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福建省北京师范大学泉州附属中学北师大版高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案 Listen.Which five celebrations do you hear? Answers: 1 Christmas 2 a sporting victory 3 a birthday 4 a wedding 5 the New Year Tapescripts 1> What a lunch!I love turkey and Christmas pudding.We played with the toy laughed at jokes, put on silly paper hats and laughed again.2> A: What an exciting game!Our team won at last!B: Let’s go and have a drink to celebrate.3> The boy is blowing the candles on the big cake, with everyone saying good wishes.4> Look!The man is putting a ring on the woman’s finger.How happy they are!5> …six… five… four… three… two… one… Happy New Year!Speaking 3 What have you celebrated recently? Tell the class what you did.Example: We had a party at our house to celebrate my grandmother’s seventieth birthday.4 Writing 根据如下提示写一篇有关中秋节的作文。(字数120左右)1.中秋节是中国的传统节日。




adj.celebratory 庆典的

2)occasion n.①某次,……的时候 on this /that occasion 这/那次


Turn every meal into a special occasion.③理由,原因 an occasion to do sth.做某事的原因


mark the occasion 庆祝特别的时刻

an occasion for sth./ doing sth.……的时机 3)burn down

The house burned down in 1995.4)decorate decorate sth.with 5)被动态

The passive: be + 过去分词 被动语态各时态构成: 一般现在时 isamare + P.P(过去分词)一般过去时 waswere + P.P 一般将来时 will be + P.P 现在进行时 isamare + being(固定不变)+P.P 过去进行时 waswere + being(固定不变)+P.P 现在完成时 havehas been + P.P 过去完成时 had been + P.P Homework



北师大版高一英语上 Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 Festivals Lesson Plan and Class Design Background information: Students: Grade 1, Beijing XXX High School Lesson duration: 40 minutes Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.know some information and knowledge about Chinese traditional festivals;2.find out related information and answer questions about festivals by fast and careful reading;3.talk about the Chinese traditional festivals and introduce to foreigners Key points of teaching: 1.Let Ss further get to know about Chinese traditional festivals in three aspects: time, typical content and special meaning;2.Cultivate Ss’ ability of oral expression to talk about these festivals

Teaching aids: tapes(audio clips), blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures, handouts(charts)Teaching procedures: Step 1: Pre-reading Lead-in:

1.Teacher arouses Ss attention by asking a question: “What festival will happen about two weeks later?”

2.Teacher shows some pictures about festivals and Ss get into pairs to name these festivals.(Class check)Warm-up: 1.Teacher activates Ss’ background knowledge by asking three questions:

“What’s your favorite season?”

“What festivals happen during your favorite season?” “What festival do you like best? Why?”

2.Ss talk about these questions with a partner and report to others.Step 2: While-reading Before reading: 1.Teacher introduces some new words and expressions with pictures.Fast-reading: 1.Ss listen to the audio clip and read the text quickly, match the pictures with the festivals on textbooks, and then tell the teacher which festival each of the following sentences belongs to.2.Ss read the text again and do some T or F exercise.Careful reading: 1.Each student gets a piece of paper and fills in the form according to the text, and they check within groups.(Class check)Step 3: Post-reading Task: 1.Ss write down the information of another typical festival on the paper, and then share within groups 2.Each group picks up one person to present in class.Discussion: 1.Ss discuss with a partner and answer the following questions:

“Do you think too much money is spent at festival times? Why or why not?”

“Which festival in China do you think is the most important? Why?” Step 3: Homework

1.After class Ss read this text again.Write an article about one of the Chinese seasonal festivals

2.Design a poster of this festival.The introduction and decorations like drawing pictures or photos must be included in posters.2


Lesson 1 Performance Teaching aims: To practise the vocabulary relating to concerts and performance.To read and understand a concert review To practise using will for decisions To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before...and clause of concession with although / though Teaching difficulties: To practise using will for decisions

To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before...and clause of Teaching Aids: computer and cassette Teaching procedures: Ⅰ.Warming up

First listen to a song that is sung by Alanis----everything T: Now pop songs are popular with teenagers.Have you heard of the song?

What do you think of the song? S: T: Do you know who sing it? S:

T: Teacher show the picture of Alanis---the superstar, a true performer.Do you want to know her? S: T: Now let‟s read an article about the superstar, and you will learn more information about her.Ⅱ Reading Read the concert review and match the four paragraphs with the titles.a)the end of the concert

para4 b)how the audience reacted

para3 c)the songs played

para2 d)the start of the concert para1 T: Ask the question: How much do you know about her? S: T: The Canadian rock singer and song writer, has won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Song.Her has made many albums.She become world-famous singer.Do the exercise 3.Read the review again and answer these questions.Ⅲ Understanding the text a)Correct errors 1.She is used to be in the public eye.2.Her new album was come out in 1995.3.On last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the concert held in Cambridge.4.The 30-years-old singer is popular with young people.5.The song tells the story of someone looks for real love.6.The atmosphere was extremely exciting so that many people stand to cheer.7.The Canada singer was famous in her twenties.8.Her new album that was published last week is sold well.Answers: 1.be改为 being 2.去掉was把come 改为came 3.去掉 on

4.years 改为year 5.looks改为 looking 6.stand 改为stood 7.Canada 改为Canadian 8.去掉 is 把sold改为 sell

b)According to the text arrange the right order.1.Alanis won this year‟s Grammy Award or the best rock song.2.Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in the song „Utopia‟.3.Many fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see her in concert.4.Everyone in the auditorium agreed that they were greatly impressed by the concert.5.Alanis‟ album Jagged Little Pill came out Answers: 5 1 3 2 4 Ⅳ speaking

We know singer‟s performance is important for a concert, besides singers concert need other‟s stage effect , such as(show a slide)guide student to say out stage design , lighting, special effects and so on.Have you ever watched a concert “live”, on TV or on video? Tell the class about it using the Key Words to help you.Do the exercise 1 Show a slide, ask students to say out music style Rock „n‟roll Voice your opinion Why are pop music and rock „n‟ roll loved by many young people Ⅴ Vocabulary Do the exercise 4 Ⅵ Grammar Do the exercise 6and 8

Listen to the telephone conversation.Who decides to pick up the concert tickets , Sue or Ricky? What verb form do Sue and Ricky use to make sudden decisions as they speak? Do the exercise 7 Listen again.Who said these things, Sur or Ricky? Check these answers with the whole class and then look at the sentences, what linking words are used? In order to help students further understand the text the teacher can ask the following questions.1.Why can‟t Ricky pick the tickets up at lunchtime tomorrow? 2.Why can‟t he pick them up after school tomorrow? 3.Where does Ricky‟s mum work?

4.Where is Sue going after she‟s got the tickets? Do the exercise 9, 11 and 12 Ⅶ Language in use Work in pairs and talk about your future plans.Use the expressions below to help you.go to college, find a job, rent a flat, learn to drive, go on holidays, continue studying Ⅷ Homework Do the exercise page 66 and 67.


篇一:人教版高一英语必修一unit1 friendship全单元教案 unit 1 friendship participants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙 school: tai zhou no.1 senior middle school 1.teaching aims and demands 2.suggested teaching notes 1).analyses of the teaching contents this unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it.friend, and in it reveals her longing for a normal life and days.matching.learning about language---it teaches the important expressions and structures and grammar: direct and indirect speeches.strengthening students’ abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems.friendship, to get students to realize the culturaldifferences in the values of friendship in additionits importance in all cultures.2)making of the teaching plan this unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring different types of 3.teaching plans for each period 1.teaching objectives: 1)target language i(don’t)think„„ i(don’t)think so.i(don’t)agree.i believe„„ that’s correct.in my opinion, „„ 2)ability goals a.describe your friends in english 3)learning ability goals a.to encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendship by using some phrases and structures.c.to cultivate the students to form the good habit of learning english in senior middle school.2.teaching important points: a.b.use the given adjectives and sentence structures to describe one of your friends.learn to evaluate friends and friendship.3.teaching difficult points: a.b.4.teaching methods a.task-based teaching and learning b.cooperative learning c.discussion 5.teaching aids: cai you do in your spare time? you say something about it? do you have any old friends in our school? have you made step 2 think it over his/her name is „„

he /she is „„ years old.he /she likes „„ and dislikes „„ he /she enjoys „„ and hates„„ he /she is very kind/friendly/„„ girl friends boy friends pen friends long-distance friends friends of the same age e-friends(friends over the internet)friends across generationsunusual friends like animals, books„„

1).______ is /are most important to you.step 3 make a survey i think a good friend should(not)be„„

3.then have the students do the survey in the textbook.4.have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8.survey and assess their values of friendship: ★ 4~7 points: you are not a good friend.you either neglect your 篇二:新课标高一英语上册教案unit1 friendship unit onefriendship teaching aims: 1.能力目标:

c.reading: enable the ss to get the main idea 2.知识目标: friendship i think so./ i don’t think so.i agree./ i don’t agree.that’s correct.of course not.exactly.i’m afraid not.c.to enable the ss to control direct speech and indirect speech d.vocabulary: upset , calm , concern , loose, netherlands, german, series, 3.情感目标: a.to arose ss’ interest in learning english;b.to encourage ss to be active in the activities and make ss to be confident;4.策略目标: teaching steps: period one 1.ss listen to an english song auld lang syne.step 2.talk about your old friends 1.ss talk about their old friends in junior middle school, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.2.self-introduction step 4.do a survey ss do the survey in the text ,p1 sep 5.listening and talking that’s correct.of course not.exactly.i’m afraid not.step 6.discussion divide ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss.there are four topics.step 7.summary in making friends.it can give me a piece of clear sky.it can bring me happiness again.it can help me escape my troubles.it can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.it is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.dictionary.activity2: play a short part of the movies step2.predicting students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess: step3.skimming students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea : step4.scanning anne step5.intensive reading step6.activity four students a group to discuss the situation: step7.assignment task2.ex2、3、4on page3 period three check the ss’ assignment: task 2 step 2.language points: 1.add(v.)2).to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加 add up these figures for me, please.add to something: to increase 增加

add up to: to amount to 加起来等于;总计 the cost added up to 100 million yuan.2.go through 1).to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究 2).to experience 经历,遭受或忍受 3.crazy(adj.)1).mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的 she is crazy about dancing.step 3.learning about language 1.finish ex.1, 2 and 3.on page 4.2.direct speech and indirect speech: ss do ex.1 and 2 on page 5.then let the ss themselves discover the structures.step 4.practice using structures on page 42: ask the ss to use indirect speech to retell the story.step 5.assignment period four step 1.revision check the ss’ assignment.step 2.reading ss read the letter on page 6 notes: 2.fall in love step 3.listening 篇三:高一英语人教版必修1 unit 1 friendship 教学设计

高一英语人教版必修1 unit 1 friendship 教学设计 人教版必修一

unit 1 friendship教学设计


本单元是高中一年级的第一单元,刚开学没多久,大家相互之间还不是很熟识,需要了解、沟通,友谊是他们生活当中必不可少的,他们每个人对友谊的认识不同,见解不一。2.在导入的时候我采用提问法,激起学生思考 3.快速阅读:弄懂文章大意


5.精读:讲解新单词、有用的短语、句型,并让学生自己举例应用。6.深入了解文章的思想、写作风格并提出相关问题。7.讨论如下问题: 8.课后练习



三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标

通过对朋友的讨论,帮助学生发散式记忆积累相关描述人的性格、特征的词汇、习惯用语,并运用于听说读写当中。适当运用i thank so.i agree.i don' think so.i don't agree exactly.i am afraid not.of course not.表明自己的态度和肯定程度。2.语言技能目标








让学生想象自己待在一个隐蔽的地方,允许只能做的五件事,他们如何选择将学生直接带入课文的语境中。2. 任务驱动的原则

让学生带着问题去阅读,找出相关答案,并分析整理形成自己的观点。3. 交际法教学





1.the multimedia teaching system 2.the blackboard


unit 1 friendship learning objectives and demands: 1.the activity is designed to encourage students to think about friends and friendship and to activate relevant vocabulary.3.language use: speaking practice: reading teaching procedures: scared : astonish fearful frightened horrified shocked terrified timid loyal: devoted faithful beautiful: attractive breath-taking charming cool cute elegant eye-catching good-looking gracefulinviting lovelyneat prettysplendid stunning step2.leading in ask students questions:(2)intensive reading : 篇四:高一英语新课标人教版,第一单元friendship教案

1. get it repaired: get sth done=have sth done 让某事做? 2. be upset about 对?沮丧 5. have got to=have to 不得不

区分: have got to 否定形式为 haven`t got to have to 否定形式为 don`t have to ※be good to 对?好 be good at 擅长

finish doing sth完成做? 6.go on holiday 去度假

8.add up 合计,相加 add up to 达到

9.go though 经历;浏览;仔细检查:通过;批准;用完 11.be crazy about 对?痴迷,疯狂 13.on purpose 故意的

14.happen to do sth 碰巧做? 16.face to face 面对面【做状语】 face-to-face【做定语】

类似:heart to heart should to shoulderback to back 17.take no notice of 不重视 18.recover from 从?中恢复 19.pack up 打包

22.keep a diary 写日记

23.it`s a good habit for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事时个好习惯



2.tell him that he should have studied should have done 本该做某事却没做

shouldn`t have done 本不该做某事却做了

② to 不可省略。因为tell sth to sb 4.a series of+n(复)+v(单)“一系列的” eg.a series of books has been published 6.in order to do sth to do sth为了做某事,引导目的状语,放句末,句首 so asto do sth 但 so as to do sth 只可放句末 7.the moom gave far too much light„...①too much+不可数名词 太多?。



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