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课程名称:大学英语听力 讲授人:杨孟状 授课班级:



(二)学时及教学周数:总36个学时,总14个教学周;1-4周每周 4 学时,5-14周每周2学时


《英语听力入门3000》,张民伦 主编,华东师范大学出版社,2008 年8 月第一版。



(六)考核方式: 闭卷考试。



Unit 1 Education Is a Key

Ⅰ.Teaching Time:4 Periods Ⅱ.Teaching Goals:

1.Master the important words and structures, and understand the different educational systems in other countries, and compare Chinese educational system with the other countries’ educational systems.2.Develop students’ basic listening skills, especially the skill of listening figures.Ⅲ.The Main and Difficult Points: 1.Key words and phrases;

2.Some important language points;

3.Understand the education systems in other countries.4.The comparison between the education systems in other countries and that in China.5.Develop the students’ listening skills, especially the figures.Ⅳ.Teaching steps: Part I:

Warming up——A Step 1.Listen to the vocabulary part and try to memorize the following key words.1)commitment(n), 承诺、许诺;致力、献身;承担义务。

2)undertake(verb), 承担、从事。

3)innovation(n), 发明、创造、创新。

4)excel(vt/vi), 优于,擅长。

5)cosmopolitan(adj), 大都市的。6)stimulating(adj), 刺激、激励。

7)enrollment(n), 招生;登记;注册;入会;Step 2.Listen to Part I carefully for three times while filling in the missing words.The first time, listen extensively from the beginning to the end.The second time, listen intensively sentence by sentence.The third time, listen extensively and check the answers.Step 3.Go over some language points in Part I

1)excel in/at,擅长、在….方面具有优异表现。

e.g.1.She excels in/at sports.2.He excels in/at playing basketball.2)look for, 寻找、追寻。

3)be known for = have/has good reputation for…, 以…出名。

4)be located in… 坐落于….。

Warming up——B Step 1.Go over some new words.1)dialect 方言

2)spaceship 航天器、飞船 3)pronunciation 发音

4)million 百万,million 十亿,trillion 万亿

5)identify 识别、确认。

Step 2.Listen to the material in Warming up—B twice and fill in the missing words.Then listen to the material again sentence by sentence and check the answer.Warming up——C Step 1.Listen to the new words and read after the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation.Step 2.Go over some new words.1)communicative 交际性的 2)analytical 分析性的

3)authority-oriented 权威型的

4)concrete 具体的、有形的;混凝土的 5)identify 识别、确认。

Step 3.Listen to the material in Warming up—C twice and match column A with column B.Then listen to the material again sentence by sentence and check the answer, and read after the tape.The Answers to Part I: Warming up—A

1.Oxford、commitment、academic 2.oldest、largest、reputation、research、science 3.first、Australia、150 years、excels 4.excellence、17,000、location 5.largest、1883、situated、26,000 6.1636、enrollment、schools 7.awards、degrees、20,000 8.located、135、third Warming up—B 1.2,700 languages、7,000 dialects、regional、pronunciation 2.official language 3.One billion、20 percent 4.Four hundred million、first、600 million、second、foreign 5.500,000 words、Eighty percent、other 6.Eighty percent、computers 7.African country、same 8.1,000、Africa 9.spaceship、1977、message、the United Nations Warming up—C 1—a,2—c, 3—d,4—b.







(一)短对话 共8道题(11—18)7.1分/题

(二)长对话 共两篇7道题(19—25)7.1分/题

(三)短文理解 共三篇10道题(26—35)7.1分/题

(四)复合式听写 一篇10道题(36-46)(前八题3.55分/题,后三题14.2分/题)



(一)看 看懂选项的意思 红笔标记法

(二)猜 通过选项所表达的意思猜题目与文章的主题

(三)验证 带着自己的猜测有针对性的听内容




本题几个道数 5—6道,推荐准确数量 7—8道

重点场景:Airport机场(flight)restaurant hotel 旅馆

重点主题:Campus life校园生活 job-hunting 找工作




3、最好能够听懂问题在问什么 短对话——

1、场景地点题:考查学生对对话地点及人物去向的判断(test 1 第18题 P2---P8)


Where does the conversation probably take place? Where is the woman going? Where are the two speakers?

2、身份职业题: 由于说话人之间的关系不同,其用词、造句、语气都有差异,要求学生在正确捕捉相关信息的前提下判断、推测人物间的关系及身份。(T2 第14题 P14---P20)(T4 第12题 P38---P44)常见提问方式:

Who is the man/woman?

What is the man’s/woman’s job/profession/occupation? What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? Who is the man/woman most probably speaking to?

3、时间、数字计算题:要求考生在听题的过程上获取相关的数字信息,或对数字、时间表达做出准确辨别,或根据题意对已获得的时间、数字进行简单的加、减、乘、除运算,就比率和倍数关系进行换算。常见提问方式:T2 第13题 P14---P20 T3 第17题 P26---31

How much/many? How far/long? What time„? When„? When will„? How long will the man do?

4、因果关系题:此类题型较难,原因有二:(1)原因的阐述通常会出现在第一句,因而易被忽视;(2)信号词少,听完完整的表述后才明白其题型重点。T5 第13题 P50---P55


Why can’t the woman eat with the man? Why is the woman/man worried? 常用表达法:

单词: because, as, for , since, in that, hence, therefore, consequently, cause, reason 词组: due to, owing to, because of, thanks to, on account for, as a result, result from, result in, lead to, give rise to, contribute to, attribute to, now that, so that, so„that, such„that, in order to, be responsible for


常见的提问方式:T6 第18题 P61--P67

What did the man/woman suggest? What did the man/woman want? What did the man ask the woman to do? What did the man offer the woman? What is the man’s/woman’s advice? 建议:

You might as well„ If I were you, I’d „ Maybe you should„ shall we ?„ Why not? Why bother? Why don’t you„? You’d better„ You’ll have to„ How about„„?


I wonder if„ Would you mind „ Would you like to„ Will you please„? Could you do me a favor? How about„? 接受:

Thank you I’d love to, thanks OK.Great(good)idea It’s very nice of you doing so


No thanks.Thank you all the time.It’s so kind of you, but„ Sorry„ No, I don’t think it necessary.If I „.I would do that

6、观点态度题:考生根据对话内容的关键词、上下文甚至语气、语调的内涵意义并利用逻辑思维能力进行判断,需对所传递的信息进行比较深层次的理解。T6第13题 P61--P66 T5第15题 P50---P55


How does the man/woman feel about? What does the man/woman think of„? What does the man/woman say about„? What does the man/woman mean? 相关词汇:

否定意义副词:Never, scarcely, seldom, rarely, hardly, barely, unable, impossible, incapable, unnecessary, unbelievable, little, ill-minded, no one, nobody, none, nothing, neither, nor, dislike, ignore, fail, refuse, hate, stop„from, miss, deny, overlook, keep„from, far from, anything but, without, instead of, run out of , short of, too„to„


(1)双重否定既表肯定 T3 第14题


not impossible, not untrue, can’t„agree any more, not unusual, not single, absent, no one„but(2)all, every, many, always not 为部分否定,并非全部,不是每个(3)虚拟语气表假设,即为非真实情况



1.If所引导的非真实条件句:与现在、过去、将来事实相反的结构搭配;倒装结构;错综条件句;含蓄条件句 If he could(Could/should/had/were he)lend us a helping hand, he would do so.But for, without, otherwise 2.Wish, if only, would that, as if 引导的虚拟语气 3.固定的结构 it is time that+ did Would rather + did

8、含义推断题:要求考生根据两个对话者所谈的内容进行进一步的推断,从更深层次上考查考生对对话内容的理解程度。T4 第18题 P39---P44


What does the man/woman imply? What can be inferred from the conversation? What do we learn about the man/woman/conversation?




本题及格数量:4 推荐准确数量:5-6道

重点场景:Airport(flight)hotel 重点主题:Campus life job-hunting 核心技巧:



3、结尾的语气、表明态度的词句 1.学习类

这是长对话的重点。内容可粗略分为教务场景、选课场景、补课场景和论文场景等。(1)课程,涉及学生、老师 教授。T5 第23-25题 P51---P56



常用词汇及表达方式: midterm;finals;count for 50% of your score;class discussion;seminar;workshop(讲习班);take attendance(点名);elementary;intermediate;advanced(2)论文场景 场景人物:教授与学生或者学生之间T3第23-25题 P27--P32



常用词汇及表达方式: explore the topic;published resources;bibliography/reference;intellectual dishonesty;plagiarism(剽窃);get an early start;gather materials

2.生活类 T2 第 23--25题 P15---P21

包括聚会、旅游、天气 等

涉及词汇 go on a picnic, hiking trip, camping trip, go to a concert, see a movie, play the ball, ski, traveling enjoy;good day;take a break;relax;reserve a court;a night out;take your mind off your test;fair weather




常用词汇及表达方式: teaching assistant;research assistant;lab assistant;administrative assistant;waiter;waitress;nanny/babysitter;dishwashing;formalities;application procedure;reference;salary;wage;demand physical endurance;permanent employment;stipend(薪金);bonus;part-time job

(四)短文理解 T2 passage two P16---P22 T3 passage three P27---P34


本题及格数量:6 推荐准确数量:8道




3、等重点词汇: 复合式听写



第三次课 复合式听 T4 P47 T9 P103 复合式听写答题顺序及技巧













2.遇到词组记每个单词首字母如break down 就记作B D,但一定要自己看得懂的。

3.长单词记前三个字母,如:experience 就记作 exp。

4.符号记忆,如:more than 就记作“>”,less than 记作 “<”,equal to 记作 “=”等。










一.词汇听写: 1.大小写问题:专有名词,句子开头

2.单词各音节间的辅音字母注意是否双写。success, process, necessary, recommend.3.一个音节之中注意元音的拼写。

4注意不发音的字母:island, exhausted, isle(小岛), comb.5检查词尾的变形

1)名词:单数,复数,所有格,非谓语动词与谓语动词(ed, ing, s)形式,填原型的很少见。

2)形容词注意比较级以及以al结尾的形容词。Natural,personal, emotional, artificial, additional 3)副词结尾的ly:wholly, completely, emotionally.容易拼错的词:

Campaign, species, apparent, calendar, category ,changeable, committed, conscious, definitely, discipline, equipment, exceed, guarantee, leisure, license, miniature, noticeable, occasionally, possession, referred, recommend, restaurant, relevant, separate

二、句子听写:同义替换写难题 ①词汇层面上的同义替换:

1)I've got to go over my notes for tomorrow's midterm.(study)

2)We'll have to leave very early.(set off)

3)It looks like he bought out the bookshelf.(bought a lot of books)

4)I'll have to get my ticket of the flight changed.(switch to)

5)Jane is counting the days to go home for the summer.(is eager to)

6)There'll be another bus in two or three minutes.(soon)


1)You can use my new car if you drive it carefully.I agree to lend you my new car.2)The reading list of English course is enormous

It's going to require a lot of reading of the English course.3)The teacher went over last Friday’s lesson today.The teacher reviewed a previous lesson today.4)The train is behind the schedule.The train is late.5)I hate to tell you this, but I can’t seem to find them.The tools I borrowed from you are missing.6)If I were you, I would turn it in to the security office, it’s behind the administration building.Hand in the ring to the security office.


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long

conversations.At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

11.A)He is careless about his appearance.B)He is ashamed of his present condition.C)He changes jobs frequently.D)He shaves every other day.12.A)Jane may be caught in a traffic jam.B)Jane should have started a little earlier.C)He knows what sort of person Jane is.D)He is irritated at Jane.13.A)Training for the Mid-Atlantic Championships.B)Making preparations for a trans-Atlantic trip.C)Collecting information about baseball games.D)Analyzing their rivals' on-field performance.14.A)He had a narrow escape in a car accident.B)He is hospitalized for a serious injury.C)He lost his mother two weeks ago.D)He has been having a hard time.15.A)The woman has known the speaker for a long time.B)The man had difficulty understanding the lecture.C)The man is making a fuss about nothing.D)The woman thinks highly of the speaker.16.A)He has difficulty making sense of logic.B)Statistics and logic are both challenging subjects.C)The woman should seek help from the tutoring service.D)Tutoring services are very popular with students.17.A)Her overcoat is as stylish as Jill's.B)Jill missed her class last week.C)Jill wore the overcoat last week.D)She is in the same class as the man.18.A)A computer game.B)An imaginary situation.C)An exciting experience.D)A vacation by the sea.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A)Beautiful scenery in the countryside.B)Dangers of cross-country skiing.C)Pain and pleasure in sports.D)A sport he participates in.20.A)He can't find good examples to illustrate his point.B)He can't find a peaceful place to do the assignment.C)He doesn't know how to describe the beautiful country scenery.D)He can't decide whether to include the effort part of skiing.21.A)New ideas come up as you write.B)Much time is spent on collecting data.C)A lot of effort is made in vain.D)The writer's point of view often changes.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22.A)Journalist of a local newspaper.B)Director of evening radio programs.C)Producer of television commercials.D)Hostess of the weekly “Business World”.23.A)He ran three restaurants with his wife's help.B)He and his wife did everything by themselves.C)He worked both as a cook and a waiter.D)He hired a cook and two local waitresses.24.A)He hardly needs to do any advertising nowadays.B)He advertises a lot on radio and in newspapers.C)He spends huge sums on TV commercials every year.D)He hires children to distribute ads in shopping centers.25.A)The restaurant location.B)The restaurant atmosphere.C)The food variety.D)The food price.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard.26.A)Its protection is often neglected by children.B)It cannot be fully restored once damaged.C)There are many false notions about it.D)There are various ways to protect it.27.A)It may make the wearer feel tired.B)It will gradually weaken the eyes of adults.C)It can lead to the loss of vision in children.D)It can permanently change the eye structure.28.A)It can never be done with high technology.B)It is the best way to restore damaged eyesight.C)It is a major achievementin eye surgery.D)It can only be partly accomplished now.Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.A)They think they should follow the current trend.B)Nursing homes are well-equipped and convenient.C)Adult day-care centers.D)They have jobs and other commitments.30.A)They don't want to use up all their life savings.B)They fear they will regret it afterwards.C)They would like to spend more time with them.D)They don't want to see their husbands poorly treated.31.A)Provide professional standard care.B)Be frank and seek help from others.C)Be affectionate and cooperative.D)Make use of community facilities.Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.A)Health and safety conditions in the workplace.B)Rights and responsibilities of company employees.C)Common complaints made by office workers.D)Conflicts between labor and management.33.A)Replace its out-dated equipment.B)Improve the welfare of affected workers.C)Follow the government regulations strictly.D)Provide extra health compensation.34.A)They requested to transfer to a safer department.B)They quit work to protect their unborn babies.C)They sought help from union representatives.D)They wanted to work shorter hours.35.A)To show how they love winter sports.B)To attract the attention from the media.C)To protect against the poor working conditions.D)To protect themselves against the cold weather.Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

Contrary to the old warning that time waits for no one, time slows down when you are on the move.It also slows down more as you move faster, which means astronauts(宇航员)__________ someday may(36)__________ so long in space that they would return to an Earth of the(37)__________ future.If you could move at the speed of light, your time would stand still.If you could move faster than light, your time would move(38)__________.Although no form of matter yet(39)__________ moves as fast as or faster than light,(40)__________ experiments have already confirmed that accelerated(41)__________

causes a traveler's time to be stretched.Albert Einstein(42)__________ this in 1905, when he(43)__________ the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity.A search is now under way to confirm the suspected existence of particles of matter(44)______________________________.An obsession(沉迷)__________ with time-saving, gaining, wasting, losing, and mastering it-(45)______________________________.Humanity also has been obsessed with trying to capture the meaning of time.Einstein

(46)______________________________.Thus, time and time's relativity are

measurable by any hourglass, alarm clock, or an atomic clock that can measure a billionth of a second.原文

第四篇:英语听力课作业 1

试题 1 Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes)Section A

1.(A)The pear.(C)The sea food.(B)The weather.(D)The cold.2.(A)Mary has never studied mathematics.(C)Mary enjoys learning mathematics.(B)Mary must be good at mathematics.(D)Mary probably is poor at mathematics.3.(A)George's brother.(C)George's father.(B)George's wife.(D)George's father-in-law.4.(A)She can use his car.(C)She must get her car fixed.(B)She can borrow someone else's car.(D)She can't borrow his car.5.(A)At 2:35.(C)At 3:00.(B)At 2:45.(D)At 3:15.6.(A)To the bank.(C)To a shoe store.(B)To bookstore.(D)To the grocer's.7.(A)Near the station(C)In the city.(B)In the country(D)Near her work place 8.(A)At a cigarette store(C)At a gas station (B)At a bus station(D)At Aunt Mary's 9.(A)Form upstairs(C)Form the Nelsons' house.(B)Form next door.(D)Form the back door.10.(A)The choice of course.(C)An evening course.(B)A day course.(D)Their work.Section B Passage One

Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage you have just heard.11.(A)They haven't reached a decision yet.(C)They want to go hunting camping.(B)They have decided to go hunting bears.(D)They want to go exploring the country.12.(A)Susie.(C)The speaker.(B)Tom.(D)The speaker's husband.12.(A)They chased the bear away.(B)They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.(C)They climbed up a tree.(D)They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.14.(A)He ate the honey.(C)He chased the people away.(B)He drank the beer.(D)He turned things upside down.Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.(A)He missed the appointment.(C)He was sick.(B)He arrived late.(D)He was very busy.16.(A)He was busy sightseeing.(C)He didn't want to see Mr.Jordan any more.(B)He couldn't reach Mr.Jordan's office.(D)He didn't want to take the trouble making it.17.(A)The trip didn't do any good to his health.(B)The trip was a complete disappointment.(C)The trip was enjoyable but not fruitful in terms of business.(D)The trip made it possible for him to meet many interesting people.Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.(A)He lost consciousness.(C)He was seriously injured.(B)He was slightly wounded.(D)He was buried under an icebox.19.(A)About four days.(C)A day and a half.(B)Around eight days.(D)More than six days.20.(A)His father pulled him out in time.(C)He stayed in an icebox.(B)He left the area before the earthquake.(D)Their house escaped the earthquake.


Unit 1: Can I Take a Message?(I)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III: I’d like to speak to …

Part IV: More about the topic: Cell Phone: A New Health Risk?

Part V: Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone

2.Requires:The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.3.Key Points:Pay attention to words like “double”, “nought”, “zero” and “oh” when listening to telephone numbers.Sometimes time and date can be confusing.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy for beginners.4.Approaches:When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion.The teacher can give some familiar telephone numbers for the students to practice, like the number of the school, the number for calling a taxi, or the number for a hot line on the radio.When Listening to the address, the teacher should remind the students that there are a lot of wordsfor “路” in English: way, road, lane, drive, street, alley, boulevard, terrace, avenue, etc.The teacher can ask the students to write theirown address or the address of the school.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy forbeginners.Tell the students that they don’t have to write down every word they hear.Instead, they should pay closeattention to the keywords.Abbreviations and initials are very helpful.Sometimes students can even create abbreviations that are only known to themselves.Unit 2:Can I Take a Message?(II)

1.Contents:Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III: Oh, there’s a phone

Part IV: More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call

Part V: Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialling(IDD)Call?

2.Requires:The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.3.Key Points:Pay attention to words like “double”, “nought”, “zero” and “oh” when listening to telephone numbers.Sometimes time and date can be confusing.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy for beginners.4.Approaches:When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion.The teacher cangive some familiar telephone numbers for the students to practice, like the number of the school, the number for calling a taxi, or the number for a hot line on the radio.When Listening to the address, the teacher should remind the students that there are a lot of words for “路” in English: way, road, lane, drive, street, alley, boulevard, terrace, avenue, etc.The teacher can ask the students to write their own address or the address of the school.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it isnot so easy for beginners.Tell the students that they don’t have to write down every word they hear.Instead, they should pay closeattention to the key words.Abbreviations and initials are very helpful.Sometimes students can even create abbreviations that are only known to themselves.Unit 3:Clear or Cloudy?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: A weather report

Part III: At a bus stop

Part IV: More about the topic : Is Earth Overheating

Part V: Memory test: Weather Forecast

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is weather conditions, temperatures, times, percentages, and years.3.Key Points:As for weather conditions, the following vocabulary may be useful:

a.temperature: freezing, cold, chilly, cool, mild, warm, hot.b.sky: sunny, clear, cloudy, overcast

c.humidity: dry, damp, humid, wet

d.rain: drizzle, shower, downpour, storm

e.wind: breeze, gale

4.Approaches:Before listening to an English weather forecast, the teacher should draw the students’ attention to the following points:

a.English speakers often use Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade to measure temperature.Notice that zero and decimal

numbers are regarded as plural, for example, zero degrees;0.5 degrees.b.In an English weather forecast, the weatherman always use some broad and general terms rather than exact words to predict weather in the future.c.Besides weather conditions, the temperature, wind direction, wind speed, an English weather forecast also gives the relativehumidity and the barometric pressure.d.In order to understand a weather forecast thoroughly, the students should also have a very clear sense of directions.The teacher can draw a compass rose on the blackboard and ask the students to tell the directions.The teacher should also remind the students of the word collocation, for example, while we can use the word “light” to modify both “rain” and “wind”, we can only say “heavy rain” but “strong wind”.Unit 4: Can Time Move Backward?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Local time

Part III: Ladies and gentlemen

Part IV: More about the topic: Timing Devices

Part V: Memory test: Radio Announcement

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is time, day of the week, taking messages, and note taking.3.Key Points:Time is a common topic in our daily life.The technique of dealing with time will be trained throughout the whole book.4.Approaches:Before going on with this unit, it would be better for the teacher to review the four different ways of telling the time with the whole class as a kind of warm-up exercise.The teacher can draw some clocks on the blackboard, and ask the students to tell the time shown on the clocks using different ways.Unit 5:Flying In and Out

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Airport announcements

Part III: A trip to the States

Part IV: More about the topic: Inflight Telephone System

Part V: Memory test: Airline Information

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is numbers, times, dates, and prices.3.Key Points:The most important activity is listening to airline information.Listening to airline information on the telephoneis quite different.Most probably, you will only be given one chance to listen to it.If you miss the information for the first time, you’llhave to dial again, thus costing you more.Another thing the students may find difficult is that the telephone airline information is often given with a very quick speed.So listening to telephone airline information can be a challenge to many students.4.Approaches:The number here mainly refers to the flight number.It’s a little bit different from the telephone number.It does not have as many digits as a telephone number.And usually the abbreviation of the airline is used in front of the number.A typical airline announcement usually contains the following aspects: name of the airlines, fight number, destination, boarding gate, boardingtime, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait.And the announcements will be broadcast inseveral different languages several times to make sure that all the passengers can get the necessary information.While teaching

Part II of this unit, the teacher can play the tape several times to make sure that every student has got the right information.Unit 6:By Bus or by Train?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: At the railway station

Part III: Why are we waiting here?

Part IV: More about the topic: Automobiles in the USA

Part V: Memory test: Bus Information

2.Requires: The training focus of this unit is numbers, times.Prices and common verbs used when taking a bus, taxi or a train.3.Key Points:The most important activity is listening to bus/train information.4.Approaches:The numbers in this book are mainly of three kinds: whole numbers, fractional numbers and decimal numbers.Theteacher should remind the students of the different ways of reading fractional numbers and decimal numbers.A railway announcement is almost like an airport announcement.It usually contains destination, platform number, departing time, stopovers, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait.The announcement is usually broadcast times.Like telephone airline information, bus and subway information is also available on the telephone.The information is given with a very quick speed.The teacher should encourage the students to challenge themselves.Unit 7:This Way or That Way?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving directions

Part III: Finding the way

Part IV: More about the topic: You can’t Miss It

Part V: Memory test: Steve’s First Morning

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is the understanding of spatial relations and directional instructions.3.Key Points: Two words are very important and are frequently mentioned in this unit.They are “right” and “left”.People use

these two words to give directions.To avoid ambiguity, words like east, west, north, and south are sometimes used instead of “right” and “left”.4.Approaches:Instructions in this unit refer to instructions showing the way.Therefore the teacher should tell the students that the

understanding of these instructions must be accurate, otherwise they will never be able to get to the right place.The listeners should be encouraged to repeat the key words of the instructions and to take down some notes.Unit 8:Cash or Cheque?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Using a bank account

Part III: Making phone calls to chase late payments

Part IV: More about the topic: E-money—Money of the Future?

Part V: Memory test: Judy’s Weekly Spending

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is bank details, currency codes, and prices.3.Key Points:The currency codes may be somewhat boring for the students, but they are very important in international business.To know a thing or two may help the students in their career.Some of the information here may sound a little bit out of date since in Europe especially among member countries of the European Economic Community a kind of new currency-Euro money has come into being.However, to know something about the history of currency codes is definitely useful.4.Approaches:Banks are a part of our daily life.The teacher can ask the students to say something about their own experiences with the bank.Remind the students of the usage of the word “only” in filling out deposit and withdrawal forms.Understanding the prices is another basic technique the students should master besides numbers, times, addresses, etc.Though prices are written in mush the same way as decimal numbers, they are pronounced in a different way.Usually the decimal point is not read.People either replace it with words like “dollar”, “pound”, and “yuan” or simply skip it over.Words like “pence” and “cents” can also be omitted.Another thing that deserves attention is that after the decimal point in a price the two digits are often read in numbers, not digit by digit.Be careful when there is a “o” in the price.We don’t have to read it.For example, $ 1.05 can be read, as “one five”, “onedollar five”, or, “one dollar five cents”.The teacher should also remind the students of some symbols, such as $for dollar, £ for pound and ¥for yuan.第九章:Toward Better Health(I)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Dear doctor

Part III: At a party

Part IV: More about the topic: Walking Toward Better Health

Part V: Memory test: Sleeping Problem

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is instructions and routines.3.Key Points:In this unit the instructions refer to doctor’s instructions.Accuracy is the most important thing in understanding doctor’s instructions.Daily routine is another core of this unit.4.Approaches:The teacher should help the students to get familiar with various kinds of instructions that may be given by a doctor orally, or written on medicine packets and bottles.If the instructions are misunderstood because of, say, carelessness, the

consequences may be worse than anything imaginable.When talking about daily routine, people usually follow the sequence of time.Apart from time, the students should also pay close attention to verbs and verb phrases.The teacher can ask the students to discuss about their own daily routine.Make sure they follow the time sequence and choose the proper verbs.第十章:Toward Better Health(II)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: How do you make hamburgers?

Part III: Dealing with growth: describing trends

Part IV: More about the topic: Hungry for Hamburgers

Part V: Memory test: Who Smokes?

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is instructions, prices, and numbers.3.Key Points:In this unit the instructions are about how to do things.The numbers, which appear in this unit, are big numbers up to a billion.4.Approaches:The teacher should remind the students that these instructions are given one by one in a set sequence.The students

should have a very clear picture about what comes first and what comes next.Be careful with the word “billion”.The British billion

differs from the American billion.In British English, one billion is 1,000,000,000,000.In American English, one billion is 1,000,000,000.But nowadays, in international scientific English, “billion” is used in the American way.And the British way of using the word “billion” is quite out of date.第十一章: The Interviewer’s Eye


Part I: Getting ready

Part II: A good interview

Part III: The interviewer’s eye

Part IV: More about the topic: Job Situation for University Graduates in US

Part V: Memory test: Job Opening

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is to questions and answers, times and prices.3.Key points:The purpose of this unit is to give the students a general idea of how one should behave in job interviews.4.Approaches:Before going on with this unit, the teacher may refer to Unit One first.Part V of Unit One also has something to do with job interviews.In that conversation the questions that are most often asked in job interviews are mentioned.But in Unit One that partis not for intensive listening.It is necessary for the teacher to remind the students of those questions, and then ask the students tohave a comparison with the questions that are raised in this unit.



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