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九年级英语Unit5《What are the shirts made of?》知识点


1.____ _______ ______ 由……制造

2.____ _______ ______ 在……制造

3._____________ ______________环境保护

4.____ _______ ______以……而著名

5.____ _______ ______在……生产

6.____ _______ ______ 以……闻名

7.____ _______ ______ _______ _______ 据我所知

8.____ _______ ______ 手工采摘

9._______ ______ 发送

10.____ _______ ______ 避免做某事

11._______ ______ 日用品


1.What are the shirts made of? 衬衫是由什么制成的?

2.It was made in Thailand.它是在泰国制造的。

3.No matter what you made buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造的。

4.The international kite festival is held in April every year.国际风筝节是在每年的四月举行。

5.Laura didn’t know that kite flying could be so exciting.劳拉不知道放飞风筝可能会如此令人兴奋。


1.made of 由……制(构)成,后接构成某物质的原料。

例:This skirt is made of silk.这件裙子是用丝绸制成的。

be made of/from/up of的区别

(1)be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么 保留原材料的质和形状,制作过程仅发生物理变化。

例:The kite is made of paper.风筝是用纸做的。

(2)be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。

例:The paper is made from wood.纸是木头做的。

Butter is made from milk.黄油是从牛奶中提炼出来的。

(3)be made up of 用……构成或组成的,指人、物皆可,指结构成分。

例:Our class is made up of six groups.我们班是由六个小组组成的。

2.It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.好像全世界的许多人都在喝中国茶。

句型“It seems that…”意为“看起来好像/似乎……”,其中seem是连系动词,意为“似乎;好像”,句型中的it是形式主语,不能用其他代词来替代。

例:It seems that he was late for the train.看来他没赶上火车。


(1)seem to do sth此句型可与“It seems that…”转换。

例:They seem to find the way to the cinema.=It seems that they find the way to the cinema.他们似乎找到了去电影院的路了。


例:My temperature seems(to be)all right.我的体温看上去正常了。


例: That seems not a bad idea.看上去主意不错。

3.When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing in factory.当茶叶成熟时,就被用手工采摘然后送到工厂加工。

此句是由when 引导的时间状语从句,are picked, are sent都是一般现在时的被动结构。

例:When the fruit are ready, they are picked and are sent to the mark for sale.当这些水果成熟后就被摘下来并送到市场上卖掉。

4.No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.无论你买什么,你都可能认为那些产品是在那些国家生产的。

此句为由no matter +特殊疑问词引导的让步状语从句。意为“无论….”,相当于whatever。

例:No matter what I said to her, she still didn’t believe me.无论我对她说什么,她仍然不相信我。

5.find out, 查出,找到。指有目的,经过一定努力才找到。

例:The police are trying to find out where the boy got off the train.警察正在查找这个男孩是从哪下的火车。

find, find out与look for find,find out和look for都含有“寻找、找到”的意思,但其含义和用法却不同。

① find意为“找到、发现”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某种情况,强调的是找的结果。【例句】

Will you find mea pen? 你替我找支钢笔好吗?

He didn’t find his bike.他没找到他的自行车。

② look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。

例:I don’t find my pen,I’m looking for it everywhere.我没有找到我的钢笔,我正到处找。

He is looking for his shoes.他在找他的鞋子。

③ find out意为“找出、发现、查明”,多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无形的、抽象的东西。例:Please find out when the train leaves.请查一下火车什么时候离站。

Read this passage,and find out the answer to this question.【语法归纳】




如:He often helps me with my English.他经常帮助我学英语。(help这个动作经常发生often;故用一般现在时)英语中常用的时态有:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、过去将来时等等。


① 主语是动作的发出者(执行者)为主动语态。

如: The tall boy often hits his classmates(主语boy是谓语动词hit的发出者)。

② 主语是动作的接受者(承受者)为被动语态。汉语中常用“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词用来表示被动,而英语用:助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词构成 如: Chinese is spoken by the most people in the world(主语Chinese是谓语动词speak的接受者)。语态与时态的关系:在任何一个英语句子中都同时存在语态时态,他们是分析一个英语句子的两个主要元素。


① He is looking after his sister at home.(此句为现在进行时的主动语态结构)

② He is being looked after well by his parents.(此句为现在进行时的被动语态结构)


二、被动语态最基本的句型结构: be +及物动词过去分词

说明:①、be 有时态,人称和数的变化。

②、被动语态中的谓语动词必须是及物动词;因为被动句中的主语是动作的承受者,某些短语动词如look after, think of, take care of, work out, laugh at等,也可用于被动语态。


1.当不知道或没有必要指出动作的执行者时,常用被动语态,这时往往不用by 短语。

“Mr.White, the cup with mixture was broken after class.”(只是告诉老师杯子坏了,不知是谁弄坏的,或不想说出谁弄坏的)。

2.突出或强调动作的承受者,如果需要说出动作的执行者,用by 短语。如:The cup was broken by Paul.3.当汉语句子的主语既不是动作的执行者,也不是动作的承受者时,这时常用in + 名词作状语,而代替 by 短语。

如:These cars were made in China.四、主动语态变被动语态的变法: 主动语态与被动语态之间如何转换


2.把主动语态的谓语变成被动语态的be + 过去分词,时态要与原句保持一致。

3.把主动语态的主语变为介词by 的宾语,放在被动语态里谓语动词之后,by 短语可以省略。如果原句主语是地点名词,在被动语态中用in + 地点名词作状语。

五、一般现在时的被动语态:am /is/ are +done

如: Tea is grown in Hangzhou.杭州种植茶叶。


九年级英语Unit3《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》知识点 【必记单词】


1._____ ___ 过去常常 2.___ _______ ___ 害怕

3._____ ________ ___ ______ 时常;有时 4.______ ____ 变红

5.______ ____ 开始做 6.______ ____ 对付;应付

7._____…_________ 不再 8.______ ____ ______ 很多关注

9.______ ____ 担心 10.______ ____ 当心

11.______ ____ 闲逛 12.______ ____ 放弃

13.______ ____ 考虑 14.______ ____ ______ ____

____… 极少数的……

15.______ ____ 独处 16.______ ____ ______ 做演讲



①由_______+ _______+ 谓语 构成常由下面的一些词引导:

② 由_______ 引导 表示陈述意义 _______ 可省略

He _____(that)___ ___ ____ ______.他说他在家里。

③ 由___ , _________ 引导 表示 一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否、对否等)_______________________________魏华喜欢吃鱼吗?

改为宾语从句:I don’t know ___ / ______ Wei Hua likes fish.我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。

④ 由 连接代词、连接副词(疑问词)引导 表示特殊疑问意义

他想要买什么?__________________________ Do you know _____ ____ ______ buy? = Do you know______ ____ _______你知道他想要买什么吗?

⑤ 从句时态要与主句一致


当主句是一般过去时,从句应使用_____某时态(一般___时,___进行时,____将来时,_____完成时)He said(that)he ____ at home.他说他在家里。

I didn’t know that she ____ _____ now.我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wanted to know if I ____________ m homework.2.get v.得到、买、到达

3._____ a telephone call 打电话

4.______ money 省钱、存钱


____ you ____ where is … ?

Can you ____ me ____ I ____ get to …?

Could you____ me ____ ___ get to …?

②____/______/______/_____ you ______ tell me sth.表示十分客气地询问事情

③Could you tell me ____ ___ get to the park? 请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好吗?

上面句子中的_____ ___ _____ __ ______是疑问词与________连用,用作____语,但不是__________(这一点要搞清楚,它不是宾语从句),相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)

I don't know how____ solve the problem ==I don't know how___ _____ solve the problem.我不知道如何解决这个问题

Can you tell me when ___ leave? ==Can you tell me when__ _______ leave?


6.日常交际用语: ______ the elevator / escalator to the … floor.乘电梯/自动扶梯到…楼

______ left / right == _____ a left / right 向左/ 右转

go ________ 向前___走

7._____ ___ 旁边、紧接着(常见短语)

Lily __ ______ ___ Ann.莉莉就在安的旁边。

8.________ … _____… 在…和…之间(重中之重...)

Lily is __________ Ann ____ Tom.莉莉就在安和汤姆的之间。

9.decide ___ do 决定做…(重点用法,记着decide后面要用不定式to do)

She ________ ___ go to have lunch.她决定去吃午餐。

________ a decision 做个决定(常见短语)10.Is that a good place ___ ______ ____? 那是不是一个闲荡的好地方?

上面句子中的___ ____ ____修饰前面的名词______,是_______作______。

如 There are something___ ____.这有吃的东西。句子中的___ ____修饰代词__________,作______。

11.______ ___ +adj/adv.译为―有点、一点‖(常见短语)

She ___ ______ ___ shy.她有点害羞。

12.expensive 贵的 反义词 _____________ 不贵的

13.crowded 拥挤的(这个有时候会考)反义词 ______________不拥挤的14._______ a vacation == _______ ___ a vacation 去度假

15.___ ____打扮 ___ ____ ___ 打扮成

He wanted to ___ ____ ___ Father Christmas.他想要打扮成圣诞老人。

16.___ ____ ___ 在海滩上,介词用 ____ 17.politely adv.有礼貌地 _________ adj.有礼貌的18.___ ____


Living things ___ ____ the sunlight.生物对阳光有依赖性。

That ___ ____ how you did it.那决定于你怎样做这件事。

19.prefer 动词,更喜欢、宁愿。常用的结构有:

prefer sth._________某事 I ________ _______.我更喜欢英语。

prefer_______/ __ do 宁愿做某事 I ________ _______/ __ ____.我宁愿坐着。

prefer sth ___ sth.同…相比__________…

I ________ dogs ____ cats.与猫相比我更喜欢狗。

prefer ______ to _____ 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 I prefer ________ to _______.我宁愿走路也不愿坐着

prefer __ ___ rather than___ 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

I ________ ___ _________ ______ ________ ______.我宁愿工作而不愿闲着。(我再次强调一下,prefer的用法真的很重要,这不是开玩笑~)

20.on ____ ______ hand 另一方面(一方面:on _____ hand.对于这样的短语大家完全可以放在作文中,这样可以使文章增色不少)

21.把…借给某人:lend sb.sth.== lend sth _____ sb.(反义词:borrow..from..)

Lily lent me her book == Lily lent her book to me.莉莉把她的书借给了我。

22._____ ____ 例如 23.I'm sorry ____ do sth.对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。

24.___ ___ ______ 在某种程度说

25.___ _____ __为了…表目的。He got up early ___ _____ __ catch the first bus.他起早床是为了赶上头班公共汽车。

26.同级比较:___ …___ __+ 形容词/ 副词原级 +__, 表示―和…一样的…‖―…和…一样的…‖

He works ___ ________ ___ we.他工作和我们同样努力。

否定 ____ ___/___......______表示―和…不一样的

九年级英语unit1---unit3 单选专练

1.—How do you learn English?—I learn English by _________.A.listen to cassettes B.speak it C.listening to cassettes

D.ask the teacher 2..This is the best hour I can _________ I_________ in the past twelve years.A.know;have had B.remember;had C.think of;have had D.think out;had 3.He speaks too quickly_________.A.understand B.write them down C.to understand A.how to doB.how to deal C.what to dealD.what to solve 5.—How did you get there yesterday?—_________.A.Take a taxi A.from B.By walking C On a car C.forD.around

A.goes by

B.passes by

D.I walked there 6.English is popular around the world _________computers.B.into 7.As time _________,we know each other better.C.went off A.study A.go A.ask D.going by 8.Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.B.learns C.to learn D.studies B.went C.gone


D.asks 9.I know Lillian Li enjoys _________out with English-speaking friends.10.Why don’t you _________your teacher for help?

B.to ask C.asking

11.—Why did you quarrel with your mum? —She was always _________ a little guy.A.regarding me as A.at B.Thinking me as C.treating me likeD.thinking of me like C.over

D.from 12.When I spoke English, people there always laughed _________me.B.in

13.When I was a child, I used to ___________ strawberry.A.liking



D.likes 14.It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.A.seems

B.looks C.looks as if D.seems as if 15.He is afraid of ___________ strangers.A.see



D.seen 16.I used to have short hair but now I have _____ hair.A.curly



D.yellow 17.I don’t like going out.I’m very _______.A.funny



D.active 18.My sister likes music.My father used to take

her to the _______.A.museum B.amusement park C.concerts D.hospital 19.Don’t ___________ about things so much.It will make you stressed out.A.afraid B.terrify C.terrified D.worry 20.I used to be shy.I couldn’t ___________________.A.alone

B.speak in front of a large group C.say anything

D.try 21.The biggest trouble I came across _________ English was how to learn the words by heart.D.and write 4.We still couldn’t decide _________ with our difficulties in learning English.A.to study A.don’t B.studying

C.in study C.Do not


D.do not 22._________ you remember me.I’m Dania, your childhood friend?


23.You’re Paula,_________?

A.are you A.sure A.did A.it A by A sure A for B.do you C.aren’t you B.surely B.Didn’t

D.don’t you D.be surely

D.Did D.that 24.People _________ change.But I don’t think our friendship change, either.C.be sure

25.You used to be really little fat,_________ you?


C this

26.Martin hated _________ when his mother sent him to a boarding school.B.her

27.His father makes a living __________driving a taxi.B with

C for

D through B terrified

B in

C made

D kinds

D at 28.Girls are usually____________

of spiders and insects.29.Children often make mistakes

spelling.C on 30.No children _________to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary.A.should allow B.shouldn’t be allowed C.should be allowed D.don’t allow 31 ——Do you always spend lots of time _____playing computer games? ——No, but I spend much time ________my homework.A.on;in



D.in;in 32 like writing my own original sentences _____the grammar I’ve learned.A.use B to use

C used

D using 33.You should _______the new words that you don’t know how to spell.A look for B look after

C look up D look down

D use 34.Did you________ play the computer games? A used to B

use to C usedn’t to

35.Do you have any trouble ___________the foreigners? A to understand





D understood 36.Mary won’t go and Peter won’t go ,____.A.too



D.neither 37.----What have you done ______the bananas?

----I have given them away.A.at




38.The_______ should be taken good care of.They are too young.A.one-year-old B.one-year-olds


D.one-year-old child 39.-------Where is Mrs.Jones? She is wanted on the phone.--------She isn’t in the office.She ________ to the hospital.A.has gone

B.has been


D.goes 40.I think ________ vocabulary lists ________ us a lot.A.Make, help B.making, helps C.makes, helping

D.making, help 42.You should concentrate________ your work.A.in



D.with 43.Stars can’t _______in the daytime.A.saw



D.be seen 44.Parents should not be too strict




D.on 45.A: I finished my work..B:

A.So do I.B.So does I.C.So have I.D.So did I.46.You always come up with good solutions________

people’s problems.A.in



D.for 47.Teenagers should be allowed _______their own clothes.A.choose


C.to choose

D.chose 48.Don’t go out to play games_________ school nights.A.at



D.on 49.He should stop ________that terrible hat.A.to wear




50._______ present our vacations are too short.A.At



D.For 51.You have to be 18 years before you _________ to drive a car.A.are allowed B.are

C.allowed D.volunteering

D.allow 52.The children often take time to do things like_________.A.volunteerB.to volunteer C.volunteers 53.—I think art is very interesting.—_________.Music is more interesting than art.A.I don’t agree

B.I think so C.I agreeD.I don’t know 54.Anna is _________ to drive a car.A.calm enough B.enough calm

C.enough to calm

D.calm to enough 55.This question is ______ easy, all the students can answer the question.A.too much B.too many C.much too

D.many too 56.He ______ be a history teacher.A.used to B.be used to C.use to be

D.be use to 57.Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.A.practise B.to practise C.practicing

D.practices 58.We should talk in English as ______ as possible.A.much



D.a lot 59.Tonny is afraid ______, because he was bit by a dog.A.fly

B.to flying


D.of flying

60.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is _________in it.A.something interesting B.anything new C.important thing D.nothing special 61.I didn't come to school yesterday____ I had to look after my grandmother at home.A.because

B.because of

C.since 62, The boy used to spend time __________his classmates.A.chat with

B chatting with C to chat with

D on chatting with 63._______ is happening in our neighborhood.A.Something strange

B.Strange things

C Strange Something

D.Some strange things 64.I don’t know__________________

.A.what to say or do

B.what to say and to do

C.how to say or do

D.how to say and to do 65.There is _______rain and it’s _______cool this summer.A.much too, too much B.much too, much too C.too much, much too D.too much, too much 66.They enjoyed _____ piano.A.play

B.playing the

C.playing 67._____ you _____ to go to the park when they were children?

A.Did, use

B.Did, used

C.Do, use 68.Mary _____ six dollars for the pen.A.spent



69.I’m _____ in the _____ film.A.interested, interested

B.interested, interesting

C.interesting, interested


---She is medium height.A.What’s she like?

B.How is she?

C.What does she like?

71.He _____ has time for concerts, does he?




72.My life _____ a lot in the last few years.A.change


C.has changed

73.I will eat ice, meat _____ noodles.A.instead of

B.stead of

C.instead for

74.Zhao Ruirui is_____________ the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team.A.at


C.to 75.That _____ like a good idea.A.sound


C.looks 76.Yesterday they watched spiders and other insects _____.A.all the time

B.all time

C.along the time

77.He used to be ______ the children with ghost stories.A.terrify


C.terrified of 78.Uncle Wang__________ a worker and he is seventy now.A.uses to

B.used to

C.used to be

79.He has__________ eaten dumplings, has he?




80.My sister has been in America for half a year.She _______ the life there. 81.―I don’t have a partner to_____.‖ ―Maybe you should join a dancing club.A.dance with


C.dancing with D.danced with 82.I found ____ very difficult to understand people who speak fast.A.that



D.it 83.I passed the English exam____ the help of my friend.A.by B.with C.in D.under 84.These are ____ questions.You can answer them______.A.easy;easy



D.easy;easily 85―____ have you been doing your work?‖―For three hours‖.A.How long

B.How many

C.How soon

D.How often 86.Let’s ______about future.A.not to worry

B.not worry

C.not worrying D.not to worrying 87.I lost my way ___a rainy night and my mother was quite worried ___me.A.on;with

B,on;about C.at;with D.at;about 88.You have _____ stamps.Will you please give me ______? A.so many;any

B.so many;some C.so much;any

D.so much;some 89.I can’t wait for you _______.A.no longer B.no more C.any longer D.no time 90.What _____ in your country in the last few years? A.happens B.happened C.has happened D.had happened 91.Hi,you have changed so much ,I could ___know who you were at first.A.hard B.quickly C.easily D.hardly 92.So much homework makes us ____.We have to stay up late to finish it.A.stressed out B.stess out C.interested D.excited 93.Please turn off our TV.You can’t leave the room_____ the TV ____.A.when;on B.with;on C;with;off D.when off 94.He spoke___quickly for me___understand.A.so;that B.so;to C.too;for D.too;to 95.Mother ___ us stories when we were childen.A.was used to tell B.is used to telling C.used to tell D.used to telling 96.Today computer ___ in both cities and towns.A.were using B.are used C.were used D.are using 97.-How do you often go to school?-I ____ take a bus ,but now I __walking.A.used to;used to B;was used to;am used to C.used to,am used to D.am used to,used to 98.The old man lives____ ,but he never feels____.A.alone;alone B.lonly;lonely C.lonly;alone D.alone;lonely 99.____ you have passed your English exam,you should stuay hard.A.Because B.when C.Even though D.Until 100.We have worked for three hours.Now let’s stop_____ a rest.A.had B.have

C.to have

D.having 101.Liu Xiang won the men’s _____ hurdles()at the Olympic Games in Athens.A.110-meter B.110-meters C.110 meter D.110 meter’s 102.He doesn’t do his homework _____, though he has ____.A.carefully enough;enough time

B.enough careful;time enough C.careful enough;enough time

D.enough carefully;time enough 103.-These bananas look different and they are sweet.-Right.They_____ here from Taiwan yesterday.A.was brought

B.were brought C.bring

D.are brough 104.We succeeded _____ the high mountain.A.in climbing

B.of climbing C.to climb

D.on climbing 105.Kathy _____ spend time with his parents.A.doesn’t need to B.needn’t to

C.doesn’t need D.needs

106.-I want to teach in this area.-Well, teachers_______ very much here.A.need

B.are needing

C.are needed D.well need 107.– What should we do first if we want to develop our villege? _A lot of new roads ______, I think.A.must build

B.have to build

C.must be built

D.have built 108.Please be quiet.We are not allowed _____ much noise in the reading room.A.to make



D.to making 109.Write _____ and try not to make any mistakes.A.as careful as possible

B.as carefully as you can C―‖.most careful

D.more careful

110.The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he _____ to the hospital.A.takes

B.is taken


D.was taken



学科:英语 课 型:复习年级:九年级 主备人:袁红亮 审核: 张彩霞

课题:Unit 5 It must belong to Carla

学习目标: 1 学会进行推断

正确运用情态动词must might could cannot进行推理和判断教育学生外出野炊时要增强环保意识。通过学习,感受语言的魅力。

自学质疑: [重点词组] 1.belong to 2.hair band 3.because of 4.no more 不再 5.use up

用光、用完 6.classical music古典音乐 7.escape from 逃离

8.be careful of 留神.当心 9.play a joke on sb [交际用语] 1 It must be Carla's.She loves volleyball.It could be Ali's.She studies French.3 If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.4.My parents called the police, but they can't find anything strange.5.The person can't be a boy.6.It must belong to Alice.点拨解疑: 语法知识:表示推测的情态动词。

在英语中,表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词:must, might, could, may, can't, couldn't.一.can和could的区别和用法

1.can表示体力和脑力方面的能力,或根据客观条件能做某种动作的“能力”。例如: Can you speak English? What can I do for you? can用在否定句和疑问句中时有时表示说话人的“猜测”或 “不肯定”。例如: Where can he be?

Can the news be true?(在日常会话中,can可代替may表示“允许”,may比较正式)

2.could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性,还有怀疑和不肯定的意思(在否定和疑问句中)。例如: She couldn't skate when she was five years old.(能力)At that time we thought the story could be true.(可能性)

could用来提问,是有礼貌的请求 Could..., please? 语气较为婉转。例如

Could I speak to Mr.Smith, please?

Could you help us carry this box, please?

二.跟上组词一样, might也是may的过去式,其用法如下: 1.may的用法:

a.表示“允许”或“请求”。例May I come in?

在使用这一用法时需注意: may表示“允许”的否定形式是must not,意思是“不应该”“不许可”。

例如:-May I take this book out of the reading-room?-No,you mustn't.不行。

b.表示说话人的猜测,认为某一事情“或许”或“可能”发生。例如: He may know the answer.Tomorrow I may go shopping.2.might的用法:

a.might可以代替may,表示现在时间的动作,但语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。例如: He might not come today.Might I take a suggestion?

b.might用来表示现在时间时,还可表示“规劝”。例如: You might pay more attention to spoken English.三.must与have to的区别

have to比较强调客观需要,must着重说明主观看法。另外have to能用于更多时态,比较下面的句子:

We had to be there at ten.我们得在十点钟到那里。



This must be your room.There must be a mistake.在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是否定

不能用mustn't,而需要用needn't或don't have to,因为mustn't是“一定不要”的意思。

例如:-Must we hand in our exercises today?-No,you needn't.must not的否定形式则表示“不应该”或“不许可”,语气比较强烈。



1.---Can you swim in the river?---No, I _____.A.mustn't B.may not C.can't D.needn't 2.---May I go swimming now? No, you _________.You may have a rest first.A.mustn't B.can't C.may not D.needn't

6.---Tom, where is your father?-I'm not sure.He_______ in his office.A.is B.may be C.maybe D.may

7.---______________I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum?---Yes, you______________.A.Must;can B.May;may C.Need;need D.May;need

8.---Where is Tom?---He hasn't come to school today.I think he________ be ill.A.has to B.should C.may D.need

9.---Need I go there with you?---Yes, you _____.A.need B.may C.must D.can

10.This book _____ Lucy's.Look!Her name is on the book cover.A.must be B.may be C.can't be D.mustn't be



(1)---Why isn't Jim here?

---He's busy.He ___________(take)care of his aunt's baby at home now.(2)---What's Mr.Clarke going to do tomorrow?

---He'll go fishing if it__________(not rain).(3)Linda_____________(make)a lot of friends since she came here last autumn.(4)---Did Jack finish__________(clean)the house this morning?

---Yes, he did.(5)---Have you heard of the Great Wall, Mr.Read?

---Yes, I have.It's a place of great interest in China.It ___________(build)thousands of years ago.三、选择最佳答语补全对话

Miss Wu : Can I help you? Li Gang : Yes, I'd like to return this book, please.Miss Wu :(1).Li Gang : No, I couldn't read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages, and

then I decided to give up.Miss Wu :(2).Li Gang : It wasn't the language.It was the words.They are too small for me.Miss Wu :(3).What can I do for you then?

Li Gang : Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book.Miss Wu :(4).Li Gang : Yes, but one with bigger words.Miss Wu :(5).Li Gang : Oh, Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words are much bigger.Thank you very much.Miss Wu : You're welcome.A.What about this one? B.You can't keep the book for long.C.Another English storybook? D.Isn't it interesting? E.Oh? But I know you are good at English.F.Did you enjoy the book? G.Yes, they are really small.1、must表示推断

现在时 must+现在式:He must live here.他一定是住在这里。或must+进行式:He must be living here.他一定是住在这里。过去时must+完成式:He must have lived here.他一定在这里住过。

或 must+ 完成进行式:He must have been living here.他当时一定住在这里的。注意

must不能用于表示否定的推断,一般也不用于疑问式,除非是对含有must的推断句提问: —There is a lot of noise from upstairs.It must be Tom. —Why must it be Tom?Other people use that flat. —楼上喧闹的声音很大。一定是汤姆弄的。—为什么一定是汤姆呢?那套房子里也有别人。

2、must与may/might的比较 它们之间的差别最好通过实例来了解:

(a)设想一个钥匙环上有三把钥匙,而且知道其中一把钥匙是开地下室的门的。可能选出一把钥匙说: This may/might be the key. 可能就是这一把钥匙。(也许这是那把钥匙。)但一连试了两把钥匙都没打开锁,就会拿起第三把钥匙说: This must be the key.一定是这把钥匙。(不存在别的选择了。)

(b)—I wonder why Tom hasn't answered my letter.—He may/might be ill. —我不知道汤姆为什么没给我回信。


但假设比尔从来没有人来访问他。如果急救车停在他门口,邻居们会说Bill must be ill(比尔一定得了病了)。这是对于急救车来到他家一事可能做出的唯一解释。

(c)同样,在谈到过去的动作时: He may have come by train.


但He must have come by taxi(他一定是乘出租汽车来的)意指他没有其他选择,不存在用其他办法进行这种旅行的可能。

3、have/had表示推断 have/had主要是用在与to be连用时:

—There's a tall gray bird fishing in the river.—河里有一个大个的灰鸟在捕鱼 —It has to be/must be a heron.。—那一定是一只苍鹭。

had+to be可表示说话人对过去可能发生的事认为是肯定无疑的:

There was a knock on the door.It had to be Tom.有人敲门。肯定是汤姆。(他肯定是汤姆。)had+to be也可用来代替 must+完成式:—I wonder who took the money.—我不知道谁把这钱拿去了。—It had to be Tom./It must have been Tom.He's the only one who wasthere. —肯定是汤姆。当时只有他在那里。但为了避免混淆,建议学生们还是尽量用must的各种形式


情态动词是表示情态意义的动词, 它表示说话人的语气和情态,它不能单独作谓语,必须与 实义动词一起构成谓语,情态动词没有人称和数的变化.如: He can swim in the river.他能在河里游泳.I can swim in the river.我能在河里游泳.They cane swim in the river.他们能在河里游泳.英语中常见的情态动词有: can(could), may(might), must , shall(should),will(would), need , dare , ought to 下面分别介绍这些情态动词的用法.(一)情态动词的基本用法

1)can(could)表示能力 , 这时could 为can 的过去时;能够(可能), 这时could 不是can 的过去时, 它表示比can 的可能性更小或语气更委婉。例如: She can sing an English song.(他能唱英文歌。)Can(Could)you come here at six ?(你能六点中来这儿吗?)

2)may(might)可以(表示许可,might 表示更委婉);may 的否定式谓:can't(不该)或mustn't(不许)例如:----May I come into the room to see Mr Green ?

----No, you can't.(mustn't)He needs to have a good rest.----我可以进来看看格林先生吗?


3)must 必须;否定式 mustn't ,意思为:一定不要 ;回答 must 提问时,否定用needn't , 如:

-----Must I start at once ? 我必须立即开始吗?

-----No , you needn't.不,不必。


You should keep your promise.你应该遵守诺言。

Shall he come to see you ? 它必须来看你吗?

You shall get the answer right this afternoon.你应该在今天下午得到答案。

5)will(would)愿意(表示意愿,愿望);惯于、总是(表示习惯性、经常性);必须(表示命令)例如: We will fight on until the end of the enemy.(我们一定要战斗到敌人的末日。

He will sit for hours reading 他看书常常一坐就是几个小时。You will do as I say at once.你马上按照我的话去做。

He would sit for hours ,deeply thinking.他过去常常一坐好几个小时沉思着。6)need 需要 ; 一般用于疑问句和否定句。needn't 不必,不需要。如 :

You needn't show your passport at the entrance unless the guard asks you for it.在门口你没有必要出示通行证除非门卫与你要。

----Shall I tell Jack about it?


----No, you needn't.I've told him already.不,你没有必要。我已经告诉他了。

----Need I come?


----No,you needn't.(Yes,you must)

不,你没有必要。(是的,你必须。)7)dare 敢 ; 用于否定句、疑问句 和条件状语从句。

We dare not refuse their request.我们不敢拒绝他们的要求。

Dare you walk through the forest at night? 你敢夜间穿过森林吗?

If the enemy dare ener the village,we'll fight against them to the end.如果敌人敢进入村子,我们将和他们战斗到底。

8)ought to 应该。(表示“道义”上的责任)I ought to go home.我应该 回家。

9)used to


She used not to cry so often , did he ? Used to 和would 都可以表示过去的习惯性行为,但有区别:used to 陈述的是事实,还有“现在已经不再如此”的内在含义,且用于口语;而would 则陈述的是说话着的主观看法,”还反复多次“的含义,且多用于外呢学语言。试对比:

She used to make mistakes in spelling when young.他年轻时常常犯拼写错误。

She would make mistakes in spelling when others hurried her.有人催时她就会犯拼写错误。


对目前状态的推断以及 对目前正在发生的动作的推断

1)肯定的推断:may,should,must 2)否定的推断:can't,couldn't 3)疑问的推断:can(could)例句: It may be Mary.那可能是玛丽.They should be at home by now , I think.我想他们现在该到家了。

There must be a mistake.一定有错误。

It can't be Mr Li.He has gone home.那不可能是李先生。他已经回家了。

Where could(can)he be now ? 他现在可能会在哪呢?

Can the news be true ? 消息会是真的吗?

They must be playing basketball on the playground.他们一定正在操场打篮球。

He can't be writing his composition.他不可能在写作文。

对某个状态或 过去发生的事情进行推测

在情态动词后加上 have done 例如:

1)肯定的推断:may have done , must have done

2)否定的推断:can't have done,couldn't have done

3)疑问的推断:can(could)have done

例句: They may have settled the problem.(他们可能已经解决了这个问题。)

I might have come to a wrong conclusion.(我可能得出了一个错误的结论。)The road idn't wet , It can't have rained last night.(路面没湿,昨天夜里肯定每下雨。)

Could Mary have missed the first bus ? She got up very early.(怎么玛丽会赶不上车吗?他起得很早的。)


1)情态动词+have done 可以表示对过去所发生事情的一种责备语气。如:

I could have done the work better.(我本来可以做得更好。自责自己没有把事情做好,感到惋惜、遗憾)You should have thought of that.(你本应当想到这一点。责怪你没有想到。should have done 表示本应该做而没有做的事情。)

You shouldn't have told them that.(你本不应当告诉他们那件事。shouldn't have done表示本不应该做而做了的事情。)

You needn't have told them that.(你本不必告诉他们那件事。needn't have done表示本不必做而做了的事情。)

2)情态动词dare 和 need 还可以用作实义动词。在肯定句中多用于实义动词,在疑问句和否定句中多用情态动词,用于实义动词时有人称和数的变化。例如:

He needn't worry about us now.(他不必为我们担心。need 为情态动词)

She dares to stay at home alone at night.(夜里她敢独自一人呆在家里。dares 为实义动词。)练习

I.指出下列各句中的情态动词并说出词义 1.I can even write a little Chinese now.2.May we ask you some questions now , Mr White ? 3.You're quite right , boy.We must stop the train.4.But who would send their children to an unknown young woman ? 5.I will not listen to any excuse.6.Shall I return these books to the library ? 7.How dare you say I'm unfair ? 8.“You needn't climb the tree , ” his mother said.9.The news may be true, of course.10-----Can it be Susan ?

-----No , it can't be Susan.She has gone to London.11.It's ten o'clock.I think she may have gone to bed.答案:

1.can 能力 2.may 请求 3.must 必须 4.would愿意 5.will 愿意 6.shall征求 7.dare 敢8.need 必要 9.may 可能(表推测)10.can(可能,表推测), can't(不可能,表推测)11.may 可能(表对过去事情 的推测)


1.-----_____ you explain the sentence again ?----OK.I will.2.You _____ hand in your exercise book in at once.You may hand it in on Wednesday.3.Mary _____ play the piano well when she was quite young.4.------____ I clean the classroom before three o'clock ?------No, you needn't.5.It ____ rain tomorrow.6.____ you please show us some photos ?

7.The soldier shot his comrades.He _____ have been mad.8.The tree is dead.He ________have given it more water.9.They _____ be writing their compositions in the classroom now.I saw them in the classroom.10.______ he have finished the work ? I don't think so.答案:

1.Will 2.needn't 3.could 4.Must 5.may 6.Will 7.must 8.should 9.must 10.Can III.用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. Where can he ______(be)now ? There’s something important to tell him at once.2. He can’t ________(hear)us because there was terrible noise from the street.3. What he is saying may not _________(be)true.I don’t think she is such a kind of woman.4. “ What do you think that noise was ? “ “ It might _______(be)a cat.”

5. There must ________(be)something wrong with my computer.Can you help me to fix it ? 6. The girl must _______(leave)for town.We don’t see her anywhere on the farm.7. She ought to ________(have)his address.She was his girl friend at university.8. Haven’t you got the tickets ? You oughtn’t to ________(have)any difficulties in getting them.9. That will ________(be)the postman.He usually comes at this hour.10. Sorry to be so late.you will _____(wait)for some time.11. It should _____(be)somebody else.Jane never stays in the lab so late.12. She should _______(receive)the package.I sent it five days ago.答案:

1.be 2.have heard 3.be 4.have been 5.be 6.have left 7.have 8.have had 9.be 10.have waited 11.be 12.have received


1.---Can you swim in the river?---No, I _____.A.mustn't B.may not C.can't D.needn't 2.---May I go swimming now? No, you _________.You may have a rest first.A.mustn't B.can't C.may not D.needn't

6.---Tom, where is your father?-I'm not sure.He_______ in his office.A.is B.may be C.maybe D.may

7.---______________I visit Lucy on Sunday, Mum?---Yes, you______________.A.Must;can B.May;may C.Need;need D.May;need

8.---Where is Tom?---He hasn't come to school today.I think he________ be ill.A.has to B.should C.may D.need

9.---Need I go there with you?---Yes, you _____.A.need B.may C.must D.can

10.This book _____ Lucy's.Look!Her name is on the book cover.A.must be B.may be C.can't be D.mustn't be



(1)---Why isn't Jim here?

---He's busy.He ___________(take)care of his aunt's baby at home now.(2)---What's Mr.Clarke going to do tomorrow?

---He'll go fishing if it__________(not rain).(3)Linda_____________(make)a lot of friends since she came here last autumn.(4)---Did Jack finish__________(clean)the house this morning?

---Yes, he did.(5)---Have you heard of the Great Wall, Mr.Read?

---Yes, I have.It's a place of great interest in China.It ___________(build)thousands of years ago.三、选择最佳答语补全对话

Miss Wu : Can I help you? Li Gang : Yes, I'd like to return this book, please.Miss Wu :(1).Li Gang : No, I couldn't read it.I had a hard time reading a few pages, and

then I decided to give up.Miss Wu :(2).Li Gang : It wasn't the language.It was the words.They are too small for me.Miss Wu :(3).What can I do for you then?

Li Gang : Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book.Miss Wu :(4).Li Gang : Yes, but one with bigger words.Miss Wu :(5).Li Gang : Oh, Oliver Twist.This one is fine.And the words are much bigger.Thank you very much.Miss Wu : You're welcome.A.What about this one?

B.You can't keep the book for long.C.Another English storybook?

D.Isn't it interesting? E.Oh? But I know you are good at English.F.Did you enjoy the book? G.Yes, they are really small.II.用情态动词填空

1.-----_____ you explain the sentence again ?

----OK.I will.2.You _____ hand in your exercise book in at once.You may hand it in on Wednesday.3.Mary _____ play the piano well when she was quite young.4.------____ I clean the classroom before three o'clock ?------No, you needn't.5.It ____ rain tomorrow.6.____ you please show us some photos ? 7.The soldier shot his comrades.He _____ have been mad.8.The tree is dead.He ________have given it more water.9.They _____ be writing their compositions in the classroom now.I saw them in the classroom.10.______ he have finished the work ? I don't think so.III.用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. Where can he ______(be)now ? There’s something important to tell him at once.2. He can’t ________(hear)us because there was terrible noise from the street.3. What he is saying may not _________(be)true.I don’t think she is such a kind of woman.4. “ What do you think that noise was ? “ “ It might _______(be)a cat.”

5. There must ________(be)something wrong with my computer.Can you help me to fix it ? 6. The girl must _______(leave)for town.We don’t see her anywhere on the farm.7. She ought to ________(have)his address.She was his girl friend at university.8. Haven’t you got the tickets ? You oughtn’t to ________(have)any difficulties in getting them.9. That will ________(be)the postman.He usually comes at this hour.10. Sorry to be so late.you will _____(wait)for some time.11. It should _____(be)somebody else.Jane never stays in the lab so late.12. She should _______(receive)the package.I sent it five days ago.


2014秋季人教版 九年级英语

Unit 5What are the shirts made of?

materialn.材料;原料 p.33 chopstickn.筷子 p.33 coinn.硬币 p.33

forkn.餐叉;叉子 p.33

blousen.(女式)短上衣;衬衫 p.33 silvern.银;银器adj.银色的 p.33 glassn.玻璃 p.33 coonn.棉;棉花 p.33

steel /sti:l/n.钢;钢铁 p.33 grass /gra:s/n.草;草地 p.34 leaf /li:f/ n(.pl.leaves /li:vz/)叶;叶子 p.34 produce v.生产;制造;出产 p.34 widely /waidli/ adv.广泛地;普遍地 p.34 processv.加工;处理 p.34 France /fra:ns/ 法国 p.35 no matter 不论;无论 p.35

localadj.当地的;本地的 p.35 even though虽然;即使 p.35 brandn.品牌;牌子 p.35 avoidv.避免;回避 p.35 productn.产品;制品 p.35 handbagn.小手提包 p.35

mobileadj.可移动的;非固定的 p.35 Germany德国 p.36

surfacen.表面;表层 p.36

postmann.邮递员 p.36

capn(.尤指有帽舌的)帽子 p.36 gloven(.分手指的)手套 p.36 international adj.国际的 p.37

competitorn.参赛者;竞争者 p.37 paint /peint/ v.用颜料画;刷漆 p.37 its /its/ adj.它的 p.38

formn.形式;类型 p.38 clay /klei/ n.黏土;陶土 p.38 balloonn.气球 p.38

scissorsn.(pl.)剪刀 p.38 lively /laivli/ adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 p.38 fairy 童话故事 p.38

heat /hi:t/ n.热;高温 p.38 polish v.磨光;修改;润色 p.38 completev.完成 p.38 Korea 朝鲜;韩国 p.33 Switzerland瑞士 p.35

San Francisco 圣弗朗西斯科

(旧金山,美国城市)p.35 Pam帕姆(女名)p.34















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