
时间:2019-05-15 00:15:49下载本文作者:会员上传


ADIZ 中华人民共和国政府根据一九九七年三月十四日《中华人民共和国国防法》、一九九五年十月三十日《中华人民共和国民用航空法》和二〇〇一年七月二十七日《中华人民共和国飞行基本规则》,宣布划设东海防空识别区。


China has established its first air defense identification zone in accordance with Chinese law and international practices to safeguard its sovereignty, the Ministry of National Defense announced on Saturday.中华人民共和国国防部周六宣布,中国根据中国法律和国际惯例划设首个防空识别区,以捍卫国家主权。

Air defense identification zone(ADIZ)就是“防空识别区”,指一国基于空防需要所划定的空域,目的在于为军方及早发现、识别和实施空军拦截行动提供条件。此次划设的东海防空识别区的全名为East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone。

国防部声明规定了东海防空识别区航空器识别规则(Aircraft Identification Rules),位于东海防空识别区飞行的航空器,必须提供以下识别方式:飞行计划识别(flight plan identification)、无线电识别(radio identification)、应答机识别(transponder identification)、标志识别(logo identification)。

中国公布划设东海防空识别区后,中国空军进行了首次空中巡逻(air patrol)。此次空军出动两架大型侦察机(large scout)执行空中巡逻任务。同时,出动了预警机(early warning aircraft)和多型战斗机(fighter),实施支援掩护和指挥保障。

Government reform


李克强指出,政府改革(government reform)的主要目的,就是进一步理顺政府和市场、政府和社会、中央和地方的关系(to clearly define the relations between government and the market, between government and society and between central and local governments),更好地发挥市场、社会的作用,更好地调动中央和地方两个积极性,推动政府全面正确地履行职能(make sure that the government fully plays its part),加快现代政府建设(to accelerate the development of modern government),努力促进经济持续健康发展、社会不断进步,不断满足人民群众的新期待、新要求。在提到地方政府职能转变(the transformation of local government functions)时,李克强讲到以下几点:

1.要接好放好中央下放的审批事项(Local governments should properly take over or further release as required approval power delegated by the central government);

2.要最大限度地取消地方行政审批事项(We should minimize the number of items subject to administrative review and approval by local governments);

3.要加强地方政府管理服务职能(Local governments need to enhance their functions in both regulation and services);

4.改革创新监管方式,建立一套科学监管的规则和方法(We also need to reform and innovate ways of supervision and establish a set of scientific rules and methods of supervision);

5.搞好保障民生的基本公共服务(To ensure basic public services essential to people's livelihood);

6.要更加重视基层政府建设(We need to place greater importance on the building of community-level governments)。

讲到地方机构改革(local institutional reform)时,李克强指出,这次地方政府机构改革,要着力搞好“控、调、改”。

1.要严控机构编制总量(The size of government staffing must be put under rigorous control);

2.要调整优化机构编制结构(The organization and staffing structure of government agencies should be adjusted and improved);

3.要通过深化改革满足事业发展的需要(Reform should be deepened to meet our needs for development)

Moon rover



China launched the Chang'e-3 lunar probe with the country's first moon rover aboard early on Monday, marking a significant step toward deep space exploration.周一凌晨,中国发射了承载首辆月球车的嫦娥三号月球探测器,这标志着我国向深空探测又迈进了重要的一步。

Moon rover就是“月球车”。看过英国电影《月球》的人都会很熟悉月球车,片中的主角宇航员每天都要开着月球车行驶在月球表面进行探测。不过中国此次送往月球的是一辆无人驾驶车,名字叫“玉兔”。

携带“玉兔”月球车的嫦娥三号探测器将是我国首个soft land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body(在地外天体软着陆)的宇宙飞船,也是本世纪发射的首个moon lander(登月舱)。

嫦娥三号顺利进入earth-moon transfer orbit(地月转移轨道),为manned lunar orbit mission(载人绕月飞行)和manned lunar landing(载人登月)打下坚实基础。

Odds of success



Beijing will adjust the license plate lottery system next year to give lottery applicants who have been applying for license plates for longer periods better odds of winning.北京市明年将调整车牌摇号系统,提高长时间参与摇号个人的中签率。

Odds of winning或者odds of success都表示“成功率”,在这里就指小客车车牌摇号(license plate lottery)时的“中签率”。累计参加摇号24次(含)(applicants who have taken part in 24 or fewer rounds of the lottery)以内未中签的,中签率为当期基准中签率;累计参加摇号25次至36次未中签的,中签率自动升为当期基准中签率的2倍;累计参加摇号37次至48次未中签的,中签率自动升为当期基准中签率的3倍,以此类推。

根据新规定,北京将设立单独的摇号池配置示范应用新能源小客车(new-energy vehicle)指标。为了进一步推广新能源汽车,北京市将在新建小区内增设充电桩(charging station)。

北京市从2011年开始实行小客车车牌摇号政策,只有持北京市户口(household registration in Beijing)或在北京连续纳税5年以上的外地人员(immigrants who have paid taxes in the capital for more than five years)才可申请摇号。Homedebtor


Recent homebuyers are becoming homedebtors at the same time.A homedebtor is a homeowner with an extremely large mortgage, particularly one that he or she is unlikely to ever pay off


In the end, millions of homedebtors will lose their homes, the homes they told everyone they “owned”, the homes everyone told them would “be a great investment”.最终,数百万身背巨额房贷的人将失去他们的房子,这个他们曾告知天下“属于自己的”房子,这个人人都说将是“非常好的投资”的房子。

These perpetual debtors/serfs will probably never own the home outright, thanks to cyclical refinancing(used to fund conspicuous consumption)and property taxes.这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

Starbucks comes under fire



The world's largest coffee chain, Starbucks, has come under fire in China for reportedly charging locals higher prices than in other major markets.全球最大的咖啡连锁店星巴克因被指在中国的售价高于其他主要市场而受到抨击。

这里的“被抨击”用come under fire表示,另外,也可以用be criticized/slammed表示,如:Starbucks was criticized for charging higher prices in China than other markets, helping the company realize fat profit margins.(星巴克因在中国定价高于其他国家市场、帮助公司获得暴利而遭到抨击。)例句中的profit margin指“利润率”,前面加上fat一词自然表示“丰厚的”利润率。不过,fat一词也不总表示“多”,例如,fat chance就表示“机会渺茫”。





Caffe latte,拿铁,牛奶咖啡,是意大利特浓咖啡与牛奶的经典混合。

Caffe mocha,摩卡咖啡,是牛奶咖啡的变种,里面除了意大利特浓咖啡和牛奶以外还会添加巧克力粉。



1.Stop phubbing.Phubbing就是这个形容低头族的新词,the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention.在社交场合怠慢面前的人而去玩智能机的人就是a phubber,这个行为就是phubbing,phone和snub的结合。

2.Phubbers ignores the people in front of them in favor of their smart phones.3.Connected, but alone.Ted前两年有位叫做Sherry Turkle的女教授给了一个主题演讲,connected, but alone.说明这种在智能手机时代大家信息层面有联系但情感上感到孤单的情况。不得不说,这两个词用得非常准确。

4.Instead of playing Draw Something, draw something.之前有个你画我猜的应用非常红,但是玩得久了就发现,其实完全可以不要在手机上画,在纸上画最好嘛!

5.I'm tired of using technology,I need you right in front of me.Justin Timberlake和50 cent合作的单曲《Technology》里唱到,我用腻了这些高科技产品了,(我不想和你视频通话)我需要你在我身边。

Temporary asylum



Edward Snowden has received temporary asylum in Russia for one year, and has moved to a safe place, a lawyer assisting him said Thursday.为斯诺登提供法律帮助的律师周四表示,斯诺登已经获得了为期一年的俄罗斯临时避难许可,并已转移到一个安全的地方。

一直被广泛关注的“告密者”(whistleblower)斯诺登在俄罗斯机场中转区(transit zone)滞留数十日之后,俄罗斯政府终于同意为其提供庇护(grant asylum)。此前,斯诺登曾向多个国家申请政治避难(seek/ask for political asylum),对这些国家来说,他就是asylum seeker(寻求避难者),在获得避难许可之后,他就成了asylee(受庇护者,政治难民)。

律师表示,斯诺登保证不会发布任何抹黑美国政府的文件(documents that blacken the American government),而这也是俄罗斯总统普京此前提出的提供庇护的条件之一。

Third in line


Prince William and his wife Kate gave the world its first glimpse of their new baby on Tuesday when they left hospital with the boy who is third in line to the British throne.威廉王子和凯特王妃周二离开医院时,带着英国王室第三顺位继承人的新生宝宝首次在世界面前亮相。

“英国王室第三顺位继承人”的表达是third in line to the British throne.Throne是君主的宝座,象征王位,如the queen's 60th anniversary on the throne(女王登位60周年纪念日)。小王子成为第三顺位继承人是根据“长子继承权”(primogeniture)来决定的,即王位由现任君主或继任者的长子继承,“王位继承人”都统称为heir to the throne。英国1701年颁布的《王位继承法》一直实行male-preference cognatic primogeniture(男嗣优先长子继承权),也就是王位继承人中男性排位优先于女性。不过,近两年,英国正在积极与英联邦国家商议,修改这一规定,使英国君 主的子女享有平等王位继承权。

“君主”的表达方式有king, emperor, monarch, sovereign等,分别用在不同的语境。King泛指一国的国王。Emperor早期特指罗马帝国经过教皇正式加冕的皇帝,后来指像拿破仑这种帝国统治者。Monarch指世袭制的、终生为王的统治者,可以包括king ,queen, emperor等。Sovereign不一定指单独的一个人,还可以是一个至高无上的统治集团或权力机构。

英国是“君主立宪制”(constitutional monarchy)国家,“英国王室”(British royal family)是凝聚国家力量的象征,并不具备实质性权力。国王是名义上的统治者,由“世袭”(hereditary)产生。王室成员一般拥有像“国王/王后陛下”(His/ Her Majesty)或者“王子/公主/亲王殿下”(His/ Her Royal Highness)的尊称。

另外,皇族与贵族的勋衔共分五大级,其名称与它们的相对女性称谓如下:“公爵”Duke(Duchess)、“侯爵”Marquis(Marchioness)、“伯爵”Earl(Countess)、“子爵”Viscount(Viscountess)、“男爵”Baron(Baroness)。一般只有皇室的至亲才可获公爵勋衔,如威廉王子的勋衔是“剑桥公爵”(Duke of Cambridge)。

Contingency Reserve Arrangement金砖国家“应急储备基金”


The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency Reserve Arrangement, a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries.The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall short term liquidity pressures and strengthen global financial stability.金砖国家同意建立一个应急储备基金,由各成员国的中央银行管理1000亿美元的基金。该基金将在避免短期资金流动压力和加强全球金融稳定方面起到预先防范作用。

Contingency Reserve Arrangement(CRA,应急储备基金)就是此次金砖国家(BRICS)领导人会晤之后达成的协议之一,资金来源于各国央行储备(central bank reserves),用以防范各国短期资金流动压力(forestall short-term liquidity pressures),加强全球金融稳定(strengthen global financial stability)。

除此之外,金砖国家还决定建立金砖国家开发银行(BRICS Development Bank),为五个成员国的基础设施建设提供资金支持(financing infrastructure projects)。



Week 4US health care bill passes(Mar 21st)

The US House of Representative gave final approval to a historic health care overhaul Sunday night, expanding insurance coverage to nearly all Americans and handing Barack Obama a landmark political victory.On a hard-fought 219-212 vote, this is the most dramatic health policy change in 4 decades.美众议院通过医改法案


Week 5World embraces darkness(Mar 27)

Mare than 120 countries and regions embraced darkness for an hour on 8:30 pm local time Saturday.China’s landmark buildings such as the Palace Museum and the Bird’s Nest, turned off their lights, following the call to build a low-carbon, more environment friendly world.The lights-off campaign, known as “Earth Hour”, was launched in 2007 in Sydney by the World Wildlife Fund, when the city switched off its lights to highlight the world’s climate problems.27日晚8时30分由世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”活动按照时区依次在全球120个国家和地区展开。我国的故宫博物院、鸟巢等地标性建筑纷纷熄灯一小时,响应建设低碳世界,环保世界的号召。“地球一小时”活动始于2007年,当时悉尼市率先熄灯,向世人强调气候问题。

Week 6A month to go before Expo

Tuesday(Apr 1st)marks the 30-day countdown to the grand opening of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.The State Council has allowed Shanghai 2 extra public holidays, on Apr 30 and May 4, to ease the traffic burden, said city Party Secretary Yu Zhengsheng.Every permanent Shanghai family will receive a free Expo ticket and an RMB200 transport card commemorating the event as another bonus.(see attached PPT)


Week 7Early Election before June 30(Apr 11, 2010)

A presidential election will be held before the end of June after Polish President Lech Kaczynski(卡钦斯基)died in a plane crash in Western Russia Saturday, Reuters reported, citing a Polish government spokesman.Poland’s central bank head, the army chief of staff and deputy foreign minister were among 97 people killed in the crash, for which pilot error was a possible reason.Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk(图斯克)described the crash as “the most tragic event of the country’s post-war history”.He and Russian Prime Minister Putin flew to the crash and laid flowers.Poland’s parliament speaker, the acting president, declared a week of national mourning.波兰宣布提前举行大选


Week 8EU to assess impact of ash(Apr 18)

The European Commission said Sunday(Apr 18)it was setting up a group to assess the economic impact of

the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland and said any steps taken across the European Union need to be properly coordinated.Earlier, the Spanish EU presidency said EU ministerial meetings due to be held Monday had been postponed because of flight cancellations caused by the spread of volcanic ash.The volcano, causing travel chaos across Europe, could go on erupting for months, geologists warn.欧盟将评估火山灰经济影响

欧盟委员会18日表示,将成立一个专门小组来评估冰岛火山灰对经济的影响,并且欧盟各国应恰当地协调各自的应对措施。此前,欧盟轮值主席国西班牙表示,火山灰蔓延导致大量航班取消,原定19日召开的欧盟部长级会议已推迟。地质学家警告称,这座导致欧洲空中交通陷入混乱的火山还将持续喷发数月。Week 13Sheep sent for CT scans(see the picture)

A CT scanner is being used on sheep in a quest to breed the leanest lambs, the Daily Mail reported.The machine, originally designed to detect human tumors, uses a series of X-rays to create a detailed image of the animal’s bodies, letting farmers analyze their flock and pick the best rams and ewes for breeding.In the past, farmers relied on the eyes to pick the best ram in the flock.英给羊做CT


Week 14Foxconn to raise workers’ pay

Foxconn Technology, buffeted by a spate of suicides, said Friday it will raise workers’ salaries by an average of 20%.The pay raises have been in the works for months to cope with a labor shortage in China, said a company official.However, the official said, the planned big jump in pay could help lift workers’ morale.“Feeling sad is contagious, and so is feeling happy.We hope the workers will have a positive attitude toward their lives.”



Week 9Translate the following sentences into English




cannotbe(overestimated, overemphasized, overstressed, etc.)can hardly/never/scarcely be 不能过分估计:表示消极意义

Should / must not be(overestimated, overemphasized, overstressed, overstate, overrate, etc.)发展迅速:develop rapidly / at a great speedby(in)leaps and bounds 大胆向海外发展: Be bold / dare to doventure

1)The importance of agriculture can never be overemphasized, since about 50 percent of the world’ labor force is employed(engaged)in agriculture.In Asia, the figure even exceeds 60 percent.2)Since the First Automotive Works at Changchun turned out its first Liberation truck, China’s car industry has grown by leaps and bounds.Now, china has become the world’s fourth biggest automobile producing country, with certain carmakers even venturing overseas.Week 11习语的译法:

英语习语(idioms)是就其广义而言的,其中包括了 俗语(colloquialisms)谚语(proverbs)俚语(slang expressions)1.直译法

2.汉语同义习语的套用法 3.意译法

Translate the following idioms into Chinese.1.To take French leave 2.A stony heart 3.At one’s fingertips 4.To have a hand like a foot

5.To put all one’s eggs in one basket6.To return good for evil 7.To shut one’s eyes against 8.To talk black into white 9.To turn a deaf ear to 10.Practice makes perfect 11.To face the music 12.Plain sailing 13.To be dead drunk 14.Laugh and grow fat 15.To fly into a rage

16.To look for a needle in a oceanReference

1.不告而别2.铁石心肠 3.了如指掌 4.笨手笨脚 5.孤注一掷 6.以德抱怨 7.视若无睹 8.颠倒黑白

Week 12Vocabulary in Sports Football:

Forward / strikerCenter forwardFull back Eighth-final


semi-final 9.充耳不闻 10.熟能生巧 11.临危不惧 12.一帆风顺 13.烂醉如泥 14.心宽体胖 15.勃然大怒 16.海底捞针

Cheer team final match

Preliminary matchDraw / sortition

Olympic Games Athletics / track & fieldChess


one-sided gamesingles/doubles



cyclingdivingequestrian fencing

Swimming wrestlingTriathlonDoping test


pentathlondecathlonGrand Slam



“你懂的”,也是非常流行的网络热词,这句从英文“you know”翻译过来的,乍一听来让人不清不楚的话却成了网友们所有“心照不宣”的最佳表达,如果你知道他知道,就可以说上一句“你懂的”来表达你的所有要求和所有心情。通用于任何无法言说的公开场合的“三字经”。这个词是网络时代的眼色,举重若轻,彼此心照不宣。用法:1.不必细说 2.不能细说 给力

英文:gelivable 其他翻译: geilivable geilivalbe geliable geiliable 英文反义词:ungelivable 给力读音为,gěi lì,中国北方的土话,表示给劲、带劲的意思。“给力”一词最初的火热源于日本搞笑动画《西游记:旅程的终点》中文配音版中悟空的一句抱怨:“这就是天竺吗,不给力啊老湿。”所谓“不给力”就是形容和预想目标相差甚远,而“给力”一般理解为有帮助、有作用、给面子。

伤不起 too delicate to bear a blow;vulnerable;be prone to getting hurt;



“浮云”的意思即虚无缥缈,转瞬即逝。“什么都是浮云”的意思是什么都不值得一提,有抱怨感叹之意。什么东西都很正常 都无所谓了

1.All things are of no consequence just like floating clouds.2.Everything is nothing.3.Kamiuma are floating clouds.你妹 your ass/ your sister



men who are tall, rich and handsome; 网络词汇,在各大论坛、贴吧高频出现,它形容男人身高八尺有余,在身材,财富,相貌上的完美无缺,对应于“屌丝”即“矮穷挫”.被分手 I got dumped.被分手是指两队情侣本来很在自然条件下不会分手,但是由于当今房价太高或者由于结婚成本太大造成最后不得不分手的现象。如果分手只是由一方提出,而另一方却还是在苦苦挽回,那么想挽回的这一方就可以说自己是被分手了,所以,被分手还可以看作是“被甩”的体面说法,这样说不损自己的自尊心,也不让交谈便得难堪,因此强烈建议,用被分手这个词代替被甩这个过时的词汇。

闺蜜 bestie

经济适用男 budget husband

打砸抢 beating smashing and looting 微博 Micro blog 山寨 copycat

异地恋 long-distance relationship

剩女 3S lady(single,seventies, stuck)/left girls

熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)

裸婚 naked wedding 炫富 flaunt wealth 团购 group buying 人肉搜索

flesh search 潮人:trendy 发烧友: fancier

骨感美女:bony beauty 卡奴:card slave 下午茶 high tea 愤青 young cynic

性感妈妈 yummy mummy 灵魂伴侣 soul mate 小白脸 toy boy

精神出轨 soul infidelity

钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon 80后:80's generation 百搭:all-match 限时抢购:flash sale 合租:flat-share 荧光纹身:glow tattoo 泡泡袜:loose socks 裸妆:nude look 黄牛票:scalped ticket 扫货:shopping spree

烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods 正妹 hotty


Strawberry generation 草根总统 grassroots president 拼车 car-pooling

解除好友关系 unfriend v.暴走 go ballistic 海外代购 overseas purchasing 闪婚 flash marriage 电约会 speed dating

闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance

乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)

一夜情 one-night stand

偶像派 idol type 脑残体 leetspeak 伪球迷 fake fans

狂热的 gaga

eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴

high temperature subsidy 奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 婚前性行为 premarital sex 开博 to open a blog

房奴车奴 mortgage slave 桑拿天 sauna weather 二房东 middleman landlord 笑料 laughing stock 散伙饭 farewell dinner

毕业旅行 after-graduation trip 面子工程 face job

学历门槛 academic threshold 王牌主播 mainstay TV host 招牌菜 signature dishes 逃学 play hooky,装病不上班 play hooky from work 吃白食的人 freeloader 经适房 affordable housing 电脑游戏迷:gamer

家庭主男:house-husband 小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man 二奶:kept woman

麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen

型男:metro sexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)

新新人类:new-new generation 另类:offbeat 菜鸟:rookie

“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug 驴友:tour pal 娘娘腔:sissy

负翁:spend-more-than-earn 全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom 裸奔:streaking 平角裤 boxers 浪女 dillydally girl

哈证族 certificate maniac 入园难 kindergarten crunch 文艺爱情片 chick flick 惊悚电影 slasher flick 死记硬背 cramming 女学究 blue stocking 非正常死亡 excess death 影视翻拍 plays reshooting 小型警车 panda car 老爷车 vintage car 差别电价 differential power prices 经济二次探底 double dip 扫把星 jinx 肚皮舞 belly dance 片前广告 cinemads 情侣装 couples dress 电子杂志 e-zine 胎教 fetal education 期房 forward delivery housing 健商 HQ 扎啤 jug beer 八卦,丑闻 kiss and tell 低腰牛仔裤 low-rise jeans 普拉提 Pilates 透视装 see-through dress 热裤 tight pants 舌钉 tongue pin 通灵 psychic 文凭热 degree craze 反腐败 anti-corruption 拜倒在某人的石榴裙下 throw oneself at someone’s feet 终生学习lifelong learning 天气保险 weather insurance 婚外恋 extramarital love;Extramarital affair 职场冷暴力 emotional office abuse 抚恤金 financial compensation 点唱机 juke box


厄尔尼诺(El Nino phenomenon)·····································································································:是一种气候现象,发生在热带的太平洋上,由于海温异常增暖,会造成全球气候的变化。厄尔尼诺有西班牙语“圣婴”之意。这个名字的起因是秘鲁沿岸渔民在四五百年间发现其捕鱼的时候,有些年份到冬季圣诞节海温会异常

标准普尔:(Standard & Poor's)是世界权威金融分析机构,总部位于美国纽约市,由亨利·瓦纳姆·普尔先生(Mr Henry Varnum Poor)于1860年创立。

大型开放式网络课程,即MOOC(massive open online courses)。


车辆购置税auto-purchase tax 纯电动汽车(Blade Electric Vehicles ,简称BEV),插电式混合动力汽车(Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle,简称PHEV),以及燃料电池电动汽车(fuel-cell electric vehicles)。

无烟缓冲区smoke-free buffer zone

扑出点球 save penalties

所谓集体自卫权(collective self-defense),是指与本国关系密切的国家遭受他国武力攻击时,无论自身是否受到攻击,都有使用武力进行干预和阻止的权利

假摔(diving)指在足球比赛进行过程中,一方球员在合理身体冲撞(fair charging)或者根本没有冲撞的情况下假装被对方队员犯规并摔倒,以骗取裁判的犯规判罚,得到点球(penalty kick)、任意球(free kick)、使对方球员受到红、黄牌等有利于己方判罚的行为。假球(match fixing,为了追求幕后经济利益,通过收买对手、裁判等手段取得想要的比赛

结果)和黑哨(cheating/unfair call,裁判员


Environmental Livability Index就是“环境宜居指数”

OSI group 福喜集团

China National Petroleum Corporation(CNPC)中国石油天然气集团公司(中国石油)

China Petrochemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)中石化

Residential mortgage-backed debt(securities)住房贷款抵押证券

雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)是为全球公司、机构、政府和投资者的金融需求提供服务的一家全方位、多元化投资银行。在次级抵押贷款市场(次贷危机)危机加剧的形势下,美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟最终丢盔弃甲,宣布申请破产保护。

金砖国家开发银行(新开发银行)(New Development Bank)成立时间2013年3月27日,是在2012年提出的,目的是为了美国金融危机以来,金砖国家为避免在下一轮金融危机中受到货币不稳定的影响,计划构筑的一个共同的金融安全网,可以借助这个资金池兑换一部分外汇用来应急,缓解对美元、欧元的依赖。总部设在中国上海。

福塔莱萨宣言 fortaleza declaration


亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia(CICA)

埃博拉(Ebola virus)又译作伊波拉病毒,是一种能引起人类和灵长类动物产生埃博拉出血热的烈性传染病病毒,有很高的死亡率,在50%至90%之间,致死原因主要为中风、心肌梗塞、低血容量休克或多发性器官衰竭。病毒以非洲刚果民主共和国的埃博拉河命名(该国旧称扎伊尔),是一个用来称呼一群属于纤维病毒科埃博拉病毒属下数种病毒的通用术语。

严重违纪 serious disciplinary violation


据新华社电8月2日,在柏林举行的第20届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,中国文学翻译家许渊冲荣获国际翻译界最高奖项之一——国际翻译家联盟International Federation of Translators(国际译联FIT)2014“北极光”(aurora borealis)杰出文学翻译奖,成为该奖项1999年设立以来首位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。93岁高龄的许渊冲因健康原因未能出席颁奖礼。他在书面发言中说:“从事汉语、英语和法语文学翻译对我而言是种享受。”



中英、中法文学翻译,为促进中外文化交流,特别是中国文化国际传播作出了重要贡献。93岁高龄的许渊冲因健康原因未能出席颁奖典礼。他在书面发言中说:“作为第一个获此殊荣的中国翻译家,我深感荣幸。我认为这不仅仅是对我个人翻译工作的认可,也表明中国文学受到世界更多的关注。” “从事汉语、英语和法语文学翻译对我而言一直是种享受,”他说,“93岁的我还在做翻译,我就是喜欢它。”


地震的强度(magnitude)一般按照里氏震级(Richter Scale)划分,它是将震级范围从1到10的一种对数标度,用以表现地震放出的能量总数,是根据美国地震学家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。

雾霾是什么呢?haze, haze, haze,也可以是airpocalypse, 这个词由air和Apocalypse(末日)组成。往往空气污染是通过一定的指数来检测的,这个指数就叫API,Air Pollution Index,那么这一指数反映的是什么呢?是空气质量指数AQI, Air Quality Index.雾霾天气时,大家出门一定要戴上防尘口罩哦,(anti-dust respirator/mask), 在家里也不要忘了放上一个空气净化器(air purifier)。最近雾霾天气又比较严重,听说防尘面具和空气净化器都严重脱销了(sell out)。前段时间还传言雾霾会影响生殖能力,(reproductive capacity),这个啊说不准,不过对还是会增加呼吸系统疾病(respiratory system disease)的发病率的,大家除了上述两项防护措施,也要在饮食上多加注意,多吃点黑木耳(black fungus)和银耳(snow fungus)。为应对严重雾霾天气,北京市环保局最近宣布将在2020年前全面禁止高污染燃料(high-polluting fuels).次生地质灾害(secondary geological hazards),由于是由primary disaster(原生灾害)所引发的,因此属于一种secondary disaster(次生灾害),比如地震后出现的quake lake(堰塞湖)就属于seismic secondary disaster(地震次生灾害)

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria(ISIS或ISIL),伊拉克与大叙利亚伊斯兰国,2014年新锐恐怖组织。是一支逊尼派背景的宗教极端武装,分布于中东的各个国家。其前身是2006年在伊拉克成立的“伊拉克伊斯兰国”。“al Shams”的意思是“大叙利亚”,即叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦、以色列和巴勒斯坦。ISIS组织的目标是消除在一战结束后,由温斯顿·丘吉尔所创建的现代中 东的国家边界,并在这一地区创立一个由基地组织运作的酋长国。也称“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIL)。

个性奖学金奖 individuality scholarship

普洛斯global logistic properties

总统山(Mount Rushmore),青年奥林匹克运动会(The Youth Olympic Games,YOG),简称为青年奥运会、青奥会。它是一项专为年轻人设立的体育赛事,融合了体育、教育和文化等领域的内容,并将为推进这些领域与奥运会的共同发展而起着一个催化剂的作用。

鲁迅文学奖(Lu Xun Literature Prize)中篇小说(middle-length novels)、短篇小说(short novels)、报告文学(reportage)、诗歌(poems)、散文杂文(prose and essays)、文学理论评论(literary reviews and theoretical works)“打油诗”(doggerel)

homegrown operating system(OS)本土操作系统

release on parole 假释

地方立法权(local legislative power)

suicide bombings 人肉炸弹

mail bomb 邮包炸弹

threat fatigue 威胁疲劳

face-mapping software 面部识别软件

roadside explosives 路边炸弹

reprisal attack 报复行动

manhunt 追捕

anti-terror campaign 反恐斗争

aerial bombardment 空袭

airborne attack 空降袭击

special forces 特种部队

carpet bomb 地毯式轰炸

pound 猛烈轰炸

cyberterrorism 网络恐怖主义

military buildup 军事集结

terrorist mastermind 恐怖分子幕后主谋

hit targets 攻击目标

launch strikes 发动进攻 hand over 交出

stronghold 要塞据点

refueling stop 补给站

blitz 闪电战,尤指空袭

air raid 空袭

extremist 极端分子

commando 突击队

al Qaeda 基地组织

Taliban 塔利班

counterterrorism professionals 反恐专家

counter-terrorism unit 反恐部队

elite troops 精英部队

syndicate of terror 恐怖集团

jihad 圣战(伊斯兰教徒对异教徒的战争)

Ground Zero 常规导弹瞄准的目标或核设备爆炸点,废墟。美国9·11事件后,ground zero常用来指代被恐怖分子袭击后的“世贸大厦遗址”。

hijack 劫持

Kamikaze attack 神风式飞机攻击,与对手同归于尽的自杀性飞行攻击。也称为suicide attack,因二战时期日本的“神风特攻队”得名。

deliberate and deadly terrorist acts 有预谋的、致命的恐怖主义行动

highest alert 一级戒备

hard-line Islamists 强硬派伊斯兰教徒

swill-cooked dirty oil(地沟油)道德败坏 moral corruption

以权谋私make profits with their power

前海湾保税港区Qianhai Bonded Port

行邮税 personal postal articles tax

假货counterfeit goods

行邮税personal postal articles tax

养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund);补充商业保险(supplementary commercial insurance),带薪年假(paid annual leave)

简政放权streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments;devolution

地方立法权local legislative power

权力寻租rent-seeking and corruption

土地征用land requisition

松绑限购relaxed home purchase restrictions

最低限价knock-down prices

points system for household registration积分落户制度

an exodus of independent directors离职潮 打铁还需自身硬A good example is the best sermon

转账诈骗 Bank Transfer Fraud 搬迁通知Removal Notice/Office Moving Notice

严重失职serious dereliction of duty

校园踩踏school stampede

登革热Dengue fever


群众路线 mass line

中央防范和处理邪教问题领导小组办公室,简称防范办(cult-busting office)

邪教组织(cults organizations)

中央候补委员(alternate member)

递补 fill the vacancy

无记名投票(secret ballot/anonymous ballot)

差额选举(competitive election)

打车软件”(taxi-hailing apps or cab-hailing apps)

人工电话召车(taxi-calling hotline)、手机软件召车(taxi-calling apps)、网络约车(online booking)

探月工程the lunar exploration program

登月舱(lunar module)

债券的偿付期Maturity period

年票即one-year pass,月票即monthly pass

中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第四次全体会议The Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee

创新型政府a pro-innovation government

维持原判ratify/affirm the original judgment

养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund)

Nobel Literature Prize / Nobel Prize in literature 诺贝尔文学奖

Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine诺贝尔生理学或医学奖

Swindling scientific research funds即为“套取国家科研经费”

Informal Leaders' Meetings, Ministerial Meetings, Senior Officials' Meetings, Committee & Working Group Meetings, and Secretariat.领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处

亚太经合组织财长会议(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Finance Ministers' Meeting)

AAMA(Administrative Aspects of Market Access)市场准入的行政管理措施

ABAC(APEC Business Advisory Council)APEC 工商咨询理事会

ABF(APEC Business Forum)亚太经合组织商业论坛

ACDY(APEC Communications and Database System)APEC 交流与数据库系统

ACE(Automatic Commercial Environment)自动商务环境

ACTETSME(APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises)亚太中心企业技术交流与培训中心

AELM(APEC Economic Leaders Meeting)亚太经合组织经济领导人会议

AES(Automated Export System)自动出口制度

AFTA(ASEAN Free Trade Area)东盟自由贸易区

AMM(APEC Ministerial Meeting)亚太经合组织部长会议

ANZCERTA(Australia-New Zealand Closer Economic Relations and Trade Agreement)澳新紧密经济关系和贸易协定

APB-Net(Asia – Pacific Business Network)亚太工商网

APEC(Asia-Pacific Ecomomic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组织

APERC(Asia-Pacific Energy Research Center)亚太能源中心

APII(Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure)亚太信息基础设施

APLAC(Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation


APLMF(Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum)亚太实验室认证会议

APLMF(Asia-Pacific Legal Mrtrology Forum)亚太法定计量论坛

APMA(Asia-Pacific Metrology Program)亚太计量方案

ASEAN(Association of South-East Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟

ATC(Agricultural Technical Cooperation Experts’Group)农业技术合作专家组

ATL(Accelerated Tariff Liberalization)加速关税自由化

BAC(Budget and Administrative Committee)行政和预算委员会

BMC(Budget and Management Committee)预算管理委员会

CAC(Codex Alimentarius Commission)《食品法规》联合委员会

CAP(Collective Action Plans)集体行动计划

CBN(Capacity Building Network)能力建设网络

CTI(Committee on Trade and Investment)贸易投资委员会

CUA(Concerted Unilateral Action)协调的单边行动

DMEG(Dispute Mediation Experts’ Group)争端调解专家组 EC(Economic Committee)经济委员会

ECOTECH(Economic and Technical Cooperation)经济技术合作

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换

EDFOR(Education Forum)教育论坛

EDNET(Education Network)教育网络

EMC(Electromagnetic Compatibility)电磁兼容

EPG(Eminent Persons Group)名人小组

ESC(Sub-Committee on ECOTECH)经济技术合作分委会

ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific亚太经济社会理事会

EVSL(Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization)部门自愿提前自由

EWG(Energy Working Group)能源工作组

FACTS(Facilitation,Accoumtability,Consistency,Trandparencyand Simplification)便利化、责任性、一致性、透明性和简单化

茶歇(tea break)

wearable air purifier可穿戴空气净化器

防雾霾口罩(anti-smog mask)

海外购buy products from overseas websites

直邮即direct delivery service

清关手续(customs clearance)

双十一 Doule 11 event

反恐怖主义情报中心anti-terrorism intelligence system

集资诈骗即raising funds by means of fraud

公私合作制 public-private partnership

亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议(亚信峰会)Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia(CICA)

EFL 英语为外语

WSK 全国外国语水平考试

travelling circus 巡回马戏团 circus wagon(马戏团的)大篷车 big top 大帐篷,马戏篷 tent 帐篷

ring, arena 场地 tier 看台

master of ceremonies, M.C.节目主持人,司仪

parade, cavalcade 列队行进 show 节目

circus act 马戏节目

trick rider, equestrian acrobat 马戏演员 equitation, riding 马术 equestrian, rider 马术演员

fakir, magician, illusionist, conjurer, conjuror 魔术师

mountebank, tumbler 变戏法者 ventriloquist 腹语术者 contortionist 柔术演员 acrobat 杂技演员

balancer 表演平衡技巧的人 trapeze artist 荡秋千演员 walker, rope walker 走绳索者 funambulist 走钢丝者 juggler 耍把戏者

sword swallower 吞剑者 fire eater 吞火者

snake charmer 耍蛇者

flier, flyer 空中飞人(美作:aerialist)clown 小丑 giant 巨人

midget, dwarf 侏儒 horse trainer 驯马师

wild animal trainer 驯兽师 lion tamer 驯狮者 wild animal 野兽 cage 笼子 whip 鞭子

performing animal 驯服的动物 tights, leotard 紧身衣 tumble 翻筋斗

double somersault 翻双筋斗 human pyramid 叠罗汉 balance平衡技巧 rings 圈

springboard 跳板 trampoline 绷床 trapeze 秋千 safety net 安全网 tightrope 绳索

wire-walking 走钢丝 balancing pole平衡杆

官商勾结collusion between government officials and business owners,或简称government-business corruption“

小官巨腐(corruption by low-level officials who engage in an astonishing number of bribery and money-for-position deals)”

“车 房超标(misconduct in government car use and housing allocation for officials)” “干部亲属利用职权经商谋利(relatives of officials using the officials' influence to seek commercial gains)”

“利用节庆及婚丧嫁娶收受礼金(took festival celebrations and weddings or funerals

as opportunities to receive “red envelopes,” or gift money)”

“买官卖官(lobbying for promotions or money-for-position deals)”

“搞‘小圈子’(formation of “small coteries” or factions among officials)”

“新常态”(new normal)速度

“从高速增长转为中高速增长”(the economy has shifted gear from the previous high speed to a medium-to-high speed growth)

“经济结构不断优化升级”(the economic structure is constantly improved and upgraded)

“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”(the economy is increasingly driven by innovation instead of input and investment)。

“新中装”(new Chinese-style outfits)立领(stand up collar)、对开襟(Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve),提花万字纹(the swastika decoration pattern),宋锦(the Song Brocade)面料、饰海水江崖纹(the sea and mountain pattern)立领(stand up collar)、对襟(Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve),双宫缎(douppioni)面料、饰海水江崖纹(the sea and mountain pattern)开襟(front opening)、连肩袖(the raglan sleeve)外套,内搭立领旗袍裙(cheongsam skirt with stand up collar)

Asia-Pacific dream“亚太梦”

comprehensively deepening reform(全面深化改革)

liberate the productive force(对社会生产力的解放)

unleash the vitality of the society(社会活力的解放)

丝路基金(Silk Road fund)子基金(sub-funds)打破亚洲互联互通的瓶颈(break the connectivity bottleneck in Asia)

Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific(FTAAP)“亚太自贸区”

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)Business Advisory Council(亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会)

一带一路(One Belt and One Road)”是指“丝绸之路经济带(the Silk Road Economic Belt)”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road)”

利益共同体(benefit community)命运共同体(fate community)国际性合作倡议(international cooperation initiative)地缘经济(geo-economy)

“中期选举(midterm elections)争夺对国会的控制权(gain control of the Congress)

Carpooling也叫car sharing,即“拼车” HOV lane(high-occupancy vehicle lane),即“高上座率机动车道”,同时也叫拼车专用道(carpool lane)

知识产权法院即a special court for intellectual property rights(IPR)cases

东盟秘书处(the ASEAN Secretariat)、太平洋经济合作理事会(Pacific Economic Cooperation Council)和太平洋岛国论坛(Pacific Islands Forum)

自助餐(buffet)、茶歇(tea break)、桌餐(dinner served at tables)

民告官the people suing the government

宪法日Constitution Day

宪法宣誓pledge allegiance to the Constitution

Crimes subject to the death penalty适用死刑的罪名

走私武器、弹药罪(smuggling weapons and ammunition)

走私核材料罪(smuggling nuclear materials)走私假币罪(smuggling fake banknotes)伪造货币罪(counterfeiting banknotes)集资诈骗罪(collecting funds through fraud)组织卖淫罪(organizing prostitutes)强迫卖淫罪(forcing prostitution)

阻碍执行军事职务罪(hindering the enforcement of military duties)

战时造谣惑众罪(spreading rumors during wartime)

反恐怖主义情报中心anti-terrorism intelligence system

安全防范(security precautions)

持证街头艺人authorized busker

PPP模式 public-private partnership公私合作制

第五篇:2018考研翻译硕士 5月热词新词


新零售 new retail


中美元首会晤 meeting between the heads of state of China and the US 雄安新区 Xiongan New Area 反腐剧 anti-corruption TV series 老戏骨(veteran actor)利益集团(interest group)地市级(prefecture-level)、省部级(provincial and ministerial-level)到副国级(deputy state-level)金融风险防控financial risk control 僵尸企业(zombie enterprises)空壳企业(shell companies)分时计价 time-of-use pricing system

出租车叫车服务(taxi-hailing service),以及顺风车(ride sharing)和快车(fast ride)熊猫外交 panda diplomacy 世界自然保护联盟IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 国际保护自然与自然资源联盟 炸弹之母 the mother of all bombs 飞絮 fluffy catkins 超售 overbooking

共享充电宝 sharable charger

智能行人闯红灯取证系统 intelligent system for jaywalking identification

不遵守交通规则乱穿马路的行为就是jaywalking,乱穿马路的行人就是jaywalker。赞赏功能 reward feature/tipping function 二维码QR codeQuick Response code 天舟一号 Tianzhou-1 推进舱(propelling module)货物舱(cargo module)

物资运输能力(payload capacity)

自动交会对接(autonomous docking)、自主快速交会对接(autonomous fast docking)推进剂在轨补加(propellant in-orbit refueling)共享单车 bike sharing 押金管理 deposit management 社会公示(public notification)

国产航母 domestically/home-built aircraft carrier 迷你KTV mini karaoke booth

热词5.2 “一带一路”(the Belt and Road)指“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt)和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)。新词5.2 超级富翁Zillionaire 百万富翁millionaire 亿万富翁billionaire 千万富豪multimillionaire 拥有数十亿资产的富翁 multibillionaire 热词5.3 中国品牌日Chinese Brands Day 国务院同意自2017年起,将每年5月10日设立为“中国品牌日”。新词5.3 裙带关系nepotism “裙带关系”指的是在某个机构中任命亲友担任某些职位,而其他人更有资格担任这些职位。因为私人关系而不是个人能力更支持亲友,就属于裙带关系。

热词5.4 《中国大百科全书》Chinese Encyclopaedia 新词5.4 睡眠课程napercise

热词5.5 北方最强沙尘天气 desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴

air quality rating 空气质量评级 visibility 能见度

sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 forestation 植树造林

Three-North Shelter Forestation Project “三北防护林”工程 arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区 新词5.5 空巢青年Empty-nest youths 指的是年轻的单身族,他们独居生活,一般是在城市工作。


homemade passenger jet 单通道飞机 single-aisle plane 宽体飞机 wide-body aircraft 市场主流 market mainstream 适飞证书 airworthiness certificate 2.光量子计算机

photon quantum computer 量子卫星 quantum satellite 超级计算机 supercomputer 高速运算 high-speed computation 人工智能 artificial intelligence 3.沙尘暴 sandstorm

沙漠化 desertification 空气质量等级 air quality rating 能见度 visibility 植树造林 forestation 4.网游实名

real name registration for online games 虚拟道具(virtual prop)手游 mobile phone game 桌游 desktop game 主机游戏 console game 电脑游戏 PC game 网页游戏 browser game 5.武德

martial arts morality

综合格斗(mixed martial arts, MMA)较量/回合 bout习武 practice kungfu 身体动作 body movements 文化软实力 cultural soft power 6.事前投票 early voting 投票日 polling day 缺席投票 absentee voting 合格选民 eligible voter 政治观察员 political watcher 投票亭 voting booth 热词5.8 网络售票系统(online ticket/booking system)新词5.8 合伙办公Coworking 是一种以共享工作环境,而各自独立活动为特色的办公形式,通常是共享一间办公室。与传统的办公环境不同,合伙办公的人员通常受雇于不同的机构。

热词5.9 入学面谈admission interviews 学区school district 新词5.9 有毒单身汉Toxic bachelor

指的是自私、感觉迟钝、惧怕承诺的未婚男性。彼得潘情结(Peter Pan complex)


热词5.10 蓝鲸游戏Blue Whale game 是兴起于俄罗斯一社交平台上的“死亡”游戏。整个游戏共历时50天,游戏参与者(challengers/players/participants)每天都需完成管理员布置的一项任务,其中包括在早上4点20分起床,观看恐怖电影(watch horror movies),自残(self-mutilation)等内容。每次完成任务后,都需提供图片或视频证据。第50天的任务就是自杀(commit suicide)。

这个游戏最初是由一名被大学开除的心理学学生Philipp Budeikin创建的,他表示,创建这个游戏的目的是,通过逼迫那些他认为没有价值的人自杀来“清理”社会 新词5.10 电邮呼吸暂停Email apnea 热词5.11 “扫码打赏”(tipping via QR code)国内一线城市的餐厅现在流行让顾客“扫码打赏”,顾客可以扫码服务员制服上的二维码来支付小费,每次的金额为3元或5元。扫码行乞begging via QR code QR code 全称为Quick Response code(快速回应码),二维码(two-dimensional code)和矩阵条形码(matrix barcode)都属于QR code。新词5.11 随身听效应Walkman effect 指的是由于使用便携式音乐播放器等科技产品,使人们从周围的公共环境中脱离出来。

热词5.12 无地沟油”行动(“No Gutter Oil” campaign)food safety 食品安全 kitchen waste 餐厨垃圾

illegal food additives 非法食品添加剂 pesticide residues 农药残留 新词5.12 窥探管理Snooper 是一种管理方式或监管风格,特点是干涉或过多打听。

热词5.15 类脑(brain-inspired intelligence)人工智能(AI technology)virtual reality(VR)虚拟现实 augmented reality(AR)增强现实 artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能 humanoid 仿真机器人 新词5.15 比赛休假Racecation 指的是途中要参加比赛的旅行,比如在假期行程中参加马拉松或三项全能比赛。

一周热词榜(5.6-12)1.一带一路 Belt and Road 丝绸之路经济带(Silk Road Economic Belt)21世纪海上丝绸之路(21st Century Maritime Silk Road)议程 agenda 全体会议 plenary session平行会议 parallel meeting 专题讨论会 panel discussion 取得重要成果 yield major outcomes 明确合作方向 identify cooperation directions 实现共赢发展 achieve win-win development 2.儿童肥胖 childhood obesity

公共健康问题 public health problem 综合干预 comprehensive intervention 预防为主 prevention first 营养代谢 nutrition metabolism 3.全网络售票 online-only ticket sale 淡季(off season)旺季 busy season 过度拥挤 overcrowding 安全问题 safety concern 文化创意产品 creative cultural products 扫描二维码购票 purchase ticket by scanning a QR code 分时段控制客流 control the number of visitors during different time periods 4.无地沟油 No Gutter Oil 食品安全 food safety 非法食品添加剂 illegal food additives 农药残留 pesticide residues 5.中间派 centrist

捍卫欧洲团结 champions European unity 全球主义者 globalists 极右翼民粹主义者 far-right populists 一股政治新力量 a new political force 自由、平等、博爱 Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

热词5.16 信用证开证(issuance of letters of credit)、股权转让合同(equity transfer contracts)、居间合同(intermediary contract)、独立保函(independent guarantee)、海域污染损害赔偿(marine pollution compensation)、海上货物运输合同(contract of carriage of goods by sea)、承认和执行外国仲裁裁决(recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards)、承认和执行外国商事判决(recognition and enforcement of foreign commercial judgments)新词5.16 扫描焦虑症Scanxiety 指的是等待进行医学扫描或接收检查报告时感到的焦虑。

热词5.17 “债券通”(Bond Connect)


初期先开通“北向通”(northbound trading),即香港及其他国家与地区的境外投资者经由香港与内地基础设施机构之间在交易、托管、结算等方面互联互通的机制安排,投资于内地银行间债券市场 未来将适时研究扩展至“南向通”(southbound trading),即境内投资者经由两地基础设施机构之间的互联互通机制安排,投资于香港债券市场 新词5.17 办公室易怒office rage 原因主要是:电脑宕机、打印机出毛病、讨厌且懒惰的同事、以及不顾别人感受的老板。女性在办公室比男性更加易怒。胸中怒火难耐,不小心就会在办公室发飙。

热词5.18 北京时间5月16日晚间,羽毛球名将林丹在社交平台发布向粤羽俱乐部的讨薪声明。林丹声明希望俱乐部能尊重运动员的付出,立即支付拖欠运动员的全部薪金。他表示,如果未妥善解决,他和队友将采取法律手段维护权益。

拖欠工资failing to pay/ withhold salary/ delay salary 加班费(overtime pay)新词5.18 奶奶保姆Granny nanny 指的是在儿女上班时,承担起照顾孙子孙女工作的祖母或外祖母。

热词5.19 环保部the Ministry of Environmental Protection(MEP)空气质量评级air quality rating 沙尘天气sand and dust weather 可吸入颗粒物PM10 可入肺颗粒物PM2.5 颗粒物质particulate matter 新词5.19 清洁饮食clean eating 这种饮食方式指的是不吃加工食品,大量摄入生的、未经加工的天然农产品。

热词5.22 国家大数据库中心national big data center 窄带互联网Narrow Band Internet of Things 分享经济sharing economy

国家大数据战略n at ional big data strategy

众创、众包、众扶、众筹crowd innovation, crowdsourcing, crowd support, and crowdfun ding 新词5.22 短信脖Text neck 指的是由于过度和长时间的头部倾斜导致的颈部和上背部疼痛,比如发送短信,或者使用移动设备时的其他动作。

热词5.23 大龄未婚the singles in old age “剩男剩女”(left-over men and women)、“必剩客”(doomed single)、人人喜欢的钻石王老五(golden bachelor)、平庸普通的光棍汉(bachelor)

国外一般将大龄女青年称为3S lady,也就是Single(单身)、Seventies(大多数生于上世纪七十年代)、Stuck(被卡住了,即在寻找伴侣的路上被卡住了)。也有人用SAS来形容“黄金剩女”,即single(单身)、attractive(迷人),successful(成功)。“黄金单身族”(golden singles),指月平均可支配收入(average monthly disposable income)至少达到8000元的单身男女。新词5.23 骗子综合症Impostor Syndrome 指“一直无法相信个体成功是自身努力的结果,或是不相信个体成功是自身努力或自身技能过硬的结果”。

关于“骗子综合症”,心理学上更准确的术语是“impostor phenomenon / 骗子现象,或自我能力否定倾向”,即“从内心里否定自我能力”。自我怀疑(self-doubt)

一周热词榜(5.13-19)1.丝路精神 Silk Road spirit

全球化捍卫者 champion of globalization 零和思维 zero-sum mentality 地缘博弈 geopolitical maneuvering 和而不同 harmony without uniformity 2.勒索软件 ransomware 一种名为“想哭”的勒索软件规模空前地席卷了150多个国家,感染电脑超过30万台,全球响起网络安全警钟。该勒索软件(ransomware)的代码是利用美国国家安全局(the US National Security Agency)被盗的黑客工具(hacking tool)“永恒之蓝(Eternal Blue)”开发的。该软件将多国的联网电脑(computers connected to the internet),尤其是使用汽车工厂、医院、商店和学校的局域网(intranets in car factories, hospitals, shops and schools)的电脑锁住,对数据进行加密(encrypt data),向受害者索取价值高达600美元的比特币付款后才为电脑解锁(demand bitcoin payments of up to $600 to unlock the computers)。恶意代码 malicious code 僵尸电脑 zombie machine 网络犯罪 cybercrime 点击欺诈 click fraud 钓鱼网站 phishing site 3.臭氧污染 ozone pollution

空气质量评级 air quality rating 沙尘天气 sand and dust weather 细颗粒物 fine particulate matter 弱冷空气 weak cold front 4.活跃用户 active user

典型用户 typical user 僵尸粉 zombie/phantom follower 虚假粉丝 fake/artificial follower 无效帐号 invalid account 5.北大保安 PKU security guard

藏龙卧虎(“crouching tigers and hidden dragons”)。活到老学到老(lifelong learning)“ 蹭课(sneak into classes)、听讲座(attend lectures)、泡图书馆(hole up in the library)。自学 self-studying 中等职业学校 secondary vocational school 未受过良好教育的 under-educated 向命运屈服 obey destiny 正能量 positive energy

热词5.24 “废旧手机”指被废弃的、老旧的手机,所以英文可以用old and discarded cellphones表示,也可简称为discarded phones。新词5.24 电脑狂暴症Computer rage 是指由于极度愤怒或沮丧,所引发的对电脑或配件的“拳打脚踢”或“言语羞辱”。热词5.25 慢就业delayed employment 慢就业,也叫延迟就业,英文可用delayed employment表示,指一些大学生毕业后既不打算马上就业也不打算继续深造,而是暂时选择游学(go on a study tour)、支教(participate in a volunteer teaching program)、在家陪父母或者等待机会自主创业,慢慢考虑人生道路的现象。新词5.25 to pump and dump –从吸到扔:指的是饮酒后丢弃母乳 tummy time –肚肚时间:小婴儿趴着睡的时间,用于帮助他们增强背部、手臂以及脖子的力量 dream feeding –睡梦喂:指的是深夜里趁婴儿还在迷迷糊糊睡着的状态下喂奶 nonparent –没有做父母的人

W-sitting – W坐:指的是小孩子们坐在地上,把两腿放在身体两侧呈W状的样子 dumdum –孩子对于奶嘴的称呼

nesting –筑巢冲动:指的是孩子出生前父母强迫性地打扫卫生、收纳以及做准备的冲动 baby brain –孩子脑:在怀孕或是刚生完孩子时大脑经历低认知能力的状态 backlabour–生产宫缩时下背部的剧烈疼痛 assisted conception –辅助受孕

baby-led weaning –孩子主导的断奶:将固体食物渐渐添加到孩子的饮食中,鼓励孩子以自己吃的方式(而不是父母喂),探索食物的味道、口感和质地,从而渐渐地断奶。coparenting–共同养育:一对没有亲密关系的人共同“制造”或养育孩子。babymoon –宝宝月:指的是女性与伴侣在孩子出生前享受的假期。

热词5.26 共享单车bicycle-sharing 押金管理 deposit management 用户安全 client security 停车管理 parking management 分享经济 sharing economy 共享汽车 car-sharing 新词5.26 同人小说Fanfic 是指的是电视剧或电影的粉丝编写的情节或故事。由作品的粉丝而不是原作者撰写的,其人物角色和故事背景与原作相同。英文也可以缩写为fan fic,fanfic 或者fic。尤其是 自互联网出现以来,同人小说成为粉丝创作的一种流行形式。

热词5.27 逆周期因子countercyclical factor 顺周期波动(procyclical fluctuation)

“羊群效应”(head effect)(lessen possible ”herd effects“)也称“从众心理”,在资本市场上,“羊群效应”是指在一个投资群体中,单个投资者总是根据其他同类投资者的行动而行动,在他人买入时买入,在他人卖出时卖出。新词5.27 牛津辞典监控中的新词:Receipts

热词5.31 “单一窗口”(single-window system)

指的是指参与国际贸易和运输的各方(all parties involved in international trade and transport),通过单一的平台提交标准化的信息和单证以满足相关法律法规及管理的要求,也就是说,所有的进出口手续可以一站式办理(all export and import procedures can be done at one stop),货物清关流程更加便捷、顺畅。新词5.31 机械安慰剂Mechanical placebo 指的是看上去似乎能完成某种特定功能,但其实什么也做不成的装置或设备。



excursions to suburban areas 亲子游(parent-child/family trip)出境游 outbound travel 全域旅游 all-for-one tourism 旅游保证金 travel deposit 生育旅游 fertility tourism 2.共享单车实名制

real name registration for shared bikes 押金管理 deposit management 用户安全 client security 停车管理 parking management 分享经济 sharing economy 共享汽车 car-sharing 3.慢就业

delayed employment 就业压力 employment pressure 就业歧视 employment discrimination 隐性就业 unregistered employment 求职 job hunting 跳槽 job-hopping 签订劳动合同 sign labor contract 4.废旧手机 unused mobile phone

”变废为宝(turn waste into treasure)“ 可再生能源 renewable energy 再利用 reuse 节能 energy conservation 环保 environmental protection 新能源 new energy 5.恐怖威胁等级 terror threat level

反恐行动 anti-terrorist operation 独狼恐怖分子 lone-wolf terrorist 极端组织 extremist group 自杀式袭击 suicide attack 自制炸弹 homemade bomb 声称负责 claim responsibility


“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation “一带一路”(the Belt and Road)指“丝绸之路经济带”(the Silk Road Economic Belt)和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”(the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road)

论坛总体以“五通”为主线:政策沟通(policy coordination)、设施联通(facilities connectivity)、贸易畅通(unimpeded trade)、资金融通(financial integration)、民心相通(people-to-people bond)。中国品牌日 Chinese Brands Day 网络百科全书 online encyclopaedia 沙尘暴 sandstorm 国产客机 homemade passenger jet 全网络售票 online-only ticket sale 网络售票系统(online ticket/booking system)入学面谈 admission interviews 蓝鲸游戏 ”Blue Whale" game 在巴西,一位设计师还专门发起了名叫“粉鲸”(pink whale)的活动来对抗“蓝鲸”。志愿者们加入“粉鲸”群组,在社交媒体上发起各种珍视生命、对抗抑郁的正能量活动 扫码打赏 tipping via QR code 类脑智能 brain-inspired intelligence 人工智能(AI technology)债券通 Bond Connect “北向通”(northbound trading)“南向通”(southbound trading)臭氧污染 ozone pollution 慢就业 delayed employment 废旧手机 discarded phones 共享单车 shared bikes 电子围栏(electronic fence)逆周期因子 countercyclical factor 单一窗口 single window/single-window system 进出境申报(customs declaration)、物流监控(logistics monitoring)、企业资信(enterprise credit standing)



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