(天津卷)2016年高考英语母题题源系列 专题06 书面表达(含解析)

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第一篇:(天津卷)2016年高考英语母题题源系列 专题06 书面表达(含解析)


【母题来源】【2016·天津】 【母题原题】




(2)可适当加入细节,是内容充实、行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear friends, How time flies!

Thank you.【答案】

One possible version:

Dear__friends,__ How__time__flies!Two weeks went by before we realized that our exchange activities ended.On behalf of our school, I would like to express my feelings.As scheduled, we took part in several instructive activities.We have learnt many Chinese characters and often took exercise together.We went to the restaurant to taste the Chinese traditional food.The food was extremely delicious and different from our food.While visiting the art exhibition, we discussed the great artists' works.As far as I'm concerned, everyone here is a member of our big family.And at last I sincerely wish you a pleasant trip to your country.I hope we'll get together again next year.Thank__you.【考点定位】考查提纲作文







注意: 1.词数:100字左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数;


Dear Mr.and Mrs.Smith,How are you doing? ________________________________________________________________ Yours,345-

第二篇:(浙江卷)2016年高考英语母题题源系列 专题02 书面表达(含解析)


【母题来源】【2016·浙江】 【母题原题】


“Planning is good ,but doing is better”是一句英国名言。请以此为题目用英语写一篇100-120词的短文。要求如下:

1.简述你对这句名言的理解; 2.用一个具体事例加以说明; 3.给出恰当的结尾。



Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better

【答案】One possible student version

Planning Is Good ,But Doing Is Better

Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do.However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out.My experience in the English speech contest last October is a case in point.A month before the event, I spent hours working out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps.After that, I set out to read widely for an inspiring topic, wrote a speech, and practiced its delivery in beautiful pronunciation with good public speech skills.I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner.2试题分析:本篇书面表达属于提纲作文,根据提示写一篇演讲稿。写作时注意以下几点:




【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如Realizing that„,which 引导的宾语从句,复合结构with Gaokao drawing near。此外还有短语afford to、made great progress和be content with等的使用。连词as,and,so 使文章内容更具有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。考点:考查提纲作文。


“Your family are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” 是1984年诺贝尔和平奖得主Desmond Tutu 曾就个人与家人关系说过的一句话。请认真品味这句话,然后按要求用英语写一篇短文。内容要求:

1.你对这句话的理解; 2.结合具体事例说明; 3.恰当的结尾。注意:

1.短文开头已给出,不计入总数; 2.文中不能出现考生的具体信息; 3.词数:120左右

Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, once said, “Your family are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”, which tells us that 【答案】

One possible version Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, once said, “Your family are




假设你是李津,与你以前的外籍老师Mrs.Green 一直保持联系。近日她来信询问你的近况,请根据以下以下提示给她回复一封邮件。简要介绍自己的学习和生活;


希望她有机会重访天津; 注意:


可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯; 开头已给出,不计入总数;


the 13th National Games Dear Mrs.Green, I’m so glad to hear from you.I’m writing to tell you something about my life and study in recent days.I’m very busy with my lessons now, for the Entrance Examination, which is very important to me, is near.Every day, I have to spend most of my time studying.As a result, I don’t have enough time to take exercise, what’s worse, I don’t communicate a lot with my parents and my friends.By the way, I am now a volunteer for the 13th National Games, which will be held at the end of August in Tianjin.In order to be a qualified volunteer, I have to improve myself by reading some books about Tianjin so as to know more about it.Will you please pay a visit to Tianjin once more so that we may meet again, for I miss you very much!Looking forward to seeing you a second time.2016年



(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear friends, How time flies!________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Thank you.Dear friends, How time flies.It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program, which has benefited all of us.During the past two weeks, we have studied in the same classroom and lived in the same dormitory, which has enabled us to know each other better.Doing the same sports on the playground gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship.What impresses us most is your art skills, in which you showed outstanding talent.We believe that the students in our school have learned a lot from the exchange program.At last, on behalf of all the students in our school, I wish you will have a safe and happy journey home and that there will be more programs like this in the future.Thank you.2015年






学生会 the Student Union Dear Chris, ______________________________

Yours,Li Jin

Dear Chris, I am Li Jin, Chairman of the Student Union of Chenguang High School.I am writing to inform you of our donation.In order to enhance the friendship between our two schools, our school has appealed to the students to donate books to your Chinese class.The books, which can be used as reading materials or reference books in you Chinese class, include 30 story books, 25 magazines and 20 Chinese-English dictionaries.We will take the books over to you when we take part in the summer camp to be held in your school in July.Should you need any other things, please do not hesitate to tell us.Yours,Li Jin


假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津,得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习。请你根据以下提示,给他写封邮件:






exchange student Dear Chris,I’m Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven.I have heard that you are to come to our school as exchange students, and I, on behalf of our class, welcome you warmly and sincerely.Now, I’d like to introduce some details about the weather, food, and our class.The weather in fall is very pleasant.It is neither too hot nor too cold, and neither too dry nor too humid.The temperature here is at about 20 centigrade.Moreover, the food in Tianjin is delicious, including the Eight Great Bowls and The Four Great Stews, and some snacks such as Goubuli, a kind of steamed bun with filling.I am sure you will enjoy them.Our class is a very warm family.There are 60 students in our class, containing 35 boys and 25 girls.You will find it easy to join us since we all want to make friends with you.Then, you needn’t worry about the life here, because the girls and boys in our class are very friendly and helpful.Whenever you get into trouble, they are ready to lend their hands to you.At last, I personally advise you to learn some basic Chinese, in order to communicate with local people and it is much easier for you to get on with teachers and classmates by speaking Chinese.We are looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Li Jin

2013 假设你是某大学的学生李津。你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动。你欲参选。请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。个人优势介绍(如性格、特长等);组织校内活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等);组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等);表达当选的愿望。

Good afternoon, my dear friends.My name is Li jin.Today I am very glad to have the chance to run for the vice president of the English Club.Concerning the position of vice president of the English Club, I feel qualified to take the job.First, I have gained a lot of experience and received wide praise from my classmates for my job as monitor.Second, I am a warm-hearted boy and always ready to help others.Third, I am good at organizing activities and have held a number of English corners and discussions.Looking into the future, I will try my best to assist the president and serve my fellow students if I am lucky enough to be the vice president.My plan is as follows: on the one hand, I will organize some campus activities, like “English Evening”, a platform where students can show their English.In this process, we can still learn from each other.And I will invite some famous professors to give lectures for our students so that we can acquire a lot of knowledge.On the other hand, I will organize more activities to enhance the interschool communication.We can compete with students from other universities in debate contests or speech contests.Moreover, I will open more channels for you to voice your opinions and need.I sincerely hope you will give me a chance, and please believe me that I will be a good vice president.Thank you.2012





Dear Chris,I have good news to tell you.A world famous Shaoxing Opera play, Butterfly Lovers, will be put on in the newly built Tianjin Grand Theater at 2:00 p.m.on 5th, August.As far as I know, you are very familiar with Chinese culture, especially Chinese Opera.So you are sure to know well about the play, which is about a touching love story between a young man, Liang Shanbo, and a young girl, Zhu Yingtai.It’s said that it is performed by some famous Shaoxing Opera actresses.As a result, not only can you enjoy the beautiful story but also their attractive voices.Are you interested in it? If so, I can book tickets for you in advance and let’s go and appreciate it together, will you? In addition, there is a museum near the theater.Therefore, after the play, we can go there for a visit as well.Looking forward to your reply.Li Hua


假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自于美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。

上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等); 中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等); 下午与我校学生游览海河。

Dear Mr.Smith,I am Li Hua, chairman of the Student Union, from Chenguang High School.We’re pleased to hear that your US School Delegation will pay a visit to our school in Tianjin, China.With the commission of our school headmaster, I’m fully responsible for your one-day tour to our school and our city.The following are our preliminary arrangements for your review and comments.Students from both countries will hold a discussion in the morning to enhance their understanding.The topics to be discussed include but not limited to campus life, culture differences and so on.American students are cordially invited to share traditional Chinese dinner with us;the main courses are our local cruises, including Chinese noodles and water dumplings.In the afternoon, after a short rest, we will visit HAIHE River by boat, seeing the wonderful and beautiful scenes of HAIHE, witnessing the great changes that have taken place in Tianjin during the past few years.Please feedback whether you’re satisfied with this schedule, and we will make changes as per your opinion in due course.Yours sincerely

2010 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学 为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信:● 对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生级社会的益处等)●个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等)●你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等)Dear Sir or Madam, I’m Li Hua from Class One , Senior Two.I’m writing to apply for the opportunity to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English.Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation.Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along with the students and benefit the whole school.I’m kind, easy-going and always ready to help others.I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence.English is my favorite subject and I‘ve won several prizes in English

contests.So I think that I’m qualified for the position.I plan to communicate with the students first to know what they need.Besides, I’ll try to get them more interested in English by telling stories, singing songs, playing games and so on.I’d appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.2009 假设你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华。学生会将举办每年一度的英语演讲比赛,本的主题为“The English Novel I Like Best”。作为组织者,你将在演讲比赛开幕时发言,请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇发言稿。Good afternoon.Ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to this year’s English speech competition.Taking part in English speech competition is a helpful way to learn English.While we fully prepare for the competition, we can improve our abilities of listening and speaking and develop a good habit of reading English.In the process of the competition, you should pay special attention to the following rules.First, you should finish your speech in five minutes.Second, you try your best to express yourself in English fluently.Finally, you should have a good English pronunciation.I hope that the English speech competition wil be a great success!Thank you!

2008 假设2008年2月12日是你父亲的生日,下面三幅图描绘的是你给父亲买完礼物后乘坐地铁回家时经历的一件事。请根据图示,用英语写一篇日记记叙这件事,并谈谈自己的感受。注意: 1.词数不少于100;


地铁(列车)—subway train 范文:

February 12 th, 2008 The day is my Dad’s birthday.This afternoon I went to the shopping center downtown, and bought a present for him.Then I took the subway train home.Sitting on the train, I thought my dad would be very happy when he saw the present.At the next station, an old lady with two

heavy bags got on the train and stood in front of me.She looked tired.I hesitated for a moment, and then offered my seat to her.The old lady thanked me a lot and sat down.Seeing her smile, I felt happy.I will always be ready to help others in the future.2007 假设你校举办看图征文活动,题目为“How to Protect Our Eyesight”。请你用英语写一篇短文,指出图中所反映的现象,并从阅读时间、光线、眼睛保健操及睡眠等方面,谈谈保护视力的具体做法。

注意:1.词数:不少于100词; 2.可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:近视的——short-sighted 范文:

How to Protect Our Eyesight Millions of people worldwide have bad eyesight.In my class, most of my classmates are short-sighted and they wear thick glasses.The poor eyesight is becoming more and more an obstacle to our future.How can we protect our eyesight to let it stop getting worse? I have four suggestions.First of all, we should not keep reading for too much time.Recent researches revealed that relaxing for 5 minutes every an hour’s reading helped resuming our eyesight.Secondly, never read at places where are not bright enough.Reading in the gloom hurts a lot.Thirdly, having eye excises in

break time helps relaxing our eyes.Finally, get enough sleeping to let your eyes get a good rest.More than 90% of information is got through our eyes.Take good care of them and never let them hurt.












Good Afternoon,everyone.Welcome to our school!




某校英文报开辟了一个专栏:Experience。本期话题是如何解决学习中遇到的困难。请你以“My Approach to Difficulties in Learning”为题,用英语写一篇短文。谈谈自己的一些做法。





假如你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell)和网络三个当中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give the TV, cell, or Web?”为题,写一篇英语短文。














Good morning, ladies and gentleman,Some of us are having problems with our parents, as they often look into our school bags or read our diaries._______________________________________________________________________________(2008安徽)

假定你是李华,David 是你的美国笔友。他对中国鼓励使用环保购物袋很感兴趣,来信向你询问此事。


◇ 感谢他的关注。

◇ 简要介绍相关情况。

◇ 谈谈你的感想。




3.参考词汇:环抱购物袋—environment-friendly shopping bag;关注—concern.通过安徽英语卷近五年的书面表达分析,可以看出:2008年为书信,2009年为演讲稿,2010年为征文,2011年为专栏投稿,2012年为发言稿,:从体裁上来看:都为应用文,2013年又为征文活动,体裁依然是应用文,不难理解,我们学语言是为了应用,所以在英语书面表达题目中多为应用文。从话题上来看:2008-2013年分别为写关于环保购物袋的信,对父母经常翻看孩子日记或书包这一现的分析,写关于电视、手机和网络取舍的征文,为英语专栏:Experience,投稿关于如何解决学习中遇到的困难,写一篇关于高中生对文、理科的选择的发言稿,以“On the Way to School”为题为你校英语社团的征文活动投稿。从题材上来看,这些话题都是学生们熟悉的身边经常发生的事,从而使得学生们有话可说,有内容可写。真正地能够考查学生的知识和能力水平。



第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假设你校英语社团举办以“讲求文明,从我做起”为主题的征文活动,请你以“On the Way to School”为题,写一篇英语短文。









One possible version:

On the Way to School

These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to life and the environment.Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone.As for me, it should start on my way

to school.I will keep traffic rules in mind all the way.If I ride a bike, I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green.If I walk, I’ll never forget to use the pedestrian crossing.Meanwhile, I will regard it as my duty to help keep our environment clean and healthy.Not only will I keep from lettering and spitting anywhere, I will also help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible.I hope my behavior will make a difference.

第五篇:2016年高考英语母题题源系列 专题12 阅读理解(议论文)(含解析)


【母题来源一】【2016·浙江】 【母题原题】 【2016·浙江】A “Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday?”Lindsey whipers to Tori.With her eyes shining, tori brags,“You bet I did,Sean told me two days ago.” Who are Lindsey and Tori talking about?It just happened to be yours truly,Adam Freedmam,I can tell you that what that what they are saying is(a)not nice and(b)not even true.Still,Lindsey and Tori aren’t very different from most students here at Linton Higt School,including me.Many of our conversations are gossip(闲话)。I have noticed three effects of gossip:it can hurt people,it can give gossipers a strange kind of satisfaction,and it can cause social pressures in a group.An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about.Usually,gossip spreads information about a topic-breakups,trouble at home,even dropping out-that a person would rather keep secret.The more embarrassing or shameful the secret is,the juicier the gossip it makes.Probably the worst type of gossip is the absolute lie.People ofen think of gossipers as harmless,but cruel lies can cause pain.If we know that gossip can be harmful,then why do so many of us do it?Tht answer lies in another effect of gossip:the satisfaction it gives us.Sharing the latest rumor(传言)can make a person feel important because he or she knows something that others don’t.Similarly,hearing the latest rumor can make a person feel like part of the “in group.”In other words,gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority(优越感).Gossip also can have a third effect:it strengthens unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviors in a group.Translated into high school terms, this means that if

C.Don’t let gossip turn into lies D.Think twice before you gossip.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。文章讨论了传言的危害和人们为什么喜欢传闲话。41.【答案】A 考点:考查推理判断。42.【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据文章第四段的An important negative effect of gossip is that it can hurt the person being talked about.,可知主要危害是他会给被讨论的人带来不愉快的经历,故选D。

考点:考查细节理解。43.【答案】A 【解析】

试题分析:根据文章第五段的The answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us,可知人们散播传言是因为它会带来满足感,故选A。考点:考查细节理解。44.【答案】B 【解析】

试题分析:根据文章第六段的Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviours in a group.可知,他认为传言能帮助人们观察自身的行为,故选B。考点:考查细节理解。45.【答案】D 【解析】

试题分析:根据文章最后一段的The next time you feel the urge to spread the latest news, think about why you want to gossip and what effects your “juicy story” might have.可知,作者的建议是让人们在传言之前三思而后行。故选D。


这是一篇议论文,题目设置以细节理解题为主。学生可以带着题目回到原文,能够在短文中画出解题依据是正确解题的关键,各位考生要谨记,在做阅读理解时要做到“不见依据不做题”。理由充分,依据凿实,这是不仅“知其然”,而且“知其所以然”的超高境界,是阅读水平提高的最大见证。那么如何能快速准确回到原文找到依据呢? 1.关键词定位法。

这里说的关键词并不一定是中心词,而是在理解题干所问之后,在题干中能帮助你迅速回到原文的“特征词”。如43题的信息句是The answer lies in another effect of gossip: the satisfaction it gives us,可知人们散播传言是因为它会带来满足感,和选项A里面的a feeling of pleasure对应。还有44题,题干中的Professor David Wilson可以定位到第六段的Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behaviours in a group.可知,他认为传言能帮助人们观察自身的行为,所以答案是B。





513C 14A 15B 13C 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句If you think about it that way, mistakes should be cherished and celebrated for being one of the most amazing things in the world.They make learning possible;they make growth and improvement possible.说明我们要珍惜错误,因为错误是我们学习的好机会,我们要好好珍惜,故C正确。

14A 推理判断题。根据本段Mistakes make walking possible for the smallest toddler, make speech possible, and make works of genius possible.说明错误可以让最好的toddler,步行成为可能,什么样的人需要学习步行?只有 孩子,所以该词指学习走路的孩子,故A正确。

15B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段So if you value learning,if you value growing and improving,then you should value mistakes.如果我们珍惜这样的学习,珍惜成长和提高的机会,那么我们就应该珍惜错误,因为我们的成长和提高是建立在错误的基础之上的。故B正确。【名师点睛】






8B.Chinese students are content with the shape of their noses.C.A western face looks prettier than a Chinese one.D.Skills at work speak louder than appearance.【答案】 28A 29C 30B 31D 29.C 段落大意题。根据本段第一句Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city, where surgeon Xuming runs his private practice.可知成百上千的广告海报被张贴在重庆市里。第二句中描述的海拔的内容,说明本书主要介绍刊登手术的海报。故C正确。

30.B 细节理解题。根据第六段最后一句“They usually come in with their mothers, and tend to be from well-offbackgrounds.” he said.可知Mr Li的顾客通常都来自家背景比较富有的家庭。故B正确。

31.D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Personally, I don’t think it so important to “improve” our appearance as long as we are skilled at our jobs.We can’t decide how we look, but we can decide how well we live and work.可知作者认为外貌并不重要,重要的是我们在工作中的表现和我们的工作技能。故D项正确。考点:考查议论文阅读

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