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Secretary-General’s Message on the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social



New York, 5 December 2010


On International Volunteer Day, we recognize millions of people around the world who give their time and talent to tackle global challenges: from volunteers working in their own communities on climate change adaptation and poverty reduction to those supporting global causes of peace, justice and the Millennium Development Goals.值此国际志愿人员日,我们表彰全世界数百万将自己的时间和才干用于解决各种全球挑战的人们:即那些在自己的社区从事适应气候变化和减少贫穷工作的志愿人员乃至那些支持和平、正义和千年发展目标等全球事业的人们。

Forty years ago, the United Nations General Assembly called for the establishment of the United Nations Volunteers(UNV)programme.Since then, tens of thousands of UNV volunteers have contributed to our global mission, working with many UN organizations, programmes and agencies as well as peacekeeping and special political missions.I commend the engagement of these committed volunteers.四十年前,联合国大会呼吁建立联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)。自那时起,志愿人员方案的几万名志愿人员与许多联合国组织、方案和机构以及维持和平特派团和政治特派团共同工作,推动实现我们的全球使命。我赞扬这些志愿人员的全身心投入。

I also welcome the strong growth in more recent years of online volunteering, which connects people--professionals, students, homemakers and people with disabilities around the globe--and provides them with opportunities to contribute to development and the work of the United Nations.Still relatively new, online volunteering has great potential and I encourage all partners to explore what more can be done to harness the power of the Internet in this way.我还欢迎近几年在线志愿服务的强劲增长,在线志愿服务将人们——世界各地的专业人员、学生、家庭主妇和残疾人——联系起来,为他们提供了推动发展和促进联合国工作的机会。在线志愿服务相对而言仍是新生事物,具有巨大的潜力,我鼓励所有伙伴探索在这方面还可以做哪些工作来发挥因特网的力量。

This Day also celebrates the involvement of many other volunteers working with governments, NGOs, civil society and in their own communities to improve the lives of people around them.国际志愿人员日还颂扬那些与各国政府、非政府组织、公民社会合作并在自己的社区工作的许多其他志愿人员参与改善周围人们的生活。

Volunteerism helps bring us together as individuals and societies.It is a powerful means of mobilizing all segments of society as active partners in building a better world.Together, let us strengthen the institutional frameworks that support volunteerism.Together, let us use the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, which we mark in 2011(IYV+10), to find new areas where volunteering can make a difference.Let us honour volunteering as an expression of our common humanity and a way to promote mutual respect, solidarity and reciprocity.志愿精神有助于将我们每个人和我们的社会结合起来。志愿精神是动员社会各阶层作为积极的伙伴参与建设更美好世界的强大手段。让我们共同加强支持志愿精神的机构框架。让我们借纪念2011志愿人员国际年十周年之机,共同找出志愿工作可以有所作为的新领域。让我们崇尚志愿工作,以此表达我们的共同人性,并以此方式促进相互尊重、团结和互惠。


UN Secretary-General’s Message on International Widows’ Day June, 2011




This first International Widows’ Day is an occasion to call attention to the many “firsts” that women must face when their husbands die.In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social safety net.Far too often, widows lack access to inheritance, land tenure, employment and even the means to survive.今年是第一次开展国际寡妇日活动,在这个日子里,我们呼吁人们关注妇女在丈夫死亡后必须“第一次”面对的许多问题。妇女不仅陷入悲痛,而且还可能在结婚后第一次发现她们没有任何社会安全网。寡妇往往不能继承财产,没有土地保有权,不能就业,甚至没有生存的手段。

In places where a widow’s status is linked to her husband, she may find herself suddenly shunned and isolated.Marriage – whether she desires it or not – may be the only way for a widow to regain her footing in society.在寡妇的地位与丈夫紧密相联的地方,寡妇可能发现人们突然躲避她,她陷入孤立无援的境地。无论寡妇是否愿意,结婚可能是她在社会重新立脚的唯一途径。

Of the approximately 245 million widows in our world, more than 115 live in extreme poverty.In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.全世界约有2.45亿寡妇,其中超过1.15亿人生活极端贫困。在冲突不断的国家,妇女往往年轻就守寡,不得不在战火中和颠沛流离的生活中肩负起照顾子女的重担,她们得不到任何帮助或支持。

Some of these widows are teenagers – or even younger.The death of their husbands can leave a terrible legacy these widows must endure throughout their remaining years.一些寡妇仍然是少女,有的甚至更年轻。丈夫死亡后,给寡妇们留下的可能是终身噩梦。

All widows should be protected by the rights enshrined in the Convention on theElimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other international human rights treaties.《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和其他国际人权条约庄严载有各项权利,应可保护所有寡妇。

But in reality, interpretations of customary codes, as well as traditional mourning and burial rites, often deny widows virtually all of their universally recognized rights.但在现实中,对习惯法规的各种解读以及传统的丧葬礼仪往往剥夺了寡妇几乎所有的普遍公认权利。

Despite the many difficulties widows face, many make valuable contributions to their countries and communities.Some take on leadership roles at the highest levels.Others work in their families, taking in orphans, serving as caregivers and reaching across lines of conflict to mend tears in the social fabric.虽然寡妇面临许多困难,但许多人依然对国家和社区作出了宝贵贡献。一些人在最高级别发挥领导作用。其他人则在家里工作,收养孤儿,照顾他人,跨越冲突线,修补社会组织出现的裂痕。

We must recognize the important contribution of widows, and we must ensure that they enjoy the rights and social protections they deserve.我们必须承认寡妇的重要贡献,我们必须确保她们享有她们应得的权利和社会保障。

Death is inevitable, but we can reduce the suffering that widows endure by raising their status and helping them in their hour of need.This will contribute to promoting the full and equal participation of all women in society.And that will bring us closer to ending poverty and promoting peace around the world.死亡是不可避免的,但我们可以提高寡妇的地位,在她们最需要帮助的时刻帮助她们,减轻她们的痛苦。这将有助于促进所有妇女充分和平等地参与社会。而这又将使我们进一步接近消除贫穷和促进世界和平的目标。



UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message for International Youth Day 2011August, 2011



“Change Our World” is more than the theme of this year’s International Youth Day;it is an injunction that

should inspire young people at all times.“改变世界”不只是今年国际青年日的主题,而且是一条激励各个时代青年人的训喻。

Far too many of the world’s more than one billion young people lack the education, freedom and

opportunities they deserve.Yet despite these constraints – and in some cases because of them – young people are mobilizing in growing numbers to build a better future.Over the past year, they have achieved stunning results,overturning dictatorships and sending waves of hope across regions and around the world.在全世界10亿多青年中,太多的人得不到他们应享的教育、自由和各种机会。然而,尽管存在这些限制,有些情况下正是因为这些限制,越来越多的青年为创造更美好的未来行动起来。过去一年中,他们取


Young people are gifted with open minds and a keen awareness of emerging trends, and are bringing their energy, ideas and courage to some of the most complex and important challenges facing the human family.They often understand better than older generations that we can transcend our religious and cultural differences in order to reach our shared goals.They are standing up for the rights of oppressed peoples, including those who suffer discrimination based on gender, race and sexual orientation.They are confronting sensitive issues in order to stop

the spread of HIV.And they are often the leading proponents of sustainability and green life-styles.青年天生思想开放,可敏锐察觉新的趋势,他们运用自己的能量、想法和勇气来解决人类大家庭面临的一些最为复杂和重要的挑战。他们往往比老一辈人更明白,为达成共同的目标,我们可以超越宗教和文化的差异。他们挺身维护受压迫人民的权利,包括那些因性别、种族和性取向而遭受歧视的人们的权利。为了遏制艾滋病毒的蔓延,他们勇敢面对敏感问题。他们还常常带头提倡可持续性和绿色生活方式。The international community must continue to work together to expand the horizons of opportunity for these young women and men and answer their legitimate demands for dignity, development and decent work.Failing to invest in our youth is a false economy.Investments in young people will pay great dividends in a better future for



This Day marks the end of the International Year of Youth, a milestone in global advocacy by and for the world’s young people.My hope is that this experience will now provide a foundation to go even further in harnessing the talents and energies of young people.To them I say: you have the opportunity to change our world.Seize it.在全世界青年参与为他们开展的全球宣传中,国际青年年是一个里程碑。今天是国际青年年结束的日子。我希望通过此次活动,为进一步利用青年人的才智和能量打下基础。我要对青年人说:你们有机会改



联合国秘书长潘基文2010国际非暴力日致辞时间:2010-10-05 15:55来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:413次

UN Secretary-General's Message on the International Day of Non-Violence New York, 2 October 2010

联合国秘书长潘基文2010国际非暴力日致辞 2010年10月2日

The International Day of Non-Violence marks the birth date of one of the doctrine's leading voices, Mahatma Gandhi.“Non-violence”, Gandhi said, “is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind.”


We at the United Nations strive to harness the power of non-violence to overcome prejudice, end conflict, and cultivate mutual respect and understanding among peoples and countries.Indeed, the creed of non-violence echoes through the United Nations Charter: “To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours”;“to ensure...that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest.”


We work every day to bring these lofty principles to life.We do this by promoting human rights, seeking to resolve conflicts through peaceful means, campaigning to eliminate violence against women, working to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and building bridges across cultures and countering hatred and extremism everywhere.我们每天都致力于将这些崇高原则落实在现实生活中。我们为此促进人权、寻求以和平手段解决冲突、发起消除对妇女的暴力行为的运动、努力实现千年发展目标、建造跨越文化的桥梁,以及反对任何地方出现的仇恨和极端主义。

This work cannot be left to governments or international organizations alone.Peace may be achieved around the negotiating table, but it is sustained around community tables.Peace starts with people--it flows from the hearts of committed women and men.Communities, families, and individuals all have a critical role to play in defeating violence and creating a culture of peace.这项工作不能光靠政府和国际组织来承担。和平或许可在谈判桌上实现,但是,和平只有放到社区的桌面上才能够维持。和平始于人们的心中,它发自致力于和平的男女的内心。无论是社区、家庭还是个人,在战胜暴力和创建和平文化方面都可扮演举足轻重的角色。

On this International Day of Non-Violence, let us work together to use the great force of non-violence to build peaceful and just societies for ourselves and for our children.在今天纪念国际非暴力日时,让我们共同努力,利用非暴力的伟大武器,为我们自己和我们的子孙建造和平与公正的社会。



Secretary-General’s Message on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities


New York, 3 December 2010


The theme of this year's International Day of Persons with Disabilities is “Keeping the promise: mainstreaming disability in the Millennium Development Goals”.今年国际残疾人日的主题是“履行诺言:将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标”。

Among the promises made by world leaders at the MDG Summit in September was a commitment to improve the lives of persons with disabilities.在9月千年发展目标首脑会议上,各国领导人作出的其中一个承诺是致力于改善残疾人的生活。

This diverse group includes people close to us – family, friends and neighbours.Indeed, physical, mental and sensory impairments are very common, affecting about 10 per cent of the world's population.这群人形形色色,其中有我们亲近的人——家庭成员、朋友和邻居。的确,身体、智力和感官残障十分常见,全世界受此影响的占人口10%左右。

Disability is also highly correlated with poverty.People with disabilities account for roughly 20 per cent of those living in poverty in developing countries.Worldwide, they suffer high rates of unemployment and often lack access to adequate education and healthcare.In many societies, there are simply no provisions made for this group and they end up living in isolation, disconnected from their own communities.残疾与贫穷也有密切关联。在发展中国家的贫穷人口中,残疾人大约占20%。他们在世界各地的失业率很高,而且常常得不到适足的教育和保健。许多国家干脆不为这一群体提供方便,致使他们与世隔绝,无法与自己的社区接触。

Despite these obstacles, persons with disabilities have displayed great courage and resilience.But even as we continue to be inspired by those who reach the highest levels of human achievement, such successes must not obscure the difficulties faced by those who live in desperate conditions and lack the rights, privileges and opportunities available to their fellow citizens.尽管存在着这些障碍,但残疾人依然表现出极大的勇气和坚韧的毅力。他们中有些人取得的成就堪称登峰造极,成为不断激励我们的力量,但我们决不能因为这些成功而看不到他们面临的困难。他们在极为艰难的条件中生活,没有同胞所享有的权利、特权和机会。

Governments need to do more to support people with disabilities.That means implementing

the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.And it means integrating their needs into national Millennium Development Goal agendas.In the Action Plan adopted at the MDG Summit, world leaders recognized that current efforts are insufficient.政府需要进一步支持残疾人。这意味着落实《联合国残疾人权利公约》,意味着将他们的需要纳入国家的千年发展目标议程。各国领导人在千年发展目标首脑会议通过的行动计划中认识到,目前的努力还不够。

On this International Day, let us recognize that the battles against poverty, disease and discrimination will not be won without targeted laws, policies and programmes that empower this group.Let us pledge to keep the promise of the goals alive in the community of persons with disabilities.And let us include them not only as beneficiaries but as valued agents of change in our five-year push to reach the goals by the internationally agreed deadline of 2015.值此国际日,我们要认识到,没有使该群体增强权能的针对性法律、政策和方案,就不可能战胜贫穷、疾病和歧视。让我们保证对残疾人履行千年发展目标的承诺。让我们在为2015年实现千年发展目标这一国际商定的截止日期而冲刺的5年时间里,不仅将他们作为受惠人包括在内,而且将他们作为推动变革的宝贵动力。



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