
时间:2019-05-15 07:45:11下载本文作者:会员上传







“我说,‘是的,我是准备辩论。这是我准备做的另一件事。克林顿说:“我准备做总统。”“这不是什么大抓。我明白这一点。但是,你知道,我不能做任何事,除了我自己。” 克林顿说,真正的变革是通过建立过去的进步来实现的——而不是发誓要抛弃整个体系。


希拉里克林顿在纽约谈到了“抵抗”。(照片:丹McDermid /路透社)“哦,我认为这是一个非常大的交易,”克林顿说。“我认为部分在国内有重要消息可以发送到我们自己的女儿,孙女、孙子和儿子。但我认为,尤其是在国际上。”






5月2日,希拉里克林顿参加了妇女国际午宴。(照片:丹McDermid /路透社)尽管采取了“绝对的个人责任,”克林顿还说她是“赢得”直到两件事情发生了:美国联邦调查局局长詹姆斯喜剧发布一封称该机构重新开放其调查她使用私人邮件服务器作为国务卿和“维基解密”公布入侵活动的邮件。她说喜剧的信件和维基解密的转储”提出的疑惑的人倾向于把票投给我吓跑了。”



Hillary Clinton: I’m ‘part of the resistance’

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton identified herself as a member of the widespread resistance movement to President Trump on Tuesday afternoon.“I’m back to now being an activist citizen and part of the resistance,” she said to thunderous applause at the Women for Women International 2017 annual luncheon in New York.During an onstage interview, just before declaring herself part of the resistance, Clinton said she spent decades learning what it would take to help move the people of the United States forward, including those who did not vote for her.She said that she didn’t want to appeal to emotions the same way that Trump did and had hoped to have serious conversations about health care, foreign policy, renewable energy, artificial intelligence and so on during the campaign.Clinton recalled that Trump had actually made fun of her for preparing for their first presidential debate.“I said, ‘Yes, I did prepare for the debate.And here’s another thing I prepared for.I prepared for being president,’” Clinton said.“It’s not exactly headline grabbing.I understand that.But, you know, I can’t be anything other than who I am.”

Clinton said that real change is made through building upon past progress — not vowing to throw out the whole system.Earlier in the conversation, CNN’s chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour asked Clinton what she imagines it might have meant for women throughout the world if she had actually become the first female president of the United States.“Oh, I think it would’ve been a really big deal,” Clinton said.“I think that partly here at home there were important messages that could’ve sent to our own daughters, granddaughters, grandsons and sons.But I think especially internationally.”

Clinton said she had the great privilege of traveling the world meeting a wide variety of people: from leaders in palaces to the kinds of women living in rural areas whom Women for Women International is trying to help.“There is still so much inequity, so much unfairness, so much disrespect and discrimination toward women and girls,” she said.“So have we made progress? Yes we have.But have we made enough? No we haven’t.”

Clinton said that women’s rights are being lost in the same places that are most likely to foster and protect terrorism, places that harbor ideologies hostile to equality between the sexes.“Women’s rights is the unfinished business of the 21st century.There is no more important, larger issue that has to be addressed.”

Clinton also said that she takes “absolute personal responsibility” for her election loss, saying that she and her campaign both made mistakes.“I was the candidate.I was the person who was on the ballot.I was very aware of the challenges, the problems, the shortfalls that we have,” Clinton said.“But I will say this.I’ve been in a lot of campaigns, and I’m very proud of the campaign we ran.”

Despite taking “absolute personal responsibility,” Clinton also said she was “on the way to winning” until two things happened: FBI director James Comey released a letter saying the agency was reopening its investigation into her use of a private email server as secretary of state and WikiLeaks published hacked campaign emails.She said the combination of Comey’s letter and WikiLeaks’ dump “raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.”

“Did we make mistakes? Of course we did.Did I make mistakes? Oh my gosh, yes,” she said.“But the reason I believe we lost were the intervening events in the last 10 days.”



U.S.Secretary of State Bill Clinton speech, 2010 March Eighth International Women's Day 美国国务卿克林顿2010年三八国际妇女节讲话

March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights, and to recognize what work remains to be done.三月八日是国际妇女节。在这个日子,我们回顾全世界在促进妇女权利方面取得的进展,并确定有待完成的工作。

This year marks an anniversary very close to my heart.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.The message from that conference rang loudly and clearly, and still echoes across cultures and continents: Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.今年的三八国际妇女节是一个是我倍感亲切的周年纪念日。15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。那次会议发出了一个明确无误的最强音,至今仍在各种文化中和各大洲发出回响:人权即是妇女的权利,妇女的权利即是人权。

One hundred and eighty-nine countries represented at Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that pledged to increase women’s access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.We have made great progress, but there is a long way to go.Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.They rarely cause violent conflicts but too often bear their consequences.Women are absent from negotiations about

peace and security to end those conflicts.Their voices simply are not being heard.在北京出席会议的189个国家的代表通过了一项《行动纲领》,保证要增加妇女获得教育、医疗、就业和信贷的机会,并保护她们在生活中免遭暴力的权利。我们已经取得巨大的进展,但仍然有很长的路要走。在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。她们中很少有人引起暴力冲突,但却经常承担暴力冲突带来的各种后果。在为结束这些冲突而举行的有关和平与安全问题的各种协商中,没有妇女参加。没有人听取她们的意见。

Today, the United States is making women a cornerstone of foreign policy because we think it’s the right thing to do, but we also believe it’s the smart thing to do as well.Investing in the potential of the world’s women and girls is one of the surest ways to achieve global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for women — and men — the world over.今天,美国正在把妇女工作作为外交政策的基石,因为我们认为这是正确之举,但我们同时也认为这是智慧之举。通过投资发挥世界女性的潜力是实现全球经济发展、政治稳定和全世界妇女及男性带来更大繁荣的最有保障的方式之一。

So on this International Women’s Day, let us rededicate ourselves to advancing and protecting the rights of women and girls, and to join together to ensure that no one is left behind in the 21st century.因此,值此国际妇女节之际,让我们继续献身于促进与保护妇女和女童的权利,团结一致,以确保在21世纪没有任何人掉队。

第三篇:希拉里 克林顿演讲稿

Thank you so much.Thank you all.Well, this isn’t exactly the party I’d planned, but I sure like the company.I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you– to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs,who scrimped and saved to raise money,who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, who emailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, “See, you can be anything you want to be.”

Remember-we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school,who told me,“I’m doing it all to better myself for her.”We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me,“What are you going to do to make sure I have health care?”and began to cry because even though she works three jobs,she can’t afford insurance.We fought for the young man in the Marine Corps t-shirt who waited months for medical care and said, “Take care of my buddies over there and then, will you please help take care of me?” We fought for all those who’ve lost jobs and health care,who can’t afford gas or groceries or college, who have felt invisible to their president these last seven years.I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.I’ve had every opportunity and blessing in my own life–and I want the same for all Americans.Until that day comes,you will always find me on the front lines of democracy-fighting for the future.The way to continue our fight now–to accomplish the goals for which we stand–is to take our energy, our passion, our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States.I understand that we all know this has been a tough fight.The Democratic Party is a family, and it’s now time to restore the ties that bind us together and to come together around the ideals we share, the values we cherish, and the country we love.We all want an economy that sustains the American Dream, the opportunity to work hard and have that work rewarded, to save for college, a home and retirement, to afford that gas and those groceries and still have a little left over at the end of the month.An economy that lifts all of our people and ensures that our prosperity(繁荣)is broadly distributed and shared.We all want a health care system that is universal, high quality, and affordable so that parents no longer have to choose between care for themselves or their children or be stuck in dead end jobs simply to keep their insurance.This isn’t just an issue for me–it is a passion and a cause–and it is a fight I will continue until every single American is insured–no exceptions, no excuses.We all want an America defined by deep and meaningful equality– from civil rights to labor rights,from women’s rights to gay rights, from ending discrimination to promoting unionization(联合)to providing help for the most important job there is: caring for our families.We all want to restore America’s standing in the world,to end the war in Iraq and once again lead by the power of our values, and to join with our allies to confront our shared challenges from poverty and genocide(种族灭绝)to terrorism and global warming.You know,I’ve been involved in politics and public life in one way or another for four decades.During those forty years, our country has voted ten times for President.Democrats won only three of those times.And the man who won two of those elections is with us today.We made tremendous progress during the 90s under a Democratic President, with a flourishing economy, and our leadership for peace and security respected around the world.Just think how much more progress we could have made over the past 40 years if we had a Democratic president.Think about the lost opportunities of these past seven years–on the environment and the economy, on health care and civil rights,on education, foreign policy and the Supreme Court.Imagine how far we could’ve come, how much we could’ve achieved if we had just had a Democrat in the White House.We cannot let this moment slip away.We have come too far and accomplished too much.Now the journey ahead will not be easy.Some will say we can’t do it.That it’s too hard.That we’re just not up to the task.But for as long as America has existed, it has been the American way to reject“can’t do”claims,and to choose instead to stretch the boundaries of the possible through hard work, determination, and a pioneering spirit.It is this belief,this optimism, that Senator Obama and I share, and that has inspired so many millions of our supporters to make their voices heard.So today,I am standing with Senator Obama to say: Yes we can.This election is a turning point election and it is critical that we all understand what our choice really is.Will we go forward together or will we stall and slip backwards.Think how much progress we have already made.When we first started,people everywhere asked the same questions:Could a woman really serve as Commander-in-Chief? Well, I think we answered that one.And could an African American really be our President? Senator Obama has answered that one.You can be so proud that,from now on,it will be unremarkable for a woman to win primary state victories,unremarkable to have a woman in a close race to be our nominee,unremarkable to think that a woman can be the President of the United States.And that is truly remarkable,my friend.Although we weren’t able to shatter that highest,hardest glass ceiling this time,thanks to you,it’s got about 18 million cracks in it.And the light is shining through like never before, filling us all with the hope and the sure knowledge that the path will be a little easier next time.That has always been the history of progress in America.Think of the suffragists who gathered at Seneca Falls in 1848 and those who kept fighting until women could cast their votes.Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery.Think of the civil rights heroes and foot-soldiers who marched protested and risked their lives to bring about the end to segregation and Jim Crow.Because of them, I grew up taking for granted that women could vote.Because of them, my daughter grew up taking for granted that children of all colors could go to school together.Because of them, Barack Obama and I could wage a hard fought campaign for the Democratic nomination.Because of them, and because of you, children today will grow up taking for granted that an African American or a woman can yes, become President of the United States.When that day arrives and a woman takes the oath of office as our President, we will all stand taller, proud of the values of our nation, proud that every little girl can dream and that her dreams can come true in America.And all of you will know that because of your passion and hard work you helped pave the way for that day.So I want to say to my supporters, when you hear people saying – or think to yourself – “if only” or “what if,” I say,“please don’t go there.” Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward.Life is too short, time is too precious, and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.We have to work together for what still can be.And that is why I will work my heart out to make sure that Senator Obama is our next President.And I hope and pray that all of you will join me in that effort.To my supporters and colleagues in Congress, to the governors and mayors, elected officials who stood with me, in good times and in bad,thank you for your strength and leadership.To my friends in our labor unions who stood strong every step of the way – I thank you and pledge my support to you.To my friends, from every stage of my life – your love and ongoing commitments sustain me every single day.To my family – especially Bill and Chelsea and my mother, you mean the world to me and I thank you for all you have done.And to my extraordinary staff, volunteers and supporters, thank you for working those long, hard hours.Thank you for dropping everything–leaving work or school–traveling to places you’d never been, sometimes for months on end.And thanks to your families as well because your sacrifice was theirs too.All of you were there for me every step of the way.Being human, we are imperfect.That’s why we need each other.To catch each other when we falter.To encourage each other when we lose heart.Some may lead;others may follow;but none of us can go it alone.The changes we’re working for are changes that we can only accomplish together.Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are rights that belong to each of us as individuals.But our lives,our freedom, our happiness,are best enjoyed,best protected, and best advanced when we do work together.That is what we will do now as we join forces with Senator Obama and his campaign.We will make history together as we write the next chapter in America’s story.We will stand united for the values we hold dear, for the vision of progress we share, and for the country we love.There is nothing more American than that.And looking out at you today, I have never felt so blessed.The challenges that I have faced in this campaign are nothing compared to those that millions of Americans face every day in their own lives.So today, I’m going to count my blessings and keep on going.I’m going to keep doing what I was doing long before the cameras ever showed up and what I’ll be doing long after they’re gone: Working to give every American the same opportunities I had, and working to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up and achieve his or her God-given potential.I will do it with a heart filled with gratitude, with a deep and abiding love for our country– and with nothing but optimism and confidence for the days ahead.This is now our time to do all that we can to make sure that in this election we add another Democratic president to that very small list of the last 40 years and that we take back our country and once again move with progress and commitment to the future.Thank you all and God bless you and God bless America.

第四篇:希拉里. 克林顿 自传

In 1959, I wrote my autobiography for an assignment in Mrs.King’s sixth grade.In twenty-nine pages, most half-filled with earnest scrawl, I described my parents, brothers, pets, house, hobbies, school, sports and plans for the future.Forty-two years later, I began writing another memoir, this one about the eight years I spent in the White House living history with Bill Clinton.I quickly realized that I couldn’t explain my life as First Lady without going back to the beginning—how I became the woman I was that first day I walked into the White House on January 20, 1993, to take on a new role and experiences that would test and transform me in unexpected ways.Although I’ve had to be selective, I hope that I’ve conveyed the push and pull of events and relationships that affected me and continue to shape and enrich my world today.Since leaving the White House, representing New York in United Senator has been a humbling and daunting responsibility, and one I hope to write about more fully at a later time.The horrific events of Sep.11th 2001 made that clear by bringing home to New Yorkers and Americans.The role we must all play to protect and strengthen the Democratic ideals that have inspired and guided our nation for more than 200 years.These are the same ideas that as far back as I can remember or nurtured in me growing up.A political life I've often said is a continuing education in human nature including one's own.My 8 years in the White House tested my faith and political believes, my marriage and our nation's constitution and system of government.I became a lightning rod for political and ideological battles waged over America’s future and a magnet for feelings, good and bad, about women’s choices and roles.This is the story of how I experienced those 8 years as First Lady and as the wife of the president and how I made the decision to run for the United States Senator from New York and develop my political voice.Some may ask how I could give an accurate account of events, people and places that are so recent and of which I am still a part.I have done my best to convey my observations, thoughts and feelings as I experienced them.This is not meant to be a comprehensive history, but a personal memoir that offers an inside look at an extraordinary time in my life and in the life of America.[NoPage


旁白:Bill Clinton and Hilary took part in the same period, Jiangsu Satellite TV You Are the One in 1970。

主持人:Hello, welcome to You are the one,I am the host MengFei,So welcome here the three Male guest


C:大家好我是奥巴马,来自美国夏威夷州,祖籍肯尼亚(The Republic of Kenya)(男3号)主持人:Please welcome our only one female guest Hillary.(音乐响起,希拉里上台)

H:大家好,主持人好,各位老师观众好!我是希拉里 主持人:Please select your heart boys.(H翻出2号牌,给大家看)

主持人:Gentlemans, if you have a good feel for Hillary,keep your brand,if not turn down please.Make your choices(三个人都不翻牌)

主持人:Hillary,they all have an eye for you.Then you can ask questions to the three.女: 既然你这么有形


而且这么时尚 一定交往过不少的女朋友


男A:交往过多少我也不记得了 但是我知道肯定比失恋次数多一次



B:没事,这个我遇到多了,幸好我还练过!谁?是男人的,给我站出来!观众:Get out ,you ,son of a bitch!Listen carefully,I am Osama bin Laden!

(撤下场)B:I am sorry ,I am sorry!我来错地方了!


C:我想那就是我杀死了本拉登,并且我是美国第一位黑人总统 女:还有呢?

C:我还出了一本书《无畏的希望》(The Audacity of Hope)(那书出来比划)女:那一定很贵吧 C:只要10元,10元你买不了吃亏,10元你买不了上当,全部都是10元,买啥啥便宜、买啥



C:有,电话号码是110,每天前十位订购的我们还送卤蛋 女:买书还能赢卤蛋,太好了!不过我不喜欢!

主持人:Hillary,make you final choice 希拉里小姐,请你做出选择(上前拉住A的手,音乐响起,两人一起离场)


旁白:In 1992, U.S.President Bill Clinton has been elected,There are many women began to pursue Clinton 1992年克林顿成为总统之后,有很多女性追捧他,有一天一个贵妇人邀请他吃饭,之后他们进了酒店

女:Mr.President,May I invite you to have dinner together? B:Ok,but why is the dinner not the lunch? 女:For dinner is more emotional appeal B:this is hongguoyuan Hotel,let's go


B:Lovely baby I will not be ill-treated in you!hahahaha!女:It's very kind of you(左右各亲一下——此处有吻声音效)


B: oh,Hillary。Please, Please don’t.You know I love you, just like The mouse loves the rice。I love you so much that I can’t live without you.H:Well, I have decided to divorce with you。Whatever you say has been late!now,I want to kill you!(拿枪指着B)(庆忠录音啊)当时这把剑理我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是在1/4柱香之后这把剑的女主人将会再次彻底的爱上我,因为我决定撒一个谎,虽然本人生平说谎无数,但这次是最成功的


B:Long long ago, there was a true love in front me, I didn’t cherish it.If I was to meet her again, I Wish to say I love you.If you ask how long I would love her, I should say ten thousand years.That one is you.The only one I love in the world is you.H:(sing)Wherever you go, whatever you say, I’ll be right here waiting for you.I only know I was born to love you。(两人相拥而泣)

旁白:since Hillary and Bill Clinton Restore as well as before!This is their love story,Thank you everyone!



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