
时间:2019-05-15 07:18:17下载本文作者:会员上传






开头很简单,基本就是As is vividly depicted in the picture....there stand a....,a...one,...ing...it is not difficult to deduce that the cartoonist intends to show us a(n)....message/emerging problem that...however,this phenomenon or problem has stirred a heated discussion among the people all over nation.或者,this phemomenon has caused wide public concern.就这么套,图片简单描述,图片简单说明,马上要说明这个图片反映的是什么现象和趋势,一定是现象,问题或者趋势,不可能很狭隘,就图片而图片。



first of all/to begin with/above all

in the second place/in the second instance

last but not least/in summary

注意论据三点有时一下子想不出来,你就可以举例,可以说some expert pionts out that.../take...in instance.../according to the investigation conducted this year indicates that.../some statistics expose that...最后结论:

In a word,we can safely draw the conclusion that...下面是我自己整理归纳的句子,有很大的兼容性,你只要背熟,自己选自己说着顺口的,不一定全要背出来,到考试的时候,为了展示这些句子,就写出来,写作文的容易一定是我们背过的句子把大展示出来,不是让你就作文写作文,一再强调!

1.as far as...be concerned [就...而言]

2.has/have unpleasant association with sth.[对...没好感]

3.an increasingly number of...[越来越多的...]

4.point out...[指出]

5.contribute(directly)to sth...[(直接)有助于...]

6.proper measures should be taken to/great efforts should be made to[应采取适当的措施/当努力去做]

7.be questioned by...[受到质疑]

8.no one can deny the fact that...[不可否认]

9.a recent investigation indicated that...[最近一项调查表明]

10.tend to have favourable attitude towards sth...[受到欢迎]

11.turn a blind eye to/turn a deaf ear to[视而不见/聪而不闻]

12.pay a heavy price to do sth.[为做某事付出巨大代价]

13.the most significant aspect of sth.[最重要的是]

14.make it possible for sb to do[使某人做某事成为可能]

15.be obliged to admit the fact that[不得不承认]

16.spare no effort to do[不歇余力做某事]

17.the information I`ve collected for many years lead me to believe that...[从我这些年所收集的信息使我相信]

18.pose a tremendous threat to sth.[给……造成巨大威胁]

19.produce a far-reaching influence on sth.[对……产生巨大影响]

20.live under illusion/down to the earth[生活在幻想中/脚踏实地或面对现实]



From the picture above,we can see a spical “hotpot” ,which contains many unique ingredients,stand for “LAO SHE”,“KONG FU”,“Decompostion” and some things to that effect.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there extremely prominent,which can be brielf interpreted by this way:culture “hotpot” is not only good tasting but also strongly good for one`s health.A bit exggerating picture is,however,through careful observation,we may discover that behind this strange senario,what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the significance of integration between Chinese culture and other countries` culture.With the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,an emerging tendency is that more and more foriegners are getting fascinated with our Chinese culture.They come to China to learn Chinese language,taste delicious Chinese foods,make friends with Chinese people, and etc.All these make them pretty comfortable and agreeable.At the same time,however,this phenomenon also stirred a heated dated in our society,so,how to render the other countries` culture be more compatible with our Chinese culture has caused wide public concern.As far as I am concerned,before giving my opinion I think we should take closely look at the culture`s function widely.Policymakers should be more aware of that culture integration not only benefits to our making a further development but exerts a great contribution to the world peace.2009:

As is vigorously shown in the photo,we can see some people sitting in front of their disks and being absorbing in controlling their computers.The expressions in their faces look pretty agreaable.However what the picture intrigue me is that they were separated from each other by a spider web,which is the metahpor of the internet web.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:internet contributes to both connecting and isolating each other.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but from observation seriously,we may find that what the cartoonist intends to show us is extremely obvious:the correct attitude towards the using of internet.With the science and technology development,more and more people,espically youngsters are using internet now.With the internet,they will not bother to go to the laboray,when they want to search for some specific references.All the things entail them to do is sitting in front of the computer,and clicking the mouse.The information ranged from social science to the medicial science are all avaliable on the internet.They could also use some unique voice functions to contact with friends promptly.Thanks to the internet.it is the internet has changed our life style pattern.We are obliged to admit the fact that internet has made itself increasingly become the indispensable ingredience of our daily life.It do much convenience to us.However,some people now are worry about the inproper using of the internet,which may generate tremendously side effects.For one thing,using excessively internet in front of the table with less body motion will strongly do harm to health.For the another,using internet desparately will hamper our face-to-face comnunication.People sooner or later will find they were alienated from each other gradually.To my opinion,owning to it has got both positive and side effects,I think we should upright our attitude towards the using of internet first.The internet no more than a servant to our life.we should be the host of ourself rather than being the slaver of the internet.2008:

In the cartoon above,two men combined with each other catch my eye intriguingly.Both of them lacked a leg,however they were running repidly and left their sticks behind.At the bottom of the picture,two sentences stand there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:“both of us got one leg,nevertheless,we can integrate into an organiztion,so that we can go everwhere we want.”A bit instructive the picture is.It is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to show us is the interdependence among the people.It goes without saying that each person has got his own fault.However the way,which people treat with their own shortcoming vary from person to person.Some people show over passionate attitudes towards their fault.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitudes will strongly exert negative influences on their behaviors and feelings.They will be pessimistic about everything they encounter,and can not withstand the pressure imposed on them,even put an end to their life.While,other people often show gratitude to everything and accept the fact that they are not perfect.They reckon that although they have got their own shortcoming,they can come to resort to their friends for help and supplement with each other,then everything will be much easier.From this,shortcoming can transfor into advantage.Just as the saying gose:“many hands make light thing.”

In my opinion,I think we should put ourselves down to the earth and do not complain about what we were suffered.The crucial point is what can we do to make up for our shortcoming and make our life smooth in the unpleasant situation.One of best way to overcome our shortcoming is that people come together and combine with each other,just like what cartoonist want to convey us.2007:

The saying,“Being confidence of oneself will exert extremely benign influences on one`s final success”,which is widely shared by many people.In the picture above,however,a goalkeeper and a football player has done a bad example for us.As is the picture distinctly shown that both of them strongly overestimated their opponent,at the same time,they do personally believe that in the presence of such a robust opponent,they seem to become extremely small and never can they combat the opponent,who are just in front of them.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but an instructive one.It is a not tough task for us to deduce that the message,which the cartoonist intends to convey us is the magnitude of the confidence.I boldly guess that many people have got a same experience that we always incline to overestimate the difficulty we encountered.However,some social experts suggest that,the attitude we treated with the difficulty will exert considerable influences on our behaviors.An investigation conducted by this year dramatically exposes that people with passionate attitudes towards the difficulty seem to be lost in the end.While people who are full confidence in themselves always achieve the final success.This finding has stirred a heated debate among the people.So how to deal with the difficulty with the correct attitude?

As far as I am conserned,I reckon the crucial point is that we should upright our attitude towards the difficulty and be more confidence in ourselves,then confront it with all our passion and brightness.We should brand this instructive experience in our mind,difficulty is not as strong as what it surposed to be.2006:

At the first glance,I am strongly intrigued by these two men above the pictuce,how fashion they are.However,on careful observation,I changed my mind.A man in the left picture had a name,which is the famous football star`s name--Beckham, written on his face.While in right piture,I am extremely starled by the man who had spent 300 RMB on the haircut,merely attempt to make his hair like the Backham`s style.I do not know whether to laugh or to cry.A bit exaggerating the picture is,nevertheless,behind the strange senario the message which the cartoonist intends to show us is distinctly obvious:don`t follow the trend blindly.Nowadays,many young people incline to be influenced by some successful man who had achieved big triumphes.These people are in all filds arranged from moive star to businessman.Some youngsters are under the impression that as long as they follow by these men`s behaviors or appearances,they will achieve the goal,too.Nevertheless,some expert studyed in socail phenomenon suggest that this superficial outlook will have a dramatically vicious bearing on youngsters.For one thing,they improperly take their cue from these successful men without paying any considerable attention to their study may lead them to be legged.For the another,some of them just see the splendid appearances these successful men presented in front of the public and have little idea about what they had suffered and experienced behind the scene.Fortunately,this emerging tendency has caused wide public concern.For my part.I strongly reckon we should penetrate the phenomenon to learn the thing`s truth and do not dwell on such a superficial outlook.We should correct our attitude towards the goal what we want to achieve.These successful man who had substantial experiences can be our incentive to acomplish the final success.Then we can transfor potential into practice and bring dream into the reality.2005:

In the above picture,we can see an old man shranking like a ball and people round him are all his own children,however none of them is preparing for assuming the responsibility for treating their elder father well.Each of them are posing a defending posture and about to kick his father from his part.Treating our elder parents well is one of the excellent virtues in China and this virtue had been shared by many people for thousands of years.Unfortunately,I feel bitterly disappionted to see such a pity senario.These four children had done a bad example for us and it is not a tough task for us to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is distinctly obivious:we are under the obligation to take care of our elder parents.Nowadays,with the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,our material circumstances has been enormously enhanced,in the meantime,some people has lost many benign virtues.People become indifferent to other people,even to their elder parents.They are under that impression that they should get rid of the responsibility for looking after their parents and just do well to themselves.Some of them even consider their parents as an obstacle which may in turn hamper their hot persuiting of comfortable life.Some experts,however,suggest that this wrong attitude towards elder parents will have a vicious bearing on both their parents and themselves.For one thing,when we are young,parents show their all love to us and provide us a splendid environment as possible as they can.Nevertheless,their own situation will get bad,owning to their grown children do not intend to take care of them.For another,these people who do not want t**sponsibility do a bad example for their own children.As the expectation,their children will treat them accordingly.In my pinion,I strongly condemn the behavior,which these people in the picture above presented us.We should refect on the relationship between parents and ourselves.They should not be seen as a burden imposed on us and taking care of them is our obligation which can be not shirked.Furthermore,I reckon that some government department concerned should formulate some regulation promptly,any people who shirk the responsibility will be strictly punished.2004:

In the above picture a yong man who participated in running race has reached his destination.On careful observation we can see two direction signs on the road,one followed by another promptly,stands for repectively the ending and the begining.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:destination is just a new beginning.Furthermore we can see the expression in the young man`s face looks pretty happy.A tremendously instructive the piture is and it is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:correct the attitude towards the relation bewteen the ending and the beginning.Nowadays,there is an emerging tendency is that many people always show impatience when they achieved their goal.Many of them even are under the impression that as long as they achieve the goal which they are fascinated with, they could boast about it once for all.Some experts studyed in social phenomenon,however,suggested that these people failed to cope with the relationship bewteen the ending and the beginning well.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitude will exert a dramatically vicious bearing on our behavior which may in turn hamper our achieving a further goal.While,peole who take the ending as a new beginning seem to always achieve the final goal.In my opinion,I reckon that we should correct attitude towards the relationship between the ending and the beginning first.We should consider the ending as a brand-new beginning and always set a new goal then pursuit it.From this we can make continuous progresses.2003:

From the pictures above,we can see two basins of flowers,which are in the different situations.One is protected by a shelter and the flower is blossoming splendid against the raining background.While,another,which is left the shelter,is extremely fading in the rain.On careful observation,we can also see a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:Never can flowers in the greenhouse survive in the wind and rain.A bit exaggerating the picture is,but an instructive one.It is a not tough task for us to deduce from the strange scenario that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is distinctly obvious:parents who over-spoil their children will exert vicious effects on them.With the implementation of one-child policy,parents are getting more and more treasure their chidren.However,the way which parents show love to their children vary from person to person.Some parents prepare every thing for their children,some even instead of their children and make desision for them.They provide an extremely benign environment for their children and fear to see any injures may happen upon thier children.Nevertheless some experts investgated in social phenomenon pionted out:these parents seemed to pretty love their children,however,the way these parents treated their children will have a negative bearing on their children`s future life.Actually,children are deprive of their own right to do every thing in their own accord.It will hamper children`s innovation and the ability of competition in the long run.To my opinion,I think,for one thing,parents should not put the cart before the horse and be more confidence in their children,leave to their own devices for them to do their own things.For another,it is extremely advisable for children to put themselves under to the earth and accumulate more experiences related to the future life.They should accept the fact that sooner or later their parents will leave them for a independent life.2002:

In the pictuce above,we can see a pretty American gril wearing in traditional Chinese costume.From her smile expression in the face,we can safely deduce

that she is strongly fond of this traditional Chinese costume,which is the metaphor of the Chinese culture.On careful observation,it is not difficult for us

to infer that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:culture from different countries can be integrated well.With the implementation of the China`s opening up and reform policy,More and more foreigners come to China.They are getting increasingly become interested

in our unique culture.They learn Chinese language,taste Chinese food,make friends with Chinese people and some things to that effect.All these make them

pretty comfortable and agreeable.Recently,however,a heated debate was stirred among the Chinese people,they argue that how to cope with the culture from the

different countries?Some people believe that the foreign cultures can not be compatible will with our culture,they in turn may hamper our own culture`s

making further development.So they should be limited.While other people reckon that culture from different countries can supplement to each other and make a

joint progress.So they should be encouraged.In my oppinion I strongly agree with the later party`s statement.Culture from different countries should supplement to each other rather than conflicting

and we should take closely look at the cultures` funtcion widely.Coping with them properly will not only benefit to our making further development but also

exert contribution to the world peace.2001:

From the Picture above,we can see an oil lamp lighting against the dark background and the lamp is designed to be a smile face.At top of the picture, a sentence stands there strongly intrigue me,which can be briefly intrepeted by this way:Love is the lamp of light.The more darker the background is,the more brightness the lamp will show.It is not difficult for us to infer that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:love can warm people`s heart.With the implementation of the China`s reform and opening up,our material circumstances have enormously enhanced.However,some benign virtures which were shared by people for thousand of years are not forgotten.Such as helping people who are in the vicious situation,endow money to the childrens who can not go to school just owing to lacking of tuition and some things to that effect.It is widely accepted by many people that although they are not acquainted at all,they can help with each other.They reckon that even a small contribution will inspire people in the bad situation to cheer up.Now our country is preparing for establishing the harmonious socity which entails people take the initiative in contributing to the society.From this,the final goal is in the not distance future.For my opinion,the socity which people treated with each other friendly and do a favor for one in the vicious situation will be a good place to live.We should prepare for extending our hand to people who are in need and we should believe if we are in the same scenario,they will do accordingly.





我的英语自我介绍如下: Self-Introduction My name is *** ,23 years old.I come from Gansu province.My undergradute period will be accompolished in Beijing University of Chemical Technology this Jone.Now I’m trying my best to obtain a key to Beijing Univesity of Aeronautics & Astronautics ,for short ,BUAA.Generally speaking ,I’m a hard working student ,especially when doing things I’m interested in ,that is ,I will do my best to finish them no matter how difficult they are.When I was a freshman ,I listende to some lectures given by famous professors of our school ,school of polymer materials & enginnering.From these lectures ,I know that polymer materials are very impotant to our country’s safety and all aspects of our everyday life ,and are developing very fast.When I was a sophormore , I attended a science group , the tutor is a doctor of professor Zhang Liqun.In the group , I , together with the the other 2 members wrote a paper.The paper won a high prase of our tutor and professor Zhang.During the four years, I learnt polymer physics , polymer chemistry , polymer proparing & processing, and so on.My school supplies many chances for us to go into the laboratory.So ,I formiliar with lots of instruments and their usage.For some reasons ,I didn’t get a high score in the first examination ,but if I could be given a chance to get my postgraduate education in BUAA ,I’m sure I will study even more hard and prove my ability.Ok, that’s all.Thank you for your attention.写给即将参加复试的研友~(关于复试口语)

一、第一句话(first word)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1.Good morning!may I introduce myself..2.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.I’m peter white, my NO is „(北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。)

二、作自我介绍——成长经历(making a self-introduction ——developing history)有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。考官是要在你的介绍中寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。你可以先介绍一下成长的经历,出生地和毕业学校等内容。在这一部分要介绍的有些特色,让老师在听几十个人流水帐式的介绍中增加一点乐趣,就权且当作MBA人际关系管理的第一个挑战吧!I come from ******,the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,1997.(很简单的一句话,一定要发音准确!要把毕业学校的英文准确名字搞清楚了。)

你可以借光一下家乡的名人,可以用这句高水平的话,展示高超你高超的口语。You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”.I think the city really deserves it.另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,适合把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母给了你哪些方面良好的影响。不要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员。可以这么说:Just like my father, I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super.In addition , during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student Union.These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters.在这里给出描述个人品质常用词汇的中英文对照,可以参考。able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 有冒险精神的 capable 有能力的,有才能careful 办理仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的constructive 建设性的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的 dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful尽职的 well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的 generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默 impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的 motivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的 methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 elastic 实事求是的 responsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的 systematic有系统的 purposeful 意志坚强的 sweet-tempered性情温和的temperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的

三、作自我介绍——职业发展(making a self-introduction ——career development)这是很关键的一部分,也是MBA考官会重点考察的一部分。要把工作经历和MBA的学习以及职业发展方向作为一个整体来谈,让老师感到你选择MBA是一个理性的选择而不是一时冲动,选择MBA是职业发展中的一个必然选择,而不是因为找不到工作。你可以用这些句型:

1、In the past years, I’ve worked at IBM as a software engineer.In my work, I found communication and management is very important.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.So I choose MBA!if I am given a chance to study MBA in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill.(在过去的几年中,我作为一个软件工程师在IBM工作。在工作中,我发现交流和管理非常的重要。我一直认为一个人很容易落后,如果不持续学习的话,所以我选择了MBA!如果我有机会在这个著名的大学学习MBA,我会不遗余力的掌握沟通和管理的技能。)

2.Held a post concurrently in Zhongxing CPA.from December,1998 to May,1999.and mainly worked on evaluating project finance and made up cash flow tables.(1998年11月至1999年5月在中兴会计师事务所兼职,主要从事财务评价、现金流量表的编制分析和产业的市场调查与跟踪研究等。)3.Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd.Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager.Met clients as a representative of the corporation.Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation.(深圳石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美圆的交易。)4.assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise.Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements.(一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。)

5.Production manager: Initiated quality control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 20% while increasing productivity by 25%.(生产部经理:引入质量控制,使工作时数减少了20%,而生产力则提高了25%。)

6.Staff member of Shanxi Textiles Import and Export Company.Handled import of textiles from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan.Increased sales by 25% from 1990 to 1993.Made frequent business trips to these places to negotiate with textile mills.(山西纺织品进出口公司职员。处理从香港、澳门、台湾进口纺织品事宜。从1990年到1993年增加了25%的销售额。经常出差到这些地方跟纺织厂商洽谈。7.Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service.Conducted tours for foreign tourists on trip around the city.(暑假期间为北京国际旅行社当导游。负责外国旅客在城区的观光旅游。)8.Sales manager.In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.(销售部经理。除了正常销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销售人员。)关于过去工作的描述是很重要的,同学们一定要熟记这些句型。要根据自己的工作经历改造这些句子。如果你的工作有过比较多的改变,你可以这样来描述原因:

9.Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.(很不幸地,本人不得不离职,因这一次世界性的经济不景气,使我的雇主不得不结束业务。)

10.The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office.(本人之所以离开目前的工作岗位,唯一的理由是希望能在一家贸易公司获得更多的经验。)

11.I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.(目前,本人希望进入一家可以担负较大责任的公司,并希望能提供升迁机会。)

12.My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.(本人离职的原因是希望在广告业方面有所发展。)

13.My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.(本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。)





























六年级班主任工作总结 班主任:吴昌盛



本学期本班学生大部分来至招生片区的排摸村、争光村、宰沙村等自然村寨。班上的学习总体上还是好的,但是虽然经过一个学期的努力,还是有一 部分的后进生无法彻底改变过来,还有待下学期继续努力。班内的组织情况是:班长1人、学习委员1人呢、劳动委员1人、体育委员1人、文娱委员1人。














四、本学期存在的问题及努力方向(一)、有时在 教育差生时缺少耐心,致使有的差生还不能彻底转变过来,下学期 应该培养自己的耐心,这样才能更好的教育差生,防止班上学生的成绩出现两级分化。

(二)、本学期 的班会活动虽然能按照计划进行,但本人认为还远远的不够,有时甚至在准备不充分的情况下就开展,以致于效果不 是很好,下学期 有应该多开展一些主题班会,并且,要在有西方的准备之下再开展。

(三)、一学期 以来,本人在对班干部的引导上太疏忽了,对全班学生的教育也太松了,因此班上的纪律有点松散,有的简直不象话下学期 应该多注重班级纪律的教育,让本班形成一个学习氛围良好的现象。,(四)、对班上有些学生进行个别教育的次数太少,有的班上出现处理这些事情的能力。






时间像流水,光阴似飞箭,转眼间,这个学期就这样匆匆的又告一段落了。这一学期 以来,在学校教导处计划的统一安排下,本人自始至终按照开学期初的计划进行开展教育教学工作,经过自己的努力,以及在学生的共同配合下,使本学期本人所担任的六年级语文科教学任务,已基本达到了期初预定目标。为了总结经验,在下学期工作时更能有的放矢,对症下药,在教育教学工作中起到事半功倍的效果,现将本学期 工作情况作总结如下:





2、要重视学生能力的培养。在教学过程中,要着重培养学生识字 能力,理解词句的能力、朗读不、能力、口语交际能力和初步的自学能力。




三、本学期 存在的问题及下学期努力方向







7、在教学过程中,有时教法还是有一点一成不变,使有的学生提不起学习的兴趣,下学期 应该下大力钻研大纲、钻研教材,并结合班上的学生实际,战士、找出适合学生的教学方法。

总之,在这个学期 中,各个方面都是有得有失,下学期 应该多学习有关的知识,不断向有丰富经验的教师请教,取长补短,让自己不断的得到充实,才能更好的完成今后的教育教学任务,以便不辜负党和人民对自己的期望。





































































论坛里也有很多帖子介绍这方面东西,搜索下就行,或者问前辈或者战友了,关于买书,我个人最喜欢的还是去淘宝网 盗版也无妨,我用的书绝大多数是淘宝上买的盗版货,便宜又好用,现在基本上影印版,不太可能出现印刷错误,至少我基本上没碰上过。















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