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Unit1.交叉着双臂:fold arms 把信折叠好:fold the letter 获得知识:acquire knowledge 产生思想:generate ideas

创造职业:create vocation/occupation 发电:generate electricity 引发兴趣:arouse/generate interests 雇佣工人: 利用时间:

养育子女:rear children 羊羊:rear sheep 养家糊口:support/raise a family 提高嗓门:raise one's voice 增加税收: 提出问题:

保持联系:keep/maintain contact 维持法律和秩序: 维持和平:

主管家庭:preside over a family 接触到:be exposed to...曝光;揭发:be exposed by...专攻历史:specialize in history 不知所措/词穷句蹇:be stuck for平均为:average out(v.)确保:see to it that从句

对...来说是这样的:be true of 试图得到某物:be out for sth.力图做某事:be out to do sth.不应该做某事:have no business doing sth 在...方面成功;顺利完成:succeed in+v-ing 说起某事:speak of sth.忙于做,花时间做:be employed in doing 本质上:in essence..是..专有的,特有的:sth.be peculiar to sp.防治虫害:pest control 追求利益:pursuit of profit 区别,区分:stay out 因此,由于:as a result of sth.结果是:as a result 在...的过程中:on one's way to doing 使某人接触到:put sb.In touch with 使某人了解某物:make sth.available to sb.Unit2.清洗餐具:do the dishes

皱着眉头:pinch one's brows together 掐掉,摘掉:pinch sth.Out

一撮盐/胡椒:pinch of salt/pepper 投入,参与:pitch in on sth.参加比赛:on the pitch

进入某个话题:get onto the subjects 重复某人的话:repeat one's words 紧闭双唇:pressed one's lips tightly 挤压水果:squeeze fruits

紧闭上双眼:squeeze your eyes shut 把水拧干:squeeze water out 漂洗衣服:

喷洒农药:spray pesticide 用通情达理的语气说话: speak with a reasonable tone 深呼吸:take a deep breath 占上风:win the argument 表示出冷漠:

demonstrate one's indifference to sb.伤某人的感情:hurt sb's feeling 拖地板:mop the floor

呼唤某人的名字:call one's name 提出,想出,赶上:come up with sth.就某人而言:on one's part 显示出:

act out of concern/pity/sympathy for sb.把我的话当真:take my words for it 帮助某人:come to sb's aid/rescue 补偿/弥补某人:make it up to sb.分手,断绝关系:break up 正在干,做...:be at it

不妨:might as well do sth.关心,关注,关切:concern about/for sth.出于关心:out of concern

考虑全面:all things considered

感觉陷入绝境,落入陷阱:feel cornered 轻拍某人:dab at sb.把...轻敷在...上:dab sth.on/onto sth.乱翻,乱找:rummage around/about sth.快速翻动(报纸等):snap through the pages 打响指:snap your fingers 朝某人发火:snap at sb.Unit3.当真了:mean business 改善,提高:

improve the quality/living standard/soil 为...辩护/找理由:

Justify the action/move/oneself 扼杀,使...窒息:strangle a person 栽培植物:cultivate plants 重燃希望:revive hope/one's spirits 塑造性格:build one's character 合理的政策:a sound policy 意识到,明白到;察觉到的:be aware of 把...丢在一旁,对...置之不理:cast aside 向某人发起进攻:turn upon sb.有影响:come into play=have an effect 区分不同:tell difference apart from 曲折前行,蠕动;潜入,打入: Worm one's way through 同样适用于:the same goes for...耗时的:time-consuming 手工栽培:hand-cultivating 受过良好教育的人:a cultivated student 主修音乐:cultivate in musical knowledge 自欺欺人:self-delusion 保持尊严:stand on one's dignity 权力扩大:extension of power 延长假期:extension of holiday 不能/忍受:be intolerable/tolerable of sth.充满...的:loaded with sth.大量的:in massive numbers 以其他方法:by other means 与某人和解:patch sb.up 在头脑中的某些地方: in some pocket of the mind 不理会,忽视:regardless of 相对来说:relatively speaking 决心做某事:resolve to do sth.浅绿:shade of green 用...勒死:strangle with sth.突然止住的喊叫/喘息/说话声: strangled cry/gasp/voice 有进取心的推销员:a thrusting salesman 想象某事发生:have visions of sth.从...飘过来:waft up/through/over sth.没有杂草的:weed-free 不含酒精的:alcohol-free

一块种蔬菜的土地:a patch for vegetables 一项艰苦繁重的任务:a back-breaking task 处于一片混乱:in chaos

(问题)等突然冒出来:crop up Unit4.人的品行:human nature 救生圈:flotation ring 文化冲突:cultural clash 机械故障:

刺耳的话:harsh remarks

区别善恶:the distinction of good and evil 总统纪念碑:presidential monument 交通高峰时期:high traffic 不朽的奇迹:enduring wonder 解释/讲述某事:account for sth.把某时考虑进去:take sth.into account

take account of sth.答谢:acknowledge a favor 美学知识:aesthetic knowledge 美学价值:aesthetic values 一阵风:a blast

是...的受害者:be a casualty of...大量遇难者:mass casualty 伤亡惨重:heavy casualty 背水一战:desperate attempt

把A与B区分开来:distinguish A from B 区分,区别:make a distinction between 让人震惊的消息:a stunning news 打某人一巴掌:give sb, a slap

slap sb.相撞,在冲突中:in collision

泰然应对突然出现的情况,挺身而出: rise to the occasion

经久不忘,铭记在心:stick in one's mind 得出结论:come to the conclusion 对...负责:be responsible for 涉及,提及:refer to

目前,此时此刻:for the moment 起飞,离开:take off 代表:on behalf of

就灾难而言:as disasters go 不一定:not necessarily 冒着危险做某事:risk one's life to do sth.对某事保持警惕:be alter to sth.把...传递给...:pass sth.on to sb.互相攻击:go at each other 朝某人发火:go at sb.上气不接下气:gasp for breath

第二篇:现代大学英语精读4 课后词组

Unit1 1)into Chinese.(1)浴巾 a bath towel(2)(美)小学 a grammar school(3)永恒的真理 the eternal truth(4)文件柜 a falling cabinet(5)纯属无稽之谈 utter nonsense(6)违规行为 delinquent behavior(7)常客 a frequent visitor(8)新鲜空气 fresh air(9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调)high-minded monologue(10)一种固定的观点 a settled view(11)时事(当前国内外大事)current affairs(12)身体障碍 a physical impediment(13)可怕吓人的风 a hideous wind(14)令人厌恶的景象 a hideous sight(15)言语障碍

a speech impediment(16)使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情

heady patriotism(17)无情的人侵者 the remorseless invaders(18)首相 the Prime Minister(19)国际联盟(国联)the League of Nations(20)思维过程(思想方式)a mental process(21)条理清楚的文章 a coherent article(22)一个完整的体系 a coherent system(23)一位口译好手 a proficient interpreter(24)一种不可阻挡的趋向 an irresistible trend(25)烂苹果 rotten apples(26)根据事实(启示)写成的 literally inspired(27)一位点头之交

a nodding acquaintance

2)into English.(1)to sink one's head 低头(2)to sink the ship 使船沉没

(3)to contemplate the meaning of life 思考人生的意义(4)to catch the light 让阳光一下照着(5)to ruin one's health 毁了一个人的身体(6)to ruin the country 毁了国家(7)to bang the desk 猛击桌子

(8)to play a prominent role 扮演一个重要角色(9)to hold a prominent position 占有重要位子(10)a pious Buddhist 一个虔诚的佛教徒(11)to gain a reputation 获得一种名声

(12)to satisfy one's ego 满足一个人的虚荣心(13)to give sb the third degree 严刑逼供(14)to devise a teaching method 发明一种教学方法

(15)to slide a gun into sb's hand 在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪

Unit2 1.Translate Into Chinese 1.夜生活 evening life 2.吃和住 board and lodging 3.供吃住的寄宿舍 boarding-housing 4.一秒钟都不到 a split second 5.玻璃弹子glass marbles 6.抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)whipping the dead horse 7.阿司匹林片 aspirin tablets 8.在此情况下 in the circumstance 9.提前,事先 in advance 10.走过场 a matter of form 11.楼梯间平台的窗户 landing window 12.紧张气氛 the tense atmosphere 13.毛线针 knitting needles 14.梦游 to walk in one’s sleep 15.飞机翼展 the wingspan of a plane

Into English 1.to whip up a little interest 引起一些兴趣

2.to keep the ball rolling 让谈话/活动继续下去 3.to set the ball rolling让谈话/活动开始起来

4.an eccentric millionaire 一个作风古怪的百万富翁 5.to allot capital 分配资金

6.to tighten one’s belt 勒紧裤带 7.to make a remark 讲一句话

8.to stretch out one’s hand 伸出一只手 9.to moisten one’s lips 润润嘴唇

10.to complain of the weather 抱怨天气

11.to plunge the stick into the sand 将棍子用力插入沙中 12.to turn on me 突然冲我来了(批评或责备我)13.to get on one’s nerve 使某人心烦

14.to put something out of someone’s mind 使某人将某事忘得精光 15.to come off the hook 脱钩

16.to do a crossword puzzle 做填字游戏 17.to blow one’s nose 擤(xing)鼻涕

18.to powder one’s nose 在鼻子上搽粉(女人上厕所的委婉说法)19.to give an alibi 提出案发时不在场证明

unit3 1)into Chinese(1)专业的历史工作者 professional historians(2)基于常识的反应 a common-sense reaction(3)事物的这种状况 the state of affairs(4)意见不一的历史学家 contending historians(5)已经准备好了的现成的东西 a cut-and-dried matter(6)一个个人喜好不同的问题 a matter of personal preference(7)截然不同的观点 diametrically opposed points of view(8)民间故事 folk tales(9)书面文件 written documents(10)过去的遗留物 the remains of the past(11)人的动机和行为 human motivations and behavior(12)复杂和精细 sophisticated and subtlety(13)商船 merchant ships(14)一旦发生潜艇战 in the event of a submarine warfare(15)一个粗糙的理论 a crude theory(16)好战的行为;战争行为 belligerent acts(17)宣传机器 a propaganda machine(18)德国外交部长 the German foreign secretary(19)实力平衡 the balance of the power(20)(事物的)因果 the cause and effect(21)海岸炮兵 the shore batteries(22)终极关怀 the ultimate concern(23)(事物的)近因 a proximate cause(24)人们常说的一句话 a well-used phrase(25)不会出错的解释 a foolproof explanation(26)绝对有效的模式 a model of unquestioned(27)永不停止的探索 a never-ending quest(28)一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标 an elusive yet intriguing goal

2)into English

(1)to gain new insights 获得新的深刻认识

(2)to revise one’s ideas 修改一个人的观点

(3)to trace the cause 追查起因

(4)to begin from this premise 从这前提出发

(5)to open fire on/at 朝目标开火

(6)to give equal weight to sth 给以同等重视

(7)to support a certain view 支持某一观点

(8)to influence the government 对政府施加影响

(9)to destroy the balance of power 破坏实力平衡

(10)to form an alliance 组成同盟

(11)to repay the loans 还贷

(12)to contemplate war 考虑战争问题

(13)to fill in the gaps 填补空缺

(14)to conclude the quest 结束探索

(15)to view sth from a certain perspective 从某一角度看问题

(16)to benefit from the comparison 从比较中获益

(17)to eliminate from the comparison 消灭差别

(18)to dig into the problem 深入探究问题

(19)to be immersed in a vast sea 淹没在大海中

(20)to stem from a different point of view 从不同观点出发

(21)to be destined to do sth 命中注定要做某事

(22)to ignore the fact 无视这个事实

(23)to make an assumption 作出假设

(24)to defeat the enemy 打败敌人

(25)to win back one’s lost territory 夺回失土

(26)to sink a boat 沉船

(27)to intercept the secret message 截获机密

(28)to piece together evidence 将证据凑在一起

(29)to approximate the truth 接近真理

(30)to master new techniques 掌握新技术

Unit4 1.难以解决的问题 an insoluble dilemma 2.一本难以看懂的书 an incomprehensible book 3.一个爱交际的女人 a sociable woman 4.黑市 the black market 5.黑色幽默black humor 6.害群之马black sheep 7.黑人权利 black power 8.缺少表达能力的人 inarticulate people 9.全国性运动 a nationwide campaign 10.赞扬或恭维的话 complimentary remarks 11.调皮的男孩 a mischievous boy 12.某些大人物们 certain powerful quarters 13.种族隔离的学校 segregated school

14.他的无可争议的权威 his indisputable authority 15.一个地位很高的人士 a high personage 16.公海 high seas 17.上流社会 high society 18.机密消息 confidential information 19.冷淡而缺少人情味的门 impersonal doors 20.冷淡的公文式的信 a impersonal letter 21.真诚的羡慕 an unselfish envy 22.不自然的,紧张的说话的声音 a strained voice 2)Into English 1.to celebrate the Golden Jubilee 庆祝它的50年华诞 2.to excite admiration 引起赞慕 3.to touch the conscience 触动良心 4.to win the prize 得奖

5.to receive the reprimand 受到训斥 6.to omit the words 省去这些字

7.to renounce the prizes 宣布放弃奖金 8.to avert a crisis 避免一场危机

9.to attend the ceremony 参加(发奖)仪式 10.to exhibit a works of art 展示一件艺术品 11.to indulge the pleasures 尽情享受乐趣 12.to guard a child 保护一孩子

13.to feel up to it 感到有能力做某事

14.to bring sth.to a close 使某事正式结束 15.to weave sb.In 挥手让某人进去

16.to save sb.from a situation 使某人不必处于某种场合 17.to talk out one’s heart to sb.向某人说心里话 18.to knock sb.Down 将某人打翻在地 19.to pour sb.a drink 给某人斟酒 20.to raise(lift)one’s glass 举杯庆祝



第一册:unit 1;at times有时,偶尔; beworthsth..doing sth.值得…的; not only…butalso…不仅…而且;farfrom一点儿都不; a couple of两个,一些,几个;gethaveobtain access to有权享用,可以使用;participate in参加;keep up with赶上,不落后;feel like sth.doingsth想要,想做.;give up停止,放弃;think out仔细考虑,推敲,琢磨;comeacross偶尔遇到;reap the benefit(s)获得益处,得到好处。

Unit 2:along with一起,一道;turn off关闭;turn up调大,开大;turn down调小,开小; turnon打开开关;over and over一再,反复;reach for伸手去摸,伸手去取; as well as除…之外,和; as usual像往常一样,照例;in peace and quiet平静地;wake up(使)醒来。Unit3:lean on依靠;grow up成长,长大;let on泄露,透露;start out出发;make it及时赶到;办到,做到;even if即使,虽然;on one’s way(to)在路上;even though虽说,即使;break out突然发生,爆发;on leave休假;see(to it)that务必做到;

Unit4::make up one’s mind下定决心,大定主义;range from…to…:(在一定范围内)从….到….变化,变动;becommittedto:献身于,投身于;beabsorbedin:全神贯注于,专心于;fix one’s eyes on:凝视,盯住看;drive sb.crazy:逼得某人发疯;at one’s best:处于最佳状态;lighten up:放轻松,别太当真;take sb.Or sth.seriously:认为某人或某物重要。Unit5:be infected with:感染(疾病);in place of:代替;suffer from:受…之苦,患(某种疾病);hand out:分发,散发;set up:建立,创立(公司,机构等);at risk:有危险,有风险;regardless of:不顾,不管;guard against:防止…发生;wipe out:彻底摧毁,消灭;distract sb.From sth.:使分心;sign up for:报名参加。

Unit6:head to:去,去往;make the rounds:逐一巡查,访问;go with:与…相配;:look sbin the eye(s)坦然正视某人;at the sound of:一听到;nothing but:只是;:befeel ashamed of为…感到惭愧;boast aboutof:吹嘘;:避开;stay at:停留在;:contrary to与…相反;look downonupon:蔑视,看不起;bein for;将遭遇;hold water:经得起考验,可靠;leave behind:忘记带,留下。

Unit7:face to face(with):面对面的、地;面临着,面对着;pull into:(车)停靠,驶向(一旁);as if:好像;attach to:系在…上,连接到…上;have mercy on sb:对某人仁慈;gettoone’s feet:站起来;look through:浏览,查找;out of control:失去控制;eat(away)at:侵蚀,消耗。

Unit8:sleep on sth:暂时不做决定,过一晚再做决定;a gift from the gods:天赐,走运的机会;depend on:依靠,依赖;write down:写下来;be occupied with:忙于做,专心于;seekfor:寻找;as though:好像;take shape:成形;put into:(以…方式)表达;at work:在起作用;arrive at:达成(协议),得出(结论);search for:搜索,寻找;fill sb with sth:使充满(感情).Unit9:stand out:突出,出色;no matter howwherewhat,etc.:不管怎样(哪里,什么等);turn in:上交;with ease:容易地,不费力地;sit back:闲坐着,不作努力;get behind:拖延;get sth.Out oftheway:完成或处理某事;strike sb.As sth:给某人某种感觉或印象;have to do with:与…有关;plow through:艰难地完成;adapt to:(使)适应。

Unit10:middle ground:中间道路,折中;sell out(to):出卖(原则或信念等);at hand:在考虑中;即将到来,近在手边;in short supply:缺货,短缺;the bottom line:重要因素,关键的东西;demand of:期待,要求;stand for:主张,支持;代表,象征;confront with:面对,对质;think of:考虑,为…设想;想起,回忆起;do fine:干得好;give sb.credit:赞扬;in other words:换言之;win the day:获胜,成功。

第二册:unit1:fall behind:落在…后面;result in:导致,造成…结果;run out:用完,耗

尽;in a rush:匆忙地;go with:同时发生,伴随;work at:致力于,从事;in person:亲身,亲自;due to:由于;pour into:大量投入(精力或金钱等).Unit2:next to:靠近,接近;in sb.’s presencein thepresence of sb.:有某人在场;:by no means决不,决非;count on:依靠,依赖,指望;on one occasion:有一次;:come upon偶尔遇见,偶尔发现;pack into:塞进,使挤入;take notice of:注意到;sing out:(大声清晰地)喊出(或唱出);point out:指出;reflect on:仔细考虑;in advance:事先,预先。

Unit3:ups and downs:盛衰,沉浮;work out:成功,产生结果;for a time:暂时,一度;meet with:遭遇,遇到:all along:始终;have nothing to do with:与…无关;on the surface:表面上,外表上;at one’s worst:最差的时候,最糟糕的时候;learn of:获悉,听说;take careof:负责,处理;proceed to do sth:接着做某事。

Unit4:without fail:必定,总是;as long as:假如,如果,只要;be free to do sth.:随意做某事;right away:立即,马上;more than(+adj.):十分,非常;be thankful for:对…心存感激。

Unit5:pick up:拿起,举起;be graceful for:感激,为…致谢;be dressed in:穿着;coupled with:加上;die from:死于;direct at:对准,针对;starve sb.Ofsth.:使缺乏,使得不到。Unit6:fill out:填写;if only:就算…都行,哪怕…也好;for better or(for)worse:无论好坏,不管怎样;even so:即使如此,尽管这样;turn down:拒绝;come up to:走近,靠近;press for:催促,竭力争取;ill at ease:不自在;free from:无…的,不涉及…的;take charge of:负责,管理;be stuck with:被迫拥有或使用。

Unit7:among other things:除了其他事情之外;blow one’s top:勃然大怒,大发雷霆;:on one’strail在…路上;cut down:减少…的数量;keep in mind:记住。

Unit8:be wasted on sb.:被浪费在某人身上;if only:但愿,要是…就好了;well off:富裕的;at a low:处于低水平;bemeant to do sth.:应该做某事;read of:读到:从…得知;onlyto:不料,反而,结果却;in thelong run:从长远来看;send in:派(人)去。Unit9:in(the)face of:面对;make sth of sb:使成为有出息的人;pass away:死亡,逝世;have sth at heart:关心;from sb.’s standpoint:从某人的立场或观点来说;be entitled to:有权做,有权得到。

Unit10:drive off:击退,赶走;be sure of:一定会,肯定会;in broad daylight:光天化日之下;carry on:继续做;under control:受到控制,处于控制之下;on theair:(广播或电视)播出;keep sb from doing sth:阻止某人做某事;watch for:留意,密切注意;put out:扑灭,熄灭;mark down:记下来,写下来;:provide for为…做准备.第三册:Unit1:track down:追踪到,追查到;pick on:找茬,欺负;tell on:告发;work out:找出答案,解决;on one’s own:独自地,独立地;hitstrike home:被领会;reckon with:考虑,面对,对付;call onupon:要求(某人做某事);lead up doing sth.:作为…的先导,引起;end up doing sth.:以…结束;get(sb.)through(帮某人)度过难关。

Unit2:bounce back:恢复健康,振作起来;in general:大体上,通常;up to:多达,高达;tip sb.Over the edge:使某人受不了,使某人难过得不得了;outofbreath:上气不接下气;throw up:呕吐;go up:上升,上涨;interfere with:妨碍,干扰;sum up:总结,归纳;概括.Unit3:comeget to grips with:开始并应付,开始处理;distinguish from:使区别于;:be trueof对…来说也一样;fall through:失败,成为泡影;press for:反复请求,紧急要求;lag behind:落后;in a pinch:迫不得已时,必要时.Unit4:work on:从事,致力于;go ahead:开始,继续;for sale:出售,代售;name after:以…命名;rise to fame:成名;capture one’s attention:吸引某人的注意力;pose for:(为拍

照或画像)摆姿势;go against:违背。

Unit5:the pit of one’s stomach:胸口,心窝;feel for:摸索,寻找;go about:着手做,开始做;put up a chair:把椅子拉近坐下;except for:除…之外;read about:读到。

Unit6:in addition to:除…之外还;ifwhenwhere necessary:如有必要的话;agree onupon:就…达成一致意见;make a difference:(对某人或物)有影响、起作用。

Unit7:without(a)doubt:无疑地;stem from:源于,来自;put in:投入(时间或精力)做某事;in high gear:全力以赴;on the subject in:谈到,关于…;in the interest(s)of:为了…起见;bat out:匆匆作出,草草做完;work on:从事,致力于;by name:以名字,指名道姓地;claw one’s way:艰难地走到某处。

Unit8:within reach:可获得的,够得着的;come to life:活跃起来,栩栩如生;in wake of:随着…而来,作为…的结果;in the first place:一开始,起初;首先,第一;fall into:可分成,属于;break apart:裂开,破裂;in theory:从理论上讲;identical towith:与…一模一样;and so forthon:等等;what if:要是…怎么办;with in mind:考虑到某人(事);get around:成功地解决,克服;refer to:称呼,叫;提及,谈到;under thenameof:用别名;puzzle over:绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想;wonder about:对…好奇,想知道,对…疑惑。



Unit2:cut down:改小,缩短;for good:永久地;trip up:绊,绊倒;(使)出错;make up:虚构,捏造,编造;come down in theworld:落魄,潦倒,失势;to a degree:有些,在某种程度上;go along:进行,前进;find one’s way into:到达,进入。

Unit3:be facedwith:面对,面临;drum up:竭力争取,兜揽;under the table:背地里,私下;getbe involved in:卷入,参与;deep down:在内心深处,在心底;make a fool of sb.:愚弄某人;talk back:顶嘴;break down:发生故障,坏掉;get around:四处走动;look into:调查;build up:建立,开发;lend itself to:适宜于,会造成;convict of:判决…有罪。Unit4:givesb.Anadvantageover:使具有优势;bestuckwith:无法摆脱,解脱不了;pushahead:推进,推行;amatterofsth.:是…的问题;datefrom:始于;bestuckin:陷入;scratch(抓,挠)thesurface:仅触及表面,浅尝辄止;logon:登陆(计算机)系统;atone’sdisposal:供某人使用,由某人支配;makeuseof:使用,利用;keeppacewith:齐头并进,并驾齐驱;lagbehind:落后,滞后。

Unit5:on purpose:故意,特意;cast out:赶走,驱逐;speak highly of:对…给予高度评价,赞扬;seek out:找到,找出;set forth:出发,动身;stretch out:拉长,伸长;躺平,舒展;backup:(使)积压,(拥塞);支持;at length:长久地,详尽地;最终,终于;in line:(排)成一排,(排)成一队;settle down:(使)安定下来;for the time being:暂时,眼下;might as well:只好,还是…为好。

Unit6:ontheincrease:在增长;way of life:生活方式;pay up:付清欠款,还钱;standby:遵守,履行;支持,忠于;in practice:实际上,事实上;accuse sb.Of sth.:指控,指责;inprivate:私下里,私密地;a fact of life:生活现实,残酷的事实;throw out:抛弃,驱除;close a deal:完成交易,生意成交;speed up:(使…)加快速度;hit onupon:忽然想出(主意等);amount to:等于,相当于;behave oneself:表现得体;be caught in:陷入,使卷入;be on the take:受贿,贪赃枉法;square…with…:(使)与…一致(相符)。

Unit7:todate:至今,直到现在;nothing less than:简直是,完全;be confined to:限制于,局限于;as offrom:从…起;in effect:事实上,实际上;in combination with:与…一起,共同;be descended from


Unit8:up to:直到;peer at:仔细看,凝视;in passing:顺便,附带;in that:因为,原因是;give of sth.:提供,献出;disappprove of:不赞同,不喜欢;at one’s elbow:在手边,在旁边;pay the price(for sth.):(为…)付出代价;in the main:基本上,大体上;prop up:支撑,顶住;in company with:与…一起。

Unit9:shave off:剃掉;take sb to court:起诉某人;put sth.Before sth.:认为…比…更重要;for all:尽管,虽然;come into:开始进入某种状态;so far:到目前为止,迄今为止;in response to:作为对…的答案,作为对…的反应;in a flash:转眼间。Unit10:sort through:从…中查找;aim at:旨在,力争达到;in the act of doing sth.:正在做某事;take note of:留意(到),注意(到);set aside:拔出,留出;keep at it:坚持。


Unit 1Into English猛然敲门 to knock the door violently向国王陛下欢呼 to cheer His Majesty 凝视那神像 to contemplate the statue 设计/发明一种新方法 to devise a new method 获得一种名声 to gain a reputation 鼓舞人民 to inspire the people 低下头 to sink one’s head 象征/代表国家 to symbolize the nation 暖和双手 to warm one’s hands 毁了某人的健康 to ruin one’s health 扮演重要的角色/起十分重要的作用 to play an important role in 解决这个问题 to settle the issueInto Chinesethe eternal truth 永恒的真理 a filing cabinet 文件柜 utter nonsense 无稽之谈 delinquent behavior 违规行为 a frequent visitor 常客fresh air 新鲜空气 high-minded monologue 格调很高的独白 a settled view 一种固定观点 a speech impediment 言语障碍 a hideous wind 可怕的风 heady patriotism 使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情 the remorseless invaders 无情的入侵者 the Prime Minister 首相 a mental process 思维过程 the League of Nations 国际联盟 a coherent article 一篇条理清楚的文章 a proficient interpreter 一位口译好手 an irresistible trend 一位不可阻挡的趋势 rotten apples 烂苹果 a nodding acquaintance 一位点头之交Unit 3Into English将这些动物归类 to clarify these animals 持不同看法 to hold a different view 引申该词的意思 to extend the meaning of this word/term 建立一种新理论 to establish a new theory 放弃他的信念 to abandon his conviction 把这个过程颠倒过来 to reverse the process 珍惜他们的尊敬 to value/cherish their respect 质疑它的真理性 to question/doubt/challenge its truth 轻视他们的意见 to belittle their views 接受/采取一种新的思路 to adapt a new thought pattern/way of thinking 把…考虑在内 to make allowance for sth证明结果完全相反 demonstrate the opposite 怀有/心存种种乌托邦思想 entertain all kinds of Utopian ideas 鹦鹉学舌/重复他人 to parrot other people(‘s ideas)Into Chinese non-rational factors 非理性因素 social position 社会地位 the good old days 过去的好日子(时光)thought patterns 思维方式 room for doubt 怀疑的余地 stock anecdotes 老掉牙的趣味轶事 a dogmatic view 教条的观点 a striking contrast 鲜明的对照 age-long struggle 长期的斗争 conflicting ideas 冲突的想法 a bitter quarrel 一场恶吵 deeply-rooted convictions 根深蒂固的观念 groundless opinions 毫无根据的意见 bare assertion 仅仅是断言/完全是强词夺理

Unit 9 Into English宣布放弃忠于某人 renounce one’s allegiance 使某事物接受实验 to subject sth to the test 牵涉到好几个月的工作 cover many month’s work 扔到那里任其腐烂 leave sth to rot 满足其胃口 to appease one’s appetite 从某人那里骗走某物 to cheat sb out of sth将侮辱牢记在心 harbor insult 对所受伤害耿耿于怀 to brood over injury 报仇 revenge/avenge 家里妻妾成群 keep harems 有做某事的时机或场合 have an occasion to do sth把它当一顿美餐吃了 to make a meal of sth蓄某人为奴 to hold sb in bondage/to enslave sb铺平道路 to smooth the path Into Englishthe rightful owner 合法的所有者 the universal brotherhood of man 四海之内皆兄弟/人类的博爱 loose morals 道德败坏 a soiled mind 肮脏的思想 brute force 蛮力/暴力 a saving grace 唯一可取的一点 rabid hunger 极度渴望的 a religious zealot 宗教狂 zoological garden 动物园 the scientific method 科学方法 vast stores of food 食品的大量储存 odds and ends 零碎物品 war atrocities 战争暴行 questionable taste 值得怀疑的口味选择 traits and dispositions 性格特点和气质painstaking work 艰苦的努力unit2 into English表现自己男子汉大丈夫的气概 assert one’s manhood 在头脑中掠过 cross one’s mind 丈量土地 measure the ground 设法弄到食物 secure one’s food 驱散黑暗 scatter the darkness 揉揉他的眼睛 rub his eyes大声咀嚼她的面包和黄油 munch her bread and butter 抑制住了恐惧的感觉 overpower that feeling of dead(声音)传得很远 carry a long way弯下他们的腰 bend their backs INTO Chinese live coals 燃烧着的煤 his freckled face 他那张长有雀斑的脸 a fair moustache 淡淡的八字胡 the imminence of the event 事情的紧迫性 a shrewd woman 一位精明的家庭妇女 the head of the family 一家之主 a throbbing heart 一颗砰砰直跳的心 a cluster of cabins 一群小屋啊strip of ground 一块狭长的地 a fierce and hard look 一副凶猛严肃的表情UNIT6 INTO English 使墙体开裂 crack the walls 拯救灵魂 save souls 玩捉迷藏 play hide and seek 减慢流速成娟娟细流 slow to a trickle 抓住某人的头发 grab sb by the hair 谩骂某人 call one’s names 撕破她的衬衫 rip one’s shirt 泄露秘密 reveal the secret 拒绝进步 resist progress 进入视野 come into view 捡柴火 gather firewood 税负某人放弃做某事 talk sh out of doing sth慢慢挤出人群 wriggle one’s way out of the crowd 跑腿/出去办事 run errands 救某人于水火 deliver sb from suffering 确保供应稳定 assure a steady supply 减轻某人的压力 take the pressure off sb让他不至于添乱 keep him out of one’s hair INTO Chinese terraced fields 梯田 rocky mountains 多岩石的群山 whooping cough 百日咳 surrounding villages 周围的村庄 fine dust 粉尘 goat droppings 羊粪 sticky hands 黏糊糊的双手 sinewy women 精瘦健壮的妇女 a forest of flags 旌旗如林 firsthand information 第一手信息 jet-black hair 乌黑发亮的头发 a devout Catholic一位虔诚的天主教徒 household chores 家庭琐事 a reassuring homey sound一种让人感到在家般自在的声音 hand-rolled cigarettes 收卷香烟 lucrative business 有利可图的生意 a butcher-shop 一家肉铺 a skeleton of its former self 它原来模样的空架子 a missionary school 一所教会学校



★break out(火灾,战争等的)突然爆发

★break down(机器,车辆等)坏了,失灵了

★break off 停止,中断

★break up 打碎,分离

★break into 强行闯入,打断,插入

★break away 逃离(某人)


★ count up 加起来, 算出总数


★cut off 剪(切砍)下,切(隔)断,阻碍;迅速离开;不留遗产;(疾病等)使(人)死亡cut sb.Off life

★ cut away切,剪,去掉;迅速离开;剪成,切

成 ★ cut down把…砍倒;裁短,改小;减少,减低;


★ cut up(布料等)裁得出;切碎,切割开;砍


毛求疵,抨击(by sb.);使…悲痛,使…伤心 2.Call

★call in 邀请,请柬

★call for 要求,需要,接人或物

★call off 取消,遣走 call out 下令(某人)支援

★call on/call upon 探访(某人),请求(某人)做某事

★call up 回忆,(英)征兵,(美)打电话,呼唤...来


★get over(使)渡过,(使)穿过;传送;做



★get off离开,动身;发出;停止工作;(使)

入睡;(使)免受处分;下(车、马)★get across 横过(马路、河);(使)被理解,(使)被接受;横过(马路、河);使生气,触犯

★get away 离开,脱身;逃掉

★get to 到达,抵达;开始;抓住,接触,和…

取得联系;弄清…底细(the bottom of the matter)


★come across 偶遇,碰到

★come into view 看得见

★come at 袭击,威胁;找到,得到,弄明白 ★come about 发生;改变方向

★come up with追赶上;比得上,赶上;想出,提出

★come to 苏醒,清醒;到达,达成(~an agreement);突然想起(come to sb.That)

4.Carry ★carry on 经营。从事,忙于;(非正)继续进行 ★carry out抬出去;拿出去;执行;贯彻;进行;完成,实现

★carry off 赢得,完成,抢走,(非正)夺取生命,害死

★carry forword 发扬;结转,递延 ★carry over延期,推迟,使持续下去


★give off 发出;放出;散发出;放射出 ★give up

★give in 屈服;投降;让步;交;上交;递交;


★give away 赠送;赠与;颁发;泄露;告发;



5.Count ★count on/upon 依赖, 依靠;期望,指望;

★count in(非正)把…算在某一整体之内,算上(某人)

★count out〈非正〉逐一数出, 大声数;〈非正〉


★go with相伴;伴随;赶时髦;随大流;同意;

与谈恋爱;跟相配;协调 ★go into 进入;从事;进入某种状态;调查,着手处理 ★go through检查,审查,搜查;完成;练习;遭受,经受,经历;穿过,通过;用完,用掉;看完;讨论

★go after 追逐,追求

★go by 时光流失;顺便走访;判断

★go around 参观,走访;转动,旋转;相处;交往;传播;足够分配;到处走动;晕眩;

★go for 去找某人,想得到…;争取;攻击;抨击;喜欢;适用于;认为是…;看作;用作

★go up 上升,上涨,提高,增加,增高;响起;爆炸;被炸毁,被烧毁;破产;某事开始了;…被建造起来

★go along with一起去;赞同;附和 ★go back on背弃

★go over留下印象;搁置起来;翻;转;走过去;转为

★go in for赞成;主张;从事;喜欢;爱好;支持;参加;致力于

★go on 向前走;前进;继续做;进行;发生;上场;打开;过去,消逝;

★hold up举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截 ★hold to坚持, 紧握

★hold back踌躇, 阻止, 抑制, 隐瞒 ★hold on继续, 不挂断, 停止 ★hold on to 坚持


★keep a watchful eye on

★keep up不低落, 维持, 继续 ★keep pace with并驾齐驱

★keep down不低落, 维持, 继续 ★keep up with 跟上 ★keep to遵循


★lay off 使短暂失业;下岗,(临时)解雇人员 ★lay out陈设;展开;设计;(非正)花钱,花力气(+strength);(非正)击倒,打倒 ★lay aside 把…放在一边;暂时搁置在一边;


★lay down 放下,使躺下;建造;规定,制定;




★hand over 交出;交付;交给;让与,移交 ★hand down 把…传递下来;遗留;流传;传下;搀扶…下去;正式宣布,正式宣判

★hand out拿出,取出;搀扶…出来;(非正)分发,发给,散发;提出;维持,忍受;居住 ★hand round ★hand in


★make for(匆匆)走向;冲向,向…猛扑;有利于,致使;

★make out 弄明白,理解,看清

★make up 组成;编造;弥补;化妆

★make notes of sth.★make up for 弥补

★make over 转让,移交(财产property);修改,改造 ★make off 匆匆逃掉

★as...as they make them [口]非常..., 极端..., 格外...★be made for 最理想的, 最适宜的★be made for each other 配合得很好;是天生的一对

★have it made [口]有成功的把握;很容易办到 11.Hang ★hang on紧紧抓住;坚持下去;等候 ★hang up挂上,挂起,挂住;使等候,拖延,耽搁;将电话筒挂上

★hang about 闲逛,闲待着;延误,耽搁;迫近,即将到来;

★hang onto紧紧抓住,不放弃


★got it made [口]有成功的把握;很容易办到

how make that out 怎么得出这样的结论

on the make 利欲熏心, 一心想发财 在成长中, 在前[改]进中 [美俚]追求异性

What makes you here? 你来这儿干什么? make after 追逐, 跟随

make against 和...相违反;不利于;有害于

makeand mend [英]【海】空闲时间;半休日 缝缝补补

make anything of it [常用于否定句]了解, 弄清(I can't make anything of it.我简直弄不明白。)make as if 假装, 装作;好象要

make as though 假装, 装作;好象要

make at 扑向;攻击

make away 离去, 逃走

make away with 带走, 拿走, 偷走 杀死;毁弃, 减掉 浪费, 吃掉

★make believe 假装

★make big [美, 俚](在自已的事业中)取得显著成绩;飞黄腾达

★make do and mend 修补一下对付使用

★make do(with)凑合着用;用...勉强对付

★make do without 在没有...的情况下, 设法应付过去

★make down 改小(衣服)

★make for 有利于..., 有助于...造成;促进 走向;冲向;袭击

★make free with 对...放肆无礼;任意处理;随便使用

★make from [make up from]用...制成, 用...做成

★make in 走进, 进入;干涉;加入

make into 制成, 做成;使转变为

make it 及时赶到, 办成功;达到目的;规定时间;[口]痊愈;性交

make it up 和解, 讲和

make known 使知晓;传达

★make like [美俚]模仿

★make of 用...造 了解, 明白

★make off忙离去, 逃走

★make off with 携...而逃;把...拿走 [口]用掉, 花光

★make on 在...上获利, 在...赚钱

★make or meddle [古][方]和...有关, 对...感兴趣;干预

★make out书写, 填写, 开列 拼凑;勉强度日 勉强做到, 好不容易做成功 声称, 企图证明, 把...说成 假装, 装作 理解, 懂得 辨认出 [口]进展, 开展 [美俚]接吻, 爱抚;性交

★make out of 用...制造出...理解, 了解

★make over 转让, 移交 改造;把(衣服等)改制;改写

★make sb.acquainted with 把...告知某人;使某人认识

★make sb.bleed 使某人忍痛出钱;敲诈吝啬者的钱

★make sb.freely 使某人忍痛出钱;敲诈吝啬者的钱

★make sb.sit up 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳;使某人痛苦

★make sb.sit up and take notice 使某人大吃一惊, 吓某人一跳;使某人痛苦

★make sb.think 引起某人深思, 使某人深省

★make through with 完成

★make toward(s)向...走去;走近;通向;向...延伸

★make up弥补;补偿;赔偿;补足;补(考)拼凑成;配制;包装 编辑, 编制 虚构;捏造 缝制 组成 调停;和解 结算(帐目);整理(房间等);准备(床铺等);包装 化装;打扮 添加燃料 缔结(协定、婚姻等)洗(牌)偿还, 还清

make up for补偿, 弥补

★make up to 接近, 巴结;追求(女人);和(某人)调情

★make with 用(眼、口、手、脚等)做动作;做出;使用;提供

★take up 占据;选修课程

★take after 与......长得像 ★take in 上交

★take off 起飞,脱衣

★take over(使)转过来

★take away 拿走

★take part 参加

★take turns 轮流

16.Put ★put off 推迟;使分心;摆脱(doubts疑虑);敷衍,推诿;阻碍做某事 ★put emphasis on强调

★put up 张贴 ;投宿,留宿;建立,竖起;举起,抬起;进行;包装; ★put up with 忍受,容忍

★put aside撇开,储备(one should always put a little money aside for a rainy day不时之需)

★put out 伸出;扑灭,熄灭;生产,制造;出版,发行,发布;驶出,离开;把…送到外面去做{e.gWe put out the washing.我们把要洗的衣服送到洗衣店去洗}

★put down 放下;平定,镇压,取缔;记下,写下;估计,认为;


★turn up 出现,调高 ★turn out 结果(竟然是)★turn to 求诸于,转向

★turn down 拒绝,调低音量

★turn in 上交

★turn over(使)转过来,把......交给某人


as quick [soon] as look at you [him] [口]随时, 一有机会就, 动不动就(与will, would连用)

black looks 怒气冲冲的样子;敌视的脸色;恶狠狠的样子

blank [vacant] look 毫无表情的神色, 发呆的样子

by the look(s)of it(=from the looks of it)[口]从外表看起来, 看样子

cannot look at [口]不是...的对手, 无法与...相匹敌

cast a look at 向...瞥了一眼

dirty look 鄙夷的脸色, 气愤的脸色

flash a look at 瞟...一眼, 向...瞥一眼

for the look of the thing 为了装点门面

gallows look 死刑犯的面相, 凶相

give a look [glance] 望一眼, 粗略地看一下

give a look in 顺便看看(某人)★give sb.a black look 对某人瞪一眼

★good looks 美貌;吸引人的仪表

★hang-dog look [air] 垂头丧气的样子;于心有愧的样子;猥琐可怜的样子 17.Run ★run over 撞倒并碾过

★run into快速进入…;流入…;偶然遇见;驱车造访…;加起来,累计达;(使)碰撞 ★run down停止走动,用完;撞到,撞沉;诽谤,贬低;走下坡路,垮掉;(使)虚弱,疲乏 ★run through跑着穿过…;(使)在…流过;匆匆查阅;贯穿;温习;


★set about 着手干某事

★set back 向后移;推迟, 耽搁;拨慢;花费 ★set off 出发,动身;(使)开始,引起;点燃;爆炸

★set down(使)放下,(使)坐下;制定;确定;降落;记下;(叫…)下车

★set out 动身,出发;着手,开始;安排,组织 ★set up 建立,创立,竖立;准备;安排;引起;产生


★take effect 生效

★take into account 把......考虑在内

★take on 承担,雇佣

★have a look of 象..., 仿佛象...;令人想起...的样子

★in good looks 气色很好

★in looks 在容貌上

★new look(发式、服装等的)时髦样式, 新款式;新面貌

★not much to look at 外表不怎么好看, 相貌平常

★steal a look(at sb.[sth.])偷看[某物]一眼

★take a long cool[hard] look at sth.冷静而仔细地考虑某事

★upon the look 在搜寻中, 在寻找中

★will[would] not look at 不屑一顾, 不去过问(某事)

★wither sb.with a look 用侮慢的眼光把某人看得惶恐不安

★look about [around] 四下里看, 环顾;仔细观察;全面调查

★look about for 四下寻找

★look about one 四下里看, 警戒[备] 花时间考虑自己的行动

★look after照看, 照管 目送

★look ahead 向前看;展望未来;注意!当心!★look alive [lively] [口]注意;赶快

★look as if [though] 看起来好象, 似乎是

★look at看, 查看 考虑, 着眼于

★L-at that![口]你瞧!(表示对事情的结果感到不满等)

★look away 把脸转过去

★look back回头看;回顾 停止不前 回头再拜访

L-before you leap.[谚]三思而后行。

★look down upon [on] 看下面, 俯视 蔑视, 看不起 【商】跌价 用目光慑服

★look for寻找 期望

★look forward to盼望, 期待

★look here [口]喂;听我说(唤起注意)★look high and low 四处寻找

★look ill(人)看上去有病;看上去不漂亮;(物)不美观(事情)显得很糟;看来不妙

★look in 顺便过访 [口]看电视

★look into向...的里面看, 窥视;浏览 观察, 调查

★look like看起来象 看来要, 好象要

★look(like)oneself 看上去和往常一样, 气色正常

★look of verjuice 愠怒的脸色

★look on 观看 面向, 面朝;合读一本书 旁观 看待

★look out向外望 注意, 当心, 小心, 警惕 挑出来, 找出来(房间)面对

★look out for 当心, 提防 照料 寻找, 物色 等待

★look over查看;过目

★look round仔细考虑 转回头看;到处寻找 观光, 游览

★look through从头看完, 透视 审核, 查看 温习从...中显露出来

★look to注意, 当心;照料;指望, 依赖;朝...看

★look towards 朝...看;(房子)面朝;为...做好准备, 期待;[口](向某人)敬酒

★look up(物价)上涨(形势)好转 查阅(字典, 资料)访问, 探访

★look up and down 仔细打量(某人);到处寻找

★look upon [on] 看作, 认为是...(接as)★look up to 敬仰, 尊重

look well 看起来健康[漂亮];(情况)显得不错



★above the mark 令人满意;超过通常的标准 be at low-water mark [口]经济困难, 手头拮据

★be [fall] wide of the mark(=off the mark, beside the mark)远未射中目标;不切题, 不相干, 未中要害, 不中肯

★below [beneath, under] the mark 在标准以下;不合格;(健康情况)没有平常那么好

beyond the mark 超出界限, 过度, 过分

black mark(名单中打在某人名字上的)黑点, 不利(于某人)的鉴定符号

Bless the mark!不要见怪。(提及令人厌恶的事情时表示道歉)天哪!(表示惊愕, 嘲笑, 讥讽的话)

★come [come up] to the mark [口]站到拳击开始线上;站到跑线上 准备好动手干[完成任务;迎接困难] 符合标准;达到要求;不令人失望 遵守规则;践约

cut the mark(箭)未达靶子而先落下

fall short of the mark(箭、子弹)未达到靶子而先落下;达不到目的;失败

far from the mark(箭)脱靶, 离目标太远;很不中肯;完全错误

★get off the mark 起跑;开始

★give full marks for 佩服

(God)save [bless] the mark!上帝恕我这样说!罪过罪过!(说起令人厌恶的事或说亵渎神明的话时表示道歉)have a mark on 喜欢, 爱好

★hit the mark 打中目标,(发言)中肯, 正确;达到目的

★keep sb.up to the mark 确保某人努力工作

★leave a [one's] mark(on, upon)留下深刻的影响

★make one's mark 出名;做出成绩;画押

★miss the mark 没打中 没达到目的;不成功 错误

★mother's mark 胎志, 黑痣

★of mark 知名的, 杰出的

★on the mark 说到点子上, 中肯的, 切题的 及时采取行动

★On your mark 【体】各就各位

★over the mark 估计过高

overshoot the mark 冒靶;做得过度;过甚其词

over step the mark 越出起跑线;超过限度, 过分

over[answer]wide of the mark 高出目标很远;答非所问

slow off the mark 起跑慢, 行动迟缓

take one's mark amiss 失算, 失策

toe the mark(赛跑时)用脚尖踩在起跑线上;守规矩;负责任, 认真地干

up to the mark 达到标准, 胜任 [口]健康情况良好

within the mark 合乎标准;过得去

be marked by 特点是, 以...为特点

★mark down 记下, 标低价目;降低给学生的分数;选定

★mark for life 打伤到一辈子都害怕

★mark in 加画(具体细节), 绘入

★mark off 划分出;区分

★mark out =mark off 规划

★mark out for 使...注定要;事先选定...为..., 看中

★mark up 标出, 标高价目;记帐;提高给学生的分数


★at the market 照市价;照当前最好的行情 ★away from the market 在(证券交易所)牌价范围之外, 不照市价

★be in the market for sth.在市场上觅购某物, 想买进某物

★be on the market 上市, 被供应出售

★black market 黑市

★bring one's eggs to the wrong market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

★bring one's eggs to a bad market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

★bring one's hogs to the wrong market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

★bring one's hogs to a bad market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

bring one's goods to the wrong market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

bring one's goods to a bad market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

bring one's pigs to the wrong market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

bring one's pigs to a bad market 失策, 失算, 失误;找错了门路;计划失败

bring to market(=put on the market)投放市场, 出售;兜售(计划等)希望别人接受

bull the market【商】做多头(指抬高市场价格)come into the market 在市场上出售, 上市

come on the market 出售, 投放市场

corner the market 囤积居奇, 垄断市场

engross the market 囤积居奇, 垄断市场

glut the market 使市场存货过剩, 把产品大量抛到市场, 使产生滞销现象

★go long of the market(=be on the long ★side of the market)把持商品[证券]以待涨价时卖出;做多头;买进期货

★go to market [口]试一试 [澳, 新]生气, 发怒

★hold the market 维持市场(以防价格波动)在证券交易所做投机买卖

★in the market for sth.想买进某物 乐于接受某物 正在寻求

★lose one's market 失去买卖的机会

★make a market(为引起对某企业的注意, 故意在交易所买卖出该企业股票)制造兴旺气氛

★make a market 把...作摇钱树;利用某人

★make one's market 把...作摇钱树;利用某人

★make a market of sth.利用某机会得到好处

make one's market of sth.利用某机会得到好处

make one's market 出售存货 结婚;订婚

mar one's own market 糟蹋自已[某人]的生意;使自已[某人]遭受损失

mar sb.'s market 糟蹋自已[某人]的生意;使自已[某人]遭受损失

★mend one's market 使自已的买卖做得更有利;改进自己的地位

★milk the market [美]操纵市场从中牟利

★overrun one's market 因不肯脱手失去买卖良机

★overstand one's market 讨价过高失去销售良机, 等价太久失去良机

★play the market 投机倒把, 做股票投机生意

price out of the market(商品)定价过高无人购买

put on the market 出售, 投放市场

raid the market 扰乱市场

raise the market upon [口]向...要高价

rig the market 操纵市场


★by all means(表示同意)当然可以, 没问题 务必;勿论如何;不惜一切地;千方百计地

★by any means [口]用一切可能的方法或手段

★by fair means or foul 不择手段地

★by means of通过;用;借助于

★by no means 决不, 一点也不

★by some means(or other)想个办法;以某种方法

★by this means 用这种方法

★by what means 怎样

★leave no means untried 想尽一切办法

★live beyond one's means 过着超过自已收入的生活

★live within one's means 量入为出地(生活)

★narrow means 穷困

★not by any means 一点也不, 绝对不

★The end justifies the means.[谚]只要目的正当, 可以不择手段。

★means to an end 达到目的的手段 ★a one-track [single-track] mind 狭隘而固执的头脑, 死心眼儿, 只想一件事的头脑

★a piece [bit] of one's mind [口]坦率的话, 心里话

A sound mind in a sound body.[谚]健全的精神寓于强壮的体格。

★absence of mind 心不在焉

★after one's mind 合...的心意

★against sb.'s mind 违反某人的心愿, 没有得到某人的同意

★an easy mind 心境宁静, 无忧无虑, 轻松的心

★apply [give, set, bend] one's mind to 专心...., 一心一意....★arise in one's mind 浮上脑际, 涌现在头脑里

★be a mind to do sth.[方]打算做某事, 想做某事

★be clear in one's(own)mind 认识得很清楚

★be in a good mind(=have a good mind)极想, 极有意

★be in twenty mind s 犹豫不决, 动摇起来

★be in [of] two [several] minds 三心二意, 犹豫不决

★be of [in] a [one] mind 意见一致

★be of [in] the same mind 意见一致 保持原来意见

★be out of one's mind 精神不正常, 发疯;忘记

★bear good mind to sb.对某人有好感, 以善意待人

★bear [keep] in mind 记住, 记在心里

★blow(sb.'s)mind 产生幻觉 极度兴奋, 欣喜若狂, 心醉神迷 极为惊异, 困惑

★bring [call] to one's mind 想起, 回忆起

★cast one's mind back 想起往事, 追忆

★change [alter] one's mind 改变想法[主意];变卦

★change sb.'s mind 使某人改变主意

★come to [into] sb.'s mind 浮现在某人的脑海中

★cross [flash across, flash into, flash ★through, rush into] sb.'s mind 掠过某人的脑际, 被某人突然想到

cross-bench mind 公平无私, 不偏不倚;犹豫不决

★disburden [disburthern;unburden] ★one's mind(of)把心里话说出来, 倾吐积愫

★disclose [say, speak, tell] one's mind 坦率表白意见, 谈出心事

★Do [would] you mind...? 你反对...么? 请你...好不好?...可以么? [仅用Do you mind?]请不要这样好么? 别来这一套好不好? ★Don't mind me.[口]别管我, 别为我操心

★drive sb.out of his mind [wits] 逼得某人发疯;使某人神经紧张不安

★float in the mind 浮现在脑海里, 浮上心头

★fresh in one's mind [memory] 记忆犹新

25.mind ★frighten [scare] sb.out of his mind [wits] 把某人吓得要死

★get(sth.)out of one's mind 不去想(某事);暂时忘掉(某事)

★give one's(whole)mind to 一心一意地...., 专心....★give sb.a bit [piece] of one's mind 坦率地批评某人;责备某人, 教训某人

★go out of one's mind 发疯, 发狂;精神失常, 不知所措

★go [pass] out of sb.'s mind 被某人忘记[忘却]

★Great minds think alike.[谚]英雄所见略同。

★have a great [good] mind to 非常想...., 极有意....★have a mind like a sieve 记性不好

★have a mind like a steel trap 记性极好

★have a mind of one's own 自有主见, 性格果断

★have a mind(to do sth.)想, 有意

★have a month's mind to sb.[sth.] 倾心于某人[某事];切望做某事

★have [keep] an open mind 没有成见, 抱着虚心态度

★have half a mind(to do)想, 颇有意

★have in mind 记得, 记住 想到;考虑到, 打算

★have little mind to do sth.不大想做某事

★have no mind to do sth.不想做某事

★have sth.on one's mind 把某事挂在心上, 担心着某事

★have [keep, put, set] one's mind on [upon] sth.热衷[专心]于某事, 决心要做某事

★He who has a mind to beat a dog will ★easily find a stick.[谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞。

★high mind 高尚的气概, 宽宏的度量

★I don't mind if I do.我倒不反对, 也好

★I shouldn't mind...我倒愿意..., 我倒不反对;...倒也不错

★if you don't mind.要是你不反对, 要是你不介意 如果你不当心

★in one's right mind(=of sound mind)神志清醒, 精神正常

know one's ownmind 有自己的想法;有决断, 坚定不移

★let sb.know [tell sb.] one's mind 坦率地把自己意见告诉某人

★lose one's mind 发狂, 精神错乱

★maintain an open mind on sth.对某事采取虚心的态度, 愿意听取[考虑]别人对某事的见解

★make sb.'s mind easy(=make sb.easy ★in his mind;set sb.'s mind at rest)使某人放心[安心], 使某人平静下来

★make up one's mind决心, 打定主意;接受, 承认

★make up sb.'s mind 使某人下决心, 使某人打定主意

★meeting of minds 意见一致

★never mind不要紧, 没关系 别管, 不关你的事 不用啦, 别费事啦 更不用说, 更谈不上

★not in one's right mind 精神失常, 发疯

★occupy one's mind 使某人全神贯注

★of unsound mind 精神失常, 头脑不健全

★off sb.'s mind 被某人忘怀, 被某人抛在脑后

★on [upon] one's mind 惦记, 挂在心上;操心

★one's mind is [runs] on sth.关心某事物, 想着某事物

★open one's mind to sb.向某人讲出心里话, 向某人敞开思想

★open the mind 增长见识, 扩大眼界

★out of one's mind 发狂, 精神错乱 精神恍惚, 神魂颠倒

★pass [go] out of sb.'s mind 被某人忘记[却]

★pay no mind [方]不要理睬,不理会;不注意

★poison a person's mind against 使某人对...有成见

★presence of mind 沉着, 镇定, 方寸不乱

★present to the mind 记得清清楚楚, 至今历历在目

★prey [weigh] on [upon] sb.'s mind 紧紧压在某人心头, 使某人苦恼

★put [set] one's mind to 全神贯注于..., 专心于...★put out of one's mind 忘掉, 置诸脑后

put in mind 使记起;提醒

★read sb.'s mind [thoughts] 看出某人的心思, 知道某人在想些什么

★run in one's mind [head] 萦绕脑际, 不能忘怀

★rush into [through] sb.'s mind 掠过某人心头;涌现某人脑际

★set one's mind [heart] on [upon] 一心想, 切望;决心要

★set [put] one's mind at rest 使某人放心[安心]

★shut one's mind to sth.拒绝承认[接受]某事物, 置若罔闻

★sick in mind and body 身心都有病

★sink into sb.'s mind 深深印在某人脑海里, 使某人铭记在心

★slip sb.'s mind 被某人忘记

★speak one's mind(out)把心里话痛痛快快地说出来, 畅所欲言

★take one's mind off 丢开不再想, 转移注意力

★tell sb.one's mind 对某人畅所欲言

★The mind boggles.[口]真是难以想象!令人难以置信!

★to sb.'s mind 在某人看来;合某人的心意

★troubled in(one's)mind 心中忧虑, 内心不安

★turn one's mind to sth.把注意力转向某事上

★turn sth.over in one's mind [head] 反复思考某事

★unburden one'smind 倾述衷情

uppermost in sb.'s mind 在头脑里占第一位, 成为某人注意的中心

★wander in one's mind 神志昏迷, 说胡话 ★weigh on one's mind 挂在心上;担心

★with....in mind 把....搁在心上

★with one mind 全体一致地;同心同德



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