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ambiguous模棱两可的approved 公认的approving赞许的arbitrary武断的

critical持批评态度的depressed 感到沮丧的

depressing 令人沮丧的depressive 压抑的,忧愁的 disappointing令人失望的doubtful怀疑的,拿不稳的 enthusiastic 热情的 gloomy沮丧的,忧愁的, hostile 敌对的 humorous 幽然的 identical 相同的

indifferent漠不关心的,满不在乎的 indignant(对不公平)愤慨的 ironic 讽刺的merciful 宽容的,仁慈的 negative否定的,消极的,反面的neutral中立的,不偏不倚的 objectionable引起反对的,令人反感的 objective客观的 opposed反对的opposite 对立的 optimistic乐观的 outraged 气愤的

partial 不公平的perplexed 感到困惑的 pessimistic 悲观的positive肯定的,正面的 prejudiced有偏见的 puzzled感到困惑的puzzling令人困惑的radical激进的,极端的resentful 表示怨恨的 reserved 有保留的,内向的 reserved consent 有保留的同意

respectable 可敬的,高尚的 respectful 充满敬意的,有礼貌的rival(=competitive)竞争的 scared惊恐的,恐慌的 sensible 明智的,通情达理的 sensitive敏感的 skeptical 怀疑的 slight contempt 稍有蔑视


supportive 支持的 suspicious可疑的,疑心的 sympathetic同情的 tentative试探性的 disappointed(=dismayed, frustrated)感到失望的

dubious有问题的,靠不住的,值得怀疑的,犹豫不决的 bewildering(=puzzling)令人迷惑的 biased(=prejudiced)有偏见的,偏心的

impartial(=detached,neutral, even-handed)公平的,不偏不倚的,公正的,没有偏见的与经济有关的常考词语

banking industry 金融业,business partners 商业伙伴,budget n./v.预算。

business concentration 企业集中,business cycle 经济循环,business management 企业管理。

cost efficiency 成本效益,commodity prices 商品价格,commercial promotion商业促销,channels of revenue 收入渠道,contentious trade issue有争议的贸易问题,customs revenues 关税收入,scrutiny 精查细看

devalued dollar 美元贬值,double-digit inflation 十位数的通货膨涨。economic recession 经济不景气,economic depression 经济萧条,economic decline 经济衰退,fair play 公平竞争。

economic revival 经济复苏,emerging countries 新兴国家,family economics家庭经济状况。

foreign investment 外国投资,injury claims伤害索赔,investment returns投资回报。make profit 营利,maximize profits 使利润最大化,merger and acquisition合并和收购,multinationals跨国公司,marketing messages销售信息

operating costs 营业费用 package deal 一揽子交易,price system 价格体系,price index 价格指数,private-enterprise 私人经营,production costs 生产成本,productive resources 生产资料,real economy实体经济

retail price 零售价, real-estate broker 房地产经记人

revenue(税收等的)收入 surplus in trade 贸易顺差,suspension of exports 中止出口,securities股票,有价证券

tap the consumer market 扩大消费市场,trade barrier 贸易壁垒,trade balance贸易平衡,trade imbalance贸易不平衡

a credit balance of $250 二百五十美元的存款余额,credit赊购,falling oil revenue日益减少的石油收入。

economic globalization process 经济全球化过程,global excess demand 全球过量需求。

improvement in the export climate 改善出口环境,interest-bearing cheque accounts有息支票账户,established business partners固定的商业伙伴,energy-intensive industries能源密集型工业。

fading industrial competitiveness 日益削弱的工业竞争力。

provide further credits for the company向公司提供进一步的信贷

fluctuate crude oil prices(fluctuation of crude oil prices)使原油价格波动,market-oriented economy 市场导向的经济,pickup in capital spending 资金投放增加,raise tariff barriers against foreign imports 提高对外国进口货的关税壁垒, re-engineering and downsizing 工程改组和缩小规模,shift production from one place to another 把生产从一地转移到另一地,alleviate the Asian financial crisis 缓解亚洲金融危机,apply economic sanctions against that country 对那个国家进行经济制裁。the total collapse of national economy 国民经济的全面崩溃, trade and investment barriers 贸易和投资壁垒,tax cuts in this year’s budget 本年度预算中税收削减,与计算机技术有关的常考词语

point and click点击

web business 网上经营

integrated circuit 集成电路

conduct online transactions 进行网上交易 software company 软件公司

computer monitor计算机监视器 a company’s web site 公司网站

Internet sign-up互联网帖子

online world网上世界

brief 短讯

check a database检查资料库

sign up for … 登录要求得到… key in v.键入

online culture 网上文化 Net purists 网络净化者

screen saver 屏幕保护 interactive 人机互动的,交互式的

computer education advocates计算机教育鼓吹者 a database on the Internet互联网上的资料库

E-mail one’s resume to sb.把某人的履历用电子邮件发给… Internet marketing activities 互联网上的销售活动

give sb the company’s private internet 使某人能进入公司内部的互联网

products compatible with the Windows operating system 与示窗操作系统兼容的产品

As 用法小结

as of(=as from)从… 起。

例如:1)You are in charge(负责)as of today.2)The agreement starts as from March 13.as for至于。

例如:1)As for me, I shall return there on arrival.2)As for me, I’m in favor of the first view.as against(=in contrast with)与…相对照。

例如:1)She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one.(她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。)

2)The business done this year amounts to $20,000 as against $ 15,000 last year.as follows如下。

例如:1)The reasons are as follows.2)The report reads as follows.as a rule通常。

例如:1)As a rule they sat together very quietly.2)His writing as a rule is elegant.as作关系代词,引导定语从句,代表整个主句的意思 例如:1)A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, as was to be expected.(正如所料,代表们提出了许多建议。)

2)As might be expected, the response to the question was mixed.(正如所料,人们对这个问题观点不一。)as…as引出比较状语从句

例如:Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day.(美国人摄取的蛋白质是他们实际需要量的两倍。)As is often the case事情常常是这样

例如:As is often the case, it happened so gradually that it was barely perceptible.as to关于;至于。

例如:He asked my advice as to what to do next.as with与 … 一样。例如:As with so many of the major problems of society, the precise extent and nature of the environmental crisis are not entirely clear.as regards至于。

例如:There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear.(至于应该穿什么衣服没有硬性规定。)as it were可以说,姑且这么说。

例如:He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.(他,可以说,是一部活词典。)as opposed to和 … 相反。

例如:John likes rice, as opposed to Mary, who hates it.as soon as possible尽快地。

例如:We should take steps as soon as possible.may(might , could)as well do sth.不妨,最好(做某事)。例如:Since it is too late, we might as well go back home.as yet到这时为止(还没有)

例如:But none of these are as yet carefully thought-out plans.such … as to这样 … 以致

例如:I went about my job in such a way as to try to kill two birds with one stone.not so much …as与其说…,倒不如说… 例如:The trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness so much as by his lack of talent.(这个吹号手的声音确实很大,但我烦的与其说是他吹得太响,倒不如说是他缺乏天分。)such as 例如:Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought with money, such as a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.(研究表明,那些最能使人产生幸福感的东西是不能用金钱买到的,如和睦的家庭生活、友谊和事业上的满足感。)as long as(=so long as)只要(引导条件从句)

例如:As long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.Just as … , so … 正如 … 一样,… 也 …

例如:Just as air is important to man, so is water to fish.as though(=as if)似乎

例如:Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though to go out of the office.much as虽然 例如:Much as I admired David as a poet, I don’t like him as a man.(虽然我仰慕作为诗人的大卫,但我不喜欢他的为人。)as 虽然(引导部分倒装的让步从句)例如:Young as he is, he knows a lot.(他虽年轻,但很懂事。)


控告某人犯了…accuse sb.of sth., charge sb.with sth.;

夸大exaggerate,overestimate,overvalue,overrate,magnify; 缩小(低估)underestimate,undervalue,minimize; 使困惑puzzle,bewilder,confuse,perplex; 影响affect, influence, impact(on), bear on ;

控制control,dominate,curb,regulate,harness(=control and use); 污染pollute,contaminate,foul; 计算calculate,compute,reckon;

出现appear,emerge,come into being; 关心care for,foster,be concerned about;

把…归因于owe … to,attribute … to,refer … to; 减轻,缓解ease,alleviate,relieve; 给予render,offer,impart,confer; 实现realize,effect; 炫耀show off,parade;


涌入crowd into,pour into,stream into,swarm into,pack into; 体现express,embody;

决定decide,determine,elect,make up one’s mind; 渴望desire,long(for),aspire to,pant; 改进improve,mend;

消除eliminate,remove,erase,get rid of; 威胁threat,menace;

聚精会神做be absorbed in doing,be immersed in doing; 有偏见的biased,partial,prejudiced; 损害spoil,impair,harm,endanger;

包含,包括embrace,comprise,encompass,include; 停止stop,halt,cease; 持久last,endure; 推进further,promote;

上升rise,escalate,go up,climb; 繁荣prosper, flourish,thrive;

容忍bear,tolerate,put up with,brook;


指望,依靠count on,depend on,rely on,reckon on,bank on,lean on; 倾向于tend to,be inclined to,be liable to,be apt to; 怀疑的skeptical,dubious,doubtful,suspicious;

减少decrease,decline, reduce,diminish,temper,moderate; 索然无味的uninteresting,dull,tedious,boring; 不偏不倚的impartial,detached,neutral,unbiased; 有意的purposeful,deliberate,intentional; 培训train,practice,nurture;

不理会ignore,discount,disregard,pay no attention to,turn a deaf ear to; 改变change,alter,modify,remold,reshape; 增加increase,augment,add to,multiply;

抛弃discard,abandon,desert,give up,get rid of;

浪费waste;dissipate;废除abolish, do away with, scrap; 揭露disclose,reveal,unveil;


谨慎的careful,discreet,prudent,cautious; 厌恶,怨恨disgust,resent,hate; 满足meet,satisfy,cater to;

沉思,细想ponder,meditate,think deeply,dwell on; 必然包含involve,entail;

忽略,疏忽overlook, neglect,give no attention to;

使沮丧,使失望disappoint, frustrate,dismay, let sb.down,depress; 诱惑 lure, tempt, induce; 讽刺satire, sarcasm,irony;

造成,引起cause, pose, bring about, give rise to,evoke 发人深省set sb.thinking, be thought-provoking; 利用make use of, take advantage of, utilize, harness;

来自于come from, result from, arise from, stem from, derive from 挫伤,使灰心:discourage, frustrate, upset; 严肃的earnest, serious, grave, solemn;

对…感兴趣be interested in sth., be struck by sth.; 拒绝,不给refuse, deny, withhold, keep back; 欣赏enjoy, relish, appreciate; 假装pretend, sham; 膺品fake, sham;

照管take care of , look after, tend;

(使)恶化make sth.worse, aggravate, deteriorate, sour;

主要的,首要的primary, main, chief,principal, sovereign。





amazed 感到惊讶的;amazing令人惊讶的;ambiguous模棱两可的; approved 公认的; approving赞许的;arbitrary武断的;bewildering(=puzzling)令人迷惑的;biased(=prejudiced)有偏见的,偏心的;critical持批评态度的; depressed 感到沮丧的;depressing 令人沮丧的;depressive 压抑的,忧愁的;disappointed(=dismayed, frustrated)感到失望的;disappointing令人失望的; doubtful怀疑的,拿不稳的;dubious有问题的,靠不住的,值得怀疑的,犹豫不决的;enthusiastic 热情的;gloomy沮丧的,忧愁的, hostile 敌对的;humorous 幽然的;identical 相同的;impartial(=detached,neutral, even-handed)公平的,不偏不倚的,公正的,没有偏见的;indifferent漠不关心的,满不在乎的;indignant(对不公平)愤慨的;ironic 讽刺的;merciful 宽容的,仁慈的;negative否定的,消极的,反面的; neutral中立的,不偏不倚的; objectionable引起反对的,令人反感的; objective客观的; opposed反对的; opposite 对立的;optimistic乐观的;outraged 气愤的;partial 不公平的; perplexed 感到困惑的;pessimistic 悲观的, positive肯定的,正面的;prejudiced有偏见的; puzzled感到困惑的; puzzling令人困惑的;radical激进的,极端的; resentful 表示怨恨的;reserved 有保留的,内向的;reserved consent 有保留的同意;respectable 可敬的,高尚的;respectful 充满敬意的,有礼貌的;rival(=competitive)竞争的;scared惊恐的,恐慌的, sensible 明智的,通情达理的;sensitive敏感的, skeptical 怀疑的;slight contempt 稍有蔑视;subjective主观的;supportive 支持的,suspicious可疑的,疑心的, sympathetic同情的;tentative试探性的。


alleviate the Asian financial crisis 缓解亚洲金融危机,apply economic sanctions against that country 对那个国家进行经济制裁。banking industry 金融业,business partners 商业伙伴,budget n./v.预算。business concentration 企业集中,business cycle 经济循环,business management 企业管理。cost efficiency 成本效益,commodity prices 商品价格,commercial promotion商业促销,channels of revenue 收入渠道,contentious trade issue有争议的贸易问题,customs revenues 关税收入,credit赊购,a credit balance of $250 二百五十美元的存款余额,devalued dollar 美元贬值,double-digit inflation 十位数的通货膨涨。economic recession 经济不景气,economic depression 经济萧条,economic decline 经济衰退,economic revival 经济复苏,emerging countries 新兴国家,established business partners固定的商业伙伴,energy-intensive industries能源密集型工业。fading industrial competitiveness 日益削弱的工业竞争力。family economics家庭经济状况。fair play 公平竞争。foreign investment 外国投资,fluctuate crude oil prices(fluctuation of crude oil prices)使原油价格波动,falling oil revenue日益减少的石油收入。economic globalization process 经济全球化过程,global excess demand 全球过量需求。improvement in the export climate 改善出口环境,injury claims伤害索赔,interest-bearing cheque accounts有息支票账户,investment returns投资回报。market-oriented economy 市场导向的经济,make profit 营利,maximize profits 使利润最大化,merger and acquisition合并和收购,multinationals跨国公司,marketing messages销售信息。operating costs 营业费用。package deal 一揽子交易,price system 价格体系,price index 价格指数, pickup in capital spending 资金投放增加,private-enterprise 私人经营,production costs 生产成本,productive resources 生产资料,provide further credits for the company向公司提供进一步的信贷。real economy实体经济。retail price 零售价, raise tariff barriers against foreign imports 提高对外国进口货的关税壁垒, re-engineering and downsizing 工程改组和缩小规模,real-estate broker 房地产经记人。revenue(税收等的)收入。scrutiny 精查细看。shift production from one place to another 把生产从一地转移到另一地,surplus in trade 贸易顺差,suspension of exports 中止出口,securities股票,有价证券。tap the consumer market 扩大消费市场,the total collapse of national economy 国民经济的全面崩溃, trade and investment barriers 贸易和投资壁垒,tax cuts in this year’s budget 本预算中税收削减,trade barrier 贸易壁垒,trade balance贸易平衡,trade imbalance贸易不平衡。


point and click点击,web business 网上经营,integrated circuit 集成电路,conduct online transactions 进行网上交易,give sb the company’s private internet 使某人能进入公司内部的互联网,software company 软件公司,computer monitor计算机监视器,a company’s web site 公司网站,Internet sign-up互联网帖子,online world网上世界,brief 短讯,a database on the Internet互联网上的资料库,interactive 人机互动的,交互式的,check a database检查资料库,sign up for … 登录要求得到…,key in v.键入,E-mail one’s resume to sb.把某人的履历用电子邮件发给…,online culture 网上文化,Internet marketing activities 互联网上的销售活动,Net purists 网络净化者,computer education advocates计算机教育鼓吹者,screen saver 屏幕保护。products compatible with the Windows operating system 与示窗操作系统兼容的产品。

4.As 用法小结

as of(=as from)从… 起。例如:1)You are in charge(负责)as of today.2)The agreement starts as from March 13.as for至于。例如:1)As for me, I shall return there on arrival.2)As for me, I’m in favor of the first view.as to关于;至于。例如:He asked my advice as to what to do next.as with与 … 一样。例如:As with so many of the major problems of society, the precise extent and nature of the environmental crisis are not entirely clear.as against(=in contrast with)与…相对照。例如:1)She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one.(她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。)2)The business done this year amounts to $20,000 as against $ 15,000 last year.as regards至于。例如:There are no special rules as regards what clothes you should wear.(至于应该穿什么衣服没有硬性规定。)as follows如下。例如:1)The reasons are as follows.2)The report reads as follows.as it were可以说,姑且这么说。例如:He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.(他,可以说,是一部活词典。)as opposed to和 … 相反。例如:John likes rice, as opposed to Mary, who hates it.as soon as possible尽快地。例如:We should take steps as soon as possible.may(might , could)as well do sth.不妨,最好(做某事)。例如:Since it is too late, we might as well go back home.as a rule通常。例如:1)As a rule they sat together very quietly.2)His writing as a rule is elegant.as yet到这时为止(还没有):But none of these are as yet carefully thought-out plans.such … as to这样 … 以致。例如:I went about my job in such a way as to try to kill two birds with one stone.not so much …as与其说…,倒不如说…:The trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness so much as by his lack of talent.(这个吹号手的声音确实很大,但我烦的与其说是他吹得太响,倒不如说是他缺乏天分。)such as例如:Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought with money, such as a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.(研究表明,那些最能使人产生幸福感的东西是不能用金钱买到的,如和睦的家庭生活、友谊和事业上的满足感。)as long as(=so long as)只要(引导条件从句):As long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.Just as … , so … 正如 … 一样,… 也 …。例如:Just as air is important to man, so is water to fish.as though(=as if)似乎。例如:Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though to go out of the office.much as虽然。例如:Much as I admired David as a poet, I don’t like him as a man.(虽然我仰慕作为诗人的大卫,但我不喜欢他的为人。)as 虽然(引导部分倒装的让步从句):Young as he is, he knows a lot.(他虽年轻,但很懂事。)as作关系代词,引导定语从句,代表整个主句的意思:1)A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, as was to be expected.(正如所料,代表们提出了许多建议。)2)As might be expected, the response to the question was mixed.(正如所料,人们对这个问题观点不一。)as…as引出比较状语从句:Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day.(美国人摄取的蛋白质是他们实际需要量的两倍。)As is often the case事情常常是这样:As is often the case, it happened so gradually that it was barely perceptible.5.常考同义词和近义词 控告某人犯了…accuse sb.of sth., charge sb.with sth.;夸大exaggerate,overestimate,overvalue,overrate,magnify;缩小(低估)underestimate,undervalue,minimize;使困惑puzzle,bewilder,confuse,perplex;影响affect, influence, impact(on), bear on ;控制control,dominate,curb,regulate,harness(=control and use);污染pollute,contaminate,foul;计算calculate,compute,reckon;出现appear,emerge,come into being;关心care for,foster,be concerned about;把…归因于owe … to,attribute … to,refer … to;减轻,缓解ease,alleviate,relieve;给予render,offer,impart,confer;实现realize,effect;炫耀show off,parade;自尊心ego,pride,self-esteem,dignity;涌入crowd into,pour into,stream into,swarm into,pack into;体现express,embody;决定decide,determine,elect,make up one’s mind;渴望desire,long(for),aspire to,pant;改进improve,mend;消除eliminate,remove,erase,get rid of;威胁threat,menace;聚精会神做be absorbed in doing,be immersed in doing;有偏见的biased,partial,prejudiced;损害spoil,impair,harm,endanger;包含,包括embrace,comprise,encompass,include;停止stop,halt,cease;持久last,endure;推进further,promote;上升rise,escalate,go up,climb;繁荣prosper, flourish,thrive;容忍bear,tolerate,put up with,brook;缺点shortcoming,defect,drawback,flaw,setback;指望,依靠count on,depend on,rely on,reckon on,bank on,lean on;倾向于tend to,be inclined to,be liable to,be apt to;怀疑的skeptical,dubious,doubtful,suspicious;减少decrease,decline, reduce,diminish,temper,moderate;索然无味的uninteresting,dull,tedious,boring;不偏不倚的impartial,detached,neutral,unbiased;有意的purposeful,deliberate,intentional;培训train,practice,nurture;不理会ignore,discount,disregard,pay no attention to,turn a deaf ear to;改变change,alter,modify,remold,reshape;增加increase,augment,add to,multiply;抛弃discard,abandon,desert,give up,get rid of;浪费waste;dissipate;废除abolish, do away with, scrap;揭露disclose,reveal,unveil;性格,脾气personality,disposition;谨慎的careful,discreet,prudent,cautious;厌恶,怨恨disgust,resent,hate;满足meet,satisfy,cater to;沉思,细想ponder,meditate,think deeply,dwell on;必然包含involve,entail;忽略,疏忽overlook, neglect,give no attention to;使沮丧,使失望disappoint, frustrate,dismay, let sb.down,depress;诱惑 lure, tempt, induce;讽刺satire, sarcasm,irony;造成,引起cause, pose, bring about, give rise to,evoke。发人深省set sb.thinking, be thought-provoking;利用make use of, take advantage of, utilize, harness;来自于come from, result from, arise from, stem from, derive from挫伤,使灰心:discourage, frustrate, upset;严肃的earnest, serious, grave, solemn;对…感兴趣be interested in sth., be struck by sth.;拒绝,不给refuse, deny, withhold, keep back;欣赏enjoy, relish, appreciate;假装pretend, sham;膺品fake, sham;照管take care of , look after, tend;(使)恶化make sth.worse, aggravate, deteriorate, sour;主要的,首要的primary, main, chief,principal, sovereign。


朱泰祺英语作文范文 1


No.1 Opportunity and Success

Opportunities don't come often.They come every once in a while.Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed.Therefore ,it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care.When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitious, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you.The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities.The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive.The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits to see them pass by.In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who are prepared adequately and qualified highly can make use of them to achieve their purpose.No.2 On Developing Tourism

Tourism, a “smokeless industry”, is developing rapidly in China.With the open and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country.The are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid culture of more than 5000 years.Tourism brings China a lot of benefits.First it enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes friendship and mutual understanding.Second ,it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies for its modernization program.Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems.For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system.Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels.As for me, I believe that with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step.A much better and brighter future awaits us.No.3 The value of Time

As a popular saying goes, “Time is money.”In fact, time is more precious than money.When money is spent, you can earn it back if you want to.However, when time is gone, it will never come back.As the pace of modern life continues to accelerate ,the time at our disposal is quite limited.But there are a lot of things to be done in our lives.We should make full use of our time to fulfil what is useful to us.For instance, as students we should devote most of our time to our academic studies.In this way we can acquire new knowledge and skill necessary for our future carrier.In my opinion, wasting time means wasting our valuable life.But many of us don't realize this.They think time is inexhaustable.I'm not in favor of such of a view.Hence ,my conclusion is that we should never put off what can be today until tomorrow.No.4 Are Prizes a Good Thing?

Nobody denies that competitions with prizes can bring people's initiative into full play.Encouraged by

朱泰祺英语作文范文 2 a strong desire to win a prize, one will go all out to seek his greatest success.Consequently, the best achievements will be obtained in a game with awards.However, the prompting of a prize does not always lead to desirable results.For example, a competitor who cannot overcome the temptation of a prize is likely to take a stimulant.And the hopeless competitor sees nothing but the prize, which might cause improper behavior.I my opinion, the remedy lies in moral education of competitors.This will help them to understand the slogan: “Friendship--first, and competition--second.”Then, prices will play a better part in any contest.Generally speaking, I believe that prizes are a good thing.No.5 On Keeping a Diary in English

Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time.It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English.If we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English.In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties.In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phases to give expression to our mind.Secondly , there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese.And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly.Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English.As far as I'm concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary.We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary.In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills.No.6 On University Tuition System in China

Tuition system has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect.Different people have different opinions on it.Some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition.As far as China is concerned, it is a developing country with the largest population in the world.The government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses.One of the ways to relieve the problem is for students to pay tuition.The money raised in this way can be used to improve the conditions for running schools.Others ,however, are opposed to the tuition system.They argue that the living standard of the Chinese people ,especially of those in the poor rural areas, is still low, compared with that in the Western World.The university tuition will certainly add to the already heavy burden of the parents, who live on their salaries or wages.Moreover, tuition may become an obstacle to the development of China's higher education.This is because it hinders some talented people from entering the university just on account of their poverty.No.7 Film Is Giving Way to TV in X City

A recent survey analyzed the change in number of film-goers and TV watchers in X city.As is shown by the graph, there has been a sharp decline in the number of film-goers during the period from 1988 to 1998.On the other hand ,the number of TV watchers has steadily increased in the last decade, reaching 150,000 in 1998.Finally,it is interesting to note that there were as many film-goers as TV watchers in the year of 1994.There might be two reasons, I think, for the change.First, TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but a comparatively cheap one.There is no point in arranging transport.And one needn't

朱泰祺英语作文范文 3 pay for expensive seats at the cinema.Second, TV makes it possible for one to keep abreast of current events and the latest developments in science and technology.As a consequence, most people prefer to stay at home, watching TV, rather than go out to the cinema, which wastes both time and money.personally, I believe there are still a lot of people who enjoy watching films.They claim that the film is a fascinating form of art.Sitting comfortably in the cinema , one can appreciate the latest movies which will usually be shown on TV far later on.Therefore, I trust the number of film-goers will be on the rise in the future.No.8 The Fight Against Crime

Today the crime rate in some of our cities seems to be rising.Many citizens complain about the thefts and robberies which take place in their street blocks.Therefore ,more and more people are appealing to the authorities to take strong measures to reduce the crime rate.Faced with criminals ,different people have different attitudes towards them.Some become so frightened that they tend to give up fighting or to turn a blind eye to the criminals.Others, however, are brave enough to fight the criminals even at the risk of their own lives.In their eyes, responsibility is the most important of all the values that hold honest people together.Without it there can be no self-respect, no trust, no law--and, ultimately, no society.There is no doubt that they set a good example for all of us to follow.As far as I am concerned, my suggestions are as follows.In the first place, every one of us should receive a law education.Secondly, criminals must be punished severely.Finally ,it is urgent to set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.In the way we can stand up to any crime and smash it.No.9 Road Accidents

In recent years the number of road accidents has been on the rise in big cities.Whenever they happen, the people involved are either injured or killed.They cause great losses both to the country and to the victims' families.Therefore, it is urgent that we do something to reduce traffic accidents and make our roads safe.There are several ways I think to cut down the accident rate.In the first place, the government should take effective measures to improve road conditions.For example, more funds ought to be invested in building new highways and many of the old narrow streets in cities widened or reconstructed.Secondly, local authorities should educate people in every possible way to comply with traffic regulations.Finally pedestrians should be very careful whenever crossing busy streets.In my opinion, the above mentioned ways are essential to avoid traffic accidents.There is no doubt that the road will be safer to all of us if everyone does his part.No.10 Stress in Modern Life

As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night.And it is hard to slow down.Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.Different people, however, think of stress quite differently.Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.Others argue that stress contributes to one's mental decline and hence endangers his health.According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.Personally, I'm in favor of the former view.I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues.In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it

朱泰祺英语作文范文 4 can lead to poor performance and ill health.No.11 Sharp Increase in World Population

According to the figures given in the bar charts.it took from the beginning of human life to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion.That represents a time span of at least two million years.Then the world population increased rapidly, adding up to two billion in 1930.The next billion was added by 1960, only thirty years.From then on the global population was on the rise, amounting to 4 billion in 1975,which is another billion people in only 15 years.There are at least two reasons, I think, for the sharp increase in world population.In the first place, the birth rate is continuously climbing in many countries, especially in developing countries.Generally speaking, people there hold the opinion that children don't cost much and when they get old enough to work they will bring in money and that when parents are old, they will take care of them.Secondly, the death rate in most developed countries declines steadily because people's standards of living are raised and health care improves.In my opinion, the chief reason for the population growth is not so much a rise in birth rates as a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.No.12 Wealth and Happiness

Wealth has always been what some people long for.It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor.Their efforts contribute to the welfare of the society and at the same time to the accumulation of their wealth,and hence to their happiness.There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society.Various kinds of up-to-date household appliances, latest fashions and recreations make their appearance with each passing day.All this makes our life more comfortable and colorful.Therefore, without money we cannot turn admiration into reality.But there are exceptions when wealth does not go band in hand with happiness.Wealth may tempt weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits, such as drug-taking and gambling, and result in their own ruin.Also, a person may lose his reason and go astray if he is entirely devoted to seeking wealth.In my opinion, on no account can we identify wealth with happiness.I also believe that one should never rely only on wealth to achieve happiness.No.13 Average Personal Income of the Chinese Farmers form 1970 to 1990

According to the figures given by the graph, the Chinese farmers' personal income rose steadily from 1970 to 1990.In the middle of 1970's their income was rather low.Their annual personal income was about 140 yuan.But in 1980 the average personal income increased approximately 50%,reaching 210 yuan.As is shown by the graph, in 1985 their income doubled, amounting to 420 yuan.After that there was a consistent tendency for income to grow.In a word, during the period of 20 years the farmers' income had gone up rapidly.There were two reasons for the increase in the farmers' income in China.First, the Chinese government had been carrying out a reform and open policy.A large number of country-run enterprises had been set up(in the country)in the rural areas.Second, a significant reform of agricultural policy had taken place in China.The Party's policy had brought farmers' initiative into full play.As a result, the agricultural output had been on the rise all the time.All these factors resulted in the steady growth of farmers' income.I believe that with a series of agriculture policies being carried out, there will be even more rapid development in China's agriculture.There is no doubt that the farmers' living standard will be improved to a great

朱泰祺英语作文范文 5 extent.No.14 The Importance of Confidence

Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence.If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships.This truth seems to be self-evident.In reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcomes.For some, this might be true.But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons.First, these people don't have a correct estimate of themselves.Second, there is another possibility that they overestimates the difficulties.In my opinion, one night build up faith in oneself as long as a right attitude towards his own abilities.We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our abilities.As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” With confidence we can certainly cope with any task we are faced with.No.15 What Is Success?

What is success? Different people hold different views on this question.Some think that one is successful if he can make a great deal of money.Others argue that success means holding an important government post.Still others believe that whoever has got a high academic title is successful.It is clear that there are quite different opinions on success.In order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking.As you know, whatever you do, there are slways two possible results: success and failure.When you fail, you should never lose heart.On the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder.You should always keep in mind that perserverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it.In addition, you should pay great attention to you work mothod.It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work.Finally, it is important for you to get along well with you co-workers, care for each other and help each other.If you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in the future.In my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in one's work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people.



There are many wonderful concerts and dramas to choose from in Beijing now.badly behaved audience can sometimes spoil the show.a singer star is giving a performance, one of the spectators suddenly stands up, answering his mobile phone loudly.the audience gets angry about his impolite behavior.the guy lacks public morality.The picture really sets me thinking.Now there are some young people who disregard and even ignore basic theatre etiquette.when they go to a classical concert, they don’t dress properly.As a rule, men need to wear a suit and ladies a dress on such occasions.Jeans and T-shirts and slippers are a strict “no”.there are also people who tend to arrive late, which distracts both the performers and the audience.It often happens that some of the playgoers are inclined to whisper, thus disturbing others.So it is better to be quiet and save conversation for the interval or once the show is over.In my opinion, every one of us should do his part to safeguard public morals and try hard to improve them.Only in this way will we have a society all of us live in complete harmony.(213 words)


Dear Sirs,I am writing to complain about a chemical plant which contaminates the nearby river.Every day the plant drains a surprisingly large amount of waste liquids into it.The water in it has become gray and gives off a strong smell.I think the local authorities should adopt several strong measures to deal with the public hazard.Firstly, it is necessary to prohibit the plant from discharging waste water into the river before it is purified.Secondly, a series of environment protection rules need to be laid down.Those who violate them deserve to be fined heavily.Hoping the problem will be solved as soon as possible

Thanks for your attention.Sincerely yours,Li Ming


[分析] 书信类应用文包括介绍信、推荐信、请求信、求职信、投诉信、建议信、道歉信、劝告信、拒绝信、邀请信等。考研英语书信类应用文的格式要求如下:



3.结尾套话(Complimentary close)


考研英语书信类应用文不要求考生写信头、信内地址及写信时间。个人签名统一用“李明(Li Ming)”这个名字。字数要求在100字左右。

Part B


Money has always been what some people long for.It is true that most of them work hard to acquire wealth.But, as is depicted in the picture, there are also people who dream of making a fortune all day and night.Money has become a mental burden for them, which makes them worried and depressed.The picture means a lot to us.There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society.Various kinds of up-to-date electric appliances, latest fashions and recreations are coming into being with each passing day.All these miracles make our lives comfortable and colorful.But material comforts do not necessarily mean happiness.Money may tempt(=lure)weak-willed persons to be addicted to harmful habits and result in their own ruin.Moreover, a person may lose his reason and go astray if he only intends to seek wealth and indulges himself in a luxurious life.Obviously, it is crucial that we take a proper attitude toward money.In my opinion, on no account should we equate wealth with happiness.The things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought with money, such as a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.(202 words)

注:lose his reason and go astray失去理智并误入歧途。come into being出现。equate...with...把…与…等同起来。




依我看, 无论如何我们也不能把金钱和幸福等同起来。那些最能使人产生幸福感的东西是不能用金钱买到的,如和睦的家庭生活、友谊和事业上的满足感。


Dear Mr.Wang,I beg to apply for one week's leave of absence from the 10th to the 16th instant, both days inclusive, so as to go home to see my mother, who is seriously ill in hospital.To support my application, I herewith submit the text of a short message to that effect received from my father.I shall very much appreciate it if you could approve my request.As far as the work to be held up due to my absence is concerned, I will try hard to compensate for it as soon as I get back.Thank you for your attention.Yours sincerely

Li Ming

(101 words)

注: I beg to apply for...兹申请…。instant(=of the present month)本月(用于日期后)。herewith同此,随信。submit提交。to that effect上述内容的。hold up 耽误。compensate for弥补。










Part B


As is depicted in the first picture, a farmer was working in the fields.All of a sudden he saw a hare running in the distance, only to dash itself against a big stump.The h

are was seriously injured and could not move any more.The man came over and, to his delight, picked it up and went home happily.the farmer was sitting near the stump, waiting for another hare to appear.nothing similar happened at all.The set of pictures tells us that those who dream of reaping without sowing will achieve nothing.there are a lot of people in our life who are unwilling to make painstaking efforts but greedy for success.They tend to trust to chance and luck.My previous experiences in study and work have proven that in order to succeed, first and foremost, one should be both hardworking and persevering.We should strive for possible success.There is no reason for us to look to any accidental gain.In my opinion, at no time and on no account should we trust to chance or luck.my conclusion is that success results from hard work.(199 words)

注: in the distance在远处。“only to + 动词”意为“结果却…”,表示与主观愿望相反的客观结果。stump 树桩。reaping without sowing 不劳而获。trust to...依靠(运气等)。persevering 有毅力的。look to...依赖或指望某人提供某事物或做某事。industry n.勤奋。小结

Part A为应用文中的便笺(Note)。Part B为提纲漫画作文,与近年考试的命题形式基本一致;这种命题形式不仅要求考生描绘情境,而且要求考生说明内涵并结合实际生活经历发表个人的见解。考生应从参考作文中归纳出短文框架、段落结构和常用句型,以达到举一反

三、触类旁通的目的。要通过背诵和改写,达到活用的目的。短文写作解题时间Part A一般为15分钟左右,而Part B一般为30分钟左右。



2011年10月24日 11:38来源:万学海文








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    英语思维性阅读四签法则 阅读是一种主动的过程,也是一种理解,领悟,吸收,鉴赏,评价和探究文章的思维过程。多年来,许多专家、教师等教育工作者都从不同的角度研讨过英语阅读方法、......