我的一位忘年交,Uncle Wu,是一位一流的功夫高手。一次他给我谈到了功夫高手的训练方式:他们走进一间房子,房子的四周贴着有字的纸,同时有五六个人向他进攻,他需要一边抵御来自四周的进攻,一边把墙上的字读出来。我觉得有趣极了,立刻怂恿他表演一下。
今天的我,依然对2009年12月23日窗边书桌旁的龚芮瑶心怀感激。她对着窗子玻璃中光线反射的自己,向生命发问。她慢慢地听到内心的回应,记录下了51条自己的梦想。它们不算轰轰烈烈,很多都是一直想要尝试却从没做过的一些事,例如种一盆植物、织一条围巾、摆小摊、过一天大学生活、独自旅行、去我的dream school读大学。从写下这一串梦想后,她的生活开始改变。她的目光不再浪费时间紧盯着敌人,心态更加平和,她抬头专注目标,专注梦想。像一位功夫高手那样。
我开始更高效地学习,挤出更多的空闲时间逐一动手去做这些事,并且用博客记录下来。我发现完成这一件件小事是一个特别有意思的过程,给了我太多新鲜的体验。在演唱会现场摆摊卖荧光棒让我第一次对靠双手挣钱有了亲身的感悟;花了一周第一次织围巾,爸爸收到这份我亲手编织的生日礼物时的表情让我体会到为家人付出的值得;在川外的一天模拟大学生活让我对即将到来的大学生活憧憬不已。2010年的夏天,我背上背包,享受着独行的艰难与骄傲。我走进了哈尔滨“东方莫斯科”中西合璧的18世纪东方巴洛克建筑。我骑马飞奔在一望无际的内蒙古草原,心也被草原拓展到无垠。我在西藏膜拜独特的藏传佛教的神灵,被大昭寺门前每天磕1000个长头的虔诚信徒打动。在美国home stay夏令营我体验了美国的风土人情,从home stay爷爷奶奶身上我学会了接受多元文化,从多方面客观地看待事物。法国之行,我不仅拥抱了夜的巴黎,在卢浮宫步入真正的艺术殿堂享受对美的欣赏,而在与母亲走丢后,与无名叔叔相处的短暂时光让我学会了面对困难要冷静勇敢。我在西南边陲古老纯净的丽江白沙古镇,偶然受邀到一位75岁的纳西族老婆婆刘美枝家里做客。她三年来每天邀请各国的陌生游客到她的家里,只是单纯地做客,聊天、喝茶、吃饭,绝不要回报。我对自己进门前对她的将信将疑和戒备感到惭愧,她真诚淳朴的笑容像一缕阳光驱散了十几年来现代社会投射在我心中的那些阴霾——冷漠、怀疑、猜忌、唯利,带我回到纯粹和爱。
现在我的清单上还有最后一条:去我的dream school读大学。为了这个目标,我三年来每时每刻都在做着准备。这个过程中有辛苦,但很快乐很充实。因为我深刻地明白作为梦想,她值得我全力以赴。她在遥远的大洋彼岸,她拥有最先进的教学理念与机制、最棒的教授与同学、最卓越的学术氛围和最精彩的教学生活,我会在那里接受最好的教育——不是学习某项技能、某种专业,而是成长为一个臻于完善的更完美的人。毫无疑问,那间屋子里也会有挑战者,也会有我从没见过的更强大的竞争者或敌人,但是我会像一个真正的功夫高手那样,永远将自己的目光专注于墙上的字,眼光炯炯,紧盯梦想。——因为那才是我进入房间的真正意义。
我的一位忘年交,Uncle Wu,是一位一流的功夫高手。一次他给我谈到了功夫高手的训练方式:他们走进一间房子,房子的四周贴着有字的纸,同时有五六个人向他进攻,他需要一边抵御来自四周的进攻,一边把墙上的字读出来。我觉得有趣极了,立刻怂恿他表演一下。
今天的我,依然对2009年12月23日窗边书桌旁的龚芮瑶心怀感激。她对着窗子玻璃中光线反射的自己,向生命发问。她慢慢地听到内心的回应,记录下了51条自己的梦想。它们不算轰轰烈烈,很多都是一直想要尝试却从没做过的一些事,例如种一盆植物、织一条围巾、摆小摊、过一天大学生活、独自旅行、去我的dream school读大学。从写下这一串梦想后,她的生活开始改变。她的目光不再浪费时间紧盯着敌人,心态更加平和,她抬头专注目标,专注梦想。像一位功夫高手那样。
我开始更高效地学习,挤出更多的空闲时间逐一动手去做这些事,并且用博客记录下来。我发现完成这一件件小事是一个特别有意思的过程,给了我太多新鲜的体验。在演唱会现场摆摊卖荧光棒让我第一次对靠双手挣钱有了亲身的感悟;花了一周第一次织围巾,爸爸收到这份我亲手编织的生日礼物时的表情让我体会到为家人付出的值得;在川外的一天模拟大学生活让我对即将到来的大学生活憧憬不已。2010年的夏天,我背上背包,享受着独行的艰难与骄傲。我走进了哈尔滨“东方莫斯科”中西合璧的18世纪东方巴洛克建筑。我骑马飞奔在一望无际的内蒙古草原,心也被草原拓展到无垠。我在西藏膜拜独特的藏传佛教的神灵,被大昭寺门前每天磕1000个长头的虔诚信徒打动。在美国home stay夏令营我体验了美国的风土人情,从home stay爷爷奶奶身上我学会了接受多元文化,从多方面客观地看待事物。法国之行,我不仅拥抱了夜的巴黎,在卢浮宫步入真正的艺术殿堂享受对美的欣赏,而在与母亲走丢后,与无名叔叔相处的短暂时光让我学会了面对困难要冷静勇敢。我在西南边陲古老纯净的丽江白沙古镇,偶然受邀到一位75岁的纳西族老婆婆刘美枝家里做客。她三年来每天邀请各国的陌生游客到她的家里,只是单纯地做客,聊天、喝茶、吃饭,绝不要回报。我对自己进门前对她的将信将疑和戒备感到惭愧,她真诚淳朴的笑容像一缕阳光驱散了十几年来现代社会投射在我心中的那些阴霾——冷漠、怀疑、猜忌、唯利,带我回到纯粹和爱。
现在我的清单上还有最后一条:去我的dream school读大学。为了这个目标,我三年来每时每刻都在做着准备。这个过程中有辛苦,但很快乐很充实。因为我深刻地明白作为梦想,她值得我全力以赴。她在遥远的大洋彼岸,她拥有最先进的教学理念与机制、最棒的教授与同学、最卓越的学术氛围和最精彩的教学生活,我会在那里接受最好的教育——不是学习某项技能、某种专业,而是成长为一个臻于完善的更完美的人。毫无疑问,那间屋子里也会有挑战者,也会有我从没见过的更强大的竞争者或敌人,但是我会像一个真正的功夫高手那样,永远将自己的目光专注于墙上的字,眼光炯炯,紧盯梦想。——因为那才是我进入房间的真正意义。
我开始更高效地学习,挤出更多的空闲时间逐一动手去做这些事,并且用博客记录下来。我发现完成这一件件小事是一个特别有意思的过程,给了我太多新鲜的体验。在演唱会现场摆摊卖荧光棒让我第一次对靠双手挣钱有了亲身的感悟;花了一周第一次织围巾,爸爸收到这份我亲手编织的生日礼物时的表情让我体会到为家人付出的值得;在川外的一天模拟大学生活让我对即将到来的大学生活憧憬不已。2010年的夏天,我背上背包,享受着独行的艰难与骄傲。我走进了哈尔滨“东方莫斯科”中西合璧的18世纪东方巴洛克建筑。我骑马飞奔在一望无际的内蒙古草原,心也被草原拓展到无垠。我在西藏膜拜独特的藏传佛教的神灵,被大昭寺门前每天磕1000个长头的虔诚信徒打动。在美国home stay夏令营我体验了美国的风土人情,从home stay爷爷奶奶身上我学会了接受多元文化,从多方面客观地看待事物。法国之行,我不仅拥抱了夜的巴黎,在卢浮宫步入真正的艺术殿堂享受对美的欣赏,而在与母亲走丢后,与无名叔叔相处的短暂时光让我学会了面对困难要冷静勇敢。我在西南边陲古老纯净的丽江白沙古镇,偶然受邀到一位75岁的纳西族老婆婆刘美枝家里做客。她三年来每天邀请各国的陌生游客到她的家里,只是单纯地做客,聊天、喝茶、吃饭,绝不要回报。我对自己进门前对她的将信将疑和戒备感到惭愧,她真诚淳朴的笑容像一缕阳光驱散了十几年来现代社会投射在我心中的那些阴霾——冷漠、怀疑、猜忌、唯利,带我回到纯粹和爱。
The efficiency of my learning was greatly enhanced and I was able to squeeze more time to get these tasks fulfilled in a step by step fashion, afterwards embodying all these details in my blog.How intrigued I became by the processes that were done to complete these little tasks, because they brought so many fresh experiences.Vending flashlights at a concert filled me with inspiration of digging gold for the first time;weaving the very first scarf for a week and my dad received it with a bright smile on his birthday, which made me understand the value of contribution to family;experiencing the daily life at SISU in a day put me in mind of the upcoming college life with longing;In the summer of 2010, pulling on my backpack, I enjoyed the tribulation and pride of travelling independently;I embraced the charm of eastern baroque architectures of the 18 century, featuring the happy marriage of the Oriental and the Occidental in “the Oriental Moscow” Harbin;I galloped a horse on the boundless prairie of Inner Mongolia and became broad-minded on its vast grassland;I worshipped the distinctive divinities of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet and touched by these pious followers who kowtowed 1000 times, each day, in front of the
Jokhang Temple;In American Home Stay Summer Camp, I experienced the authentic American customs and beheld the magnificent landscapes.During my stay with grandpa’s and grandma’s over at the camp, I came to welcome culture diversity and perceive things objectively from different perspectives;During a trip to France, not only did I embrace the grandeur of Paris’ night view and have an aesthetic appreciation of the treasures in the true artistic palace of Le Louvre Museum, but I learnt to be brave and calm in facing obstacles during my brief stay with an unknown man after losing my mother in the street.At the tranquil and unalloyed Lijiang Baisha Old Town on the frontier of the Southwest of China, I happened to be invited to a 75-year-old Naxi lady, Liu Meizhi’s, house.Every day of the past three years, she kept inviting strange visitors from all over the world to her house doing nothing more than chit-chatting, sipping tea and dining without a slightest thought of asking for anything in return.A fair share of skepticism and alertness before setting foot in her house brought shame on me.Her sincere and pure similes just like a ray of sunlight, dispelled the haze of indifference, distrust, suspicion and avariciousness, which in modern society, engraved on my mind over the past decade and thus awakened my memories of sheer simplicity and love.现在我的清单上还有最后一条:去我的dream school读大学。为了这个目标,我三年来每时每刻都在做着准备。这个过程中有辛苦,但很快乐很充实。因为我深刻地明白作为梦想,她值得我全力以赴。她在遥远的大洋彼岸,她拥有最先进的教学理念与机制、最棒的教授与同学、最卓越的学术氛围和最精彩的教学生活,我会在那里接受最好的教育——不是学习某项技能、某种专业,而是成长为一个臻于完善的更完美的人。毫无疑问,那间屋子里也会有挑战者,也会有我从没见过的更强大的竞争者或敌人,但是我会像一个真正的功夫高手那样,永远将自己的目光专注于墙上的字,眼光炯炯,紧盯梦想。——因为那才是我进入房间的真正意义。
At present, the last thing remains unfinished on my list, which is to enter into the dream university.In order for me to obtain the resolution to this objective that I’ve been preparing for all this time for 3 years.With toil, the process is still full of joy and contentment, for I deeply understand that it’s always worthwhile to go all out to fulfill your dream.Standing far away at the other side of the Pacific Ocean, she possesses the most advanced teaching concepts and mechanisms, the most outstanding professors and students, the most prodigious scholarly atmosphere as well as the most splendid curricular life.I will be receiving the best education there—not for any particular expertise or profession, but becoming a better person who unceasingly cultivates herself to approach perfection.Undoubtedly, there is going to be challengers in that room, and I may even confront with some unprecedentedly strong competitors or still enemies.However, I will have my radiant eyes staring firmly at these dreams just like a kung fu master, forever fixing his eyes upon the words on the wall, because that’s the real reason why I make my entrances into that room.
By Rhonda Lucas
My parents’ divorce was final.The house had been sold and the day had come to move.Thirty years of the family’s life was now crammed into the garage.The two-by-fours that ran the length of the walls were the only uniformity among the clutter of boxes, furniture, and memories.All was frozen in limbo between the life just passed and the one to come.The sunlight pushing its way through the window splattered against a barricade of boxes.Like a fluorescent river, it streamed down the sides and flooded the cracks of the cold, cement floor.I stood in the doorway between the house and garage and wondered if the sunlight would ever again penetrate the memories packed inside those boxes.For an instant, the cardboard boxes appeared as tombstones, monuments to those memories.The furnace in the corner, with its huge tubular fingers reaching out and disappearing into the wall, was unaware of the futility of trying to warm the empty house.The rhythmical whir of its effort hummed the elegy for the memories boxed in front of me.I closed the door, sat down on the step, and listened reverently.The feeling of loss transformed the bad memories into not-so-bad, the not-so-bad memories into good, and committed the good ones to my mind.Still, I felt as vacant as the house inside.A workbench to my right stood disgustingly empty.Not so much as a nail had been left behind.I noticed, for the first time, what a dull, lifeless green it was.Lacking the disarray of tools that used to cover it, now it seemed as out of place as a bathtub in the kitchen.In fact, as I scanned the room, the only things that did seem to belong were the cobwebs in the corners.A group of boxes had been set aside from the others and stacked in front of the workbench.Scrawled like graffiti on the walls of dilapidated buildings were the words “Salvation Army.” Those words caught my eyes as effectively as a flashing neon sign.They reeked of irony.“Salvation-was a bit too late for this family,” I mumbled sarcastically to myself.The houseful of furniture that had once been so carefully chosen to complement and blend with the color schemes of the various rooms was indiscriminately crammed together against a single wall.The uncoordinated colors combined in turmoil and lashed out in the greyness of the room.I suddenly became aware of the coldness of the garage, but I didn’t want to go back inside the house, so I made my way through the boxes to the couch.I cleared a space to lie down and curled up, covering myself with my jacket.I hoped my father would return soon with the truck so we could empty the garage and leave the cryptic silence of parting lives behind.(选自Patterns: A Short Prose Reader, by Mary Lou Conlin, published by Houghton Mifflin, 1983.)
第五篇:毕业设计英文 翻译(原文)
专 业: 电子信息工程
学生姓名: xx 学 号: xxxxxxxxxxxxx 指导教师单位:桂林电子科技大学 姓 名: xxxx
职 称: xx
Timing on and off power supply uses
The switching power supply products are widely used in industrial automation and control, military equipment,scientific
lighting,industrial medical equipment,communications
equipment,instrumentation, equipment, semiconductor cooling and heating, air purifiers, electronic refrigerator, LCD monitor, LED lighting, communications equipment, audio-visual products, security, computer chassis, digital products and equipment and other fields.Introduction
With the rapid development of power electronics technology, power electronics equipment and people's work, the relationship of life become increasingly close, and electronic equipment without reliable power, into the 1980s, computer power and the full realization of the switching power supply, the first to complete the computer Power new generation to enter the switching power supply in the 1990s have entered into a variety of electronic, electrical devices, program-controlled switchboards, communications, electronic testing equipment power control equipment, power supply, etc.have been widely used in switching power supply, but also to promote the rapid development of the switching power supply technology.Switching power supply is the use of modern power electronics technology to control the ratio of the switching transistor to turn on and off to maintain a stable output voltage power supply, switching power supply is generally controlled by pulse width modulation(PWM)ICs and switching devices(MOSFET, BJT)composition.Switching power supply and linear power compared to both the cost and growth with the increase of output power, but the two different growth rates.A power point, linear power supply costs, but higher than the switching power supply.With the development of power electronics technology and innovation, making the switching power supply technology to continue to innovate, the turning points of this cost is increasingly move to the low output power side, the switching power supply provides a broad space for development.The direction of its development is the high-frequency switching power supply, high frequency switching power supply miniaturization, and switching power supply into a wider range of application areas, especially in high-tech fields, and promote the miniaturization of high-tech products, light of.In addition, the development and application of the switching power supply in terms of energy conservation, resource conservation and environmental protection are of great significance.桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)报告用纸
Modern switching power supply, there are two: one is the DC switching power supply;the other is the AC switching power supply.Introduces only DC switching power supply and its function is poor power quality of the original eco-power(coarse)closed the voltage surge, RC or LC buffers can be used, and the current surge can be caused by the diode stored charge of amorphous and other core made of magnetic buffer.However, the high frequency more than 1MHz, the resonant circuit to make the switch on the voltage or current through the switch was a sine wave, which can reduce switching losses, but also to control the occurrence of surges.This switch is called the resonant switch.Of this switching power supply is active, you can, in theory, because in this way do not need to greatly improve the switching speed of the switching losses reduced to zero, and the noise is expected to become one of the high-frequency switching power supply The main ways.At present, many countries in the world are committed to several trillion Hz converter utility.the principle of Introduction
The switching power supply of the process is quite easy to understand, linear power supplies, power transistors operating in the linear mode and linear power, the PWM switching power supply to the power transistor turns on and off state, in both states, on the power transistor Vthe step-down chopper, the average output voltage U0 is less than the input voltage Ui, the same polarity.Boost Circuitbuck or boost chopper, the output average voltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, the opposite polarity, the inductance transmission.Cuk circuit-a buck or boost chopper, the output average voltage U0 is greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, the opposite polarity, capacitance transmission.The above-mentioned non-isolated circuit, the isolation circuit forward circuits, feedback circuit, the half-bridge circuit, the full bridge circuit, push-pull circuit.Today's soft-switching technology makes a qualitative leap in the DC / DC the U.S.VICOR company design and manufacture a variety of ECI soft-switching DC / DC converter, the maximum output power 300W, 600W, 800W, etc., the corresponding power density(6.2 , 10,17)W/cm3 efficiency(80-90)%.A the Japanese Nemic Lambda latest using soft-switching technology, high frequency switching power supply module RM Series, its switching frequency(200 to 300)kHz, power density has reached 27W/cm3 with synchronous rectifier(MOSFETs instead of Schottky diodes), so that the whole circuit efficiency by up to 90%.AC / DC conversion
AC / DC conversion will transform AC to DC, the power flow can be bi-directional power flow by the power flow to load known as the “rectification”, referred to as "active inverter power flow returned by the load power.AC / DC converter input 50/60Hz AC due must be rectified, filtered, so the volume is relatively large filter capacitor is essential, while experiencing safety standards(such as UL, CCEE, etc.)and EMC Directive restrictions(such as IEC, FCC, CSA)in the AC input side must be added to the EMC filter and use meets the safety standards of the components, thus limiting the miniaturization of the volume of AC / DC power, In addition, due to internal frequency, high voltage, current switching, making the problem difficult to solve EMC also high demands on the internal high-density mounting 桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)报告用纸
circuit design, for the same reason, the high voltage, high current switch makes power supply loss increases, limiting the AC / DC converter modular process, and therefore must be used to power system optimal design method to make it work efficiency to reach a certain level of satisfaction.AC / DC conversion circuit wiring can be divided into half-wave circuit, full-wave circuit.Press the power phase can be divided into single-phase three-phase, multiphase.Can be divided into a quadrant, two quadrant, three quadrants, four-quadrant circuit work quadrant.he selection of the switching power supply
Switching power supply input on the anti-jamming performance, compared to its circuit structure characteristics(multi-level series), the input disturbances, such as surge voltage is difficult to pass on the stability of the output voltage of the technical indicators and linear power have greater advantages, the output voltage stability up to(0.5)%.Switching power supply module as an integrated power electronic devices should be selected