预备级公开课教案7 (模版)

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第一篇:预备级公开课教案7 (模版)

预备级 公开课教案

monkey munchy panda pandy

1.贴名帖,让孩子或者孩子家长读出孩子的名字。(提前想出一些时尚有新意的男孩女孩英文名:Amy, Lisa, Bela, Eric, Bruce, Kevin„,心型名帖,选择孩子比较喜欢鲜艳的颜色,红和黄,以便分组。)2.分校长讲话。

3.教学主任介绍盖伦国际教育教学特色。(2010教育方略,带领孩子们齐读学生准则,介绍外教,介绍中教等。)4.授课教师自我介绍。(Hello,lovely boys and girls.Welcome to Telenty.I’m very glad to see you all.My Chinese name is and my English name is.I like children , I have taught English for more than years, I believe I can make my children got more knowledge.先英后汉)5.Warm up。

Let Ss practice their name,and remember my name.Drill: If I say “Hello!” Let Ss say “.” If I say “Hello!Hello!”

Let Ss say “ ,!” „„ 4.New lesson: 教具准备:Hello,Hi的单词卡片和句子卡片。香蕉树,猴子,猎人,熊猫图片,竹子图片和单词卡片,美音宝,红宝书,主体游戏:猴子爬杆。IGreeting: Say“ Hello!”to Ss, let them answer “Hello!.” Show the sentence’s card “Hello!” and lead to read.Ⅰ 大小声游戏进行操练 If I say“Hello!”(大声), you should say “Hello!”(小声)Ok? Let’s have a try!Ⅱ 照镜子游戏进行练习

Let Ss read the word and do the actions as the same as me.If you want to greet with others you also can say “Hi!” to them.Show “Hi!” word card to Ss.Drill: 边拍手变练习,If the teacher say tiger , Ss must stop just keep their actions for 5 seconds.Or let Ss hands back.总体练习:

将Hello的卡片与Hi的卡片分别放在左右手上。当老师伸出哪只手时,孩子们就要马上读出。反应最快的,谁就可以得到Stickers。把hello 和hi 的单词卡片贴在黑板上,帮助孩子把到句子与单词的不同,并加以强调。II Lead in:


Ok.Now look at the blackboard.There are many bamboos.There is a kind of animal which likes eating them.Do you know what it is? It is fat.It has dark circles around eyes, just like a pair of glasses.引出panda Today we’ll play an interesting game.(将小朋友分组,介绍主体游戏,猴子爬杆,调动小朋友的积极性)Panda:用吃竹子的形式操练。Pandy:用熊猫眼的形式操练。

When the panda is eating bamboos happily, the dangerous is coming.A hunter is hiding behind the tree.He wants to catch the panda and kill it to make money.The panda doesn’t know the danger.But the there is a monkey in the tree.He sees the hunter and calls out to the panda:“ run, run,panda!” 引出monkey monkey: 用洗桃子或者扒香蕉皮的形式操练,像照镜子一样,模仿老师的动作。T要挨个纠正发音。

Munchy:拿着图片,正面的话让Ss叫出名字,反面的话keep silent.Read it one by one.The panda escapes.The monkey and the panda become good friends.最后做跳舞毯操练来复习今天学习的内容。

III Summary: Say hello to monkey, say hello to panda to practice all the new words.Ok,now let’s listen to the TETV,listen, repeat and act.(播放美音宝My target 部分,让小朋友模仿。播放时间01:40)Now we’ll learn a new chant.(播放美音宝Let’s enjoy 部分,学习歌谣






下面就有请我们的课程顾问 老师为家长们介绍一下资费问题,掌声有请!


一. 开场

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.Welcome to Lucy English.Now let me introduce myself first.My name is Lucy, my Chinese name is Ge Rile, and I’ve been teaching kids English for about ten years.And for today, I hope we can have a wonderful time together.Now, let’s begin today’s class.Thank you.二. Greeting: 1.Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you!My name is Lucy.So, I say: Hello, everyone.You say: Hello, Lucy.Let’s have a try: Hello, everyone.(Hello, Lucy.)2.(对每一个学生单独打招呼)Hello,XXX.(Hello, Lucy.)

(奖励给每个对话的学生一个sticker: Good job!A sticker for you!)3.今天谁得的sticker最多,就可以到Lucy这儿换奖品哦~

Hello, everyone!

(Hello, Lucy)


Now, everybody, stand up!Let’s do a chant!(让学生排成一排)Stand in a row!(老师站到侧面)Face to Lucy.(挨个纠正)“Walking, walking, ready? Go!” “Walking, walking, walking, walking Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop Running ,running, running, running, running, running Now let’s stop!Now, let’s stop!”

(第一遍,慢!第二遍,稍快!第三遍,自由发挥!)Well done!Very good, everyone!(对一个学生打招呼,并给sticker)

Hello, XXX.(Hello, Lucy)Good!A sticker for you!Go back to your seat!

四. 字母Aa 1.“ABC Song”

大家都听过字母歌(Alphabet Song)

Today we are going to learn a letter.老师拿出Aa的字母卡。

Follow me: A-A-A

2.Let’s write the capital A.Look at me:(老师做straight line的动作)straight line的动作。Straight line!Straight line!

One straight line, two straight lines, three straight lines.Show me your fingers.Show me your feet.Stand up!Show me your heap!

Let’s write the small A.剑桥预备级英语公开课教案

Look at me:(老师做曲线的动作)curved line!Curved line!

One curved line!Two curved lines!

Show me your fingers.Show me your feet.Stand up!Show me your heap!


字母A长成什么样子呢? Let’s make a letter A with our body!



Now, everybody listen!(老师发出各种声音)Sound!

What sound does letter A make?

Letter A, letter A, what sound do you make?

I make … sound.Oh, I see.Letter A makes … sound!


Everybody stand up!Let’s do the action!

A A A ……




五. New words: elephant, monkey(做动作,发出声音)嘀哒,嘀哒,铃铃铃~ It’s words time!

Today, we are going to learn 3 new words.(一)elephant 1.(拿出一个魔法棒)This is a magic stick!ABRACADABRA!CAT!(指向自己)I am a cat!Miao… ABRACADABRA!DOG!(指向自己)I’m a dog!Woof ABRACADABRA!DUCK!(指向自己)I’m a duck!Quack

2.ABRACADABR!Jack!(指向自己)(做动作)I am an animal.I am big.I have a long long nose.I have two big ears.I have four strong legs.I have a short short tail.Who am I?

3.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来)This is a zoo.这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?(请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4.Follow me: elephant!Elephant!


6.Together: elephant

7.Do you like elephant? 你们喜欢大象吗?

Yes.那我们就可以说: I like elephants.我喜欢大象。

8.Look at me: I like elephants.(老师边说边做动作)

9.Who can?(请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10.老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? Elephant!


Let’s play a game.让我们玩一个游戏!

Look at me!This is the card.I say: ready? Go!You do like this.(学大象)and turn around, and round and round(转三圈).And you run to the card and pat the card.And say: Elephant!

(二)monkey 1.ABRACADABRA!(指向自己)

I am an animal.I have a long tail.I like bananas and apples.I like climbing the tree.I like jumping and running.Who am I?

2.(老师把zoo的教具拿出来)This is a zoo.这是一个动物园。

What’s in the zoo? 动物园里有什么?(请大家猜猜这张卡片是什么)

4.Follow me: monkey!monkey


6.Together: monkey

7.Do you like monkeys? 你们喜欢大象吗?

Yes.那我们就可以说: I like monkeys.我喜欢大象。

8.Look at me: I like monkeys.(老师边说边做动作)

9.Who can?(请学生一个个上台来讲,讲完给小粘贴)

10.老师再次拿出卡片: What’s this? monkey!


Let’s play a game.让我们玩一个游戏!

Look at me!This is the card.I say: ready? Go!You do like this.(学大象)and turn around, and round and round(转三圈).And you run to the card and pat the card.And say: monkey!

(四)Review 1.Flash Cards: What’s this? …(给最先说的学生sticker)2.I do the action, you say the word.(老师做动作,学生猜单词,先说的给sticker)

六. Game It’s game time!Let’s play the game!1.Pat the cards:(老师把三张卡片放在地上排好)Listen!(点三个同学的名字)Come here!Stand in a line!I say : mother!Ready, go!

You run to “mother” and pat the card.Say: mother? Do you understand? Let’s have a try!…

Who is the winner? XXX is the winner!Together: Winner!Winner!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!(A sticker for you!)

2. I am a monster.I like to eat animals.Everybody stand up!……

七. Goodbye Song: It’s time to say goodbye now!Stand up!Let’s sing a song!

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye everyone!La la la , la la la, goodbye everyone!



第三篇:创新大学英语-预备级教案Unit 7 Hobbies

Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

Lecture 1 Part 1 Listening comprehension

Objective: To distinguish /iə/, /uə/, /eə/

To identify comparisons and contrast.1.Guide Ss to remind some phrases of showing comparisons and contrast.(5')prefer...to...与...相比,更喜欢...would rather...than...宁可...而不......is no better(comparative form)than...和...一样差 much more adj....得多

like nothing better than...最喜欢...2.Give Ss time to read the items and try to guess the content of the conversation or the missing word in the passage.(5')3.Play the record.(15')4.Guide students to notice the differences between these similar phonetic symbols and check the answers.Answer some of the students to read a group per person and try to correct their pronunciation.(5')5.Guide Ss to listen to the short conversations once again and repeat the key/difficult words or sentences.(5')6.Guide Ss to compare the choices so as to focus out attention on certain part of the recording and then listen to the long conversations.Repeat the sentences when necessary.(5')

7.Check the answers and explain the difficult parts.Play the recording of the passage once again.(5')

Part 2 Reading Comprehension Passage One 1.Let Ss recall if they can still remember the scene their parents red story to them before they went to sleep and how they felt the stories.And later tell Ss they are going to read a passage about a kid reading experience in her childhood.(2')Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

2.Ask Ss to read the text and finish the multiple choices.(8')3.Pick some interesting sentences to explain and let them know how to express that meaning in English.(2')Half buring myself underneath a blanket, reading with a flashlight.Be at the climax of the story, or right at the end.4.Guide Ss to translate the last paragraph, and choose one sentence to remember at class.(10')Passage Two

1.Tell Ss some reading skills.That is to locate the theme statement of the passage and topic sentence of each paragraph.(5')2.Ask Ss to read the passage and try to figure out the theme sentence and topic sentences, which would be helpful for them to guess the following content.(5')3.Guide Ss to find the important sentences so as to get a clear picture of the text orgnization.(5')4.Check the answers.(5')


1.Read passage 3 and find out all the hobbies of the author's and put them in a correct order according to the time.Besides, finish the following exercise.2.Preview the new words in the intensive reading.2 Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

Lecture 2


Questions for discussion:(15')1.Do you have hobbies? What are they? 2.Do you think it is necessary to cultivate a hobby? Why? Or what are the benefits of having a hobby? Probable answers: 1.playing basketball, singing, reading, go camping, go hiking, listening to the music

2.It can enrich our life./broaden the horizon./make acquaintances.It can be a escape from the real life.It can make me confident.It can keep a balance between study and play.It can keep healthy.Study the Text in Detail

1.Listen to the recording of the text and underline the difficult parts they can't understand.(8')2.Read the text loudly by themselves and try to find the answers to the questions in page 161.(17')

3.Guide Ss to learn the new words.(10')

Psychology, in a good mood, be absorbed in/ be engaged in/ be in the middle of/ be buried in, define/definition, rely on/depend on, foster/cultivate, lead to/ result in/ approach to doing sth, be guilty of, ahead of time/schedule, optional course, think twice before you leap 4.Language points(40')a.Hobbies are rich in psychic rewards.业余爱好:丰厚的精神回馈 Be rich in: 在。。很富足

b.Squeeze sb./sth in: to manage to do sth although you are very busy.c.Be in a good/bad mood: be in high/low spirit, be happy/unhappy d.Activate/ active/action Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

The light will turn red once the system is activated.e.Enhance your creativity, help you think more clearly and sharpen your focus.他们可以增强你的创造力,帮助你更清晰的思考,让你的注意力更加集中。Sharp sharpen;light lighten;worse worsen;wide widen;white whiten;deep deepen f.Be engaged in doing sth/ be busy with sth/ be involved in sth Be engaged to sb.: having agreed to marry g.Be absorded in sth/sb: be very interested in sth/sb so that you are not paying attention to anything else h.Anxiety/anxious depression/depresed i.Perception perceive conceive accept concept j.Rely on/ depend on

They have to rely on the river for their water.k.Foster a hobby/interest/the growth of local industies l.Fulfill one's dream/oneself/ambition m.Be inclined to/ be likely to do sth in a particular way n.Prepare oneself sth/for sth 给自己准备.../让自己为...而准备 Prepare yourself a notebook to write down the important points.Prepare yourself for the final-exam.o.Lead to/ cause/ result in p.Meet one's needs/ demands/desire q.An approach to doing sth

Assignments 1.Review what has been learnt and preview the rest of the text.2.Try to recite the phrases used to show the benefits of having a hobby.4 Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

Lecture 3 Check the Homework

Dictation(15')Call 2 Ss to write on the blackboard and tell the rest of the class that some of them will hand in their dictation.Let them write down the corresponding translation too.Have time left for;squeeze sth in;enhance creativity;help sb think more clearly;Sharpen one's focus;be engaged in;lose the sense of time;self-esteem;Anxiety;depression;foster one's confidence;fulfill one's dream;Be inclined to;reflect on;inspire

Study the Text in Detail(30')

1.Play the recording and let Ss recall the content of the text.Let them close the book if they are familiar with it so as to check their listening.(10')2.Language points a.Make time for sth: find time to do sth b.Think of/ consider/view....As c.Be guilty about doing sth/ of sth d.Far more interested in: 有趣得多

e.Take a long look before you leap三思而后行 f.Do market research: to see if sth is needed in the market 3.Important structures Ask Ss to read the example and finish the exercises a.As well as b.Any time/ every time/ the moment/ the first time/the next time

Vocabulary Building(45')1.Tell Ss to recall the meaning of the words and see how many they know and then refer to the word list if there are still some strange words.2.Suggest Ss to guess the meaning of the whole sentence before they spot the proper word to the blank.Give Ss time to fill the blank.Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

3.Check the answers and give explanations.4.Do the second and third part altogether and deepen Ss' impression of the words' usage.5.Let Ss do the translation by themselves and remind them of difficult phrases.Call two of them to write down their translations on the blackboard to get known about Ss weakness so as to explain them in detail.6.Give Ss 8 minutes to finish the cloze.After their reading, let one student tell the story in his own words.7.Check the answers.Assignments 1.Review the words and their allocation and usage.2.Preview the grammar part.6 Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

Lecture 4



1.Give Ss an overview of the usage of normative clause.(30')当主句(句子)的主语 宾语 或者表语成分不是一个词组(一般为名词词组)而是一个句子时,这个充当句子组成成分的部分 就是我们说的名词性从句,可以分别称为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句。


同位语例子:(“同位”及先行词和从句是同一层次,没有修饰和被修饰的关系,区分于定于从句)I’m happy to bring you the good news that each of you has past your English test last week.The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office We heard the news that our team had won.引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类:

连接词:that, whether, if 不充当从句的任何成分

连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever, whom,whose, which.连接副词:when, where, how, why




a.It + be +形容词+ that-从句

It is necessary that…


It is important that…


It is obvious that…

很明显…… Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

b.It + be +-ed 分词+ that-从句

It is believed that…


It is known to all that…


It has been decided that…


c.It + be +名词+ that-从句

It is common knowledge that…


It is a surprise that…


It is a fact that…


d.It +不及物动词+ that-分句

It appears that…


It happens that…


It occurred to me that…



It is not yet decided who will do that job.It remains unknown when they are going to get married.2.Let Ss read some sentences to get a clearer picture of what normative clauses are.(30')a.John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday.b.I am glad that you are satisfied with your job.c.In one's own home one can do what one likes.d.The club will give whoever wins a prize e.How the book will sell depends on its author.f.My question is who will take over president of the Foundation.g.She will name him whatever she wants to.h.I have no idea when he will return.i.I'm not sure why she refused their invitation.j.That depends on where we shall go.4.Exercise in point(30')Divide the class into two groups.Each group is assign some exercise followed the Unit 7 Hobbies

Innovation College English(Pre-starter)

grammar explanation.Check and explain the points examed in the exercise.Assignments

1.Try to master the usage of normative clause.2.Review the language points and words of this unit.



unit11 Where are you going? Ⅰ.Teaching contents

1.phonics:ai,ar,ea,en,ar,sh,tr;2.words: 1)jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike;2)farm,bookshop,Shanghai,Great Wall,school,beach,U.S.A,Xi’an,garden;3.sentences: 1)Where are you going?We are/I am going to…… 2)How are you going there? I am going there…… 4.grammar: 中国地名的书写;5.topic: Where are you going? Ⅱ.Teaching purpose

1.listening:能听懂磁带第十一单元的以下录音;Part 1 1)Hi, where are you going?

2)We are going to Shanghai.What about you? 3)We are going to Kunming.jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike;Part 2 listen,guess and say-What is the sound? 2.speaking:会说教材以下内容;Part 3 look and answer: How are you going to farm? I am going there by bike.(by bus, by car, by ship, by plane, by train,on foot)Part 5 Where are you going? I am going to Dalian.How are you going to there? I am going there by ship.3.reading:会读教材以下内容;Part 1 1)Hi, where are you going?

2)We are going to Shanghai.What about you? 3)We are going to Kunming.jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike;Part 3 look and answer: How are you going to farm? I am going there by bike.(by bus, by car, by ship, by plane, by train,on foot)3.writing:会写教材以下内容;

Part 6 look and colour them by numbers;Part 7 look and write: 5.using:

1)会做教材以下内容的作业:part 4, part 6,part7;2)会玩教材上面以下内容的游戏:part 2;3)会唱教材上以下内容的歌曲:part 5;Ⅲ.Teaching methods 1.song:part 5 Where are you going? I am going to Dalian.How are you going to there? I am going there by ship.2.game: part 2 Listen to the sound,and guess what is it?(jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike)Ⅳ.教学反思





Simplistic Lesson Plan for Unit 1(Book 1)

Accompanied by Handouts AIMS: a)To have the class learn to use key words and expressions b)To have them learn key structures by heart c)To help them improve pronunciation and intonation d)To have them learn how to write narratives LANGUAGE POINTS:(See handouts)NEW STRUCTURE: SVC+INFINITIVE PRONUNCIATION AND INTONATION: vowels: / iː/, /i/, /e/, /æ/ WRITING PATTERN OF TEXT A: narration PROCEDURE: Warm-up: Pre-reading activities by listening to a passage related to the text and then answering some questions Stage 1, presentation and explanation of the new words and expressions Stage 2, presentation of the ways of writing a narrative, paying special attention to topic sentences and transitional words such as however, also,then Stage 3, review of the above by finishing the exercises, including those about the content of the passage and about the language points Stage 4, have them recite some of the paragraphs in the text

Handouts I.Structure of the text Paragraph I : the newspaper’s mistaken report about Alfred Nobel

Paragraph II: Nobel’s reaction to the newspaper report:worry and sorrow Paragraph III: Nobel invented the explosives for construction and world peace.Paragraph IV:Nobel came up with an idea for people to use his money after his death.He created Nobel Prize.Paragraph V: a brief introduction to Nobel Prize Paragraph VI: Conclusion of the essay.This paragraph mentions the newspaper report in the first paragraph, therefore, it works in concert with the first paragraph.II.Main idea of the passage This text is about the creation of Nobel Prize, ie how Nobel Prize came into being.Nobel created the prize so that people would remember him as a man of peace.III.Language points Practical Phrases trade in:buy and sell从事------交易

Most of his friends trade in oil products and became rich.We can become rich by trading with other countries.据报道,他非常富有,是做武器交易的。(trade in)It’s reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons.all the same: even so, still尽管如此;仍然 I don’t think so, but thanks all the same.None of them understood the words,but they nodded all the same.be worried about: 为……担心,为……发愁

If you are worried about your health,talk to your doctor.He was worried about meeting his wife after so many things happened.as a result: caused or produced by something else作为结果,结果是

Alfred Nobel decided to create a prize and as a result he was remembered as a man of peace.As a result of his decision, Alfred Nobel was remembered as a man of peace.New Words

call v.say or think that sth.or sb.Is认为------是

People call Nobel a man of peace and a man full of love.explode v.explosion n.explosive Keep the children away from the explosives, they are dangerous!business n.买卖,商业,贸易

I want to go into business when I leave school.Business is very good this year.however adv.然而,但是

She is very clever.However, she is quite lazy.The winters are usually not very cold here.In the mountains, however, the winters are cold.These machines are very old.They are still widely used, however.create v.produce something new创造,创作

Do you think that God created the world within a week? The company has created a new type of machine.perfect :the most sutable最合适的

This big house is perfect for our large family.That park is a perfect place for children to go.peaceful adj.without war和平的

After the war, explosives were put to peaceful uses.We hope for nothing but a peaceful world.destroy v.break into pieces;make useless摧毁,毁灭 Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country.任何国家的人,无论男女,都应反对战争,因为战争会毁灭(destroy)国家。be against:反对

The house was destroyed by fire.The rain destroyed most of his crop.Don’t destroy that box;it may be useful.wonder: v.① wish to know 想知道;对……感到 疑惑 I wonder what really happened to our business.We were just wondering how to make the job perfect.② feel great surprise 感到惊奇

We all wondered at the invention(发明)of explosives.The fact that she left home is not to be wondered at.She was never to learn of his plans as he left for London the next day and never returned.award v.to give someone a prize 授予(奖项或奖品)Meryl Streep was awarded a prize as Best Actress last year.The school awarded Judy a prize for her good work.Harrison was awarded a prize of $20,000 by the government.add v.增加,添加

They also added a new idea to the plan.The waiter added more tea once he has taken the first cup.Functional Patterns 不定式主动语态表示被动意义不但可用于单词动词(single-word verbs), 如上例,也可用于多词动词(multi-word verbs)。英语中的多词动词有以下几种类型: 动词+介词,动词+副词小品词,动词+副词小品词+介词,动词+名词+介词等。例如: The chair is comfortable to sit in.The sick baby was difficult to look after.Apples are good to eat.The story is hard to believe IV.Review the important phrases and expressions in the text 1.称他为英雄call him a hero 2.做食品生意 trade in food 3.远离炸药 keep away from the explosives 4.做生意 go into business 5.放下你的刀子 Put down your knife!6.创作小说create novels 7.度过暑假 spend summer holidays 8.最合适的选择 the perfect choice 9.和平的使命 peaceful mission 10.现代武器 modern weapons 11.摧毁道路 destroy the road 12.担心考试 be worried about exams 13.赢得奖品 win the prize 14.授予奖品 award the prize 15.在文学领域 in the field of literature 16.经济学课程 a course in economics 17.增加投资 add more investment 4

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