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Improvement and development of small agriculturalMachinery for sub-Saharan

The new government from 1950 to the 1960s, African countries after independence, a large-scale agricultural machinery imported from advanced countries to promote the modernization of agricultural policy.Now, many African countries, agriculture machinery and not the smooth management of this does not solve the economic, technical premise of the question in order to use the European and American type of mechanization of agricultural production, there are a lot of mechanization of agricultural production in Europe and America to collapse phenomenon.In which the benefit of the use of tractors, tractor makes small-scale farming in the Tianshui area into farmland by the rental contract, the small-scale farming economy, strict control, resulting in the farming work environment can not be improved.Although the advanced countries to expand investment cooperation and assistance of the African economies, but if there is no support on the actual burden of agricultural production, small-scale farming can imagine the African countries can not be real development.This study is to improve small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa working environment for the target, the agricultural status of the investigation is the right technology to the premise of the production scale of agricultural operations, agricultural surveys in the same region at the same timeway to look forward to improved and developed to ease the financial burden and labor to withstand the force of a small agricultural machinery, this study concludes that the proposal to the correct transfer of the development of improved small-scale agricultural machinery technology.First of all, to verify the independence of African countries after the implementation of European and American agricultural mechanization policy, included in the social background of sub-Saharan Africa, countries import the point of the problems caused by modern agricultural technology based on the acute and early development programs, committed to the mechanization of agriculturetendency from the advanced countries the introduction of the tractor use in agriculture, and to show small-scale farming farming summarized the discussion of the problems of small-scale farmers in African countries in general assumed.In order to obtain full and complete investigation and the results of research should be correct and appropriate technology transfer coming in on the basis of the object region necessary survey of agricultural conditions.To survey covering sub-Saharan Africa's agricultural situation, we must investigate those self-sufficient pillars of small-scale farmers in the agri-environmental characteristics of the region to investigate the one hand, but also the implementation of the questionnaire surveys and personal door access to the forms of investigation.The results of the survey, we can know that a relatively high dependence on small-scale farmers in the right economic, animal technology, pears, threshers and other small-scale agricultural machinery.In one, is Morocco, a national policy on individual farmers and groups form a team groups to use the purchase of agricultural machinery, the state has a grant system so that individuals and groups and for small-scale farmers in such as education, research, training, institutional measures and achieved substantial results, but also the transfer of agricultural technology sub-Saharan Africa also played a very good guide positive role.Suitable starting point for small-scale farmers in the small agricultural machinery, as sub-Saharan Africa, the agricultural operations of farmers in the most need to improve, first as the

most pay attention to efficient harvesting,the same region looks forward to the popularization of improved animal farming experiment can prove the stability and maneuverability.The experiment is the same with the sub-Saharan Africa under natural environmental conditions, the experiment also in North America, Morocco, has prepared a sound and reasonable environment, the habits of this experiment as the small-scale farming agriculture methods to cover the dealer operations(cover Makers jobs: call CoverCropCultivationC.C grow wheat Lei Tian, harrowing, and cover the soil of agricultural practices)performance characteristics of the test animal farming jobs.Based on the results of this experiment to prove, instead of using the completely opposite of animal farming in China and sub-Saharan Africa, for example, might as well find a suitable method of soil improvement, animal farming and sub-Saharan Africa.In general areas such as Morocco test pear seedbed three kinds(short seedbed seedbed seedbed long)different ways of working for the safety of animal farming, animal farming from farming characteristics and operational safety inspection and improved seedbed plow hinder gradually reduce the operational safety in the right direction.In a farming in sub-Saharan Africa followed by the need for the improvement of agricultural operations on agricultural harvesting efficiency is very high on modern efficient thresher.Processing technology, as pointed out by FAO and other agencies, as after the harvest, threshing work, is a major issue for harvesters to reduce harvest losses.On one hand, the use of straw on the threshing work is also very important.Ongoing contract work in North America, Morocco and other countries tried the improvement of Turkey's advanced technology, to ensure appropriate length of straw, for using the modified propeller trunk.Threshing test results using the modified propeller trunk, loss of wheat and barley, each about 3 percent, which the wheat harvest losses in North America and achieved good results.Straw losses in the Turkish manufacturing advanced machinery occasions, loss of efficiency of about 90%, while the loss of efficiency in the improved propeller trunk only 9% wheat, barley, only 10% of the harvest loss wheat and barley to meet in feed use.Finally, in the area survey of the introduction of object technology and small-scale agricultural machinery in the examples in this paper improved on the basis of the development of the research sample, apply to the introduction of agricultural technology by small-scale farming in the African region in general type andfuture collaboration that proposals were collected.First, for technical cooperation in the sub-Saharan Africa, we can recognize in the densely detailed results of the survey is necessary to see the nature of the demand of the farmers on agricultural mechanization, and the second, are now in the process of agricultural mechanization in the early African agricultural machinery imported premise should be to adapt to the agricultural environment of the agricultural situation in the region and the climate of the region's endemic, as well as the need for the development of the agricultural environment suitable animal farming and threshing machines and other small agricultural machinery, the improvement is also very important.Third, based on the popularity of the community to create small-scale agricultural machinery plays an important role, its peasants, workers, universities, research institutes and manufacturing plants to become one of the activities of groups, not as parenting groups to contribute to regional industrialization.ODA technology transferred to the site in one of the country's government officials, workers included in the transferred object a lot, but we also see the appropriate technology to impart to farmers should be transferred in the initial nor case.Farmers bear the burden of agriculture, rather than rely entirely on farmers in less than farmers in appropriate technology collaboration is more important, if you want on the subject can be passed.In this thesis, and look forward to alleviate the burden of farmers in the economy and labor under the burden of the work environment to improve small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.Improvement and development of small-scale agricultural machinery while in the same region, and summarizes the correct method of technology transfer on the covers small-scale agricultural machinery.This study is the example for the improvement and development of small-scale agricultural machinery sub-Saharan Africa, and see many African countries from Europe and the United States the use of large agricultural machinery to solve the problem in the economic conditions in the

same region and agricultural the actual state of the correct and suitable for agriculturalmachinery and well-integrated effect, we can expect to farm a good contribution to the future.Also, after the long-term ODA front-line experience on the basis of the proposal on agricultural technology transfer, through the perspective of the ODA points out the lack of respect, we can determine the future policy depends on the ODA Agricultural Technology Support Programme, it will provide important Guide to the role.








刀具生产商提供的标准钻头的直径从0.039到 0.125英寸,能加工深度小雨12倍的直径的深孔,同时提供直径从0.002到0.020英寸的不带内冷却液的钻头。










微加工刀具要使用多高的转速,这主要依赖于车间所使用的数控机床和刀具的直径,所需的转速随刀具直径的增加而加快(注:切削速度公式为 sfm=刀具直径×0.26×主轴转速)。

虽然相对较低,但伯顿的客户也成功 的应用过每分钟5000转的加工速度。伯顿说:“我们建议我们的用户找到一个震动最小的最高转速-----最佳加工速度。”








他还补充说,他曾经看到过带有0.微米的粉末冶金硬质合金刀具,这是商业上能提供齿的尺寸的一半,但它还包括0.5和0.6微米的小齿。“如果齿的尺寸不统一,小齿是发挥不出作用的。” 坠电火花加工


坠电火花加工深细孔时,要用一根导电管作为电极。加工小而浅的孔时,需要用到一根导线或棒,“我们尽量用导管做电极。位于密歇根州的牧野公司总经理Jeff Kiszonas说道,导管的排渣孔能使加工的孔有大的深度直径比,并能够在加工中将孔底的熔渣排出孔外。他又补充道”但是另一方面,没人能制造出小于一定直径的导管。“一些供应商能提供直径小于0.003英寸的导管可以加工出0.0038英寸的孔。

现在Makino公司生产的双边坠电火花加工设备能够加工出 0.00044 英寸的微孔,这种设备主要用于孔的精加工。最近,在日本这种机床的开发人员用两分钟加工了八个这样的孔,并用四十秒穿透了0.0010英寸厚的碳化钨板。加工电极为一个因钨合金棒,由于电火花加工中再电极和工件间存在放电间隙,所以,所加工孔的直径会比电极直径大0.00020英寸。







除了硬质合金和钨电极外,光也是一个不错的微孔加工的“刀具”材料。虽然大多数来钻孔的激光都是处于红外光谱范围,但是根据宾尼法尼亚州的Ex One Co。、Iiwin公司的激光技术主管兰迪吉尔摩介绍,他们采用的是绿色光柱的超脉冲技术。不像其他种类的微加工光束,超脉冲是一种纳秒级激光,它绿色光束的波长为532纳米。这种技术产生的激光一对脉冲时间为4到5纳秒,每对脉冲的间隔为50到100纳秒。这种技术的加工方式成倍的提高了加工效率。“与其他激光加工相比,这种技术大大的提高了金属去除率”。吉尔摩说:“由于这种激光脉冲短,所以很大程度上减少了对工件材料的热损伤。”




为了加强这技术的竞争力,Ex One 公司研发了一种专利材料,将这种材料注入中空的部件体内,可以防止光柱所加工孔以下壁体的烧伤。光加工之后,可以将这种材料完全清理掉。







学生姓名:徐凯学号:0965251027分院:信息与机电工程分院班级: 091指导教师:袁鸿斌职称:讲师填表日期:2013年3月6日




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