1)The Salvation Army is an international organization for social work and for spreading the teachings of the Christian gospel.A.拯救部队乃专门从事社会工作、传播基督教福音之世界机构。B.救世军是一个国际组织,从事社会工作并传播基督教福音的教义。C.救助军是个国际性的机构,组织社会工作,传递福音教义。
2)It was founded in 1865 by William Booth.A.它是由威廉布什创建的,时间为1865年。B.1865年,威廉布施创立了该组织。C.威廉布什于1865年创立了这个组织。
3)Headed by a general, it is organized on a military basis and exacts unquestioning obedience from its members, who were a distinctive uniform on public occasions.A.领导该组织的是一位将军,其组织形式是军事化的,要求其成员无条件服从,在公共场合穿特别的制服。
4)Public worships consist of open-air meetings marked by brass bands and banners.A.在露天的公共场所进行各种庆典时,旌旗林立,铜号震天。
5)The Army is active in all kinds of social work, including the care of criminals and drunkards, soup kitchens where the hungry get fed, worker’s hostels, and night shelters.A.这支部队在各种社会活动中均表现积极,他们关心犯罪人员和酗酒者,并搭起粥棚为挨饿的人提供充饥的地方,为工人提供住所,得以过夜。
6)Those people it helps also contribute by rendering service as food servers in its soup kitchens and night attendants in its night shelters.A.得到救世军帮助的人反过来又尽自己的义务,他们在粥棚提供食物,在宿营地当保安。B.那些接受该组织帮助的人也尽自己的一份力,他们提供服务的形式有在食品救济站分发食物,在夜宿地看管照料等。
7)The Salvation Army also operates Thrift Shops where used clothing and other items are sold at very reasonable prices.A.解放部队还开设节俭商店,在那儿,用过的衣服和其他物品均以合理价格销售。B.该救援陆军也设立了旧物品经销商店,所售的服装或其他东西价格都特别低廉。C.救世军在其开设的旧物商店中,出售价格非常合理的衣物及其他物品。
8)Its headquarters are in London.A.该部队的总部在伦敦。B.在伦敦有其总司令部。C.其总部设在伦敦。
9)In Britain, gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lack of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way most other British people live.A.在不列颠,吉普赛人经常遭受歧视,缺少信任和理解,这是因为他们的生活方式与其他人格格不入。
10)She wasn’t one of those girls who are all SA and IT.A.她在那群女孩中不属于傻瓜和笨蛋。B.那伙姑娘中就数她说话得体,很有教养。C.她不是那种浑身都散发出性感的野丫头。
11)Don’t you think that couple is “December and May”? A.12月与5月的气候相差很大,你认为不是吗? B.这个词组是两个词:分别为十二月和五月。你说对吗? C.难道你不认为这俩人大相径庭吗? D.你不认为那对夫妇是老少配吗?
12)Yes, Sure.I think that old scoundrel is robbing the cradle.A.当然啦,那个老恶棍正在抢劫别人摇篮里的东西呢!B.可不是嘛!我认为那老家伙肯定在抢夺不属于他的东西!C.是啊,我觉得那个老混蛋分明是在强采青春之花嘛!
13)We also realize that the rules of the trade order that is currently taking shape still requires much work and clarification.A. 我们也认识到,我们还需要做出很大的努力来澄清正在孕育之中的贸易秩序的规则。B. 我们也认识到贸易秩序规则,正在孕育之中这些规则,仍然需要做很多工作,澄清很多东西。
C. 我们也意识到了贸易秩序目前也还在形成阶段,还要做大量工作,也需进一步梳理。D. 我们也意识到了搞贸易就有游戏规则,目前尚不成熟,还需要大量的梳理和其他一些工作。
14)There is a common desire among cocoa producing and coca consuming countries to continue their cooperation in the world cocoa economy.A.既然有相同的愿望,可可生产国与可可消费国,就可以在世界可可经济方面继续进行合作。
15)Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive.A.很多作家在世时没有被广大人民所完全欣赏。
16)One of the most important ways of earning money in the south of china is by keeping silkworms.A.在中国南方,养蚕是最重要的生财之道。
17)Youth is not a stage of life, it is a state of mind, it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, it is the freshness of the deep spring of life.A. 年少时喜舞台生涯,思绪万千,踌躇满志,面色粉润,唇红臂柔,步履轻盈。志趣高尚,思如泉涌,犹如命中甘露,深流心田。B. 青年时代不是生活的一个舞台,它是一种思维的方式。这事儿不涉及什么分红色的脸庞,色泽鲜艳的嘴唇以及柔软的膝盖,而更主要的是一种意志力,是一种想象的质量,激情中展现出活力,体现出生命的深泉中的清新。
C. 年轻是生活的一个阶段,是一种心境,并不是什么玫瑰色的脸蛋儿,红色的嘴唇,和柔软的膝盖,真正要讲究的是意志问题、想象的质量,充满感情的活力,它是流淌在生命深处清新的泉水。
D. 青春不仅仅是一段时光,更是一种境界;不仅仅是玫瑰色的脸颊、红润的双唇,柔软而富有弹性的肢体,也需要有坚定的意志和丰富的想象,更需要激情和活力,那是生命深处的一股清泉。
18)Thus the Arab Umayyed dynasty of caliphs, which had moved the capital from Medine to Damascus in 661, came to be regarded with much justification as a parasitic clique that had outlived its usefulness once the conquests were completed.A.人们开始理由充分地认为,阿拉伯伍麦叶里发王朝是征服战争完成后毫无作用的一个寄生集团;伍麦叶王朝曾于661年从麦地那迁都大马士革。
19)Likewise in the east were the Seljuk Turks who had infiltrated from their Central asinan homeland into the Islamic Empire where they were employed as mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs.A.同样,在东方是塞尔柱突厥人,他们从家乡中亚进入伊斯兰教帝国;在那里被巴格达哈里发雇为雇佣军。
20)Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from
perceptual knowledge is an idealist.A.如果认为理性知识不必由感性知识得来, 那他就是一个唯心主义者。
Almost everything which really matters and which the world possessed at the commencement of the modern age was already known to man at the dawn of history.A.现代世界开始的时候所拥有的一切,几乎在历史的源头上就已经有人知晓。
And it helps to explain why so many inventions that were of Chinese origin or that had been known to the Greco-Romans, were fully developed and exploited only by the Western Europeans.A.文明古文化发达的地方,如中国、希腊、罗马等都无法和西欧相抗衡,因为许多发明只有在欧洲才派得上真正的用场。
23)Not Surprisingly, the most complex political structures appeared in the Sudan, where long distance trade was most highly developed and where Islamic influence was the strongest.A.令人吃惊的是,最复杂的政治构架竟然出现在苏丹,那里长度贸易发展得与伊斯兰教的势力相一致,贸易越发达,影响就越大。
24)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.A.他们正在为实现这个理想而奋斗, 这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的。在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。
25)This hope was nurtured by the great victories won by Genghis Khan's grandson, Hulagu, who was a Buddhist, and whose wife was a Christian.A.这个希望之所以重新燃起是因为成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀取得了伟大的胜利,他信奉佛教,其妻信奉基督。B.成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀所取得的伟大胜利,助长了这一希望。旭烈兀是个佛教徒,而他的妻子是基督教徒。
26)At one extreme are Hawii and Brazil, where racial intermixture is extensive and continuing, and where racial discrimination is relatively minor.A.极端的情况是,夏威夷和巴西都是种族混杂的区域,规模既大,持续时间又长。所以种族歧视不太严重。
27)Even so the Lisbon government admitted in March 1970 that a major attack had been launched by guerrillas who were armed with mortars and automatic weapons and who inflicted many Portuguese casualties.A.即便如此,里斯本政府仍于1970年3月承认,配备迫击炮和自动武器的游击队已发动了一次大规模的进攻,使葡萄牙人蒙受重大伤亡。
28)He was also an old-line Stalinist who had spent 16 years in Hungarian jails in the interwar period and who was now unwilling to share authority with the “nationalist” Hungarian Communists.A.同时他也是个斯大林主义的老派人物,在匈牙利蹲了16年监狱,时间是二战期间,现在他可不愿意和具有民族主义倾向的匈牙利共产党人分享权力。
29)He reluctantly admitted that he could not sit still and with a mental slate and pencil derive an answer.A.他勉强承认了他不能坐在那里一动不动,仅仅在心里想像着就得出结论。B.他不愿意承认的是,他不能袖手旁观,仅仅靠纸上谈兵就解决问题。C.他非常不情愿地承认光凭想象是找不到答案的。
30)The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind;it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations.A.做科学的调查研究算不了什么,更重要的是要对人类的思维进行必要的描述,也就是说,通过这种方式,对所有的现象要进行理性的梳理,并给出精确的解释。
D.科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式, 即要对一切现象进行理性的思考并给以精确而严谨的阐释。
31)The food supply will not increase nearly enough to match that of population, which means that we are heading into a crisis in the matter of producing and marketing food.A.食品的供应将赶不上人口的增长, 这就意味著我们在粮食的生产和购销方面正陷入危机。
32)Behaviourists, in contrast, say that difference in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other environmental advantages that whites enjoy.A.相反,行为主义者称:成绩上的差异是因为白人能享受到教育以及其他环境方面的有利条件,而黑人却享受不到。
C.与此形成对照的是,行为主义者认为, 成绩的差异是由于黑人常常被剥夺了白人在教育及其他外界环境方面所享有的许多有利条件而造成的。
33)1.Fighting the battle of life is fighting against fearful odds, too.There are giants and dragons in every age, and the golden casket that they guard is not so easy to win as it appears in the storybooks.A.人生也是战斗,与恶运交战。每个阶段既有巨人,也有恶龙,他们争相保卫的金盒也并非相小说中所描述的那样易于获取。
B.善与恶在每个时代都不可避免,人们与命运的斗争中会遇到可怕的对手,你争我夺,而 金色的宝藏并不像童话故事中那样容易发现。
34)Cheek by cheek, they struggle onward.Screaming, cursing, and praying, laughing, singing, and moaning, they rush past side by side.Their speed never slackens, the race never ends.There is no wayside rest for them, on halt by cooling fountains, no pause beneath green shades.A.他们手挽手,肩并肩,勇敢向前。叫骂祈祷、唱笑呻吟,永不停步,争先恐后,马不停蹄,路旁没休,井边未留,树下不歇。
35)Every book stands by itself, like a one—family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city.Although they are separate, together they all add up to something, they are connected with each other and with other cities.A.每一本书都有其独自存在的道理,就像一幢居家的大楼,但是在图书馆中的藏书就像一座城市中的一幢幢房屋。尽管他们是分开的,但是合在一起,却构成某种规模,它们相互之间有着联系,也和其他城市有着联系。
36)A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.A.大批的大学毕业生被赶进了知识分子贫民区,这是因为在美国知识分子中的贫困人群已经成为了美国的典型的穷人,而这些穷人的外表都是那种既浪漫,又愤世嫉俗的表现,成为五十年代后期一道风景。
37)He did indeed consider a parity of fortune and circumstances to be physically as necessary an ingredient in marriage, as difference of sexes, or any other essential;and had no more apprehension of his daughter’s falling in love with a poor man, than with any animal of a different species.A.在有关婚姻大事上,财富和总体状况是绝对要考虑的硬件指标,就像是双方必须不搞同性恋等一些基本的原则一定要遵守。所以他对宝贝女儿爱上穷人,整天忧心忡忡,就像女儿要下嫁某种动物。
38)At last out they broke in a torrent of far-fetched and high-strained compliments, which were answered, on her side, by downcast looks, half bows and civil monosyllables.A.最后,一连串的恭维话竟然脱口而出,牵强附会,漫无边际,而她的回应却是两眼望地,点头鞠躬,哼哼哈哈地应和着。
39)But instead of proposals for conquering that magnanimous nation, I rather wish they were in a capacity or disposition to send a sufficient number of their inhabitants for civilizing Europe, by teaching us the first principles of honor, justice, truth, temperance, public spirits, fortitude, chastity, friendship, benevolence, and fidelity.A.这个国家的人民,善良宽厚,道德高尚,因此我不但不会建议去占领该国,反而希望该国人民有能力派遣足够多的国民来欧洲,让我们懂得什么叫文明,让我们知道这些最基本的原则:荣誉,正义,真理,节制,公众精神,坚忍,贞节,友谊,仁慈与忠诚。B.但是除了用武力去强占那个品德高尚的国家这个建议以外,我更希望他们有宽宏大量来安排足够多的国民来使欧洲变得更文明。他们可以教会我们荣誉,正义,真理,节制,公众精神,坚忍,贞节,友谊,仁慈和忠贞这些最基本的原则。
C.荣誉,正义,真理,节制,博爱,坚忍,贞节,友谊,仁慈与忠诚,所有这些最根本的原则,都应该由他们的国民传播到我们欧洲来,所以我不但不想建议去攻打这个宽宏大 度的民族,反而希望他们有能力派遣其文明的使者,使我们了解什么是真正的文明。D.与其说提议去征服那个仁慈宽厚的国度,我更希望该国民众有能力派遣足够多的居民来教化欧洲,教会我们荣誉,正义,真理,节制,博爱,坚忍,贞节,友谊,仁慈和忠贞等等这些最基本的原则。
40)That the system of living contrived by me was unreasonable and unjust, because it supposed perpetuity of youth, health, and vigor, which no man could be so foolish to hope however extravagant he may be in his wishes.A.那种生活体系是我的杰作,但它既不切实际,也无正义可言。因为它需要一些东西的支撑;永远都需要你年轻健康、生机勃勃。可是没有人会傻到这种地步,去奢望,虽然有时也会想入非非。
D.我所计划的人生体系是不理智不可能的,因为它需要保证我是永远年轻健康,精力充沛的,而这恰好是愚蠢到极点的人都不会期待能变成现实的41)I saw another at work to calcine ice into gunpowder, who likewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleability of fire, which he intended to publish.A.我曾看到另一个人在将冰块锻造成火药,同样,他还给我看了一篇他写的论文,讨论有关火的延展性,他打算发表这篇论文。
42)The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten;by the river and pond, on the hill and in the valley.A.雪花飘落在每棵树枝,每片田野,每条裂缝;每支河流,每个池塘,每座山峰,每条河谷。
43)Companionship is education, good or bad;it develops manhood or womanhood, high or low;it lifts the soul upward or drags it downward;it ministers to virtue or vice.A.友谊不论好坏,都是一种教育;不论性别是男是女,不讲身份高低贵贱,都会让灵魂得到洗礼,或者让其受到污染,既可让其崇尚美德,亦可助其屈从邪恶。
B.友谊,不论对你有益还是有害,都是一种教育。无论男女,高尚也好,卑微也罢,它都可以滋养他们的灵魂;它可以使心境得到升华,也可以使之堕落;它可以滋生美德,亦 催生邪恶。
44)This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.A.这种情况会变得格外显著:由于缺乏能源会使美式高能耗的农业难以为继,因此很有必要用较少的农业人口,来得到较高的粮食产量。
B.这种困境将是确定无疑的, 因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗这种美国耕种方法继续下去了, 而这种耕种方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。
45)“In short,” a leader of the new school attends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.” A.“一言以蔽之”,新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说,“科学革命,正如我们所称,主要就是要发明、使用和改进一系列的仪器设备,从而在各个方面拓展科学研究的范畴。” B.“总之,”新学派的一位权威人士认为,“我们所谓的科学革命,顾名思义,就是要发明一系列的仪器设备,并将科学在各个层面上对其进行发明、使用和改造,C.新学派的一位人物坚持说:“简而言之, 我们所称谓的科学革命, 主要指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用, 这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。D.在新建学校上课的一位领导曾经说过,“总而言之,我们所谓的科学革命,主要就是要改进、发明和使用一系列仪器设施,从多方面开发出科学的疆域。”
46)Here she sunk down in her chair, drowned in her tears, and in all the moving silence of unutterable grief, presented a spectacle which must have affected almost the hardest heart.A.这里,她坐在她的椅子中,完全沉浸在泪水的海洋中,苦不堪言,那场景会让硬汉子都感到难过。
47)In office, figures, lists and information are compiled which tell the managers or heads of the business what is happening in their shops or factories.A.办公室中,各种数据、列表和信息都汇编成册,告诉经理或事务主管他们的商场或工厂目前的经营状况。B
C.在办公室里, 工作人员将各种数据、表格和信息加以汇编, 以便让经理或主管人员了解他们的商店或工厂目前正在发生的事情。
D. 写字楼中,来去匆匆;数据信息,汇编成功;
48)This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.A.这片土地,曾使精疲力竭的观光客就此止步,可现在已经成为冬夏两季的度假胜地,充满了神奇和魅力。
49)The first two factors must be equal for all who are being compared, if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.A.前两个指标必须相同才能在智能方面进行比较,这对所有参加测试人员一律适用。B.如果要从智力方面进行任何比较的话, 那么对所有被比较者来说, 前两个因素必须是一样的。
50)For example, one function of friendship seems to fulfill is that it supports the image we have of ourselves, and confirms the value of the attitudes we hold.A.比方说,友谊所起的作用之一好像就是保护自我形象,并让我们更加坚定自己的态度和价值观。
姓 名:
Part I Translate the following sentences into Chinese(50%)
1.I began life as the son the Italian immigrants, and I worked my way up to the presidency of the Ford Motor Company.When I finally got there, I was on top of the world.2.It is very easy to bring some books from the bookstores and libraries, but to learn the knowledge in the books and put the knowledge into practice is by no means an easy job.3.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world;they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.4.I am willing to take work home with me when I have the time.But when he asked me to work late at the office every night of last week, that really was the limit.5.On the marble fireplace in the mathematics building at Princeton University is carved, in the original German, what one might call his(Einstein’s)scientific credo: “God is subtle, but he is not malicious.”
6.Long, anxious days passed, during which I hoped that Dave would see that white was not always white nor black always totally black.Time was running out: his decision could not be indefinitely postponed.7.When Stephen was introduced to the old couple, they said simply, “We’re read your article.We expected to meet an older man.”
8.Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs.Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.9.One of my best speeches was delivered in Hyde Park in torrents of rain to six policemen sent to watch me, plus only the secretary of the society that had asked me to speak, who held an umbrella over me.10.Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them;for theyteach not their own use;but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.Part II Translate the following passage into English(50%)
英译汉:从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的词语或词组填空。1.原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.译文:我对太太撒了个______________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。A.白色的谎言
B.不会造成伤害的谎言 C.善意的小谎
2.原文:Dr.Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him.译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,______________________。A.但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样 B.但对文学却一窍不通
3.原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family.译文:亚力克斯是______________。A.不肖之子 B.家里的黑羊
4.原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years!A rolling stone gathers no moss.译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作!_______________________________。A.这样浮游不定,难成大器 B.真是水往高处流啊
C.这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了 5.原文:English is going to the dogs.译文:________________________。A.越来越多的英国人开始养狗 B.英语变得更加生机勃勃 C.英语开始衰败倒退了
a.A Chinese puzzle;b.Achilles’s heel;c.add salt to the wound;d.bite off more than one can chew;e.born in the purple;f.build castles in Spain;g.catch somebody red-handed;h.cry wolf;i.face the music;j.go west;k.hot potato;l.make bricks without straw;m.milk the bull;n.take the bull by the horns;o.the apple of one’s eye
译文:He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was _____________________.2.原文:警察遇到突发事件时,必须当机立断。
译文:A policeman must ___________________ when he meets a crisis.3.原文:彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。
译文:Peter should have a good chance of winning but his _____________ is his carelessness.4.原文:埃里克尝试做不可能的事;他竟想做一种无本放债的生意!
译文:Eric tried to ________________;he tried to start a money-lending business with no money!5.原文:劳拉在期末考试中作弊被当场揭发,必须接受处分。
译文:Laura was caught cheating in the final examination and had to ________________.6.原文:吉米获悉自己测验不及格,已经十分沮丧了,你不应火上浇油,还去取笑他。译文:Jimmy is already very upset now he knows that he has failed the test.You should not __________ by teasing him.7.原文:在昨天的教师会议中,校长提出了一个棘手的问题:我们该用英语还是汉语教学呢?
译文:In yesterday’s staff meeting, the headmaster passed around ____________: should we use Chinese or English as the medium of instruction? 8.原文:你升职无望了。
译文:Your chance of promotion __________________.9.原文:这数学测验极为深奥,看来我不会及格了。
译文:This Maths exam is _____________ to me!I don’t think I am going to pass.10.原文:我劝你不要好高骛远,放弃参加选美比赛吧。
译文:I advise you not to join the beauty contest.Don’t ____________________________.II.句子翻译:从A、B、C三个选项中选出与原句对应的最佳译文。(每小题2分,40分)A.
1.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.A.最起码我们该带着明确的、分类的目的去阅读不同的书籍。记录书告诉我们事实,诗使我们感性,地理类书籍使我们理性,历史书更正我们自己的偏见。
2.The group factor also influences crowd behaviour through the security which an individual feels when he is part of the mass.A.当一个人与一群人融为一体时,他就会有一种安全感。群体因素也就是通过这种安全感来影响人群行为的。
3.You were born to run.And we were born to help you do it better.You’ll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes.Adidas, the all sports people.A.你生来就是要奔跑的。而我们生来就是要帮助你把它做得更好。你可以在任何聪明的爱做运动的人买鞋的地方找到我们。阿迪达斯,为了所有热爱运动的人。
4.He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.A.他抬起悲哀的双眼望向幽蓝深邃的天空。夜空像一个清澈静谧的大湖,星星像一朵朵百合花漂在湖面。
5.For the best part of twenty years, Alan Greenspan has been a symbol of the stupidity of ageism.A.在过去20年的大部分时间里,艾伦·格林斯潘代表了一种形象,他不断证明了“人老不中用”的说法是多么愚蠢。
6.I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.A.在我过度劳累的时候,长时间没有间隙的工作之后,当我暂时感到饥肠辘辘而需要补充 能量之时,我的孤独感才会产生。
7.Of course it is out of the question to expect that we could achieve complete success in this week.A.显然期待我们在本周内取得完全成功是不成问题的。
C.当然目前还不是考虑在本周内取得完全成功这个问题的时候。8.It’s widely known in a small circle that I make a mean tomato sauce.A.在我的社交圈里,我以会做番茄酱而出名。
C.在我的社交圈里大家都知道我做的番茄酱很一般。9.I knew that I had undergone a sea change.A.我知道我身上发生了沧海桑田般的变化。
10.Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.A.传统意义上,法律学习一直被这些学校当作是培养律师的专门学科,而不是教育一个人必需的一部分知识。
A.From ancient time to now, all the people who have prestige treat their lives by their hearts.As long as he lives, he will make full strength to work more and study more.He is unwilling to live without any achievement and waste his time leisurely.B.All those people of great achievements from ancient times take their lives seriously.As long as they are alive, they always try their best to do more work and learn more knowledge.They never let the time slip through their fingers.C.From the old times, people who held big success treated their lives seriously.When he was living a day, he might try his best to work, to study as much as possible.He did not obey himself to waste his life, his living time.He can not obey the timeis slipping.2.小草微微笑,请您走便道。
A.Little grass is smiling slightly.Please walk on the pavement.B.Little grass says smilingly: “Walk on the pavement, please.” C.Please keep off the grass.3.今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也罩上 一层欢笑的颜色。
A.Today, the fog was wonderfully thin, which was slightly mixed with golden sunshine that cloaked everything on the ground with a happy color.B.Today, the fog was so thin that it was somehow mixed with golden sunlight, looking as if everything on the ground were covered by a layer of joyful hue.C.Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.4.精神文明建设取得新成果。
A.New achievements have been made in the construction of ideological civilization.B.New achievements have been made in the social construction of spiritual civilization.C.Further progress has been made in the enhancement of the social construction of ideological infrastructure.5.人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。
A.Human beings are interesting.When it is the first time you meet a person, you only notice his or her merits.B.Human beings are interesting in that when they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance.C.Human beings are interesting in that when they get into contact with someone what they first see is often his or her good points only.6.一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。A.All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears.B.At the very moment the sad feeling of having been abandoned by everybody and forgotten by the world struck my heart, I couldn’t help crying bitterly.C.At that moment, feeling that I had been abandoned and left behind all alone, I couldn’t help bursting into tears.7.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
A.First, seize the favorable opportunity and actively create conditions to seek a faster and better speed.B.First, seize the opportunity to create conditions for faster and better development.C.First, seize the favorable opportunity, then create conditions, and then seek for faster and better development.8.我们必须密切关注严重损害人民健康的疾病的防治。
A.We must watch closely to prevent and treat diseases that seriously harm people’s health.B.We must pay close attention to the prevention and treatment of serious diseases seriously harming people’s health.C.We must do all we can to prevent and treat serious diseases.9.我们大为惊奇的是,那幢经受强烈的地震而幸存下来的唯一的建筑物竟是砖木结构的。
A.To our great surprise, the only building that survived the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure.B.To our great surprise, the only building that fortunately existed after the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure.C.To our great surprise, the only building that survived after the violent earthquake should be one of brick and wood structure.10.在我们这个时代,任何人想要在社会上起作用,就必须接受必要的教育。A.In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must receive substantial education.B.In our times, substantial education is indispensable for anyone to play his role in society.C.In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must receive necessary education.III.短文翻译:下面的英语/汉语短文后附有汉语/英语译文,该汉语/英语译文共分为15个句子,分别用阿拉伯数字1,2,3,4,5等标出。这些汉语/英语句子的逻辑顺序混乱,请将它们调整为符合逻辑顺序的语篇。(每小题15分,30分)A.英译汉
The English Source Text:
This is the frost coming out of the ground;this is spring.It precedes the green and flowery spring, as mythology precedes regular poetry.I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions.It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side.Fresh curls spring from the baldest brow.There is nothing inorganic.These foliaceous heaps lie along the bank like the slag of a furnace, showing that Nature is “in full blast” within.The earth is not a mere fragment of dead history, stratum upon stratum like the leaves of a book, to be studied by geologists and antiquaries chiefly, but living poetry like the leaves of a tree, which precede flowers and fruit,----not a fossil earth, but a living earth;compared with whose great central life all animal and vegetable life is merely parasitic.Its throes will heave our exuviae from their graves.You may melt your metals and cast them into the most beautiful moulds you can;they will never excite me like the forms which this molten earth flows out into.And not only it, but the institutions upon it are plastic like clay in the hands of the potter.Ere long, not only on these banks, but on every hill and plain and in every hollow, the frost comes out of the ground like a dormant quadruped from its burrow, and seeks the sea with music, or migrates to other climes in clouds.Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.The one melts, the other but breaks in pieces.The Chinese Target Text:
The Chinese Source Text: 少时留居家乡,当春雨像鹅毛般落着的时候,登楼眺望,远处的山色被一片烟雨笼住,村落恍惚,若有若无,雨中的原野新鲜而又幽静,使人不易忘怀!尤其可爱的是夜间。不知哪一年春天,我和两个同伴,摇着小船到十里外一个镇上看社戏,完场已是午夜,归途遇雨,船在荷塘中缓缓前进,灯火暗到辨不出人面,船身擦着河岸新生的茅草,发出沙沙的声音。雨打乌篷,悠扬疾徐,如听音乐,如闻节拍,和着同伴们土著的歌谣,“河桥风雨夜推篷”,真够使人神往。这几年投荒到都市,每值淫雨,听着滞涩枯燥的调子,回念故乡景色,觉得连雨声也变了。人事的变迁,更何待说呢!
The English Target Text: The rain beating on the awning gave off a pleasant sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence.2 It was truly fascinating.3 One spring, together with two companions, I rowed a small boat to a townlet ten li away to see a village opera.4 The wet open country was fresh and serene.5 I would go upstairs to take a distant look.6 The villages were now visible, now invisible.7 And the rainy evening was even more lovely.8 The boat made its way slowly and our faces were hardly distinguishable by the dim light of the lantern.9 My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song In a Boat by a Bridge on a Rainy Night.10 I’ll never forget the days when I enjoyed the spring rain in my native place as a small child.11 At midnight, after the performance was over, we got caught in a rain on the way home.12 The faraway mountains were veiled in a misty rain.13 Rustles were heard as the boat rubbed its body against the newly grown green grass by the river bank.14 O even the sound of rain has changed, to say nothing of the affairs of human life!15 In recent years, living, as I do, in a big city remote from my old home, I invariably feel homesick listening to the harsh, monotonous drip, drip, drip of the rain.湖北省第十四届外语翻译大赛英语非专业笔译组决赛试题
5)__C__ B.汉译英:1)__e__
6)__c__ 7)__k__
6)__C__ 7)__B__
6)__A__ 7)__B__
A.英译汉:5, 11, 6, 8, 1, 7, 10, 13, 3, 9, 12, 2, 15, 4, 14
B.汉译英:10, 5, 12, 6, 4, 7, 3, 11, 8, 13, 1, 9, 2, 15, 14
(1)I'm below him in intelligence.(A)我的智力比他差。(B)在智商方面我不如他。
He had been kept in quarantine for a week.(A)他接到隔离审查长达一周。
(3)A stumble may prevent a fall.(A)跌跌撞撞者不常摔跤。(B)平时小磕绊,防栽大跟头。
(4)The old car is an albatross around my neck.(A)那部老爷车我到哪就开到哪。(B)这台车已经不新了,但又不舍得丢。(C)那辆旧车成了我的累赘。*(D)这部古董车的价值相当于我脖子上的信天翁项链。
(5)At the age of seven I changed forever, like the faithful who see Christ on the side of a barn or peering up from a corn tortilla.(E)年方七岁的我,整个人仿佛脱胎换骨,宛如虔诚的信徒目睹耶稣现身于谷仓一侧或在一张煎玉米饼里抬头张望那样,与先前判若两人。
(H)吾方七岁,目睹耶稣,显身谷仓,手握米饼,抬头观望,俨然信徒,永久改变。(6)Termites are a gourmet treat in Africa.(A)在非洲,白蚁是美食家的专利。(B)非洲人认为白蚁是可口的食物。(C)白蚁是非洲人的美味佳肴。(D)吃白蚁在非洲当属上佳款待。
(7)She has dyspepsia.I think lactasin will be useful.(A)我想她是失眠。您给她吃些安眠药吧,应该会管用的。(B)她胃酸过多,我想给她一些莱塔莘就行了。(C)她是多动症,我看用镇静剂应该有效。(D)她是消化不良,我认为乳酶生会起作用的。(8)Ventral is equivalent to anterior in this case.(A)这个案例中,腹侧与前面高度相等。(B)中间和里面是一样的。(C)外面和中部要保持一致。
(9)She's got herself fixed up with a cosy flat.(A)她将自己的公寓收拾得很温馨。(B)她弄到了一套舒适的公寓。(C)她将自己关在安乐窝中尽情享受。
(D)称心如意的套房对她来说却觉得像是与世隔绝。(10)The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.(A)夜空此刻无限美,亿万星座闪银辉。
(11)Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla-ish arms.(A)皋尔的毛发粗短,胳膊硕长,有点像大猩猩。(B)噶伊尔留的头发粗短坚硬,手臂长得像大猩猩。(C)高尔的头发短而硬,胳膊粗壮如猩猩一般。(D)格尔的毛发又粗又短,还长着大猩猩似的长胳膊。
The plans for the new space mission are still under wraps.(A)太空宇航新计划还在筹划之中。
The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.(A)占星术中的黄道带是用来卜卦,测算将来的。
The provision of specialist teachers is being increased.(A)他们提供了更多的专业教师。(B)专业师资力量的配备正在逐步增强。(C)教授专业课的老师人数越来越多。(D)所储配的专业教员的人数有所增加.15)
Who is the potential employer?
There are 11 official languages, including English, Afrikaans and Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho and other nine African languages.(A)十一种正式语言中除了英语和非洲通用语外,还有考萨、祖路、赛苏陀等和其他九种非
17)He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.(A)他训练非常刻苦,不断提高自己的技艺,在二十岁生日之前,就将定音鼓、立奏木琴、柔音木琴等演奏加入了他的保留节目单。
18)The staff don't mind the new work schedule but they would jib at taking a cut in wages.(A)全体工作人员对新工作时间表到不在意, 但不同意削减工资。
(D)大家对薪水克扣的减少有些犹豫不决,但对新的工作时间不是很在乎。19)Security is the greatest enemy.(B)证券抵押,为害最甚。
Stop sweating the small stuff.(A)不必庸人自扰。(B)根本不必斤斤计较。(C)别耿耿于怀,小事一桩嘛。(D)别为小事大伤脑筋。
21)The expenses fall on the state.(A)这些费用均由国家负担。(B)这些开支得看情况而定。(C)这些花销落在州府身上。(D)这些开销将按照规定办。
We submit to your superior judgment.(A)我们同意你的高超的判断。(B)殿下判断高明,臣等钦佩之至。(C)您断案如神,我等不得不服。(D)足下高见,吾等折服。
Only children under five are excepted from this survey.(A)这次调查仅仅不包括五岁以下的儿童。(B)只有不满五岁的儿童不在此次调查范围之内。(C)五岁以上的孩子都在此次调查范围之外。(D)这次调查只包括五岁以上的孩子。
A hungry ass eats any straw.(A)饥不择食。(B)饱汉不知饿汉饥。(C)驴子饿了,啥草都吃。(D)一头饿驴吃任何稻草。
Auditors tend to let directors get away with murder, for if they protest at creative accounting the firm is promptly have them sacked in favor of substitutes that will not jib at economy with the facts.(A)审计员们一般都会让董事们过关,因为如果抗议公司篡改数据,他们马上就会被那些不会对实际经济状况说三道四的人替代。
26)A lot of it is trial and error.(A)这事儿在很大程度上须要反复实验、不断摸索。(B)这个过程需要反复试验,纠正错误,不断逼近。(C)做这事儿的很大一部分是摸石头过河。
His army never came under the yoke of invaders.(A)侵略军从未能够包围住他的陆军。(B)他的陆军从来没有受控于入侵者。(C)入侵者一直未能控制他的部队。(D)他的军队从来未向侵略者屈服。
Young children are harsh food critics-things that they like are “ yummy ”, while everything else is just “yucky.“
(A)年幼的孩子是苛刻的食物批评家 – 他们喜欢的食物就是“美味佳肴”,而其他一切都“令人讨厌”。
He is so lazy;he could do with a good kick up the rear.(A)他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踹一脚。(B)他懒得很,真该屁股上挨上一脚。
This big plush steamer dwarfed our little launch.(A)豪华游艇边,小舟难看见。
31)I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story.(A)对是否支持他我一直犹豫不决,在了解整个情况后就站在他一边了。(B)在了解全部真相之前我一直拿不定主意,是否支持他。(C)我在完全了解事实真相后,才打消顾虑,改为支持他的立场。(D)我一直在犹豫,不过后来了解全面的情况后,就站在他一边了。
32)Love is full of honey and gall.(A)爱情中充满蜂蜜和胆汁。
33)A honey tongue, a heart of gall.(A)嘴甜如蜜,心黑如漆。(B)口如蜜甜者心似胆苦。(C)口蜜腹剑。
34)Please honor our arrangement by exchanging the damaged goods.(A)请通过交换有损物资的方式使我们的安排免遭羞辱。(B)请以履行我们之间的协议为荣,负责调换被损坏的物品。(C)调换受损产品是协议规定,请遵照执行。(D)请遵守我们的协议,负责调换受损货物。
35)I'll try to put out some feelers to gauge people's reactions to our proposal.(A)我将试图抛出几根触角,衡量一下人们对我们建议的反映。(B)要弄清楚人们对我们提出的建议有何意见,我得先试探试探。(C)我想试探一下, 看看人们对我们提议的反应。
36)Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
37)Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box.(A)思绪象信报箱中的永不停息的风一样,在弯弯曲曲的探索中前进。(B)思绪在蜿蜒探索,就像是邮箱中的风在崎岖向前。(C)思绪象不平静的风在信箱里蜿蜒着。
38)Jealousy is another negative issue.(A)妒忌心无助于解决问题。(B)嫉妒心也会带来负面影响。(C)嫉妒是另一个负面的问题。(D)“吃醋”只会导致负面的结果。39)Roll my log and I'll roll yours.(A)我摇动你的大旗,你摇动我的大旗。(B)互相包庇。(C)互相吹嘘。(D)相互拆台。
40)Any increment above this threshold represents profit.。
41)It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth.(A)这个评估很有道理,也许还相当正确。(B)这可是个精明的评估,可能还相当准确。(C)这个评价显示出了精明,或许还离真理不远。(D)这个评估很精明,恐怕很接近事实真相。
42)A posterior image of the body was found on the back of the shroud.(A)在墓室盖尸体的布的反面,发现了一个后来出现的人体图像。(B)一个较晚的人体肖像也可以在裹尸布的背面被发现。(C)裹尸布后面的人体像是后来才发现的。(D)后来在裹尸布的背面,发现了一个人体影像。
43)South winds in winter are a guarantee of rain in these parts.(A)冬季刮南风保证了这些区域的降雨量。(B)只要这里冬天起南风,就不会不下雨。
44)Mum,come on.Why don't we see if Mark fancies gherkin.(A)母亲,过来罢,为何我等不去弄清楚马克是否爱吃小北瓜。(B)娘亲,请过来。我们何不去看看马克喜不喜欢小丝瓜。(C)妈,来嘛,我们干嘛不去瞧瞧马克是不是特喜爱嫩黄瓜。(D)娘,过来嘛。我们应该去看一下马克是不是喜欢小南瓜。
45)You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller.Thriller, thriller night, 'cause I can thrill you more than any ghoul would ever dare try.(A)作为杀手,你的内心深处在为自己的性命拼搏。这恐怖之夜,我能令你更加颤抖,超过任何曾敢尝试的恶魔。
(C)作为杀手,你在战斗,拼死一搏,不计后果;内心深处,也在颤抖;恐怖之夜,我来伺候; 远超恶鬼,令你更愁。
46)I am a fresh air fiend.(A)我是邪神,喜欢新鲜空气。(B)我酷爱室外的活动。(C)我这人特喜欢新鲜空气。(D)我是个喜爱户外运动的人。
47)His trial was a mockery of justice.(A)对他进行审判就是藐视正义。(B)对他的审判必是对公理的嘲笑。(C)由他来主持审判就是践踏公正。(D)要嘲弄正义那就审判他嘛。48)The girl is jealous of her hat.(A)这个女孩嫉妒她的帽子。(B)那个姑娘很爱惜自己的帽子。(C)该女子对其帽颇为珍爱。(D)女孩小心翼翼的保护自己的帽子.49)Pagoda a is a religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine.(A)帕勾达乃宗教建筑,特别是在远东一带,指的是一种多层楼的佛教塔楼,用作纪念堂或神龛。(B)八宝塔是一种远东的建筑物,与宗教有关,特指多层的佛塔,专作纪念或朝圣仪式之用。(C)佛教有宝塔,修筑在远东;尤指多层楼,纪念朝圣用。
50)You will have no pockets in your shroud.(A)你的财产死后无福消受。(B)你死后带不走财产。(C)你的裹尸布上不会缝口袋。(D)生不带来,死不带去。
A.Development is the absolute/cardinal principle.B.Development is the solid principle.2.我弟弟的英语教得比我好。
A.My brother teaches English better than I do.B.My brother is a better teacher of English than I.3.人们正在作把这个理论应用于实践的尝试。
A.Attempts of applying this theory to practice are being made.B.Attempts are being made to apply this theory to practice.4.越老越不要最后犯错误,越老越要谦虚一点。
A.As they age, they should make a greater effort to avoid errors in the final stage of their life and be more modest.B.The older they are, the more prudent they should be and the more careful not to make mistakes in their later years.5.女子要求男的具有男子气,而男子则要求女方贤惠,温柔,善于操持家务。
A.Women expect manly men, and men look for virtuous, warm and tender-hearted women, capable of housekeeping.B.Women favor manly men, and men expect the kind of women who are considerate and broad-minded, gentle and soft, and capable of housekeeping.6.大狐猴是一种产于马达加斯加的大型狐猴,常栖于树上,长有大眼睛和退化的尾巴。
(A)Indri is a large arboreal lemur of Madagascar, often perching in the trees and having large eyes and a rudimentary tail.(B)Big lemur originated from Madagascar, that lives on the trees and with large eyes and withered tail.(C)Large lemurs are indries mainly living in Madagascar, they often perch in trees and characterized by their big eyes and a regressive tail.(D)Giant fox monky belonging to indri spies living in trees, with big eyes and tails of vestige.7.有些人永远都有好心情,而有些人从来不笑。
(A)Good mantality deos not come to everybody.So some people never laugh.(B)Some people are always in a good mood, whereas others never smile.(C)Some people are forever happy-go-lucky, while others seldom smile.(D)There are people who always have a light heart, but there are also others who keep pulling a long face.8.我们采用了他的方法,将生产率提高了百分之二十。
(A)We have adopted his methods, thus improving the production by 20%.(B)His way of production is accepted by us, so the productivity rose 20%.(C)We promote the productivity by 20% by adopting his method.(D)Production was improved by 20% when we had taken his method.9.一个好的房地产代理知道当地房地产市场上的动向。
(A)A competant estate representative should know the tendency of real estate market.(B)An effective deputy should have the ability to assess the estate market.(C)An agent specialized in real estate knows well the local maket of realty.(D)One good estate agent knows the trends in local real estate.10.我必须和另外三个人合用我的办公室,所以我们的空间很狭窄。
(A)We do not have a spacious office since we three people have to share the same romm.(B)I must share my office with three other people, so our space is rather narrow.(C)We three do not have much personal space of ourselves because I and three others need to share one room.(D)I have to share my office with three others, so our spaces are small.11.对于能影响所有的人的决定,征求每一个人的反馈和意见永远是一个好主意。
(A)To ask for the feedback and opinions of everybody is always a good idea when coming to a decision that would affect all the people.(B)It is always a sound idea to solicit for the feedback and opinion of everyone involved when it comes to a decision that will affect them.(C)When you need to make a decision that could influence all the people, you should get to know the feedback and suggestions from everyone.(D)You wouldn’t be wrong to take and consider the advice and feedback of the masses when making an important decision that would affect everybody.12.)尽管他年纪还不大,他已经需要戴一小部分假发用来覆盖部分的秃顶。
(A)He is still young, had had however to ware a partial wig to cover part of his bold head.(B)Young as he still is, he needs to wear a partial wig to cover the baldness on part of his head.(C)Though he is not old at all, it is necessary for him to wear a small hairpiece to cover his partial baldness.(D)Despite of his age, he actually needs to wear a partial hairpiec to conceal his baldness on part of he head.13.语言反映了文化,在美国英语中大量的具有贬义的与种族有关的词汇表明美国仍然存在着民族、种族间的紧张关系。
(A)Language corresponds to culture, the existence of a great deal of expressions that carries some derogatory sense and racial descrimination indicates there still is a tense relationship between nationalities and racial groups.(B)Language and culture are closed connected.There still exists a visible tension among different natianalities and ethnic races in the USA, which is shown in the present day American English.(C)Language reflects culture.The fact that there still exist a lot of words with derogotory meanings regarding ethnics and races shows that Ameirica still has very tense relations between nationalities and ethnic groups.(D)Culture is reflected in language, and the large number of pejorative ethnic terms in American English shows that the United States still suffers from ethnic and racial tensions.14.根据提出这条法律的韩国裔参议员保罗•申所说,该项法律得以通过,是因为“东方人”是个带贬损味道的专用词,是得罪人的。
(A)In conformity with this law, the state senator Paul Shin, a Korean-decsendant said that the passing of this article is due to the fact that “Oriantal” is a nomencriture that borders on desparaging and offending sense.(B)According to the law's sponsor, Korean-American state senator Paul Shin, the law was passed because the term “Oriental” is “pejorative terminology” and “offensive.”
(C)That’s because the term “eastern people” that carries an uncomplimentory sense that the passing of this article became facile.(D)In accord with this item of law, which the Korean-offspring senatoe Paul Shen who prososed, remarked that this term of Esatman is rather offending and derogtory which created the smooth passing of the act of law.15.他从伟大哲人的著作中寻求启迪。
(A)He seeks illumination from the works of great philosophers.(B)He has found great enlightment in the philosopical works of those sages.(C)On his part the awakening ideas are all got from those great oracles.(D)It is in the great works of pholosophers that he tries to explore edification.16.他是我唯一能想到的慈善家,把自己的钱财送人绝不附带任何条件。
(A)This is the only charitarian who comes into my mind who give others his money and property without any contitions.(B)He is the only philanthropist I can think of who gave away his fortune with absolutely no strings binding its use.(C)I can only find in my memory one kind and charitable personage with absolute no binding contitions when giving out his pelf.(D)Giving away one’s own wealth to others without any requirements, he is the single philanthropist I can think of.17.动物学教授的职位空缺,已登广告徵聘。
There is a vacancy for the professorship in Zoology and it is advatised already.(B)The professorship of zoology is vacant and has been advertised.(C)The vacancy of professorship in zooloty is already advirtized its retaining.(D)There has already been advertised the vacancy of a zoology prefessorship.18.要塞的外围工事的入口十分狭窄。
(A)The outer works of the stronghold has a very narrow entrance.(B)The peripheral works of the fortification has a very narrow entrance.(C)The fortress leads to its outside words with a small ingress.(D)There is a narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification 19.这位植物学家对白木树,如美国鹅掌揪、椴、三角叶杨等各种落叶树都很有研究。
This botanist has made great contributions to the research of many hardwood trees for example ameirican liriodendron, basswood, cottonwood.(B)
This botanist made a good study of many of various deciduous trees such as the tulip tree, basswood, or cottonwood
(C)The botanist specialises in endospermum medullosum such as Liriodendron
basswood, or cottonwood.(D)The botanist’s achivements concentrate on the research in endospermum medullosum, such as Ameirican tulip tree, basswood and cottonwood.20.全区没有发生过大的环境污染事故,主要江河湖泊大多仍处于原生状态。
There is no major enrironmental pollution ever found in the whole area, and the most of the lakes and rivers are still in an original state.(B)There has never occurred any serious acciden of environmental pollution, and the rivers and lakes are still in a state of primitive raw condition.(C)No major environmental pollution accident has occurred in this area, and most of its major rivers and lakes are still kept in a primordial state.(D)The whole area has not exprenced any serious poluttion.And the major lakes and virvers are still in a state of unspoiled nature.英译汉: 21.It is a good horse that never stumbles and a good wife that never grumbles.A.再好的马也会失蹄,再贤惠的妻子也会抱怨的。B.好马不失蹄,贤妻不抱怨。
22.Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his short-coming, and more serious faults.A.有头脑的人谁也不会指望广告里说的都是真的,以及申请工作的人回说出自己的缺点和严重过失。
23.A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.A.没有爱的家不成其为家,正如没有灵魂的躯体不成其为人一样。B.没有爱的家就如同没有灵魂的躯体不是人一样不是家。
24.The study found that non-smoking wives of men who smoke cigarettes face a much greater than normal danger of developing lung cancer.The more cigarettes smoked by the husband, the greater the threat faced by his non-smoking wife.A.这项研究发现抽烟男子的不抽烟妻子患肺癌的危险比一般人大得多。丈夫烟抽得越多,其不抽烟妻子面临的威胁越大。
25.In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength.It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.A.在自由的国家里各种互相矛盾的意见总会存在,这正是力量的源泉。使自由保持活力的是矛盾,而不是无原则的随声附和。
26.The learned think themselves superior to the common herd._______ A)有学问的人认为他们比普通群众高明。B)知识分子认为他们比普通人要好一些。C)学者认为他们自己是人类的主人。
27.Unlimited liability means that each partner is responsible for all debts and legal responsibilities in connection with the business._______ A)无限责任就是指每个合伙人负担全部的债务,法律责任由企业承担。
D)无限责任就意味着每个合伙人都要承担与企业有关的所有的债务和法律责任。28.He has a large collection of books, many of which are written in English._______ A)他大量收藏图书,很多是用英文写的。B)他收藏了大量的英文书籍。
29.We shall appreciate it if you will arrange shipment by a direct steamer to London._______ A)假如你方安排船直接去伦敦,我们将不胜感激。B)请你方安排直达船装运到伦敦。
30.Our teacher is very busy, for she often gets caught up in everyday things.____________
31.We do not necessarily grow wiser as we grow older._______ A)当我们长大后,没必要变得更聪明了。
32.When the above goods are available for export, please let us know by cable._______ A)当上述货物生产出口的话,请发传真给我们。
33.University students are different from middle school students in that they try to learn by themselves._______ A)大学生不同于中学生在于他们努力独立学习。B)大学生不同于中学生在于他们努力靠自己学习。C)大学生与中学生不同,因为他们努力独立学习。
34.One should always keep in mind the old truth “First impressions are lasting”._______ A)人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“先入为主”。B)人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语——“先入为主”。C)人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语——“一见钟情”。D)人们应当经常记住“先见持久”这个古老的法则。
35.There is no point in sending a card, so we had better send a greeting telegram._______ A)寄贺卡是没有作用的,所以我们最好是发一个贺电。B)没有必要送贺卡,我们最好是送份礼物。C)没人同意送贺卡,所以我们发了一个贺电。
36.As a result of the bad weather, I had to stay at home all morning._______ A)作为坏天气的结果,昨天我有整个上午在家里停留。B)由于天气恶劣,昨天我只有在家里待了一上午。C)由于天气很不好,我昨天在家里停留了一个上午。
D)作为天气不好的结果,我昨天只好整个上午留在家里。37.Young as he was, he was equal to the task._______ A)像他那么年轻是能够胜任这项任务的。B)像他那么年轻的人是适合干这项工作的。C)虽然他很年轻,但他适合干这项工作。D)尽管他还年轻,但他能胜任这项工作。
38.Is there a lower limit for the foreign party in the registered capital? _______ A)在计算资金时,对外国投资者的投资有没有限制? B)在注册资金中,对外国投资方的投资有没有底限?
C)在注册资金中,对国外合资方的投资比例有没有什么下限? D)在合作资金方面,对国外合资者有一个较低的限制吗?
39.Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mother’s years of education._______
40.There is a health food restaurant in this hotel as well, and it’s a full house every evening._______ A)这个饭店也有提供健康食物的餐厅,每天晚上都堆满了各种健康食物。B)这个饭店的餐厅有很好的健康食物,并且每天晚上最丰富。C)这个饭店也有专门的食疗餐厅,每天晚上都是客满的。
41.His pleasant personality is derived from his good humor and understanding._______ A)由于他性情好又富于同情心,所以他招人喜爱。B)他性格好,这是因为他心情好并且通情达理的缘故。C)他良好的个性源自于他良好的性情和理解力。D)他心情愉快,通情达理,所以性格开朗。
42.This exam is not that important.Don’t take it to heart._______ A)这次考试不那么重要,别往心里去。
43.Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”._______ A)如果从太空中看地球的话,地球像一个蓝色的行星,而且地球的表面70%都是水。B)地球表面的70%都被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像一颗蓝色的行星。
44.He showed how stubborn he was by doing it in his own way and refusing to listen to advice._______ A)他通过自行其事来显示他是多么顽固不化,并且他还拒绝听取别人的忠告。B)他拒绝听取别人的劝告,只照自己的方式去做这件事,表现得很顽固。C)他拒绝别人的忠告,并以自己的方式行事,以此来显示他的顽固。D)他按自己的方式来做这件事,以此来表现自己的顽固和拒听忠告。
45.It is in view of our standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer._______ A)由于我们双方标准的贸易关系,我方才向你方作出如此报盘。
B)考虑到我们双方停止不前的商贸关系,我方才向你方给出如此报盘。C)正是由于我们双方固定的商贸关系,我方才向你方给出如此还盘。D)正是鉴于我们双方长期的贸易关系,我方才向你方作出如此还盘。46.We are here today and gone tomorrow.(A)人生朝露。
47.John is tall like I am the Queen of Sheba.(A)约翰个子高,就像我是希芭女王。
(B)假如约翰个头算高的话,那我就是西巴皇后了。(C)要说约翰个头高,那可没那回事。(D)约翰个不高,正如我不富。48.This explanation is pretty thin.(A)
49.He went inside alone to wet his whistle.(A)
50.)Five scores is like a day that has just gone by flight, and one thousand years the passing clouds in your sight.(A)日子一天天过去,稍纵即逝,一千年也就像眼前的浮云一样很快地飘过去了。(B)百年飞度快如梭,千年恰似浮云过。
A. 英译汉:从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的词语或词组填空。
1.原文:I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.译文:我对太太撒了个______c________,称赞她穿上新衣好看极了。A.白色的谎言
B.不会造成伤害的谎言 C.善意的小谎
2.原文:Dr.Lee is a very famous scientist but literature is all Greek to him.译文:李博士是位著名的科学家,____b__________________。A.但文学对他来说就像希腊语一样 B.但对文学却一窍不通 C.但对文学却没有一点兴趣
3.原文:Alex is the black sheep of the family.译文:亚力克斯是________a______。A.不肖之子 B.家里的黑羊 C.家里的害群之马
4.原文:Jack has had five jobs within three years!A rolling stone gathers no moss.译文:杰克在三年内换了五份工作!_______a________________________。A.这样浮游不定,难成大器 B.真是水往高处流啊
C.这样便不会对同一工作产生厌倦或惰性了 5.原文:English is going to the dogs.译文:________________c________。A.越来越多的英国人开始养狗 B.英语变得更加生机勃勃 C.英语开始衰败倒退了
B. 汉译英:从下列词组中选择一个恰当的词组完成翻译句子填空(注意:选项多于句子;只需在答题卡上填写正确词组的编号)。
a.A Chinese puzzle;b.Achilles’s heel;c.add salt to the wound;d.bite off more than one can chew;e.born in the purple;f.build castles in Spain;g.catch somebody red-handed;h.cry wolf;i.face the music;j.go west;k.hot potato;l.make bricks without straw;m.milk the bull;n.take the bull by the horns;o.the apple of one’s eye 1.原文:他生于贵族之家,所以自幼所受的教育,有异于常人。
译文:He has not been raised like an ordinary child for he was _____________________.2.原文:警察遇到突发事件时,必须当机立断。
译文:A policeman must ___________________ when he meets a crisis.3.原文:彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。
译文:Peter should have a good chance of winning but his _____________ is his carelessness.4.原文:埃里克尝试做不可能的事;他竟想做一种无本放债的生意!
译文:Eric tried to ________________;he tried to start a money-lending business with no money!5.原文:劳拉在期末考试中作弊被当场揭发,必须接受处分。译文:Laura was caught cheating in the final examination and had to ________________.6.原文:吉米获悉自己测验不及格,已经十分沮丧了,你不应火上浇油,还去取笑他。
译文:Jimmy is already very upset now he knows that he has failed the test.You should not __________ by teasing him.7.原文:在昨天的教师会议中,校长提出了一个棘手的问题:我们该用英语还是汉语教学呢? 译文:In yesterday’s staff meeting, the headmaster passed around ____________: should we use Chinese or English as the medium of instruction? 8.原文:你升职无望了。
译文:Your chance of promotion __________________.9.原文:这数学测验极为深奥,看来我不会及格了。
译文:This Maths exam is _____________ to me!I don’t think I am going to pass.10.原文:我劝你不要好高骛远,放弃参加选美比赛吧。
译文:I advise you not to join the beauty contest.Don’t ____________________________.II.句子翻译:从A、B、C三个选项中选出与原句对应的最佳译文。(每小题2分,40分)A. 英译汉
1.Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices.A.最起码我们该带着明确的、分类的目的去阅读不同的书籍。记录书告诉我们事实,诗使我们感性,地理类书籍使我们理性,历史书更正我们自己的偏见。
2.The group factor also influences crowd behaviour through the security which an individual feels when he is part of the mass.aA.当一个人与一群人融为一体时,他就会有一种安全感。群体因素也就是通过这种安全感来影响人群行为的。
3.You were born to run.And we were born to help you do it better.You’ll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes.Adidas, the all sports people.A.你生来就是要奔跑的。而我们生来就是要帮助你把它做得更好。你可以在任何聪明的爱做运动的人买鞋的地方找到我们。阿迪达斯,为了所有热爱运动的人。
4.He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.A.他抬起悲哀的双眼望向幽蓝深邃的天空。夜空像一个清澈静谧的大湖,星星像一朵朵百合花漂在湖面。
5.For the best part of twenty years, Alan Greenspan has been a symbol of the stupidity of ageism.aA.在过去20年的大部分时间里,艾伦·格林斯潘代表了一种形象,他不断证明了“人老不中用”的说法是多么愚蠢。
6.I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.A.在我过度劳累的时候,长时间没有间隙的工作之后,当我暂时感到饥肠辘辘而需要补充能量之时,我的孤独感才会产生。
7.Of course it is out of the question to expect that we could achieve complete success in this week.A.显然期待我们在本周内取得完全成功是不成问题的。
C.当然目前还不是考虑在本周内取得完全成功这个问题的时候。8.It’s widely known in a small circle that I make a mean tomato sauce.aA.在我的社交圈里,我以会做番茄酱而出名。
C.在我的社交圈里大家都知道我做的番茄酱很一般。9.I knew that I had undergone a sea change.A.我知道我身上发生了沧海桑田般的变化。
10.Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.A.传统意义上,法律学习一直被这些学校当作是培养律师的专门学科,而不是教育一个人必需的一部分知识。
A.From ancient time to now, all the people who have prestige treat their lives by their hearts.As long as he lives, he will make full strength to work more and study more.He is unwilling to live without any achievement and waste his time leisurely.bB.All those people of great achievements from ancient times take their lives seriously.As long as they are alive, they always try their best to do more work and learn more knowledge.They never let the time slip through their fingers.C.From the old times, people who held big success treated their lives seriously.When he was living a day, he might try his best to work, to study as much as possible.He did not obey himself to waste his life, his living time.He can not obey the timeis slipping.2.小草微微笑,请您走便道。
A.Little grass is smiling slightly.Please walk on the pavement.B.Little grass says smilingly: “Walk on the pavement, please.” cC.Please keep off the grass.3.今天,难得雾是这么稀薄,空中融融地混合着金黄的阳光,把地上的一切,好像也罩上一层欢笑的颜色。
A.Today, the fog was wonderfully thin, which was slightly mixed with golden sunshine that cloaked everything on the ground with a happy color.B.Today, the fog was so thin that it was somehow mixed with golden sunlight, looking as if everything on the ground were covered by a layer of joyful hue.cC.Today, however, the fog was wonderfully thin and the air was filtered through with golden sunlight that tinted everything on the ground with a joyful hue.4.精神文明建设取得新成果。
A.New achievements have been made in the construction of ideological civilization.B.New achievements have been made in the social construction of spiritual civilization.cC.Further progress has been made in the enhancement of the social construction of ideological infrastructure.5.人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或她的优点。
A.Human beings are interesting.When it is the first time you meet a person, you only notice his or her merits.bB.Human beings are interesting in that when they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance.C.Human beings are interesting in that when they get into contact with someone what they first see is often his or her good points only.6.一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。aA.All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears.B.At the very moment the sad feeling of having been abandoned by everybody and forgotten by the world struck my heart, I couldn’t help crying bitterly.C.At that moment, feeling that I had been abandoned and left behind all alone, I couldn’t help bursting into tears.7.首先,抓住有利时机,创造条件,寻求更快更好的发展。
A.First, seize the favorable opportunity and actively create conditions to seek a faster and better speed.bB.First, seize the opportunity to create conditions for faster and better development.C.First, seize the favorable opportunity, then create conditions, and then seek for faster and better development.8.我们必须密切关注严重损害人民健康的疾病的防治。
A.We must watch closely to prevent and treat diseases that seriously harm people’s health.B.We must pay close attention to the prevention and treatment of serious diseases seriously harming people’s health.cC.We must do all we can to prevent and treat serious diseases.9.我们大为惊奇的是,那幢经受强烈的地震而幸存下来的唯一的建筑物竟是砖木结构的。
aA.To our great surprise, the only building that survived the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure.B.To our great surprise, the only building that fortunately existed after the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure.C.To our great surprise, the only building that survived after the violent earthquake should be one of brick and wood structure.10.在我们这个时代,任何人想要在社会上起作用,就必须接受必要的教育。
A.In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must receive substantial education.bB.In our times, substantial education is indispensable for anyone to play his role in society.C.In our times, anyone who wants to play his role in society must receive necessary education.III.短文翻译:下面的英语/汉语短文后附有汉语/英语译文,该汉语/英语译文共分为15个句子,分别用阿拉伯数字1,2,3,4,5等标出。这些汉语/英语句子的逻辑顺序混乱,请将它们调整为符合逻辑顺序的语篇。(每小题15分,30分)A.英译汉
The English Source Text:
This is the frost coming out of the ground;this is spring.It precedes the green and flowery spring, as mythology precedes regular poetry.I know of nothing more purgative of winter fumes and indigestions.It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side.Fresh curls spring from the baldest brow.There is nothing inorganic.These foliaceous heaps lie along the bank like the slag of a furnace, showing that Nature is “in full blast” within.The earth is not a mere fragment of dead history, stratum upon stratum like the leaves of a book, to be studied by geologists and antiquaries chiefly, but living poetry like the leaves of a tree, which precede flowers and fruit,----not a fossil earth, but a living earth;compared with whose great central life all animal and vegetable life is merely parasitic.Its throes will heave our exuviae from their graves.You may melt your metals and cast them into the most beautiful moulds you can;they will never excite me like the forms which this molten earth flows out into.And not only it, but the institutions upon it are plastic like clay in the hands of the potter.Ere long, not only on these banks, but on every hill and plain and in every hollow, the frost comes out of the ground like a dormant quadruped from its burrow, and seeks the sea with music, or migrates to other climes in clouds.Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.The one melts, the other but breaks in pieces.The Chinese Target Text:
1万物都是有生命的。2不仅是它,地球上的制度也是可塑的,和陶工手中的泥土一样。3一切动植物的生命,就像寄生虫一样依附在这个伟大的中心上。4温柔的解冻之神,比挥动铁锤的雷神托尔更有力量。5霜冻爬出大地就是春天。6我不知道,还 有什么可以清除掉冬天的雾霭。7这些叶状物堆在堤岸两旁,就像熔炉的炉渣,说明自然之火正在“熊熊燃烧”。8它使我坚信,大地还是一个婴儿,手指向四周伸展,光秃秃的额头上长出了新的卷发,9它的阵痛把我们的残骸从坟墓中抛出。10大地并非是逝去的历史中的一个片段,它就像一页页书叠在一起,等待地质学家和考古学家去研究,11它总是先于芳草生长,鲜花盛开的春天还没有来临时,它就表现了出来,正如神话先于有规则的诗歌出现一样。12你可以融化金属,做出各种美丽的图案,但是不能像这熔化的地球形成的形态更令我激动。13它是充满生机的诗歌,如同树叶,先于花朵和果实----这并非一个化石的地球,而是一个生机盎然的地球,14一个是融化,一个是打碎。15不多久,不仅在湖岸上,每座小山、每片平原、每个洼地,霜冻就像冬眠的野兽一样从地里爬出来,寻找着音乐之海,或者迁徙到云中别的地方去,B.汉译英
The Chinese Source Text: 少时留居家乡,当春雨像鹅毛般落着的时候,登楼眺望,远处的山色被一片烟雨笼住,村落恍惚,若有若无,雨中的原野新鲜而又幽静,使人不易忘怀!尤其可爱的是夜间。不知哪一年春天,我和两个同伴,摇着小船到十里外一个镇上看社戏,完场已是午夜,归途遇雨,船在荷塘中缓缓前进,灯火暗到辨不出人面,船身擦着河岸新生的茅草,发出沙沙的声音。雨打乌篷,悠扬疾徐,如听音乐,如闻节拍,和着同伴们土著的歌谣,“河桥风雨夜推篷”,真够使人神往。这几年投荒到都市,每值淫雨,听着滞涩枯燥的调子,回念故乡景色,觉得连雨声也变了。人事的变迁,更何待说呢!
The English Target Text: The rain beating on the awning gave off a pleasant sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence.2 It was truly fascinating.3 One spring, together with two companions, I rowed a small boat to a townlet ten li away to see a village opera.4 The wet open country was fresh and serene.5 I would go upstairs to take a distant look.6 The villages were now visible, now invisible.7 And the rainy evening was even more lovely.8 The boat made its way slowly and our faces were hardly distinguishable by the dim light of the lantern.9 My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song In a Boat by a Bridge on a Rainy Night.10 I’ll never forget the days when I enjoyed the spring rain in my native place as a small child.11 At midnight, after the performance was over, we got caught in a rain on the way home.12 The faraway mountains were veiled in a misty rain.13 Rustles were heard as the boat rubbed its body against the newly grown green grass by the river bank.14 O even the sound of rain has changed, to say nothing of the affairs of human life!15 In recent years, living, as I do, in a big city remote from my old home, I invariably feel homesick listening to the harsh, monotonous drip, drip, drip of the rain.
01)She knew no more shorthand than if she had been a graduate in stenography just let slip upon the world by a business college.(A)她并不太精通速记,就像是刚刚走出商学院速记专业的毕业学生,来闯荡世界。(B)她的速记法丝毫不逊色于商业大学的速记毕业生——世面上只认他们。(C)她粗通速记,水平相当于刚从商学院速记专业的毕业生,刚刚踏上社会。(D)她的速记水平很好,即使她是一个刚刚从商学院毕业的速记专业的学生,也不过如此了。(E)她并不懂得很多速记知识,她比不上从商学院速记专业毕业的学生。02)Alopecia may also occur in syphilis, thyroid disease, and iron deficiency.(A)秃头症也许会和梅毒、甲状腺疾病和缺铁症有关。(B)体内缺铁、盾状疾病、以及花柳病都会引发斑秃。(C)梅毒、甲状腺疾病和铁缺乏症也可引起脱发。(D)患有梅毒、甲状腺和缺铁等病症者也会有脱发。(E)秃头症会和梅毒、甲状腺疾病以及缺铁症同时发生。
03)Here is an example of immunofluorescence positivity for anti-thyroglobulin antibody.(A)这个病例显示了抗甲状腺球蛋白的萤光免疫检验为阳性。(B)这是抗甲状腺球蛋白免疫荧光法阳性的病例。
04)If I could handle a cue stick like Billy Morales, I'd become a pool hustler.(A)如果我能像比利.莫拉雷斯那样摆弄球杆,我能够成为台球高手。(B)我要是能像比利.摩拉莱斯那样操控球杆,我早就成了撞球赌客了。
(C)假如我耍球杆像比利.莫拉赖斯那么利索,我肯定成了靠打台球的骗子手了。(D)只要我能像比利.莫拉雷斯那样玩弄球杆,我铁定靠打台球混钱。(E)要是我能够像比利莫拉尔那样耍弄球杆,我早就成为台球专业户喽。05)The hurricane hit Florida in July.(A)七月中,佛罗里达州惨遭风暴蹂躏。(B)佛罗里达州七月遭到飓风袭击。(C)飓风在七月份袭击了佛罗里达州。(D)飓风袭击佛罗里达州是在七月中。(E)袭击福罗里达州的暴风是七月形成的。06)We should stand by on a hurricane alert.(A)接到飓风警报,我们应当多加戒备。(B)得到暴风雨警报后,我们不应该慌乱。(C)既然是大风暴预警,我们应该停止前进。(D)在暴风雨警戒期间我们应该坚定不移。(E)得到飓风预警后,不得盲目行事。
07)We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.(A)我们必须做好事而不做坏事,而不论其规模是多么微不足道。(B)勿因善小而不为,勿因恶小而为之。
08)She smiled him into a good humor.(A)她对他微笑使他情绪好转。
09)Five thousand jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.(A)有五千个就业机会被砍掉了,其原因是政府开支的削减。(B)因为行政经费压缩,5000人丢了饭碗。
(E)5000个岗位就这样没了,直接原因就是行政单位削减开支。10)The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.(A)盟军的战斗机群轰炸了该国,达几百架次。(B)联军的战机出动了几百架,对该国狂轰滥炸。(C)盟军数以百计的战机轰炸了那片土地。(D)联军的机群从空中轰炸乡村时有成百架。
(E)联合国军队的战机轰炸了其乡村地区,出动的飞机有上百架。11)He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement.(A)他说他的计划有其好处,那就是容易实行。(B)他说他计划的优点在于最容易实施。(C)他表示他的计划有其容易执行的优势。(D)他说他的计划的长处是简单易行。(E)他说其计划便于实施。
12)Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence.(A)忠告如适时,定需多睿智。
13)When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be.(A)只要有心促团结,便有可能不分裂。
14)The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police.(A)找警方来现场时那孩子表现得格外积极。(B)那孩子表现得很积极,主动去找警察。(C)那儿童极为主动地把警察找来。
15)She likes to pick up some interesting junk in junk shops.(A)她这人就喜欢在旧货市场淘宝。
16)He's seen my face.We can't let him live.If hi finds out about this, we're finished.He must die.(A)他看到过我的相貌,我们不可留他活着,如果他发现了这事儿,我们就玩完。所以他必须死。
17)Nothing...it means nothing.Call it a modest gentle man's agreement to ensure our continued relationship.(A)没,没什么意思。这只是个君子协议罢了,来确保两国关系能继续发展下去。
(E)没事儿,一点没问题。你可以叫做一个朴实的君子协定,确保我们的关系能够延续。18)Yes.Preferably with something...painful.Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks.(A)对,最好用点痛苦的办法。必须证明给我看这的确不是你们又一次玩弄什么鬼把戏。(B)是啊,最好来点什么„„伤筋动骨的东西。给我证明一下这该不是你们耍的又一个伎俩吧?
19)These were the meetings that engineered my “resignation” on ground of “advancing age and deteriorating health.”
20)You won't give up the bridge.I don't care if you lost half your men.Lose the other half.Lose yourself.(A)你决不能放弃这座桥梁。你的部下是否伤亡过半,我可管不着。用完另一半吧。你自己也得杀身成仁。
(E)这座大桥你不得失守。无论你的士兵是否伤亡过半,再用完另一半吧,你自己也得与桥共存亡。21)Born into a peasant family, he worked as a shepherd and a locksmith before he began to work actively in the Communist Party.(A)早年出生农户家,修过锁来放过羊,随后参加共产党,积极奋斗为理想。(B)出生农民家庭的他,在参加共产党之前做过放羊倌和锁匠。
(E)他的家庭出身是农民,在参加共产党并开始积极工作之前,当过羊倌,做过锁匠。22)Demand? You mean it wasn't just a request? What's it to us if the regime is threatened by the colonel and his faction?
(E)要求?意思是这不是个请求?如果该政权受到上校和他的派系的威胁,我们会怎么样? 23)He wanted a resolution to the contest over Berlin, yet he chose the most dangerous possible way to force one: via nuclear confrontation in Cuba.(A)在有关柏林的竞争问题上,他想有个解决方案,但是他选择可能是最危险的方式来强行取得:通过在古巴的核对抗。
24)This is a fine kettle of fish!(A)这事给弄得一团糟!(B)壶里煮鱼倒不出。(C)这是一壶好鱼!(D)你真是一塌糊涂!(E)肚里有货说不出。(F)瞧这事儿给弄的!
25)The pot calls the kettle black.(A)罐子说壶黑。(B)真是难兄难弟。(C)五十步笑百步。
26)That’s a different kettle of fish.(A)那是另外一锅鱼。(B)那得另当别论。
27)As dusk falls, kerosene stoves ignite in the poorer kitchens of Delhi.(A)夜色茫茫,德里穷人家厨房,煤油灯已经点亮。(B)黄昏时分,德里贫苦人家的厨房里点起了煤油炉。
28)They are also employed to determine the density of gasoline, Kerosene, vegetable oil and petroleum ether.(A)这些物体还用来测定汽油、煤油、植物油以及石油醚的密度。
(E)在测量汽油、煤油、植物油、石油醚质量密度时可以使用这些添加剂。29)Hill and woods diversify the landscape.(A)山峦丛林,美景叠嶂。
30)Courtesy is the lubricant which oils the wheels of business.(A)礼仪是商务活动的润滑剂。(B)礼貌是商务巨轮的润滑油。
31)Amniotic fluid acts as a lubricant at the birth of the baby.(A)羊水只在婴儿出生时作为润滑剂之用。(B)羊膜液在婴儿出生时起到润滑作用。
32)Skin lubricating strip secretes lubricant when wet, reducing friction thus making a better shaving effect.(A)润肤条呀顶呱呱 遇水即刻变超滑;用时舒适少摩擦,确保剃须效奇佳。(B)减少摩擦,要靠润肤滑条;舒适剃须,刀得精心打造。(C)润肤滑条遇水分泌润滑剂,剃须时减少摩擦,效果极佳。
(D)超爽皮肤润条,见水泌液润滑,有效减少摩擦,剃须效果更佳。(E)刀崁润肤条,遇水摩擦小,剃须见奇效,感觉多逍遥。(F)皮肤润滑条,湿后就滑了,剃须减摩擦,效果呱呱叫。33)It was an angelic soprano singing the lullaby,which mom sang to the new-born baby.I got up, unaware of where the voice came.(A)天使女高音,摇篮催眠吟,歌者是娘亲,听来好温馨。醒后忙坐起,不知何处寻。(B)那是一种母亲唱给新生儿听的天使般的女高音,我坐将起来,却不知声音来的方向。(C)这是一个宛如天使般的女高音,唱得美妙动听,就像是母亲唱给摇篮中新生儿听的。我坐起后,不知歌声来自何方。
34)Apollo 17, the last manned lunar flight, returned to Earth on the same day today in 1972.(A)阿波罗17号完成了最后的有人驾驶登月飞行后回到了地球,时间是1972年的今日。(B)72年的同一天,阿波罗17号作为最后一架人工操纵的月球飞船返回了地球。
(C)在最近的一次载人飞行访问月球后,阿波罗17号回到地球的日子是72年的今天。(D)1972年的今日,阿波罗17号返回了地球,完成了最后一次载人的月球飞行。(E)1972年的今天,阿波罗17号完成了最后一次载人的月球之旅,返回了地球。35)When he became interested in model airplanes he went the whole hog.(A)他对模型飞机感兴趣之后就全力以赴了。(B)当他对航模感兴趣以后,就完全沉浸在里面。
(C)他对模型飞机发生兴趣后,就全身心地投入进去了。(D)他一旦喜欢上了航空模型飞机,就一门心思专研起来。(E)他喜欢模型飞机后,就决定从头学起。36)I want to find him his ultimate woman.(A)俺想给他找个最好的媳妇。(B)我想帮他找到最终归宿。”(C)我想替他找到他最终的女人。(D)我想给他找个终极版的女子。(E)我想给他找个女中豪杰。(F)我想让他找到最中意的极品。
37)Are Vampires the ultimate sex symbols?(A)V字特工队是最终的性象征吗?(B)吸血鬼是最能代表性的象征吗?(C)难道吸血虫是性的象徵?
(E)吸血鬼能不能确定为性别的象征呢? 38)The octopus is the ultimate softie.(A)章鱼其实是最愚蠢的了。(B)章鱼的身体最柔软不过了。(C)章鱼的性情非常温和。(D)章鱼顶不开窍。
39)The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!(A)这一事件理所当然地称为是国王间谍活动的独一无二的史诗。(B)可以毫不夸张地说,这一事件是皇家间谍活动成功的辉煌案例。(C)将这一事件称作皇室参与间谍活动的特别典范,并不为过。
40)It is hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilized than before.(A)在到了新的岗位之后,她的天赋将会比从前发挥得更佳。
41)The thief ran off down the road, so I chased him for all I was worth.(A)有贼逃,顺路跑;我追他,没用巧;吃奶劲,全用掉。(B)见贼夺路而逃,我便奋力猛追。
42)Hurricane Dean has lost some of its punch as it crosses the Yucatan Peninsula.(A)代号是“院长”的飓风逐渐减弱了风势,穿过了尤卡坦半岛。(B)代号为“笛音”的飓风在穿越尤卡坦半岛时其风速有所降低。(C)在通过尤卡坦半岛时,飓风“迪恩”的猛烈程度有所减缓。(D)飓风“狄恩”在经过尤卡坦半岛后风势减弱。(E)尤卡坦半岛让飓风在通过其境时减弱了风势。43)Phoebe announces four programs a week.(A)翡璧每周播音四次。
44)According to this theory, all geologic phenomena may be explained as the result of existing forces having operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present time.(A)该理论认为:一切地质现象均可解释为现存各力之和而产生的结果,从地球起源直至今日都如此运作。
45)What we saw was a green radioactive mineral that is a hydrous crystalline phosphate of uranium and copper.(A)我们见到的是一种绿色的放射性矿物质,那是一种水晶般透明的铀铜磷酸盐。(B)我们看到的是一块带有放射性的绿色矿石,是酷似水晶的铜铀云母。
46)This is what has been frequently referred to as “doublespeak” or “public lying”.(A)这种话通常被认为是“夸张而含糊”或“欺骗公众”的。(B)这就是人们时常提及的“欺人之谈”或“公众谎言”。(C)这种话常常被认为是“故弄玄虚”或“当众撒谎”。(D)这就是通常所谓的“玄虚言辞”或“信口雌黄”。(E)这种话人们经常称之为“巧言令色”,或者“公开说谎”。(F)这种说法常被说成是“言不由衷”,“胡说八道”。47)Two’s company, three’s a crowd.(A)两人成伴,三人添乱。(B)两人结成伴,三人不欢散。(C)俩结好友,仨易成仇。
48)Somebody has a crush on you, huh?(A)有人揍你了,对吧?(B)你让别人压死你,是吗?(C)你把别人拖下水了,没错吧?(D)有人爱上你了,哈哈?(E)你挨别人揍了吧,啊?(F)你在单相思吗,嗯? 49)You slimy little creep!(A)你这个无耻的奴才!(B)你这个小臭虫!
50)Love seems to creep up on you.(A)肩并肩,走一走;手牵手,看不够。(B)爱情似乎在悄悄降临。
51)In this chapel, which has a nave and two aisles, there lies the tomb of a genius: Leonardo da Vinci.(A)在这个拥有小广场和回廊的礼拜堂里,安葬着一位天才——来昂那多?达?芬奇。(B)在这个小教堂里,有一个中殿和两排回廊,坐落着一代天才达芬奇之墓。(C)这个小教堂含有中殿和两条回廊,安放着奇才莱昂纳多达芬奇之遗骨。(D)奇才莱昂纳多达芬奇之墓就坐落在这个小礼拜堂之内,里面除了中央大厅以外还有两条席间通道。
52)It permits excision of the entire talus, and the only tarsal joints that it cannot reach are those between the navicular and the second and first cuneiforms.(A)可以切除整个距骨,而唯一达到不了是舟状骨和第二、第一楔状骨之间的关节。