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2012年5月12日推进互利共赢合作 发展新型大国关系 ——在第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕式上的致辞

中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

北京钓鱼台芳菲苑 2012年5月3日

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue

by President Hu Jintao

May 3, 2012


Secretary Clinton,Secretary Timothy Geithner,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,时隔两年,中美战略与经济对话再次在北京举行,中美双方将共同探讨新形势下如何推动两国关系向前发展。首先,我谨对第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕,表示祝贺!对远道而来的美国朋友们,表示欢迎!

Today after two years, a new round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED)has opened here in Beijing.During the dialogue, our two sides will discuss ways to advance China-US relations under the new circumstances.I wish to extend congratulations on the opening of the fourth round of the S&ED and welcome to our American friends coming from afar.2009年,我同奥巴马总统在伦敦会晤时共同商定,建立中美战略与经济对话机制。3年多来,中美战略与经济对话作为两国级别最高、参与部门最多、讨论议题最广的机制,促进了两国高层战略沟通,加深了对彼此战略意图和政策的了解,扩大了对中美关系发展方向的共识;有力推进了互利合作,增进了两国人民相互了解和友谊;丰富了两国各领域各层次交流沟通。

President Obama and I agreed to establish the S&ED when we met in London in 2009.This is the highest-level mechanism between our two countries that involves the most extensive participation by our government departments and has a most wide-ranging agenda.Over the past three years and more, the S&ED has facilitated high-level strategic consultation between our two countries.We have increased understanding of each other's strategic intentions and policies and expanded consensus on the future course of China-US relations.The S&ED has given a strong boost to our mutually beneficial cooperation and contributed to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.It has enriched exchanges and consultations between the two countries in various fields and at various levels.在本轮对话中,希望双方再接再厉,共同努力,既立足当前,又着眼长远,推动中美战略与经济对话成为两国加强战略沟通、增进战略互信、促进战略合作的长效机制,为建设中美合作伙伴关系不断进行探索和实践。

I hope that the two sides will continue to make concerted efforts during this round of S&ED.We need to both focus on the present and look ahead to the future.We should make the S&ED a long-term mechanism for us to intensify strategic consultation, enhance strategic mutual trust and promote strategic cooperation, a mechanism that helps us explore ways to build China-US cooperative partnership.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and gentlemen,40年前,中美两国老一辈领导人用“跨越太平洋的握手”开启了中美关系的大门,开始探索不同社会制度、历史文化、发展阶段大国的相处之道。40年来,中美关系发展的广度和深度,远远超过了当年人们的想象。

Forty years ago, the Chinese and American leaders of the older generation opened the door of China-US relations with a handshake across the Pacific Ocean, and this started the process of exploring how our two major countries, different in social system, history, culture and development stage, should treat each other.Today 40 years on, China-US relations have grown well beyond what people could have imagined at that time.一年前,我对美国进行了国事访问,同奥巴马总统就共同建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系达成重要共识。中美分别是当今世界最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美关系持续健康稳定向前发展,不仅能给两国人民带来实实在在的利益,而且将为促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣作出宝贵贡献。

A year ago, I paid a state visit to the United States and reached an important agreement with President Obama on working together to build a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.China and the United States are respectively the largest developing country and the largest developed country.The sustained, sound and steady growth of our relations will not only deliver real benefits to our two peoples but also make valuable contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and gentlemen,当今世界,经济全球化深入发展,科技进步日新月异,机遇和挑战并存。各国人民都期待21世纪成为人类历史上第一个共享和平安宁、共同发展繁荣的世纪。人们认为,中美合作将给两国和世界带来巨大机遇,中美对抗将给两国和世界带来巨大损害。无论国际风云如何变幻,无论中美两国国内情况如何发展,双方都应该坚定推进合作伙伴关系建设,努力发展让两国人民放心、让各国人民安心的新型大国关系。

The world today is in deepening economic globalization and rapid scientific and technological advances.We face both opportunities and challenges.People of all countries hope that the 21st century will be the first century in human history in which we can all enjoy peace, stability, development and prosperity.People believe that cooperation between China and the United States will bring enormous opportunities to the two countries and the whole world, while confrontation between the two will bring grave harm to all.Whatever changes may take place in the world and no matter how the domestic situations in our two countries may evolve, China and the United States should be firmly committed to advancing the cooperative partnership and build a new type of relations between major countries that is reassuring to both of our two peoples and to peoples across the world.发展中美新型大国关系,需要创新思维。40年前,中美发表《上海公报》是一个创举,《上海公报》在肯定双方共同点的同时,如实列出存在的分歧,确立了中美关系的基本指导原则。当前,人类已进入21世纪第二个十年。我们的思想、政策、行动应该与时俱进,以创新的思维、切实的行动,打破历史上大国对抗冲突的传统逻辑,探索经济全球化时代发展大国关系的新路径。

To build such of a new type of relations between China and United States as two major countries, we need to think creatively.Forty years ago, China and Untied States made a creative move by issuing the Shanghai Communiqué.The Communiqué, which both affirmed the shared views of the two countries and listed their differences truthfully, established the basic principles on China-US relations.We are now in the second decade of the 21st century and we need to advance with the times in our thinking, policies and actions.We should, through creative thinking and concrete steps, prove that the traditional belief that big powers are bound to enter into confrontation and conflicts is wrong, and seek new ways of developing relations between major countries in the era of economic globalization.发展中美新型大国关系,需要相互信任。我们这个星球有足够大的空间,应能容得下中美两国和其他国家共同发展。改革开放30多年来,中国坚持和平发展,开创了一条依靠中国人民勤劳智慧、通过中国人民同各国人民合作共赢实现发展的正确道路。走和平发展道路,是我们始终不变的战略选择,是中国对全世界的郑重承诺。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to trust each other.The world we live in is big enough for China, the United States and all other countries to achieve common development.Over the past 30 years, since its reform and opening-up course started, China has, through the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people and win-win cooperation with the people around the world, pursued peaceful development.This is the right path to development that we have embarked on.To follow the path of peaceful development is our strategic choice which we will never change, and it is a solemn commitment that China has made to the world.发展中美新型大国关系,需要平等互谅。中美两国国情不同,不可能在所有问题上都意见一致。双方必须学会相互尊重,善于抓住“同”,把共同利益的蛋糕做大;正确对待“异”,尊重和照顾彼此利益关切。对存在的分歧,应通过对话交流,增进理解,妥善处理,以免影响中美关系大局。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to act in spirit of equality and mutual understanding.Given different national conditions, it is impossible for China and the United States to see eye to eye on every issue.The two sides must know how to respect each other, be good at expanding common ground and make the pile of our convergent interests bigger.We should approach our differences in a correct way and respect and accommodate each other's interests and concerns.We should properly manage differences through dialogues and exchanges and by improving mutual understanding, so that these differences will not undermine the larger interests of China-US relations.发展中美新型大国关系,需要积极行动。中国有句古话,为者常成,行者常至。我们要采取扎实有效的行动,把双方达成的各项共识落到实处,推动广泛领域务实合作,加强在国际和地区问题上的协调,促进亚太地区乃至世界和平稳定,让两国人民和各国人民切实享受中美合作带来的好处。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to work actively.As an old Chinese saying goes, only by working diligently can one achieve his goal and only by walking tirelessly can one reach his destination.We need to take solid and effective steps to implement what we have agreed upon.We should enhance practical cooperation in a wide range of areas, step up coordination on regional and international issues, promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and beyond and bring the benefits of China-US cooperation to the people of our two countries and the whole world.发展中美新型大国关系,需要厚植友谊。国之交在于民相亲。我们要积极推进两国社会各界交流交往,让更多人成为中美友好合作的参与者、支持者。我高兴地得知,第三轮中美人文交流高层磋商将与第四轮中美战略与经济对话同时举行,期待第三轮磋商进一步促进中美两国人民相互了解和友谊。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to nourish our friendship.Friendship between people holds the key to growing good relations between states.We should actively promote exchanges between China and America from all walks of life and encourage greater public participation in the course of promoting China-US friendship and cooperation.I am glad to know that the third meeting of China-US high-level consultation on people to people exchange will be held at the same time of the fourth round of the S&ED.I hope that this meeting will further enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.女士们、先生们!

Ladies and gentlemen,我们所在的这个大厅叫芳菲苑。中国唐代诗人韩愈有两句诗:“草木知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。”意思是时不我待,必须奋发进取。中美关系正面临进一步发展的机遇,同时也面临新的挑战。让我们抓住机遇,排除干扰,共同努力,走出一条相互尊重、合作共赢的新型大国关系之路。

The room in which we are having this meeting is called Fangfeiyuan, or the Hall of Flowers.The name of the hall reminds me of a line in a poem by Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu describing late spring--the plants know spring will soon wave them goodbye, hundreds of red and violet flowers in beauty vie.It shows that time waits for no man and one must work hard and keep advancing.China and the United States now face new opportunities to further grow our relations.We're also confronted with new challenges.Let us seize opportunities and remove interference and work together to build a new type of relations between major countries featuring mutual respect and win-win cooperation.预祝第四轮中美战略与经济对话取得圆满成功。

In conclusion, I wish the fourth round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues every success!


克林顿国务卿,盖特纳财长,各位来宾,女士们、先生们,朋友们,Secretary Clinton, Secretary Timothy Geithner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, 时隔两年,中美战略与经济对话再次在北京举行,中美双方将共同探讨,新形势下如何推动两国关系向前发展。首先我对第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕表示祝贺,对远道而来的美国朋友们表示欢迎。

Today after two years, a new round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED)has opened here in Beijing.During the dialogue, our two sides will discuss ways to advance China-US relations under the new circumstances.I wish to extend congratulations on the opening of the fourth round of the S&ED and welcome to our American friends coming from afar.2009年我从奥巴马总统在伦敦会晤时商定,建立中美战略与经济对话机制。三年多来,中美战略与经济对话,作为两国级别最高,参与部门最多,讨论议题最广的机制,促进了两国高层战略沟通,加深了对历史战略意图和政策的了解,扩大了对中美关系发展方向的共识,有利推进了互利合作,增进了两国人民相互了解和友谊,丰富了两国各领域各层次交流沟通。

President Obama and I agreed to establish the S&ED when we met in London in 2009.This is the highest-level mechanism between our two countries that involves the most extensive participation by our government departments and has a most wide-ranging agenda.Over the past three years and more, the S&ED has facilitated high-level strategic consultation between our two countries.We have increased understanding of each other's strategic intentions and policies and expanded consensus on the future course of China-US relations.The S&ED has given a strong boost to our mutually beneficial cooperation and contributed to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.It has enriched exchanges and consultations between the two countries in various fields and at various levels.在本轮对话中,希望双方再接再励,共同努力,既立足当前又着眼长远,推动中美战略与经济对话,成为两国加强战略沟通,增进战略互信,促进战略合作的长效机制,为建设中美合作伙伴关系,不断进行探索和实现。

I hope that the two sides will continue to make concerted efforts during this round of S&ED.We need to both focus on the present and look ahead to the future.We should make the S&ED a long-term mechanism for us to intensify strategic consultation, enhance strategic mutual trust and promote strategic cooperation, a mechanism that helps us explore ways to build China-US cooperative partnership.女士们、先生们,四十年前中国两国老一辈领导人,用跨越太平洋的握手开启了中美关系的大门,开始探索不同社会制度、历史文化、发展阶段的相处之道。四十年来,中美关系发展的广度和深度,远远超过了当年人们的想像。Ladies and gentlemen, 40 years ago, the Chinese and American leaders of the older generation opened the door of China-US relations with a handshake across the Pacific Ocean, and this started the process of exploring how our two major countries, different in social system, history, culture and development stage, should treat each other.Today 40 years on, China-US relations have grown well beyond what people could have imagined at that time.一年前,我对美国进行了国事访问。同奥巴马总统就共同建设,相互尊重,互利共赢的合作伙伴关系达成重要共识,中美分别是当今最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美关系持续健康稳定向前发展,不仅能给两国人民带来实实在在的利益,而且将给促进世界和平,稳定繁荣做出宝贵贡献。

A year ago, I paid a state visit to the United States and reached an important agreement with President Obama on working together to build a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.China and the United States are respectively the largest developing country and the largest developed country.The sustained, sound and steady growth of our relations will not only deliver real benefits to our two peoples but also make valuable contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity.女士们、先生们,当今世界经济全球化深入发展,科技进步日新月异,机遇和挑战并存,各国人民都期待21世纪成为人类历史上第一个共享和平安宁,共同发展繁荣的使命。人们认为中美合作将给两国和世界带来巨大机遇,中美对抗将给两国和世界带来巨大损害,无论国际风云如何变幻,无论中美两国国力情况如何发展,双方都应该坚定推进合作伙伴关系建设,努力发展,让两国人民放心,让各国人民安心的新型大国关系。

Ladies and gentlemen, the world today is in deepening economic globalization and rapid scientific and technological advances.We face both opportunities and challenges.People of all countries hope that the 21st century will be the first century in human history in which we can all enjoy peace, stability, development and prosperity.People believe that cooperation between China and the United States will bring enormous opportunities to the two countries and the whole world, while confrontation between the two will bring grave harm to all.Whatever changes may take place in the world and no matter how the domestic situations in our two countries may evolve, China and the United States should be firmly committed to advancing the cooperative partnership and build a new type of relations between major countries that is reassuring to both of our two peoples and to peoples across the world.发展中美新型大国关系需要创新思维,四十年前,中美发表上海公告,是一个创举,上海公报在肯定双方共同点的同时,如实列出存在的分歧,确立了中美关系的基本指导原则。

To build such of a new type of relations between China and United States as two major countries, we need to think creatively.Forty years ago, China and Untied States made a creative move by issuing the Shanghai Communiqué.The Communiqué, which both affirmed the shared views of the two countries and listed their differences truthfully, established the basic principles on China-US relations.当前人类已进入21世纪的第二个十年,我们的思想、政策、行动应该与时俱进,以创新的思维,切实的行动,打破历史上大国对抗冲突的传统逻辑,探索经济全球化时代,发展大国关系的新路径。

We are now in the second decade of the 21st century and we need to advance with the times in our thinking, policies and actions.We should, through creative thinking and concrete steps, prove that the traditional belief that big powers are bound to enter into confrontation and conflicts is wrong, and seek new ways of developing relations between major countries in the era of economic globalization.发展中美新型大国关系,需要相互信任,我们这个星球有足够大的空间,应能容得下中美两国和其它国家共同发展。改革开放30多年来,中国坚持和平发展,开创了一条依靠中国人民勤劳智慧,通过中国人民同各国人民合作共赢,实现发展的正确道路,走和平发展道路是我们始终不变的战略选择,是中国对全世界的郑重承诺。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to trust each other.The world we live in is big enough for China, the United States and all other countries to achieve common development.Over the past 30 years, since its reform and opening-up course started, China has, through the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people and win-win cooperation with the people around the world, pursued peaceful development.This is the right path to development that we have embarked on.To follow the path of peaceful development is our strategic choice which we will never change, and it is a solemn commitment that China has made to the world.发展中美新型大国关系,需要平等互谅。中美两国国情不同,不可能在所有问题上都意见一致,双方必须学会相互尊重,善于抓住“同”,把共同利益的蛋糕做大。正确对待利“异”,尊重和照顾彼此的利益关系,对存在的分歧应通过对话交流,增加理解,妥善处理,以免影响中美关系大局。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to act in spirit of equality and mutual understanding.Given different national conditions, it is impossible for China and the United States to see eye to eye on every issue.The two sides must know how to respect each other, be good at expanding common ground and make the pile of our convergent interests bigger.We should approach our differences in a correct way and respect and accommodate each other's interests and concerns.We should properly manage differences through dialogues and exchanges and by improving mutual understanding, so that these differences will not undermine the larger interests of China-US relations.发展中美新型大国关系需要积极行动,中国有句古话,为者常成,行者常至。我们要采取扎实有效的行动,把双方达成的各项共识落到实处,推动广泛领域,务实合作,加强在国际和地区问题上的协调,促进亚太地区,乃至世界和平稳定,让两国人民和各国人民切实享受中美合作带来的好处。To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to work actively.As an old Chinese saying goes, only by working diligently can one achieve his goal and only by walking tirelessly can one reach his destination.We need to take solid and effective steps to implement what we have agreed upon.We should enhance practical cooperation in a wide range of areas, step up coordination on regional and international issues, promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and beyond and bring the benefits of China-US cooperation to the people of our two countries and the whole world.发展中美新型大国关系,需要付诸友谊,国之交在于民相亲,我们要积极推进两国社会和谐交流交往,让更多人成为中美友好合作的参与者,支持者。我高兴的得知,第三轮中美人文交流高层磋商,将与第四轮中美战略与经济对话同时举行,期待第三轮磋商进一步促进中美两国人民相互了解和友谊。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to nourish our friendship.Friendship between people holds the key to growing good relations between states.We should actively promote exchanges between China and America from all walks of life and encourage greater public participation in the course of promoting China-US friendship and cooperation.I am glad to know that the third meeting of China-US high-level consultation on people to people exchange will be held at the same time of the fourth round of the S&ED.I hope that this meeting will further enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.女士们、先生们,我们所在的大厅叫芳菲苑,中国唐代诗人韩愈有有两句诗“草木知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲”,意思是时不我待,必须奋发进取。中美关系将面临进一步发展的机遇,同时也面临新的挑战,让我们抓住机遇,排除干扰,共同努力,走出一条相互尊重,合作共赢的新型大国关系之路。

Ladies and gentlemen, the room in which we are having this meeting is called Fangfeiyuan, or the Hall of Flowers.The name of the hall reminds me of a line in a poem by Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu describing late spring--the plants know spring will soon wave them goodbye, hundreds of red and violet flowers in beauty vie.It shows that time waits for no man and one must work hard and keep advancing.China and the United States now face new opportunities to further grow our relations.We're also confronted with new challenges.Let us seize opportunities and remove interference and work together to build a new type of relations between major countries featuring mutual respect and win-win cooperation.预祝第四轮中美战略与经济对话取得圆满成功。

In conclusion, I wish the fourth round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues every success!




Secretary Clinton, Secretary Timothy Geithner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, 时隔两年,中美战略与经济对话再次在北京举行,中美双方将共同探讨新形势下如何推动两国关系向前发展。首先,我谨对第四轮中美战略与经济对话开幕,表示祝贺!对远道而来的美国朋友们,表示欢迎!

Today after two years, a new round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED)has opened here in Beijing.During the dialogue, our two sides will discuss ways to advance China-US relations under the new circumstances.I wish to extend congratulations on the opening of the fourth round of the S&ED and welcome to our American friends coming from afar.2009年,我同奥巴马总统在伦敦会晤时共同商定,建立中美战略与经济对话机制。3年多来,中美战略与经济对话广的机制,促进了两国高层战略沟通,加深了对彼此的了解,增进了两国人民相互了解和友谊。

President Obama and I agreed to establish the S&ED mechanism when we met in London in 2009.Over the past three years and more, the S&ED has facilitated high-level strategic consultation between our two countries.We have increased understanding of each other.The S&ED has contributed to mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples.中美分别是当今世界最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美关系持续健康稳定向前发展,不仅能给两国人民带来实实在在的利益,而且将为促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣作出宝贵贡献。

China and the United States are respectively the largest developing country and the largest developed country.The sustained, sound and steady growth of our relations will not only deliver real benefits to our two peoples but also make valuable contributions to world peace, stability and prosperity.发展中美新型大国关系,需要相互信任。我们这个星球有足够大的空间,应能容得下中美两国和其他国家共同发展。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to trust each other.The world we live in is big enough for China, the United States and all other countries to achieve common development.发展中美新型大国关系,需要平等互谅。中美两国国情不同,不可能在所有问题上都意见一致。双方必须学会相互尊重。

To build a new type of relations between China and the United States, we need to act in spirit of equality and mutual understanding.Given different national conditions, it is impossible for China and the United States to see eye to eye on every issue.The two sides must know how to respect each other.女士们、先生们!



Ladies and gentlemen!

The room in which we are having this meeting is called Fangfeiyuan, or the Hall of Flowers.The name of the hall reminds me of a line in a poem by Chinese Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu(describing late spring--the plants know spring will soon wave them goodbye, hundreds of red and violet flowers in beauty vie.)It shows that time waits for no man and one must work hard and keep advancing.China and the United States now face new opportunities to further grow our relations.We're also confronted with new challenges.Let’s seize opportunities and work together.In conclusion, I wish the fourth round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues every success!



On the occasion of the opening of the first-round China-US strategic and economic dialogues, I wish to extend on behalf of the Chinese government and in my own name warm congratulations and best wishes.建立中美战略与经济对话机制,是我同奥巴马总统达成的重要共识,也是加强中美各领域互利合作、推动新时期中美关系健康稳定、全面深入发展的一项战略举措。自今年4月这一机制启动以来,由两国元首特别代表率领的双方团队为落实两国领导人达成的共识、确保首轮对话如期顺利举行,进行了精心准备,做了大量工作。我对此表示高度赞赏。

To set up the S&ED mechanism is an important agreement that President Obama and I have reached.It is also a strategic move aimed at strengthening the mutually-benefcial cooperation between the two countries in various areas and promoting the sound, steady ,comprehensive and in-depth development of China-US relations in the new era.Since the launch of this mechanism in April, Chinese and US teams headed by special representatives of the two presidents have made careful preparations and tremendous efforts to implement the agreement of the leaders and ensure the smooth convocation of the first-round dialogue as scheduled.I highly appreciate your efforts.作为世界上有重要影响的国家,中美两国在事关人类和平与发展的一系列重大问题上肩负着重要责任,拥有广泛的共同利益和广阔的合作空间。在当前复杂多变的国际经济政治形势下,中美双方通过战略与经济对话,扩大共识,减少分歧,加深互信,促进合作,符合双方共同利益,有利于推动中美关系朝着积极合作全面的方向发展,对世界的和平、稳定与发展、繁荣也具有重要意义。

As two countries with significant influence in the world,China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities on a host of major issues concerning peace and development of mankind and enjoy extensive common interests and broad space for cooperation.In the face of the complex and changing international economic and political situation, our two countries should endeavor to expand common grounds,reduce differnces and enhance mutual trust and strengthen cooperation through the stategic and economic dialogues.This serves the common interests of the two sides and will help advance a positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship between China and the United States.It is also of great importance for peace, stability and prosperity of the whole world.希望双方平等协商,坦诚交流,集思广益,就两国关系发展中战略性、长期性、全局性问题进行深入沟通;希望双方开阔思路,务实进取,共谋双赢,广泛探讨扩大两国互利合作的新领域、新方式、新途径。我相信,在双方团队的共同努力下,中美战略与经济对话机制一定能够不断完善和发展,为促进两国各领域互利合作、发展积极合作全面的中美关系,注入新活力、作出新贡献。

I hope the two sides will conduct consultations in an equal and candid manner and bring into full play collective wisdom and engage in in-depth discussion on the strategic, long-term and over-arching issues in our bilateral relations.And I hope that the two sides will be innovative in thinking , adopt a pragmatic and enterprising approach , seek win-win progress and explore new areas ,methods and avenues of mutually-beneficial cooperation.I am confident that with concerted efforts of both teams,the S&ED mechanism will keep improving and growing and inject new dynamism and make new contribution to our mutually-beneficial cooperation in various areas and to the growth of our positive and cooperative and comprehensive relationship.祝首轮中美战略与经济对话圆满成功。

I wish the first-round China-US strategic and economic dialogues a crowning success.祝中美两国关系和两国人民友谊取得更大发展。

May the relations between the two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.



Message from President Hu Jintao At the Opening Session of The First Round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues



On the occasion of the opening of the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED), I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name, warm congratulations and best wishes.建立中美战略与经济对话机制,是我同奥巴马总统达成的重要共识,也是加强中美各领域互利合作、推动新时期中美关系健康稳定、全面深入发展的一项战略举措。自今年4月这一机制启动以来,由两国元首特别代表率领的双方团队为落实两国领导人达成的共识、确保首轮对话如期顺利举行,进行了精心准备,做了大量工作。我对此表示高度赞赏。

To set up the S&ED mechanism is an important agreement that President Obama and I have reached.It is also a strategic move aimed at strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation between our two countries in various areas and promoting the sound, steady, comprehensive and in-depth development of China-US relations in the new era.Since the launch of this mechanism in April, the Chinese and US teams headed by special representatives of the two presidents have made careful preparations and tremendous efforts to implement the agreement of the leaders and ensure the smooth convocation of the first round of the dialogues as scheduled.I highly appreciate your efforts.作为世界上有重要影响的国家,中美两国在事关人类和平与发展的一系列重大问题上肩负着重要责任,拥有广泛的共同利益和广阔的合作空间。在当前复杂多变的国际经济政治形势下,中美双方通过战略与经济对话,扩大共识,减少分歧,加深互信,促进合作,符合双方共同利益,有利于推动中美关系朝着积极合作全面的方向发展,对世界的和平、稳定与发展、繁荣也具有重要意义。

As two countries with significant influence in the world, China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities on a host of major issues concerning peace and development of mankind and enjoy extensive common interests and broad space for cooperation.In the face of the complex and changing international economic and political situation, our two countries should endeavor to expand common ground, reduce differences, enhance mutual trust and strengthen cooperation through the strategic and economic dialogues.This serves the common interests of the two sides and will help advance the positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship between our two countries.It is also of great importance for peace, stability, development and prosperity of the whole world.希望双方平等协商,坦诚交流,集思广益,就两国关系发展中战略性、长期性、全局性问题进行深入沟通;希望双方开阔思路,务实进取,共谋双赢,广泛探讨扩大两国互利合作的新领域、新方式、新途径。我相信,在双方团队的共同努力下,中美战略与经济对话机制一定能够不断完善和发展,为促进两国各领域互利合作、发展积极合作全面的中美关系,注入新活力、作出新贡献。

I hope that the two sides will conduct consultations in an equal and candid manner, bring into full play collective wisdom, and engage in in-depth discussions on the strategic, long-term and overarching issues in our bilateral relations.And I hope that the two sides will be innovative in thinking, adopt a pragmatic and enterprising approach, seek win-win progress and explore new areas, methods and avenues of mutually beneficial cooperation.I am confident that with the concerted efforts of both teams, the S&ED mechanism will keep improving and growing and inject new dynamism and make new contribution to our mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas and to the growth of our positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship.祝首轮中美战略与经济对话圆满成功。

I wish the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues a crowning success.祝中美两国关系和两国人民友谊取得更大发展。

May the relations between our two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.



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