外研版新标准五年级英语下册导学案、教案10.Module 3 English Food复习课

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第一篇:外研版新标准五年级英语下册导学案、教案10.Module 3 English Food复习课


课题:Module 3 English Food 复习课

课型:新授 执笔:宁琼 审核:





重点单词:email sandwiches traditional delicious,hamburger, ate, gave ,drank ,tonight 重点句型和句子:

——I’ve got an email from Lingling.——what did she have for lunch? ——She had sandwiches.——Sam had six hamburgers.——What did you eat……? ——What are you going to eat……

【教学过程】 一.强化单词 1.打招呼

2.齐读module 1 的单词,幷进行默写。3.小组为单位进行快速批改,提出奖励。4.再次读记单词。【小组合作交流】






1.A.hamburger B.delicious C.sandwich()○2A.eggs B.dog C.hen()○3A.dancer B.teacher C.grand()○4A.radio B.email C.telephone()○5A.apple B.pear C.milk()○2.单项选择

()--_____hamburgers did Sam eat?--Six.A.How many B.How much C.How nice()I have got an email _______lingling.A.from B.to C.in()Are you listening _________her? A.for B.to C.on()I ate three apples__________ A.last night B.tonight C.this evening()Sam _________Chinese food very much.A.like B.had like C.likes 3.写出下列单词的适当形式完成句子。

1I __________(drink)a lot of milk yesterday.○2she is going to _______(have)rice tonight.○3I ________(like)fish but she _________(like)noodles.○4Daming __________(eat)six hamburger this evening。○

【Homework】 1.课文背诵 2.完成练习册




恒威学校制作,不得翻印(含金量20%)五年级英语导学案总第 41期制作人:徐东东审核人:签批人:五年级英语导学案


能够听、说、读、写句型:When do you eat dinner? / I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening./ When do you get up? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.【重点难点】

重点与难点是掌握四会句子:When do you eat dinner? / I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening./ When do you get up? / I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.一、找出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。()1.springA.春天B.季节C.夏天()2.morningA.下午B.中午C.上午()3.MayA.五月B.三月C.六月

()4.write a letterA.写报告B.写信C.写电子邮件()5.swimA.游泳B.荡秋千C.跑步()6.usuallyA.通常B.一般C.经常()7.eveningA.晚上B.早上C.中午

()8.have a picnicA.数昆虫B.举行野餐C.做实验()9.drink waterA.打架B.讲话C.喝水()10.twelfthA.十二B.第十二C.第二


()1.My parents usually get up ________ 6:40.A.onB.inC.at()2.----What's the date today?----____________

A.It's Tuesday.B.It's coolC.It's April 1st.()3.----Is Amy answering the phone?----____________

A.Yes, he does.B.No, she is writing a letter.C.No, he isn't.()4.There is a call ____ you.A.forB.onC.at()5.----__________?----They are listening to music.A.What do they do?B.What are you doing?

C.What are your grandparents doing?()6.This is __________________duck.A.myB.anC.you()7.He’s __________________ an e-mail.A.writingB.writeC.written()8.__________________ they playing sports? A.AreB.IsC.Am

()9.Winter __________.Zoom and Zip don’t skate.They sleep.A.comingB.comeC.comes

()10.I’m making a birthday cake for ______________family.A.weB.usC.our


()1.What do you do on the weekend?A.No, I'm going hiking.()2.When is Children's Day?B.I'm doing homework.()3.Which season do you like best?C.June 1st.()4.Are you climbing the mountain?D.Winter.I can play with snow.()5.What are you doing?E.I often do homework and go hiking.四、阅读理解(10分)

Mike: Hello.This is Mike.Is that Wu Yifan?

Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan.What are you doing, Mike?

Mike: I'm watching TV.What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?

Wu: Just fine.I'm doing the dishes.My father is writing an e-mail in the study.My mother is sweeping the floor.And my brother is playing chess with my sister.Mike: What do you do on the weekend? Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.Mike: Do you want to go to the nature park? Wu: Sure.What time? Mike: At 1:30.Wu: OK.See you later.Mike: Bye.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。.()1.Wu Yifan is watching TV.()2.Mike is doing the dishes

()3.Wu Yifan's father is writing an e-mail in the bedroom.()4.Wu Yifan visits grandparents and goes shopping on the weekend.()5.Wu Yifan wants to go to the Children's Park at 1:30 with Mike.恒威学校制作,不得翻印(含金量20%)五年级英语导学案总第 41期制作人:徐东东审核人:签批人:


Module 1 Unit 1 Go straight on.第一课时

【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

---Where ' s the … please?

---Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.road supermarket hill house station 过程与方法: Review the words about directions by game method.2 Teach the text with the task-based method.3 Do a survey by cooperative learning.情感、态度和价值观:问路并能准确指明方向

【重点】:road supermarket hill house station 【难点】:---Where ' s the … please?---Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:登山比赛摘苹果:制作了各种动物卡片,把全班学生分成两个擂台组,每组选两名学生到黑板前,一个表演,一个说英语,用句型Have you got a tiger?Yes,I have.如果说对了,就登一个台阶。谁先登上山顶摘到苹果,即为本次擂台的擂主。


(二)探究新知:1.导入新课 点击课件,多媒体显示Beijing tian”anmen的图片,告诉学生在北京我遇见一位外国人,用英语为他指路去天安门,我最棒。

Look at this picture,please.It is Beijing tiananmei.Beijing is very beautiful.Do you want to go?Class,I have been to Beijing.In Beijing,I met a foreigner.He did not know how to get to Beijing Tiananmen.I tell him the way.I am the best.Yes?In this class lets learn how to ask the way?点击课件,多媒体显示Ask the way.问路And lets learn how to point the way? 点击课件,多媒体显示Point the way.指路Now class if you learn very well,you are the best.2.讲授新课

A.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的图片。Class,here is a dog.The dog is lost.lost the meaning :迷路。Nevermind,here is her address.点击课件,多媒体显示狗的地址:My name is Doudou.I live in No.2 West Lake Road.接着用单词卡学习新单词live,road.如live:I live in Chengbei?Where do you live? B.Chant: 点击课件,多媒体显示Chant:Lost,lost,lost.The dog is lost.Live,live,live.I live in West Lake Road.(设计意图:通过韵律诗,操练单词lost,live,road。此时chant的运用使枯燥的机械操练变得不在单调和乏味。)

C.Lets help Doudou to find her house.Ok? Lets ask the way:Excuse me.Where is No.2West Lake Road,please? 在次领读单词Excuse me,并举例:Excuse me.Where is the school/zoo/park,please? 点击课件,多媒体显示一个十字路口,随着多媒体的显示学习指路短语:go straight on,turn left,tyrn right.以及单词supermarket D.Game:拔河比赛


E.Listen to the radio.Listen again and answer the questions.点击课件,多媒体显示

Questions: 1).How is the dog? 2).Where does the dog live? 3).Where is the No.2 West Lake Road? 3.角色表演

教师把头饰交给学生,让他们分别扮演Sam,Amy,dog,the old man,the dogs owner.(设计意图:小学生想象力丰富,善于模仿,具有强烈的表现欲;教师让学生进行角色表演,可以调动学生的学习积极性,使学生主动参与教学活动,大胆地说和夸张地演。)4.任务完成

(1)让学生到黑板前做指令性动作,练习go straight on,turn left,turn right.(2)根据图片1,2,3,小组合作问路,指路。5.拓展新知


Help people in trouble.Be full of love in world.(三)巩固新知:A、游戏法区分 left/right。问句“ Where ' s the … please? ”这一句子学生很快就能掌握,难点就在于学生能否灵活并准确的作答。对于表示方位的单词“ left ”“ right ”,学生最易混淆。那我们可将这两个单词放在一起比较练习。运用一些小游戏,例如:)老师说单词,学生相应举起左手或右手。)老师藏一只铅笔或其它东西在某一手中,问“ Where ' s the pencil? ”,让学生猜。)带学生“开火车”跳兔子舞。

B、贴图游戏:训练学生熟悉地名并巩固方向的表达。画条十字路,老师收纳几张表示地方的卡片,要学生帮忙贴到正确的位置。引导学生发问:“ Where is the … please? ”老师回答或请小老师来回答“ Go straight on.Turn left.It ' s on your right.”然后选学生上台把图片贴在正确的位置上。可结合 P8 的活动 3 提供的小游戏进行进一步的巩固练习,如有时间,可以跟学生玩一玩 P9 活动 5 提供的小游戏: Listen and do, 寻找教室里的“宝藏”,在玩这个游戏的时候,我的学生们热情特别高,甚至不由自主地也当起了“指路员”,很快熟悉了这几个短语。





Module 2 Directions Unit 1 Go straight on Road supermarket hill house station---Where ' s the … please?---Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.Module 1 Unit 2 It’s at the station.第二课时


知识与技能:the key words: up down near at 过程与方法:运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣 情感、态度和价值观:培养学英语的兴趣

【重点】:the key words: up down near at 【难点】:正确使用方位介词描述简单的位置关系 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 1. Warm—up 当老师走进教室时,仍然利用第7页活动三来帮助同学们回顾所学的知识,大面积的提问同学,营造良好的英语氛围。


根据上节课布置的课后作业,点名部分同学或者小组进行展示,既可以复习所学知识,检查课后作业,又可以引出导入我们新课的教学。检查完毕后,教师说,Let’s listen to the tape, and find out where the train is.(二)探究新知:活动1 listen and point 1,播放录音,学生聆听,录音,学生聆听,并且找到所读句子。学生自读课文,播放录音,学生聆听,并且跟读。学生自读课文

underline the key words: up down near at 学生互相检查朗读课文 活动3 在了解了活动的要求之后,给同学或者小组3-5分钟的时间进行准备,然后教师可以以小组积分的形式鼓励同学们积极发言。

活动4,poem previse listen and point again listen and sing along again listen and sing loudly and do some actions



贴图游戏:训练学生熟悉地名并巩固方向的表达。画条十字路,老师收纳几张表示地方的卡片,要学生帮忙贴到正确的位置。引导学生发问:“ Where is the … please? ”老师回答或请小老师来回答“ Go straight on.Turn left.It ' s on your right.”然后选学生上台把图片贴在正确的位置上。可结合 P8 的活动 3 提供的小游戏进行进一步的巩固练习,如有时间,可以跟学生玩一玩 P9 活动 5 提供的小游戏: Listen and do, 寻找教室里的“宝藏”,在玩这个游戏的时候,我的学生们热情特别高,甚至不由自主地也当起了“指路员”,很快熟悉了这几个短语。




Unit 2 It's at the station.road supermarket hill house station


Module 2 Unit 1 She’s reading a book.第一课时



句型: 1)---What are you doing?---I ' m … 2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

过程与方法:Analytic approach,Aural-oral method 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生积极主动的学习态度,能大胆开口,积极参与各项学习活动,善于与同学交流。培养学生团结合作的精神,养成良好的文明习惯。

【重点】: 词组:watching TV talking to … taking pictures reading a book writing a letter playing with listening to music 【难点】:句型:

1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is … 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 1. Warm—up a.Greeting b.Ask and answer检查上节课学过的对话。c.让学生根据以前学过的内容做动作。如:play table tennis ,swimming, cycling 2.Leading-up 准备阶段以后,教师问:Do you know other actions? 出示Lingling 正在写信的图片,学习单词write,letter然后根据词组作出动作。或者教师做动作学生说句子。




在练习正确发音之后,句型的练习,教师根据学生的掌握情况采取I do you say ,I say you do ,I do you draw等形式,巩固所学的词组。


出示课本,大家看一下Sam给大家带来了许多图片,我们来一起学一下他是怎么来向大家介绍的.(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)Listen and answer What is lingling doing ? What is Daming doing ? What is Amy doing ? What is Tom doing ? 找同学回答。


watching TV talking to … taking pictures reading a book writing a letter playing with listening to music 1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

3)---What are they doing?---They are …



Module3 watching TV talking to … taking pictures reading a book writing a letter playing with listening to music 1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

3)---What are they doing?---They are …

Module 2 Unit 2 What are you doing?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

过程与方法:Aural-oral method,Analytic approach 情感、态度和价值观:表述正在进行的事物

【重点】:学习如何表述及问答正在发生的动作。【难点】:进行时态的学习,词组 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 1. Warm—up a.Greeting b.Ask and Answer复习上节课学过的内容,出示挂图根据挂图的内容,说出句子,可找个人说,或小组代表,或集体说.2.Leading-up a.找同学做动作,其他同学介绍他在做什么? b.同学做动作.老师问What are you doing?多说几遍,找同学回答,然后让学生试着说 What are you doing?可以师生问答,或生生问答.掌握好之后变换人称What is he /she doing ?三人一小组进行练习.学习新单词 listen to ,music, read ,掌握词组listen to music, read a book,根据卡片练习句子I’m listening to music /reading a book./ watchingTV,(二)探究新知:

大家看一下Sam的一家在忙什么,(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.练习2,point and say 对话练习: What is sam doing? He ’s listening to music 同桌问答.找同学起来说.练习3.Act it out.What is he /she doing ?的问答.找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.练习5 仍旧是对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do ,you do I say ,you say I draw等形式.(三)巩固新知:

学习顺口溜:“我”用“ am ”,“你”用“ are ”,“ is ”跟着“他、她、它” , 两个以上都用“ are ”。

1)---What are you doing?

---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

3)---What are they doing?---They are …


(五)小结:归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? I’m listening to music What is he /she doing ?


Unit 2 What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m listening to music What is he /she doing ?


Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:


3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry




1)学说问句What are they doing? 2)掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语] 【难点】:能清晰准确地发出本课所教的单词的音,并自如地应用。【教学方法】:讲授, 小组讨论 直观教学法、游戏法、听说演唱法有机的溶为一体

【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


一、Warming up 师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。


1.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read , write ,listen,play , talk …


3. 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。




2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习He’s/ She’s 动词+ing 宾语]。

3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:I’m动词+ing [+宾语]。

4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh.They’re 动词+ing [+宾语],并板书。



相应的动作,教师请其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ? 然后教师把正确答案写在黑板上。


1.告诉学生,教师将要模仿一个动作,他们要猜猜教师正在做什么。2.教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing?(我正做什么?)引入句子: I’m doing taijiquan.。

3.请全体学生一起边做动作,边说:I’m doing taijiquan.教师通过提 问:What are they doing ?引入句子:They’re doing taijiquan.并板书。

4.用类似方法教They’re row a dragon boat.并板书。

5.教师拿出一副国际象棋问学生What’s this ? Do you want to play ? 并告诉他们老师将邀请他们一起玩,但玩之前必须先学会说 play chess, 并板书。

6.教说chess, play chess。

7.教师做饥饿状说:I’m hungry.I’m hungry.板书hungry(饿的)并 重复说多遍,再提问学生:What’s the matter with me?由此教单词hungry(饿的)。

8.教师从包中拿出一瓶豆奶说:I want to drink soybean milk.边“喝 边说:drink drink , I’m drinking.让学生模仿跟着教师重复句子并模仿动作。

9.教师拿着豆奶走到学生中,到边“喝”边说:Soybean milk is very nice.Soybean milk is very nice.提问学生What am I drink? 由此教说soybean milk(豆奶)并板书。

10.请一些学生模仿喝豆奶的动作,比比谁表演的最好。其间老师可以适时用What is he/ she doing ? What are they doing ?提问其余学生。







学生:What are they doing ? 学生应回答:They are rowing a boat.2.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?


4.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。



do taijiquan, row a boat, play chess等动词词组的卡片。2.请自愿上台的学生背朝大家,选择其中的一个数字,教师翻开此卡片的反面示以台下的同学,台下学生根据卡片上的内容做出相应的动作。

3.台上的同学必须用英语They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]来猜测台下同学所做的动作。如果说对了,台下同学要说“Yes”,若连猜3次不中,可用What are they doing?请求他的朋友,帮忙回答。




Unit 1 What are they doing ? doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat playing chess Drinking soybean milk playing football/basketball/table tennis/ Swimming running jumping

Module 3 Unit 2 What is the elephant doing ?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1)学生能够听、说、认park lake thing interesting people men get on lots of let’s 2)能听懂、会说本课对话。


情感、态度和价值观:能够运用所学英语句子,进行简单的扩展性交流。【重点】:1)继续掌握句型They’re 动词+ing [+宾语]


【难点】:通过描述人物行为,简要说明一处场景。【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


一、Warming up 师生互相打招呼,问好。

二、Revision 1.教师说动名词:swimming, singing, dancing, rowing…请学生作 出相应动作。

2.Free talk.以小组为单位选派一名代表,用英语描述本组成员收 集的有关人物或动物正在进行的某种动作的照片、图片等。



1教师留下学生收集的资料,并指着它们说:Look, there are lots of pictures.用声调变化突出强调lots of,并板书lots of(许多)。

2教师可利用身边的物体,用lots of造句,使学生明白词组的意思。3教说lots of 4请学生造句(告诉他们可以用“三明治”英语)。

5教师随意拿起教室里的任一物品说,“This thing is good.This thing is nice…”请学生猜猜“thing”的意思。6教师板书thing(东西,物品)并教说单词。

7教师拿出一件有趣的物品说:Look at this thing.Is it interesting ? 由此引入“interesting”,板书并教说interesting(有趣的)。8. 请学生用“三明治”英语说说生活中哪些事是interesting。

(二)课文教学 1.告诉学生,老师将要带领大家去看看Daming and Sam 今天get on the bus(乘上公共汽车)后将会看到哪些interesting things。Let’s go.2.学生观看电脑光盘或听录音磁带。

3.教师用汉语询问学生几个简单的问题,看看学生是否明白故事 的意思。例如:

Daming and Sam 在哪里?他们看见了什么? 4.再次播发媒体。

5.教师通过提问:Where are the people doing taijiquan? 引出词组 in the park板书并教说。提问Where are the people rowing a dragon boat? 引出词组 on the lake板书并教说。提问Where are the men playing chess? 引出词组 under the tree 板书并教说。





doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat playing chess Drinking soybean milk playing football/basketball/table tennis/ Swimming running jumping 2、句型:

1)---What are you doing?---I ' m …

2)---What is heshe doing?---HeShe is …

3)---What are they doing?---They are …


(五)小结:本单元学习了第三人称的进行时,用is 加动词的ing


Unit 1 What are they doing ? doing taijiquan rowing a dragon boat playing chess Drinking soybean milk playing football/basketball/table tennis/ Swimming running jumping


Module 4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice?



知识与技能:1)能听说读写单词:Chinese、fast food、chopsticks、difficult、want、make,some 2)能使用句子:Do you want some...?且能做出正确回答Yes,please.No,thank you.3)掌握并能运用句型:Do you want some...? 过程与方法:Listening and speaking;task-based teaching method.情感、态度和价值观:学生能够看图正确描述不同人称所正在发生 的行为和动作,并能够正确运用。

【重点】:chopsticks、difficult的发音及新句型的运用。【难点】:学生在运用现在进行时的时候,能根据不同的人称正确选用“be” 【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


step1、Warming up 1、Greetings

2、Play a game: gussing game T:Hello,boys and girls.Ss:...T:Today we will learn the new lesson Module5 Food.First, let's play a guessing game.(复习以前学过的食物的单词)引导学生要用句型:Have you got _____? Yes ,I have.No, I haven’t.(二)探究新知:

1、Do you like the food? I like noodles and rice.I like Chinese food.教学Chinese(小组读,个人读)

2、T:duplings、noodles and rice are Chinese fast food.Do you like Chinese fast food? Ss:...(教学fast food)小火车读 Do you want some rice?(引出课题)用duplings、noodles 替换rice练读句型Do you want some...?并让学生用此句型向老师提问。老师回答Yes,please.No,thank you.3、T:I like noodles.But I don't know making noodles.Do you know making noodles? Ss:...T:(出示图片)Look, he's making noodles.(随机教学 making noodles)

4、T:I'm hungry.I want to eat some noodles.I need chopsticks.(用体态语帮助学生理解句意,同时拿出筷子)教学 chopsticks(把单词为两个部分chops ticks)告诉学生这个词语永远要用复数

5、T:Chopsticks are easy for me.But chopsticks are difficult for Amy.(出示图片)教学 difficult(个人读-小组读,齐读)

6、教授句型Do you want some...?Yes,please.No,thank you.T:Mm,the food is very nice.Do you want some...? 1)板书Do you want some...? 2)引导学生回答Yes,please.No,thank you并板书


1、practice 1)老师轮流指着实物图片提问Do you want some...? 2)全班开火车操练

2、听课文录音 全班跟读3遍 分角色跟读

extension 创设去饭馆的情境表演对话(一名服务员、两名顾客)让学生进行对话: A: Excuse me , can I help you? B: I want to east fast food.A: Do you want some _____? B: Yes, please.No, thank you.A: Anything else? B: That’s all, thank you A: You’re welcome.(四)作业布置:

(五)小结:1.T: Today, we learn how to use “Do you want some…?

Yes, please./ No, thank you.” to order food.2.Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein.(多吃些水果,少摄入些蛋白质,使饮食均衡合理。)An apple a day keeps doctor away.(一日一苹果,医生远离我。引导孩子健康饮食)



Module5 unit1 Do you want some rice? Do you want some_____? Yes, please.No, thank you.Module 4 Unit 2 How much is it?第二课时


知识与技能:What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please./ No , thank you.过程与方法:Task-based teaching method;situation teaching method 情感、态度和价值观:Help students to know order food;cultivate the attitude to love English and speak out bravely.【重点】:1.A: What are you doing? B:I’m making/ cooking¬¬¬¬______.2.A:Do you want some? B:Yes, please./No, thank you.【难点】:The usage of“make”and “cook”.【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: 一.Warming up Greeting

Good morning.How are you ? Can you …?

二.Chant : left foot ,right foot ,left foot right 三.Review 展示卡片

T:What’s this ? Ss : cake, rice , noodles , fish(学生快速读出)T: Do you want some …

Ss: Yes ,please./ No , thank you.四.实物导入

1.T:老师今天带了二种好吃又有营养的东西,大家猜猜是什么?(学生猜)师拿出饺子教学dumpling ①全班读 ②个别读 ③小组读

2.同法教学vegetable ①唱反调(师大声读单词,生小声;反之师小声生大声)②全班读单词 五.巩固单词

Play a game猜单词




1. I’m making dumplings.T:今天老师非常高兴,所以要大展厨艺(带上围裙,包饺子),now ,look here ,What am I doing? 想不想知道老师在干什么吗?要用英语怎么问呢? Ss:What are you doing ?(板书)T:I’m making dumplings.Do you want some?(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m making dumplings.(如:师读快,生读慢;师读慢,生读快)2. I’m cooking dumplings.T:接下来,老师要展示每二样厨艺,Look here(师抄菜),想知道Miss Lin 正做什么要用英语怎么问

Ss: What are you doing?(板书)T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some.(板书)采用不同形式读句型I’m cooking dumplings.(如:


1.T:Now open your book ,turn to page20.今天Sam 和Amy去Darming家做客,我们来看看Daming 一家做了什么好吃的请他们。(播放CD—ROM)

T:他们来到Daming 家,看到Daming正在making dumplings,他们两个不知道Daming在干嘛,他们是怎么问?

S1:What are you doing ,Daming? T: Daming 是怎么回答?

S1: I’m making dumplings? 全班跟着CD—ROM读。2. 情境表演

师去学生家做客,学生正在包饺子 T: What are you doing ? Ss: I’m making dumplings.Do you want some ? T: Yes ,please.(2)学生第二部分

1.T:Daming家除了Making dumplings 还做了什么好吃的? Ss: Cooking vegetables.T: Daming 急匆匆来到厨房里,看到妈妈正在cooking dumplings 他是怎么问的?

SS: What are you doing? T: mother是怎么回答的?

Ss: I’m cooking vegetables.Read after the CD-ROM 2.巩固练习


Ss: What are you doing ? T: I’m cooking vegetables.Do you want some ? Ss: Yes ,please./ No, thank you.②Play a game 听音乐传勺子,音乐一停,拿到勺子的学生做抄菜的动作,其他学生问 What are you doing ?此生回答I’m cooking Vegetables.Do you want some ?操练对话。

3. 表演课文对话





What are you doing ? I’m making dumplings/ I’m cooking vegetable.Do you want some ? Yes , please./ No , thank you.(七)课后反思:

Module 5 Unit 1 Can you run fast?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1、能听、说、认读单词:can, run, fast, jump ,high, far, ride

2、能听、说、认读并运用句型: 1)I can run fast/jump high /…

2)------Can you run fast /jump high/jump far/ ride fast …?------Yes , I can./No, I can’t.过程与方法:

1、Teach the text with the task based method.2、Do a survey by cooperative learning.3、sing songs 情感、态度和价值观:让学生通过能力的谈论,了解自己的优点。引导学生在学习中体验成功、感受快乐,树立学习的自信心。

【重点】:can, run, fast, jump ,high, far, ride 【难点】:1)I can run fast/jump high /…

2)------Can you run fast /jump high/jump far/ ride fast …?------Yes , I can./No, I can’t.【教学方法】:讲授 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:Step1 Warmer

1、Sing the song “ Row the boat ”

2、chant : Make a cake

3、Do and say Tell the students: Let’s have a match in groups.I’ll do some actions.Please look and say them quickly : play football/swim /play basketball /…

Then do and teach the new words: run ,jump ,high ,far ,ride Have the students practice in pairs.(二)探究新知:

1、Let the groups do the actions that the teacher says.Teach “can ”by this way : Oh ,look!Group A can do it well.Explain the meaning of “can ”

2、Do the actions and say : I can swim/run fast/ jump high /… Do some examples and let the students practice in pairs.Then ask some pairs to act it out.3、After acting ,do and say like this :I can jump high.Can you jump high ? Help the students answer : Yes , I can./ No, I can’t.(三)巩固新知:Listen ,find and say

1、Show the picture and tell the students :Our friends : Amy Sam and Daming are having a match.Now look at the picture and listen : Who is the winner ?

2、Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answer.3、Have the students look at their book ,listen and repeat.4、Then let them practice reading in pairs or groups.Consolidation Do Activity book Exercise 1 and 2




Module 6 Abilities Unit 1 Can you run fast ?

Module 5 Unit 2 Can Sam play football?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1、能听、说、认读单词:flute, wash, clothes, draw


1)------Can you play the flute /wash clothes/…?------Yes, I can./No, I can’t.2)I can write a letter/…

I can’t row a boat /… 过程与方法:讲授、游戏


【重点】:flute, wash, clothes, draw 【难点】:

1)------Can you play the flute /wash clothes/…?------Yes, I can./No, I can’t.2)I can write a letter/…

I can’t row a boat /… 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:Step 1 Warmer

1、chant : Make a cake

2、Revise the phrases by doing actions: play football/run fast /jump high / jump far /ride fast /…

3、Do and teach the new words : play flute/ draw/wash clothes Then let the students practice in pairs.(二)探究新知:

1、The teacher does the action and say the sentence : I can play the flute.Can you play the flute ,_____? Asks one student to answer.Make more with some individual students.2、Have the students to ask and answer in pairs using the new phrases.3、Ask some pairs to act out.Step 3 Listen point and say SB P24 Part 1

1、let the students look at their books and listen to the tape to draw the right picture.2、Check the answer with the whole class.3、Play the tape again for them to listen and repeat.4、Have the students to read in pairs.Step 4 Listen point and say SB P25 Part 4

1、Have the students to look at the pictures first.Then play the record for them to listen and choose.2、Check the answer together.3、Let the students look at the picture and say about themselves like this : I can …/I can’t…

Step 5 Listen and say ,then sing and do the actions.SB P25 Part 3

1、Read the words with the students together.It’s easy for the students to read.2、Play the tape for the students to listen to the song first.Then have them to sing after the tape.3、Let the students sing and do the actions together.(We can have a match.)Step 6 Consolidation Do Activity book Exercise 4 and 5


利用 chant 复习旧知,活跃气氛。以 Chant : Run, run, I can run.开始本课的学习,既活跃气氛,又为接下来的学习做好了充分的准备。





1)------Can you play the flute /wash clothes/…?------Yes, I can./No, I can’t.2)I can write a letter/… I can’t row a boat /…


Module 6 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets ?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1.学习语句:Can I have…? 口头运用Can I have…? 这类语句询问他人需要什么或者自己需要什么。


3.复习一首歌谣Happy birthday to you!过程与方法:运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣 情感、态度和价值观:培养学生乐于助人的习惯 【重点】:学习语句: Can I have…? M9单词

【难点】:口头运用 Can I have…? 短语Turn on 【教学方法】:讲授, 积极主动接受学习,对话法,游戏法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: Warmer: T: Hello.Ss: Hello teacher.T: What are you going to do on Saturday ? Ss: I’m going to ….T: I’m going to join sports meeting.look here.(展示关于运动的幻灯片)。What’s this ? Ss: It’s football.T: Can you play football ? S: Yes ,I can / No, I can’t.(二)探究新知: Presentation: Let The students look at the screen.(a picture of sports)And ask the students “Can you play…?” Students answer the questions.最后一张幻灯片用糖果

T: What are they ? Ss: They are sweets.T: Yes, Now ,I’m hungry.Can I have some Sweets?(Write this title on the board)Teach new lesson: 1.T:Today is Amy’s birthday.Her mother make some food for her.But she don’t know ,we are going to give her a surprise.At first Let’s look at these food.(展示关于食物的幻灯片,学习soup, sweets, bread, biscuit, fruit)Let Ss learn them and ask them: Can I have …? 2.listen to the tape.3.Play the tape the students should read after it.Let The students listen to the tape and repeat.Then let The students chant with the music.(三)巩固新知:Game 将全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后立刻造句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢达到。抢到的小组每人要迅速造一个句子,只要有一个成员没有完成造句,就不得分,最后哪组抢达最多,造句最多,教师发给每个成员一枚粘贴作为奖励。


(五)小结:can I 表示礼貌的请求,后面直接跟句子


Can I have some sweets? Words soup sorry sweet bread

Module 6 Unit 2 Happy Halloween!



知识与技能:能熟练运用“Can I have…?/ Can you …?” 能够掌握模块单词。


过程与方法:运用探究合作的学习方法,激发学生兴趣 情感、态度和价值观:了解西方节日和文化

【重点】:学习语句: “Can I have…?/ Can you …?”和本模块单词 【难点】:听懂目标语句并会用“Can I have…?/ Can you …?” 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏,Ppt,直观教学法,表演法,对话法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


Warmmer.1.Greetings.2.Let’s have a match.GroupA and GroupB ,which group can say lots of food and make sentenses about “Can I have…?”.The students say,the teacher Draws Stars.Which group can say more words ,they are the winner.(二)探究新知:Presentation In China , there are some special days, e.g: Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and so on.But in oversea ,there are some special days,e.g: Christmas Day and Helloween.Write this title on the board.Teach new lesson: 展示幻灯片,并且了解万圣节,万圣节是西方的传统节日。万圣节前夜,即10月31日夜晚,是儿童们纵情玩乐的好时候。它在孩子们眼中,是一个充满神秘色彩的节日。夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上一盏南瓜灯跑出去玩。挨家挨户收集糖果。并且让学生复习并运用“Can I have some sweets ?”简单了解服饰和南瓜灯。

(三)巩固新知: Practise 创设情景并练习运用“Can I have some sweets ?”


(五)小结:通过中外的节日,进一步练习Can I 句型


Happy Halloween!Can I have some sweets ? Here you are.(七)课后反思:

Module 7 Unit 1 There is a house in this photo.第一课时


知识与技能:培养学生运用There is 或是There are 来谈论与月份有关的情况。


情感、态度和价值观:Improve the students’ appreciation.【重点】: 学习句型There is /are… birthdays in … 掌握单词及词组: January/ February/March/ April/ May/ June


【教学方法】:讲授,讲授法、情景导入法、游戏法、师生互动、生生互动 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:Revision: 1.Do duty report.2.学生报数

(二)探究新知:Presentation: 1.让学生猜教师的生日在几月份,引出 “My birthday is in January.” 2.出示一月份日历,教说January及句型“My birthday is in January”.3.请一月份过生日的同学说句型。

(通过教师的生日引出本课的知识点,使学生学习的兴趣高涨。因为学生对教师的情况是非常关注的。日历的出现,使学生对句子的理解毫无障碍。)4.当一月份过生日的学生说完句型后,教师提问:”How many birthdays are there in January?” 帮助学生数一数,得到答案。“ There are four birthdays in January.板书句型,学生学说。

5.学说单词February, 提出问题:”How many days are there in February?”

There are 28 or 29 days in February.6.由问题 How many days are there in March? 引出单词March 的教学。学生谈论What can the children do in March?(通过学生谈论What can the children do in March? 可以为学生创设运用英语的真实语境,使学生有机的将新旧知识紧密结合。)

7.教授单词April,并请同学猜一猜How many birthdays are there in April? 请四月份过日的同学起立,揭示答案。

8.通过猜谜语的形式引出单词May 的教学。“There are 31 days.It’s warm.There is a seven-day holiday in it.And the Labor’s Day, too

(三)巩固新知:Practice: 1.教师说月份单词,学生用手指表示相应月份。引出新单词June, 学说。(回顾1至5月份刚刚学过的单词,既是一个小的复习,又起到了承上启下的衔接作用,可谓一举两得。)2.学生同桌间谈论他们最喜欢的月份,并说出原因。3.游戏活动:听音做一做。

Whose birthday is in January? Please point to the door.Whose birthday is in May? Please clap five.Whose birthday is in April? Please jump two times.……

Whose birthday is in June? Please point to the Lingling.(通过这个游戏活动中,可以检查学生对新知的接受、理解情况,还可以有效的巩固重点内容,化解教学难点。并引出课文教学。)

4.Lingling 在哪里?请学生看书,听课文录音。


6.讲解语境语 count/ parties 7.活动:

给每一个学生发一张心型的红色卡片,让他们在上面写上自己的名字。然后,边说 “My birthday is in …” 边贴在相应的挂历上。然后,两人一组,进行谈论 “How many birthdays are there in …? There is/ are … birthdays in …


(五)小结:Read the main sentences on the blackboard, and the new words..(六)板书设计:

Unit1 There is one birthday in May.January February Whose birthday is in January? March April How many days are there in February? May June

Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve boys on the bike.第二课时


知识与技能:Vocabulary:July,August,September,October,December,November Sentence:There are twelve months in a year Ability:Let them use these sentences 过程与方法: Listening, speaking, play games, task-based teaching method 情感、态度和价值观:Help the pupils to be interested in English.Let the pupils speak English bravely.【重点】:掌握12个月份的英语单词。

【难点】:区分并掌握There are … 和 There is … 的句型。【教学方法】:讲授、游戏Task-based learning method, games, cooperative learning method.【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


一、Greeting Hello , boys and girls.Hello , Miss Zhou.Are you hot ?

No.Are you cold ? Yes , I am cold.I am cold , too.二、Warm-up Let’s look at the blackboard and say.Flowers ,flowers.There are flowers.Festivals , festivals.There are festivals.Birds ,birds.There are birds.Snow , snow.There is snow.Rain ,rain.There is rain.* * * * * 拍节奏 Warm , It’s warm.Cool , It’s cool.Sunny , It’s sunny.Cold , It’s cold.三、Revision(1)Do the actions and say : play basketball / play football / play football / play table tennis / go to school / listen to musin / watch TV / read a book ……

(2)Let’s review some months : January to June(3)Show me your fingers : Let’s chant : …….(二)探究新知: Lead to It’s very hot in this month.The Summer Holiday is coming!It’s July.July Spell July.…

Do you like July ? Yes , I do./ No , I don’t.I like …… How many days are there in July ? There are thirty-one days in July.August There are thirty-one days in this month , too.It’s August.Is it cold in August ? No , it’s hot in August.The Teachers’ Day is in this month.September Spell September.…

I like September.My birthday is on September.Do you like September ? Yes , I do./ No , I don’t.I like ……

Whose birthday is in September ? Stand up , please!How many birthdays are there in September ? Let’s count.There are … birthdays in …./ There is … birthdays in ….Guess : Which month is this ? We can see the Chirtmas tree.We have presents.We can sing a song.Christmas Day That’s right!It’s December.December Spell December.…

I don’t like December.It’s cold.Do you like December ? …….Whose birthday is in December ? Stand up , please!How many birthdays are there in December ? There are … birthdays in …./ There is … birthdays in ….There are thirty-one days in this months.The National Day is in this month.October Whose birthday is in October ? Stand up , please!How many birthdays are there in October ? There are … birthdays in …./ There is … birthdays in ….Is it hot in October ? …….Which month is missing ? Let’s count!November Spell November.How many days are there in November ? There are … days in ….Whose birthday is in November ? …….How many birthdays are there in November ? There are … days in ….Let’s read the words again.(1)快速反应(2)看口型发音


一、Practice(1)I say I like ….You say I don’t like ….I say I don’t like ….You say I like ….(2)Let’s play a game : Make sentences in one minutes.There are … birthdays in ….There is … birthday in ….Talk to your partners.You can say like this : A : How many days are there in … ? B : There are … days in ….二、Consolidation Talk in your group.You can say like this : I like …./ I don’t like ….It’s … in ….I can … in ….Open your book.Page 40.Listen to the tape , read after the tape.(四)作业布置:


(六)板书设计: Unit 2 July August How many days are there in July ? September October There are thirty-one days in July.November December There are twelve months in a year.(七)课后反思:

Module 8 Unit 1 We’re going to visit Hainan.第一课时

【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1、Enable the Ss to learn some important words.2、Make the Ss understand and use the new sentence : “I’m going to go to… ” “We’re going to go to…”

3、Develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking.They can make suggestions in life.过程与方法:

1、Learn the words by game method.2、Teach the text with the task-based method.3、Cooperative learning.情感、态度和价值观:

1、Faster the Ss consciousness of good co-operation.2、Keep the Ss confidence in learning English.【重点】:Make the Ss use the following sentences correctly: “I’m going to go to…” “We’re going to go to…” 【难点】:The phrases and the important sentenses


1、game method

2、task –based method 3competition1

4、cooperative learning 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:


一、Greeting: Hello,everyone!How are you ? OK, now let’s make warm up, this is just for fun.二、Warm up: I say one, you say two;I say two, you say three;If I say three, you stand up and sit down.Leading in 1.Talk about the cities in China.(pp)2.What’s your favourite city ?


1、Look at the pictures, practice the words about cities.A、Show the picture B、Point and say C、Say it quickly D、Who’s missing?

2、Look at the pictures, the teacher teach the sentenses:I’m going to go to...Let the students repeat the sentenses.(practice the words about cities).3、Teacher do the action and teach: I’m going to ….Then the students follow the teacher.For example: I do and say :I’m going to swim.Then the students repeat:I’m going to swim.a.I do and you say b.I say and you do c.Say it as quickly as you can.4、Look at the pictures and practice.(三)巩固新知:

1、Listen to the tape: a.Listen and point, then answer the questions the teacher ask.b.Listen and repeat.c.Read together.d.Group play.2.Explain the text.Ss follow me for two times.The teacher will explain the words ,phrases, sentences.Show the key points on the blackboard.3.The teacher asks the Ss to read the text then act it.The teacher can correct the students’ mistakes.Then Ss can find the interest of learning.4、Practice: Make a survey.5、Game: Rememder what I say.(四)作业布置:

(五)小结:本模块我们学习了be going to 的表示方法,后面加动词圆形,注意be的变化。


Module 7 Unit1 We’re going to go to Hainan.I’m going to …

We’re going to … Hainan swim Beijing fly kite Tianjin watch TV

Module 8 Unit 2 Sam is going to ride a horse.第二课时

【教学目标】: 知识与技能:

1)能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit 2)能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth.能听懂会唱歌曲:“We’re going to go to the zoo.” 过程与方法:任务型教学法、情景教学法。


【重点】:visit的不同用法 【难点】:stone ,camel, visit 【教学方法】:讲授、游戏,游戏法、合作学习法。【课时安排】:1课时


(一)导入:Step1: Warmer 1.Greetings 2.Sing a song--听Module7 unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作。3.Say a chant: We’re going to We’re going to go to +place

I’m going to I’m going to go to+placeShe is going toShe is going to go to place.He is going to He is going to go to place They are going to They are going to go to place Lead in: I’m going to check your homework.Who

can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。



课文呈现:Ms Smart and her students have been to the Ming Tombs.What did theyn see in the Ming Tombs? – Lions, camels and elephants.T: We’re going to learn the Unit2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.(板书)

小朋友,你知不知道十三陵景区有什么有意思的东西。那里有许多动物的石雕。那么,石雕包括哪些动物?在那里发生了什么样的故事?Please open your books and turn to page 28.And then answer my questions –(1).Who are going to visit the Ming Tombs? Ms Smart and her students.(2).When are they going to visit the Ming Tombs? Tomorrow.交代任务: We can’t visit the Ming Tombs now, but Miss Wang have a good idea——We’re going to go to the zoo and visit animals.Practice

1、Let’s see some animals.(图片)Teach words: stone ,camel。操练单词:Game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说stone+动物,学生暂停不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。



4、T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals.T:Let’s see.(出示动物卡片)We’re going to visit animals.教单词visit.5、操练We’re going to visit animal的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用We’re going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。

(三)巩固新知: 1.请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。

e.g.A: We’re going to visit the lions.B: Then we’re going to visit the pandas.2.Game:邀请同学一起去旅行,几个学生一组,每人想出一个自己想要去的地方,相互询问:“I’m going to go to …Do you want to go with me?” 被问到的学生根据自己的喜好回答。每个学生都要努力找到旅伴。

Sing a song 学唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo 4 Cooler 请同学们总结visit的几种用法。


(五)小结:用新颖课文内容吸引学生的兴趣,讲的是明皇宫,十三陵的故事,继续练习be going to


Unit 2 We’re going to visit the Ming Tombs.visit be going to I’m giong to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.He/She is going to visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow.They’re going to visit the Summer Palace tomorrow.(七)课后反思:

Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?


【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 1,能听懂,会说日常交际用语:What are you going to do? I am going to…..以及相应的回答

2能听懂,会说 sports day every day good luck come on winner 等词 能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。


5会运用 good luck come on等词对别人表示祝福。过程与方法:

1采用活动教学的形式,让学生在活动中学习知识,促进学生对句子,词语的理解。并结合游戏呈现知识,以促进对语言的识记。让学生学会在特定情景中用“what are you going to do?”和“I going to…..”等句型进行交际。

3了解如何用英语在比赛中给运动员鼓励、加油的用语 情感、态度和价值观:

1、在学习本课知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。2.在教学游戏中学会交际,学会鼓励他人,学会欣赏和赞赏他人 3培养学生的团队意识和合作精神,共同完成学习任务。4 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。

【重点】:理解掌握 sports day come on good luck winner 等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。

【难点】:理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do for sports day? I am going to ….等句型进行交际

【教学方法】:讲授, 探究式学习方法,小组合作交流法,情景教学法 任务型教学法

【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:Step1: Warm-up

1、Greeting, say hello to students T: Hi ,boys and girls,today we are happy.Now, let’s play a chat ,ok? 2 Chant “Every Day ”

(Show PPt: We’re going to play football.We’re going to play football every day.We’re going to play basketball.We’re going to play basketball every day.We’re going to swim.We’re going to swim every day.We’re going to play table tennis.We’re going to play table tennis every day.We’re going to run.We’re going to run every day.(Read with the students for two times,then show out the phrases about sports,have the students read and do the actions.)

(二)探究新知:Step2: Presentation 1 Show a picture about a Sports Day,then ask “What are they doing?”(The students answer it.)About “sports day”, show a card “sports day” the students read after the teacher and the teacher write it on the board.3 T: We are going to have a Sports Day.(read and write, the student read after the teacher).T: Let’s have a look ,what can we do on our Sports Day?(Show PPt:No.1 is playing football.No.2 is playing basketball.No.3 is playing table tennis.No.4 is swimming.No.5 is running the 100 metres.Have the students read the and the teacher translate them.)4 Show PPt “What are you going to do for Sports Day tomorrow ? I’m going to …”

(T: We have a Sports Day ,what are you going to do for Sports Day ? Ask the students guess,then :I’m going to swim.Do the actions.)

Step3: Imitation Practice 1 The teacher read and the students follow.2 Show cards and ask“What are you going to do for Sports Day ?”,The students will say“I’m going to ………” Practice The students practice the consolidations with their deskmates.then play atrain game.(三)巩固新知:

Step4: Consolidation Practice 1 Actions:have the students make different roles to practice the consolidations.2 Game:Listen to the music and pass the apple.The PPT will show out many sports.When the teacher say “Stop.”The student who get the apple will try to make consolidations on the PPT.Step5: Development Discuss in the the group about four students:“What are you going to do at the weekend ?”Then after that choose aome of them show out their consolidations.Step6 : Sing a song What are you going to do?


(五)小结: 本模块学习be going to 的疑问形式。


Module 8 Unit1 What are you going to do? sports day We are going to have a Sports Day.What are you going to do for Sports Day ? I’m going to …”

Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.第二课时

【教学目标】: 知识与技能: 1)基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:do the high jump,do the long jump, run the 200 metres.2)熟练掌握 “What are you going to do for ……?”的言结构及回答:“I’m going to…?”

过程与方法: 1.Game method 2.The task-based method.3.Cooperative learning.情感、态度和价值观:培养学生持之以恒的情感态度。【重点】:词汇:do the high jump, do the long jump, run the 200 metres.句型:What are you going to do for…? I’m going to… 【难点】:“run the ….”及 “ do the…”的表达。

【教学方法】:讲授、游戏, 自主式,互助式,启发式,任务型教学 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入: Step1: Warmer 1.Greetings 2.Sing a song

(二)探究新知: Step2: Presentation 1.Lead in 1)T: What am I going to do? Ss: You are going to swim/run/play table tennis/play basketball/play football.T: What am I going to do? S1: You’re going to do the high jump.T: Yes.I’m going to do the high jump.引出课题:Unit2 I’m going to do the high jump.(板书)

教授—high jump(1)stamp the word(2)shout the word 2)S2: What am I going to do?(一个学生做跳远的动作)

T: You’re going to do the long jump.教授—long jump(3)clap the word(4)say the word(louder /whisper)

2)T: Daming is going to run the 100 metres on Sports Day.今天,我们要看看Amy, Lingling 和Sam 打算参加运动会的哪些项目。Please open your books and turn to page 32.Listen to the tape and then answer my questions.Q1: What is Amy going to do for Sports Day? Q2: What is Sam going to do for Sports Day? Q3: What is Daming going to do for Sports Day? Q4: What is Lingling going to do for Sports Day? S1: Amy is going to do the high jump.S2: Sam is going to do the long jump.S3: Daming is going to run the 100 metres.S4: Lingling is going to run the 200 metres.教授: the 200 metres(1)个人读(2)小组读(3)男生、女生读 T:What are you going to do for Sports Day? Ss:I’m going to run the 200 metres.(三)巩固新知:Step 3: Practice 1)Game—幸运52 准备卡片: high jump, long jump, the 100 metres, the 200 metres 等。要求:全班同学看图片做动作,学生A和学生B抢答。2)Game – Guess it S1: What are you going to do? The high jump? S2: Yes, I’m going to do the high jump.(用手势表达high jump 的动作)P.S.通过做手势猜对方要参加的运动项目。

Step4: Production T: 每4人一小组选派一名组长,对组员在体育运动方面的特长进行调查,然后安排大家参加运动会的各个项目。

e.g(1)S1: I can run fast.S2: You ‘re going to run the 100 metres.S1: Okay.(2)S3: I can jump high.S4: You’re going to do the high jump.S3: Okay.汇报:e.g.A and B are going to run the 100 metres.C and D are going to do the high jump.Step5: Say a chant.T: Boys and girls, our Sports Day is coming.Let’s say a chant ,ok? Ss:OK!T&Ss: I’m training for Sports Day.I’m training every day.I’m going to run and I’m going to win.I’m training every day.Come on, come on!Good luck, good luck!Good luck on Sports Day!

Step6: 讲解课文 1)全班读。2)小组读。



(五)小结:本模块学习了运动会方面的的内容,继续巩固了be going to 表示将来要做的事


Unit 2 I’m going to do the high jump.run the 100 metres run the 200 metres do the high jump do the long jump



Module Unit 1 Revision



知识与技能:学生掌握方向与位置的词语;学会30以内的数字;掌握表示能力“can”的用法;使用“be going to”讲述计划。



【重点】:介词,数字,“can” 的用法,“be going to”表将来的用法 【难点】:“be going to”表将来的用法

【教学方法】:讲授, 合作交流法,任务型教学法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入:Step 1:warmer 带领学生复习Module 2中的韵诗“Left foot,right foot”,并使用相应的课件单词卡片帮助他们重温关于方向和位置的单词。

(二)探究新知:presentation 1)师根据韵诗的内容引出“方向”的表达。老师走下讲台,同时对学生说: 2)T:Now,I’m walking down my platform.老师走到一位学生身边,说明自己的位置:“Now I’m next to him/her.I’m on his/her left/right.”老师继续向前走,边走边说”I’m walking past …”



(1)首先根据数字卡片带领学生复习数字1-29.鼓励学生说出更大的数字,并说出这些数字与自己生活的关系,例如: I’m ten years old.I have three pens…




(1)组织学生以小组为单位调查其他组成员会干什么,不会干什么,例如:Can you play the piano? …

(2)完成SB3.学生对话。关于一般将来时的练习:(1)T:老师看着表说:“It’s …now,Let’s talk about what are you going to do today.”

S: 生可能回答:“I’m going to have Maths.”…(2)完成SB4,把人物与他们打算做的事情连线。




Review Module Unit 1 go up/down/straight on Numbers: 1-12 Can you run fast? turn left/right 13-20 Yes,I can./No,I can’t.21-30 Amy is going to take pictures.Review

Module Unit 2 Revision








【教学方法】:讲授、游戏 , 合作交流法,任务型教学法 【课时安排】:1课时 【教学过程】:

(一)导入::warmer 带领学生复习关于月份的韵诗,并使用相应的课件单词卡片帮助他们重温关月份单词。

(二)探究新知:presentation(1)师根据韵诗的内容引出12个月份表达。组织展开SB Unit2 活动1中的游戏。具体操作如下:老师在黑板上写出12个月份的英文单词(打乱顺序),让学生6人一组,每轮游戏前请两组学生分别站到黑板的两侧;发给每组第一名学生一个黑板擦,此外还要请一名学生为两队记分。老师快速,随机的说出一个月份单词,两队学生第一名听到后迅速擦掉那个单词,擦去的组得分,没有擦到的学生淘汰掉;接下来由刚才擦去单词的学生说出单词,黑板擦交给同组的下一名学生。如此重复,直到有一组学生全部被淘汰为止


(3)师把话题从月份引向天气状况,请学生说出自己生日的月份,并描述天气。例如:“My birthday is in…It’s warm/hot/cool/cold…”


关于食物的单词、表示允许的’can’和表示愿望的’want’的练习:(1)老师出示卡片,复习有关食物的单词,然后请学生两人一组完成SB 2 的对话。

(2)根据这些食物,用‘want’造句,例如:I want a cake…体会can和want的用法。


(1)T:老师看着表说:‘It’s …O’clock now,what are we doing?’ S:We are having English class.复习现在进行时的表达,并让学生造句。


(3)展开SB Unit 2 活动4的游戏,老师描述图中的人物,请学生猜一猜老师描述的是谁。




Review Module Unit 2

月份 A:Can I have some…? This is Lingling’s family.B:Yes, you can./Sorry,you can’t.Mum is making a cake.(七)课后反思:







module 1 : 会介绍他人,并且会描述他人的性格特点。学会使用This is„„.He/She is very/a bit„„

module 2 : 能谈论一个国家里的名胜,能用英语形容城市及建筑物的特色,学会使用„is a„ city.„is very„/It’s very„.module 3: 学会用将来时描述机器人所做的事情,学会运用Robots will„.进行将来时态的表达。

module 4:学会用将来时表述将要做的事情,并学会正确回答。学会运用Will you take...?Yes, I will./No, I won’t.module 5: 学会描述过去的任务状态,能够正确区分was和were的用法.module 6:学会一般过去时的疑问句的正确问法以及回答。

module 7:学会普通动词的过去式的用法.明确一般动词词尾加-ed。module 8:学会普通动词过去式的特殊变化方式,并且掌握正确的变化方式.Module 9:学会过去式的一般疑问句的正确应用,会用Did he„?以及回答Yes, he did./No, he didn’t.来正确询问他人。

Module 10:学会用一般过去式的正确应用方式给同学们讲自己过去发生的故事。







四、教学重难点 1.重点:





















2、学生的思想状况 一部分学生学习英语的兴趣衰减,对英语学习产生畏难情绪,英语学习已掉队。这就要求我们应关注每个学生,注重培养学生对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好,采取有效措施,防止两极分化现象的加剧。

三、教材分析 1.总体知识结构

本册教材共有11个模块,每个模块有两个单元。每个新授单元的第一课均是情景对话,侧重语言的交际功能,旨在培养学生的听说能力。第二单元在第一单元的基础上突出语言的基本结构,通过对前一单元主要内容的回顾而引出重点句型的教学,旨在培养学生的读写能力,并帮助学生进一步掌握主要的语言结构。在掌握重点语言之后加强学生在应用方面的综合操练,通过多种形式引导学生复习巩固所学的语言知识,提高运用语言的能力。从教材的编制来看,本册的单词仍以与学生学习、生活密切相关的词汇为主,较上册教材来说这册教材的单词量相对来说比较多,学生学习起来有一定的难度。本册教材中安排的情景教学主要涉及到生活、旅游、食物等。另外,本册涉及到的语法项目大部分都为一般过去式,还有个别两个模块为will引导将来时及be going to…引导的将来式,还有一般现在时。对于本册来说过去式仍是本册的教学重点,但出现了一般将来时,对于他只要求学生理解其意,教师不做语法结构的分析上的重点讲解。2.重点:











5、深入钻研教材,认真设计好每一节课,及时反馈课堂中的不足,提高课堂教学效率。新 课 标 第 一 网

6、利用多媒体的辅助手段,调动学生的学习积极性,教学英语歌及chant ,教学小故事,情境创设等,初步尝试课本剧的表演,培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣。



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