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Unit 1: Can I Take a Message?(I)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III: I’d like to speak to …

Part IV: More about the topic: Cell Phone: A New Health Risk?

Part V: Memory test: Two Girls Talking on the Phone

2.Requires:The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.3.Key Points:Pay attention to words like “double”, “nought”, “zero” and “oh” when listening to telephone numbers.Sometimes time and date can be confusing.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy for beginners.4.Approaches:When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion.The teacher can give some familiar telephone numbers for the students to practice, like the number of the school, the number for calling a taxi, or the number for a hot line on the radio.When Listening to the address, the teacher should remind the students that there are a lot of wordsfor “路” in English: way, road, lane, drive, street, alley, boulevard, terrace, avenue, etc.The teacher can ask the students to write theirown address or the address of the school.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy forbeginners.Tell the students that they don’t have to write down every word they hear.Instead, they should pay closeattention to the keywords.Abbreviations and initials are very helpful.Sometimes students can even create abbreviations that are only known to themselves.Unit 2:Can I Take a Message?(II)

1.Contents:Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving and receiving phone calls

Part III: Oh, there’s a phone

Part IV: More about the topic: Videophones Get the Call

Part V: Memory test: How to Make an International Direct Dialling(IDD)Call?

2.Requires:The teaching focus of this unit is telephone numbers, addresses, times, dates, making and receiving phone calls.3.Key Points:Pay attention to words like “double”, “nought”, “zero” and “oh” when listening to telephone numbers.Sometimes time and date can be confusing.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it is not so easy for beginners.4.Approaches:When the same digit appears several times in a telephone number, it is very easy to cause confusion.The teacher cangive some familiar telephone numbers for the students to practice, like the number of the school, the number for calling a taxi, or the number for a hot line on the radio.When Listening to the address, the teacher should remind the students that there are a lot of words for “路” in English: way, road, lane, drive, street, alley, boulevard, terrace, avenue, etc.The teacher can ask the students to write their own address or the address of the school.Taking a message is a useful skill needed when receiving a phone call.But it isnot so easy for beginners.Tell the students that they don’t have to write down every word they hear.Instead, they should pay closeattention to the key words.Abbreviations and initials are very helpful.Sometimes students can even create abbreviations that are only known to themselves.Unit 3:Clear or Cloudy?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: A weather report

Part III: At a bus stop

Part IV: More about the topic : Is Earth Overheating

Part V: Memory test: Weather Forecast

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is weather conditions, temperatures, times, percentages, and years.3.Key Points:As for weather conditions, the following vocabulary may be useful:

a.temperature: freezing, cold, chilly, cool, mild, warm, hot.b.sky: sunny, clear, cloudy, overcast

c.humidity: dry, damp, humid, wet

d.rain: drizzle, shower, downpour, storm

e.wind: breeze, gale

4.Approaches:Before listening to an English weather forecast, the teacher should draw the students’ attention to the following points:

a.English speakers often use Fahrenheit instead of Centigrade to measure temperature.Notice that zero and decimal

numbers are regarded as plural, for example, zero degrees;0.5 degrees.b.In an English weather forecast, the weatherman always use some broad and general terms rather than exact words to predict weather in the future.c.Besides weather conditions, the temperature, wind direction, wind speed, an English weather forecast also gives the relativehumidity and the barometric pressure.d.In order to understand a weather forecast thoroughly, the students should also have a very clear sense of directions.The teacher can draw a compass rose on the blackboard and ask the students to tell the directions.The teacher should also remind the students of the word collocation, for example, while we can use the word “light” to modify both “rain” and “wind”, we can only say “heavy rain” but “strong wind”.Unit 4: Can Time Move Backward?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Local time

Part III: Ladies and gentlemen

Part IV: More about the topic: Timing Devices

Part V: Memory test: Radio Announcement

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is time, day of the week, taking messages, and note taking.3.Key Points:Time is a common topic in our daily life.The technique of dealing with time will be trained throughout the whole book.4.Approaches:Before going on with this unit, it would be better for the teacher to review the four different ways of telling the time with the whole class as a kind of warm-up exercise.The teacher can draw some clocks on the blackboard, and ask the students to tell the time shown on the clocks using different ways.Unit 5:Flying In and Out

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Airport announcements

Part III: A trip to the States

Part IV: More about the topic: Inflight Telephone System

Part V: Memory test: Airline Information

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is numbers, times, dates, and prices.3.Key Points:The most important activity is listening to airline information.Listening to airline information on the telephoneis quite different.Most probably, you will only be given one chance to listen to it.If you miss the information for the first time, you’llhave to dial again, thus costing you more.Another thing the students may find difficult is that the telephone airline information is often given with a very quick speed.So listening to telephone airline information can be a challenge to many students.4.Approaches:The number here mainly refers to the flight number.It’s a little bit different from the telephone number.It does not have as many digits as a telephone number.And usually the abbreviation of the airline is used in front of the number.A typical airline announcement usually contains the following aspects: name of the airlines, fight number, destination, boarding gate, boardingtime, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait.And the announcements will be broadcast inseveral different languages several times to make sure that all the passengers can get the necessary information.While teaching

Part II of this unit, the teacher can play the tape several times to make sure that every student has got the right information.Unit 6:By Bus or by Train?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: At the railway station

Part III: Why are we waiting here?

Part IV: More about the topic: Automobiles in the USA

Part V: Memory test: Bus Information

2.Requires: The training focus of this unit is numbers, times.Prices and common verbs used when taking a bus, taxi or a train.3.Key Points:The most important activity is listening to bus/train information.4.Approaches:The numbers in this book are mainly of three kinds: whole numbers, fractional numbers and decimal numbers.Theteacher should remind the students of the different ways of reading fractional numbers and decimal numbers.A railway announcement is almost like an airport announcement.It usually contains destination, platform number, departing time, stopovers, whether it is delayed or not, and if so, how long will the passengers have to wait.The announcement is usually broadcast times.Like telephone airline information, bus and subway information is also available on the telephone.The information is given with a very quick speed.The teacher should encourage the students to challenge themselves.Unit 7:This Way or That Way?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Giving directions

Part III: Finding the way

Part IV: More about the topic: You can’t Miss It

Part V: Memory test: Steve’s First Morning

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is the understanding of spatial relations and directional instructions.3.Key Points: Two words are very important and are frequently mentioned in this unit.They are “right” and “left”.People use

these two words to give directions.To avoid ambiguity, words like east, west, north, and south are sometimes used instead of “right” and “left”.4.Approaches:Instructions in this unit refer to instructions showing the way.Therefore the teacher should tell the students that the

understanding of these instructions must be accurate, otherwise they will never be able to get to the right place.The listeners should be encouraged to repeat the key words of the instructions and to take down some notes.Unit 8:Cash or Cheque?

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Using a bank account

Part III: Making phone calls to chase late payments

Part IV: More about the topic: E-money—Money of the Future?

Part V: Memory test: Judy’s Weekly Spending

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is bank details, currency codes, and prices.3.Key Points:The currency codes may be somewhat boring for the students, but they are very important in international business.To know a thing or two may help the students in their career.Some of the information here may sound a little bit out of date since in Europe especially among member countries of the European Economic Community a kind of new currency-Euro money has come into being.However, to know something about the history of currency codes is definitely useful.4.Approaches:Banks are a part of our daily life.The teacher can ask the students to say something about their own experiences with the bank.Remind the students of the usage of the word “only” in filling out deposit and withdrawal forms.Understanding the prices is another basic technique the students should master besides numbers, times, addresses, etc.Though prices are written in mush the same way as decimal numbers, they are pronounced in a different way.Usually the decimal point is not read.People either replace it with words like “dollar”, “pound”, and “yuan” or simply skip it over.Words like “pence” and “cents” can also be omitted.Another thing that deserves attention is that after the decimal point in a price the two digits are often read in numbers, not digit by digit.Be careful when there is a “o” in the price.We don’t have to read it.For example, $ 1.05 can be read, as “one five”, “onedollar five”, or, “one dollar five cents”.The teacher should also remind the students of some symbols, such as $for dollar, £ for pound and ¥for yuan.第九章:Toward Better Health(I)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: Dear doctor

Part III: At a party

Part IV: More about the topic: Walking Toward Better Health

Part V: Memory test: Sleeping Problem

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is instructions and routines.3.Key Points:In this unit the instructions refer to doctor’s instructions.Accuracy is the most important thing in understanding doctor’s instructions.Daily routine is another core of this unit.4.Approaches:The teacher should help the students to get familiar with various kinds of instructions that may be given by a doctor orally, or written on medicine packets and bottles.If the instructions are misunderstood because of, say, carelessness, the

consequences may be worse than anything imaginable.When talking about daily routine, people usually follow the sequence of time.Apart from time, the students should also pay close attention to verbs and verb phrases.The teacher can ask the students to discuss about their own daily routine.Make sure they follow the time sequence and choose the proper verbs.第十章:Toward Better Health(II)

1.Contents: Part I: Getting ready

Part II: How do you make hamburgers?

Part III: Dealing with growth: describing trends

Part IV: More about the topic: Hungry for Hamburgers

Part V: Memory test: Who Smokes?

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is instructions, prices, and numbers.3.Key Points:In this unit the instructions are about how to do things.The numbers, which appear in this unit, are big numbers up to a billion.4.Approaches:The teacher should remind the students that these instructions are given one by one in a set sequence.The students

should have a very clear picture about what comes first and what comes next.Be careful with the word “billion”.The British billion

differs from the American billion.In British English, one billion is 1,000,000,000,000.In American English, one billion is 1,000,000,000.But nowadays, in international scientific English, “billion” is used in the American way.And the British way of using the word “billion” is quite out of date.第十一章: The Interviewer’s Eye


Part I: Getting ready

Part II: A good interview

Part III: The interviewer’s eye

Part IV: More about the topic: Job Situation for University Graduates in US

Part V: Memory test: Job Opening

2.Requires:The training focus of this unit is to questions and answers, times and prices.3.Key points:The purpose of this unit is to give the students a general idea of how one should behave in job interviews.4.Approaches:Before going on with this unit, the teacher may refer to Unit One first.Part V of Unit One also has something to do with job interviews.In that conversation the questions that are most often asked in job interviews are mentioned.But in Unit One that partis not for intensive listening.It is necessary for the teacher to remind the students of those questions, and then ask the students tohave a comparison with the questions that are raised in this unit.



课程名称:大学英语听力 讲授人:杨孟状 授课班级:



(二)学时及教学周数:总36个学时,总14个教学周;1-4周每周 4 学时,5-14周每周2学时


《英语听力入门3000》,张民伦 主编,华东师范大学出版社,2008 年8 月第一版。



(六)考核方式: 闭卷考试。



Unit 1 Education Is a Key

Ⅰ.Teaching Time:4 Periods Ⅱ.Teaching Goals:

1.Master the important words and structures, and understand the different educational systems in other countries, and compare Chinese educational system with the other countries’ educational systems.2.Develop students’ basic listening skills, especially the skill of listening figures.Ⅲ.The Main and Difficult Points: 1.Key words and phrases;

2.Some important language points;

3.Understand the education systems in other countries.4.The comparison between the education systems in other countries and that in China.5.Develop the students’ listening skills, especially the figures.Ⅳ.Teaching steps: Part I:

Warming up——A Step 1.Listen to the vocabulary part and try to memorize the following key words.1)commitment(n), 承诺、许诺;致力、献身;承担义务。

2)undertake(verb), 承担、从事。

3)innovation(n), 发明、创造、创新。

4)excel(vt/vi), 优于,擅长。

5)cosmopolitan(adj), 大都市的。6)stimulating(adj), 刺激、激励。

7)enrollment(n), 招生;登记;注册;入会;Step 2.Listen to Part I carefully for three times while filling in the missing words.The first time, listen extensively from the beginning to the end.The second time, listen intensively sentence by sentence.The third time, listen extensively and check the answers.Step 3.Go over some language points in Part I

1)excel in/at,擅长、在….方面具有优异表现。

e.g.1.She excels in/at sports.2.He excels in/at playing basketball.2)look for, 寻找、追寻。

3)be known for = have/has good reputation for…, 以…出名。

4)be located in… 坐落于….。

Warming up——B Step 1.Go over some new words.1)dialect 方言

2)spaceship 航天器、飞船 3)pronunciation 发音

4)million 百万,million 十亿,trillion 万亿

5)identify 识别、确认。

Step 2.Listen to the material in Warming up—B twice and fill in the missing words.Then listen to the material again sentence by sentence and check the answer.Warming up——C Step 1.Listen to the new words and read after the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation.Step 2.Go over some new words.1)communicative 交际性的 2)analytical 分析性的

3)authority-oriented 权威型的

4)concrete 具体的、有形的;混凝土的 5)identify 识别、确认。

Step 3.Listen to the material in Warming up—C twice and match column A with column B.Then listen to the material again sentence by sentence and check the answer, and read after the tape.The Answers to Part I: Warming up—A

1.Oxford、commitment、academic 2.oldest、largest、reputation、research、science 3.first、Australia、150 years、excels 4.excellence、17,000、location 5.largest、1883、situated、26,000 6.1636、enrollment、schools 7.awards、degrees、20,000 8.located、135、third Warming up—B 1.2,700 languages、7,000 dialects、regional、pronunciation 2.official language 3.One billion、20 percent 4.Four hundred million、first、600 million、second、foreign 5.500,000 words、Eighty percent、other 6.Eighty percent、computers 7.African country、same 8.1,000、Africa 9.spaceship、1977、message、the United Nations Warming up—C 1—a,2—c, 3—d,4—b.





我要说课的内容是《英语听力教程》第二册第一单元under the same roof,我授课的班级是英语11-1和11-2班。本单元总授课时数为四课时,本次说课是第一二课时。我会从本课程的地位与作用,教材分析,教学目标,重点难点,教学方法,教学步骤等几个方面进行分析:


英语听力课是英语专业必修课, 是一门重要的学科基础课,乃听说读写译之首。只有听懂了,才有可能进行基本的交流。因此,本课程旨在对学生进行系统、严格、全面的听力训练,培养学生较强的听力理解能力,发展学生的听力技巧,提高实际运用语言的能力,帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功底,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结能力,为培养学生的英语交际能力和今后从事英语教学或与英语有关的工作奠定良好的基础。


我要说课的是第一单元under the same roof,在同一屋檐下。由于学生刚过完寒假从家返校,内心多多少少还会有对家的依恋,本单元所讲述的家庭方面的词汇,表达方式及不同人对于爱情,婚姻及家庭生活的观点在一定程度上正好可以引起其共鸣,激发其学习热情,为以后将要学习的教育,选择与机遇等单元做铺垫。












1.导入。(5-8分钟)本单元的导入可采取启发式教法,搭配左上角的图片(一对令人羡慕的年轻人坐在大树下喝着饮料惬意的聊天)及题目让学生猜测本单元的主题,从而引出本单元主题:生活在同一屋檐下的家庭。接着可采取问答法提问学生:你心目中的理想家庭是什么样的? 你如何处理跟父母的关系?等问题,根据话题采取小组讨论法,形成一个热烈的课堂气氛,激发其学习兴趣,并使学生明确要学会感恩父母给予的爱。然后介绍当今社会的四种家庭模式,它们的区别等。2.讲授新课。

第一步(5-8分钟)首先进入本单元part i重点词汇的学习。我会先放录音,让学生跟读单词,模仿发音,接着采取讲授法讲解词汇。词汇的讲解可采取联想式,如给出同义词或反义词,辨析kindergarten和nursery school,由bride引申出bridegroom, best man, bridesmaid等。若时间允许,在讲解完本单元重点词汇后,我还会留给学生时间快速记忆,通过分组比赛的方式,测试学生的学习成果,激发其学习热情;也可根据单元话题,提出问题分小组讨论,此法既锻炼听力又练习口语。

第二步(15分钟)part ii是重点部分,主要讲的是父母与子女,男性与女性之间的角色/关系变化。父母角色的变化学生们很容易理解,而男女之间关系的变化的讲解,我会通过最近热播的电视剧《北京爱情故事》和《经营婚姻》给学生们介绍背景知识,关系是会不断变化的,爱情不会永远停留在原地,要学会珍惜,学会经营婚姻等,让涉世不深的学生了解包办婚姻与自由恋爱的利弊。


第三步(15分钟)第三部分主要讲现在与过去家庭生活的对比。我会用互动启发式提问问题进行背景介绍,譬如提问学生,你的孩提生活是怎么样的?你与父母的关系如何?你如何看待父母对子女的教育方式等,然后让学生先听一遍音频,了解大意,再通过一次放音辅助学生完成填空练习。对于section b部分,t or f题目,此类题目由于学生接触的不多,所以一开始我会让学生先把陈述的句子听写下来,并在理解全文大意的前提下,通过第二次放音,记录细节信息,判断对错。3.课堂测验。(1课时左右)为了使学生养成爱听英语的习惯,全面提高其听力理解能力,并多方位提高其精听能力,除了课本的基本知识讲解外,我每隔一周会让她们做一次听力测验,测试时间为20分钟左右,以试卷的形式出现,仿照大学四级听力题型,兼具主观题和客观题等多种题型。为了使学生印象深刻,学生做完测试将答案上交后我当堂进行讲解,讲授一些听力的应试技巧,并在讲解时随时抽查学生重复或复述所听到的句子或再提出一些额外问题让学生回答,以使学生们集中注意力,提高瞬间记忆能力,通过精听进一步理解听力材料;我还会适时补充一些如发生在学校,图书馆,飞机场等能运用到实际生活中的专题词汇等,以扩充其词汇量。4.课堂小结,布置作业。(2分钟)让学生听写voa special news,新概念英语或测试里的篇章进行精听,丰富了学习资源,增强学生自主学习的能力,最大量地发挥学生地潜能。5.板书设计:我比较注重直观、系统的板书设计,还及时地体现教材中的知识点,以便于学生能够理解掌握。我的板书设计分为固定板面和活动板面。固定板面是本单元出现的重点词汇,活动板面用于书写习题答案。



















五、教学流程 1.各抒己见:

请同学们谈一谈你们在听力测试中应具备哪些听力技巧? 2.技巧梳理:






























二、要建立学生“听英语”的自信心 英语听力是很多同学惧怕的,所以老师应该注意要培养学生“听英语”的自信心。这就要求老师在平时的听力训练中多鼓励、多表扬,对于学生所取得的任何细小的进步,及时给予表扬,增强学生对听力训练的信心。学生在听力训练中常常出现不同的心理障碍,对非母语的语言听力学习存有害怕心理。针对这种情况,老师要引导学生做好应试前的心理准备,克服焦虑的情绪,保持平稳的心态。例如,让学生在听录音材料之前,先给学生一分钟浏览所有的听力题,把握题型,做到心中有底,这样有助于减轻焦虑程度。同时,要鼓励学生相信自己的能力,要有耐心,在听的过程中把注意力放在对文章整体内容的理解上,不要因为个别词汇或句子不理解而停下来。因此,教师要弄清楚各种心理制约因素产生的原因,找到相应的方法,进行适量的听力训练,培养学生临场不乱的心理素质。













教材: 本次说课的内容是 单元听力部分。


1.语言知识目标:掌握听力材料中的关键单词和词组 2.能力目标: 抓住所听语段的关键词、理解话语之间的逻辑关系;














2.交际教学法:听完之后让同学们讨论相关的话题 3.多媒体教学法:同前


1.lead in 导入5 min 给出与话题相关的图片或者放视频,比如说:

(这部分主要是为了导入话题,吸引学生的学习兴趣)2.pre-listening 10 min 讲解听力中重点的单词和词组,比如说:


3.while-listening 20 min a.放第一遍音频,让同学们回答问题题,choose the main idea of the passage b.再放第二遍,要求学生完成第二题,如下:„


(在这里,在每次放音频之前我都会给学生一点时间来看需要完成的问题。)4.after-listening 10 min 老师就所听的话题提两个问题,让同学们思考或者小组讨论并且回答老师的问题。




第一课时 教学目标:


学习并掌握文章中的重点单词和词组; 听短文,获取文章的关键信息,并回答问题。教学难点:



2.准备如何做听力的课件,话题相关的图片、视频。教学步骤: 1.导入5 min 给出与话题相关的图片或者放视频,比如说:

(这部分主要是为了导入话题,吸引学生的学习兴趣)2.听前 10 min a.讲解听力中重点的单词和词组,比如说:(这是因为同学们只有掌握了关键的单词和短语,才能在听力的过程中更加快速地对关键信息作出反应,对于初学者来说是比较常用的一种教学模式。)单词讲解完之后给同学们一点时间看各个问题。b.画出每一题的关键词、句。3.听时 15 min a.放第一遍音频,让同学们回答问题题,choose the main idea of the passage b.再放第二遍,要求学生完成独自完成题目。c.带着学生对答案之后,再整体放一边音频给同学听。(在这里,在每次放音频之前我都会给学生一点时间来看需要完成的问题。)4.听后 10 min 同学们讨论完之后,老师做一个简单的总结。整个教学过程锻炼的是同学们的听力技能,兼顾说、读、写技能的训练,采用了任务教学法,交际教学法和多媒体教学法,真正体现了因材施教和以学生为主体的教学原则。听力资料:

Passage1In The Classroom Tomorrow is Wednesday.It’s new year’s day.Look at Sam’s classmates.Everyone is busy this morning.Sam’s good friend peter is cleaning the blackboard.Sam’s sister Mary is sweeping the floor.Mr Black is Sam’s English teacher.He is cleaning the windows.And three boys are helping him.Five girls are setting the desks and chairs.根据听到短文内容,选择正确答案。()1.Today is ______________.A.Wednesday


C.Tuesday()2.Everyone in Sam’s class is_____________.A.busy


C.sad()3.Mr Black is Sam’s ___________ teacher.A.PE


C.art()4._____________is sweeping the floor.A.Peter


C.Mary()5.__________boys are helping Mr Black clean the windows.A.Three


C.Six 教学点评:

通过这一课时的听力训练,学生对听力训练的兴趣明显有了很大提高,大部分学生开始对听力训练感兴趣并期待下一节课。当然在实施过程中,我也遇到了困难,比如,如何才能在有限的时间内找好并编辑好与听力材料相关的材料;还有,有时向学生介绍听力技巧时,如何才能使学生理解,并运用到自己的语言实践过程中等等。第二课时 教学目标:






1.教师准备教学过程中所需要的听力材料,资料。2.准备如何做听力的课件,话题相关的图片、视频。3.准备一则英语小笑话。教学步骤: 1.导入5 min 给出与话题相关的图片或者放视频,比如说:

(这部分主要是为了导入话题,吸引学生的学习兴趣)2.听前5 min a.讲解听力中重点的单词和词组,比如说:

(这是因为同学们只有掌握了关键的单词和短语,才能在听力的过程中更加快速地对关键信息作出反应,对于初学者来说是比较常用的一种教学模式。)单词讲解完之后给同学们一点时间看各个问题。b.画出每一题的关键词、句。3.听时 10 min a.放第一遍音频,让同学们回答问题题,choose the main idea of the passage b.再放第二遍,要求学生完成独自完成题目。c.带着学生对答案之后,再整体放一边音频给同学听。(在这里,在每次放音频之前我都会给学生一点时间来看需要完成的问题。)4.听后20 min a.同学们讨论完之后,老师做一个简单的总结。整个教学过程锻炼的是同学们的听力技能,兼顾说、读、写技能的训练,采用了任务教学法,交际教学法和多媒体教学法,真正体现了因材施教和以学生为主体的教学原则。


Passage2 Jim’s Family It’s nine o’clock in the evening.The family are at home.Jim’s father is sitting in a chair.He’s watching TV.Jim’s mother is near the window.She gives some food to the parrot, Polly.Polly says, “ Thanks!Thanks!” where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door.Kate, Jim’s sister, is looking for him.They are playing games now.They have no homework on Sunday evenings.根据听到短文内容,选择正确答案。

()1.There are _____________people in the family.A.three B.four C.five D.six()2.Who is watching TV in a chair? A.Jim B.Jim’s mother C.Jim’s father D.Jim’s sister()3.Jim and Kate are _______________? A.good friends B.two girls C.two boys D.brother and sister()4.The children ______________doing their homework.A.aren’t B.isn’t C.don’t D.not()5.What’s Kate doing? A.She ‘s doing her homework B.She’s sitting near the window C.She’s looking for a pen D.She’s playing games.英语小笑话:

Teacher: Johnny, why are you late for school every morning? Johnny: Every time I come to the corner, a guidepost(路牌,路标)says, 'School--Go Slow' 老师:约翰,为什么你每天早上都迟到呢?

约翰:每次我走到街角的时候,都有一块路牌写着:“学校-小心慢行” 教学点评:



1.Why does Pamela want to have plastic surgery? A.To become a movie actress.B.To become an anchorwoman.C.To become a fashion model.D.To find a white-collar job.2.What surgery has Pamela already had? A.Enlarging her breasts.B.Removing wrinkles from her neck.C.Making her face thinner.D.Making her nose tip more pointed.3.What did Pamela think about beauty and character? A.Beauty is as important as a noble character.B.Beauty is more important than a noble character.C.Beauty is less important than a noble character.D.Beauty and a noble character are less important than ability.4.How do Pamela's parents and boyfriend react to her plastic surgery? A.Her boyfriend is against it while parents are for it.B.Her boyfriend is for it while her parents' opinion is unknown.C.Both her parents and boyfriend are for it.D.Both her parents and boyfriend are against it.5.How long would her new looks last, according to Dr.Carson? A.One to two years.B.Three to five years.C.Nearly a decade.D.Unpredictable.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.A new beauty queen at the pageant.B.Beauty queen stripped of crown for lying.C.Failure to win the beauty queen title.D.Honesty is the best policy.7.How old was Laura Anness when she last participated in the pageant? A.15.B.24.C.27.D.None of the above.8.Where does Laura Anness actually live? A.Saltah, Cornwall.B.Saltah, Devon.C.Plymouth, Devon.D.Plymouth, Cornwall.9.What did Laura Anness say to explain her lying? A.She developed the habit of lying as a child.B.She did not really lie.C.She wanted to get the 2,000 pound prize.D.She wanted to realize her dream.10.What has Laura Anness lost in the end? A.The 2,000 pound prize.B.A work contract.C.The opportunity to compete at a higher-level contest.D.All of the above.1.What is the main idea of the dialog? A.More attention to one's skin than one's figure.B.Benefits from skincare.C.Seeking expert advice on skincare.D.Seeking expert advice on beauty contests.2.What problem does the woman have? A.She has smallpox.B.She has oily skin.C.She has a lot of wrinkles.D.She has crow's feet around her eyes.3.What does the man advise the woman to do? A.Wash her face with lukewarm water.B.Pat her face dry with a clean towel.C.Pat a cream onto her face.D.All of the above.4.What is the use of the cream? A.To wipe out dirt and oil.B.To remove wrinkles.C.To tighten the skin.D.All of the above.5.What does the man suggest finally? A.To get a facelift every four to six months.B.To get a facelift every four to six years.C.To get a facial every four to six months.D.To get a facial every four to six weeks.1.Why was the door to the balcony wide open? A.The weather was hot.B.It was too moist inside.C.It was too dry inside.D.The scene outside was beautiful.2.Why was the speaker unable to close the windows? A.The window was deformed.B.The wind was too strong.C.He was scared stiff by the loud thunder.D.He was frightened by the lightning.3.How did the speaker manage to close the window? A.He asked his wife to close it together.B.He used a mop to close it.C.He waited until the wind was less strong.D.He waited until the hail was over.4.What did the speaker do after seeing the lightning? A.He closed the window.B.He turned off the TV.C.He turned off the lights.D.He pulled out the electrical plugs.5.What is the sequence of the events? A.Sun—wind—thunder and lightning—sun—hail.B.Sun—hail—thunder and lightning—wind—sun.C.Sun—wind—thunder and lightning—hail—sun.D.Sun—wind—hail—thunder and lightning—sun.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.How many people in the nation has the drought affected since April 8? A.25.95 million.B.18.44 million.C.8.07 million.D.20.88 million.7.What does the Minister of Water Resources think has caused the dry spell? A.Only lower rainfall.B.Only higher temperatures.C.Both lower rainfall and higher temperatures.D.Lower rainfall, higher temperatures and over-farming.8.What measures were the local governments urged to take to provide drinking water in drought-hit areas? A.Artificial precipitation.B.Digging of wells.C.Finding new water sources.D.All of the above.9.How much money has the Central Government allocated for rural drinking water security and small water projects? A.7.5 billion yuan.B.6.4 billion yuan.C.1.1 billion yuan.D.13.9 billion yuan.10.What is the passage mainly about? A.The victory over the drought.B.The disasters caused by the drought.C.The drought and coping measures.D.The drought and its causes.1.What happened to 200 supercarriers in the past 20 years? A.They survived severe storms.B.They lost their ways at sea.C.They were lost with a few survivors.D.They were lost with no survivors.2.What does the woman find surprising? A.Modern technology cannot save supercarriers.B.Modern technology has saved many supercarriers.C.Communications and emergency services have improved fast.D.Communications and emergency services have improved slowly.3.Which of the following is true of the helicopter? A.It was blown into the sea.B.It sank with the supercarrier.C.It saved a few people on the supercarrier.D.It saved the supercarrier.4.What happened to the oil-drilling rig off Canada's coast? A.The workers escaped.B.A lot of people died.C.The rig was overturned.D.The rig exploded.5.What is the main idea of the dialog? A.Tsunami—the most destructive disaster at sea.B.Rogue waves—the most powerful sea waves.C.Mysteries of sea disasters.D.The fate of different super-carriers.1.What may workaholics do? A.They bring work home.B.They keep working until after midnight.C.They bend over their work on weekends.D.All of the above.2.Which of the following does the speaker recommend doing? A.Concentrating on one thing a week.B.Concentrating on one thing a day.C.Concentrating on one thing at a time.D.Doing just a few things at a time.3.What should one do first according to the passage? A.What is important.B.What one understands.C.What is easy.D.What is difficult.4.What does the speaker say about working at home? A.One should not bring too much work home.B.One can work in the living room if one has a home office.C.One should not bring confidential files home.D.One should work only within the usual working hours.5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.Bad habits of workaholics.B.Tips for workaholics.C.Good habits of a devoted worker.D.Cultivation of a devoted worker.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.Why does the speaker mention “football”? A.It is more popular than basketball.B.It is less popular than basketball.C.It is an example of the importance of teamwork.D.It is an example of the importance of physical strength.7.Which of the following is the reason that team spirit is being increasingly valued in modern society? A.Today's society is a self-sufficient one.B.Today's society is no longer a self-sufficient one.C.Individualism is increasingly valued throughout the world.D.Team sports have become increasingly popular in modern society.8.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the product of cooperative efforts? A.A pot of flowers.B.A loaf of bread.C.An article of clothes.D.A transportation means.9.Why kind of people do companies today especially want to employ according to the dialog? A.Skilled workers.B.Computer experts.C.Good Football players.D.Good team players.10.According to the passage, why should we learn to cooperate with each other? A.To meet the needs of personal development.B.To meet the needs of the complex society.C.Both A and B.D.Neither A nor B.1.What does the man mean by saying “No one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar”? A.With a good memory you will be a successful liar.B.If the listener has a bad memory, you will succeed in lying.C.If you lie, you will forget what you said and be found out.D.If you remember your lie well, nobody can see through it.2.Why did the man call the woman into his office? A.To praise her good appearance.B.To give her money.C.To reprimand her for being late.D.To reprimand her for telling a lie.3.What is the woman? A.A secretary.B.An assistant manager.C.The office manager.D.The accountant.4.What does the man say he has noticed over the past year? A.The woman has grown lazier.B.The woman has become more interested in money.C.The woman has grown prettier.D.The woman has improved her work.5.What does the dialog say about the training courses? A.The woman has paid a lot to attend them.B.The man has paid a lot to attend them.C.They have improved the woman's work.D.They have turned out to be a failure.1.What did the Mexican fisherman say when advised to stay out longer and catch more fish? A.He was tired.B.He could not find more fish.C.He had caught enough fish for his family's immediate use.D.He had caught enough fish for his family's long-term consumption.2.Which of the following is the sequence of actions the American suggests for the Mexican? A.Selling to the factory—owning a factory—owing a fleet of boats B.Owing a fleet of boats—selling to the factory—owning a factory C.Owing a fleet of boats—owning a factory—selling to the factory D.Selling to the factory—owing a fleet of boats—owning a factory 3.What did the American suggest the Mexican could finally do to make millions of dollars? A.Expand his fleet.B.Expand his factory.C.Sell more fish to the middleman.D.Sell his company's stock to the public.4.What did the American advise the Mexican to do after the latter had made millions of dollars? A.Lead a leisurely life.B.Lead a colorful life in Mexico City.C.Lead a profitable life in Los Angeles.D.Follow an MBA program.5.What does the Mexican's final answer imply? A.Playing with one's children is more fun than drinking wine.B.Drinking wine is more fun than playing the guitar.C.It is not worthwhile to work hard to expand one's business.D.It is a good idea to work hard to make plenty of money.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog.6.What is the speaker's attitude towards frequent job-hopping? A.Highly positive.B.Slightly positive.C.Neutral.D.Negative.7.According to some people, how may people benefit from moving from job to job every few years? A.They may have more opportunities to move upward in responsibility.B.They may keep their skills up to date.C.Both A and B.D.Neither A nor B.8.According to the speaker, what may happen to people who stick to one job at one company? A.They may have opportunities for promotion.B.They may lose opportunities for promotion.C.They will be looked down upon by colleagues.D.They may be considered professionally incompetent.9.According to the speaker, what is the second disadvantage for people who change their jobs too often? A.They may be considered dishonest.B.They may be considered professionally incompetent.C.They may be considered not clever enough.D.They may be considered too ambitious.10.What does the speaker finally say about people who change their jobs too often? A.They may have a good team spirit.B.They are unlikely to be self-centered.C.Both A.and B.D.Neither A.nor B.1.How soon can they move into the new office? A.Before July 1st.B.After July 1st.C.Before August 1st.D.After August 1st.2.When will the new company probably start operating? A.Before mid-July.B.After mid-July.C.Before mid-August.D.After mid-August.3.What experience did the woman have? A.She always bought new equipment.B.She assisted her former boss in marketing.C.She was in charge of finance only.D.She did marketing and finance on her own.4.What will the woman do first on Monday morning? A.Buy new equipment.B.Call the art people.C.Hand in her marketing plan.D.Write a marketing plan.5.What has the man done about recruiting people? A.He has employed some R & D experts.B.He has found some candidates for the company's R & D section.C.He has employed some art people.D.He has found some candidates for the company's art work.1.Those who concealed their anger or quickly became irritable were 50 percent more likely than the average person to have an early heart attack.A.True B.False 2.The study by Patricia Carson and her colleagues involved over 1,000 subjects who were followed for an average of 36 years.A.True B.False 3.The questionnaire collected information on how the subjects reacted to pressure or stress.A.True B.False 4.By age 76, nearly two thirds of those who were classified as most angry had developed cardiovascular disease at an average age of 56.A.True B.False 5.Carson concludes that the most important thing angry young men can do is to go to a quiet room to calm themselves down.A.True B.False

1.At the beginning the man wants to have his hair styled.A.True B.False 2.The woman beautician tries to offer the man the complete service.A.True B.False 3.The man asks for a mirror because he suspects too much hair has been cut off.A.True B.False 4.Finally the man has short, yellow hair.A.True B.False 5.Now that the man has a fashionable hair style, he will go to the job interview with confidence.A.True B.False

1.Skiing is close to nature though crowds tend to make too much noise.A.True B.False 2.Every year forty or fifty skiers break their legs.A.True B.False 3.The woman thinks it is possible and necessary to be prepared for an avalanche.A.True B.False 4.Guides set off explosives to start avalanches, thus making the snow stable.A.True B.False 5.An avalanche beacon is an electronic device that sends a signal if a skier is buried by an avalanche.A.True B.False

1.The office manager offers to show the woman around.A.True B.False 2.The man promises to remove the stack of files from the woman's desk.A.True B.False 3.If the woman needs supplies, she can just let the man know.A.True B.False 4.Although the woman is a newcomer in the office, she is ready to call customers.A.True B.False 5.The woman has to press zero for an outside telephone line.A.True B.False

1.The man switched jobs owing mainly to layoff and company bankruptcy.A.True B.False 2.Now the man is doing a job more or less the same as he did before.A.True B.False 3.It was easy for the man to adjust to the new job amid technological advances and the Internet revolution.A.True B.False 4.According to the man, to keep up with the dramatic changes, one must constantly gather all kinds of information.A.True B.False 5.The man says that a job-seeker should concentrate on work-related classes and should not try to learn about other subjects.A.True B.False



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