
时间:2019-05-15 08:49:41下载本文作者:会员上传



1.First of all let us take the Chinese language.As the Chinese live a life of the heart, the Chinese language, I say, is also a language of the heart.Now it is a well-known fact that children and uneducated persons among foreigners in China learn Chinese very easily, much more so than grown-up and educated persons.What is the reason of this? The reason, I say, is because children and uneducated persons think and speak with the language of the heart, whereas educated men, especially men with the modern intellectual education of Europe, think and speak with the language of the head or intellect.In fact, the reason why educated foreigners find it so difficult to learn Chinese, is because they are too educated, too intellectually and scientifically educated.As it is said of the Kingdom of Heaven, so it may also be said of the Chinese language:_“Unless you become as little children, you cannot learn it.” Next let us take another well-known fact in the life of the Chinese people.The Chinese, it is well-known, have wonderful memories.What is the secret of this? The secret is: the Chinese remember things with the heart and not with the head.The heart with its power of sympathy, acting as glue, can retain things much better than the head or intellect which is hard and dry.It is, for instance, also for this reason that we;all of us, can remember things which we learnt when we were children much better than we can remember things which we learnt in mature life.As children, like the Chinese, we remember things with the heart and not with the head.Let us next take another generally admitted fact in the life of the Chinese people_their politeness.The Chinese are, it has often been remarked, a peculiarly polite people.Now what is the essence of true politeness? It is consideration for the feelings of others.The Chinese are polite because, living a life of the heart, they know their own feelings and that makes it easy for them to show consideration for the feelings of others.The politeness of the Chinese, although not elaborate like the politeness of the Japanese, is pleasing because it is, as the French beautifully express

their civilisation and that the Chinese civilisation is a stagnant one.Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, as far as pure intellectual life goes, the Chinese are, to a certain extent, a people of arrested development.The Chinese, as you all know, have made little or no progress not only in the physical, but also in the pure abstract sciences such as mathematics, logic and metaphysics.Indeed the very words “science” and “logic” in the European languages have no exact equivalent in the Chinese language.The Chinese, like children who live a life of the heart, have no taste for the abstract sciences, because in these the heart and feelings are not engaged.In fact, for everything which does not engage the heart and feelings, such as tables of statistics, the Chinese have a dislike amounting to aversion.But if tables of statistics and the pure abstract sciences fill the Chinese with aversion, the physical sciences as they are now pursued in Europe, which require you to cut up and mutilate the body of a living animal in order to verify a scientific theory, would inspire the Chinese with repugnance and horror.Key: 首先,我们来谈谈中国的语言。中国的语言也是一种心灵的语言。一个很明显的事实就是∶那些生活在中国的外国人,其儿童和未受教育者学习中文比成年人和受过 教育者要容易得多。原因在于儿童和未受教育者是用心灵来思考和使用语言。相反,受过教育者,特别是受过理性教育的现代欧洲人,他们是用大脑和智慧来思考和 使用语言的。有一种关于极乐世界的说法也同样用于对中国语言的学习∶除非你变成一个孩子,否则你就难以学会它。

其次,我们再指出一个众所周知的中国人日常生活中的事实。中国人具有惊人的记忆力,其秘密何在?就在于中国人是用心而非脑去记忆。用具同情力量的心灵记 事,比用头脑或智力要好得多,后者是枯燥乏味的。举例来说,我们当中的绝大多数儿童时代的记忆力要强过成年后的记忆力。因为儿童就象中国人一样,是用心而 非用脑去记忆。

接下来的例子,依旧是体现在中国人日常生活中,并得到大家承认的一个事实——中国人的礼貌。中国一向被视为礼仪之邦,那厶其礼貌的本质是什厶呢?这就是体 谅、照顾他人的感情。中国人有礼貌是因为他们过著一种心灵的生活。他们完全了解自己的这份情感,很容易将心比心推己及人,显示出体谅、照顾他人情感的特 徵。中国人的礼貌虽然不象日本人的那样繁杂,但它是令人愉快的。相反,日本人的礼貌则是繁杂而令人不快的。我已经听到了一些外国人的抱怨。折衷礼貌或许应 该被称为排练式的礼貌——如剧院排戏一样,需要死记硬背。它不是发自内心、出于自然的礼貌。事实上,日本人的礼貌是一朵没有芳香的花,而真正的中国人的礼 貌则是发自内心、充满了一种类似于名贵香水般奇异的芳香。

我们举的中国人特性的最后一例,是其缺乏精确的习惯。这是由亚瑟·史密斯提出并使之得以扬名的一个观点。那厶中国人缺少精确性的原因又何在呢?我说依然是 因为他们过著一种心灵的生活。心灵是纤细而敏感的,它不象头脑或智慧那样僵硬、刻板。实际上,中国人的毛笔或许可以视为中国人精神的象征。用毛笔书写绘画 非常困难,好像也难以准确,但是一旦掌握了它,你就能够得心应手,创造出美妙优雅的书画来,而用西方坚硬的钢笔是无法获得这种效果的。

正是因为中国人过著一种心灵的生活,一种像孩子的生活,所以使得他们在许多方面还显得有些幼稚。这是一个很明显的事实,即作为一个有著那厶悠久历史的伟大 民族,中国人竟然在许多方面至今仍表现得那样幼稚。这使得一些浅薄的留学中国的外国留学生认为中国人未能使文明得到发展,中国文明是一个停滞的文明。必须 承认,就中国人的智力发展而言,在一定程度上被人为地限制了。众所周知,在有些领域中国人只取得很少甚至根本没有什厶进步。这不仅有自然科学方面的,也有 纯粹抽象科学方面的,诸如科学、逻辑学。实际上欧洲语言“科学”与“逻辑”二词,是无法在中文中找到完全对等的词加以表达的。

象儿童一样过著心灵生活的中国人,对抽象的科学没有丝毫兴趣,因为在这方面心灵和情感无计可施。事实上,每一件无需心灵与情感参与的事,诸如统计表一类的 工作,都会引起中国人的反感。如果说统计图表和抽象科学只引起了中国人的反感,那厶欧洲人现在所从事的所谓科学研究,那种为了证明一种科学理论而不惜去摧 残肢解生体的所谓科学,则使中国人感到恐惧并遭到了他们的抑制。

实际上,我在这里要指出的是∶中国人最美妙的特质并非他们过著一种心灵的生活。所有处于初级阶段的民族都过著一种心灵的生活。正如我们都知道的一样,欧洲 中世纪的基督教徒们也同样过著一种心灵的生活。马太·阿诺德就说过―中世纪的基督教世人就是靠心灵和想象来生活的。‖中国人最优秀的特质是当他们过著心灵 的生活,象孩子一样生活时,却具有为中世纪基督教徒或其他任何处于初级阶段的民族所没有的思想与理性的力量。换句


汉译英: 1.工作面面观







汉译英: 1.Aspects of Job Job flexibility is the key to keeping workers happy, productive and loyal to the company, a new study shows.Workplace flexibility refers to the ability of employees to modify where, when and how long work their work is performed.Offering a variety of alternative work arrangements and training managers and supervisors to be supportive of workers' personal lives may help in creating a culture of flexibility, researchers added.2.But men came out on top when it came to command and control of management operations and focusing on financial returns.the survey found that men were more task focused and concentrated on getting the job done rather than dealing with relationships.Men believe that that bottom line dollars are the only game in town.Their key motives and preferences in life appear to be around revenue, budgets and profit.At work and at home, they are driven by financial opportunities, Men are task focused and concentrate on getting the job done without bothering too much with relationships.They are more comfortable with hierarchies, title silos and processes.3.Having enough free time is more important to most Americans than being rich, according to a new poll.the emphasis on wealth lessens with age, with younger people putting value on it but hardly any seniors.It just diminishes with time as the reality sets in that you would never be rich.But also, the reality sets in that you don't have to be rich to lead a very comfortable and fulfilling life.4 Caught in the Web of the Internet

Getting hooked on the Internet isn't confined to a few computer nerds.It's on the rise everywhere--and women are the most likely addicts.A recent survey of 17,251 Internet users found nearly 6 per cent had some sort of addiction to the medium.They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and over-spending.The study, backed by further research in Britain, found that women were more likely to become addicts.So while the old stereotypical addict was a young man who spent hours playing games, downloading software or reading messages on newsgroups, the new image is of a young woman who fritters away hours e-mailing friends, buying books and CDs online, talking in chatrooms and looking for information for next year's holiday.5.Custom has not commonly been regarded as a subject of any great moment.The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behaviour at is most commonplace.As a matter of fact, it is the other way around.Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter.The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes.风俗一般未被认为是什么重要的课题。我们觉得,只有我们大脑内部的活动情况才值得研究,至于风俗呢,只是些司空见惯的行为而已。事实上,情况正好相反。从世界范围来看,传统风俗是由许多细节性的习惯行为组成,它比任何一个养成的行为都更加引人注目,不管个人行为多么异常。这只是问题的一个次要的侧面。最重要的是,风俗在实践中和信仰上所起的举足轻重的作用,以及它所表现出来的极其丰富多采的形式。没有一个人是用纯洁而无偏见的眼光看待世界。







篇1 感谢上海市长

Your Honor Mr.Mayor, My Chinese friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.On behalf of all the members of my mission(使团、代表团), I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land.I am also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and people of my country.Although we live with a distance of thousands of miles between us, “Long distance separates no bosom friends,” as one of your Tang poets said.市长先生阁下,中国朋友们,女士们先生们:


Last but not least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai.We would like His Honor to visit our city at his earliest convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoy here.最后,我此行的又一项重要任务是向上海市长面呈来访我市的正式邀请,希望市长阁下在其方便的时候尽早访问我市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。

篇2 外宾答谢

外宾答谢1 Mr.Prime Minister and all of your distinguished guests this evening,On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world // I particularly want to pay tribute,not only to those who prepared the magnificent dinner,but also to those who have provided the splendid music.Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land.//


Mr.Prime Minister, I wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks.At this very moment,through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other such occasions in the whole history of the world.// Yet, what we say here here will not be long remembered.What we do here can change the world.//

篇3 21世纪的中国

主题导入:爱尔兰企贸部长马丁在科克大学举办的“21世纪的中国”国际研讨会上的致辞。Lord Mayor, President Murphy, Ambassadors, Professors, Ladies and Gentlemen,I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all today.// And I want to say what a great pleasure it is to open this very singular Conference on China in the 21st Century in my beloved alma mater and in Cork, my home place.// Uniquely on this occasion, we are honored also to welcome our friends from the great and ancient land of China, including the distinguished former Ambassador to Ireland Shah Hilan and scholars of international renown from China’s foremost Universities.// I am also delighted to welcome world-acclaimed representatives from the academic, sporting, cultural, legal and business sectors – a veritable United Nations of excellence – from France, Germany, Great Britain, United States, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Indonesia.// China, the most vibrant and discerning market in the world, will continue to be a key target for Irish companies.And let the record show, that this Cork International Conference on China in the 21st Century marked a renewed impetus in the relationship between our two countries.// I warmly welcome this ground-breaking conference and I congratulate the organizers in bringing this to fruition.I would like to conclude by thanking everyone for attending the Conference and again express my personal thanks to all who come from afar.// I wish you a successful conference and a fruitful outcome to your deliberations.Thank you.//

篇4 新加坡总理欢迎温家宝总理

欢迎温总理1 Your Excellency Premier Wen, Distinguished guest, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me extend a very warm welcome to Premier Wen and his delegation to Singapore.// I am glad to have this opportunity to reciprocate the warm hospitality I received during my first official trip to China in 2005.//

欢迎温总理2 Singapore’s bilateral economic linkages with China are strong and growing.Trade and investment flows are large and increasing rapidly.Many Singaporeans have set up businesses in China and serve the Chinese market.// At the same time, many Chinese businesses are coming to Singapore.We are home to more than 2,500 companies from China, with 100 listed on the Singapore Exchange.//

欢迎温总理3 Meanwhile, people-to-people exchanges are also growing in both directions, facilitated by unlimited number of flights between Singapore and any city in China.// Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, may I now invite you to rise and join me in a toast to the good health and success of His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabao, to the peace and prosperity of China, and to the enduring friendship between our contries.//

篇5 告别晚宴

告别晚宴1 Dear Mr.Johnson, First of all, on behalf of the company, I congratulate you on your successful business trip.Your company is a world-class business.We are much honored to be your parener.We will sustain our rigorous management to ensure the qualitu of our products in accordance with the terms for time of delivery,quality and quantity.尊敬的Johnson先生:



告别晚宴2 Tomorrow you will leave Zhejiang province.We cherish this limited time with you.But our friendship will be ever-lasting.As a Chinese saying goes, “a bosom friend from after brings a distangt lang near”.We are looking forward to your mext visit to Zhejiang.We believe our partanership will continue to shtrengthen in the future.Now, I wish Mr.Johnson a smooth journey and all the best of luck in the future.明天,您就要离开浙江,踏上回国的行程了。在即将分别得时刻,我们的心情依依不舍,大家相处的时间是短暂的,但我们之间的友好情谊是长久的。// 中国有句古话讲得好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,我们期待您在方便的时候再次来浙江做客,相信我们之间的合作会日益加强!//


篇6 鲍威尔致辞


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the State Department.// Mr.Premier, I welcome you to the State Department this evening, and I think it’s useful to let everybody know that you and I have one thing very much in common, even though we are just meeting for the first time, we are both geologists.// You actually went off and practiced geology.All I ever did was hiding behind rocks during my military career.// Mr.Premier, I know that the President is looking forward very much to your meeting tomorrow in the White House, where you and he will have many important issues to discuss.// But this evening here at the State Department is an opportunity for us to relax, to get to know one another, and to extend to you and your party some of Washington’s hospitality.// Mr.Premier, if, as the Chinese proverb says, a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step, then we’re well on our way to building a productive relationship between our two great countries.// And so I would like to propose a toast to the Premier, and to our Chinese colleagues: To the continued advancement of relations between the United States and China,// to a bright future four our nations and our neighbors, and to the work ahead of us to build a secure, prosperous and peaceful world!Ganbei!//

篇7 新年宴会致辞


值此新年即将来到之际,我谨代表销售班子,向长期以来支持和关心公司工作的领导致以美好的祝愿和深深的感谢!向支持我们业务的国内外合作伙伴致以新年的祝福!向公司全体员工及家属致以诚挚的慰问!祝大家新年快乐,身体健康!// 即将过去的2007年,是公司保持良好发展势头的一年。一年里,我们通过积极推进代理商制度,构建了和谐团队,使整个企业生产赢利及行业内地位得到了大大的提高。// 回顾一年来的工作,我们前进的道路上离不开领导的关心爱护,离不开兄弟单位和业务伙伴的理解支持,更离不开公司全体同仁的努力奋斗。在此,我代表公司销售班子向所有同志们表示崇高的敬意和诚挚的感谢!// 新的一年开启新的希望,新的历程承载新的梦想。2008年,正是我们创造梦想、扬帆起航的关键之年,我们将以更积极地态度,更真诚的服务,为公司开拓更美好的未来。谢谢大家!//

新年宴会1 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good evening!On this New Year’s Eve, on behalf of our sales team.I would like to extend our best wishes and sincere thanks to all our executive managers for their constant guidance and support.Our regards also go to the clients from home and abroad, to the company’s colleagues and their families.We wish you all happy new year and good health!

新年宴会2 Year 2007 saw a remarkable progress in our company.In 2007 we dramatically increased pur profits and lifted our status in the industry by developing a united team of agents.We would never have made such an achievement if there were not support from our executives, understanding from parents and joint efforts from all colleagues.Soonce again, a big thank-you to all our friends.A new year means new hope, a new journey, a new dream.2008 is a key year for us to begin this new journey towards our dream.With great energy and dedication, we are determined to create a more beautiful future.Thank you!




今天,非常荣幸也非常高兴在这里设宴欢迎David Johnston先生以及美国友好代表团一行。// 中国有句古话:“有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎。”所以首先让我代表浙江省委、省政府和浙江人民,向我们远道而来的各位贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。// 我相信友好代表团的此行一定能够进一步增进相互了解,加深友谊,推进双方在经贸、教育等领域展开更为深入和广泛的合作。

最后,我祝代表团的所有朋友浙江之行愉快!// 在此,让我们共同举杯,祝此次访问圆满成功!祝我们的友谊地久天长!谢谢。

Respected Mr.Johnston, Distinguished American guest, Ladies and Gentlemen: It’s my great honor and pleasure to hold this banquet in honor of Mr.Johnston and all American friends in the Good-Will Delegation.An ancient saying in China goes that it is such a delight to meet friends coming afar.So, hereby, on behalf of Zhejiang Provincial Government and our people, I would like to extend our warm welcome to our American friends.I am convinced that your visit to Zhejiang will deepen our understanding, enhance friendship between our people and promote more extensive cooperation in economy, trade, education and other fields.In closing, I will all of you a pleasant stay in Zhejiang!May I have the honor of inviting you to join me in a toast? To the success of this visit!To the ever-lasting friendship between us!Thanks!



Governor Li, distinguished guests, our Chinese friends, ladies and gentlemen, It is a special honor for me to have this opportunity to speak on behalf of all the members of our delegation.First of all, I would like to express our sincere thanks to Governor Li for inviting us, and all the hard work you’ve done to the arrangement of our visit.We are also grateful for such a marvelous dinner tonight.// Every member of our delegation and I hope that we shall enjoy the friendly contact and exchanges in the following days.We are convinced that this visit will surely help enhance the understanding and friendship between us.// I am very impressed by the hospitality and warmth we have received here.You must have had a very busy time making all the preparations, which deserves our sincere appreciation.// I hope that Mr.Li and other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the opportunity to return some of your kindness as a host.// We are convinced that our cooperation will become more extensive through frequent mutual visits and exchanges.Now, we are making the first step.Well begun is half done, as we said.So this visit will pave the way for our further cooperation.// In closing, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast.To the friendship between us!To the health of our Chinese friends!Cheers!Thank you.李省长,各位嘉宾,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们:





班级:英语131 学好:201311010117 姓名:任洁





































会议主题通常是极其专业的,牵涉到政治、经济、技术等各方面的知识。作为口译人员,必须在熟练掌握两种语言基础上,具备领域知识的丰富储备,以保证译文准确无误。 2、快速反应



































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