
时间:2019-05-15 01:26:13下载本文作者:会员上传



Teaching aims: 1.Let students practise their English listening comprehension.2.Students can understand new words and phrases in listening passage.Importance and difficulties: Learn tips to English listening.Teaching steps: Listening



6.What does the boy want to be? A.A athlete

B.A doctor

C.A scientist 7.When will the train leave? A.At 8:30

B.At 8:50.C.At 9:00.8.How is the weather today?



9.Why does the boy want to be a basketball player? A.He wants to make money.B.He likes playing basketball.C.He wants to be famous.10.Can the girl take some snacks to the party? A.Yes, she can

B.No,she can’t

C.We don’t know



11.What was Tom doing when his mother came back last night? A.Watching

B.Playing computer games.C.Surfing on the Internet.12.Why wasn’t Tom’s mother angry with him? A.Tom always studies hard.B.She also has an interested in aliens C.She was tired 听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。13.Where did some people see the UFO? A In Hangzhou.B.In Suzhou

C.In Guangzhou.14.When did they see it

A On June 7th

B.On July 8th

C.On July 6th

15.What did the UFO look like? A.A plane

B.A bird

C.A dish



1.There’re some boxes in the classroom.A: 改为一般疑问句并否定回答

_________________________________boxes in the classroom?

___________ , ______________________.2.Those are apple trees.(改为单数句式)

______________________apple tree.对划线部分提问)

____________________________________in the pencil-box?

______________the door!5.Kate is in front of Millie.(改为同义句)

Millie is ___________ Kate.1.Miss Green is on the right of me.I am _________________________________ of Miss Green.B)翻译句子



















《 商务英语听力》课程教学大纲是以国家教育部最新颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》中听说技能要求为依据, 根据职业技术学院人才培养模式的定位以及学生的具体情况而制定的。




本大纲的教学对象是商务英语专业专科学生。学生入学时应具有高中毕业的英语水平,掌握基本的语音语法知识,认知单词大约 1500 个(掌握其中大约 800 个单词的基本用法),并具有听、说、读、写的初步技能。


通过专门系统的渐进式的听力技能训练和实践, 逐步提高学生的听力能力,着重培养学生在涉外商务活动及业务中的实际应用能力。以达到学生听、说、读、写各项技能的全面发展。


在本课程结束时 , 学生不但能掌握系统的英语基础知识, 商务英语基础知识,而且还能熟悉相关文化背景及涉外商务英语知识,商务英语综合听力能力得以提高。


本课程以围绕商务活动涉及的基本环节为主题(Topics)进行组织教学。以能力培养为宗旨,以分析学生听力困难为基础,以科学论证为手段的教学模式。目的在于培养学生良好的听力练习习惯,锻炼正确的听力技巧,从而可以在一定的时间内取得较大的进步,达到快速提高听力理解能力的目的。主教材采用冶金出版社高职高专工作过程导向系列规划教材《商务英语听说》1-4 册,辅助多媒体视听说教学 CAI 课件和网络课件作为辅助教材。主教材内容是以一个人准备进入商界工作开始到能够独立完成商业活动为背景,共四册。从内容上分别为走向商务世界、体验商务精彩、步入商务实战和磨练商务精英。从听力技巧上分为培养良好习惯(Building up good habit)、开发听力潜质(Developing Skills)、经历真实场景(Situational Practice)和历练商业精英(Being Skillful in Business)。整体设计思路是一个毕业生准备进入外向型商业公司寻求发展。首先要做的是在语言方面作些准备,然后经历找工作、预约会谈和面试等环节进入公司,开始商业领域的行政助理工作。主要内容包括为步入商界做好语言方面的准备和作为商务助理在办公室工作场景所需要的英语语言。包括用英语谈论时间、地点和人名等。因为熟练掌握时间、地点和人名的理解、使用和记录可以学生在初步与人交往中得心应手,增加自信,减少紧张的程度。为今后的工作打好基础。行政助理工作还包括电话之路到约会地点、为客户购买礼品和培客户进餐等。第二部分是课本中的主人公由于工作努力得以提升,开始接触真正意义上的商务活动,具体展现形式是主人公接受公司派遣到国外去参加一次展销会和会见一些客户。具体内容应该是包括:走出机场、入住饭店、就餐、购买当地SIM卡、银行换钱、展会(1)、展会(2)、约见客户、考察当地市场、听广播(节目介绍)、电话订票、机场候机、参加研讨会(1)、参加研讨会(2)、第三册为商业广告、财经新闻和浅显理论等,以曾加学生对商务理解的深度,提高学生的商务理论水平,从而加快学生进入商界后适应的速度。第四册的主要内容是一次贸易活动的全过程,即从询价开始到成交。整个内容包括了一个毕业生成长为一个商业精英需要经历的全过程。


☆ 课程教案模块:给学生提供课堂学习笔记,便以学生课后复习使用;

☆ 自主学习模块:提供包括文化、教育、趣味、节日、商务、经济、歌曲、动漫、词的故事等内容的听力材料,设计了问题和填词练习,目的在于培养学生学习英语的兴趣,开拓视野,提高英语表达能力和交际能力、以及英语语言的综合能力和书写能力;

☆ VOA、BBC 综合报道模块:提高学生收听国际新闻报道的能力;

☆ 自我测评模块:学生选择不同水平的题型进行自我测试模块,进行释疑和文化背景介绍,帮助学生理解主要内容和扩大知识面。


经过第一学年的听力训练,学生应能达到下列要求:、能听懂日常和涉外业务活动中使用的结构简单、发音清楚、语速较慢(每分钟120词左右)的英语对话和不太复杂的陈述,要求学生能够抓住讲话和交谈的中心大意,理解基本正确;、能抓住英语国家慢速英语广播节目的中心大意,理解所听材料的主旨或要点; 3、了解在从事商务活动中存在的文化差异;、了解本课程所提供的网络辅助教材所述之商务英语日常相关的内容。



2、能就所听材料的要点用英语作简要笔记;能基本听懂比较浅易的电影和电视片段; 3、能听懂并掌握商务英语专业英语术语与常用英语词汇,理解具体信息;较好地完成剑桥BEC真题集第2辑(初、中级)听力部分的测试;



6、初步具备在涉外工作环境中恰当地使用商务英语进行听说沟通的交际能力,突出高职 “ 实用、实践、实际 ” 的特点。


本课程共设二学年。总学时 122 学时,每周各2个学时,其中,课堂讲课时间为78课时,实践环节44课时。

教材共分四册,供四个学期使用。本课程采用的教学媒体是文字教材、多媒体教学光盘(CAI 课件)和网络课件。


本课程的考核采取形成性考核和课程终结考试两种形式。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占 40 %,课程终结考试占 60 %。考试内容是在限定时间内就规定的听力材料进行测试,其目的在于检查学生的听力理解能力和听力技巧,形式为闭卷。

八、教学方法建议、教师课堂讲授听力资料中涉及的专业词汇及相关听力技巧。、教师在教学过程中,要始终坚持以 “ 听 ” 为主的原则,让学生反复听取听力资料(三遍以上),慢慢学会在听的过程中去获取语言的信息,而不能先读书面材料再听录音。只有坚持不看材料先听录音才是训练听力的正确途径。、指导学生学会边听录音边记笔记(关键词与关键语句),将听力材料中的要点记下来,以便听完材料后可以依靠笔记来完成配套的练习。、教师根据听力资料内容设置部分问题,学生在听完听力资料后进行回答。、重视学生的实际情况与需要,编选难度内容适合、实用性强、有意义的、学生感兴趣的辅助教材。、指导学生加强课外听力训练,提供丰富网络自学资源,鼓励支持学生课外自主学习,养成收听收看英语广播电视的习惯。、听力和其他技能是相辅相成的,教学中要注意发挥学生的主动性、积极性。在听力训练中,也要灵活采用一些如跟读、模仿、问答、讨论和卷面练习等口笔头训练形式。8、充分发挥多媒体教学的优势,避免学生被动式学习,利用学生的多元智能,采用直观教具以及视频资料加强学生理解加深学生印象,培养学生利用非言语信息线索综合理解的能力。


2013-2014 学第二学期期中考试


第一部分 听对话,回答问题。


1.M: Which pen did you buy yesterday, Helen?

W: I bought the most expensive one.I think it is the best.2.W: Did you have a good summer holiday?

M: Yes, I spent five days in the USA with my family.3.W: What kind of film do you like best, Tom?

M: Cartoons.Mickey Mouse is my favourite.4.M: Have you listened to the weather report this morning, Mum?

W: Yes.The weather will be cloudy.The temperature is going to drop a little.第二部分 听对话或短文,回答问题。


5.W: Yangzhou is a beautiful place to visit.Have you ever been there?

M: Yes, I have been there once.There are very beautiful Chinese gardens.You’d better go there in spring.6.M: I miss Jim very much.Do you know how he is?

W: Sorry, I haven’t seen him for a long time.But his mother says he has been ill in hospital for a week.7.M:Which would you like, tea or juice?

W: Neither.Give me some coffee with milk, please.8.M: Where’s today’s newspaper? I want to read a report on an important basketball match.W: Oh, dear!The newspaper is in the kitchen.But I’m afraid you can’t read it.I always use the sports pages to

clean the windows.9.M:Good luck with your exam!

W:I don’t need good luck.I need another week to study.10.M:How much will it cost for my son and me to go to Shanghai?

W:64 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your son.11.M: Would you like to go swimming with us this afternoon, Jane?

W: Sorry, but I have a bad cold.12.W: I hear you moved to another town.Is that so?

M: Yes, my father changed his job.We didn’t have many friends here, but we soon met a lot of interestingpeople.13.W: Be quick,or we’ll be late for the meeting.M: Don’t worry.We still have another 20 minutes.It is ten past nine now.14.W: How long have you worked in the factory?

M: I’ve worked here for 10 years.But my wife came here two years later.15.W: Did you all go to see the film yesterday, Mike?

M: No, except Li Yin and Bob.W: You mean forty-six students went.听下面一段材料,回答16-17题。

M: Excuse me, I have lost my map.I want to go to the railway station, but I can’t find it.It’s next to the clock八年级英语听力材料及答案第1页

tower, isn’t it?

W: The railway station was there years ago, but I’m afraid it’s not there any more.M: Oh, really? I haven’t visited Sunshine Town for a very long time.Things have changed a lot over the years.W: You’re quite right.Have you seen our new park?

M: Yes, I have just seen it.The park is so big and beautiful.W: Yes, it is.听下面一段材料,回答18-19题。听两遍。

W: Why was Mr.Hu so angry this morning?

M: Because some of the boys made lots of noise in the classroom.W: Was Fred one of them?

M: No, but Tim and Jack were.W: Has Mr.Hu talked to them?

M: Already.They said that they would not do that again.W: I hope they can keep their words.听下面一段材料,回答20-22题。听两遍。

M: Hi, Joy.Would you like to help save the environment?

W: I don’t know.What can I do?

M: Well, first, you can start by turning off the lights?

W: Yes.That’s easy.Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking.What’s next?

M: Second, you can ride a bike.Don’t take a bus or a taxi if you don’t have to.W: That will save money, too.What else?

M: Try to collect used paper.W: Mm, newspapers, magazines, mail…We get a lot of paper at home.Good idea.M: And last, take a bag when you go shopping.Don’t use plastic bags.The government has

encouraged people not to use plastic bags.W: OK.My parents do most of the shopping.I’ll tell them.听第1篇短文,回答23-25题。请根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。听两遍。

The White House is the home of the President and his family.The 44th President of the United States of America, Obama and his family live there.Michelle Obama , the wife of Barack Obama, was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago.She is a lawyer and has had success in her life.Barack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Malia and Natasha.They go to the same school.Malia is 13 years old and she is in Grade 8.Natasha is 3 years younger than Malia and she is in Grade 5.Marian ,Michelle 's mother help to look after the two girls in the White House.They also have a pet dog named Bo.It is a new family member.听第2篇短文,回答26-30题。听两遍。

Ping-pong is a very popular sport in China.People of different ages like playing it.Li Bo is my best friend.His favourite sport is ping-pong, but I like baseball best.He knows a lot about many famous ping-pong players, but he doesn’t know any baseball stars.Baseball is one of the most popular sports in America.Children like playing it.They often play baseball in fields or parks.Each team has nine players.The baseball season goes from April to September.During that time, many baseball matches are on TV.People will watch them.At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other.The winner is considered the greatest team.Many people like sports in different ways.They play sports themselves.They watch the games on TV.Doing sports is good for our health, and it can also bring us great pleasure.2013-2014 学第二学期期中考试



1-5 CCACA6-10 BCCCC11-15BBBBA16-20 ACCBB21-25 ACABC26-30 CBCAB


31-35 CDDDD36-40 CDACB41-45CBCCA

三.完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分,计15分)

46-50 DDAAA51-55 CACBA56-60 DCCDA

四.阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分,计30分)

61-65 BCCCB66-70 BDDBC71-75 BCBDD



81.has sold82.successful83.French84.eightieth85.tying

六.任务型阅读(共10小题, 每空1分,计10分)



七.阅读与表达(共5小题, 每小题2分,计10分)

96.Go to a store or supermarket.97.(Lots of)time, money and energy.98.(We can buy them)online.99.Because of the technology improvement.100.Check the information of the owner.八.短文填空(共10小题, 每空1分,计 10分)



Traveling is a very good activity.When you get tired of your work or study, put it down and go out to relax yourself.When you go travelling, you can visit places of great interest and enjoy the natural beauty.You can breathe fresh air.Moreover, you can make many friends during your visit.At the same time, you make your body strong and you will surely feel less stressed.Sometimes travelling is a lot of trouble.The weather often changes.The cost may be high for you.During the holidays, there may be heavy traffic and too many people.Perhaps you are not used to the local food and you must feel very tired after walking so long.So before going travelling, you must get everything ready.Check the computer to learn about the weather.You’d better go with your friends or family members so that you can take care of each other.Look after your things well and keep yourself safe.评分原则:





c.做好旅游准备,了解天气情况, 和朋友家人在一起,相互照顾,注意安全。6分。

d.你自己的发挥 ……2分。











第五篇:英语听力 课程教学大纲(xiexiebang推荐)

《英语听力》 课程教学大纲




英语初级听力的教学对象: 英语教育专业本科一、二年级学生。







3.第三学期采用英语听力入门第二册及部分第三册内容,英语中级听力和部分大学英语(修订本)第六册。新闻听力采用自己录制的VOA standard英语及少量的BBC材料。

4.第四学期采用英语听力入门第三册及部分第四册内容,英语中级听力(续)和大学英语(修订本)第六册(续),部分专业四级考试相关内容。新闻听力采用自己录制的VOA standard英语及BBC材料。


本课程共144学时,4学分。分四个学期开设,每学期周学时为2学时。听力课是一门综合了语音、词汇、语法、惯用法、背景知识、记忆以及概括能力的学科,它要求学生通过这门课的学习增长语言知识,提高语言技能以及扩大知识面。听力课不同于书面语教学,它要求学生注意力集中,养成良好的听力习惯,提高英语语感,包括音的辨别、句子结构的分析、内容的判断乃至短期和长期记 忆的提高等。本课程的具体要求如下:

A. 能听懂英语国家简易听力材料和英语国家人士所作的题材熟悉的讲话或日常生活交谈,抓住中心大意,理解主要内容。


D. 能基本听懂VOA standard English 和BBC英语广播中的新闻和文化节目,理解大意。



第4周Introduction Family Album U.S.A 5.Listen to This Unit 1,Family Album U.S.A 6.National Day,7,8.Military Training 9.Listen to This Unit 2,Family Album U.S.A 10.Listen to This Unit 3,Family Album U.S.A 11.Listen to This Unit 4,Family Album U.S.A 12.Listen to This Unit 5,Family Album U.S.A 13.Listen to This Unit 6,Family Album U.S.A 14.Mid-term Exam,15.Listen to This Unit 7,Family Album U.S.A 16.Listen to This Unit 8,Family Album U.S.A 17.Listen to This Unit 9,VOA Special English 18.Listen to This Unit 10,VOA Special English 19.Listen to This Unit 11,VOA Special English 20.Listen to This Unit 12,VOA Special English 21.VOA Special English 22.Revision


第2周 Step by Step 2000 Unit 1,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A,28 3.Step by Step 2000 Unit 1,Listen to This Unit 13,VOA Special English 4.Step by Step 2000 Unit 2,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A 5.Step by Step 2000 Unit 2,Listen to This Unit 15,VOA Special English 6.Step by Step 2000 Unit 3,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A 7.Step by Step 2000 Unit 3,Listen to This Unit 17,VOA Special English 8.Step by Step 2000 Unit 4,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A 9.Step by Step 2000 Unit 4,Listen to This Unit 19,VOA Special English 10.Mid-term Exam 11.Step by Step 2000 Unit 5,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A 12.May Day 13.Step by Step 2000 Unit 6,Listen to This Unit 21,VOA Special English 14.Step by Step 2000 Unit 7,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A.15.Step by Step 2000 Unit 8,Listen to This Unit 23,VOA Special English 16.Step by Step 2000 Unit 9,VOA Special English,Family Album U.S.A 17.Step by Step 2000 Unit 10,Listen to This Unit 25,VOA Special English 18.Final Exam 19.Step by Step 2000 Unit 11,VOA Special English


Week 2 Unit 1 World news: up in space,CNN news Week 3 Learning English from CNN,Listen and appreciate from BBC Week 4 Unit 3 World news: Economic developments,Learn English from CNN Week 5 A Test from CET 6,Listen and appreciate Week 7 Unit 5 Health and medicine,Learning English from CRI Week 8 Learning English from BBC,Listen and appreciate Week 9 Unit 7 Communications I,Learning English from CNN Week 10 Test from CET 6,Listen and appreciate the news from BBC Week 11 Unit 9 Architecture,Learning English from CNN Week 12 A Mid-term test,Listen, look and appreciate Week 13 Unit 11 Transportation(I),Listen and appreciate Week 14 LISTENING COMPREHENSION

Test 1,Learn English from BBC 29 Week 15 LISTENING COMPREHENSION Test 2,Learning English from CNN Week 16 LISTENING COMPREHENSION

Test 3,Learning English from CRI Week 17 LISTENING COMPREHENSION

Test 4,Continue learning English from CRI in Week 17 Week 18 Check the answers for TEST 4,Week 19 Exercises for conversations and passages in the preparation for the final test Week 20 Exercises for news broadcast and passages in the preparation for the final test Week 21 The final test


1st week

Comments on some difficulties in the final test of last term.BBC: New Year’s Eve,TEM4 Model Test 2nd week Comments on some difficulties in Unit 1,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 1 3rd week

Comments on some difficulties in Unit 2,Learning English from VOA/CNN 4th week Comments on some difficulties in Unit 2,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II,Unit2 3

5th week

Learning English from BBC,Appreciations from BBC/CNN Brief comments on TEM4 Model Test

6th week

Comments on some difficulties in Unit 3,Appreciations from BBC/CNN 7th week

Brief Comments on TEM4,Appreciations from BBC/CNN Step by Step Book4 Unit 3 8th week

Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Comments on some difficulties in Unit 4 Brief comments on TEM4 Model Test 30 9th week Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 4,Learning English from VOA/CNN

Brief comments on TEM4 Model Test 10th week Comments on some difficulties in Unit 5,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 5

Learning English from BBC,Brief comments on TEM4 Model Test 11th week Learning English from BBC(downloaded),Preparations for the mid-term test 12th week A Mid-term Test,Appreciations from BBC/CNN

13th week

Comments on some difficulties in Unit 6,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 6 14th week

Comments on L1-L4, College English,Learning English from VOA/CNN 15th week

Comments on some difficulties in Unit 7,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 7 Learning English from BBC(downloaded),Comments on L5-L8, College English 16th week Comments on College English L9-L12,A Mini-test Appreciations from BBC/VOA 17th week Comments on some difficulties in Unit 8,Step by Step Book 4: Parts I & II, Unit 8 Learning English from BBC(downloaded),Comments on L9-L12, College English 18th week

A Final Test


1. 《英语初级听力》、《英语中级听力》 何其莘、王敏主编,外语教学与研究出版社。1992 2.《英语听力入门2000》 1-4册 张民伦主编,华东师范大学出版社。2000 3.《大学英语》(修订本)4-6册

虞苏美 李慧琴主编,上海外语教育出版社。2004 4.《走遍美国》2册

任晓晋 邹为诚等改编,武汉:湖北教育出版社,1999









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