Your Excellency President Medvedev,Dear Colleagues,很高兴在美丽的叶卡捷琳堡同各位相聚,就共同关心的重大问题交换看法,共商加强我们四国合作和发展大计。首先,我谨对梅德韦杰夫总统和俄罗斯政府的盛情邀请和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!
It gives me great pleasure to join you in the beautiful city of Yekaterinburg and exchange views with you on major issues of common interest and ways to promote cooperation and development of our four countries.Let me first express sincere thanks to President Medvedev and the Russian Government for the kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements.当今世界,世界多极化和经济全球化深入发展,科技进步日新月异,各国相互依存不断加深,加强对话、深化合作、实现共赢已成为处理国际事务的主旋律。然而,国际金融危机仍在蔓延深化,形形色色的保护主义抬头,世界经济陷入衰退,南北差距持续扩大。与此同时,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全问题突出,恐怖主义、大规模杀伤性武器扩散、有组织跨国犯罪等全球性挑战依然严峻。
We live at a time when the trend toward a multi-polar world and economic globalization is gaining momentum.Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds, and countries are increasingly interdependent.Enhanced dialogue and deeper cooperation for win-win progress has become the main approach in handling international affairs.On the other hand, however, the international financial crisis is still spreading and deepening, protectionism of various kinds is on the rise, the world economy has slid into recession, and the North-South gap is widening.We are faced with such prominent issues as climate change, food security, energy and resource security, and public health security.Global challenges such as terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and organized transnational crime remain as severe as ever.作为主要新兴市场国家,“金砖四国”人口占世界总人口的42%,国内生产总值占世界总量的14.6%,贸易额占全球贸易额的12.8%,按购买力平价计算对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%。我们四国国情不同,但都肩负着维护世界和平、携手应对传统和非传统安全威胁的重大使命,都承载着加快经济社会发展、提高人民生活水平的重大责任,都面临着维护发展中国家权益、推动国际金融体系改革的重大课题。
As major emerging markets, BRIC countries account for 42% of the world's population, 14.6% of the world's GDP and 12.8% of global trade.Our combined contribution in PPP terms to world economic growth exceeds 50%.The four countries have different national conditions, but we all shoulder the important mission of maintaining world peace and jointly managing traditional and non-traditional security threats.We all have the heavy responsibility of accelerating economic and social development and improving people's livelihood.And we all face the major task of safeguarding the rights and interests of developing countries and advancing reform of the international financial system.几年来,在我们共同努力下,“金砖四国”已从一个经济学概念发展成为一个新的国际合作平台,引起世人广泛关注,成为国际社会一支重要力量。在当前形势下,我们四国既面临新的发展机遇,也面临前所未有的挑战。我们应该把握历史机遇,加强团结合作,共同维护发展中国家的整体利益。对于我们四国下一步合作,我愿提出以下建议。
Within just a few years, we have, through our collective efforts, turned BRIC countries from an economic concept into a new platform for international cooperation.Today, BRIC countries have become an important force in the international community, receiving worldwide attention.The current situation has presented us with both new development opportunities and unprecedented challenges.We should seize the historical opportunities, strengthen unity and cooperation, and jointly safeguard the overall interests of developing countries.Let me in this connection make the following proposals for the future cooperation among us:
First, enhance political mutual trust.We are all emerging countries with influence on global affairs and important forces in maintaining regional and international peace and stability.We should make full use of the existing mechanisms and deepen political trust through dialogue and exchanges, so as to set in the world an example of mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing.第二,深化经济合作。我们四国在资源、市场、劳动力、科技等方面各有优势,彼此互补性强。我们应该加大经济合作力度,丰富合作内涵,拓宽合作领域,创新合作方式,增强合作实效。除经贸合作外,还可以结合应对气候变化,建立科技合作伙伴关系,在新能源等高技术领域开展联合研发,共同培育新的经济增长点。
Second, deepen economic cooperation.Given our respective advantages in resources, market, labor force and science and technology, our four countries have much to offer one another.We should be innovative and make our economic cooperation stronger, broader and more fruitful.In addition to economic and trade cooperation, we may, in view of the need to tackle climate change, establish a partnership on scientific and technological cooperation and conduct joint research and development in new energy and other high-tech sectors, so that we can together cultivate new economic growth areas.第三,推进人文交流。我们四国历史文化悠久、人文底蕴深厚,人民友谊源远流长。我们应该积极拓展文化、教育、卫生、旅游、体育等领域交流合作,促进人民相互了解,推动各界成为好朋友、好伙伴,为深化全方位合作打下坚实社会基础。
Third, intensify people-to-people and cultural exchanges.Our four countries are blessed with a long history and rich culture, and our four peoples enjoy a traditional friendship.We should actively expand exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, health, tourism and sports and promote mutual understanding among the people.We should forge close friendship and partnership among people of various sectors and foster strong public support for deeper and all-dimensional cooperation among the four countries.第四,提倡经验互鉴。我们四国都在实践中摸索出适合自身特点的发展道路,这是人类社会的共同财富。我们应该尊重各自选择的发展道路,相互交流发展经验,彼此借鉴发展模式,在自愿基础上同其他发展中国家分享。我们还应该本着开放和透明原则,加强同其他各方的对话、交流、合作。
Fourth, promote mutual learning of experience.Each of our four countries has found a development path suited to its national circumstances.This represents a common asset of human society.We should respect each other's choice of development path, share development experience, learn from each other's development model and share our experience with other developing countries on a voluntary basis.We should also strengthen dialogue, exchanges and cooperation with other parties in an open and transparent manner.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,目前,世界经济正经历罕见的严峻挑战。积极应对国际金融危机、推动恢复世界经济增长,是摆在我们四国和世界各国面前的重大课题。我们四国都积极参与了二十国集团领导人峰会,为峰会成功作出了重要贡献。下一步,我们应该加强协调,推动峰会成果全面有效落实。为此,我建议着重进行以下努力。
The world economy is facing challenges of unprecedented severity.To actively address the international financial crisis and restore world economic growth is a major task for our four countries and countries around the world.Our four countries all took an active part in the G20 financial summits and made important contribution to their success.We should now step up coordination and work for the comprehensive and effective implementation of the outcomes of the summits.To this end, I suggest that we focus our efforts in the following areas:
We should be committed to an early recovery of the world economy.We should overcome difficulties and strive to be the first to emerge from the international financial crisis.This will not only serve our own interest, but also contribute to world economic recovery.While tackling the international financial crisis, we should address those structural problems hindering our mid-to long-term economic development, transform development pattern, and raise the quality and level of economic development in the context of promoting world economic recovery.We must keep our markets open, draw on our complementary strengths and expand economic cooperation and trade.We should firmly oppose protectionism, jointly safeguard the normal and orderly flow of commodities, services and people and bring about comprehensive and balanced outcomes at the Doha Round negotiations at an early date.——致力于推动国际金融体系改革。建立公平、公正、包容、有序的国际金融新秩序,从体制机制上为世界经济持续发展提供保障,符合历史发展潮流,符合各方根本利益。我们要共同推动制订国际货币基金组织和世界银行改革方案,切实提高发展中国家代表性和发言权,以客观反映世界经济格局变化;推动完善国际金融监管机制,确保发展中国家有效参与金融稳定理事会等国际金融监管机构;推动完善国际货币体系,健全储备货币发行调控机制,稳步推进国际货币体系多元化,保持主要储备货币汇率相对稳定。
We should be committed to reform of the international financial system.A fair, just, inclusive and well-managed new international financial order serves as an institutional guarantee for sustained development of the world economy.It is consistent with the historical trend and meets the fundamental interests of all parties.We should work out programs to reform the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and increase the representation and voice of developing countries so as to objectively reflect changes in the world economic pattern.We should improve the international financial regulatory regime and ensure that developing countries can effectively participate in the Financial Stability Board and other international financial regulatory bodies.We should improve the international monetary system, strengthen the regulatory mechanism for the issuance of reserve currencies, steadily develop a more diverse international monetary system and maintain relative stability of the exchange rates of major reserve currencies.——致力于落实联合国千年发展目标。我们要继续呼吁国际社会不能因为应对国际金融危机而忽视发展问题、减少发展投入,特别要关注国际金融危机对发展中国家尤其是最不发达国家的冲击。我们要呼吁各方继续执行联合国千年发展目标,敦促发达国家兑现官方发展援助承诺,推动联合国将于本月下旬召开的金融和经济危机及其对发展问题的影响高级别会议取得积极成果,并在力所能及的范围内继续为帮助其他发展中国家有效应对挑战作出贡献。
We should be committed to the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs).We should continue to call on the international community to avoid neglecting the issue of development or cutting back input in development due to the financial crisis, and pay special attention to the impact of the crisis on developing countries, the least developed countries in particular.We should call on all parties to continue their efforts to implement the MDGs and urge developed countries to follow through on their commitments of official development assistance.We should work for positive outcomes at the UN High-Level Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development to be held in the latter half of this month, and continue to help other developing countries effectively cope with challenges as our ability permits.——致力于确保粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全。我们在全力应对国际金融危机冲击的同时,要着眼长远、统筹兼顾,妥善处理影响发展的其他突出问题,特别是气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全问题。这些问题关系世界各国人民的福祉和整体利益。我们要加大农业投入,发展先进技术,抑制市场投机,增加粮食援助,加强农业和粮食合作。我们要加快开发清洁能源和可再生能源,构建先进能源技术研发和推广体系,推动实现能源供应多元化。我们要加强信息沟通,交流疫情防控经验,研发和分享疫苗,开展大规模传染性疾病防控合作。
We should be committed to food security, energy and resource security, and public health security.While doing our utmost to counter the international financial crisis, we should adopt a long-term and coordinated approach, and properly manage other outstanding issues that affect development, particularly those concerning climate change, food security, energy and resource security and public health security.These issues bear on the well-being and overall interests of people of all countries.We should scale up input in agriculture, develop advanced technologies, curb market speculations, increase food aid, and intensify agricultural and food cooperation.We should speed up the development of clean and renewable energies, establish a framework for the research, development and diffusion of advanced energy technologies, and promote diversified energy supply.We should strengthen information exchange, share experience in epidemic prevention and control, promote the development and sharing of vaccines, and carry out cooperation in pandemic disease prevention and control.Dear Colleagues,国际金融危机给中国带来了巨大困难和严重挑战。为应对国际金融危机冲击、保持经济平稳较快发展,中国果断实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,形成了进一步扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快发展的一揽子计划。现在,这些措施已取得初步成效,呈现出积极迹象。在面临巨大困难的形势下,中国保持人民币汇率基本稳定,同有关国家和地区签署总额达6500亿元人民币的双边货币互换协议,积极参与国际金融公司贸易融资计划,支持对国际货币基金组织增资。中国为应对国际金融危机冲击采取的一系列举措不仅对本国经济、而且对区域经济乃至世界经济都将产生积极影响。
The international financial crisis has brought enormous difficulties and grave challenges to China.To counter the impact of the financial crisis and maintain stable and relatively fast economic growth, China has resolutely adopted a proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy, and formulated a package plan to expand domestic demand and promote stable and relatively fast economic growth.These measures are paying off, as evidenced by the positive signs of the economy.Despite great difficulties, China has kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable, and signed bilateral currency swap agreements worth RMB650 billion with relevant countries and regions.We have taken an active part in the Global Trade Finance Program of the International Finance Corporation and supported the increase in IMF resources.The array of measures taken by China in response to the international financial crisis will benefit not only the Chinese economy, but also the economy of the region and the world at large.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,在纷繁复杂的国际挑战面前,让我们以强烈责任感和使命感,共同努力,深化合作,致力于建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。
In the face of the complex international challenges, let us enhance cooperation and work together, with a strong sense of responsibility and mission, for a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.谢谢大家!
胡锦涛在金砖四国领导人会晤时讲话(全文)http://www.xiexiebang.com 2009年06月17日03:34 中国新闻网
中新网叶卡捷琳堡6月16日电 中国国家主席胡锦涛16日在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡举行的“金砖四国”领导人会晤上发表重要讲话。
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
时间:2010年04月17日 09时31分 来源:新华网 作者:胡锦涛
字号:『 大字体 中字体 小字体 』
新华网巴西利亚4月15日电 国家主席胡锦涛15日在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”领导人第二次正式会晤时发表题为《合作 开放 互利 共赢》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
合作 开放 互利 共赢
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
新华网巴西利亚4月15日电 国家主席胡锦涛15日在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”领导人第二次正式会晤时发表题为《合作 开放 互利 共赢》的重要讲话。讲话全文如下:
合作 开放 互利 共赢
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
合作 开放 互利 共赢
中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛 2010年4月15日,巴西利亚
Cooperation and Openness for Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Progress
--Remarks at the BRIC Summit by H.E.Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China
Brasilia, 16 April 2010
President Lula da Silva, Dear Colleagues,很高兴在美丽的巴西利亚同大家再次相聚。首先,我对卢拉总统和巴西政府为会晤所作的周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!
It gives me great pleasure to join you again in the beautiful city of Brasilia.Let me begin by expressing sincere thanks to President Lula and the Brazilian government for the thoughtful arrangements they have made for this meeting.去年6月,我们在叶卡捷琳堡会晤时,世界经济深受国际金融危机冲击,主要经济体经济纷纷出现衰退,各国民众工作生活受到严重影响。在世界经济一片低迷的气氛中,我们四国共同发出推动世界经济尽快复苏的强烈信号,并进行艰苦努力,率先实现经济恢复增长。经过国际社会携手应对,世界经济形势已出现回暖迹象,有望逐步走出国际金融危机的阴霾。
When we met in Yekaterinburg last June, the world economy was in the quagmire of the international financial crisis.Major economies ran into recession, and the work and life of people around the world were seriously affected.In the face of a gloomy economic picture, the four BRIC countries came together and sent a strong message that we would work for the early recovery of the world economy.Through hard efforts, we became the first to achieve an economic turnaround.And thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community, the world economy has shown signs of recovery and is expected to gradually emerge from the financial crisis.同时,我们必须看到,当前世界经济复苏的基础并不牢固,复苏并不均衡,还存在很多不确定因素。近期一些国家主权债务风险上升,国际金融市场出现波动,各种形式的保护主义抬头,一些国家就业形势严峻,气候变化、粮食安全、能源资源安全、公共卫生安全、重大自然灾害等全球性问题相互交织,世界经济治理结构深层次问题仍未解决。实现世界经济可持续增长还有很长的路要走。
At the same time, we must realize that the world economic recovery is not yet firmly established or balanced, and there are still many uncertainties down the road.We have seen recently the rise of
sovereign debt risks in some countries, fluctuations in international financial markets, surging protectionism of various forms and grave employment situation in some parts of the world.Global challenges such as climate change, food security, energy and resource security, public health security and major natural disasters are intertwined, and the deep-seated problems in world economic governance structure are yet to be addressed.In short, there is still a long way to go before the world economy can achieve sustainable growth.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues
Over the past year, we have broadened the scope and increased the levels of dialogue and cooperation among our four countries, and our efforts have produced fruitful results.Our four countries differ in political system, development model, religious belief and cultural tradition, but we have become good friends and partners.This shows that countries with different social systems can be inclusive toward each other and countries with different development models can engage in cooperation.It also shows that different civilizations can learn from each other and different cultures can have exchanges.Our endeavor is in keeping with the trend towards peace and development and answers the call of our time for cooperation and mutual benefit.当前,“金砖四国”合作既面临难得机遇,也面临严峻挑战。我们要从战略高度明确四国合作方向、推动四国合作进程。我们要以政治互信为基石,坦诚相待,相互尊重,相互理解,相互支持;以务实合作为抓手,重在行动,为合作注入新动力;以机制建设为保障,加大合作力度,拓宽合作领域;以互利共赢为目标,优势互补,最大程度分享合作成果;以开放透明为前提,增进同各方沟通和交流,体现合作的开放性。
“BRIC” cooperation now faces both valuable opportunities and severe challenges.We should set clear objectives for cooperation among the four countries and advance the BRIC cooperation process from a strategic height.We should base our cooperation on political mutual trust, and treat each other with sincerity, mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual support.We should focus on practical cooperation and make our cooperation more dynamic through concrete actions.We should strengthen institutional building to support increased cooperation in broader areas.We should aim for mutual benefit by combining our respective strengths and sharing the fruits of cooperation to the fullest extent.We should view openness and transparency as the prerequisite of our cooperation and strengthen communication and exchanges to make our cooperation an open process.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,当前,国际形势纷繁复杂,国际格局正在经历深刻调整。无论国际形势如何变化、国际体系如何变革,互利共赢的目标不能变,民主公平的原则不能变,相互尊重的方向不能变,同舟共济的精神不能变。
The international situation is now very complex, and the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment.No matter how the international situation may evolve and what changes the international system may experience, we should remain firmly committed to the goal of mutual benefit, the principle of democracy and equity, the approach of mutual respect and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation.我们要推动各方继续巩固世界经济复苏基础,加强宏观经济政策协调。既要协调“进入”,也要协调“退出”,保持宏观经济政策的持续性和稳定性。
We should encourage all parties to firm up the foundation of the world economic recovery and strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination.The international community coordinated the “entry” strategy in response to the financial crisis, and we must also act in coordination with respect to the “exit” strategy and maintain the continuity and stability of macroeconomic policies.我们要推动各方努力解决全球经济治理结构不平衡问题,按时完成二十国集团领导人匹兹堡峰会确定的国际金融机构量化改革目标,增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表性和发言权。
We should encourage all parties to address imbalances in the global economic governance structure.It is important to achieve on schedule the quantified reform targets of international financial institutions set by the G20 Pittsburgh Summit and increase the representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries.我们要推动各方继续推进贸易自由化、便利化,妥善处理贸易纠纷,抵制保护主义。推动多哈回合谈判主要各方展现诚意、显示灵活,尽早达成全面均衡的成果,促进建立开放共赢的多边贸易体制。
We should encourage all parties to continue to promote trade liberalization and facilitation, properly handle trade disputes and reject protectionism.The main parties to the Doha Round negotiations should demonstrate sincerity and flexibility to reach comprehensive and balanced outcomes at an early date and facilitate the establishment of an open and mutually-beneficial multilateral trade regime.我们要推动各方完善国际金融监管体系,扩大监管范围,明确监管职责,制定普遍接受的国际金融监管标准和规范,健全监管机制。要提倡对主要储备货币发行经济体宏观经济政策和主权信用评级机构的监督。
We should encourage all parties to improve the international financial supervisory and regulatory
regime by expanding its scope, specifying responsibilities, adopting universally accepted standards and norms and strengthening mechanisms.There should be supervision over the macroeconomic policies of major reserve currency issuing economies and over sovereign credit rating agencies.我们要推动各方增强责任感和道义感,努力实现全球平衡发展,既增加发展投入、保障发展资源,又尊重各国基于国情的发展模式和政策空间。今年9月,联合国将举行千年发展目标高级别审评大会。我们要敦促国际社会特别是发达国家在增加援助、减免债务、开放市场、转让技术等方面兑现承诺,帮助发展中国家促进经济增长和民生改善,实现千年发展目标。
We should encourage all parties to embrace a stronger sense of responsibility and morality and work for balanced global development.It is important to scale up input in development and ensure development resources and at the same time respect each other’s development model chosen in the light of national conditions and policy space.In September, the United Nations will hold the High-level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals.We need to urge the international community, particularly developed countries, to honor commitments in increased assistance, debt relief, market access and technology transfer and help developing countries promote economic growth, improve people’s well-being and meet the Millennium Development Goals.为保持并推动我们四国对话和合作发展,中方愿承办“金砖四国”领导人第三次正式会晤。
To maintain and advance dialogue and cooperation among BRIC countries, China would like to host the third BRIC Summit.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,中国改革开放30多年来,取得举世瞩目的发展成就。现在有很多人关心,中国今后会是什么样的国家?会说什么话,会做什么事?对老朋友会怎么样,对新朋友会怎么样?这里,我愿谈几点看法。
China has scored notable achievements over the past 30-odd years since reform and opening-up.Now many people are interested to know what kind of a country China is likely to be in the future.What will it say and what will it do? How is it going to treat old friends and how is it going to treat new friends? Let me share with you, in this connection, the following observations.第一,中国的发展任重道远。中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡是我们的基本国情。中国有13亿人口,人均国内生产总值刚超过3000美元,居世界一百位之后,按照联合国标准,还有1亿多人生活在贫困线以下,发展经济、改善民生任务十分繁重。中国在发展进程中遇到的矛盾和问题,无论规模还是难度,在当今世界绝无仅有,在人类历史上也是罕见的。中国要实现现代化,使全体人民过上安居乐业、富裕幸福的生活,还要进行长期艰巨的努力。
First, China’s development is a long and arduous task.China is the world’s biggest developing country.A large population, a weak foundation and uneven development: these are the basic realities confronting us.China has 1.3 billion people.Our per capita GDP has just exceeded US$3,000, trailing behind more than 100 countries.According to UN standard, we still have over 100 million people living below the poverty line.It is truly a heavy task to grow the economy and improve people’s livelihood in China.The scale and complexity of the challenges that we face in the course of development are unmatched anywhere else in the world and have been rarely seen in human history.To achieve modernization and ensure a prosperous life for all our people, we must make persistent efforts for a long time to come.第二,中国的发展只能也必然是和平发展。中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就有和为贵、亲仁善邻的传统。中国谋求发展既不损害别人,更不威胁别人。我们始终倡导并信守“己所不欲,勿施于人”。近代中国人民频遭劫难,最珍惜和平、安宁、和谐、自由。中国将坚持走和平发展道路。一个繁荣发展的中国,一个和平合作的中国,愿意也能够随着自身发展为人类和平与发展作出新的更大的贡献。
Second, peaceful development is China’s only and logical choice.The Chinese people love peace.It is our long-cherished tradition to foster harmony and build amicable ties with neighbors.China’s development will not bring harm or pose a threat to anyone.We advocate and follow the principle of “do not do onto others what you do not want others to do onto you”.The Chinese people suffered so much in modern history, and we therefore value peace, stability, harmony and freedom more than anything else.China is committed to the path of peaceful development.A prosperous and growing China dedicated to peace and cooperation is willing and able to make new and even greater contribution to mankind’s pursuit of peace and development.第三,中国的发展是开放共赢的发展。中国奉行互利共赢的开放战略,始终通过互利合作促进各国共同发展。中国坚持对外开放的基本国策,发展开放型经济,努力扩大进口,积极利用外资,加快实施自由贸易区战略,推动区域经济一体化,同各国共享扩大市场、深化分工带来的利益。国际金融危机发生以来,中国积极参与相关国际合作,派出多个贸易投资促进团和大型采购团赴国外采购。中国尽力向发展中国家提供支持和帮助,已累计免除49个重债穷国和最不发达国家债务,对40多个最不发达国家的商品给予零关税待遇。去年11月,中国宣布了旨在促进非洲实现可持续发展的新8项举措,扩大对非贸易和投资,加强中非务实合作,增强非洲自主发展能力,共同应对国际金融危机挑战。
Third, China’s development is an inclusive, win-win process.China pursues a win-win strategy of opening-up and seeks to promote common development of all countries through mutually-beneficial cooperation.Guided by the basic state policy of opening-up, we have been endeavoring to develop an open economy, increase import, actively use foreign investment, implement the FTA strategy at a faster pace, push forward regional economic integration, and share with other countries the benefits of expanding markets and deepening division of labor.China has taken an active part in the international cooperation to counter the global financial crisis ever since it broke out.We have sent many trade and investment promotion missions and large procurement missions abroad.China has made great efforts to support and help developing countries.We have cancelled the debts owed by 49 heavily indebted poor countries and least
developed countries and offered zero-tariff treatment to commodities from more than 40 least developed countries.Last November, we announced eight new measures in support of Africa’s sustainable development.These measures will help expand China’s trade with and investment in Africa, intensify practical cooperation between the two sides, build up Africa’s capacity to achieve self-development, and strengthen our joint endeavor to counter the global financial crisis.第四,中国的发展是负责任的发展。2009年是新世纪以来中国经济发展最为困难的一年。受国际金融危机影响,中国出口大幅下降,失业人员大量增加,经济增速下滑。我们坚持把保持经济平稳较快发展作为经济工作的首要任务,全面实施并不断丰富完善应对国际金融危机冲击的一揽子计划和政策措施,实现国内生产总值增长8.7%,为推动世界经济复苏作出了重要贡献。我们把加快经济发展方式转变和经济结构调整作为促进经济平稳较快发展的重要任务,着力推动消费、出口、投资协调增长,特别是着力扩大国内需求、增加居民消费。我们从不刻意追求贸易顺差,始终把促进国际收支平衡作为保持宏观经济稳定的重要任务。去年,中国贸易顺差比前年减少1020亿美元,货物进口价值10056亿美元,成为世界第二大进口国,为外国产品和服务提供了大量机遇。我们一直按照主动性、可控性、渐进性原则稳步实施有管理的浮动汇率制度。国际金融危机发生后,我们面临巨大困难,但保持了人民币汇率基本稳定,促进了国际经济金融体系稳定。
Fourth, China follows a responsible approach in pursuing development.The year 2009 was the most difficult year for the Chinese economy since the beginning of the new century.The global financial crisis led to a sharp decline in China’s export, a big increase in unemployment and a slowdown in economic growth.Confronted with such a situation, we gave top priority to maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth, and fully implemented and steadily improved our package plan and policy measures in response to the financial crisis.Thanks to these efforts, we achieved an 8.7 percent GDP growth and made important contribution to the world economic recovery.To ensure steady and relatively fast growth, we have taken it as an important task to speed up the transformation of growth pattern and economic restructuring.We have worked hard to promote coordinated growth of consumption, export and investment, with a special emphasis on boosting domestic demand and increasing household consumption.We have no intention to seek trade surplus.Quite the contrary, we have always placed high importance on achieving equilibrium in the balance of international payments in an effort to maintain macroeconomic stability.Last year, China’s trade surplus dropped by US$102 billion over the previous year, yet our import in goods reached US$1.0056 trillion, making China the world’s second largest importing country and presenting great opportunities for foreign goods and services.We have been following a managed floating exchange rate regime in accordance with the principle of independent initiative, controllability and gradualism.Despite the tremendous difficulties caused by the global financial crisis, we have kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable and have thus made contribution to the stability of the international economic and financial systems.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,再过两个星期,上海世博会就要拉开帷幕。世博会是各国加强经济文化交流、促进人类文明
The Shanghai World Expo will open in two weeks.The World Expo is a great event for countries to increase economic and cultural exchanges and promote progress of human civilization.On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I warmly welcome friends from Brazil, India, Russia and all countries of the world to go to the beautiful city of Shanghai and join us in this great event.Together, we will contribute to and witness a successful, splendid and memorable World Expo.谢谢大家!
Thank you