Remarks at the Joint Opening Session of the Third Round of China-US Strategic and
Economic Dialogues
2011年5月9日,华盛顿 Washington DC, 9 May 2011
Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, Dear Colleagues,第三轮中美战略与经济对话今天开幕。在此,我代表中方代表团对美方的周到安排表示衷心的感谢!
We are gathered here today for the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&EDs).On behalf of the Chinese delegation, I would like to express sincere thanks to the US side for the thoughtful arrangements.胡锦涛主席十分关心中美战略与经济对话,请我和戴秉国国务委员转达他对奥巴马总统、拜登副总统、克林顿国务卿、盖特纳财长以及美方全体工作人员的问候。胡锦涛主席高度赞赏中美战略与经济对话为中美加深了解,增进战略互信,加强两国在双边、地区和全球层面上的沟通与协作所发挥的重要作用。希望中美双方充分利用本轮对话,就两国如何进一步增进战略互信、深化务实合作深入交换意见,落实好他与奥巴马总统达成的共识,共同推进相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系。
President Hu Jintao attaches great importance to the S&EDs.He asked me and State Councilor Dai Bingguo to convey his greetings to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner and all those who work for the S&EDs on the US side.President Hu Jintao highly appreciates the important role of the S&EDs in deepening understanding, enhancing strategic mutual trust, and strengthening communication and cooperation between our two countries at bilateral, regional and global levels.He hopes that both the Chinese and US sides will make the most of this round of dialogues to have in-depth exchange of views on ways to further enhance strategic mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation.He looks forward to the implementation of the agreement he reached with President Obama and the advancement of the China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.今年1月,胡锦涛主席对美国进行了历史性的国事访问,取得了巨大成功。两国元首高瞻远瞩,开创了中美关系的新局面。
Last January, President Hu Jintao paid a state visit to the United States.It was a historic visit which achieved great success.With vision and foresight, the two presidents opened a new page in China-US relations.中美建交32年来,两国关系虽历经风雨,却始终向前。中美历史文化、发展阶段、资源禀赋、现实国情不同,但经济相互依存,高度互补,谁也离不开谁。两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,美国是中国第二大出口市场,中国是美国增长最快的出口市场。目前,两国的经济总量占世界的三分之一,贸易总额占世界的五分之一。中美经济关系已经远远超出双边范畴,越来越具有全球性影响。
Over the past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, China-US relations have kept moving forward despite twists and turns.Our two countries differ in history, culture, development stage, resources endowment and national circumstances, but we are highly interdependent and mutually complementary economically.China and the United States are each other's second largest trading partner.The United States is China's second largest export market, and China is the fastest growing export market for the United States.Together, China and the United States account for one third of the world's GDP, and one fifth of global trade.China-US relationship has far exceeded the bilateral scope and has acquired growing global significance.全球化主导的世界经济格局正在发生深刻而复杂的变化。当前,在应对全球经济衰退、经济复苏仍面临诸多不确定的情势下,中美两国的经济社会发展,既面临着共同的挑战,也面临着合作的机遇。围绕确保经济复苏,两国之间政策措施既有互补,亦有碰撞,但合作的利益远远大于竞争的分歧。鉴于此,双方要更加注重发挥中美战略与经济对话的作用,坚持“全局性、长期性、战略性”的定位,脚踏实地推动中美经济关系健康发展。
We are witnessing profound and complex changes in the world economic landscape, changes that are driven by globalization.At present, we still face many uncertainties when we are striving to tackle global economic recession and sustain economic recovery.Against such a backdrop, economic and social development in China and the United States face both common challenges and opportunities of cooperation.There are both complementarities and clashes in our respective policies geared to ensure economic recovery.However, we have far more shared interests and cooperation than differences and competition.Both sides must therefore make better use of the S&EDs as an overarching framework for the examination of long-term and strategic issues, and take solid steps to advance the sound development of China-US economic relations.各位同事!
Dear Colleagues,历史和现实已经证明,未来也终将证明,任何困难都无法阻挡中美合作的潮流。对此,我们充满信心。这信心来自于中美之间广泛的共同利益,来自于两国人民的共同意愿,来自于历史和哲学的思考。
The past and the present have proven, and the future will prove, that nothing can hold back the trend of China-US cooperation.We have confidence in it.Our confidence comes from the broad common interests between our two countries, the shared aspirations of our two peoples, as well as from historical and philosophical reflections.任何一步实际行动将胜过千言万语。双方应以本次对话为契机,认真落实两国元首达成的重要共识,全面深化经贸、投资、金融、基础设施等各领域的合作,推动两国乃至全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。
One action is better than one thousand words.Let us use the opportunity brought by the current round of the S&EDs to earnestly implement the important agreement reached between our two presidents, and deepen our cooperation in economic, trade, investment, financial, infrastructure and other fields in an all-round way.By so doing, we will contribute to the strong, sustainable and balanced growth of not only our two economies but also the world economy.预祝第三轮中美战略与经济对话圆满成功!
I wish the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues great success.谢谢大家!
Thank you!
时间:2011-05-11 23:20来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2240次
Remarks at the Joint Press Conference for the Third Round of China-US Strategic and Economic
by Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan
Washington, D.C.May 10, 201
Dear friends from the press,在胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统指导下,经过双方共同努力,第三轮中美战略与经济对话取得圆满成功。
Under the guidance of President Hu Jintao and President Obama and thanks to the joint endeavor of the both sides, the third round of China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogues has been a great success.本次经济对话的主要任务就是落实胡锦涛主席今年1月访美期间两国元首达成的重要共识,推进建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系。双方就两国经济合作中的全局性、战略性、长期性问题进行了深入讨论,达成多项互利共赢的成果。特别是,我和盖特纳财长共同签署了《中美关于促进经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长和经济合作的全面框架》,这一框架明确了两国将开展更大规模、更加紧密、更为广泛的经济合作。
The essential mission of our economic dialogue is to implement the important agreement reached between the two presidents during President Hu Jintao’s recent state visit to the United States this past January and to implement the building of China-U.S.comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership.We had in-depth discussions of our overarching strategic and long-term issues in bilateral economic cooperation, and arranged a host of win-win outcomes.Particularly, Secretary Geithner and I signed a China-U.S.comprehensive framework promoting strong, sustainable, and balanced economic growth and economic cooperation.Under the framework, the two countries will carry out an expanded, closer, and a more extensive economic cooperation.双方一致认为,在当前极为复杂的经济形势下,中美应进一步加强宏观经济政策沟通协调,推动两国经济平稳健康发展。双方讨论了欧洲主权债务危机、日本地震引发的核泄漏及中东局势动荡对全球经济的影响,强调国际社会应加强合作,确保世界经济强劲、可持续复苏,有效推进全球经济治理结构改革,逐步建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序。双方同意在转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的过程中,发挥各自优势,在铁路、电网等基础设施以及清洁能源、绿色经济、科技创新等领域加强合作,扩大两国地方政府、企业等各层面的交流合作。
We agree that in today’s extremely complex economic environment, our two nations should further step up macroeconomic policy coordination and communication, and contribute to steady and sound economic growth in both countries.We discussed the implications of European sovereign debt crisis, the nuclear leak disaster triggered by Japan’s earthquake, the turbulence in the Middle East for the global economy, and we highlight the international community should work together to ensure strong and a sustainable world
economic recovery, to effectively advance the reform of global economic structure, to gradually build a fair and a reasonable international economic order.The two sides agree that in a transformation of our respective growth models and economic restructuring, we will use respective strength and expanded cooperation in
railway, power grids, and other infrastructure programs, and in clean energy, green economy, and science and technology innovation, and expand bi-national and the corporate exchanges and cooperation.双方强调,要致力于构建更加开放的贸易和投资体系。美方承诺在出口管制体系改革中公平对待中国,放宽对华高技术产品出口管制,并将通过中美商贸联委会以一种合作的方式迅速、全面承认中国市场经济地位。双方将继续推进双边投资保护协定谈判,加强在知识产权保护、产品质量和食品安全等领域的合作。双方将积极推进多哈回合谈判,共同反对贸易和投资保护主义。
We highlight our commitment to build a more open trade and investment system.The United States commits to accord China fair treatment in a reform of its export control regime, relax high-tech exports control towards China, and to consult through the JCCT in a cooperative manner to work towards China’s market economy status in an expeditious and a comprehensive manner.And the two sides will strengthen cooperation in bilateral investment treaty negotiation and strengthen cooperation in IPR protection, food safety, and product quality.We will advance Doha round negotiations and reject trade and investment protectionism.本次对话还就金融合作进行了深入探讨。双方同意,在监管系统重要性机构、影子银行业务、信用评级机构、改革薪酬政策、打击非法融资等领域加强信息共享与合作,共同推进国际金融体系改革。美方欢迎中国金融企业赴美投资,认可中方在资本充足率、综合并表等监管方面取得的显著进步。美方承诺,继续对政府支持企业实施强有力的监督,确保其具有足够资本履行财务责任。
We also had in-depth discussions of financial cooperation and agreed to strengthen information-sharing and cooperation regarding the regulation of systemically important financial institutions, shadow banking,business, credit rating agencies, the reform of remunerations policy and combating illegal financing, and to jointly advance international financial architecture reform.The United States welcomes Chinese financial institutions to invest in America and to recognize China’s enormous progress in capital adequacy ratio, comprehensive consolidation supervision, and the other regulatory aspects.The United States commits to further enforce strong supervision of government-sponsored enterprises and to make sure they have enough capital to fulfill financial obligations.知己知彼是合作的重要前提。通过本次经济对话,双方加深了了解,扩大了共识,取得了丰硕成果。这必将有力地推动中美相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系向前发展。
Knowing oneself and each other is an important prerequisite for cooperation.In the economic dialogue, we increased our mutual understanding, expanded consensus, and arranged outcomes.This will give a strong boost to the growth of the China-U.S.comprehensive partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.谢谢大家!
I thank you, everyone, and I would like to thank Secretary Geithner and Secretary Clinton and the U.S.team for all the work you have done for a successful economic dialogue.Thank you.
原 则
美利坚合众国 代表
Remarks by State Councilor Dai Bingguo at the Opening Session of the Third Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue
Washington DC, 9 May 201
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner,Vice Premier Wang Qishan,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,很高兴来华盛顿出席第三轮中美战略与经济对话。我们这次对话正值中美关系史上一个不同寻常的时间节点:今年是中美开展“乒乓外交”和基辛格博士秘密访华40周年。40年前,中美两国人民的友好意愿和政治家的决断勇气,汇成一股不可阻挡的历史潮流,轰然推开了尘封20多年的中美两国交往的大门,自那以后,世界上再也没有任何力量能够把这扇大门重新关上了。今天,我们相聚在这里,回首过去几十个岁月,展望中美关系更好的未来,我们情不自禁地要向中美关系的破冰者、开拓者和建设者们致以崇高的敬意。我们更要以他们当年那样的远见卓识和开拓精神,推动中美关系的车轮继续滚滚向前。
It is a great pleasure for me to join you at the third round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED)here in Washington.We meet at a unique point in the history of China-US relations, as this year marks the 40th anniversary of the ping-pong diplomacy and of Dr.Kissinger’s secret visit to China.Forty years ago, the desire of the Chinese and American people for friendly interactions, together with the decisiveness and courage of our political leaders, produced an unstoppable force of history.It pushed open the door of engagement between our two countries that had remained shut for over 20 years.Since then, no force in the world has ever had the power to close that door again.Today, as we review the past and look ahead to a better future of China-US relations, we cannot but pay high tribute to those ice-breakers, pioneers and builders of China-US relations.More importantly, we shall learn from their foresight and pioneering spirit, because we have to bring China-US relations forward.当前,中美关系同样处在一个重要的历史节点上。我们刚刚跨入本世纪第二个十年,正是在这个时候,胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统今年1月在华盛顿会晤,共同决定了建立和发展相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,为中美关系未来发展指明了方向。历史正在并将继续证明,两国元首作出的这一决定是一个顺应和平与发展历史潮流、造福于中美两国人民、造福于全人类的历史性重大决定。
The China-US relationship, too, is at an extremely important point in history.President Hu Jintao and President Obama met in Washington this past January, a time when we have just entered the second decade of the 21st century.Together, the two Presidents decided to build a cooperative partnership
based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, charting a clear course for the future of China-US relations.History will show that the decision they made is a historic one that accords with the tide of history and serves the benefit of the people of China, the United States and the world.诚然,要把这个重大的决定不折不扣地变成活生生的现实,把誓言变成实实在在的行动,不是一件容易的事情,必然会遇到种种困难、阻力和干扰。但我相信,只要中美双方都看清21世纪和平、发展、合作的世界大势,毫不动摇地坚持两国元首确定的大方向,下定决心,排除万难,就一定能走出一条崭新的相互尊重、和谐相处、合作共赢的大国关系路子来,中美两国人民和我们的子孙后代就一定能够持久地生活在和平、友谊、合作的阳光之中。
Admittedly, it is no easy task to make this major decision a living reality and turn commitment into real actions, as we face all sorts of difficulties, obstacles and interference on the way ahead.I am
confident, however, that so long as both sides grasp the right trend of the world and of China-US relations in the 21st century, stick to the direction set by our Presidents with resolution, and never waver in our determination to overcome whatever difficulties coming our way, we will blaze a new path of
major-country relations featuring mutual respect, harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation, so that our people and our future generations will live in the sunshine of lasting peace, friendship and cooperation.此刻,站在你们各位面前致辞的已是古稀之年的老人了,按理应该回家同儿孙相聚、共享天伦之乐了,为什么还在不停地奔忙于太平洋两岸,一次又一次地同我的美国伙伴们坦诚对话,倾心交流呢?就是要落实两国元首达成的共识,为了一个崇高目标:使中美两国和两国人民成为永久的好朋友、好伙伴,使我们各自子孙后代幸福安宁。难道我们应当让他们失望吗?不,绝对不能!他们的失望,就意味着我们的失职。而失职是不能原谅的。
I am standing here addressing you as a 70-year old man, an age when I should have gone home and enjoy the company of my children and grandchildren.Why then am I still flying across the Pacific and sitting in round after round of candid and heart-to-heart dialogues with my American partners? I am doing this to implement the consensus of our Presidents for the achievement of one lofty goal: to make our two countries and peoples forever good friends and good partners, and to enable our children and children’s children to live in peace and happiness.Could we ever let them down? The answer is no, a definite no.If we do, we would be failing our duty, and that would be unforgivable.朋友们,中美两国人民同住一个“地球村”,你们在西头,我们在东头。欢迎更多的美国朋友到我们那里去走一走,看一看,聊一聊,亲身感受中国人民对美国人民的友好感情,亲身体验中美关系是何等的重要,亲身了解中国在包括人权事业在内的各个方面取得的巨大进步,亲身了解什么是真实的中国。
Dear friends, the people of China and the United States live in the same “global village”, you on the west side and we the east.I welcome more American friends to visit China to see and feel for yourselves the friendship of the Chinese people and the importance of China-US relations.You may also learn first-hand the enormous progress China has made in various fronts, including in human rights.最后,祝此轮对话顺利、成功!
To conclude, I wish this round of dialogues full success.
戴秉国国务委员在第三轮中美战略与经济对话联合开幕式上的致辞 2011年5月9日上午,华盛顿
Remarks by State Councilor Dai Bingguo at the Opening Session of the Third Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue Washington DC, 9 May 2011
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴来华盛顿出席第三轮中美战略与经济对话。我们这次对话正值中美关系史上一个不同寻常的时间节点:今年是中美开展“乒乓外交”和基辛格博士秘密访华40周年。40年前,中美两国人民的友好意愿和政治家的决断勇气,汇成一股不可阻挡的历史潮流,轰然推开了尘封20多年的中美两国交往的大门,自那以后,世界上再也没有任何力量能够把这扇大门重新关上了。今天,我们相聚在这里,回首过去几十个岁月,展望中美关系更好的未来,我们情不自禁地要向中美关系的破冰者、开拓者和建设者们致以崇高的敬意。我们更要以他们当年那样的远见卓识和开拓精神,推动中美关系的车轮继续滚滚向前。
It is a great pleasure for me to join you at the third round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&ED)here in Washington.We meet at a unique point in the history of China-US relations, as this year marks the 40th anniversary of the ping-pong diplomacy and of Dr.Kissinger's secret visit to China.Forty years ago, the desire of the Chinese and American people for friendly interactions, together with the decisiveness and courage of our political leaders, produced an unstoppable force of history.It pushed open the door of engagement between our two countries that had remained shut for over 20 years.Since then, no force in the world has ever had the power to close that door again.Today, as we review the past and look ahead to a better future of China-US relations, we cannot but pay high tribute to those ice-breakers, pioneers and builders of China-US relations.More importantly, we shall learn from their foresight and pioneering spirit, because we have to bring China-US relations forward.当前,中美关系同样处在一个重要的历史节点上。我们刚刚跨入本世纪第二个十年,正是在这个时候,胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统今年1月在华盛顿会晤,共同决定了建立和发展相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系,为中美关系未来发展指明了方向。历史正在并将继续证明,两国元首作出的这一决定是一个顺应和平与发展历史潮流、造福于中美两国人民、造福于全人类的历史性重大决定。
The China-US relationship, too, is at an extremely important point in history.President Hu Jintao and President Obama met in Washington this past January, a time when we have just entered the second decade of the 21st century.Together, the two Presidents decided to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, charting a clear course for the future of China-US relations.History will show that the decision they made is a historic one that accords with the tide of history and serves the benefit of the people of China, the United States and the world.诚然,要把这个重大的决定不折不扣地变成活生生的现实,把誓言变成实实在在的行动,不是一件容易的事情,必然会遇到种种困难、阻力和干扰。但我相信,只要中美双方都看清21世纪和平、发展、合作的世界大势,毫不动摇地坚持两国元首确定的大方向,下定决心,排除万难,就一定能走出一条崭新的相互尊重、和谐相处、合作共赢的大国关系路子来,中美两国人民和我们的子孙后代就一定能够持久地生活在和平、友谊、合作的阳光之中。
Admittedly, it is no easy task to make this major decision a living reality and turn commitment into real actions, as we face all sorts of difficulties, obstacles and interference on the way ahead.I am confident, however, that so long as both sides grasp the right trend of the world and of China-US relations in the 21st century, stick to the direction set by our Presidents with resolution, and never waver in our determination to overcome whatever difficulties coming our way, we will blaze a new path of major-country relations featuring mutual respect, harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation, so that our people and our future generations will live in the sunshine of lasting peace, friendship and cooperation.此刻,站在你们各位面前致辞的已是古稀之年的老人了,按理应该回家同儿孙相聚、共享天伦之乐了,为什么还在不停地奔忙于太平洋两岸,一次又一次地同我的美国伙伴们坦诚对话,倾心交流呢?就是要落实两国元首达成的共识,为了一个崇高目标:使中美两国和两国人民成为永久的好朋友、好伙伴,使我们各自子孙后代幸福安宁。难道我们应当让他们失望吗?不,绝对不能!他们的失望,就意味着我们的失职。而失职是不能原谅的。
I am standing here addressing you as a 70-year old man, an age when I should have gone home and enjoy the company of my children and grandchildren.Why then am I still flying across the Pacific and sitting in round after round of candid and heart-to-heart dialogues with my American partners? I am doing this to implement the consensus of our Presidents for the achievement of one lofty goal: to make our two countries and peoples forever good friends and good partners, and to enable our children and children's children to live in peace and happiness.Could we ever let them down? The answer is no, a definite no.If we do, we would be failing our duty, and that would be unforgivable.朋友们,中美两国人民同住一个“地球村”,你们在西头,我们在东头。欢迎更多的美国朋友到我们那里去走一走,看一看,聊一聊,亲身感受中国人民对美国人民的友好感情,亲身体验中美关系是何等的重要,亲身了解中国在包括人权事业在内的各个方面取得的巨大进步,亲身了解什么是真实的中国。
Dear friends, the people of China and the United States live in the same “global village”, you on the west side and we the east.I welcome more American friends to visit China to see and feel for yourselves the friendship of the Chinese people and the importance of China-US relations.You may also learn first-hand the enormous progress China has made in various fronts, including in human rights.最后,祝此轮对话顺利、成功!
To conclude, I wish this round of dialogues full success.