President Obama's remarks on the earthquake in Haiti
Here are President Obama’s remarks Wednesday morning on the earthquake in Haiti and rescue efforts, as released by the White House.Good morning, everybody.This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquake.大家早上好。昨天,海地发生了强烈地震。在此我想对海地人民表达最深的问候,美国人民将坚定地向海地提供援助。
We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we’ve seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching.Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.我们刚刚开始了解到地震所造成破坏的严重程度,我们从新闻报道和图片上看到了倒塌的医院,变成废墟的房屋,人们在街上抬着受伤的邻居,场面十分令人心痛。海地和海地人民已历尽苦难和伤痛,但这场灾难尤为无情、让人感到不可思议。美国各地还有一些美籍海地人不知道远在家乡的家人和朋友的安危,我们与他们感同身受、并为他们祈祷。
I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives.The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian relief — the food, water and medicine — that Haitians will need in the coming days.In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense, are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.我已下令政府以迅速、协调、积极的救援拯救生命。美国将全力支持海地人民,我们将紧急援救被困灾民,并提供食品、水以及药品等人道主义救灾物资,以满足海地人民未来几天的需要。美国政府,尤其是美国国际开发署、国务院和国防部正与海地、加勒比地区以及全世界紧密合作,实施救援。
Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities.First, we’re working quickly to account for U.S.embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti.Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at(888)407-4747.I’m going to repeat that —(888)407-4747.目前我们的救援活动主要集中于以下几个紧急的方面。首先,我们迅速查明了在海地首都太子港的美国驻海地大使馆人员及其家人的情况,以及很多在海地生活工作的美国公民的情况。寻亲者可联系美国国务院,寻亲热线为(888)407-4747。我再重复一遍,(888)407-4747。
Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts.Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive.Search-and-rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.其次,我们调动了人力和物资,支持救援。空军已对海地的受灾情况做出了估计,今天中午之前,我们的平民伤亡救援小组将陆续抵达灾区。来自佛罗里达、维吉尼亚和加利福尼亚的搜救组也将在今明两天陆续抵达。更多的救援和医疗设备,以及紧急救护人员正在筹备之中。
Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating with our international partners as well.在这样的灾难中,最初的几个小时和几天是抢救生命,避免更大伤亡的关键。我已命令我们的救援组在抵达灾区后及时开展援助,并与国际救援人员进行合作实施救援。
Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way.My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight.And to ensure that we coordinate our effort, going forward, I’ve designated the administrator of the U.S.Agency for International Development, Dr.Rajiv Shah, to be our government’s unified disaster coordinator.第三,鉴于所需救援物资种类繁多,我们正采取措施,确保美国政府统一行动。我们的国家安全人员连夜带头开展部际合作。为确保救援行动协调、顺利进行,我已任命美国国际开发署署长拉吉夫 夏哈担任美国政府救灾行动总指挥。
Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging.As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground, including the many N.G.O.’s from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization Mission, which appears to have suffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world.This must truly be an international effort.此次救灾和灾后重建工作将非常复杂,极具挑战。在我们向海地运送救灾人员和物资的过程中,我们将与地面人员紧密配合,包括海地的很多非政府组织,在此次地震中伤亡惨重的联合国海地稳定特派团以及我们在该地区和世界各地的合作机构等等。这是一次真正的国际合作行动。
Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share.With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home.So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.最后,我想说明一点,这次灾难提醒了我们共同拥有的人性。美国和海地之间相隔只有几百公里的海洋,悠久的历史将我们两国联系在一起。海地人民是美国人民的邻居,这里就如同他们的家乡,所以在他们需要帮助的紧急时刻,我们要伸出援手。Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to whitehouse.gov where you can learn how to contribute.We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy.We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers.We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.尽管美国国内的境况也很艰难,我仍要鼓励那些有意进行紧急人道主义援助的美国人民登陆白宫网站,了解如何捐赠。在了解到灾害的严重程度之后,我们必须提前为今后救灾的种种困难做好准备。我们将为遇难者和他们的家人祈祷。我们将以坚决果敢的姿态实施救援行动。我向海地人民保证,不管今天,还是今后,美国都是你们的朋友和伙伴。May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.愿上帝保佑海地人民,和在海地的救援人员。Thank you very much.非常感谢。
U.S.President Obama's Remarks on Rescue Efforts in Haiti
January 13, 2010 美国总统奥巴马就海地地震救灾行动发表讲话
Good morning, everybody.This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquake.大家早上好。昨天,海地发生了强烈地震。在此我想对海地人民表达最深的问候,美国人民将坚定地向海地提供援助。
We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we’ve seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching.Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.我们刚刚开始了解到地震所造成破坏的严重程度,我们从新闻报道和图片上看到了倒塌的医院,变成废墟的房屋,人们在街上抬着受伤的邻居,场面十分令人心痛。海地和海地人民已历尽苦难和伤痛,但这场灾难尤为无情、让人感到不可思议。美国各地还有一些美籍海地人不知道远在家乡的家人和朋友的安危,我们与他们感同身受、并为他们祈祷。
I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives.The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian relief — the food, water and medicine — that Haitians will need in the coming days.In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense, are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.我已下令政府以迅速、协调、积极的救援拯救生命。美国将全力支持海地人民,我们将紧急援救被困灾民,并提供食品、水以及药品等人道主义救灾物资,以满足海地人民未来几天的需要。美国政府,尤其是美国国际开发署、国务院和国防部正与海地、加勒比地区以及全世界紧密合作,实施救援。
Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities.First, we’re working quickly to account for U.S.embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti.Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at(888)407-4747.I’m going to repeat that —(888)407-4747.目前我们的救援活动主要集中于以下几个紧急的方面。首先,我们迅速查明了在海地首都太子港的美国驻海地大使馆人员及其家人的情况,以及很多在海地生活工作的美国公民的情况。寻亲者可联系美国国务院,寻亲热线为(888)407-4747。我再重复一遍,(888)407-4747。
Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts.Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive.Search-and-rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.其次,我们调动了人力和物资,支持救援。空军已对海地的受灾情况做出了估计,今天中午之前,我们的平民伤亡救援小组将陆续抵达灾区。来自佛罗里达、维吉尼亚和加利福尼亚的搜救组也将在今明两天陆续抵达。更多的救援和医疗设备,以及紧急救护人员正在筹备之中。
Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating with our international partners as well.在这样的灾难中,最初的几个小时和几天是抢救生命,避免更大伤亡的关键。我已命令我们的救援组在抵达灾区后及时开展援助,并与国际救援人员进行合作实施救援。
Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way.My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight.And to ensure that we coordinate our effort, going forward, I’ve designated the administrator of the U.S.Agency for International Development, Dr.Rajiv Shah, to be our government’s unified disaster coordinator.第三,鉴于所需救援物资种类繁多,我们正采取措施,确保美国政府统一行动。我们的国家安全人员连夜带头开展部际合作。为确保救援行动协调、顺利进行,我已任命美国国际开发署署长拉吉夫 夏哈担任美国政府救灾行动总指挥。Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging.As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground, including the many N.G.O.’s from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization Mission, which appears to have suffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world.This must truly be an international effort.此次救灾和灾后重建工作将非常复杂,极具挑战。在我们向海地运送救灾人员和物资的过程中,我们将与地面人员紧密配合,包括海地的很多非政府组织,在此次地震中伤亡惨重的联合国海地稳定特派团以及我们在该地区和世界各地的合作机构等等。这是一次真正的国际合作行动。
Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share.With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home.So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.最后,我想说明一点,这次灾难提醒了我们共同拥有的人性。美国和海地之间相隔只有几百公里的海洋,悠久的历史将我们两国联系在一起。海地人民是美国人民的邻居,这里就如同他们的家乡,所以在他们需要帮助的紧急时刻,我们要伸出援手。Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to whitehouse.gov where you can learn how to contribute.We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy.We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers.We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.尽管美国国内的境况也很艰难,我仍要鼓励那些有意进行紧急人道主义援助的美国人民登陆白宫网站,了解如何捐赠。在了解到灾害的严重程度之后,我们必须提前为今后救灾的种种困难做好准备。我们将为遇难者和他们的家人祈祷。我们将以坚决果敢的姿态实施救援行动。我向海地人民保证,不管今天,还是今后,美国都是你们的朋友和伙伴。
May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.愿上帝保佑海地人民,和在海地的救援人员。Thank you very much.非常感谢。
关注海地地震 学习相关词汇
地震 earthquake 地震学 seismology 地震学家 seismographer 地震仪 seismograph 余震 aftershock 轻微地震 earth tremor 震中 epicenter 震级 magnitude 地震波 earthquake wave / seismic wave 里氏震级 Richter Scale(1-10)里氏7级地震 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations 地震监控 earthquake monitoring 海啸 tsunami 泥石流 rock and mud slides 自然灾害 natural disaster 灾难 tragedy 碎石 rubble 废墟 ruin 摇摇欲坠的城市 ramshackle city 地震救援 残骸 wreckage 死亡人数 death toll 幸存者 survivors 受灾者 victims 国际援助 international contributions 搜救 search-and-rescue 撤离 evacuation 救援小组 rescue team 人道主义援助 humanitarian relief 灾情估计 damage assessment 搜救组 search-and-rescue team 救灾和医疗设备 rescue and medical equipment 紧急救援人员 emergency personnel 救灾行动总指挥 unified disaster coordinator 救灾和灾后重建 rescue and recovery effort 国际合作行动 international effort 国际红十字会 The international Red Cross 临时避难所 makeshift holding areas 搜救犬 sniffer dogs 海外救援 overseas mission 协同行动 coordinated action 高能量饼干 high-energy biscuits 压缩饼干 compressed biscuits
Good morning, everybody.This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquake.大家早上好。昨天,海地发生了强烈地震。在此我想对海地人民表达最深的问候,美国人民将坚定地向海地提供援助。
We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we’ve seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching.Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.我们刚刚开始了解到地震所造成破坏的严重程度,我们从新闻报道和图片上看到了倒塌的医院,变成废墟的房屋,人们在街上抬着受伤的邻居,场面十分令人心痛。海地和海地人民已历尽苦难和伤痛,但这场灾难尤为无情、让人感到不可思议。美国各地还有一些美籍海地人不知道远在家乡的家人和朋友的安危,我们与他们感同身受、并为他们祈祷。
I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives.The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian relief — the food, water and medicine — that Haitians will need in the coming days.In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense, are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.我已下令政府以迅速、协调、积极的救援拯救生命。美国将全力支持海地人民,我们将紧急援救被困灾民,并提供食品、水以及药品等人道主义救灾物资,以满足海地人民未来几天的需要。美国政府,尤其是美国国际开发署、国务院和国防部正与海地、加勒比地区以及全世界紧密合作,实施救援。
Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities.First, we’re working quickly to account for U.S.embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti.Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at(888)407-4747.I’m going to repeat that —(888)407-4747.目前我们的救援活动主要集中于以下几个紧急的方面。首先,我们迅速查明了在海地首都太子港的美国驻海地大使馆人员及其家人的情况,以及很多在海地生活工作的美国公民的情况。寻亲者可联系美国国务院,寻亲热线为(888)407-4747。我再重复一遍,(888)407-4747。
Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts.Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive.Search-and-rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.其次,我们调动了人力和物资,支持救援。空军已对海地的受灾情况做出了估计,今天中午之前,我们的平民伤亡救援小组将陆续抵达灾区。来自佛罗里达、维吉尼亚和加利福尼亚的搜救组也将在今明两天陆续抵达。更多的救援和医疗设备,以及紧急救护人员正在筹备之中。
Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating with our international partners as well.在这样的灾难中,最初的几个小时和几天是抢救生命,避免更大伤亡的关键。我已命令我们的救援组在抵达灾区后及时开展援助,并与国际救援人员进行合作实施救援。
Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way.My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight.And to ensure that we coordinate our effort, going forward, I’ve designated the administrator of the U.S.Agency for International Development, Dr.Rajiv Shah, to be our government’s unified disaster coordinator.第三,鉴于所需救援物资种类繁多,我们正采取措施,确保美国政府统一行动。我们的国家安全人员连夜带头开展部际合作。为确保救援行动协调、顺利进行,我已任命美国国际开发署署长拉吉夫•夏哈担任美国政府救灾行动总指挥。
Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging.As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground, including the many N.G.O.’s from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization Mission, which appears to have suffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world.This must truly be an international effort.此次救灾和灾后重建工作将非常复杂,极具挑战。在我们向海地运送救灾人员和物资的过程中,我们将与地面人员紧密配合,包括海地的很多非政府组织,在此次地震中伤亡惨重的联合国海地稳定特派团以及我们在该地区和世界各地的合作机构等等。这是一次真正的国际合作行动。
Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share.With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home.So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.最后,我想说明一点,这次灾难提醒了我们共同拥有的人性。美国和海地之间相隔只有几百公里的海洋,悠久的历史将我们两国联系在一起。海地人民是美国人民的邻居,这里就如同他们的家乡,所以在他们需要帮助的紧急时刻,我们要伸出援手。
Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to whitehouse.gov where you can learn how to contribute.We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy.We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers.We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.尽管美国国内的境况也很艰难,我仍要鼓励那些有意进行紧急人道主义援助的美国人民登陆白宫网站,了解如何捐赠。在了解到灾害的严重程度之后,我们必须提前为今后救灾的种种困难做好准备。我们将为遇难者和他们的家人祈祷。我们将以坚决果敢的姿态实施救援行动。我向海地人民保证,不管今天,还是今后,美国都是你们的朋友和伙伴。
May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.Thank you very much.愿上帝保佑海地人民,和在海地的救援人员。非常感谢。
第四篇:奥巴马就海地强震发表讲话(视频 中英文本)
President Obama's remarks on the earthquake in Haiti
Good morning, everybody.This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquake.We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we’ve seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching.Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives.The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian relief — the food, water and medicine — that Haitians will need in the coming days.In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense, are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities.First, we’re working quickly to account for U.S.embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti.Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at(888)407-4747.I’m going to repeat that —(888)407-4747.Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts.Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive.Search-and-rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating with our international partners as well.Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way.My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight.And to ensure that we coordinate our effort, going forward, I’ve designated the administrator of the U.S.Agency for International Development, Dr.Rajiv Shah, to be our government’s unified disaster coordinator.Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging.As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground, including the many N.G.O.’s from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization Mission, which appears to have suffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world.This must truly be an international effort.Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share.With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home.So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to whitehouse.gov where you can learn how to contribute.We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy.We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers.We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.Thank you very much.大家早上好。昨天,海地发生了强烈地震。在此我想对海地人民表达最深的问候,美国人民将坚定地向海地提供援助。
奥巴马总统就荣获诺贝尔和平奖发表讲话 玫瑰园 2009年10月8日
Good morning.Well, this is not how I expected to wake up this morning.After I received the news, Malia walked in and said, “Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo's birthday!” And then Sasha added, “Plus, we have a three-day weekend coming up.” So it's good to have kids to keep things in perspective.早上好,我没有料到今早醒来是这样。在我接到消息后,玛莉娅(Malia)走进来说:“爸爸,你获诺贝尔奖了,而今天是波(Bo,小狗的名字—译注)的生日!” 萨夏(Sasha)接着说:“还有,我们就要过三天长周末了。”所以,有孩子帮助保持清醒是好事。
I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee.Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.诺贝尔奖委员会的决定令我既惊讶又深受感动。我要说明:我不认为这是表彰我个人的成就,而是对为实现所有国家人民的愿望发挥美国带头作用的肯定。
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize--men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.坦率地说,我认为自己没有资格跻身于获此殊荣的众多变革者之列——是那些男女志士对和平的勇敢追求激励了我和整个世界。
But I also know that this prize reflects the kind of world that those men and women, and all Americans, want to build--a world that gives life to the promise of our founding documents.And I know that throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement;it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action--a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.但我也知道,这个奖反映出这些男女志士及全体美国人民都想建立的那种世界——一个将我国建国纲领的承诺变为现实的世界。我知道,诺贝尔和平奖在历史上从来不是仅用来表彰具体的成就,而是也被作为一种给一系列事业增添动力的手段。因此,我将把接受这个奖视为行动的召唤——一个呼吁所有国家迎接21世纪共同挑战的行动召唤。
These challenges can't be met by any one leader or any one nation.And that's why my administration has worked to establish a new era of engagement in which all nations must take responsibility for the world we seek.We cannot tolerate a world in which nuclear weapons spread to more nations and in which the terror of a nuclear holocaust endangers more people.And that's why we've begun to take concrete steps to pursue a world without nuclear weapons, because all nations have the right to pursue peaceful nuclear power, but all nations have the responsibility to demonstrate their peaceful intentions.这些挑战无法由任何一位领袖或任何一个国家应对。因此,本届政府致力于创建一个交往接触的新时代——一个所有国家必须为我们所向往的世界承担责任的时代。我们不能容忍一个核武器向更多国家扩散的世界,不能容忍一个核武大屠杀的恐怖危及更多人民的世界。正因为如此,我们已经开始为争取实现没有核武器世界而采取具体步骤,因为,虽然所有国家都有和平利用核能的权利,但所有国家也都有责任表明他们的和平意图。
We cannot accept the growing threat posed by climate change, which could forever damage the world that we pass on to our children--sowing conflict and famine;destroying coastlines and emptying cities.And that's why all nations must now accept their share of responsibility for transforming the way that we use energy.我们不能让气候变化构成的威胁日益增长——埋下冲突与饥荒的祸种,摧毁海岸线,城市萧疏——给我们将传予子孙后代的世界造成永久性破坏。因此,我们所有国家必须承担各自的责任,改变我们使用能源的方式。
We can't allow the differences between peoples to define the way that we see one another, and that's why we must pursue a new beginning among people of different faiths and races and religions;one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect.我们不能让民族间的差异来界定看待彼此的方式,因此,我们必须在不同信仰、种族和宗教的人民之间谋求一个新开端,一个以互利和互尊为基础的开端。
And we must all do our part to resolve those conflicts that have caused so much pain and hardship over so many years, and that effort must include an unwavering commitment that finally realizes that the rights of all Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace and security in nations of their own.我们必须竭尽全力解决多少年来导致无数创痛与苦难的冲突,这一努力必须包括坚定不移地致力于最后实现所有以色列人和巴勒斯坦人在各自国家平安生活的权利。
We can't accept a world in which more people are denied opportunity and dignity that all people yearn for--the ability to get an education and make a decent living;the security that you won't have to live in fear of disease or violence without hope for the future.我们不能容许一个使更多人被剥夺机会与尊严的世界——这种人人渴望的机会与尊严体现在,能够受教育,能够过像样的生活;享有安全感,不在疾病或暴力恐怖的威胁下无望过活。And even as we strive to seek a world in which conflicts are resolved peacefully and prosperity is widely shared, we have to confront the world as we know it today.I am the Commander-in-Chief of a country that's responsible for ending a war and working in another theater to confront a ruthless adversary that directly threatens the American people and our allies.I'm also aware that we are dealing with the impact of a global economic crisis that has left millions of Americans looking for work.These are concerns that I confront every day on behalf of the American people.即便在努力寻求一个和平解决冲突,共享繁荣的世界的同时,我们也必须面对今天我们眼前的世界。我是一国之最高统帅,而这个国家有责任结束一场战争并在另一战场抗击直接威胁美国人民和盟国的无情的敌人。我也清楚,我们正在应对导致数百万美国人待业求职的全球性经济危机的冲击。这些是我必须为美国人民的利益每天迎战的问题。
Some of the work confronting us will not be completed during my presidency.Some, like the elimination of nuclear weapons, may not be completed in my lifetime.But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.This award is not simply about the efforts of my administration--it's about the courageous efforts of people around the world.我们面临的一些工作不可能在我的任期内完成。有些工作,例如全部销毁核武器,可能在我的有生之年也不会完成。但我深信,只要我们认识到这些挑战不可能由一个人或一个国家来独自应对,则最终问题会得到解决。这份奖励针对的并非仅是本届政府的努力,而是全世界人民作出的无畏努力。
And that's why this award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity--for the young woman who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets;for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy;for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away;and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometime their lives for the cause of peace.因此,这份奖励必须由为正义和尊严而奋斗的每一个人分享——其中包括为争取自己的发言权,甘冒遭受毒打和枪击的危险默默上街游行的年轻妇女;包括因拒绝放弃追求民主而被软禁家中的领袖;包括为了地球他方的人而牺牲自己,一次次奔赴战场的士兵;包括那些在世界各地为了和平事业贡献出自己的安全、自由甚至生命的所有 男男女女。
That has always been the cause of America.That's why the world has always looked to America.And that's why I believe America will continue to lead.这一直是美国的事业,一直是世界对美国瞩以厚望的原因,也是我认为美国将继续走在最前列的原因。
Thank you very much.谢谢各位。