
时间:2019-05-13 03:50:57下载本文作者:会员上传


口译资料网站名录:美国C-Span网络电视台,点击Live Feeds可以看到视讯材料。美国政府官方网站,点击White House Radio有声讯材料。中国外交部网站,可以看到官方讲话和部分视讯材料。广东省外事办公室网站,内有“翻译园地”。广州市外事工作网站,内有“翻译园地”。广州外事翻译学会网站,内有口译资料。英语学习网站,点击“演讲”,内有视频演讲和文稿


《英语口译教程》上下册 仲伟合主编,高等教育出版社。

《新编英语口译教程》 厦大外文系、中英英语合作项目小组编著,上海外语教育出版社。

《现代汉译英口译教程》 吴冰编著 外语教学与研究出版社。

《中级口译教程》第二版 梅德明编著 上海外语教育出版社。

《实用口译手册》 钟述孔著 中国对外翻译出版公司。

《汉英口译实战案例》 朱巧莲编著 人民教育出版社。

《口译理论概述》 鲍刚著 中国对外翻译出版公司。

《英汉同声传译》 张维为著 中国对外翻译出版公司

《新汉英分类口译词典》 方凡泉主编 世界图书出版社。


《英汉语言对比研究》何善芬著 上海外语教育出版社。

《中式英语之鉴》平卡姆著 外语教学与研究出版社。

《汉英对比与翻译》 刘宓庆著 江西教育出版社。

《汉英对比与翻译中的转换》 周志培著 华东理工大学出版社。



1.First of all let us take the Chinese language.As the Chinese live a life of the heart, the Chinese language, I say, is also a language of the heart.Now it is a well-known fact that children and uneducated persons among foreigners in China learn Chinese very easily, much more so than grown-up and educated persons.What is the reason of this? The reason, I say, is because children and uneducated persons think and speak with the language of the heart, whereas educated men, especially men with the modern intellectual education of Europe, think and speak with the language of the head or intellect.In fact, the reason why educated foreigners find it so difficult to learn Chinese, is because they are too educated, too intellectually and scientifically educated.As it is said of the Kingdom of Heaven, so it may also be said of the Chinese language:_“Unless you become as little children, you cannot learn it.” Next let us take another well-known fact in the life of the Chinese people.The Chinese, it is well-known, have wonderful memories.What is the secret of this? The secret is: the Chinese remember things with the heart and not with the head.The heart with its power of sympathy, acting as glue, can retain things much better than the head or intellect which is hard and dry.It is, for instance, also for this reason that we;all of us, can remember things which we learnt when we were children much better than we can remember things which we learnt in mature life.As children, like the Chinese, we remember things with the heart and not with the head.Let us next take another generally admitted fact in the life of the Chinese people_their politeness.The Chinese are, it has often been remarked, a peculiarly polite people.Now what is the essence of true politeness? It is consideration for the feelings of others.The Chinese are polite because, living a life of the heart, they know their own feelings and that makes it easy for them to show consideration for the feelings of others.The politeness of the Chinese, although not elaborate like the politeness of the Japanese, is pleasing because it is, as the French beautifully express

their civilisation and that the Chinese civilisation is a stagnant one.Nevertheless, it must be admitted that, as far as pure intellectual life goes, the Chinese are, to a certain extent, a people of arrested development.The Chinese, as you all know, have made little or no progress not only in the physical, but also in the pure abstract sciences such as mathematics, logic and metaphysics.Indeed the very words “science” and “logic” in the European languages have no exact equivalent in the Chinese language.The Chinese, like children who live a life of the heart, have no taste for the abstract sciences, because in these the heart and feelings are not engaged.In fact, for everything which does not engage the heart and feelings, such as tables of statistics, the Chinese have a dislike amounting to aversion.But if tables of statistics and the pure abstract sciences fill the Chinese with aversion, the physical sciences as they are now pursued in Europe, which require you to cut up and mutilate the body of a living animal in order to verify a scientific theory, would inspire the Chinese with repugnance and horror.Key: 首先,我们来谈谈中国的语言。中国的语言也是一种心灵的语言。一个很明显的事实就是∶那些生活在中国的外国人,其儿童和未受教育者学习中文比成年人和受过 教育者要容易得多。原因在于儿童和未受教育者是用心灵来思考和使用语言。相反,受过教育者,特别是受过理性教育的现代欧洲人,他们是用大脑和智慧来思考和 使用语言的。有一种关于极乐世界的说法也同样用于对中国语言的学习∶除非你变成一个孩子,否则你就难以学会它。

其次,我们再指出一个众所周知的中国人日常生活中的事实。中国人具有惊人的记忆力,其秘密何在?就在于中国人是用心而非脑去记忆。用具同情力量的心灵记 事,比用头脑或智力要好得多,后者是枯燥乏味的。举例来说,我们当中的绝大多数儿童时代的记忆力要强过成年后的记忆力。因为儿童就象中国人一样,是用心而 非用脑去记忆。

接下来的例子,依旧是体现在中国人日常生活中,并得到大家承认的一个事实——中国人的礼貌。中国一向被视为礼仪之邦,那厶其礼貌的本质是什厶呢?这就是体 谅、照顾他人的感情。中国人有礼貌是因为他们过著一种心灵的生活。他们完全了解自己的这份情感,很容易将心比心推己及人,显示出体谅、照顾他人情感的特 徵。中国人的礼貌虽然不象日本人的那样繁杂,但它是令人愉快的。相反,日本人的礼貌则是繁杂而令人不快的。我已经听到了一些外国人的抱怨。折衷礼貌或许应 该被称为排练式的礼貌——如剧院排戏一样,需要死记硬背。它不是发自内心、出于自然的礼貌。事实上,日本人的礼貌是一朵没有芳香的花,而真正的中国人的礼 貌则是发自内心、充满了一种类似于名贵香水般奇异的芳香。

我们举的中国人特性的最后一例,是其缺乏精确的习惯。这是由亚瑟·史密斯提出并使之得以扬名的一个观点。那厶中国人缺少精确性的原因又何在呢?我说依然是 因为他们过著一种心灵的生活。心灵是纤细而敏感的,它不象头脑或智慧那样僵硬、刻板。实际上,中国人的毛笔或许可以视为中国人精神的象征。用毛笔书写绘画 非常困难,好像也难以准确,但是一旦掌握了它,你就能够得心应手,创造出美妙优雅的书画来,而用西方坚硬的钢笔是无法获得这种效果的。

正是因为中国人过著一种心灵的生活,一种像孩子的生活,所以使得他们在许多方面还显得有些幼稚。这是一个很明显的事实,即作为一个有著那厶悠久历史的伟大 民族,中国人竟然在许多方面至今仍表现得那样幼稚。这使得一些浅薄的留学中国的外国留学生认为中国人未能使文明得到发展,中国文明是一个停滞的文明。必须 承认,就中国人的智力发展而言,在一定程度上被人为地限制了。众所周知,在有些领域中国人只取得很少甚至根本没有什厶进步。这不仅有自然科学方面的,也有 纯粹抽象科学方面的,诸如科学、逻辑学。实际上欧洲语言“科学”与“逻辑”二词,是无法在中文中找到完全对等的词加以表达的。

象儿童一样过著心灵生活的中国人,对抽象的科学没有丝毫兴趣,因为在这方面心灵和情感无计可施。事实上,每一件无需心灵与情感参与的事,诸如统计表一类的 工作,都会引起中国人的反感。如果说统计图表和抽象科学只引起了中国人的反感,那厶欧洲人现在所从事的所谓科学研究,那种为了证明一种科学理论而不惜去摧 残肢解生体的所谓科学,则使中国人感到恐惧并遭到了他们的抑制。

实际上,我在这里要指出的是∶中国人最美妙的特质并非他们过著一种心灵的生活。所有处于初级阶段的民族都过著一种心灵的生活。正如我们都知道的一样,欧洲 中世纪的基督教徒们也同样过著一种心灵的生活。马太·阿诺德就说过―中世纪的基督教世人就是靠心灵和想象来生活的。‖中国人最优秀的特质是当他们过著心灵 的生活,象孩子一样生活时,却具有为中世纪基督教徒或其他任何处于初级阶段的民族所没有的思想与理性的力量。换句


汉译英: 1.工作面面观







汉译英: 1.Aspects of Job Job flexibility is the key to keeping workers happy, productive and loyal to the company, a new study shows.Workplace flexibility refers to the ability of employees to modify where, when and how long work their work is performed.Offering a variety of alternative work arrangements and training managers and supervisors to be supportive of workers' personal lives may help in creating a culture of flexibility, researchers added.2.But men came out on top when it came to command and control of management operations and focusing on financial returns.the survey found that men were more task focused and concentrated on getting the job done rather than dealing with relationships.Men believe that that bottom line dollars are the only game in town.Their key motives and preferences in life appear to be around revenue, budgets and profit.At work and at home, they are driven by financial opportunities, Men are task focused and concentrate on getting the job done without bothering too much with relationships.They are more comfortable with hierarchies, title silos and processes.3.Having enough free time is more important to most Americans than being rich, according to a new poll.the emphasis on wealth lessens with age, with younger people putting value on it but hardly any seniors.It just diminishes with time as the reality sets in that you would never be rich.But also, the reality sets in that you don't have to be rich to lead a very comfortable and fulfilling life.4 Caught in the Web of the Internet

Getting hooked on the Internet isn't confined to a few computer nerds.It's on the rise everywhere--and women are the most likely addicts.A recent survey of 17,251 Internet users found nearly 6 per cent had some sort of addiction to the medium.They revealed that their online habit contributed to disrupted marriages, childhood delinquency, crime and over-spending.The study, backed by further research in Britain, found that women were more likely to become addicts.So while the old stereotypical addict was a young man who spent hours playing games, downloading software or reading messages on newsgroups, the new image is of a young woman who fritters away hours e-mailing friends, buying books and CDs online, talking in chatrooms and looking for information for next year's holiday.5.Custom has not commonly been regarded as a subject of any great moment.The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behaviour at is most commonplace.As a matter of fact, it is the other way around.Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter.The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes.风俗一般未被认为是什么重要的课题。我们觉得,只有我们大脑内部的活动情况才值得研究,至于风俗呢,只是些司空见惯的行为而已。事实上,情况正好相反。从世界范围来看,传统风俗是由许多细节性的习惯行为组成,它比任何一个养成的行为都更加引人注目,不管个人行为多么异常。这只是问题的一个次要的侧面。最重要的是,风俗在实践中和信仰上所起的举足轻重的作用,以及它所表现出来的极其丰富多采的形式。没有一个人是用纯洁而无偏见的眼光看待世界。



全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试网 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ MTI全国教育指导委员会 http://www.xiexiebang.com/

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x 向我的友邻推荐小组话题:口笔译网站大全(总有一个是你钟爱的)摘要: 翻译考试类 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试网 http://www.xiexiebang.com/en/ 和其对应的中文版














15.口译天下(其创办者 jackyhuang112 用一年时间考上了欧盟口译司,现在新加坡任职。)

16.UN Interpreters(联合国译员网,提供联合国的一些官方文件。)

17.Interpreter Training Resources(一些免费的口笔译技巧。)



















中国广告人网.tw 动脑杂志

.tw 摩奇(雅虎台湾)中国广告网

.cn 中华广告网

.tw 台湾太一广告.cn 台湾电通


.tw 时报广告营

.cn 龙媒广告咨询网中国广告港





李奥 贝纳麦肯



扬 卢比凯





Unit 2 TOURISM 1.TOURISM 旅游指南 Guide book 旅游小册子 Tour brochure 旅游路线 Tour route 淡季、旺季

Off season/ peak season 游览

Sightseeing/touring 旅游业务

Tour operations/ travel business 旅游管理部门

Tourist authority/office 旅游目的地

Tourist destination 游览

Sightseeing/touring 旅游业务

Tour operations/ travel business 旅游管理部门

Tourist authority/office 旅游目的地

Tourist destination 旅游点

Tourist spots/historical sites/scenic spots/tourist attractions 中国旅游局(省、市、自治区、自治州、县)

China’s National Tourism Administration(provincial, municipal, autonomous region, autonomous prefecture, county)联合国科教文组织 UNESCO 走廊、盆地、山区、高原、平原

Corridor, basin, mountain region, plateau, plain 江南鱼米之乡

Region south of the Yangtze River flourishing in rice and fishing 六朝古都

Ancient capital of six dynasties 海滨城市 Beach city 沿海开放城市 Opening city along the coast 度假胜地 Holiday resort 国家级历史文化名城

State-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级重点风景名胜区

State-list famous region of scenic spots 世界文化遗产、自然遗产

World’s cultural heritage, natural heritage A list of tourist attraction Forbidden City The Ming Tombs The Temple of Heaven Yonghegong Lama Temple Lugouqiao Bridge The Confucius Temple Baiyun Daoism Temple The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan The Summer Palace Tian’anmen Square Fragrant Hills Park Terra Cotta Army Huangguoshu Falls Heaven Lake Tourist Attractions in Shanghai The Bund Shanghai International Convention Centre Yangpu & Nanpu Bridges Shanghai Old Street Shanghai Stadium Longhua Temple Lu Xun New Memorial Hall Soong Ching Ling’s Mausoleum Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Former Residence Pedestrians Only Nanjing Road The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund Shanghai Wild Animal Park Huangpu River Scenery Cruise Temple of Jade Buddha Shanghai City Planning Exhibition Hall Yuyuan Garden & Bazaar Jin Mao Building Passage 1 万里长城据称是唯一可以从月球上望见的地球建筑物,人们可以从位于北京西北75公里以外的八达岭区直接观望到蜿蜒连绵的万里长城。// 长城始建于战国时期,以防御北方外族人入侵.统一中国的秦始皇动用了无数人建成了今天的中国长城。// 举世闻名的长城全长6,700公里,起始于俯望渤海湾的山海关,止于甘肃省的嘉峪关.两千年来几经修整,是中华民族的历史见证。// 万里长城雄伟壮观。古代中国人在没有机械的条件下用双手修建了这样伟大的建筑真是了不起。

The Great Wall claims to be the only man-made structure on the earth which is visible from the moon.The winding Great Wall can be viewed from the Badaling district, about 75 kilometers to the northwest of Beijing.// It was built during the Warring States period to prevent invasions of nomadic people from the north.The first Qin emperor, who united China into one country, mobilized hundreds of thousands of builders to complete what is known today as the Great Wall of China.// The world-famous Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long from Shanhaikuan, which overlooks the Gulf of Bo Hai, to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu province.The wall underwent repeated reconstruction during its 2000-year history, witnessing the historical changes of the Chinese nation.// The Great Wall is magnificent.It is really great that the ancient Chinese constructed such a gigantic structure without any machinery available.Passage 2 中国地大物博,历史悠久,文化古迹遍布全国,是世界上为数不多的旅游资源丰富的国家之一。//近年来中国的旅游业的确有了很大的发展,但也存在一些不利因素,影响着中国旅游业的进一步发展。// 归纳起来主要有两大问题一一是提高服务质量,主要是软件的服务质量;二是降低综合服务费用,主要是航班机票等交通费用。// 我们认为可以采取两步走的方针。第一阶段是改善,第二阶段是发展。在今天下午的会议上,我会向各位介绍一些我们将要采取的具体措施

China has a vast territory, abundant resources and a long history,(all of which has contributed to so)many places of historic interest and cultural legacy.(That also explains why)China is one of the few countries in the world with rich tourist resources.// Indeed, China has made great progress in tourism in recent years.However, there exist some unfavorable factors which are hindering the further development of China’s tourist industry.// These problems boils down to two major ones: the need to improve the quality of service—mainly the quality of software service, and the need to reduce the cost for comprehensive service—mainly the transportation cost such as airline tickets.//(I think)we call take two steps.The first stage involves improvement and the second stage development.I will elaborate on the concrete measures we’ll take at the meeting this afternoon. Passage 3 新中国成立后特别是改革开放以来,中国政府高度重视旅游工作,旅游业持续快速发展。// 目前,中国入境旅游人数和旅游外汇收入跃居世界前列,出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。// 去年上半年,我国遭遇了一场突如其来的非典疫情冲击,相关的旅游业一度受到重创。// 但我们及时采取有力措施,一手抓防治非典,一手抓经济建设,使旅游业得以迅速的恢复和发展。

After the founding of New China / PRC, especially since the opening up to the outside world and the reform, the Chinese government has attached great importance to tourism, which has been undergoing steady and fast growth.Presently, China ranks among the top destinations in the world in terms of both tourist arrivals and foreign currency receipts, our outbound tourists are also increasing rapidly.China is now a big market for tourism.In the first half of last year, China was affected by the sudden outbreak of SARS.The(concerned)tourist industry, as a result, suffered greatly / was seriously affected for a time.Yet we have taken effective steps in preventing and controlling SARS while continuing with our economic construction, so that the tourist industry has been on fast recovery and development.部分旅游景点口译

举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。// Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long.In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes.Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不


Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views.Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests.With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like(gleaming)mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.四川素有“天府之国”的美称。这是个盆地,四周群山环绕。古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。唐产著名诗人李白在他的诗中叹道:“蜀道难,难于上青天!”现在的四川水陆空交通四通八达,蜀道难的时代已经一去不复返了。

Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”.It is a basin.There are a lot huge mountains around it.In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time.Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions.The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever.众所周知,北京是世界文化名城,有3000多年的历史,有着众多的名胜古迹和丰富的文化底蕴。北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群——故宫,以及被称为世界七大奇迹之一的长城。Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world.as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture.It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world.上海是旅游者的天地。上海有着众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家自然保护区,淀山湖风景区,太阳岛度假区,环球乐园,梦幻乐园,以及野生动物园。上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分显示了特色鲜明的海派文化。Shanghai is a paradise for tourists.Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the Sun Island Holiday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland and the Wildlife Park.One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, shanghai has over 70 cities under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture.颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名为清漪园,始建于公元1750年,是清朝乾隆皇帝为其母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造的一座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。1860年,清漪园被英法联军焚毁,1886年,慈禧太后挪用海军经费,在清漪园废墟的基础上重新修建并于1888年改名为颐和园。

The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing.It was originally named Qingyi Garden.It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday.In 1860, Qingyi Garden was burnt down by the British and French Allied Forces.In 1886, it was reconstructed on orders of Empress Dowager Ci Xi with funds meant for the navy, and was renamed the Summer Palace in 1888.万寿山北麓,山势起伏,花木扶疏,道路幽邃,松柏参天。重峦叠嶂上,仿西藏寺庙构筑的建筑群层台耸立,雄伟庄严。山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。

The northern part of the Longevity Hill features wavy terrain, well-spaced flowers and trees, winding paths and towering pines and cypresses.On the mountain ranges, building complex designed in the style of Tibetan temples look magnificent and dignified.At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east.登上佛香阁,凭栏纵目,碧波荡漾的昆明湖上,仿杭州西湖苏堤建造的西堤,犹如一条绿色的飘带,蜿蜒曲折,纵贯南北。堤上六座桥,造型互异,婀娜多姿。浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。

Viewed from the Pavilion of Buddhist Incense, West Causeway, which was constructed in imitation of Su Causeway on the West Lake, looks like a green ribbon winding from south to north on the green and rippling Kunming Lake.Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way.Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.Sample Text Expressions concerning “trend”

增加:increase, rise, grow, go up 增长到:expand to, increase to, go up to, be up to, rise to 增长了:go up by x%, increase by x%

爬升:climb, pick up 飙升:surge up, hike sth up, jump up, shoot up, soar, zoom up, skyrocket 下降:decrease, decline, drop, fall, go down, reduce 猛跌:plunge, be slashed, tumble 稍降:be trimmed, dip, slip 超过:outstrip, outpace, surpass, exceed, be more than, be over Expressions concerning specific figures 达到:reach, amount to, stand at, come to, be up to, arrive at, hit;总计:total, add up to, amount to 占(百分比):account for, occupy, make up, take 多达:be as much as, be as many as, be up to 大约: about, around, approximately, roughly, more or less 少于:les than , fewer than, under, below, within;多于:more than, over, above, odd 差不多:nearly, almost 介于„之间:from A to B, between A and B, somewhere between A and B Expressions concerning multiples 1.A是B的5倍:

A is five times as large as B.2.A增加到原来的5倍:

A increases fivefold/(by)five times.3.A减少到原来的1/5: A decreases by five times.A is five times as small as before.1.Asia is now home to some of the fastest-growing AIDS epidemics in the world.In Asia, an estimated 7.4 million people(range: 5.0-10.5 million)are living with HIV.Around half a million are believed to have died of AIDS in 2003 and about twice as many—1.1 million became newly infected.中国是美国第四大贸易伙伴,今年底还可能上升到第三位。去年中美贸易额到达971.8亿美元;今年上半年达564亿美元,同比增长34.4%,其中美对华出口增幅达36.1%。Passage 2: Bristol is a truly beautiful, interesting and fascinating city.Beautiful parts and gardens leak onto interesting lanes and footpaths, while houses and buildings of old times stand magnificently on the hills of the city.// But Bristol is much more than this;it is a modern city where the latest works in contemporary arts can be found and where the night-life is interesting and varied.// Bristol is surrounded by beautiful countryside, rolling hills, and top class holiday resorts.Some of the country’s most fascinating tourist attractions—castles and palaces==are only a short drive away.// Bristol has always encouraged the tourist industry and welcomed tourists from all parts of the world.There is superb choice of accommodation available and the city is proud of its many restaurants and cafes.布里斯托尔的确是一座非常美丽、有趣和迷人的城市。美丽的公园和花园里到处是趣味怏然的路径,旧时代的房屋和建筑昂然屹立在城市的山坡上。// 然而,这一切并非是布里斯托尔的全部/布里斯托尔并非仅仅如此;那还是座现代化的城市,有近代艺术的最新作品,也有趣并且丰富多样的夜生活。// 布里斯托尔的四周的美丽的乡村,起伏不断的山地,以及一流的度假胜地。(从这里出发到)一些全国最迷人/令人向往的旅游景点,如:城堡和宫殿,仅是短短的一段车程。// 布里斯托尔一向重视/鼓励(开展)旅游业,欢迎来自世界各地的游客。(当地)有一流的住宿可供选择,还有其引以自豪的众多餐馆和咖啡馆。Passage 2: York is the capital city of Yorkshire and was once known as England’s “second” city.It has a long history dating back to Roman times.Indeed many of the streets and road bear Roman Names.York is a major tourist city for many reasons.The city boats one of the most famous cathedrals in the world.It has a number of interesting museums and the architecture within the city covers different periods of history.// The most famous cathedral is known as York Minster.It dates back to the 13th century.Tourists are captivated by its sheer size, architectural beauty and presence.// Among the museums of York, the National Railway Museum and the Castle Museum are the most famous.The National Railway Museum covers over 150 years of railway history.The Castle Museum attracts more than 650,000 visitors each year.约克城是约克郡的首府,曾一度为英格兰第二大城市。该城历史悠久,可追溯到古罗马时代。的确,这里的许多街道名字都是罗马名字。// 约克城之所以能成为一个旅游重镇其原因是多方面的。该城有世界上最著名的教堂之一,有一些有趣的博物馆。此外,约克城的建筑艺术反映出不同历史阶段的风格。// 最著名的教堂叫约克敏斯特,建于13世纪。游客为其高大,美丽的建筑风格与外貌而倾倒。// 在约克城的博物馆中,最出名的是国家铁路博物馆和城堡博物馆。国家铁路博物馆记载了150多年的铁路历史。城堡博特馆每年吸引了超过65的参观者。Passage 1: People tour and travel for various purposes.Some people travel entirely for the purpose of recreation or pleasure;we can say that they are people on holiday./ Some people travel for reasons of health.Other people travel to visit friends or relatives.Still others travel in order to educate and enrich themselves.// All of these people are generally considered tourists since the primary reason for their trips is recreation.Of course, tourists also include those men and women who are traveling on business.// Among those tourists, there are business people and government officials on specific missions, as well as people attending meetings or conventions, who often combine pleasure with their work.人们旅游的目的多种多样。有些人旅游完一是为了娱乐或愉快,他们属于度假者。// 有些人旅游是出于健康原因。有些人则是为了走亲访友。还有些人则是为了扩大知识面或拓展视野。// 由于这些人外出旅行的主要目的是娱乐,所以他们通常都可以被视为旅游者。当然,旅游者中还包括那些有公务在身的男女出差者。// 他们中有的是负有具体使命的商务人员或政府官员,也有的是参加会议的人士,他们常常劳逸结合。/工作休闲两不误。



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