期
用手机上网购物是一种新的购物方式,手机购物不仅让消费者足不出户就能买到满意商品 更使得消费者能够方便快捷的对商品进行挑选比较,随着我国3G网络的不断完善,越来越多的用户将会选择手机购物模式。我国的手机购物将会迎来一个高速增长期。
网上商家不仅将服装、图书、手机、玩具、音像制品等日常商品摆上网络货架,汽车、笔记本电脑、珠宝等高档商品也在备选之列。人们只要拿出3G手机登陆购物网站查询商品信息,就能够买到心仪的物品。网上购物价格不仅比商场便宜,更能够送货到家,如果不满意可以按期退货,网上商家诚信承诺保证了消费者的购物安全。· 宽带上网使手机成为“小电脑”
虽然中国的3G之路刚刚开始,宽带上网已是亮点业务,我们能在手机上收发语音邮件、写博客、聊天、搜索、下载等,还有拔尖业务,如网络游戏、手机导航、网上聊天等。· 手机办公—OA系统桎梏开启的钥匙
传统自动化办公系统虽然较之从前大大提高了办公效率,然而区域的局限使的 OA系统仅限于应用局域网,这给企事业单位办公带来了很多的不方便。手机办公可以随时随地与单位的信息系统保持联系,完成办公功能越来越受到人们的青睐。3G手机可以下载安装office、java等办公软件,将传统办公软硬件“压缩”在手掌大的手机上。· 手机电视将液晶电视收入囊中
手机电视是利用具有操作系统和流媒体视频功能的智能手机观看电视的业务,它是利用CMMB技术推出的便携式的移动的多媒体,不管是 GPRS手机还是CD-