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bec写作:商务报告和建议书(2007-08-07 20:47:37)转载▼ 标签: 杂谈

第六讲 商务报告及建议书


根据不同的写作目的,商务报告分类:(1)提供信息(information)(2)分析归纳(analysis & conclusion)题目分类:


(2)图表类的题目图表的分类: 表格分类:

曲线图(line chart),柱状图(bar chart),饼状图(pie chart),和表格(table)a.表格(table)市场调查结果表(含本公司和shikei的产品)a tomatsu b shike value for money reliability after-sales service availability advertising * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * b.饼状图(pie chart)1999年终各地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)c.柱形图(bar chart)1999年终各地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)d.曲线图(line chart)1988—1995三个地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)

二、报告或建议书的结构 1 introduction 2 facts and findings 3 conclusions

三、句型 introduction the aim/purpose of this report is to… this report sets out to… conclusion: it was decided/agreed/felt that…

no conclusions were reached regarding… it is suggested that…

注意四个方面: 内容上,要选取重要信息,要导入数据 2 结构上,要按照上面的套路,不要写流水账 3 语言上,要多变,句式和选词都要多变 语法上,要注意时态,一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成四、商务报告与建议书的语言 1 常用词语

常用的概括图表信息的词组和表达方式 a. 上升趋势

to increase / an increase to go up to grow / a growth to jump / a jump to leap / a leap to reach a peak / a peak to soar / a soarto rise / a rise to upsurge / an upsurge to upswing / an upswing b.下降趋势

to collapse / a collapse to decline / a decline to drop / a drop to decrease / a decrease to fall / a fall to go down to reach a low point / a low point to reduce / a reduction c.程度


a great deal /big/a lot apparent / apparently clear / dearly considerable / considerably important / importantly dramatic / dramatically great /greatly drastic / drastically marked / markedly much obvious / obviously fast quick / quickly rapid / rapidly remarkable / remarkably sharp ,/sharply significant / significantly strong / strongly sudden / suddenly b.升降程度较小 a bit a little fractional / fractionally gentle / gently gradual / gradually hardly little slight / slightlyslow / slowly small steady / steadily c.平稳状态

to be hardly changed to have little change to keep steady to level off to remain constant to remain unchanged 2 句型模版 描述饼图

1.x% of the 比较主体 is / has / are / have ……

2.比较主体 中的一部分 is / constitutes / accounts for ??% in the whole pie chart.3.比较群体中的一部分 is / are ??% in the pie chart 做出比较

2.the 比较主体 in 地点 in 时间 is …… in contrast to …… in 地点 in 时间.a在xx期间的数量是xx,然而/同时,b在xx期间的数量是xx 3.a is in direct proportion to b=a is directly proportional to b.ab成正比 4.a is in inverse/reciprocal proportion to b=a is inversely/reciprocally proportional to b.ab成 反比。

5.a has 倍数 as many 可数的比较主体 as b.a是b的多少倍 6.a has 倍数 as much 不可数的比较主体 as b.同上 7.a has the same 比较主体 as b.ab相同,相等

五、报告模版 introduction首句

1.the purpose of this report is to …… 2.the objective of this report is to …… 3.the aim of this report is to …… 4.this report aims to ……

give feedback / estimate / assess 重复题目 requested by 某人/某部门, i am submitting the following report about 重复题目

中的目的。7.upon request of 某人/某部门, you或者某人,某部门 requested on november 12, i am submitting the following report on 重复题目 is the report concerning 重复题目要求

10.we have done a survey showing that 重复题目要求,或者直接开始阐述数据或者信息。findings首句

1.according to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above / undertaken, …… , 2.the recent visit/investigation/survey showed that …… 3.the table/chart above tells us that ……

4.from the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that …… 5.the table/chart above is showing that…… conclusion首句


2.according to the findings above, it can be concluded that …… 3.from the table shown, it can be concluded that…… 4.therefore, it can be concluded that …… 4.sth should be done.如果需要进一步拓展,可以描述一下建议实施后可预期的进展或者景象。具体说法是,建议结束之后,so that …… 或者 thus ……


truck sales rose steadily from october to december.a steady fall in sales during november and december followed the sharp increase in october.篇二:bec范文 商务英语写作范文

promoting a brand ex 4: sample answer:(249words)introduction this proposal sets out to examine options for the successful globalisation of ourˉborders brand.the initial marker under consideration is continental europe.for the purposes of this proposal, we will be considering three aspect of the brand, namely our logo, the ˉborders concept and finally, the product itself, ˉborders wellington boots.findings the following findings summarise our key was found that our existing logo, a pair of wellington boots encircled by the word ˉborders, is visual enough to be used in markets where english is not widely spoken.attitudes to outerwear differ throughout europe and our boots are likely to appeal to different market sectors in different areas.this has serious implications for the benefits we wish to publicise.although danish farmers would be willing to purchase such a high quality product, farmers in some countries are unlikely to choose a british brand over a domestic product.however, the very britishness of the product would appeal to the style-conscious elements of the french and italian markets, summoning up images of the english upper classes and country houses.our current product is multi-purpose and as such would not need adapting to suit different sectors of the european market.conclusions it was agreed that although the present logo and product are suitable for globalisation as they stand, we propose that the ˉborders concept be adapted for different markets.概况







bec考试官方教材:新编剑桥商务英语(高级)pass cambridge bec3学生用书 经济科学出版社,有配套磁带,强烈推荐。里面的内容与真题极为接近,是必备的参考书。考高级的同学中级的教材不妨也买来看看,可以增加商务背景知识,对写作和口语都是有好处的。听说复旦大学出版社的《剑桥商务英语考试必备高级》(配套磁带)也很不错,我没有用过。另外,有空也可以看看businessweek,the economist等英文杂志。阅读部分










第一部分 简单介绍产品的销售状况:2个月内总销量多少,比之前下降多少,问题严重不得不引起重视等等。

第二部分 具体分析销量下降的原因: 1替代产品出现 2广告投入减少 3未及时开辟新的市场。

第三部分 提出建议:1进一步细分市场,改良产品,扩大市场份额 2增加广告投入,提高知名度 3开发新市场,培育新的消费者。

这样写内容比较充实,不会感觉很空洞。写作的时间肯定是够的,能多写尽量多写,同时把握好结构层次。商务知识不是突击出来的,要慢慢积累,对于非商科背景的考生更是如此。所以我建议考bec3的不妨看看bec2的教材,也可以读一些商务英语的杂志。个人感觉bec比较偏重企业管理和市场营销(当然这也是很大的概念),大家可以多准备一下。听力 听力分为3部分,30个空,共约40分钟(30分钟听,10分钟填答案)。听力部分是整个考试中最难的,尽管它每部分要放两遍。第一部分听一个人独白,填12个空(up to 3 words or a number),要注意时态、单复数等细节问题。



根据经验,很多复习材料的听力难度远远低于实际考试的难度(包括新东方教材)。而经济科学出版社的教材与考试难度相当。所以好好研究这本教材的听力题是很重要的。关于语音,bec是英国考试,所以听力自然是britain english。平时听voa的,可以改听bbc磨耳朵。为了考试只好这样切换,但若你立志学美音,这时要千万警惕不要发生口音掺杂的现象。篇三:商务报告及建议书 商务报告及建议书

一、题型分析 题目分类:

(1)文字类的题目(2)图表类的题目 图表的分类:

曲线图(line chart),柱状图(bar chart),饼状图(pie chart),和表格(table)a.表格(table)市场调查结果表(含本公司和shikei的产品)b.饼状图(pie chart)1999年终各地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)c.柱形图(bar chart)1999年终各地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)d.曲线图(line chart)1988—1995三个地区的销售总量(单位:百万美元)

二、报告或建议书的结构 1 introduction 2 facts and findings 3 conclusions

三、句型 introduction the aim/purpose of this report is to… this report sets out to… conclusion: it was decided/agreed/felt that…

no conclusions were reached regarding… it is suggested that…

注意四个方面: 内容上,要选取重要信息,要导入数据 2 结构上,要按照上面的套路,不要写流水账 3 语言上,要多变,句式和选词都要多变 语法上,要注意时态,一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成

四、商务报告与建议书的语言 1 常用词语

常用的概括图表信息的词组和表达方式 a. 上升趋势

to increase / an increase to go up to grow / a growth to jump / a jump to leap / a leap to reach a peak / a peak to soar / a soar to rise / a rise to upsurge / an upsurge to upswing / an upswing b.下降趋势

to collapse / a collapse to decline / a decline to drop / a drop to decrease / a decrease to fall / a fall to go down to reach a low point / a low point to reduce / a reduction c.程度


a great deal /big/a lot apparent / apparently clear / dearly considerable / considerably important / importantly dramatic / dramaticallygreat /greatly drastic / drastically marked / markedly much obvious / obviously fast quick / quickly rapid / rapidly remarkable / remarkably sharp ,/sharply significant / significantly strong / strongly sudden / suddenly b.升降程度较小 a bit a little fractional / fractionally gentle / gently gradual / gradually hardly little slight / slightly slow / slowly small steady / steadily c.平稳状态

to be hardly changed to have little change to keep steady to level off to remain constant to remain unchanged 2 句型模版 描述饼图 / has / are / have ……

2.比较主体 中的一部分 is / constitutes / accounts for ??% in the whole pie chart.3.比较群体中的一部分 is / are ??% in the pie chart 做出比较


2.the in in is …… in contrast to …… in in a在xx期间的数量是xx,然而/同时,b在xx期间的数量是xx 3.a is in direct proportion to b=a is directly proportional to b.ab成正比 4.a is in inverse/reciprocal proportion to b=a is inversely/reciprocally proportional to b.ab成反比。

5.a has as many as b.a是b的多少倍 6.a has as much as b.同上

7.a has the same 比较主体 as b.ab相同,相等

五、报告模版 introduction首句

1.the purpose of this report is to …… 2.the objective of this report is to …… 3.the aim of this report is to …… 4.this report aims to …… 5.重复题目 requested by 某人/某部门, i am submitting the following report about 重复题目中的目 的。7.upon request of 某人/某部门, you或者某人,某部门 requested on november 12, i am submitting the following report on 重复题目 is the report concerning 重复题目要求 10.we have done a survey showing that 重复题目要求,或者直接开始阐述数据或者信息。findings首句

1.according to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table above / undertaken, …… , 2.the recent visit/investigation/survey showed that …… 3.the table/chart above tells us that ……

4.from the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that …… 5.the table/chart above is showing that…… conclusion首句


2.according to the findings above, it can be concluded that …… 3.from the table shown, it can be concluded that…… 4.therefore, it can be concluded that ……












╭════════════════╮║¤╭⌒╮╭⌒╮欢迎光临║║╱◥██◣╭╭⌒派派txt文学║╭═══════┤︱田︱田田| ╰--------------├═══════╮║║╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬║║║║║║║║║║║╰════════════════╯║║zzZ^﹋﹏║╱◥█◣^^╪携起手来,共创美好未来●-○-║︱田︱田︱/█∨█║--------我们会做得更好!∏∏║║║║║║║║电子E书,经典原创,另你回味无穷,祝你天天好心情!║║║║╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗^^╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗╔┯╗║The following sample needs some revising job.Try on it.╰════┠精┨┠典┨┠小┨┠说┨︱┠欢┨┠乐┨┠无┨┠限To: Mr.R.Harrison Date: 5 April, 2008┨═══╯╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝/╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝╚┷╝From: Tina Sub: The transferring of the Photocopy RoomMemoOwing to the present furnishing projection carried out in the 100000多套小说随你下载。complex, it is of necessity that photocopy room be transferred 小说合集(全本TXT)下载目录索引地址:http://www.xiexiebang.combefore this Friday.The furnishing is to finish in four weeds.=======Please be kind enough to let me know which premises you ======= think to be the proper temporal location for the photocopy room 附:【派派txt文学论坛作品版权及免责声明】by 8:30 tomorrow morning.本作品由派派txt文学论坛“某某”整理收藏。欢迎光临派派论坛http://www.xiexiebang.comWe also need some curtains for the will-be-furnished offices.I1、凡加入派派txt文学论坛的作者均享有在本站发布作品的相关版权,’d 任何媒体需转载时请注明原作者及其作品来源派派txt文学论坛。否则,like to ask you to get this job arranged----purchasing and 本站作者及派派文学论坛保留追究相关人员及其媒体法律责任的权利。installing.Don’txtt forget to send me a budge of it before next

2、凡派派txt文学论坛的作者及其作品,如若有违反我国国家相关法律Wednesday as we can discuss about it at the meeting which is 或发表过激言论,均由相关作者负担相关责任。其作品及其观点只代表作者本人,与派派txt文学论坛无关。Scheduled to be held every Wednesday.3、如果您认为派派txt文学论坛的某位作者或作品侵犯了您的相关公民权利(例:著作侵权、肖像侵权等),希望您及时与本站站长联系。我们经过认真核实无误后,本站会及时撤掉相关信息。



Reference To: Mr.R.Harrison Date: 5 April, 2008From: Tina Sub: The transferring of the Photocopy RoomBecause the complex is being decorated, the photocopy room needs moving to some other building before this Friday for a four-week period of time.Please let me know where you think to be a properly temporal site for it by 8:30 tomorrow morning.To: Sally Date:4 May, 2008From: Jim Sub: the meetingThe monthly sales staff meeting is to be held at 9:30 Thursday(7 May).Mr.Scott is making a presentation at the meeting.Please see to that the overhead projector and computer are ready in the meeting room before the meeting starts.If you have any problem in your arrangement, plslet me know.To: Mr.Braun Date:3 March, 2008From: JesicaSub: New system is working.The Training collecting the feedback of he operation of the new system.Plssend them the report on:1.How long the system has been working in your Dept.2.What jobs it is used for.3.How it is working.The report is expected by 4 p.m.this Friday(7 March).

To: J.FegusDate:3 April, 2008From: B.SchneiderSub: If the textbook is free for the trainee.The part time oral English course is starting soon and the list of the trainees has been collected.Before distributing the textbooks to the trainees, I’d like to check on matter: if the textbook is free for the trainees.Please let me know about this as soon as possible.To: Fred Date:May 6From: Peggy Sub: I’m having a meeting at HQ during Wednesday and Thursday and back to the office on Friday, so you have to:1.)pick up Ms.Homyat the airport at 5:10 pm(her flight number is CJ 473)on Thursday, and take her to the Grand Hotel where a single room has been reserved for her;2.)tell Ms.Homythat I’m sorry not to be able to pick her personally as planned, but I am meeting her in the office at 10:30 on Friday.Thank you a lot.Try to write a memo1.Suppose you are to send a memo for the Personnel manager to all staff on the May Day holiday, which starts at 4:30 pm on the 30th April and ends at 9:00 am on the third May.2.Send a memo, in the tone of a librarian, to one of your colleagues Jesica,to remind him that the book System Analysisby J.Harding, borrowed from the company’s library 8 weeks ago, has met the returning date on 5 November.Reference 1To: all the staff From: Personnel ManagerDate: April 25 Sub: May Day holidayThe May Day holiday starts at 4:30 pm on April 30 and ends at 9:00 am on May will be very much appreciated if your desks could be cleared up before your leave.Have fun.Reference 2To: JesicaFrom: Mary from the library Date: 1,November Sub: The book needs renewingI am sending the memo to remind you that the book, System Analysisby J.Harding, borrowed from our library 8 weeks ago is due to be returned by the date on 5 November.If you do need to keep it for another more days, you are expected to get it renewed by the deadline or, regretfully, you’ll have to pay the fine after the 5th November.3.Send a memo to one of your assistants Jimmy as to ask him collect data for your attendance of the coming conference on the latest promotion.Youmay need to know about how much money you spent on the promotion, what were the mainmeans of the promotion and what was the result(or the sales)like.Set up a deadline for the data collection so that you can be sure to obtain thatbefore you go for the meeting.Reference 3To: Jimmy From: MaryDate:27, May Sub: Data on last promotion needed.As at the company conference on the third of June I’m presenting our last promotion for solar water-heater, I’d like to ask you to collect the data on:1.when it was prepared and the length of its much it was budgeted and how much exactly it cost finally.3.what the turnovers were like.4.what was supposed to be the strength and weakness.Please send me the data by the first of June.Thanks a lot.John Lathenis General Manager at West Garden Supplies of CreschentRoad.Ipwich.John Lathensays to you today:“I’d like you to write a memo for me to our van and lorry drivers, please.They must report to Leslie Parker, the Transport Manager, as soon as possible.Leslie wants to tell them about some new one-way streets and no-parking zones which have just been made in Ipswich.There have also been a few changes of garages where we get out petrol for our transport at cheap rates, which they should know about.That reminds me---I must see Leslie about old Tom Jones who was stopped by the police for speeding yesterday.Remind them that they should see Leslie about having their vehicles serviced next month.Oh yes, on no account should they exceed speed limits wherever they drive on business.If they are convicted for speeding , they pay the fine themselves.To: All van and lorry drivers From: Mr.John Lathen, General Manager Sub: Reporting to Transport ManagerDate: 5 April, 2008Please report to Mr.Leslie Parker, the Transport Manager, as soon as possible.He has some important information for you about some new one-way streets and no-parking zones in Ipswich.He will also tell you which garages you can use for petrol at cheap rates.You should also make it a point to arrange with Leslie t have your vehicles serviced next month.I would like you to remember not to exceed speed limits, as it is company policy not to pay speeding fines.2.Send a memo to inform your upper management of the fact that some of your staff are not quite for the idea of installing an air-conditioner in your office, as some don’t like the unfreshair in a conditioned room and some complain that air conditioned working place makes their skin feel dry and back ache.To: From: Date:Sub: The disagreement on the air-conditionerGetting an air-conditioner installed in our office turns out to be an idea that results in disagreement.About four of the whole staff, which takes up almost 50% of the team, are not for the idea.Their disagreement mainly covers:1)The air in an air-conditioned room is not fresh and since so many people are stuffed in the office, it is likely to make diseases such as flu catching on quickly.2)the dry air in an air-conditioned room is a nuisance and caused skin bothered problem.It seems if there is to be an conditioner in our office, a moisture maker should be installed at the same time and another small office is needed for at least two staff of us.Reference



1.avoid vi.避免;消除;无效

【商务用语】avoid creditor 避债

【例句】It is hard to avoid mistakes.犯错误是难免的。

2.avoidance n.避免;无效

【商务用语】international tax avoidance 国际逃税 tax avoidance(合法)避税

avoidance of policy 保单失效

avoidance of the contract 合同废止

3.awkward adj.不熟练的;笨拙的;难应付的;危险的 【相关词组】an awkward question 棘手问题 in an awkward situation 处境困难 awkward squad 一群没有经验的人 awkward time 不方便的时间

4.axe n.斧头vt.&n.(经费)大削减;裁员

【商务用语】get the axe 砍掉;削减(计划或人员)

【例句】Three people in this company were axed last Thursday.这个公司上周四解雇了三个人。

5.backbone n.骨干,支柱

【例句】The older employees are the backbone of the industry.富有经验的雇员是行业的骨干。

6.backdate vt.追溯到,回溯

【例句】The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January.六月达成加薪协议,加薪将追溯至一月算起。

7.backing n.援助;发行钞票的资金;发行证券准备

【商务用语】financial backing 财政援助

【例句】The plan for a new hospital has plenty of government backing.新建医院的计划得到政府的大量援助。

8.backlog n.积压而未交付的订货;尚未用完的拨款

【商务用语】backlog document 积压文件 backlog order 未交货的订货总额 【例句】There is a backlog of orders because of the strike.有因罢工而积压的定单。

9.backup n.备份;复写

【相关词组】backup station 备用工位 backup aid 备用辅助设备

10.bail n.保释金;保证人;担保 【商务用语】bail bond 保释保证书

bail-out 以优先股发给股东作为红利之行为

1.balloon n.分期付款中最后一笔特大数;货款偿还计划;漂浮式偿付款;股票上涨

【商务用语】balloon payment 分期付款中最后一笔较大金额的付款

balloon maturity 全部或大部分债券或欠款的到期日

2.ballyhoo n.招徕生意的广告 vi.大肆宣传vt.(为...)大吹大擂

【例句】Do not ballyhoo the public with false advertising.不要向群众大肆宣传虚假广告。

3.bankable adj.银行可承兑的

【商务用语】bankable funds 银行可承兑的资金

bankable project 可由银行担保的项目

4.banker n.银行家

【商务用语】 banker bill 银行对外国银行开出的汇票

a banker clearing house 票据交换所

investment banker 投资银行家

banker capitalism 银行资本主义

5.banking n.银行业;银行业务;银行学;金融

【商务用语】investment banking 投资银行业务,投资银行学

banking centre金融中心

offshore banking 境外银行业务

trust banking 信托银行业务

6.banner n.横幅,标语 adj.特别好的;杰出的

【相关词组】banner headline 头号大标题

【例句】This is a banner year for the company.这是公司特别兴旺的一年。

7.banquet n.宴会,酒席vt.设宴招待 vi.参加宴会

【商务用语】a regular banquet 豪华的酒席

a lucullian banquet 豪华的酒宴

【例句】They banqueted royally when she became the director of the company.当她就任这家经理时,他们为她举行了盛大宴会。

8.bargain n.契约;便宜货;议价vt.讨价还价后卖掉;交易;商定价格

【商务用语】firm bargain 实盘交易

forward bargain 期货交易

great bargain 廉价货物

price bargain 讨价还价

【例句】We finally reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp.我们最后和古董商谈好了照明灯的价格。

9.barometer n.标记;气压表

【商务用语】barometer stock 有代表性的股票

10.barter n.实物交易;互换品 v.物品交换,交换

【商务用语】international barter 国际实物交易

link barter 联锁易货

a reciprocal barter 对信用证贸易

barter agreement 贸易协定

【例句】We bartered for furs with tobacco and rubber.我们用烟草和橡胶换取毛皮。

1.basis n.基础;基差(债券)

【商务用语】cost valuation basis 成本估量基础

consumption basis 耗用基础

cost basis(of accounting)成本基础;按成本进账制

【例句】They charge customers on an hourly basis.他们按钟点向顾客收费。

2.bearer n.票据人,持票人;送信人

【商务英语】bearer cheque不记名支票

payable to bearer 见票即付持票人

bearer draft 来人汇票,不记名汇票

bearer shares 不记名股票

【例句】He rewarded the bearer before reading the note.在读那短笺之前,他先付给送信人小费。

3.bearish adj.看跌的,行情看跌的,引起跌风的

【商务用语】bearish market 市场疲软

bearish tendency(交易所里的)股票行情看跌

a bearish effect on the stock market 一种使股票(证券)下跌的影响

4.bedrock n.基础;最低点

【商务用语】personal finances that were at bedrock 最低的个人资金

bedrock price 最低价格

5.benchmark n.水准基点

【商务用语】benchmark data 基本数据

a benchmark problem 基准问题;基准测试题

benchmark statistics 标志性统计数

【例句】Inflation is a great distorter of seemingly fixed economic ideas and benchmarks.通货膨胀是对看来稳定的经济观念和基准的严重歪曲。

6.beneficiary n.受益人,信托受益人,享受保险赔偿者

【商务英语】income beneficiary 收益受益人

insurance beneficiaries 保险赔偿金

prima beneficiary 人寿保险赔偿的第一受益人

staff member beneficiary 工作人员指定受益人

trust beneficiary 信托受益人

7.berth n.停泊处,泊位

【商务用语】break-bulk berth 杂货泊位

container berth 集装箱船泊位

discharging berth 卸货泊位

loading berth 装船泊位

8.beware v.小心,谨防

【例句】Beware of the computer virus.当心计算机病毒。

9.biennial adj.二年一次的

【商务用语】biennial budget cycle 两年预算周期

10.bilateral adj.双边的,双向作用的

【商务用语】bilateral exchange contract 双边汇兑合同

bilateral negotiations and agreements 双边谈判和协定(一般指贸易谈判和协定)bilateral payments 双边支付

bilateral quota 协定配额,双边配额

1.binary adj.二进位的;二元的

【例句】The binary systerm of numbers is used in digital computers.数字计算机都使用二进制数字系统。

2.bind vi.结合;装订;约束

【相关词组】bind in 并合

bind out 订立契约当学徒

【例句】I am bound by this agreement.我受这项协议的约束。

3.binding n.约束;装帧 adj.链接的;有约束力的;负有义务的

【商务用语】original binding 原装,原来装订

a binding agreement 需要遵守的合约

worn binding 破损本,装订残损本

volume binding(期刊的)合订本

【例句】This regulation is binding on everybody.本规则人人皆需遵守。

4.blank adj.空白的 n.空白;表格

【商务用语】address blank 空地址

application blank 空白申请书

income tax returm blank 空白所得税申报表

order blank 订货单

【例句】Write your name,address and telephone number in the blank spaces at the top of the page.在这一页顶端的空白处写上你的姓名、地址和电话号码。

5.blanket adj.总括的;综合的 【商务用语】blanket price 一揽子价格

blanket order 总括订购单

blanket mortgage 总括抵押(即以债务人全部资产作抵押)

blanket insurance 综合保险,总括保险

【例句】A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.一张综合保险单承保汽车一切意外事故。

6.blind adj.盲目的

【例句】This is a blind taste tests used in marketing studies.的事先毫不知情的口味测试

7.block n.巨额证券;区组;大宗股票

【商务用语】breaker block 过负载廉价易损件

count block 计数区

a block sum 大量金额

8.bonanza n.大矿囊 adj.兴隆的

【商务用语】a bonanza business 兴旺的事业 n.债券;保税单,保证书,保证金

【商务用语】bond account 债券账户

bond amortization 债券溢价摊销

bond interest 债息,债券利息

bond insurance 债券保险

10.bonded adj.抵押的,以债券作保证的,有担保的

【商务用语】bonded certificate 债券证书

bonded debt 公债借款

这是个用于市场调查 bonded goods 保税货物

bonded value 关栈货值,保税货值 1.bootleg vt.非法制造酒等;走私

【例句】The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition.那家公司在禁酒期间偷运玉米威士忌。

2.bottleneck n.瓶颈状态;薄弱环节;阻塞现象;影响生产流程的因素vt.阻塞,妨碍

【商务用语】bottleneck commodity 稀缺商品

bottleneck problem 薄弱环节问题

bottleneck inflation 瓶颈式通货膨胀,短线涨价

bottleneck industry 薄弱环节产业

【例句】Production of material has bottlenecked.原料的生产受到了阻碍。

3.bounty n.奖励金,补助金

【商务用语】export bounty 出口津贴

import bounty 进口奖励金

【例句】We received a bounty from the goverment.我们收到政府给予的一笔补助金。

4.boycott n.联合抵制vt.联合抵制;联合排斥某国货物或与某国绝交;联合拒购

【商务用语】credit boycott 拒付货款

primary boycott 直接抵制

boycott a commercial product 抵制某种商品

boycott a nation 对某国实行抵制

【例句】They are boycotting the shop because the people who work there are on strike to boycott a meeting.他们拒绝购买那家商店的货物,因为店里的员工正在为联合抵制一个会议而罢工。

5.brainstorm n.灵机一动vt.集中各人智慧猛攻

【例句】We need to brainstorm a more permanent solution to a problem.我们需要群策群力,设法找到一个长期有效的解决办法。

1.breach n.违背

【商务用语】breach of arrestment 擅自处理已查封的财产

breach of duty 失职,玩忽职守

breach of faith 违约;失信

breach of trust 受托人违反信托约定;违约

【例句】Your company is in breach of the contract.你们公司违反了合同。

2.breakage n.破损;(舱内装货后的)剩余的空位;损耗补偿(款额)

【商务用语】breakage allowance 破损折扣

breakage clause 破碎险条款

3.breakeven adj.无亏损的 n.收支平衡

【商务英语】breakeven point 盈亏平衡点,平衡转效点

breakeven weight growth 无损耗的重量增长

4.bridging n.桥接,跨接

【商务用语】bridging loan 过渡性货款

bridging loss 桥接损耗

bridging telephone 并联电话,同线电话

5.brisk adj.敏锐的,活泼的vt.使活泼 vi.活泼起来

【商务用语】brisk sales 销路畅旺

brisk market 景气的市场 brisk trade 贸易繁荣,交易活跃

【例句】The market brisked up.市场兴旺起来了。

1.broadband n.宽带

【商务用语】broadband communications 宽频带通讯 n.掮客,经纪人

【商务用语】arbitrage broker 套利掮客

authorized broker 核准经纪人

bill broker 票据经纪人

chartering broker 租船经纪人

broker agent 经纪人兼代理人

3.brokerage n.经纪人业务;经纪费;回扣,佣金

【商务用语】exchange brokerage 交易所经纪人费用

stock brokerage 证券经纪业,股票经纪业

brokerage charge 佣金费用

brokerage fee 经纪人佣金

brokerage lease 经纪租赁

4.bubble n.泡沫,高风险投资

【商务用语】bubble data 泡沫数据

5.buffer n.缓冲的人或物

【商务用语】buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金

1.built-in adj.内置的,嵌入的;必要的;固有的 n.内置

【商务用语】a built-in escape clause 必要性的免责条款 2.bulky adj.大的,笨重的

【商务用语】a bulky cargo 体积庞大的货物

bulky goods 笨重货物

bulky product 笨重的商品

bulky parcel 大体积包裹

3.bundle n.捆扎装vt.捆,束

【商务用语】bundle carrier 禾捆积运器

bundle loader 禾运装卸机

4.burglar n.夜贼

【相关词组】burglar alarm 防盗警报器

5.buyout n.全部收买;全部买下(市上产品)

【例句】If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise.如果工人们确实赞同这桩交易,那么他们的公司将变成全国最大的雇员所有制企业。

1.cable n.电缆;海底电报

【商务用语】cable address 电报挂号

cable advice 电报通知

【例句】We have already advised you by cable.我们已去电通知你方。

2.cafeteria n.自助餐厅

【例句】This cafeteria serves good honest food.这家食堂供应的饭菜品质优良,价格公道。

3.cannibalize v.拆用配件;调补人员

【例句】It becomes necessary to cannibalize unsuccessful projects to fund those which can proceed.当务之急是将不成功项目中的资金抽调出来以支持那些可行项目。

4.canvass vi.招徕顾客

【商务用语】canvass for subscriptions 招徕订货 n.资本,资金,资产

【商务用语】 accumulated capital 积累的资本

active capital 流动资本

actual capital 现实资本

additional paid-in capital 附加实缴股本

【例句】The Smith Company has a capital of $30,000.1.caption n.标题

【商务用语】caption of account 会计科目,账户名称

2.carat n.克拉(宝石重量单位);开(含绝金的量)

【商务用语】international carat 国际克拉

metric carat 米制开 n.注意vi.关心vt.在意

【例句】Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress? 你能想象一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣着吗?

4.cargo n.船货,货物

【商务用语】additional cargo 加载物

air cargo 空运货物

back cargo 归程货物

bag cargo 袋袋货物

【例句】We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw iron.我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。

5.carriage n.运费,运送

【商务用语】carriage forward 运费由收件人付

carriage free 运费免收

carriage paid 运费已付

carriage charges 运输费

1.carton n.硬纸盒,纸板箱

【商务用语】carton filler 装(纸板)箱机

carton capping machine 纸盒/纸箱封盖机

carton paper 卡片纸

carton packer 纸箱打包机

2.cashier n.银行的财务主任,司库,出纳员

【商务用语】cashier's check 银行开出的支票

cashier's cheque银行本票

【例句】A cashier takes and gives out money in a bank or shop.者商店里收付钱款。

3.casual adj.偶然的,不经意的;临时的

【商务用语】casual audit 临时审计,抽查账目

casual laborer 临时工

casual profit 偶得利润

casual revenue 临时收入

4.category n.种类

【商务用语】account category 账户分类,会计科目分类

出纳员在银行或wage category 工资级别

category of tax 税目

category of traffic 运输种类

5.caution n.注意,警告vt.警告;保证

【商务用语】caution mark 注意标志

caution money 保证金

【例句】The dean cautioned him against being late.1.cede vt.让与;放弃;过户,转让

【商务用语】cede insurance 分保

【例句】He ceded his stock holdings to his children.2.ceiling n.最高限额

【商务用语】debt ceiling 债务最高限额

loan ceiling 放款程度

loss ceiling 损失上限

numerical ceiling最高限额

3.cement n.水泥;粘合剂vt.加水泥;粘

【商务用语】cement industry 水泥产业

4.census n.人口普查

【商务用语】general census 全面普查

integrated census 一体化普查

population census 人口普查

occupation census职业统计调查


5.centralization n.集中,中央集权化

【商务用语】fiscal centralization 财政集中制

centralization of capital 资本集中

centralization of control 集中控制

centralization of management 集中管理

1.certify vt.证明,(银行)担保(支票可付款)

【商务用语】certifying bank 支付保证银行

【例句】The accounts were certified(as)correct.账目业经查核证明无误

2.chamber n.会议室

【商务用语】chamber of commerce 商会

chamber of commerce and industry 工商业联合会

chamber of shipping 航运协会

chamber of trade 零售业协会,公益机构

【相关词组】charity organization 慈善组织

charity sale 义卖

4.charter vt.租 n.特许;特许证,执照;租船赁,租赁

【商务用语】bare boat charter 无条件租船

berth charter 班轮条件租约

corporate charter 公司执照,公司注册证

daily charter 按日租船契约

5.chartered adj.受特许的 【商务用语】chartered bank 特许银行

chartered accountant 特许会计师

chartered agent 特许代理人

chartered trading company 特许贸易公司

1.chartering n.雇船,租用

【商务用语】chartering broker 租船经纪人

chartering agent 租船代理人

chartering market 租船市场

chartering order 租船委托书

2.checkout n.检查;结账,结账柜台

【商务用语】checkout counter 付账柜台

3.cheque n.支票

【商务用语】bearer cheque不记名支票,来人支票

banker cheque银行支票

cancelled cheque注销/付讫支票

certified cheque保付支票

4.chit n.小额欠款单据

【商务用语】chit-system 票据支付制度

chit book 回单簿

5.chronic adj.慢性的,延续很长的

【商务用语】chronic inflation 长期通货膨胀

chronic unemployment 长期失业 chronic trade deficit 长期贸易逆差

chronic stage 慢性期

1.collapse n.& vi.倒塌;失败;跌价

【商务用语】the collapse of plans 计划失败

the collapse of the market 市场价格暴跌

【例句】Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.交投数额不佳导致股票价格暴跌。

2.collateral adj.间接的 n.附属担保品,债务抵押品,抵押资产

【商务用语】additional collateral 追加担保品

fixed collateral 固定抵押品

import collateral 进口担保品

mixed collateral 混合抵押品

3.collective adj.集体的

【商务用语】collective agreement(劳资间的)集体协定

collective goods 集体财产

collective account 集合账户

collective bargaining 劳资双方就工资等问题谈判

4.commemorative adj.纪念的

【商务用语】commemorative dividend 纪念性股息

5.commensurate adj.相称的,相当的

【例句】He was satisfied with the job commensurate with his abilities.这份工作与他能力相称,所以他很满意。

1.commerce n.商业,贸易 【商务用语】co-operative commerce 合作商业

handwork commerce 手工艺商业

international commerce 国际商务

oversea commerce 海外贸易

【例句】Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.我国一直在努力扩大与其他国家的贸易往来。

2.commercial adj.商业的,贸易的

【商务用语】commercial depression 商业萧条

commercial company 贸易公司

commercial acceptance 商业承兑汇票

commercial accounting 商业会计

3.committee n.委员会

【商务用语】accepting houses committee 承兑行委员会

budget committee 预算委员会

check committee 查账委员会

nomenclature committee 税则分类委员会

4.commodity n.商品,货物

【商务用语】primary commodity 初级商品

ready commodity 成品

scarce commodity 稀缺商品

5.commute v.交换;抵偿;换算;每天(乘火车)往返上班;定期往返于两地间

【商务用语】commute foreign money to domestic 把外币兑成本国外币

commute imprisonment into a fine 以罚款代监禁

【例句】Miners commute between the mines and their housing estates on weekdays.矿工们在工作日每天乘火车上下班来往于矿工和住宅区之间。

1.comparative adj.比较的,相当的

【商务用语】comparative advantage 相对优势

comparative advertising 货比货式广告

comparative cost advantage 比较成本利益

comparative balance sheet 比较资本负债表

2.compensate vt.补偿,偿还,付酬金

【例句】The company compensates her for extra work.公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。

3.compensation n.补偿,赔偿,报酬

【商务用语】incentive compensation 奖金

delay compensation 延迟补偿;交货逾期补偿

demand compensation 索赔

loss compensation 损失补偿

【例句】Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.男女同工应同酬。

4.competition n.竞争

【商务用语】commercial competition 商业竞争

domestic competition 国内竞争

economic competition 经济竞争

exchange competition 外汇竞争

【例句】Because there is so much unemployment ,the competition for jobs is very fierce.由于失业的人如此众多,就职竞争十分激烈。

5.complain vt.抱怨,控诉

【例句】They complained that the wages were too low.他们抱怨工资过低。

1.complex n.联合企业

【商务用语】combinated complex 联合工厂/公司

economic complex 经济综合体

iron and steel complex 钢铁联合企业

industrial complex 大工业中心

2.compliance n.顺从

【商务用语】compliance cost 税务执行费用

3.comprehensive adj.全面的;能充分理解的

【商务英语】comprehensive accounting 综合核算

comprehensive budget 总预算

comprehensive insurance 综合保险,全程保险

【例句】The state government gave a very comprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronic industry.州政府对电子工业发展的规划做了详尽的解释。

4.compromise n.妥协vt.和解

【商务用语】compromise clause 仲裁条款

compromise act 妥协条例

【例句】We can not compromise on such terms.我们不能在这几个条款上妥协。

5.compulsive adj.强制的

【商务用语】compulsive means 强制手段

1.compulsory adj.被强制的;义务的【商务用语】compulsory circulation 强制流compulsory debt 强制公债

compulsory insurance 强制保险

compulsory prepayment of charges 必须预付费用

2.computerize vt.用计算机处理,使自动化

【商务用语】 computerize industrial management 使工业管理自动化

【例句】The firm decided to computerize its wage department.公司决定用电脑管理发薪部门的工作。

3.concession n.让步;特许;租界

【商务用语】limited concession 有限让与

price concession 让价

tariff concessions 关税减让

timber concession 木材租约

【例句】The boss's promise to increase the workers'pay was a concession to union demands.老板答应提高人们的工资是对工会提出的要求所做的让步。

4.conciliation n.安抚;调解

【商务用语】conciliation board in industrial disputes 劳工纠纷调解委员会

conciliation commission 协调委员会

【例句】The dispute in the engineering industry is being dealt with by a conciliation board.机械制造业的纠纷正由一个调解委员会处理。

5.conductive adj.有助于...的

【例句】Exercise is conductive to health.运动有益于健康。

1.configuration n.构造,结构;配置;外形

【相关词组】chain configuration 链构型 network configuration 网络结构

reflection configuration 发射结构

spatial configuration 立体构型

2.congestion n.拥塞;密集

【相关词组】congestion surcharge 拥挤附加费

congestion of traffic 拥挤的交通

congestion of population 人口过剩

3.conglomerate n.联合大企业;多种经营大公司;跨业经营公司

【商务用语】conglomerate company 综合公司

conglomerate financial statement 联合企业财务报表

conglomerate merger 多行业企业合并

4.conglomeration n.混合物,联合,集团

【商务用语】conglomeration integration 多行业企业合并联合

5.consensus n.集体意见,君子协定

【例句】The voters'consensus was that the measure should be adopted.民的意见是采取这个措施。











第二部分大部分同学都觉得很难,我自己这一部分倒是比较稳定,基本上一两个错,也有几次全对。这部分比较麻烦的是,万一碰到读不进去的或者难的题目,很容易一错就连着错几个。这一部分我还是先把选项看一遍,勾关键词,主要有this,that, these,the one,their,such这些代词。然后到文章中看完一个空的前后文章,就到选项当中去找,必须符合代词,符合单复数和时态,然后就是意思。我自己在做题时,实在遇到难以理解的部分,就翻成中文看前后是否连贯。我觉得整个BEC的阅读考得都是对整体文章意思的理解,如果这篇文章的背景知识你很理解,文章做起来就很顺手。所以这就是学习教材的用处吧。如果时间比较充裕,建议大家还是把教材看一下,平时也多了解一些商务知识,这对整个考试都是很有帮助的。第三部分是常规的阅读理解题。基本上都是一段文章对一道题,偶尔会有两段对一道题,最后加一个综合题,也不会很难。我自己是先看下选项问题,然后看一段文章,回来再看具体选项。做完总结的时候我会在所有选项旁边表上不选它的原因,比如完全没有提到,意思相反,片面,过于概括,然后到文章中把正确选项的位置都标出来。对于自己做错的题,要特别研究,有的时候是因为一些细微的用词,有的时候就是思维方式不同。总之,这道题的正确选项基本上都是把文章中的意思换一种表达方式。











跟写作一样,这种语言输出的东西一定要自己动手写动口说。我平时从来不爱张口说英语,口语课从来没主动说过,这也算是一个突破吧。其实BEC的口语很简单,有模式可以套,自己可以总结。以产品推广为例,我当时用的模板大概是产品推广当然很重要,因为它是整个商业活动的重要组成部分。如果产品推广没做好的话,对公司会造出严重的损失。然后后面分点说一下。大概就这样,总结出一套自己说的顺口的模板就行了。第三部分,我的搭档是我宿舍的,但是我们俩总共只练了一个星期,每天中午练一套题,主要是商量第二部分问什么问题,第三部分怎么转折。我们是第二部分how to就问importance,importance就问how to。结果考试的时候我紧张到完全忘了后面还有问题了,她问我的时候我还没听见,问了个PARDON。惭愧……第三部分基本上是她起,我转,她总结。结果那天老师还想很想早点结束,还没说完就被打断了。第一部分问我问题的时候也是,没说完就被打断了……所以,各位同学不要紧张啊,整个口语考试都说不了几句话,老师也很和蔼,语速很慢,发音也很清楚。另外,蓝皮书确实是好东西,里面表达的很精彩,如果你能坚持把那个看完或者多少看一点,背一下里面好的句子,结合一下自己的说法,绝对可以得高分。我是到最后一个星期才开始准备口语的,蓝皮书也没翻几页,可惜了。做题顺序:






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