
时间:2019-05-15 05:16:06下载本文作者:会员上传


英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)


Teleology, Religion and Contexts 从涉外婚姻分析中西方文化差异 《蝇王》主题之原型解读

浅析英语演说中对照与其他修辞格的混合应用 分析《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的人物形象和悲剧意义 浅析星巴克现象中的独特文化 Naturalism in Sister Carrie 浅论广告语汉译的美学效果

浅析“翻译文学”的本体认知与功用价值 英汉“悲伤”情感隐喻认知对比分析 浅谈来自《圣经》的英语习语

逆成构词的分类及其认知机制和规律 从英汉习语的翻译看中西方文化差异

Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan 试析《弗兰肯斯坦》中的哥特风格

顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中委婉语的英译 对《远离尘嚣》中三个男主人公命运的分析 Cultural Differences and Translation 简爱和林黛玉的反叛性格对比分析 浅析儿童自然英语教学法的心理学优势

圣地亚哥,一位让人敬佩的英雄——海明威《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的人物形象分析 中英日委婉语语言特征

美国电视剧中双关语的研究-重点关注双关语的汉语翻译 从女性主义视角解读《飘》中斯嘉丽.奥哈拉的性格特征 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥人物形象的特点探析

文化负载词的交际翻译论——以《吾国与吾民》为例 商标文化特色和翻译技巧


An Interpretation of China Boy from the Perspective of Post-colonialism 课外作业对高中英语学习的作用研究

A Southern Elegy-A Feminist Study on Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” 《土生子》里的象征艺术


英汉谚语互译中的归化与异化策略分析 中国跨文化交际学研究存在的不足与建议 论奥康纳短篇小说的创作特色 浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素

Cooperative Learning in English Interpretation Class 《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)


The Study of Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle 45 The Influences of the Bible on Some American Movies 46 对比分析英式英语和美式英语的区别


人性的救赎——从电影《辛德勒的名单》看美国英雄主义的新侧面 49 论广告英语的人际沟通功能

中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比 51 英语商务合同的文体特点及其汉译


以《喜福会》中的母女关系为例试析跨文化交际中的“失语”现象 54 探讨美容化妆品翻译技巧--以安利雅姿产品为例 55 合作性学习在高中英语写作教学中的应用

A Study of Humour And Satire in Mark Twain’s Two Famous Adventures 57 Analyses of the Morels’Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers 58 陶渊明和华兹华斯的共同追求——自然

《汤姆叔叔的小屋》人物性格的宗教色彩剖析 60 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 61 《魔戒》中的现实主义初探

从语用学角度对英语课堂中委婉语的使用探究 63 《飘》中的家园意识探究

解读奥斯卡.王尔德的《莎乐美》中的女性意识 65 中英思维模式比较分析 66 广告标语的语言特色

从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物 68 网络英语的构词方式


Pragmatic Empathy and Chinese-English Translation 71 高中英语听力课中的文化教学

A Superficial Analysis of Religious Consciousness of Jane Eyre 73 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究 74 中西方文化差异对商务谈判的影响

An Exploration on Different Cultures in Terms of Flowers 76 《喜福会》中隐喻的使用

基于认知语境的英语动物习语的理解策略研究——以“狗”的习语为例 78 Coherence in English-Chinese Translation: A Pragmatic Study 79 “合作学习”策略在英语教学中的应用 80 商标翻译中的文化要素

论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突 82 浅析《我们共同的朋友》中的象征手法 83 浅论英文原声电影在英语教学中的应用 84 福克纳小说中的圣经意象

论《金色笔记 》中的象征手法 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译 87 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译

着魔的猎人——解读《洛丽塔》中的男主人公亨伯特 89 阅读中的英语词汇教学策略 90 苔丝的反叛精神


浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例 93 从三美原则看中国古诗词中酒意象的英译 94 有关“生命”概念隐喻的英汉对比研究 95 论《科利奥兰纳斯》的政治悲剧 96 分析西方末世论在美国电影中的体现 97 从构式视野下对英语图式习语的解读 98 图式理论分析中国网络流行词翻译 99 英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析


Roads to Happy Marriage: a New Conception of Feminism in Doris Lessing’s Novels 102 中美大学生道歉策略对比研究 103 数字模糊语义的汉英翻译 104 《新编英语教程》浅析

美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例 106 《名利场》的女性主义解读

107(英语系经贸英语)从“口红效应”看中国文化产业的机遇 108 李清照“声声慢”英译本的对比研究 109 浅谈英语委婉语的作用和原则


相似的母爱,不同的表达——对比研究《黑孩子》和《宠儿》中的母亲形象 112 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略 113 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华 114 《爱玛》的三个中译本中翻译策略的比较研究

在冲突与迷茫中凋零--浅析苔丝悲惨命运的必然性 116 旅游翻译中的跨文化语用失误

埃德加.爱伦.坡小说《黑猫》的写作技巧应用分析 118 英汉数词的文化对比及其翻译 119 中美肥胖问题比较研究 120 英语中的汉语外来词


英汉习语的差异及其翻译——对杨、霍译《红楼梦》中习语翻译的研究 123 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究 124 从以目的为导向的翻译原则看委婉语的翻译 125 初中生英语学习内在动机的激发 126 语法翻译法与交际法的对比研究 127 文化语境视域下英语习语的汉译研究 128 《德伯家的苔丝》中的象征解析

浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧根源 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

对《老人与海》中主人公的性格分析 131 任务型教学在高中英语阅读课堂中的应用

从制度文明起源的角度浅谈中西方家庭观念的差异 133 卡森.麦卡勒斯《心是孤独的猎手》福柯式解读 134 从精神分析学角度看哈姆莱特的性格变化

An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility 136 伏尼契小说《牛虻》中主人公性格分析 137 哥特元素在《宠儿》中的运用 138 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义 139 浅析英语中的性别歧视

中美民族性格差异及其文化渊源 141 试论盖茨比对其梦想生活的追求

不可缺少的书信——《傲慢与偏见》中书信功能的研究 143 试论任务型教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用 144 An Analysis of Self-reliance in Little Women 145 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象

通过分析《德伯家的苔丝》中主要人物形象分析哈代的宿命论思想 147 高中英语写作前口语活动设计与实施建议

An American Nightmare: A Naturalistic Approach To Clyde in An American Tragedy 149 政治演讲辞中常用修辞

澳大利亚英语词汇和澳大利亚文化 151 论《失乐园》中撒旦的形象及象征意义 152 浅析中西习俗文化“冲突”

153 An Analysis of Tess’s Tragic Fate and the Realization of Hardy’s Fatalism 154 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析 155 大学生上网调查

156 Analysis on the Picaresque Elements in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 157 A Comparison of English Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use in Learners of Different Ages 158 《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析

159 从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译 160 艾米莉.狄金森的死亡观研究

161 解读艾丽斯.沃克《紫色》中的家庭 162 从文化语境角度分析英汉禁忌语的异同 163 英语写作中教师的书面反馈

164 Comparing the Reasons for Hester Prynne’s and Tess D’Urbervilles’s Tragedies 165 模糊限制语在英语新闻中的语用功能

166 从关联理论的角度看《围城》中言语幽默的翻译

167 《哈姆雷特》中不言而喻的隐喻魅力(开题报告+论文+文献综述)168 目的论指导下《页岩》英译汉中的词类转译现象

169 路易斯——现实世界在非现实世界的投影——解读《夜访吸血鬼》的现代性 170 新课标下初中英语教师角色转变的研究

171 唯美主义与奥斯卡.王尔德的《道林.格雷的画像》 172 对《看得见风景的房间》的象征主义解读 173 跨文化视角中中英颜色词的对比及翻译 英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

174 英汉称谓语的文化差异与翻译--以《京华烟云》为例 175 Rabbit’s Predicament and Dreamland 176 从文化价值的角度解读歌王迈克尔.杰克逊的艺术影响 177 商务信函中委婉语的使用策略 178 《洛丽塔》悲剧结局因素探析

179 论中美商务谈判中的跨文化交际因素 180 分析《雾都孤儿》中的讽刺手法 181 从礼貌原则分析发盘的语言技巧

182(英语系经贸英语)贸易壁垒下中国企业跨国经营的突破之路—以华为为例 183 交际教学法在初中口语教学中的应用 184 国际商务谈判及其谈判风格

185 布什总统演讲词中幽默话语的语用功能分析

186 分析《要说出全部真理,但不能直说》中的标记用法 187 中美脱口秀会话分析对比研究

188 论《海的女儿》的女性自我价值主题 189 汉语中的英语外来语

190 《觉醒》女主人公-艾德娜追求自我的过程 191 论初中生英语学习资源策略培养

192 人格、环境与命运——以弗洛伊德“人格结构理论”分析《还乡》中的主要人物命运 193 跨文化背景下广告汉英翻译策略研究

194 《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较 195 从死亡委婉语中透视中西方文化差异

196 极限环境中的善与恶——浅析《蝇王》中的主要人物人格结构 197 福克纳的《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧成因分析 198 析《远大前程》主人公性格之路

199 论中西方时间观念差异对日常生活的影响 200 广告英语中的模糊语言及其语用功能




简爱的双重性格分析 网络英语的缩略词的构成特征及其应用研究 毕业论文]比较《荆棘鸟》和《金锁记》小说中女性婚姻爱情悲剧原因 On the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot 会话含义的语用初探 Cultural Differences in Business Negotiations: East and West 从《金色笔记》看多丽丝•莱辛的女性意识 商标名的英译汉目的论研究——以洗护用品为例 图式理论在高中英语阅读中的运用 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例 The Heartbroken Images in the Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde 《红字》中女权主义意识探析 中西方文学作品中复仇的异同——《基督山伯爵》和《连城诀》比较研究 中美面子观比较及其对商务谈判策略的启示 A Study of Chinglish as Found in Students’ Writings A Comparative Study of Courtesy Language between English and Chinese 德伯家的苔丝中人类的欲望——悲剧的根源 从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同 写作的真“趣”——对《坎特伯雷故事集》的文体学分析 从目的论看《红楼梦》中灯谜翻译 The Influence of the Current American Marital Status on the Christian Views of Marriage The Comparison of the Children’s Characters in Dickens’ Three Novels 英语新闻标题的语言特点及翻译 从生态视野解读狼图腾 The Transcultural Differences in the Translation of Commercial Advertisements 从摩尔•弗兰德斯看世纪英国女性地位 《莫比.迪克》中的象征意义 戏仿和影射—《洛丽塔》中的互文性 英汉禁忌语对比在跨文化交际中的应用及翻译策略 从荣格的原型理论看《蝇王》中杰克的形象 《七宗罪》的人性解剖 对外新闻的导语编译研究 跨文化交际中的语用失误分析及策略研究 Modern Views on Marriages in Wuthering Heights 简析比喻在《围城》中的运用 A Study of Meta-cognitive Strategy Training and Its Effect on EFL Reading 《纯真年代》中社会与个人的碰撞 英语系动词语义属性及句法行为研究 Study of the Translation of Flower Image in Chinese Classical Poetry 英汉颜色词语的内涵差异及翻译 删译在中英诗歌翻译中的应用 对“细密画”的背叛亦或拯救?——从《我的名字叫红》看文明冲突下的阵痛

悲剧的幕后黑手——《美国的悲剧》浅析 An Adaptation-based Approach to Brand Name Translation 英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析 简•奥斯丁的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现 The Comparison between―the Mean‖of Confucius and―the Mean‖of Aristotle 《了不起的盖茨比》中乔丹•贝克的人物分析 对林语堂的《吾国与吾民》几种中译本比较研究 The Influences of the Bible on Some American Movies 高中英语听力课中的文化教学 英汉音节结构对比 剖析简•爱性格的弱点 英文电影对英语学习的影响 诀别武器之缘由——再读《永别了,武器》 On the Anti-traditional Factors of Feminism Translation 文化差异对跨国公司在华本土化战略的影响 On the Functions of Metaphor in Obama’s Inaugural Address 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析 增译法在《水晶宫》英译汉翻译中的应用 从奈达的功能对等看句式转换在《青铜女像》译本中的应用 英汉“悲伤”情感隐喻认知对比分析 论托尼•莫里森《宠儿》的哥特式元素 从目的论角度看公司网页误译 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比 从叶芝的作品分析其精神世界的转变 从养老模式的异同看中西“孝”价值观 英汉颜色词文化内涵的异同分析 精神之光——《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人的人性解析 中美拒绝策略研究 从《去吧,摩西》中的“熊”看福克纳对人性的探讨 试论《武林外传》与《老友记》中的中美文化差异 The Alternation of Language: A Study of Microblogging Vocabulary 中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究 论伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女权主义主题思想及对中国女性文学之影响 浅谈自有品牌在中国零售企业的发展 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译 解析《红字》中的红与黑 汉语无主句英译方法探析 从《功夫熊猫》中试析中美文化的碰撞与融合 女性主义角度解读《董贝父子》中伊迪丝的堕落女性形象 《分期付款》中英语长句的分译策略 模因论视角下的中国网络新词翻译策略 《紫色》女主人公性格分析 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒


Study on Dietetic Cultures in Different Regions in China


Disillusionment of American Dream in death of a salesman


On Translation of Language Fuzziness in Chinese Literature from the Perspective of Translation esthetics


An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism



A Lost New Woman in Patriarchal Society–Esther Greenwood’s Madness in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar



A Study of Self-Other Relation in The Painted Veil






An Analysis of the Female Characters in Moment in Peking






A Discussion on the Accuracy of Language in Diplomatic Translation



An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing






A Cause Analysis of Tragedies of Three Female Protagonists in Sons and Lovers

Application of Foregrounding Theory to Translation of Simile and Metaphor


Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names


















On Aestheticism in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray









151 化妆品说明书特征及其汉译技巧

152 东方主义视角下康拉德《黑暗的心脏》中西方殖民话语分析


154 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 155 存在主义视角下浅析《太阳照常升起》中杰克和布莱特的爱情

156 从社会语言学角度解读《蜗居》对话折射的生存焦虑

157 《达洛卫夫人》与弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的女性主义

158 论“看,易,写”方法在旅游翻译中的应用

159 The Application of Situational Approach in Middle School English Teaching 160 中西建筑文化差异及其形成背景分析

161 试析《旅游巴士》中的犹太文化内涵

162 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究

163 从《喜福会》看美国华裔女作家身份探求

164 英语商务合同的语言特征及其翻译策略

165 归化、异化翻译策略比较研究:以《简•爱》两个汉译本为例

166 The Blindness in King Lear

167 从文化角度分析《穿普拉达的恶魔》所反映的职业观

168 如何提高小学生对英语学习的兴趣

169 Purity and Doom: on Thomas Hardy’s Tess’s of the d’Urbervilles

170 经贸英语中的缩略语现象及其应用

171 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Greetings

172 关于商务英语教材编写的几点思考--基于教材特点的比较分析

173 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响

174 American Individualism as Shown in Forrest Gump

175 A Study on the Role of Parents in Primary School English Learning

176 On Metaphor Translation Strategies from Cultural Perspective

177 论英语新闻标题中修辞的汉译

178 从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义

179 情感范畴在转喻中的认知体现

180 国际货物销售合同的文体特征及翻译

181 The Influence of Cross-Cultural Communication on Translation

182 哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异 183 从弗洛姆的社会过滤理论看中国诗词翻译中的文化传递

184 从《暴风雨》看凯特•肖班的自由派女性主义思想

185 商务谈判中的模糊语的使用

186 解读《纯真年代》中的女性主义

187 天鹅的涅槃——以跨文化交际的角度解读《喜福会》中母女关系

188 对《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧性分析

189 英语委婉语的语用分析

190 从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异

191 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的女性主义形象分析

192 从批评话语分析角度看奥巴马就职演说中的感召力

193 中小学辅导机构英语教学模式——一对一教学与小班课堂教学教案的比较分析 194 A Comparative Study of Women in Fortress Besieged and Pride and Prejudice 195 Christ Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin

196 论马克•吐温的种族观--以《哈克贝利•芬历险记》为例

197 从《嘉莉妹妹》看本性与理性的斗争

198 中西文化心理差异分析—以饮食习俗为视角

199 美国价值观在电影《当幸福来敲门》中的体现

200 走出精神的困境:论托尼.莫里森小说《爵士乐》中维奥莱特的自我救赎



(2016 届)

论文(设计)题目 作 者 学 院、专 业 班 级 指导教师(职称)论 文 字 数 论文完成时间





二、现成写好的原创论文题目 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 《蝇王》中神话元素的象征意义 试析运动品牌口号语的中英译失误 从文化差异的角度对英语习语翻译的研究 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析 析华兹华斯诗歌中的人与自然

西奥多德莱塞《嘉莉妹妹》中的消费主义思想探索 数字口译及其训练策略

A Study of Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and English Proverbs 从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默 解析凯瑟琳的爱情与婚姻之分离 11 《小王子》的存在主义维度分析 12 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 13 《雾都孤儿》中的童话模式解读 马尔克斯《霍乱时期的爱情》主人公弗洛伦蒂诺心理分析 15 汉语文化负载词的英译 16 英汉称谓语对比研究 从关联理论的角度看英语广告中隐喻的翻译 18 从“爱的习惯”看多丽丝莱辛笔下的两性关系 19 《宠儿》中的女性形象分析 20 电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义 21 浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森 英语“名词 + ly”类形容词的词化分析、语义特征及句法功能 23 An Analysis of the Images in The Catcher in the Rye 从电影《暮光之城》浅析吸血鬼文化的改变 25 论《格列佛游记》的社会意义 26 卡门-波西米亚之花 27 英汉品牌名的文化差异 浅析《独立宣言》中的美国自由主义 29 外交辞令中模糊语言的语用分析 30 多元智力发展与外语教学 31 分析《等待》的悲剧

思维差异对中美商务谈判的影响及应对策略 33 浅析叶芝诗歌中的象征主义特征

英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法 35 论《米德尔马契》中的人性主题

电影《木兰》中的动物形象反映的中西文化差异 37 国际商务谈判中的文化差异分析

女性主义家园乌托邦思想的构建--论夏洛特吉尔曼在《戴安莎的作为》 39 中英礼仪文化禁忌比较与跨文化交际 40 《哈利波特》的原型——亚瑟王传奇

The Application of Cooperative Learning in High School English Teaching 42 商务谈判中幽默语的运用

浅析合作原则在汉英广告语翻译中的运用 44 从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译

用合作原则和礼貌原则分析网络聊天室会话的含义 46 The Symbolic Meanings of Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter 47 《魔术与童年》翻译中英汉词汇衔接对比研究 48 《儿子与情人》中扭曲的爱

《傲慢与偏见》中话语标记语的语用推理研究 50 词块法在高中英语写作教学中的应用 51 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析


The Oral Error Correction Function of Communicative Approach Used in Junior High

School English Class 54 A Study of the Characters and Their Influence on the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye 55 对于高中生英语学习感知风格的调查研究 56 文学作品的风格及其可译性

A Study on the Factors Motivating Students’ Speaking in English Class of Junior Middle School 58 通过对比研究看电影《小红帽》对经典童话小红帽的颠覆 59 《永别了,武器》中主人公亨利形象分析 60 浅析美国高等教育的创新

浅析美国电影对白中俚语的翻译技巧 62 论英语商务合同中状语从句的翻译 63 汉英身势语的对比研究 64 英文电影片名汉译研究

中西方文化中颜色词的隐喻比较研究 66 论《双城记》中的爱情 67 论商务谈判口译员的角色 68 《麦琪的礼物》中环境语的分析 69 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 70 英汉鸟类词汇文化内涵比较 71 浅探篮球文化的理论构建

官方语言中的中国英语分析--从目标人群接受性角度谈起 73 悖论式的唯美主义--论王尔德的《道连格雷的画像》 74 从《生活的艺术》看林语堂的人生艺术 75 英语非限定性动词的语言分析 76 国际商务谈判及其谈判风格

情境创设在小学英语词汇教学中的运用 78 特洛伊战争电影改编的语境探析 79 《围城》英译本中的幽默翻译

Coincidences and Images in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D’Urbervilles 81 关于中美大学生消费观异同的文化分析

中西方“云”文化的对比研究及其翻译 83 On Transcendentalism in Thoreau’s Walden 84 流行音乐与大众文化 85 英语委婉语的表达模式和应用 86 关联理论在中餐菜单英译中的应用 87 广播英语的语言学分析

卡勒德•胡塞尼《灿烂千阳》中的女性角色分析 89 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理 90 《黄鹤楼》五个英译本的语义等值研究 91 协商课程在高中英语教学中的应用初探 92 商务函电中礼貌用语的词汇特征分析 93 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译

Strategies of Trademark Translation from Cross-cultural Perspective 95 非言语交际在英语教学中的作用 96 在目的论运用中的标示英汉翻译

An Analysis of the Transformation of Scarlett’s Personality in Gone with the Wind 98 卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例 99 中英报刊新闻标题语言特色探讨 100 英语教学对认知发展的影响 101 标识语翻译的文化陷阱

基于语料库的同义词辨析方法—词块辨析法 103 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义 104 关联理论视角下幽默的英汉翻译 105 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性主义

Influence of Cross-Cultural Differences on the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 107 Existentialism in Pride and Prejudice 108 On Differences between Western and Chinese Advertising Copies 109 学前英语游戏教学法


跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析 112 美剧网络字幕翻译研究

《道连葛雷的画像》叙事艺术的分析 114 从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标名称的英译

The Causes of Maggie’s Death in Maggie: A Girl of the Streets 116 中国特色词汇及其翻译 117 英汉双语词典中的语用信息 118 商业广告的语言特征及其翻译

A Study on Chinglish of EFL Learners in Junior High Schools in China 120 英语流行语的文化内涵

Cultural Connotation of “Red” in Chinese and English 122 评析杰克伦敦小说《荒野的呼唤》中巴克的象征意象 123 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby 124 苔丝悲剧原因探究

On the Causes of the Death of Willy Loman in Death of A Salesman 126 影响英语专业学生理解英语习语的因素调查 127 从电影《撞车》看美国的种族歧视 128 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述 129 爱伦坡《泄密的心》的恐怖效果 130 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 131 英语谚语的民族性及其艺术特色

从目的论角度研究中式菜名英译(开题报告+论文)133 浅析《苔丝》中的象征主义 134 浅谈商务英语合同的翻译 135 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现

论《某人住在一个多美的小城镇》的语言艺术(开题报告+文献综述+论文)137 从《远离尘嚣》和《无名的裘德》看托马斯哈代的婚恋观

The Application of Free Association in Literature Creation—Artistic Styles Presented in Mrs.Dalloway 139 英语商务信函的文体和语言特点

Chinese Auto Companies’ Cross-border Acquisition and the Corresponding Influences on the Chinese Auto Industry—A Case Study of Geely’s Acquisition of Volvo

从社会达尔文主义的角度分析《野性的呼唤》中的巴克 142 女性意识的觉醒——评《雨中的猫》中的人物对比描写 143 《荒原》中死亡与复活的意象分析 144 论《在另一个国度里》中的象征主义 145 教师在初中教学中对学生的评价 146 《小城畸人》里的象征主义手法分析 147 英语电影片名翻译微探

任务型教学的真实性原则在我国现行初中英语教材中的应用体现 149 An Analysis of Tragic Consciousness in A Farewell to Arms 150 Culture-based Strategies in Translating Ancient Chinese Official Titles 151 浅谈《到灯塔去》的女性意识 152 论中西饮食文化差异

153 英汉白色词的文化象征意义及翻译 154 影视字幕翻译原则——从文化角度进行研究 155 从文化视角看汉英翻译中的语篇连贯性 156 美国C标准对中国英语教育的影响 157 跨文化交际中社交语用失误及应对策略 158 产品说明书的文体特征及其翻译 159 《高级英语》中某些修辞手法赏析 160 汉英翻译中的文化因素

161 《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究 162 《红字》中珠儿形象的象征主义分析 163 从目的论看《生活大爆炸》的字幕翻译 164 浅析奥斯卡王尔德童话作品中的唯美主义思想 165 论旅游指南的翻译 166 苔丝的悲剧成因浅析

167 英文电影名称翻译中文化顺应的影响

168 基于会话含义理论分析电影《飘》中女主角郝思嘉的性格特征

169 《荒原》隐喻探析

170 从文化的角度看英语电影片名的翻译

171 An Analysis of English Euphemisms Used in Literary Works 172 中西方对"死亡教育"之态度的对比研究 173 从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译 174 NBA和CBA的文化差异分析 175 勃朗特两姐妹创作风格差异探究 176 《嘉莉妹妹》之女主人公新女性形象分析 177 《水浒传》两个英译本中称谓语的翻译对比研究 178 新加坡英语和英国英语比较研究 179 委婉语在东西方文化中的应用 180 英式英语与美式英语的词汇差异 181 目的论与英文电影片名的翻译 182 中西文化中颜色词的象征意义

183 从《透明的东西》探讨纳博科夫的时间意识 184 论简·奥斯汀在《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 185 美国电影中的中华文化运用得与失的研究 186 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 187 全身反应法在学龄前儿童英语教学中的应用 188 中英语言中动物词汇的文化含义对比

189 The Weakness of Human Nature in Gulliver’s Travels 190 《雾都孤儿》中南希双重性格分析 191 《基督山伯爵》与亚历山大大仲马的金钱观 192 法律英语的语言特点及其翻译

193 A Tentative Comparative Study between Chinese Wine Culture and Western Wine Culture 194 浅析《理智与情感》中简奥斯汀的婚姻观 195 从功能对等理论看汉语文化负载词的英译 196 广告语及商标翻译

197 反思任务型教学在高中教学中的应用

198 对《宠儿》中黑奴母亲塞丝形象的探讨 199 《红字》中的基督教因素初探 200 英汉感谢语的文化差异对比研究








这些神话形象都有些自私,但在希腊民族看来却无可厚非,神与英雄甚至由于沾染上“人气”而变得可爱。所以英雄人物往往为个人功勋及利益而战。中国人表面虽以家族观念为重,中国社会表面上虽以家庭为基础,骨子里却侧重爱国主义,注重国家的利益,追求民族的强盛,敬天命而重人事, 中国神话中的英雄,多数没有私欲,或在个人欲望与使命发生矛盾时毅然放弃私欲。最足以说明中国神话英雄的“先国后家”特性的莫过于治水的大禹,为了治水解除人民的苦难。于是有了他三过家门而不入十年不见妻子,生子闻声而不顾。









第五篇:英语毕业论文 从《野性的呼唤》中看“适者生存”

本 科 生 毕 业 论 文










教 务 处 制An Analysis of Survival of the Fittest in The Call of the Wild





BY YU YANGBING Class of 2011

STUDENT CODE: 201108401332


SUN CHANGLIANG December 23, 201云南民族大学毕业论文(设计)原创性声明











2014 年 月 25日



I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis.A special acknowledgement should be given to my supervisor Mr.Sun, who gave me encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing process.Finally I wish to extend my thanks to Mr.Yan, who supplied me with reference materials of great value.Last but not the least, I’d like to thank those leaders, teachers and working staff especially those in the School of Foreign Languages.Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.ii


The Call of the Wild is one of the most famous novels of Jack London, which consolidates his status in American literature.It was a sunny and civilized place in which Buck originally lived.And with the emergence of the gold rush in arctic regions and created a great demand of sled dogs.So buck was abducted to arctic region.However, Buck adjusted himself very quickly to the hostile environment with his sharp intellect and superb physical qualities.Buck developed a deep friendship with his master Thornton.Afterwards, Thornton was killed by Yeehats and Buck eventually killed the natives to avenge Thornton, and he then followed the wolf into the forest and answered the call of the wild..Buck returned to the wild and became a leader of wolves.It’s not difficult for us to perceive that the author was stressing the ideology of survival of the fittest through Buck’s experience in novel.The analysis of the character Buck is of a great enlightening significance to us.Key words: Buck;the call of the wild;survival of the fittest;change


摘 要





Statement of Authorship………………………………….........................................i




Ⅰ.Introduction..................................................................1 1.1 Introduction of Jack London...................................................1 1.2 Introduction of the Call of the Wild..............................................1 Ⅱ.Survival of the Fittest Theory...........................................2 Ⅲ.The change of Buck’s fate...............................................3

3.1 Falling into a snare and leaving home...........................................3

3.2 Going into the wild...........................................................3

3.3 Living in a desperate environment..............................................4

3.4 Working as a sled dog.........................................................5 Ⅳ.Acquiring the survival skills in the new environment........................5 4.1 Learning the lesson of primitive law............................................5

4.2 Becoming a leader of the team.................................................6

4.3 Fighting in the wild...........................................................6 Ⅴ.Returning to the wild..................................................7 Ⅵ.Conclusion...........................................................8 References

Ⅰ.Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Jack London Jack London, a great American realistic writer, is not only well-known worldwide master of novel but also as a great dramatist.He was born on January 12, 1876 in a poor family and died on November 22, 1916.Besides, he came from the bottom of the society and once worked as a writer, sailor and journalist.Therefore, London got a rich experience during his lifetime.To some extent, Jack London was totally self-educated on account of the poor life.At the age of 10, he had to go to work while going to school.Ever he was free he would devote all his spare time to study.In London’s career, he had created a great number of works which including short stories, novels, as well as a great many essays.As one of the greatest American writers, London’s works were considered as classic in the history of American literature.The readers can tell by his works that he depicted the miserable lives of lower class in America and revealed the evil of the Capitalism.1.2 Introduction of the Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild is one of the most famous novels by Jack London.The story revolves around the time of the Gold Rush prevalent in society, in which the author depicts the dog’s struggling actions most incisively and vividly.The novel mainly describes the process of leading character –Buck who returns from the civilized human society to the primitive life of the wolves.Buck has lived in a safe and comfortable environment since childhood, until he was abducted to the primal wilderness as a sled dog.Buck lived in the south originally,a civilized and warm place, with the emergence of the gold rush in arctic regions which created a great demand of sled dog.So buck was abducted to arctic region.However, Buck is an agile dog of wild nature.He puts his best efforts into pulling sled while fighting against others with bravery and valor.Buck adjusted himself very quickly to the hostile environment with his sharp intellect and superb physical qualities.Afterwards, Buck returned to the wild and became a leader of wolves.Although the central character is a dog in the story, it gives a vivid description of the life in the primitive northern world where a gold rush exploded and people all wanted to make a fortune.Buck,used to be a pet of Judge Miller, was abducted and sold to North.And in ensuing days he became one of a dog-sled team to 1 pull a sled.During the process of pulling a snow-sled, he understood that only when one follows the law of nature and obeys the master could one survive.Afterwards, Buck’s nature had been liberated, which made him be able to survive in the harsh environment.This is a brief introduction to the call of the wild.And the novel belongs to the genre of animal fiction, when you read it, you will find that Buck is endowed with the character of human nature and human thoughts.So he is more like a man than a dog.In the story, Buck would be certain to give you a deep impression with his wisdom and strength.Ⅱ.Survival of the fittest theory “Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated in evolutionary theory as a way of describing the natural selection.(Net.1)We are endowed with incredible potential and ability to fight and compete.Obviously there are winners and losers existing in this world we live.Just like animals fight a bloody battle for the sexual partner or prey.They are doing their utmost to extend the life and get a high status in front of their same species.The world is greatly cruel, survival of the fittest.The strong get the opportunity to survive and receive rewards, and the weak will be eliminative and disappeared in this world.That means the weak are doomed to die out.It is because that the strong making possible impelling the weak move in decline or the dead direction.Even if you are a spectator, you might be the one who makes grief to others;therefore everyone might be a culprit in someone else’s life directly or indirectly in this brutal world.The big bullying the small, the strong bullying the weak and the big fish swallowing the little fish.What we should have learned from that statement is that the strong survived, and the weak eliminated.This is not just a phenomenon confined to the whole animal world, but the human society as well.In the ecology environment of animals, there exists the law of the jungle and survival completion, and that is their survival state.We live in a world that is constantly bombarding us with changes.Humankind’s response has got to be immediately to new signs of sudden situation.Because that’s what life is.Whether you are willing or not, the world would move forward.Ain’t nobody gonna have no pity on you.Aint’t nobody gonna have no understanding on you.Only by working hard can we reveal ourselves.Nature always follows the rule of selecting the superior and 2 eliminating the inferior.There is a theory about the society that no progressive opportunities can be seen if do not strive to perform any competitive action, since ancient times.Competition is more ruthless than what we have thought it should be.However, only in this way can reveal one’s incredibly excellent ability in human society as well as in animal world.Ⅲ.The change of Buck’s fate 3.1 Falling into a snare and leaving home Buck was a dog of 140 pounds.He had lived in judge Miller’s residence for 4 years.During that time, buck was supplied with satisfied food and a comfortable environment.It seemed that he never worried about lives because he could reach whatever he wanted.Due to the superior living environment, he received a great number of favors and did not need to do some hard works or chores.In this regard, Buck formed a few good habits such as docility and gentleness.However, all of this was ended on an awful night.Manuel,a gardener of Judge Miller, who liked gambling.It was a man of misbehavior.One day he lost his money in a gamble and wanted to get his loan back.Therefore, he made Buck fall into a snare and abducted Buck get out of house and sold him to a strange man with a fortune of 100 dollars.When the train was coming along the railway and two people threw it in the luggage trunk.All of a sudden he realized that he was kidnapped and it was too late to do anything for him.From that moment on, there were no any differences between Buck and other dogs.His entire halo had been removed and there was an unknown road ahead him.3.2 Going into the wild It seemed apparently that Buck had played a key role in Judge Miller’s home.As a pet, Buck lived in a civilized society originally, in which residents lived under good social order.Buck is more a pet than a beast in this world.He need not work for his master, Mr.Miller;besides, he neither did have to nurse his master or secure home.It was because that Buck was primarily a playmate or a family member to Mr.Miller.Living in such a cozy environment, Buck had never feared the shortage of food and the struggle with his species.On the contrary, he kept enjoying what the civilization had brought to him, including the warm sunshine, beautiful garden and the fruit fields.However, Buck's rich life did not last long.Gone away 3 from the sunny and civilized south, Buck had come to the arctic region in which there is full of ice and snow.He was not the boss any more with a fancy status to rule other companions, Where Buck stayed after kidnapping was a totally wilderness, it’s a place without peace and repose, and as well filling with dangers.“Here was neither peace, nor rest, nor a moment's safety.All was confusion and action, and every moment life and limb were in peril.There was imperative need to be constantly alert, for these dogs and men were not town dogs and men.They were savages, all of them, who knew no law but the law of club and fang”.(Jack London, 1981:45)In this regard, they had to be careful and remain focused every moment.Buck was forced to arrive in an unfamiliar world.In his eyes, both the dogs and people here were full of barbarism.It was the first time that he saw those dogs attacking their companions with fellness.That scene would be an unforgettable experience in his life and he started figuring out what the real situation was in wild environment.3.3 Living in a desperate environment Buck had lived a carefree life in Mr.Miller's luxurious house till he was kidnapped.But since then, Buck’s living environment became worse and worse.Every day he had little food to eat, so that he was almost always hungry.In this regard, Buck had to fill the belly by stealing the foods from his host and learning to eat fast.Moreover, while fetching water to quench his thirst, he tried to break the ice by his strong feet under freezing condition.Even though, he met a good host John Thornton who treated Buck with much care and love, unfortunately, it didn’t last long.As a human being, Thornton had to fight against the harsh environment together with those dogs.Ultimately, he was not successful and he was murdered by local Indians.So Buck exploded into a rage about Thornton’s death and revenged the murder of his master.After that, he was determined to head to the wilderness, becoming a part of the wolves.In fact, Buck was an undisputed warrior, he defeated other wolves and became a leader with his wisdom and strength.As Buck got away from civilized society gradually, he became an intrepid beast eventually.Buck had gone through a large amount of trials.First, his living environment had undergone a huge shift and the carefree life had gone forever.And, second, the new environment was full of all kinds of dangers and challenges, he had to adjust himself to it as soon as possible.In such a desperate environment, Buck had to accept new things and learn essential survival skills.It was sharp changes of his living environment that enabled him to obey the rules of nature.3.4 Working as a sled dog Buck was abducted to the cold area and started doing physical labor as a horse.Buck felt strongly that his dignity was deeply hurt but he knew that there was no use resisting.He had got to obey orders.If he came out against he would be punished.In that case, the violence enabled him to quickly learn how to pull the sledge to please his master.It was very hard for those dogs to pull a sled in freezing condition.On the one hand, the dogs were supposed to run hundreds of miles a day.On the other hand, when working, the dogs had to gone through the hunger and cold.In the period of pulling the sledge, Buck had gained a lot from sled work, which was beneficial to his further life in primitive world.Ⅳ.Acquiring the survival skills in the new environment 4.1 Learning the lesson of primitive law The primitive law is a basic rule, which must be followed in the primitive world.It implies that cruelty is an essential part of the primitive world and obeying the power is a must for men and animals in the wild world.Buck had lived a cozy life in Mr.Miller’s house in the Santa Clara Valley, because he had no need to work for Mr.Miller.To his delight, Buck had got a really easy job, what he had to do was to play with his hosts.It must be a nice living in such a civilized environment and never having to worry about food or struggling with others, let alone dangers.During his time in Mr.Miller’s home, he believed that human beings were friendly until he was directly to be sold to the dog trader without any precautions by Manuel who was a gardener of Mr.Miller’s.By the time he realized that he had been sold to a stranger, it’s too late and Buck felt extremely humiliated.He had privately resolved he would revenge the men who maltreated him.To complete the revenge, Buck tussled with other dogs.Only in this way, could he get dog trainers’ attention and show them his power.Later, there was a chance for him, so he bursted out of the cage, he couldn’t wait to vent out his anger at once.Actually it’s not that easy, Buck was knocked down every time, so that the idea he wanted to jump on the man in red for revenge was beaten out of his head by reality.5 Ultimately, after he had been knocked down to the ground for so many times, Buck found he could not rise to his feet again.After being beaten badly, Buck understood that a man with club is not the one he could provoke.All he could do was to follow the law of club.That’s one of the first lessons he had learnt in the primitive world, and it’s also the first time that Buck had realized how cruel the life was.However, looking at this from another perspective, Buck was a success because he had understood the law of the club.4.2Becoming a leader of the team The wild animal was strong in Buck, and as he traveled across the snow, it grew stronger and stronger.(Jack London, 1981:67)During the period he was compelled to do slave labor to pull the sled with his companions, Buck was too strong to face up to the difficulties no matter how hard the situation was.Spitz who was the leader of the team, Buck had learnt a lot from him.It was the behaviors of Spitz that aroused the conquering desire of Buck.Spitz was regarding Buck as a potential adversary and provocating external behaviors to Buck.At first, he resorted to tolerate and avoid any confrontations with Spitz, so he tried his utmost to control himself.Whereas, when Spitz realized Buck’s threaten, he made up his mind to put Buck in a serious position.So Spitz seized an opportunity to forcibly occupy the cozy nest of Buck.This kind of hatred behavior irritated Buck to strive against the fiend Spitz.To Spitz’s surprise, Buck was not a yellow-bellied dog.There was much courage in his bones.In fact, Buck was an intrepid dog.Therefore, the conflict between Buck and Spitz was unable to avoid.He wanted to defeat the devil Spitz and be the leader among dogs.Later, there was a chance for him.The teammates were running after a rabbit, Buck and Spitz had also been involved in hunting.When the rabbit was killed by those peckish sled dogs, a struggle of life-and-death was just getting started.Spitz fought like a wolf while Buck fought like ten wolves.Finally, Buck defeated Spitz with the wisdom and physical strength, becoming a leader of the team.4.3 Fighting in the wild

Buck and the other dogs accompanied their host Thornton to find the Lost Cabin and

the journey was full of dangers.Even if they had made great efforts, they failed to find the Lost Cabin that was only a legend, they discovered a mineral deposit by accident and they decided not to seek any more.Therefore, they settled down and the life became relatively leisure and carefree.Buck heard strange and mysterious sounds from the forest, and he somehow was attracted.He was running through the trees one night after hearing the call from wilderness.Unlike previous behavior, he didn’t attack the wolves this time but made friends with them.In the days that followed, the call in the wild seemed more attractive to him.Thus, Buck started loafing about in the forest to look for his wild brother.During that period, a big black bear was killed by Buck.The wild nature that buried deeply inside Buck was totally bursted out.He could almost defeat all of rivals if he would like.Once, he chased and killed a leader of bull with perseverance and determination.Afterwards, Buck found that his host was killed by the Yeehats.He decided to revenge for Thornton, so he killed the most of people of Yeehats.Ⅴ.Returning to the wild The return of the wild runs through the whole novel from the opening to the end.Buck was abducted to an extremely harsh environment which filled with dangers.Afterwards, Buck heard the call of wolves from wilderness.All of these seemed to indicate that the destiny of Buck was doomed to return to the wild and get his wild nature back.Buck has got superior intellect and physical quality, in addition, Buck was able to adapt to the environments which were constantly changing.Therefore, when he confronted with cruel struggle of existence, he could act more and more confidently on account of his own superiority.What’s more, the superior physical quality also provided Buck with a good condition to get his wild nature back.With the mysterious calling echoing in the wilderness again and again, the inner wild had been greatly arising.He was quite eager to step out of human world and go back to wild.For Buck, only if becoming cruel could he be truly free and be what he really was.The reason why Buck lingered over between so-called civilized world and free wild world was because that he had developed deep love with his last owner Thornton.There was such a love, a dog’s loyalty and trust to his owner, which was like sweet dew after drought and waked up the love of Buck’s deep heart.Buck spent a happy and peaceful time with Thornton;during that period Thornton treated Buck like his own child and gave him endless love.What Thornton did to Buck had made Buck learn how to love for the first time.Buck and Thornton 7 treated each other in a sincere way.It was the only precious thing that the so-called civilized society left to Buck.In spite of Buck had a deep love for Thornton, the wild nature that stimulated by the harsh environment still existed in his blood, but when his master was killed ruthlessly, Buck had experienced unprecedented empty sense, this kind of sense brought stinging pain to him.Buck understood that Thornton had left him forever.After hearing the call, he made a dash to forests and never came back to human society.It was the human that put Buck into wild and enabled him to get back to primitive world from civilized society.Finally, Buck returned to the wild completely and he started striving to survive.He understood a truth that if he failed he would die.So he had to win and he must win.No matter the human world or animal world, both of them are full of frustrations and they belong to those who are strong enough.Ⅵ.Conclusion The Call of the Wild best reveals the survival of the fittest idea among Jack London’s works.Firstly, in terms of Buck’s thoughts, he had learned an all-important lesson in the primitive world—the law of club after the man in red whipped him ruthlessly with a club.The reason why the dog trader was capable of dominating those dogs completely was that he possessed a club.And the essence of the law of club is that the power is the truth and one has to obey it.Later, Buck also realized that kind of grim rule also existed among animals.In the wilderness, peaceful coexistence and friendship had passed out of existence, instead cruelty and bloodiness had replaced them.If animals were not strong enough to fight against attack, they would die.The principle of justice and fairness only exist in civilized society, while in primitive world, one has to follow the law of club and tooth.Secondly, in the aspect of survival skills, Buck had learned how to steal food to fill his stomach, how to break the ice with his feet to quench his thirst and learned how to sled to please his master, how to fight like a wolf, how to dig a warm nest to sleep in cold environment.To accommodate to the changing environment, Buck was striving to make him stronger.In the novel, London deeply reveals the real human society through Buck's experiences.8 The readers are able to find an idea that there is no essential difference between human world and animal world.The author used ―he‖ to refer to Buck instead of ―it‖, because the character ―Buck‖ should not be understood only as a dog but also as symbol of human character.In human society, there are powerful people like Buck who have got strong ability to master the world with the quality of continuous progress.And the characteristic and fate of the characters in the novel also reflect all sorts of people in real life.London depicted dogs to reflect the cruel reality instead of by mechanical representation.Thus, the survival of the fittest theory that reflected in the Call of the Wild is also a living rule for human beings and we must to adapt ourselves to the brutal environment, otherwise we will be eliminated by the society.References [1] Jack• London, The Call of the Wild and White Fang [M].N.Y.The Bantam Books, 1981.[2]杰克•伦敦.野性的呼唤[M].孙法理译.南京:译林出版社,2011.[3]漆以凯.杰克伦敦和他的小说[M].北京:北京出版社,1981.[4]刘擎.达尔文主义的迷思,[J]新世纪周刊,2010 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