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2011 年 7 月日语能力考试 N1----词汇部分解析 問題1(1)正解:3

解析:比起去年,收益增长甚微。りし 利子(利息)りそく 利息(利息)りじゅん 利潤(利润)(2)正解:1

解析:多亏了桥本选手的积极作用,总算摆脱了困境。はなれた 離れた(离开,分开)

それた 逸れた(偏离)例:的を/から逸れる。まぬがれた 免れた(免得,避免)(3)正解:2

解析:在选择儿童玩具的时候,应该考虑其安全性。こうろ 高炉(高炉)/航路(航道)こうろう 功労(功劳,功绩)

こうりょう 衡量(考虑,衡量,斟酌)(4)正解:2

解析:这附近没有任何遮挡视线的东西。さまたげる 妨げる(妨碍,阻碍)せばめる 狭める(缩小缩短)へだてる 隔てる(分隔,隔断)(5)正解:3


解析:做任何事,开始的时候都是重要的。たんしん 単身(单身、一个人)

かんしん 関心(关心)/感心(佩服)たんじん 炭塵(矿尘,煤尘)問題2(7)正解:3


がらみ:大约;与……有关的;与……一起 まみれ:一面沾满…… ずくめ:全身……全都是……(8)正解:2 解析:因为与木村有相同的爱好,所以总是聊得很愉快。舞う:飞舞,舞蹈


転がる:滚,滚动;普遍,不稀奇 跳ねる:跳跃(9)正解:1 解析:需要建立符合地区实际情况的医疗系统。実情:实际情况 実況:实况 実権:实权

実在:实在,客观存在(10)正解:4 解析:大家都说那个选手是十年一遇的杰出人才。玄人:老手,专家 大家:大师,大家 巨匠:大师,巨匠 逸材:卓越的人才(11)正解:3 解析:申请材料不全的话,将一律不予受理。不穏:不稳当、险峻 不当:不正当,无理的

不備:(文件,物品)不全 不順:不调、异常(12)正解:2

解析:约 300 年前的画已经修复完,计划下个月公开。回復:康复,恢复 修復:修补,修复

復旧:(一般指工程的)修复 復興:复兴(13)正解:2

解析:他不仅擅长经济,对法律很了解也是他的强项。深み:深度 強み:强项

高み:高出周围的地方 重み:重量;势力 問題3(14)正解:4 解析:这部影片制作使用了划时代的全新手法。画期的な:划时代的,全新的 広く知られている:广为人知的

最近ではめずらしい:最近比较新奇的 非常に時間がかかる:很费时间的

今までになく新しい:至今还没有的,全新的(15)正解:1 解析:那家公司正计划进军海外市场。もくろんで:计划,企图 計画して:计划

果たして:果然,究竟 開始して:开始 あきらめて:放弃(16)正解:4 解析:为了解决问题,还需要一些线索。手がかり:线索 イメージ:图,印象 サポート:支持 チャンス:机会 ヒント:线索,提示(17)正解: 1 解析:他的话,让人一时难以置信。にわかには:立即 すぐには:很快,立即 完全には:完全地 すなおには:老实地 簡単には:简单地(18)正解:4 重宝している:方便,实用

以前より値上がりしている:涨价了 形が気に入っている:很中意其形状 評価が高まっている:评价提高了 便利で役に立っている:方便有用(19)正解:2 解析:中村对工作一直都是一丝不苟。シビア:严格,认真 弱気だ:胆怯 厳しい:严厉,严格

柔軟だ:灵活,可通融;柔软 注意深い:仔细,谨慎,细心 問題4(20)正解:1 解析: 学校与地区联手保证学生的安全。2 应该用:共同で 3 应该用:連動 4 应该用:持って(21)正解:3 解析:

1应该用:不満 2应该用:憂さ

3对于审判的决定不能不服。4 应该用:苦情(22)正解:4 解析: 应该用:報われ 2 应该用:当たり 3 应该用:終了した

4想拥有一家店的梦想终于实现了。(23)正解:1 解析: 那个新选手表现出了显著的进步。2 应该用:恐ろしい 3 应该用:鮮やかな 应该用:すっきりしている(24)正解:2 解析: 应该用:緩んで 把鞋带系紧,不要让它松开来。3 应该用:はずれて 4 应该用:溶けた(25)正解:3 解析: 应该用:出張 应该用:行ってもらう 3 部长将去海外分公司赴任,所以我们大家开了一个送别会。4 应该用:昇任


§阅读理解§序列号X—X§共4页§资料整理:138 xxxx xxxx §2014-07-31


The volcano is one of the most surprising frightening forces of nature.Maybe you have seen pictures of these“fireworks”of nature.Sometimes when a volcano erupts, a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain.It looks like a “river of tire.”Sometimes volcanoes explode, throwing the melted rock and ashes(灰)high into the air.But where does this melted rock come from?

The earth is made up of many layers(层).The top layer that we see is called the crust.Under the crust are many layers of hard rock.But far, far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot, that it is soft.In some places it even melts.The melted rock is called magma.Sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks(爆裂声)in the crust.These cracks are volcanoes.Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes.But not every mountain is a volcano.A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes.The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth.Over thousands of years, this pile of cooled lava can grow to be very, very big.For example, the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, is a volcano.It towers more than 16,000 feet above the ground around it.1.The underlined word“erupts”means.A.moves down B.breaks away

C.builds up D.suddenly throws out lava

2.Which words in the passage have the same meaning as “melted rock”?

A.“Volcano”and“explode”.B.“Crust”and“hard rock”

C.“magma”and“lava” D.“Volcano”and“magma”

3.Which is the correct order of the layers of the earth(beginning with the top layer)?

A.crust-hard rock-magma-soft rock

B.crust-hard rock-soft rock-magma

C.magma-soft rock-hard rock-crust


4.The best title(标题)of the passage should be u.A.The Volcano B.Kilimanjaro Volcano

C.The Mountains D.The Melted Rock


第三篇:大学英语四级词汇 之 (N)

大学英语四级词汇 之(N)

no longer nail



niece [ni:s]n.侄女,外甥女 night [nait]n.夜,夜间 nightmare nine



[neil]n.钉;指甲 v.钉,钉住


n.名字,名称,名义 v.命名,取名;说出 ad.即,换句话说

naked ['neikid]name ['neim]namely ['neimli]nap




a.第九 n.九分之一



a.狭(窄)的,狭隘的a.肮脏的,卑劣的,下流的;恶意的,险恶的 ninety ['nainti]ninth [nainθ]nitrogen narrow ['nærəu]nasty ['nɑ:sti]['naitrədʒən]n.氮

nation ['neiʃən]n.民族,国家

national ['næʃənl]a.民族的,国家的,国民的nationality


native ['neitiv]a.本国的,本地的,土生的 n.本地人 natural ['nætʃərəl]a.自然界的,天然的;自然的,天生的 naturally


nature ['neitʃə]n.自然,自然界;天性,本性,性质


['nɔ:ti]a.顽皮的,淘气的naval ['neivəl]a.海军的,军舰的,船的navigation


n.领航;航空,航海;水上运输navy ['neivi]n.海军



nearby ['niəbai]a.&ad.附近prep.在...附近nearly ['niəli]ad.差不多,几乎


[ni:t]a.整洁的,简洁的;优美的,精致的necessarily ['nesisərili]ad.必然,必定 necessary ['nesisəri]a.必须的,必要的,必然的 n.必需品 necessity



neck [nek]n.颈,脖子 necklace



need [ni:d]n.必须,需要;贫困,困窘 v.需要,必须 needle ['ni:dl]n.针,指针,针状物

needless ['ni:dləs]a.不需要的negative


a.否定的,消极的,反面的neglect [ni'glekt]v.&n.忽视,忽略,疏忽 negotiate

[ni'gəuʃieit]vt.谈判达成,洽谈 vi.(与人就...)交涉

Negro ['ni:grəu]n.黑人 a.黑人的neighbor ['neibə]n.邻居 neighbour



neighborhood ['neibəhud]n.邻居,附近,周围;邻居关系 neighbourhood

['neibəhud]n.邻居,附近,周围;邻居关系neither ['naiðə, 'ni:ðə]a.&pron.两者都不,(两者)没有一个


['nevju:, 'nɛfju]


nerve [nə:v]n.神经;勇气,胆量,沉着,果断 nervous ['nə:vəs]

a.神经的;神经过敏的,紧张不安的nest [nest]n.巢,窝


[net]n.网,网状物 a.净,纯净的network ['netwə:k]


neutral ['nju:trəl]a.中立的,中性的 never ['nevə]


nevertheless [ˌnevəðə'les]conj.然而,不过 ad.仍然,不过new

[nju:]a.新的,新近的;不熟悉的,没经验的newly ['nju:li]ad.新近,最近,重新 news [nju:z]n.新闻,消息

newspaper ['nju:sˌpeipə]


next [nekst]ad.其次,然后 a.紧接的,其次的,贴近的 nice



[nəu]ad.不,不是 a.没有,并非,不许

no longer



noble ['nəubəl]a.贵族的,高尚的nobody ['nəubədi]




noise [nɔiz]n.噪声,吵嚷声,杂间 noisy ['nɔizi]

a.吵闹的,喧闹的none [nʌn]pron.没有人,没有任何东西;任何人都不 nonsense



noodle ['nu:dl]


noon [nu:n]n.正午,中午 nor


normal ['nɔ:məl]a.正常的,正规的,标准的normally



north [nɔ:θ]a.&n.北,北方 ad.在北方,向北方 northeast [ˌnɔ:θ'i:st]a.&n.东北,东北部 ad.在东北,向东北 northern ['nɔ:ðən]


[ˌnɔ:θ'west]a.&n.西北,西北部 ad.在西北,向西北

nose [nəuz]n.鼻子;突出部分

not [nɔt]ad.不


[nəut]n.笔记,便条;注释,评论;钞票 v.注意

notebook ['nəutbuk]n.笔记本



n.没有东西,什么也没有;无,零 ad.毫不notice ['nəutis]v.看到,注意到 n.通知,布告;注意,认识


['nəutisəbəl]a.显而易见的,值得注意的notify ['nəutifai]vt.(正式)通知,报告 notion ['nəuʃən]n.观念,概念,想法 noun [naun]n.名词 novel ['nɔvəl]n.长篇小说

November [nəu'vembə]n.十一月



nowadays ['nauədeiz]ad.现今,现在 nowhere



nuclear ['nju:kliə]a.原子核的,核心的,核的nuisance ['nju:səns]n.麻烦事,讨厌的人(或事)number ['nʌmbə]



['nju:mərəs]a.数多的,大批的,无数的nurse [nə:s]n.保姆,护士,保育员 v.护理,养育,喂奶 nursery ['nə:səri]




nylon ['nailɔn]n.尼龙



第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

The Internet is an amazing information resource.Students, teachers, and researchers use it as __31_ investigative tool.Journalists use it to find information for stories.Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 32_(late)medical development.Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends.People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from _33 countries and cultures.However, __34____there are many positive developments __35__(associate)with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns.__36___ concern relates to a lack of control over__37__ appears on the Internet.With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are 38(restrict)on what kinds of programs can __39__(broadcast)and at what times of the day.With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable __40____ their children to see.第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)31.an 32.latest 33.other/different 34.while 35.associated

36.One 37.what 38.restrictions 39.be broadcast(ed)40.for


Crying marriage? 31(surprise), isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, and 32(remain)in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty.Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34(necessary)to marriage procedure.It is very much 35 same in different places of the province.According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding.36 , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon 37 as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village.In fact, there were cases 38 which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony.In a word, crying at wedding is a 39 by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words.However, in the 40(arrange)marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life.语法填空:

31.Surprising 32.remained 33.until/till 34.necessity 35.the

36.Otherwise 37.her 38.in 39.way/means 40.arranged


In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet.When I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait __31____it boots up completely, and then I go online.I usually check my email first and then write a few messages __32____ family and friends.I sometimes scan the local news headlines at ___33___ favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news.This Website often provides video news clips____34___ you can view online.I sometimes order products or service online to save money and time instead of going to a store and__35____(buy)what I'm looking for.For example, I ___36____(order)a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50.Whatever I do, I realize that there are problems__37_____ using the Internet including scams, identify theft, and viruses, so I'm very careful not to give out my ____38_____(person)information.Furthermore, I don't download or open files I don't recognize.Using the Internet can be fun and__39____ convenient way of shopping and finding out new information, _____40___ you just need to be careful

语法填空 : 31 until / till 32.to 33.my 34 that / which 35.buying


In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are neccessary.Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear ______31________ spoken..Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation._____32_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it.We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.There is no easy way to success _____33_______ language learning._____34________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____35________(memorize)rules from a grammar book.It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______36_________meaning, studying the dictionary and so on.We must learn by using the language._______37_______we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the languang.“Learn through use” is a good piece of _____38______(advise)for those ______39______are studying a new language.Practice is important.We must practise speaking and ____40____(write)the language whenever we can.答案:

31.it 32.Thirdly 33.in 34.A 35.to memorize

36.their 37.If 38.advice 39.who 40.writing

第五篇:SumerNETEM 阅读理解 考点词汇 1800

people [5pi:pl] n.1.[用作person的复数]人;人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族 v.居住于,构成„的人口 【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth.民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。“peop”与“pop”为变体,含义为“crowd;nation”(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。

job [dVCb] n.1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事

【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s.如果化整为零,什么工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与“工作”具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。

world [wE:ld] n.1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世

【例句】Naked came I into the ~.and naked must I go out.我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与“人 — 纪元”具有关联性。本词强调人文的方面。

work [wE:k] n.1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品 4.作用,效果 v.1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效 【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral.在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与“to do;act”(做;行为)具有关联性。

society [sE5saiEti] n.1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动

【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~;they bring us into the best ~;they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈,带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为“soci”,含义为“companion;to join”(联合)。age [eidV] n.1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老 v.变陈旧;变老;显老

【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity.年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。first [fE:st] a.1.第一(位)的,首要的;第一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的 n.第一个人;第一件事 【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。

study [5stQdi] n.1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房 v.1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查

【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects;it is my metaphysics, and my physics.我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。

well [wel] ad.1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;可观地 4.有理由地;正确地(as ~)a.良好的;妥善的;有利的;令人满意(或愉快)的

【例句】There are two kinds of people: those who are always ~ and those who are always sick.Most of the devils of the world come from the first sort and most of the achievements from the second.人分成两种:总是健康的和总是病弱的。世上大多数坏事都出自第一种人,大多数成就都出自第二种人。

want [wCnt] v.1.要,想要,希望 2.缺乏,缺少(for ~ of)3.想与(某人)谈话 4.缉拿,追捕

【例句】No great men ever complains of ~ of opportunity.伟人从不抱怨缺乏机会。【认知】本词的核心意义与“缺少”具有关联性。

money [5mQni] n.1.货币 2.(可转换为货币的财产),资产,财富 3.钱,金钱 4.[总称]富人;金融界

【例句】If ~ is regarded as God, it will punish you like a devil.如果把金钱视为上帝,它就会像魔鬼一样折磨你。

waste [weist] v.1.浪费,滥用 2.消耗;损耗;磨灭 n.1.浪费,滥用2.废料;弃物

【例句】 Time cannot be added to a person’s life, but it can be made more valuable by avoiding ~.时间无法被添加到人的生命里,不过可以通过避免浪费来使之更有价值。

import [im5pC:t] v.1.进口,输入;引进 2.含有„的意思,意味着 n.1.进口,输入 2.意思,含意;重要(性)【例句】The country is ~ ing a broad range of skilled personnel.这个国家正在引进各行各业的技术人员。

things [WiNs] n.1.物,东西;事物 2.事,事情,事件 3.[~s](个人的)所有物;用具,用品 4.消息;[~s] 局面;情况;形势 5.事业;行为;成果,产品;成就,成绩 6.话;题目,主题,话题;想法

use [ju:s] v.1.用,使用 2.发挥;行使;运用 n.1.(to make use of)使用;应用;运用;利用 2.使用价值;益处

【例句】Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man’s actions, Do not ridicule the ~ of words in psychotherapy.言语能够激起最强烈的情感,引发人的一切行动。不要嘲笑言语在心理治疗中的运用。【认知】G。

haste [heist] n.(in ~)1.急速,急忙;仓促 2.草率,轻率 3.急迫 【例句】Make ~ slowly.从容地加紧。

health [helW] n.1.健康 2.健康状况 3.健旺,发达

【例句】Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.健康是这样的东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。

example [i^5zB:mpl] n.1.例子,实例;样品 2.榜样,楷模 3.先例 【例句】 Example is always more efficacious than precept.榜样总是比规矩更有效。

score [skC:] n.(比赛中的)得分,比分;计分 v.(体育比赛中)得(分);记(分)

【例句】 The Universe is an intelligence test.How much do you think you’re going to ~ by dying? 宇宙是一项智力测验。你认为自己在死前能拿到多少分?

change [tFeindV] n.1.改变;转变;变化;变革 2.找头;零钱

【例句】Change, impermanence is characteristic of life.变化无常是人生的特性。

help [help] v.1.帮助;扶持;资助;救助2.对„有帮助;助长;促进;对„有好处(或用处)3.治疗;缓解;补救 4.[与can或cannot连用]避免,阻止,防止 【例句】Too much ~ is sometimes worse than no ~.帮助太多有时比没有帮助还糟。

knowledge [5nClidV] n.1.知识,学识;学问 2.知晓;见闻;消息 3.熟悉 4.了解;理解;辨别

【例句】Knowledge itself is power.知识本身就是力量。【认知】G。

practice [ 5prAktis ] n.1.(反复)练习2.熟练 3.(in ~)实践;实施,实行;(知识的)应用;经验 4.惯常做法,惯例;习俗

【例句】When you say that you agree to thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in ~.当你说你原则上同意时,意思是你实际上要本就不打算去做。

view [ vju: ] n.1.观看,看 2.视力;视域;视野 3.被看见的东西;(从特定处所看到的)景色 4.[有时作~ s]看法,见解;观点 5.目标;打算(with a ~ to)

【例句】Nothing would more contribute to make a man wise than to have always an enemy in his ~.视域里总是有个敌人,再没有什么比这更能使人明智了。

different [5difrEnt] a.1.差异的,不同的(~ from, than)2.不平常的,与众不同的,别致的,罕见的

【例句】Every man is ~ from other people, and he is not the same self from day to day.每个人都与他人不同,每一天他也不是同一个自我。

developments [di5velEpmEnt] n.1.形成,研制,培育,开发 2.生长,进化,发展 3.发展(或培育等)的结果,产物 4.发达 5.发展(或成长,进化等)的阶段 6.事态发展,新情况,新闻7.开发的房地产

【例句】The psychic ~ of the individual is a short repetition of the course of ~ of the race.个体的精神发展是人类发展过程的短暂重复。happy [ 5hApi ] a.1.(显得或感到)愉快的,高兴的,满意的 2.(表示)乐意的 3.(事情)幸运的

【例句】The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.最幸福的女人犹如最幸福的民族,没有历史可言。【认知】本词的核心意义与“hap(机缘,运气,偶然发生)”具有关联性。

death [ deW ] n.1.死,死亡;(植物的)枯萎 2.灭亡,破灭,毁灭,终止,结束 3.致死原因

【例句】We understand ~ for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.当死神的手落在我们所爱的人身上时,我们第一次懂得了死亡的含义。

kind [ kaind ] a.1.友好的;亲切的 2.和蔼的;仁慈的3.富于同情心的;宽容的,心胸宽在的 n.1.种类 2.[the ~] 特定种类的人;同类的人(或事物)3.(动、植物等的)类,族;种,属

【例句】Knowledge is of two ~s.We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.知识分为两种:自己掌握一门学问,或者知道在哪里可以获得关于它的资料。

live [ liv ] v.1.活;生存(~ by, on, upon)2.度(过),经历(过)(~ through)3.(小说、戏剧中的人物)栩栩如生 a.1.活的,有生命的 2.生动活泼的3.精力充沛的 ad.[laiv] 在(或从)现场,以现场直播方式 【例句】 He most ~s who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.思考最深广、感受最高尚、行为最优秀的人活得最充实。

needs [ ni:dz ] v.1.需要 2.须要,定要 3.缺少,欠缺 n.1.需要(物);必要 2.缺少,欠缺 3.缺衣少食,贫困

【例句】 Do not buy what you want, but what you ~;what you do not ~ is a dear at a farthing.不要买想要的东西,而要买需要的东西。不需要的东西即使花一文钱也是昂贵的。shortage [ 5FC:tidV ] n.1.不足,短少 2.不足之额

【例句】This island is almost made of coal and surrounded by fish.Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish in Great Britain at the same time.这个岛几乎由煤构成并被鱼包围。只有一个组织天才才能在英国同时造成煤与鱼的短缺。

infant [ 5infEnt ] n.1.婴儿 2.初学者;生手

【例句】No animal is so inexhaustible as an excited ~.没有一种动物能像兴奋的婴儿这样不知疲倦。【认知】前缀为“in-”含义;本词的“fant”与“fari”(说)之间为变体关系;核心含义为“speechless”(不说话的)。

class [ klB:s ] n.1.种类,门类 2.班级; 3.课;上课 4.阶级;社会等级 v.把„„归入某类(或某类等级)

【例句】There is only one ~ in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.社会中只有一个阶级比富人更多地想着金钱,那就是穷人。

mortality [ mC:5tAlEti ] n.1.死,死亡率 2.终有一死

【例句】If I laugh at any mortal thing, it is that I may not weep.如果我笑世间的凡事,那是为了我可以免于哭泣。【认知】词根“mort”含义为“死亡”;如“murder”为同源关系。

back [ bAk ] n.1.背,背部 2.脊 3.背面,反面 4.后面;后部 5.力气,气力 v.1.(使)后退,(使)倒退 2.位于„的后面;构成„的背景;支持(~ up)a.(无比较级)1.背后的,后面的 2.边远的;偏僻的 3.向后的;反向的 【例句】Other men’s sins are before our eyes;our own are behind our ~.别人的罪过在眼前,自己的罪过在背后。

expectancy [Ik5spektEnsI] n.期待, 期望 【例句】the life expectancy curve 预期寿命曲线【认知】本词词根为“spect”(看);如“inspect”同源关系。

order [ 5C:dE ] n.1.次序,顺序 2.整齐,有条理 3.工作(或健康等)状况4.通例,常规 5.治安,秩序;制度 6.(议会、会议等的)程序,规程 7.[常作~ s]命令;指示;嘱咐 8.风气;风尚;流行式样;趋势 v.1.整理,安排;布置 2.命令;指示;嘱咐 3.定购;预定

【例句】 The joy of the young is to disobey — but the trouble is , there are no longer any ~s.年轻人的乐趣在于不服从 —— 不过问题在于,现在已不存在任何指令。

fact [ fAkt ] n.1.事实,真实事情,客观事实 2.真实性,确凿性;实际,实情,真相 3.细节 4.论据,假设事实

【例句】Experience isn’t interesting till it begins to repeat itself — in ~, till it does that, it hardly is experience.经验直到重复,自己才能得到注意 —— 事实上在此之前它很难算是经验。

means [ mi:nz ] [复] n.1.[用作单或复]方法,手段;工具(by ~ of)2.金钱,财富,财产;财力;收入

【例句】Means only exist to serve an end.手段只为服务于目的而存在。

part [ pB:t ] n.1.一部分,部分 2.等分中的一份,„分之一 3.组成部分4.份儿;职责,本分;作用 v.(to part with)使分成几部分;使分裂 【例句】Not to know certain things is a great ~ of wisdom.不去知道某些事是智慧的一大部分。

hope [ hEup ] n.1.希望;指望 2.所希望的东西;期望着的事 3.(in the hope that „)抱有信心的理由 v.1.希望,期望;期待2.相信

【例句】In prosperity prepare for a change;in adversity ~ for change;in adversity ~ for one.顺境中准备变化,逆境中期待变化。

place [ pleis ] n.1.地方,地点;场所,所在地 2.合适的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;适当的时刻(或场合)3.(社会)地位,等级,身份;重要地位,高位;名望 v.放置;安置;安排

【例句】Everyone has talent.What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark ~ where it leads.人人都不乏才能。罕见的是跟随才能到它所指引的暗处去的勇气。

word [ wE:dz ] n.1.词,单词;字 2.谈话 3.话;词句;言辞,言语 4.消息,信息;传闻,谣言(Word has it that „)

【例句】A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other ~s, that he is wiser today than he way yesterday.人绝不应耻于承认自己犯过的错误。换一句话,勇于承认错误不过是说明他今天比昨天更聪明。

perfect [ 5p:fikt ] a.1.完美的;理想的 2.完好的,完整的;健全的 3.完全的,绝对的;十足的,地道的 4.精通的;娴熟的 5.精确的;绝对正确的 v.1.(使)完美,改善,提高 2.(使)完全;完成

【例句】Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing before all the world.十足的勇敢是在没人在场的情况下做众目睽睽时做到的事。

food [ fu:d ] n.1.食物;(固体)食品 2.资料;精神滋养

【例句】If God were to appear to starving people, he would not dare to appear in any other form than ~.上帝假如对饥饿的人们显圣,他是不会以除了食物之外的任何形态出现。

human [ 5hju:mEn ] a.1.人的,人类的 2.显示人的本性的;有人性的;通人情的 n.人

【例句】I am a man, and nothing ~ can be of indifference.我是个人,对有关人的一切都不能无动于衷。【认知】本词的核心意义与“homo;man”(土地;泥土)具有关联性;英语文化宗教认为“人是上帝使用黏土制造的”。government [ 5^QvEnmEnt ] n.1.[常作G-] 政府,内阁 2.政体;体制 3.治理,管理,支配

【例句】Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself ~.言论自由只有在政府认为自己安全时才能存在。【认知】G。

play [ plei ] n.1.玩;游戏;玩笑 2.剧本;戏剧;(戏剧的)演出 3.活动;操作;(才智等的)运用 4.作用;影响(to give full play to)v.1.玩,做(游戏)2.参加(体育活动、比赛等)3.开(玩笑)4.扮演(角色等);演出


pay [ pei ] v.1.付钱给,给„报酬 2.付,支付 3.给予(注意等)(to ~ attention to);致以(问候等);进行(访问等)(to ~ a visit to)4.对„有利,对„有好处(to ~ off)5.产生„利润;(工作等)有„报酬 n.1.工资,薪金 2.报偿;报应,惩罚 3.付钱

【例句】Censure is the tax a man ~s to the public for being eminent.遭受指摘是一个人由于出众而向公众纳的税。

buy [ bai ] v.1.买,买得 2.(出一定代价)获得,换得,赢得 3.向„行贿,收买 4.<口>相信,接受;同意

【例句】It’s good to have money to ~ things that money can ~, but it’s better not to lose things money cannot ~.有钱买钱得到好东西,别失去钱买不到的东西更好。

population [ 7pCpju5leiFEn ] n.1.[常作the ~](城市、国家、地区等的)全部人 2.人口 3.(某地或某类)物品的总数;(某地或某地)动(或植)物总数 【例句】Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.Subsistence only increases in an arithmetical ratio.人口在不加抑制时以几何比率增长。生活资料仅以算术比率增长。way [ weiz ] n.1.方法,手段,方式;样式 2.(某个)方面;(某)点 3.方向 4.路途,路线;[亦作~s]路程,距离 5.路,道路;出路 6.供通过(或前进)的地方;活动范围;余地;机会 7.[常作 ~s]习俗,风度,作风;癖性 8.情况,状态;程度;规模

【例句】He has more power in many ~s than the President.在许多方面他的权利比总统的还大。

situation [ 7sitju5eiFEn ] n.1.位置,地点 2.情况,处境;状态 3.形势,局面;环境 4.困难境地;危险局面

【例句】The United States today is in the unhappy ~ of a rich and romantic maiden.She yearns hopelessly to be loved for herself alone.今日的美国处于一个富有而浪漫的少女的可怜境地。她毫无希望地渴望有人仅仅为了她本人而爱她。

patient [ 5peiFEnt ] a.1.忍耐的;有耐心的 2.显示出忍耐的;(长期)忍受苦难的 3.坚忍的;勤奋的 n.病人

【例句】The art of medicine consists in three things: the disease, the ~ and the physician.The ~ must combat the disease along with the physician.医术由三样东西组成:疾病、病人和医生。病人必须和医生一道与疾病斗争。

global [ 5^lEubEl ] a.1.全球的,全世界的 2.天体的,球形的;球面的 3.总括的,总的,完整的,综合的;统一的

【例句】the ~ tonnage of that country’s navy 那个国家舰队的总吨位。

reason [ 5ri:zn ] n.1.原因,理由,诱因;充分理由 2.理智,理性;判断力,推理力 3.正常神志 4.道理,情理,明智 v.1.推论,推理,作逻辑思维 2.理喻,劝告(~ with)

【例句】 He that will not ~ is a bigot.He that cannot ~ is a fool.And he that dares not ~ is a slave.不愿讨论的人是盲从者,不能讨论的人是蠢人,不敢讨论的人是奴才。face [ feis ] n.1.脸,面孔,面部表情2.表面;前面 3.外表,外观 4.自信 5.(in the ~ of)面子,威信;自尊,自重,尊严 v.1.面向,面朝,正对 2.使面对 3.面对 4.(勇敢地)对付;正视 5.面临6.(把事实等)摆在„面前(~ with)

【例句】It is harder to remain radical when richer because you have to ~ up, at least in theory, to giving up what you’ve got.越富有保持激进就越难,因为你不得不至少在理论上勇于正视放弃自己所得这一问题。

result [ ri5zQlt ] n.1.结果,后果;成果,效果 2.比赛结果,比分;成绩 v.1.(作为结果)发生,产生(~ from)2.结果,终归,终结(~ in)

【例句】Though great artists have been licentious, license does not necessarily ~ in great art.尽管伟大的艺术家们曾经放浪形骸却未必导致伟大的艺术。

necessary [ 5nes[sEri ] a.1.必要的;必需的;必须的 2.必然的,势必的 【例句】Make yourself ~ to someone.使你自己成为某个人所需要的人。

gain [ ^einz ] v.1.获得,取得;赢得 2.(使)获得;(使)博得;(使)赢得 3.增加,增添 4.(经过努力)到达

【例句】Beauty ~ little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire.徒具华丽的服吏美人增色不多,却使丑人减色不少。

medical [ 5medikEl ] a.1.医学的;医疗的;医用的 2.内科的

【例句】If a man is good in his heart, then he is an ethical member of any group in society.if he is bad in his heart, he is an unethical member.To me, the ethics of ~ practice is as simple as that.一个如果内心是善良的,在任何社会集团都是道德的成员;如果内心是邪恶的,就是不道德的成员。对于我,从医的道德和这一样简单。

remember [ ri5membE ] v.1.记得,回想起 2.牢记,记住,不忘记 【例句】Happiness isn’t something you experience;it’s something you ~.幸福不是你经历的事情,而是你记得的事情。

success [ sEk5ses ] n.1.成就;成功;好结果,好成绩;胜利 2.发迹;兴旺;升迁 3.成功的事物;取得成就的人 4.结果;效果

【例句】 There is only one ~ to be able to spend your life in your own way.成功只有一种:能够以自己的方式度过一生。

difficulty [ 5difikElti ] n.1.难,困难性,困难程度 2.困难,难事3.费劲 4.难点,难题 5.麻烦;麻烦的起因

【例句】Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most ~ in the world.思想容易行动难,把思想化为行动则是世上第一难事。

bring [ briN ] v.1.把„带至说话人所在处(或指定处),带来,拿来 2.把„引来 3.促使,说服,劝使,影响 4.导致,招致;产生(~ about)

【例句】You will not find poetry anywhere unless you ~ some of it with you.如果不自己带些诗,你在哪儿也找不到。

believe [ bi5li:v ] v.(Believe it or not)1.相信,相信„的真实性 2.相信(某人)的话 3.认为;猜想,料想

【例句】 The liar’s punishment is not the least that he is not ~d, but that he cannot ~ anyone else.说谎者受到的惩罚绝不是没有人相信他,而是他无法相信任何人。

improve [ im5pru:v ] v.1.改进,改善;增进 2.提高(土地、地产)的 【例句】People seldom ~ when they have no other model but themselves to copy after.人们在除了自己便没有其他榜样效仿时,难取得进步。mind [ maind ] n.1.头脑;智力;知识(to bear in mind)2.理智;健全的心智,正常的神志 3.(区别于身躯或物质的)心,精神 4.心情,情绪 5.想法,见解,意见;主意 v.1.注意 2.小心,当心 3.[我用于否定句或疑问句]介意;反对

【例句】The purpose of education is to replace an empty ~ with an open one.教育的目的是将空虚的头脑换成开放的头脑。

science [ 5saiEns ] n.1.科学 2.自然科学;(科学的)学科 3.(可用科学方法研究或应用科学方法的)科学事物 4.技术,技巧 5.科学研究;真理探索 【例句】 Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated.科学不过是经过阐发的知觉,经过解释的含义,经过完善并详细表述的常识。【认知】词根“sci”含义为“to know(认知)”。

harm [ hB:m ] n.1.伤害,损害,危害(do ~ to)2.邪恶;恶行

【例句】There is not much ~ in a lion;he has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility.狮子为害其实不大。它没有理想,没有宗教,没有政治,没有骑士精神,也讲究斯文。

nature [ 5neitFE ] n.1.[拟人化时常作N-]大自然,自然界;自然力 2.禀性,天性;性格3.本质,性质;类型,种类(by ~)4.真实,真切(in ~)【例句】If you study ~ in books, when you go out of doors you cannot find her.如果在书本中研究自然,走出户外时你就找不到她。

step [ step ] n.1.(脚)步;一步的距离 2.步态;步伐 3.[~s](某人所走的)路,道路;步骤;措施(to take ~s)4.级别,等级;晋级5.梯级,台阶 【例句】He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first ~.登梯子的人必须从第一级开始。

system [5sIstEm] n.1.系统 2.制度,体制 3.理论体系 4.方法,方式 5.分类;分类原则 6.条理;秩序 【例句】Every science has for its basis a ~ of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated.每门科学都有一套像管理宇宙的原理那样固定不变的原理作为基础。

law [ lC: ] n.1.法律,法;法制 2.法的威力;法律的制约 3.<喻>权威性断言;权威制约;权威 4.守则;惯例;习俗

【例句】 The ~ cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the ~.法律并不能使人人平等,但他们在法律面前都是平等的。

pollution [ pE5lu:FEn ] n.1.污染 2.污染物;受污染空气

【例句】Man will survive as a species for one reason: He can adapt to the destructive effects of our power-intoxicated technology and of our ungoverned population growth, to the dirt, ~ and noise of a New York or Tokyo.人类作为一个物种,将出于一种原因而得以存活:他能够适应我们沉迷于力量的技术,不受控制的人口增长及大都市灰尘、污染与噪音所造成的有害影响。

mercy [ 5mE:si ] n.1.慈悲,仁慈,宽容 2.仁慈行为,善行 3.(神的)恩惠;幸运(at the ~ of“受控制于”)

【例句】Society, like the Roman youth at circus, never shows ~ to the fallen gladiator.社会有如古罗马竞技场的青年,对战败的角斗士从不表现出怜悯。

opinion [ E5pinjEn ] n.1.意见,看法,见解,主张 2.舆论 3.评价;印象 【例句】 Our enemies come nearer the truth in their ~s of us than we do in our opinion of ourselves.敌人对我们的看法比我们对自己的看法更接近事实。

serious [ 5siEriEs ] a.1.严肃的,庄重的 2.认真的;不是开玩笑的 3.重要的,重大的,需要认真思考(或对待)的 4.严重的;危急的,令人担心的 【例句】Those who are ~ in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in ~ matters.对荒唐的事态度严肃的人,对严肃的事会态度荒唐。

industry [ 5indEstri ] n.1.勤奋,勤劳 2.(创造价值的)有组织劳动;经常的工作 3.工业,企业;行业,业;(有利可图的)行当

【例句】In the ordinary business of life ~ can do anything which genius can do, and very many things which it cannot.在普通的生活事务中,勤劳能够做天才能做的任何事情,以及天才所不能做的许许多多事情。

die [ dai ] vi.1.死亡,死 2.(植物)枯死,凋谢 3.消失,灭亡;停止,结束 4.减弱,逐渐消失,(声音等)渐变微弱 5<口>[常用于进行时态]渴望,切望(~ for)

【例句】Better to ~ on one’s feet than live on one’s knees.站着死胜过跪着生。

education [ 7edju(:)5keiFEn ] n.1.教育,培养;训练;教育程度 2.受到的教育;通过教育(或训练等)所得到的知识(或技能,修养)3.教育学 【例句】Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.教育是学过的东西被忘掉后尚存的东西。

chance [ tFB:ns ] n.1.机会,际遇 2.可能性;或然性;[常作~s]很有可能发生的情况(by ~)

【例句】In the field of observation, ~ favours the prepared mind.在观察的领域里,机遇垂青于有准备的头脑。

interesting [ 5intristiN ] a.有趣的;引起兴趣的;令人关注的

【例句】The secret of a man who is universally ~ is that he is universally interested.引起大家兴趣的人,其秘密在于他对事事都感兴趣。

true [ tru: ] a.1.真实的,确实的;如实的 2.真的,真正的,非人造的 3.实质的,基本的 4.忠实的,忠诚的 5.可靠的,确凿的,无疑的 【例句】He who thinks himself more blessed because he enjoys benefits which others do not, is ignorant of ~ blessedness.由于享有他人所无的好处而自以为更幸福的人,不懂得什么是真正的幸福。

newspaper [ 5nju:speipE ] n.1.报纸,报 2.报社

【例句】Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without ~s, or ~s without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.假如由我来决定应当要个政府而没有报纸,还是要报纸而没有政府,我会不迟疑地选择后者。

saying [ 5seiiN ] n.1.要说的话;所说的话;意见 2.发言机会;发言权 3.[常作the ~] 决定权

【例句】 Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, not less wise, to balance it.几乎所有的名言都有意思相反的一句,其智慧并不逊色,以便使之平衡。

birth [ bE:Ws ] n.1.出生 2.分娩 3.血统;出身 4.起源;根源(to give ~ to)【例句】Birth is nothing where virtue is not.品德不好,出身微不足道。

technology [ tek5nClEdVi ] n.1.技术(学),工艺(学),工业技术 2.[总称]术语,专门用语 3.技术应用(或方法)

【例句】Technology „ is a queer thing;it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.技术„„是种古怪的东西。它一手递过不非凡的礼物,一手在你背后戳上一刀。

modern [ 5mCdEn ] a.1.近代的,现代的(ancient, medieval之对)2.现代化的;新式的;时髦的,摩登的

【例句】The classic literature is always ~.古典文学永远是现代的。pain [ pein ] n.1.痛,疼痛 2.痛苦,悲痛 3.[~s]辛苦,刻苦,努力;苦心;操心(take ~s)

【例句】One of the greatest ~s to human nature is the ~ of a new idea.人性感受的最大痛若之一是新思想带来的痛苦。

room [ ru:m, rum ] n.1.房间,室 2.余地;机会;范围(to make ~ for)【例句】For me a house is an instrument of work rather than a back ground for elegant living.Every ~ is a studio or workshop.房屋对于我是工作的装备,而非优雅生活的背景。每个房间都是画室或日工场。【认知】本词的核心意义与“房间;室”具有关联性。

eyes [ aiz ] n.1.眼睛,眼珠 2.眼光,视力,观察力 3.看,注意 4.见解,观点;判断(in the eyes of)

【例句】 The face is the mirror of the mind;and eyes, without speaking, confess the secrets of the heart.脸是心灵的镜子。眼睛无言,说出了内心的秘密。

increasing [ in5kri:siN ] v.增加,增大;增长,增强

【例句】Friendship with the good is like the evening shadows, increasing till the sun of life sets.与善良的人的友情就像傍晚的影响,它不断延长,直到生命的太阳落山。

especially [ is5peFEli ] ad.特别,尤其,格外;专门地,主要地;异常地 【例句】To say nothing, ~ when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.什么也不说,尤其在讲话时,是外交艺术的一半。

traditional [trE5dIFEn(E)l] n.传统,传统的思想(或信仰、习俗等)【例句】Our young are being bombarded with the notion that they may be the last generation to experience ~ marriage and family life — and also with some pretty curious notions as to what they might try instead.我们的子女受到他们可能是体验传统婚姻和农行生活的最后一代的说法困扰 —— 同时又被一些相当奇特的观念冲击着,例如他们或许该转而尝试的事情。

experience [ iks5piEriEns ] n.1.经历,阅历 2.经验,感受,体验 v.1.经历,体验,感受2.通过亲身经历认识到,体验到,发现

【例句】Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.经验是人对自己的错误所加的名称。

save [ seiv ] v.1.救助,搭救 2.维护;保全 3.储蓄;积攒;保存 4.保留,留下 5.节省,节约;省去,免去

【例句】 Love cannot ~ life from death;but it can fulfill life’s purpose.爱无法从死亡中拯救生命,但它可以实现生命的目的。

body [ 5bCdi ] n.1.(人、动物的)身体,躯体;(植物的)干、茎 2.(与灵魂、思想等相对而言的)肉体3.死人;(人、动物的)尸体 4.(文章、收籍等的)正文 4.(视作整体的)一群,一批,一组(a ~ of);社团,团体;一支部队

【例句】There is nothing the ~ suffers the soul may not profit by.任何使肉体受苦的东西都可以使灵魂得益。

ability [ E5biliti ] n.1.能力(指体力或智力),(法律、道义、财力等许可范围内的)行事能力,资格 2.[常作abilities]专门技能;天才;天资 【例句】The university brings out all abilities including incapability.大学使学生显露所有才能,包括无能。

condition [ kEn5diFEn ] n.1.状况,状态;[~s]环境,形势 2.健康状况,病3.良好状况(或程度);可工作(或使用销售等)的状态(或程度);健康(程度)4.地位,身份 5.(先决)条件,前提v.是„„的条件,决定(~ed to);使取决于(~ on);影响,变更

【例句】All art constantly aspires towards the ~ of music.一切艺术都不懈地追求音乐的状态。

enjoy [ in5dVCi ] v.1.喜爱,享受„„的乐趣;乐于;欣赏,喜爱 2.享有,享受 3.经历

【例句】Optimist: A man who gets treed by a lion but ~s the scenery.乐观主义者:被狮子逼得上了树还欣赏风景的人。

attention [ E5tenFEn ] n.(~ attention to)1.注意;专心;留心 2.注意力 3.考虑;关心;照料

【例句】No one is safe from slander.The best way is to pay no ~ to it, but live innocence and let the world talk.没有谁免于诽谤。最好的办法是不予理会,洁身自好,任凭人们去说。

ill [ il ] a.1.[常作表语]有病的;不健康的;要呕吐的 2.坏的;邪恶的;有害的;令人讨厌的 3.不利的;不吉利的 4.敌意的,不友善的;冷酷无情的,残酷的 5.不良的;不恰当的

【例句】One of the minor pleasures of life is to be slightly ~.人生的若干小快乐之一是得场小病。

progress [ 5prEu^res ] n.1.进步,上进;生长;进展;(不断的)改进 2.前进,行进

【例句】Modesty makes one ~ whereas conceit makes one lay behind.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

choose [ tFu:z ] v.1.选择,挑选;(投票)选举2.情愿;决定;认为„妥当(to choose A over B)

【例句】Life isn’t a choice.Something comes up or it doesn’t.A lot of choices ~ you.人生不是选择。有些事情也许发生,也许不发生。有许多选择在选择你。

open [ 5EupEn ] a.1.开着的 2.无遮盖的 3.空旷的;开阔的 4.散开的;稀疏的;稀松的 5.(道路等)可通行的,无障碍的(~ to)6.(职位等)空缺的;可利用的 7.空闲的,无约会的 8.开始营业(或工作)的;活动着的 9.正在考虑的,尚未决定的 10.无偏见的,能接受新思想的 11.慷慨的,大方的 v.1.开,打开;睁开;张开;展开 2.开辟;清除(道路等)的障碍物;开垦 3.开始;开设,开办

【例句】 Don’t tell a woman she’s pretty;tell her there is no other woman like her, and all roads will ~ to you.别对女人说她漂亮。对她说她与众不同,所有道路就都会向你开放。

finish [ 5finiF ] v.1.完成,结束 2.用完;吃完;耗尽 3.给„最后加工 【例句】Genius begins great works;labor alone ~ed them.天才开创非凡的工作,劳动独自完成它们。

spend [ spend ] v.(~ on)1.花费,用(钱)2.花(时间等);度过;消磨 3.消耗,用尽(气力等)4.浪费,滥用

【例句】To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to ~ it wisely most difficult.取得财富难,保持它更难,但明智地运用它最难。

cause [ kC:z ] n.1.原因,起因(可指事物或人)2.(正当的)理由,(充分的)根据;动机3.事业;运动;勾当 4.要求决定的事,有争议的事 v.1.(使)产生,(使)发生,引起 2.使,促使

【例句】We must so strive that each man may regard himself as the chief ~ of the victory.我们必须努力到这种程度:每个人都可以自认是获胜的主要原因。

care [ kZE ] n.1.忧虑,烦恼,挂念 2.小心,用心,谨慎 3.照顾,管理;负责照管(或办理)的事 4.关心,关怀,关切 v.1.对„介意,对„计较 2.[后接不定式,常用于否定,疑问及条件句中]喜欢,愿意,想望

【例句】I don’t ~ what is written about me so long as it isn’t true.只要不是真的,我不在乎别人怎么写我。case1 [ keis ] n.1.事例,实例2.病症,病例;病人 3.诉讼;讼案 4.【语】格

【例句】Economy is going without something you do want, in ~ you should some day want something which you probably won’t want.节俭就是省去确实需要的东西度日,以备可能有一天需要的东西度日,以备可能有一天需要未必需要的东西。

case2 [keIs] n.1.箱,盒;套,罩;壳;鞘;容器 2.框,架 3.(一)组;


【例句】How idiotic civilization is!Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a ~ like a rare, rare fiddle? 文明是多么愚蠢!如果不得不把身体收藏在套子里,就像对待极其珍贵的小提琴一样,老天为什么还要将它给予你?

matter [ 5mAtE(r)] n.1.事情,问题 2.物质,物品 3.[the~]麻烦事,毛病 v.要紧,有关系

【例句】War is much too serious a ~ to be entrusted to generals.战争一事过于重大,不能交给将军们负责。

respect [ ris5pekt ] v.尊敬,敬重 n.1.尊敬,敬重 2.[~s]敬意;问候 3.方面;关系,关联(with ~ to)

【例句】 All the great religions are fundamentally equal.We must have innate ~ for other religions as we have for our own.一切伟大在根本上都是等同的。我们对于其他宗教,必须像对自己的宗教一样怀着天然的敬意。

real [ 5ri:El ] a.1.真的 2.现实的,实际的 3.逼真的,似真的 4.真实而重大的;完全的 5.真诚的,真心的 6.接触现实的;讲究实际的 7.[律](如房地产等)不动(产)的;物的

【例句】Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow.The shadow is what we think of it;the tree is the ~ thing.品德就像树,名声就像树的影子。影子是我们对树的看法,树才是真实的东西。war [ wC: ] n.1.战争 2.斗争,竞争;对抗,冲突

【例句】War is nothing but the continuation of politics with the admixture of other means.战争无非是搀入其他手段的政治的延续。【认知】本词词根“war”含义为“男性 — 战争;斗争”。

protect [ prE5tekt ] v.保护,防护(~ from);警戒

【例句】You can only ~ your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom.在这个世界上,你只有保护别人的自由才能保护自己的自由。

turn [ tE:n ] v.1.(使)转动,(使)旋转 2.(使)倒置,(使)颠倒;把„弄乱 3.(精神上)(使)错乱,(使)迷乱 4.(使)变坏;(使)变质(~ out)5.把„用于;利用;使用(~ to)

【例句】No man would listen to you talk if he didn’t know it was his ~ next.假如不知道下一个轮到他,没人会听你说话。

watch [ wCtF ] v.1.注视,观看 2.等待;留心(~ for)3.当心,注意 4.看护(~ over)5.守卫,看守 n.1.注视;注意;警惕;监视;观察 2.守卫;守护;守候 3.手表;挂表

【例句】The best way to restrain one’s anger is to ~ calmly how shameful it is when one is angry.抑制怒气的最好办法,是平静地观看别人愤怒时的表现有多么丢脸。

economic [ 7i:kE5nCmik ] a.1.经济学的 2.经济的,经济上的 3.关系国计民生的;有实用价值的 4.节约的,省俭的(常用economical)

【例句】We talk of freedom, but today political freedom does not take us far unless there is ~ freedom.我们谈到自由,但如今若没有经济上的自由,政治自由就起不到多大作用。【认知】 “eco-”有两层含义,其一“环境的,生态的,生态学的”,其二为“房子 — 家庭的,经济的(money)”。本词核心含义为“domestic management”。fit [ fit ] a.(~ for)1.适合的,合适的,恰当的 2.正当的,正确的 3.健康的,强健的 4.相称的,称职的 v.1.(使)适合;(使)符合;与„相称 2.(使)配合 3.(使)适应,(使)成一致

【例句】When you read a biography remember that the truth is never ~ for publication 在读传记的时候,别忘了真相是不宜于公开的。

healthy [ 5helWi ] a.1.健康的,健壮的,显得健康的 2.<喻> 有益健康的 【例句】I have no relish for the country;it is a kind of ~ grave.我对乡下不感兴趣。那是一种有益健康的坟墓。

run [ rQn ] v.1.跑,奔 2.(和„)交往,结伴 3.(道路等)伸展,延展 4.(活动、报道等)继续,持续5.开动(机器),操作(机器)6.经营;管理;开办

【例句】You take all the experience and judgment of men over 50 out of the world and there wouldn’t be enough left to ~ it.把年过半百者的经验见识统统拿走,剩下的将不足以管理这个世界。

match [ mAtF ] n.1.火柴 2.对手;敌手 3.相配(或相同、相似)的人(或物)4.比赛,竞赛的约定

【例句】I’m not denying that women are foolish;God Almighty made them to ~ the men.我不是在否认女人愚蠢,全能的上帝造成了她们以与男人相配。

answer [ 5B:nsE ] v.1.回答,答复 2.对„作出反应,响应 3.适应,适合 4.负有责任,须作交代(~ to;~ for)n.1.回答 2.反应;回报 3.答案,解决办法 4.(在地位、实力等方面)相当的人;对应物

【例句】A man usually falls in love with the woman who asks the kind of questions he is able to ~.男人通常爱上所提的问题不出他所能够回答的范围的女人。

policy [ 5pClisi ] n.1.方针;政策 2.计谋;办法 【例句】In the field of world ~, I would dedicate this nation to the ~ of a good neighbor.在世界政策方面,我将使我国致力于睦邻政策。

rich [ ritF ] a.1.富的,有钱的 2.富饶的;繁茂的 3.盛产的;肥沃的(~ in)4.宝贵的;精致华丽的 5.意味深长的;内容丰富的 n.[the ~] [总称] [用作复] 富人,有钱人

【例句】One is not ~ by what one owns, but more by what one is able to do without with dignity.一个人的富有不是凭着他所拥有的东西,而更是凭着他能够没有而保持尊严的东西。【认知】词根“rich”与“rex”为变体关系,含义为“king”(国王 — 富裕的)。

environment [ in5vaiErEnmEnt ] n.1.环境 2.环境艺术

【例句】What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his ~.Obviously, such states cannot be common, for the ~ is in constant flux.称为健康的东西是什么?不过是一种状态,处于这一状态的人刚好一时对环境完全适应。这种状态显然不可能常见,因为环境是在不断地变。

famous [ 5feimEs ] a.1.著名的,出名的(~ for)2.<口>第一流的;极好的 【例句】The tragedy of being ~ is that you have to devote so much time to being ~.成名的悲剧在于你不得不投入如此之多的时间来成名。

miss [ mis ] n.小姐 v.1.未击中;未抓住 2.失败,未达到目的 3.惦念 4.避免,逃脱

【例句】For a long life be moderate in all things, but don’t ~ anything.为了长寿,事事都要有所节制,但不要错过任何事情。

idea [ ai5diE ] n.1.思想,概念 2.计划,打算;想法,主意;意见;信念 3.模糊的想法;想象;猜想 4.意义;意思

【例句】The man with a new ~ is a crank until the ~ succeeds.具有新想法的人在其想法成功之前就是怪人。

evil [ 5i:vl ] a.1.邪恶的;罪恶的;堕落的 2.有害的 3.讨厌的

【例句】 The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be ~.赌博欲是如此普遍,赌博又是如此快乐,我想它必定是邪恶的。【认知】本词与“right”相对抗,强调“not a rule;not the law(违法)”。

number [ 5nQmbE ] n.1.数目;数字;数额 2.大数目(a ~ of);[常作~ s ]多数,大批 3.号码,编号

【例句】Marriage is a lot like the army, everyone complains, but you’d be surprised at the large ~ that re-enlist.婚姻非常像军旅生涯,人人都在抱怨,可你会惊异于超期服役者的数量之大。

activity [ Ak5tiviti] n.1.活动;正常活动;行动 2.剧烈活动;活跃;敏捷;活力

【例句】The essence of language is human ~.语言的本质是人类的活动。

medicine [ 5medsin,-disin ] n.1.药,药物,药剂(尤指内服药)2.医学,医术

【例句】Laughter, the best ~.笑是最好的药品。【认知】词根“med”意义与“内科医生;痊愈 — 医学的,医疗的”具有关联性;如“irremediable”有同源关联。

deal [ di:l ] v.1.有关联,论述 2.处理(~ with)3.分配,分给 4.卖,出售 n.<口>交易,(尤指秘密的)协议

【例句】We must ~ with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger, and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit.我们必须像吃峰密那样对待享乐,只用指尖蘸一点儿,而不是张开手去抓,以免过量。show [FEu ] v.1.给„看,(使)被看见;陈列;展览 2.显示;表现 3.演出;放映 4.指出;指示 5.引领,带领 6.阐明;解释 7.证明;表明 n.1.展览 2.炫耀,卖弄(~ off)3.演出 4.外观,外表 5.景象;奇观

【例句】Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never ~s to anybody.每个人都是个月亮,都有从不示人的黑暗的一面。

carefully [5keEfJlI] ad.1.小心地,仔细地;谨慎地 2.精确地;用心(或费力)做成地 3.关切地

【例句】Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck.If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.经受离婚如遭到一辆麦克牌大卡车的撞击。你要是活了下来,从此走路就会非常小心地左顾右盼。

term [ tE:m ] n.1.专门名词,名称,术语 2.期,期限;任期 3.学期 4.[~s](契约、谈判等的)条件;条款 5.[~s]说话的方式,措辞(in ~ of)6.[~s]关系,交谊;地位 v.把„称为,把„叫做

【例句】Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in ~s of the not worth knowing.神学就是努力用不值一知的词语去解释可知的事情。

possible [ 5pCsEbl ] a.1.可能的;有可能做得到(或行到)的 2.有发展前途的,有潜在价值的

【例句】How is it ~ to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning? 人类甚至连警告都无意接受,期待他们接受劝告又如何可能?

present [ pri5zent ] v.1.赠送;授予;呈献 2.提出;提供;递交;向„提出(或提供、递交)3.显示,呈现;表现;描述,向„显示(或表现)4.(尤指在正式场合)引见,介绍 a.1.[一般作表语]出席的;存在的 2.现在的;正在处理(或考虑)中的 n.1.礼物,赠品 2.(at ~)现在,目前

【例句】The man who is perfectly pleased with the ~ state of things is a failure.完全满足现状的人是个失败者。lead [ li:d ] v.1.(尤指前行而)为„带路;领(路);为„指路;引领 2.牵;引;运 3.致使;使得(~ to)4.劝导;怂恿;引诱 5.度过(时间、生活)6.开始;开创(时尚)

【例句】He who has confidence in himself will ~ the rest.自信的人将领导其余的人。

market [ 5mB:kit ] n.1.集市;市场,商业中心 2.商品买卖活动 v.销售,出售

【例句】If fools went not to ~, bad wares would not be sold.傻瓜不上市场,劣货不会售出。

information [ 7infE5meiFEn ] n.1.信息,情报;资料 2.通知,告知 3.[计](可在计算机中贮存和查找的)数据,资料

【例句】As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best ~.一般而言,生活中最成功的是拥有最佳信息的人。

prevent [ pri5vent ] v.1.阻止;制止;妨碍(~ from)2.防止,预防 【例句】The most correct way to ~ war is not afraid of it.防止战争的最正确方法是无惧于战争。

suddenly [5sQdEnlI] ad.突然地;出乎意料地

【例句】 You’re never quite sure how you feel about a neighbor until a “For Sale” sign suddenly appears in front of his house.在“待售”的招牌突然出现在邻人屋外之前,你永远拿不太准自己对他的看法如何。

period [ 5piEriEd ] n.1.(一段)时间,时期,阶段;时代 2.[the ~]该时期,该时代;当代,现代 3.周期

【例句】I never think that half an hour is an insignificantly short ~ of time.我从不以为半小时是微不足道的一小段时间。

strong [ strCN ] a.1.强有力的;强大的;强健的 2.牢固的;坚牢的 3.坚定的;积极的 4.有说服力的 5.精通的,擅长的

【例句】The weak have one weapon: The errors of those who think they are ~.弱者拥有一种武器:那些自以为是强者的人的错误。

afraid [ E5freid ] a.(~ of;~ that)[一般作表语] 1.害怕的;(尤指因虑及后果而)犯愁的,不乐意的 2.<口>[用于提出异议、说出令人不快的事实、拒绝对方要求等场合,使语气婉转]遗憾的

【例句】 In our civilization, men are ~ that they will not be men enough and women are ~ that they might be considered only women.在我们的文明中,男人惟恐自己不够男子气,女人则担心自己会只被视为女人。

suffering [ 5sQfEriN ] n.苦楚, 受难

【例句】My own experience and development deepen every day my conviction that our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with individual suffering and individual joy.我本人的经历和成长每天都在加深这一信念:我们的道德进步能够以对他人休戚与共的程度来衡量。

sure [ FuE ] a.(~ of)1.确信的,有把握的;自信的 2.可靠的;稳妥的 3.无可置疑的,确实的 4.不可避免的,必然发生的

【例句】God is a ~ paymaster.He may not pay at the end of every week, or month, or year, but remember, He pays in the end.上帝是位可靠的雇主,他可能不是每周,或者每月,或者每年付款;不过记住,他最后一定付。

daily [ 5deili ] a.1.每日的,每周日的;每日一次的;日常的 2.持续一天的 3.一天的,按天计算的

【例句】Daily duties and ~ bread are the sweetest things of life.日常的职责和日常的食物是生活中最甜美的东西。limited [5limitid] a.(~ to)1.有限的 2.(权力等)受(宪法等)限制的 n.股份有限公司

【例句】Existing scientific concepts cover always only a very ~ part of reality.现有的科学思想总是仅仅涉及极其有限的一部分现实。

level [5lev(E)l] n.1.平的东西;平坦的表面 2.水平面;水平线;水平高度 3.水平,水准;程度 v.变得平坦;达到水平状态(~ off)

【例句】In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his ~ of incompetence.在等级制度下,雇员往往都会晋升到所不胜任的级别。

ground [ ^raJnd ] n.1.地,地面,土地 2.(适于思想、组织等发展的)地方;境界 3.[常作~s]理由,根据(on the grounds that „)

【例句】Never look down to test the ~ before taking your step: only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road.不要没迈步就低头查看地面。只有放眼盯住地平线的人才能找到正确的路。

pollute [ pE5lu:t,-5lju:t ] v.1.弄脏,污染2.玷污 【例句】to ~ the air with smoke 用烟污染空气。

wonderful [5wQndEful] a.1.令人惊奇的,奇妙的;令人惊叹的 2.精彩的,绝妙的 3.令人高兴的;使愉快的

【例句】There are many ~ things, but none is more ~ than man.世上有许多奇妙的东西,但没有一样比人更奇妙。

question [ 5kwestFEn ] n.1.问题;疑问 2.难题,有待解决的问题 3.审问,讯问 4.研究分析,探究(at ~)

【例句】The observer listens to nature;the experimenter ~s and forces her to reveal herself.观察者倾听自然,试验者讯问自然并迫使她显示真面目。stop [ stCp ] v.1.塞住,堵塞 2.阻止,阻挡 3.停止,(使)中断 n.1.停止;终止 2.阻塞,堵塞 3.停车站;停留地点

【例句】No man really becomes a fool until he ~s asking questions.只要没有停止提问,一个人就没有真正成为傻瓜。

benefit [ 5benifit ] n.1.益处,好处;帮助 2.(生病、年老、失业等时的)救济金;(根据保险规定所得的)保险金(或服务)vi.得益,得到好处(~ by, ~ from)【例句】Heroes exterminate each other for the ~ of people who are not heroes.英雄好汉为了不是英雄好汉的人们的权益而互相残杀。

common [ 5kCmEn ] a.1.(in ~)公共的,共有的,共同(做)的;(影响)公众的 2.普通的,通常的;日常的 3.无特权的,平民的 4.劣等的,次的 5.粗俗的,粗鲁的

【例句】Common sense is not sense ~ to everyone, but sense in ~ things.常识不是对每个人都属平常的知识,而是关于平常事物的知识。

relationship [ ri5leiFEnFip ] n.1.关系,关联 2.(国际、人际等的)关系;感情关系 3.亲属关系,家属关系;姻亲关系

【例句】There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming ~, communion, or company than a good marriage.世上没有比美满的婚姻更愉快、友好和迷人的关系、交流或陪伴。

control [kEn5tr[Jl] v.1.控制;指挥;管理 2.克制,抑制

【例句】If we can ~ wealth, we will live in abundance and freedom;if we are ~ed by wealth, we will be poor to the bone.如果能够支配财富,就会生活得富裕而自由;如果被财富所支配,就会穷困到潦倒不堪。

rather [ 5rB:TE(r)] ad.1.宁可,宁愿;最好 2.[常接用于or后,修正或补充上文]更确切些 3.[用以使证据婉转]有几分,有点儿 4.[用以强调] 相当,颇 【例句】True friendship foresees the needs of others ~ than proclaims its own.真正的友谊预见别人的需要而非显示自己的需要。

happen [5hApEn] v.1.(偶然)发生 2.[后接不定式] 碰巧;恰

【例句】Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.人们间或绊倒在真理上,但大多数都爬起来就匆匆离去,似乎什么事也没发生。

thank [ WANk ] v.谢谢,感谢

【例句】I’ve had an happy life, ~s to God.我有过幸福的生活,感谢上帝。

wish [ wiF ] v.1.希望,想要 2.[表示不能实现或与现实相悖的愿望]但愿 3.祝,祝愿 4.向„道(早安等)5.[表示婉转的命令]请求,要求

【例句】He is great who can do what he ~es;he is wise who ~es to do what he can.想做什么便能做什么的人伟大,能做什么便愿做什么的人聪明。

greatly [5^reItlI] ad.1.大大地,非常,很 2.崇高地;高贵地;威严地 【例句】We love justice ~, and just men but a little.我们极其热爱公正,而公正的人只是略为喜欢而已。

master [ 5mB:stE(r)] n.1.(男)主人;(男)户主;雇主 2.有控制(或使用、处理)权人 3.(技艺高超的)艺术家;音乐家;演秦家 4.大师,名家;专家,学者 5.名家作品6.硕士;文学硕士;理学硕士 8.获胜者 a.1.主人的2.主要的;最重要的 3.能带学徒的,技术熟练的;精通的;优秀的 4.控制的,支配的;总的;统治的

【例句】What is called a great ~ is a person who see with his own eyes what others have seen, but he can find beauty in the common sights.所谓大师就是这样的人,他以自己的眼睛看别人看到过的东西,但是能够常见的东西中发现美。point [pCInt] n.1.尖,尖端;尖头 2.时刻;关键时刻;临近时刻 3.阶段;程度;地步 4.特点;特征;独特部分5.要点,中心意思;核心问题 6.目的;用途 v.1.(使)有尖头;削尖 2.加强(言语或动作)的力量;强调 3.指出,指明(~ out)4.把(枪等)对准;使朝向

【例句】When a man ~s a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are ~ing at himself.在把一个指头指向别人时,别忘了有四个指头在指向自己。

perhaps [ pE5hAps ] ad.或许,大概,可能

【例句】Perhaps they were right in putting love into books „ Perhaps it could not live any where else.也许把许爱情写在书里是对的。„„ 也许它在别的地方都无法存在。

forget [ fE5^et ] v.1.忘记,遗忘 2.忘记带(或买等)3.不把„放在心上 4.忽略;忽视

【例句】Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to ~ it.想忘掉一件事的愿望最有力不过地把这件事固定在记忆里。

free [ fri: ] a.1.自由的 2.未固定的 3.空闲的;未被占用的 4.免费的,无偿的 5.直爽的,坦率的 6.不受阻碍的;畅通的 7.自愿的,主动的 8.(头脑等)不受先人之见影响的,不受世俗约束的,不带偏见的 v.1.(使)自由,解放 2.使解脱出来;清除(~ from, ~ of)【例句】Man is born ~, and everywhere he is in chains.人天生是自由的,而他在哪里都戴着锁链。

news [ nju:z ] n.1.新闻 2.消息 3.新闻人物;新闻地名;新闻事件 【例句】When a dog bites a man that is not ~, but when a man bites a dog that is ~.狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻。

stay [ stei ] v.1.继续是;保持 2.留下;逗留 3.站住;中止;暂缓 4.持续;坚持 n.1.停止 2.停留;逗留时间 3.持续能力;持久力,耐力 【例句】Some people can ~longer in an hour than others can in a week.有些客人能在一小时里比别人一星期待得还久。

test [ test ] n.1.试验,测试 2.检验(标准);考验(方法)(stand the test of)

【例句】Life for one is facing up to the ~;to be brought into the world is not the end of life, but the beginning of it.生活就是勇敢地接受检验。来到世上并非生活的目的,而是生活的开端。

energy [ 5enEdVi ] n.1.活力;生动有力 2.精力;能力;力量 3.能,能量,能源

【例句】Love is one of the most powerful energies of the universe.It is thousands of times stronger than anger, resentment or fear.爱是天地间最强大的力量。它比愤怒、怨恨或恐惧强大千万倍。

lose [ lu:z ] v.1.失去;损失 2.遗失 3.[常用被动语态](使)失踪;致„死亡;使毁灭 4.浪费(时间、劳动力等)5.迷失;使迷路 6.亏损 7.输掉;未赢得 8.降低;减少

【例句】A wise man never ~s anything if he have himself.智者只拥有自己就什么都不会失去。

reform [ ri5fC:m ] v.1.改革;改良;改造(社会等)2.改造(人),使改过自新 3.革除(弊病、陋习等)

【例句】 To ~ a man is a tedious and uncertain labour;hanging the sure work of a minute.改造人是冗长而无把握的工作,绞刑则是举手之劳。

solve [ sClv ] v.1.解决;阐明;解释 2.解,解答(数学题)

【例句】Science is always wrong: it never ~s a problem without creating ten more.科学总是有毛病:它每解决一个问题都必定再造出十个来。various [ 5vZEriEs ] a.①不同的,各种各样的 ②多方面的

【例句】Such and so ~ are the tastes of men.人们的口味千差万别。

special [ 5speFEl ] a.1.特殊的,特别的 2.异常的,独特的 3.专门的;特制的;有特种用途(或作用)的4.增加的,额外的 5.特别亲密的;受到高度尊重的;首要的 6.具体的;明确的

【例句】Love is a ~ affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.爱情是对一个男人或女人的特殊的好感,它比对其他任何人的好感都强烈。

power [ 5pauE ] n.1.力,力量 2.能力;本领 3.权力;政权;影响力 4.强国 5.国家力量;政治力量 6.活力;强度 7.动力;电力 8.[数]幂,乘方 v.1.给提供动力,使开始 2.促进,推动

【例句】The ~ of fortune is confessed only by the miserable;for the happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.命运的力量只得到不幸者承认,因为幸运儿把所有的成就都归功于自己的精明或长处。

begin [bI5^In] v.1.开始;开始进行;开始存在 2.开始讲话(~ with)【例句】It is the customary fate of new truths to ~ as heresies and to end as superstitions.新出现的真理往往遭遇这样的命运;起初被视作异端,最后被奉为迷信。

name [ neim ] n.1.名字;姓名;姓;名称 2.名义;虚名 3.名声,名誉;名望 v.1.给„取名字,为„定名2.陈说,列举(to name a few)

【例句】What’s in a ~? That which we call a rose, by any other ~ would smell as sweet.名称又有什么意义?我们称作玫瑰的花,换成任何名称都会同样芬芳。

speed [ spi:d ] n.(at ~)1.迅速,快 2.速率;动量 v.促进;加快„的速度(~ up)【例句】In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our ~.在薄冰上溜冰时的安全在于高速。

lesson [ 5les[n ] n.1.功课,课业 2.一堂课,一节课 3.教训;经验 5.惩戒;告诫;训斥

【例句】The education of a woman’s heart is a series of ~s with a series of men until she falls in love for the rest of her life.女人的感情教育就是由与一系列男子交往组成的一系列课程,直至她终其余生爱上一个人为止。

certain [ 5sE:tEn ] a.1.确实的,无疑的 2.可靠的 3.不可避免的,必然发生的 4.[只作表语]肯定的;确信的 5.[只作定语]某,某一,某种,一定的 6.[只作定语]一些

【例句】A doubtful friend is worse than a ~ enemy.不可靠的朋友比确定无疑的敌人更可怕。

busy [ 5bizi ] a.1.忙碌的,不得空闲的 2.繁忙的,热闹的 3.(尤指电话线)正被占用的 4.爱管闲事的

【例句】 The more we do, the more we can do;the more ~ we are, the more leisure we have.事越做越能做,人越忙越有空。

succeed [sEk5si:d ] v.1.成功;获得成效(~ in)2.发迹;兴旺 3.接着发生;接连(~ to)4.继承;继任(~ to)【例句】We always ~ when we only wish to do well.我们在一心只想做得好的时候往往成功。

dream [ dri:m ] n.1.梦 2.出神,心不在焉 3.梦想,幻想 4.梦一般美妙的人(或事物);佳境,美境v.(~ of)1.做(梦)2.想到;想象

【例句】A ~ is a psychosis, with all the absurdities, delusions and illusions of a psychosis.梦就是精神病,它具备精神的所有荒诞、妄想和错觉。

early [ 5E:li ] a.1.早期的 2.早的;提早的 3.很久以前的 4.不久的,很快的 ad.1.在开始阶段 2.早;提早 3.从前,古时候 4.不久,很快地

【例句】Three o’clock is always too late or too ~ for anything you want to do.对于你想做的任何事,3点钟总是太晚或者太早。

service [ 5sE:vis ] n.1.服务;贡献 2.(尤指需要专业知识的)服务 3.[~s]服务性事业(机构或设施)4.帮佣;雇用;被使用 5.帮助;用处,益处 v.1.为„服务 2.维修,保养

【例句】We seldom find people ungrateful so long as we are in a condition to render them ~.只要尚能向人提供帮助,就难得遇上忘恩负义之徒。

call [ kC:l ] v.1.大声说(或读)出;喊,叫 2.呼唤,召唤,传唤 3.打电话给 4.称呼;为„取(名)5.认为„是;说„是 6.征召;招聘(~ up)【例句】I begin to realize that I am growing old: the taxi driver ~s me “Pop” instead of “Buddy.” 我开始认识到自己正在变老:出租车司机管我叫“老爹”而不是“老兄”了。

field [ fi:ld ] n.1.[常作~s]原野,旷野 2.(一块)田,地 3.(作特殊用途的)场地,场所 4.战场;战地 5.实地;野外 6.(研究、活动的)领域,范围;专业

【例句】Science clears the ~s on which technology can build.科学为技术开辟据以发展的领域。

tired [ 5taiEd ] a.1.疲劳的,累的 2.厌倦的,厌烦的(~ of)3.陈旧的;陈腐的

【例句】 The man who knows only one subject is almost as ~ as the man who knows no subject.只知道一个题目的人几乎和不知道任何题目的人一样使人厌倦。natural [ 5nAtFErEl ] a.1.大自然的;非人为的;天然的 2.原始状态的;蒙昧的 3.出于本性的;天生的;天赋的 4.有人性的,合乎人性的 5.自然如此的,合乎常情的;当然;正常的

【例句】I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection.每个轻微的变异如有用会得到保留,我将这一原理称为“自然选择”。

clear [kliE(r)] a.1.晴朗的,清澈的 2.纯色的,颜色均一的 3.易懂的,不含糊的 4.无疑的,确信的 5.畅通的,无障碍的 6.清白的,无罪的 7.十足的;整整的 v.1.(使)清澈,使明亮 2.(使)明白,清楚 3.扫清,清除 4.不触及地通过;脱离 5.使清白无辜

【例句】Deceive not thyself by over-expecting happiness in the marriage state„ Marriage is not like the hill of Olympus, wholly ~, without clouds.不要用对婚后幸福的过分期待骗自己。„„ 婚姻并不像奥林匹斯山那样晴空如洗,片云不存。

public [ 5pQblik ] a.1.公众的,公共的;社会的 2.公开的;公开做的 3.国家的,政府的 n.公众,民众,众人

【例句】There is no such thing as discretion when it concerns ~ matters: ~ things and ~ people permit neither mystery nor silence unless tyranny rules.牵涉到公共事务时,不存在像独断慎言这样的做法。公共的事情和公众既不允许神秘也不允许缄默,除非专制当道。【认知】G。

department [ di5pB:tmEnt ] n.1.(行政、企业等机构的)部,司;局;处;科;部门 2.(学校、学术机构等的)系,研究室,学部,所 3.部分,分科

【例句】Focus on the most important things to do to help your department or organization be successful.Don’t focus on the easiest things 集中于一些最重要的事情来做,以帮助你的部门或组织成功。不要集中于最容易的事。

graduate [5^rAdjueit] v.1.接受学位 2.使升级 n.学位获得者(尤指学士学位获得者)

【例句】 to ~ from the comics to Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe 从看连环画进到读《金银岛》和《鲁滨孙漂流记》

clean [ kli:n ] a.1.清洁的;爱清洁的 2.正派的,无辜的 3.不色情的,语言干净的 4.公正的,遵守规则的 5.简洁的,匀称的,端正的 6.不掺杂的,非混杂的 ad.1.完全地,全部地,一直 2.干净地 3.干净利落地,熟练地 4.公正的,诚实地 v.1.把„„弄干净 2.清除

【例句】 Bath twice a day to be realy ~, once a day to be passably ~, once a week to avoid being a public menace.一天洗两次澡是真正清洁,一天一次算得上清洁,一周一次是免于成为公害。

decided [di5saidid] a.确定的, 坚决的

【例句】Few men are of one plain, decided color;most are mixed, shaded or blended;and vary as much from different situations, as changeable silks do from different lights.几乎没什么人具有单纯固定的颜色,大多数的色彩都是混合、渐变或融合的,并像多变的丝绸随着光线不同变化一样随着情况不同而变化。

punishment [5pQniFmEnt] n.罚,惩罚,处罚

【例句】 The ~ on the lazybones is that they can’t win success, they could only watch others do.懒汉受到的惩罚是自己得不到成功,只能眼看着别人收获。

company [ 5kQmpEni ] n.1.(一)群,(一)队,(一)伙 2.公司,商号 3.陪同,交往

【例句】The worst crime against working people is a ~ which fails to operate at a profit.对劳动者犯下的最大罪行,是一家经营而不赢利的公司。

road [ rEud ] n.1.(两地间的)路,道路;公路 2.街道,马路 3.(去目的地该走的)路线 4.<喻> 路,途径(~ to)

【例句】There is no royal ~ to learning.学无坦途。trouble [ 5trQbl ] n.1.烦恼;忧虑 2.困难;不幸;灾难 3.麻烦,打扰 4.工夫,力气 5.[常作 ~s](社会等方面的)纷争,**,骚乱 6.病,疾病;(机器等的)故障

【例句】Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.困难不过是穿上工作服的机会。

plan [ plAn ] n.1.计划,规则,方案,打算 2.计划表,计划表,进度表,程序表 3.方法,办法 4.轮廓;概略 v.1.计划 2.设计;绘制„的图样(或图表)【例句】Most people ~ their vacations better than they ~ their lives.大多数人安排假期胜过安排生活。

late [ leit ] a.1.迟的 2.晚的 3.(时间)近日暮的 4.末期的,晚期的 5.不久前的;最近的 6.新近去世的,已故的;已不存在的 7.以前的;前任的,已卸任的 ad.1.迟 2.晚 3.(时间上)接近终了 4.近来,新近5.不久前;到不久前为止

【例句】Love is like the measles, all the worse when it comes ~ in life.恋爱有如麻疹,迟到的爱情就越发糟糕。

unable [ 5Qn5eibl ] a.不能,没才干

【例句】Education „ has produced a vast population able to read but ~ to distinguish what is worth reading.教育 „„ 造就了一大批人,他们有阅读能力,却弄不清什么值得一读。

already [ C:l5redi ] ad.1.早已,已(经);先前 2.<美口>[放在句末常为了加强语气,表示不耐烦、惊讶等]马上,这就(已经)3.[用在否定句、疑问句中,表示惊讶等](难道)已经

【例句】He looked for a spectacular end to his ~ long life.他的一生已够长的,他想找个引人注目的方式结束它。gain [ ^ein ] v.1.获得,取得;赢得 2.增加,增添 3.(经过努力)到达 4.(钟,表)走快 n.1.获得,取得 2.增加,增添 3.获得的东西;取得的进展;[~s]收益,利润

【例句】There are men who ~ from their wealth only the fear of losing it.有些人从财富中得到的只是对失去财富的担心。

happiness [ 5hApinis ] n.1.愉快,快乐,高兴 2.幸福;幸运 3.恰当;巧妙 【例句】With love one can live even without ~.有了爱,人可以甚至没有幸福生活。

army [ 5B:mi ] n.1.军队,陆军,军 2.大群;大批

【例句】If there is no ~, there is neither political independence nor the freedom of the people.没有军队,就既没有政治独立,也没有人民自由。

exercise [ 5eksEsaiz ] n.1.锻炼,运动 2.练习,习题 3.(权力等的)运用,行使 v.1.锻炼,训练 2.运用,行使 3.履行,实行,执行

【例句】 Reading is to the mind what ~ is to the body.阅读之于头脑,一如锻炼之于身体。

addition [ E5diFEn ] n.1.加 2.增加的人(或物),(建筑物等的)扩建部分 【例句】The bes work is done the way ants do things — by tiny, tireless and regular ~s.最好的作品是像蚂蚁劳作那样完成的:通过点滴、不倦和经常的增补。

hold [ hEuld ] v.1.拿着;托住 2.使保持某种状态(或姿势等)3.[~ oneself](在举止方面)表现 4.(使)遵守,使受„的制约(~ to)5.抑制;约束;控制 6.保留;拘留;推迟 7.占据;吸引(注意等)8.容纳,装得下;包含 9.举行(会议、会谈等);庆祝(节日)10.拥有;获得 11.怀有(见解、感情、信念等)12.认为;相信

【例句】The prejudiced and obstinate man does not so much ~ opinions, as his opinions ~ him.说偏颇因执的人拥有见解,莫不如说他的见解拥有他。

mainly [5meInlI] ad.1.主要地;最大地 2.完全地,极度地 n.1.体力;力量 2.主要(或重要)部分;要点

【例句】A man’s happiness is ~ self-created.一个人的幸福主要是自己创造的。

heavy [ 5hevi ] a.1.重的 2.大量的;浓密的 3.沉重有力的;剧烈的;强烈的

【例句】The chain of wedlock is so ~ it takes two to carry it, sometimes three.婚姻的锁链是如此沉重,以致承受它需要两个人,有时还要三个。

rest [ rest ] n.1.休息;睡眠 2.平静,安宁 3.暂停;静止 4.[the ~]剩余部分,其余;其余的人 v.1.休息,睡眠 2.安定下来;放心 3.依靠,仰赖(~ on, upon);信赖(~ in)4.在于,存在于;归属于(~ with)

【例句】Without haste, but without ~.做事不必匆忙,又不可停顿。

popular [ 5pCpjulE ] a.1.多数人喜爱(或赞同、接受的);通俗的;流行的 2.讨人喜欢的;广受欢迎的 3.民众的,大众的

【例句】 Isn’t it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a ~ fellow? 只写过不受欢迎的书的我会成为如此受欢迎的人,这岂不奇怪?

fight [ fait ] n.1.战斗,斗争 2.争吵;争论 v.战斗;打仗

【例句】You can refuse to love a man or to lend him money, but if he wants to ~ you have got to oblige him.你可以拒绝爱一个人,或者拒绝借给他钱,可是如果他想要跟你打架,你就得帮他这个忙了。

visit [ 5vizit ] v.1.去„看看;参观;游览 2.访问,拜访 3.视察,巡查 4.探望;为(病人)出诊 5.(灾害、疾病等)侵袭,降临 【例句】When you get the entrepreneurial urge, go ~ someone who’s started a business — it may cure you.在你涌起当企业家的冲动时,去访问某位开办过实业的人 —— 这也许会使你平静下来。

quality [ 5kwCliti ] n.1.性质,特性 2.品德,品质 3.身份,地位 【例句】We attract hearts to the qualities we display;we retain them by the qualities we possess.我们以自己所展示的品质吸引人心,我们以自己所拥有的品质留住它们。

skills [ skilz ] n.1.(专门)技术;技能,技艺 2.熟练性,熟巧,能力 【例句】She had the ~ to cope with a difficult job.她善于对付困难的工作。

crimes [ kraimz ] n.1.罪,罪行2.[总称]犯罪,犯罪活动 3.罪恶;罪过 【例句】It’s no crime to mispromounce a word.读错一个词的音不用感到难为情。

position [ pE5ziFEn ] n.1位置;地点 2.恰当(或习惯、有利)位置 3.地位,身份;职位 4.处境,状况 5.态度,立场 6.假设,假定,设想

【例句】Words are very much like lizards: they change color according to ~.单词非常像蜥蜴:它们随着在句子中的不同位置而变换色彩。

actually [5AktFuElI] ad.实际地,事实上地,真实地

【例句】Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is ~ no truth to be discovered;there is only error to be exposed.和生活中的情形一样,在艺术中,十之八九实际上没有真理可供发现,只有错误可供暴露。

value [ 5vAlju:,-ju ] n.1.价值2.有用性,重要性(to place a high value upon)3.价值观念,行为准则 v.1.尊重,重视2.评价 【例句】Life has a ~ only when it has something valuable as its object.只有在将某种有价值的东西作为目标的时候,人生才具有价值。【认知】本词的词根“val”含义为“robust;to be strong”(男性 — 强大的;强大)。

receive [ ri5si:v ] v.1.收到,接到 2.得到,领受;遭受,经受 3.(被)授予;被起名为 4.接受;采纳

【例句】The world is always ready to ~ talent with open arms.Very often it does not know what to do with genius.世人总是准备好张开双臂迎接人才,却常常不知道如何对待天才。

legal [ 5li:^El ] a.1.法律(上)的 2.合法的,依照法律的;具有法律地位的 3.法定的;法律认可的

【例句】Murder may be done by ~ means, by plausible and profitable war, by calumny, as well as by dose or dagger.谋杀可以用合法的手段完成,用似乎有理的,有利可图的战争,用毁谤,一如用药剂和短剑。

business [ 5biznis ] n.1.交易,生意,商业 2.工商企业,商店,商行;工厂 3.职业,职务,职责;责任,工作,任务;目的,使命 4.事务,事;难事;讨厌的事

【例句】 There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery.You can’t do any ~ from there.没有理由做墓园中的首富。你又不能从坟墓里跟人做生意。

contrary [ 5kCntrEri ] a.1.(~ to)相反的,对抗的 2.对方的 3.(天气)不合人意的 4.[逻]对立的,反对的

【例句】If you follow reason far enough it always leads to conclusions that are ~ to reason.如果跟着道理走到足够远,它总是导臻与道理相悖的结论。

military [ 5militEri ] a.1.军事的;军用的 2.军人的;军队的 3.适合于战争的 【例句】Military science: That remarkable art in which the lessons learned in winning one war can, if strictly followed, lose the next.军事科学:一种非凡的技艺。打赢一场战争中学到的认知如果严格遵守,会使人输掉下一场。

rid [ rid ] v.使摆脱;解除„的负担;从„清除(~ of)

【例句】Labor ~s us of three evils — irksomeness, vice, and poverty.劳动使我们摆脱三种不幸:厌倦、恶习和贫穷。

accept [ Ek5sept ] v.1.接受,领受 2.承认,同意,答应 3.相信,(认为正确而加以)接受 4.赞同,赞成

【例句】Maybe the only thing worse than having to give gratitude constantly all the time, is having to ~ it.惟一比不得不总是感激别人更难堪的事,也许是不得不接受感激。

consider [ kEn5sidE(r)] v.1.考虑,细想2.认为,把„看作;想,料想;断定 3.体贴,关心,考虑到,顾及 4.看重,尊重 5.细看;凝视

【例句】He that would know what shall be must ~ what has been.要想知道将会发生什么,必须仔细想想已经发生了什么。

following [ 5fClEuiN ] a.1.接着的,其次的 2.下列的,下述的

【例句】He attracted a large ~ wherever he played.他无论在何处演出,都有大批的观众。

might [ mait ] n.1.力量;威力;能力 2.强权,势力,权势 aux.v.1.[may的过去式] 2.可能,会

【例句】Whatever you do, do with all your ~.无论所为何事,均应倾尽全力。【认知】本词的核心意义与“能力;力量”具有关联性。party [ 5pB:ti ] n.1.党,政党,党派;党性 2.(共同工作或活动的)队,组,群 3.社交聚会 4.(条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人

【例句】Someone said that life is a ~.You join after it’s started and you leave before it’s finished.有人说生活是一个宴会。你在开宴后入席的散席前离去。

spare [ spZE ] a.1.剩下的,多余的;空闲的 2.备用的;额外的 3.不足的;贫乏的 4.节约的,俭省的;俭朴的 v.1.宽容,饶恕;赦免;不伤害 2.[主要用于否定句]节约,俭省;吝惜

【例句】Those that make the best use of their time have none to ~.最充分利用时间的人腾不出时间。

worry [ 5wQri ] n.1.担心,发愁,忧虑 2.令人担心(或发愁)的事(或人);令人忧虑的事(或人)

【例句】Insomniacs don’t sleep because they ~ about it, and they ~ about it because they don’t sleep.失眠症患者由于担心睡不着而睡不着,又由于睡不着而担心睡不着。

game [ ^eim ] n.1.游戏,玩耍,娱乐,消遣 2.运动(项目)3.比分;胜,赢 4.策略,计谋;花招 5.[总称]猎物

【例句】 It should be noted that the ~s of children are not ~s, and must be considered as their most serious actions.应当出的是,儿童的游戏并非玩耍,必须被视为他们最严肃的行为。

hit [ hit ] v.1.打,击 2.(使)碰撞 3.袭击;使遭受 4.达到;到达 5.(无意中)碰上;(偶然)发现 6.攻击,抨击 n.[常sing.] 1.(一)击;击中 2.猛烈攻击;抨击 3.成功而风行一时的事物(如歌唱演员、作家等)

【例句】He that shows passion tells his enemy where he may ~ him.显露激情的人告诉敌人可以从哪里击中自己。normal [ 5nC:mEl ] a.1.正常的 2.平常的;通常的 3.正规的;规范的;标准的 4.师范的

【例句】The perfectly ~ person is rare in our civilization.完全正常的人在我们的文明中难得见到。

light [ lait ] n.1.光;光线;光亮 2.观察人、物等的)角度,眼光 3.(启发性的)事实,知识,信息(in the ~ of)a.1.明亮的 2.淡色的 3.轻的 4.少量的 4.愉快的;无忧无虑的 5.精致的;轻巧的 6.轻率的;轻浮的,轻佻的v.1.点燃;照亮 2.使容光焕发,使满面春风

【例句】In the eyes of youth we see a flame, but in the eyes of the aged we see ~.在青年人的眼中我们看到火焰,不过在老年人的眼中我们看到光。

sense [ sens ] n.1.感官;官能 2.感觉 3.观念;意识 4.认识;智慧 5.合理性;有用性 6.[one’s ~s]知觉;理智,理性 7.意义;含意;意思(make ~)v.1.感觉到;意识到 2.了解,领悟

【例句】As my child struggles to sit, to search out the sounds and feel of the world, I ~ that my role these six months has been beneath him, supporting.From now on my role will be from above, lifting.在孩子努力坐起来,寻找声音来源,感受外界时,我意识到这六个月来我的任务是在下面支持他。从今以后任务就是在上面提高他。

harmful [5hB:mfJl] a.有害的,致伤的(~ to)【例句】They were trying to remove harmful substances from cigarettes.他们正设法去除香烟中的有害物质。

park [ pB:k ] n.1.公园(国家)天然公园 2.停车制动 3.远动场,体育场 4.专用场地 v.停放(车辆等)

【例句】Restore human legs as a means of travel.Pedestrians rely on food for fuel and need no special parking facilities.要重新启用人的双腿作为出行的工具。步行者以食物为燃料,也不需要特别的停放设施。active [ 5Aktiv ] a.1.活跃的;敏捷的;剧烈的 2.在活动中的,主动的,在起作用的 3.积极的;勤奋的 4.有效的

【例句】Only the knowledge which is obtained through ~ thinking not from memory is real knowledge.只有得自积极思考而非记忆的知识,才是真正的知识。

stand [ stAnd ] v.1.起立,站立 2.处于特定状态(或地位、等级、境况、关系等)3.坚持特定立场(或观点等)4.抵御,抵抗 n.1.站立;站立姿势 2.立场;观点;态度

【例句】A woman ~s 20 minutes talking at a door because she hasn’t time to come in.女人站在门口一聊20分钟,因为她没工夫进屋坐。

institute [ 5institju:t ] n.1.学会,协会;组织,机构 2.(大专)学校,学院;研究院(或所)3.原则,规则,惯例 v.1.建立,设立,组织(学会等);制定(规则等)2.开始,开创;着手,实行

【例句】the Institute of Patentees and Inventors 专利权获得者及发明者学会。【认知】参见前缀“in-”含义;词根“stit”与“stat”(地位;建立)为变体关系,含义为“to establish;to set up”(建立)。

peace [ pi:s ] n.1.和平;和平时期 2.和约 3.治安,社会秩序 4.和睦,和好5.平静,安宁,宁静

【例句】It is far easier to make war than to make ~.发动战争远比缔造和平容易。

serve [ s:v ] v.1.为„服务;为„服役;为„尽职责 2.任(职)3.帮助;对„有用 4.适合(特定用途或目的);满足,符合(需要、愿望等)【例句】Riches ~ a wise man but command a fool.财富服务于聪明人而支配傻瓜。

advanced [ Ed5vB:nst ] a.1.超前的,先进的 2.高级的,高等的 3.年迈的,上年纪的;后阶段的 【例句】Any sufficiently ~ technology is indistinguishable from magic.足够先进的技术都与魔法几无差别。

role [ rEul ] n.1.[戏]角色 2.作用;任务;职责

【例句】Instant availability without continuous presence is probably the best ~ a mother can play.随时出现而不总是在场恐怕是母亲所能扮演的最好角色。

team [ ti:m ] n.队;组;班 v.(~ up)(使)合作

【例句】 Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game — and do it by watching first some highschool or small-town ~s.想要了解美国人思想感情的人最好都学学棒球,掌握这种运动的规则与现状 —— 首先去看一些高中或小镇球队的比赛。

catch [ kAtF ] v.1.捉住,逮住,捕获;捕捉 2.(使)缠住;(使)钩住;使进退两难 3.及时赶到,赶上,追上 4.偶然(或突然)撞见;发觉 5.染上(疾病)6.(风、雨等)袭击,冲击 7.遭受(处罚等)8.听清楚;领会,理解 9.引起(注意等);吸引住;迷住

【例句】Friendliness is contagious.The trouble is, many of us wait to ~ it from someone else, when we might better be giving them a chance to ~ it from us.友情是感染性的。问题在于,我们许多人在更应当给别人机会从我们这里感染友情的时候,只是等着从别人那里感染到它。

offer [ 5CfE ] v.1.(主动)给予 2.(主动)表示愿意(做某事),提议 3.出(价);开(价);备有„出售

【例句】You can ~your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.你能够将自己的爱全部提供给千百个人,而原有的一份爱依然保留。

professional [ prEJ5feFEnEl ] a.1.职业的;职业上的;从事特定专业的 2.职业性的,非业余性的 3.非常内行的;极为称史(或胜任)的 4.专业人员的;为专业人员的 n.1.以特定职业谋生的人(如职业歌手、舞蹈家等)2.专业人员;内行;专家

【例句】The devotion of millions of Americans to ~ sports is rooted in their deep faith that the games are honestly played and that the athletes give their best performance at all times.千百万美国人对职业体育的热爱,源于他们深信比赛是诚实的,运动员总是在竭尽全力。

sleep [ sli:p ] n.1.睡眠;睡觉2.睡意,倦意 3.夜,夜间;一昼夜的行程 v.1.睡(觉);使睡得 2.以睡眠消除;以睡觉度过;睡掉(~ off, away)【例句】 I never ~ comfortably except when I am at sermon.我从来没睡过舒服学,在教学听布道的时候除外。

form [ fC:m ] n.1.形状,外形,轮廓 2.模型;模板 3.(事物的)存在形式;形态 4.种类,类型 5.惯例,常规 6.表格 7.(良好的)情绪 v.1.(使)成形,塑造;制作 2.组织;建立(联盟等)3.构想出;作出(估计等)

【例句】A thing long expected takes the ~ of the unexpected when at last it comes.久已预期的事终于一到时会采取预期之外的形式。

imagination [ i7mAdVi5neiFEn ] n.1.想象,想象力;创造力 2.空想,妄想;幻觉 3.想象出来的东西;幻想物

【例句】Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要。

practical [ 5prAktikEl ] a.1.实际的,实践的 2.实用的,有实用价值的 3.有见识的;通情达理的4.实干的;有实际经验的

【例句】 Have you any right to read, especially novels, until you have exhausted the best part of the day in some employment that is called ~? 在把一天最好的时光用于做某种被称为实事的工作之前,你有仅利阅读,尤其是读小说吗?

choice [ tFCis ] n.1.选择,抉择 2.精华 【例句】When you have to make a ~ and don’t make it, that is in itself a ~.在应该作出选择时不选择。这本身也是一种选择。

effect [ i5fekt ] n.1.结果 2.效力,作用;影响 3.要旨,大意;意义 4.实行;生效,起作用 v.1.使变化;实现;完成;实行;使生效 2.产生;造成 【例句】the happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general ~ of pleasing impression.最快乐的谈话是这种:除了令人愉快的总体印象,别的都记不清楚。

moment [ 5mEumEnt ] n.1.片刻,瞬间,刹那 2.重要(或极好、得意等)的时刻 3.(历史或事物发展的)关头,转折点 4.重大,重要

【例句】As every thread of gold is valuble, so is every ~ of time.和一丝一毫的金子都是宝贵的一样,一分一秒的时间都弥足珍贵。

process [ prE5ses ] n.1.过程;变化过程 2.步骤;程序;工序 v.1.对„进行加工 2.(使)接受处理(或检查、审议)

【例句】Marriage: a ~ of finding out what sort of guy your wife would have preferred.婚姻:一个弄清妻子本来会喜欢哪种男人的过程。

treatment [ 5tri:tmEnt ] n.1.治疗;疗法;疗程 2.对待;待遇 3.处理 【例句】It was a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal ~ of unequals.说不平等莫过于对不同的人平等对待的人是智者。

fruit [ fru:t ] n.1.水果,水果食物;一盘水果 2.成果,结果

【例句】We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and that what came to us as blossom may go to them as ~.我们一生应当这样生活和劳动:使作为种子交给我们的可以作为花朵,作为花朵的可以作为果实传给下一代。



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