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Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?

Teaching goals:

1)Language goals: To learn “Present Perfect Tense”

2)Vocabulary: amusement,aumsement park,somewhere,camera,Invention,3)Patterns: Have you ever been to the space museum? Yes, I have./No, I havnn’t.Important and difficult points: How to use the tense “Present Perfect Tense”

Me neither Teacning procedures: 一)课前检测

Ask: Which of these places would you like to visit?

Such as space museum ,history museum, art museum, water park, zoo, so on.二)自主学习

Translate these phrases: 历史博物馆,娱乐公园,科学博物馆,电影博物馆,不同的地方,你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?没去过,我也没去过。Listen P65 1b Check the boxes Answer the questions in Section 2d

a)Has Jill ever been to the flilm museum? b)Has Anna ever been camping? Translate these sentences into Chinese in 2d

a)I leraned about the inventions that led to color moives,too.b)I’ve never been camping 三)探究展示

Ask and answer questions about the places in 1b.A: Let’s go somewhere different today.B: OK, Where do you want to go?

A: Have you ever been to the space museum? B: No, I haven’t.How about you ? Listen: 2a, 2b

Make converations about the places according to the map in 2a Discuss the converation in 2d 主语+助动词(have/has)+been to 表示曾经去过某地 四)达标检测

翻译: take the subway ,have a good time, go skating ,put up a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms 1)Let’s

(go)to the Great Wall this Sunday.2)It’s fine.How about

(play)basketball? 3)They leranted about these

(invent)that led to color movies.4)Have you ever

(be)to the art Museum? 五)中考链接

表示曾经去过某地:助动词+ have/has +been to

表示去了某地还没有还回:助动词+have/has+ gone to.六)反思;

第二篇:4B unit9教案

4B / Unit 9第2教时



A进一步操练第一课时的句型:What's for „?Where's the/my„?及四会单词glass,cup,bread,fridge等。

B 学习新的四会句型:Where are my/the„„? 并注意单复数区分There's no„„in/on/near„„

C 掌握四会单词:knofe ,fork.Egg.Bread.等。


A 学生能自由替换练习句型,能够在真实语言环境下运用句型。

B 学生能综合第一课时和第二课时所学内容,根据所提供的情境,进行小组活动,表演对话。






教师:实物、课件 学生:食品、刀叉等实物

二 教学程序

Step 1 Warming up

Well begun, half down.良好的开端等于成功的一半。上课刚开始,让学生在轻松的音乐声中步入课堂,使他们的听觉、视觉、思维都进入英语的状态。我选用了两首歌曲。第一首是前一单元的“What's in the classroom?”,第二首是“Cheese and sandwiches.”,由这首歌自然过渡到复习食物类和餐具类单词。

Step 2 Revision



可用句型:What's this? What are those/these? What's on the desk? 注意对单词单复数形式的操练。Magic eyes游戏:What's in the bag?

引出单词:egg bread 并板书。

根据学生的回答渗透句型:There's no „in/on„


如:Is there any water in the glass?

No.There's no „in„ Magic ears听敲击餐具的声音,猜单词。带出新单词:fork knife并板书。


Left, left ,a fork

Right, right, a knife

Cut, cut, cut a slice

Em, em, very nice.Chant短小、押韵又欢快,学生乐于接受。

Step 3 Presentation 借助课件,设计情境,复习中带出新知。

T: I'm a little hungry.Let's go to Mrs.Brown's kitchen.What's in the kitchen? Look and guess.I can't see any food.Where are the foods? Where's„?利用表情和语调启发学生猜想 where's„?并板书。也可以让学生亲自操做电脑,调动学生积极性。


a.T: Look, I have two eggs.把鸡蛋放到盘子上问:Where are the eggs?

b.再把鸡蛋放到别的位置,问:Where are the eggs?并板书。


游戏“Hide and seek”





Step 4 Practice and consolidation

这一环节旨在进一步巩固句型,通过课件中的情境,混合操练单复数句型。课件设计的情景是Li Min家的厨房,李敏在为自己的生日晚会准备食物,这里有意突出为生日晚会做准备而找食物,为下面根据情景表演对话做准备。

Step 5 Read and say Listen Read Answer my questions Read in roles Act out


Step6 Make up dialogues

课件中创设了一个情境,假设今天是你的birthday, you want to have a birthday party, but you do not know where the foods are, you go to ask your Mum and Dad.句型混合操练时,我已初步出现了为birthday party 做准备这一情境,然后通过课文的表演,过渡到在新情境中编对话。主要采取先分小组练习,然后进行小组汇报表演的方式完成这一环节。

第三篇:七年级英语下Unit9 作文

七年级英语下Unit9 作文


Name :Li LeiAge :14

Likes :basketball, swimming, drawing, music

Favoritestar :Michael Jordan

Favoritefood: fish and chips

Appearance: short and straight hair , big eyes ,medium,height Wants: a basketball player

I have a good friend,

第四篇:Unit9 A friend in Australia教案

教学内容: Unit9 A friend in Australia


(1)能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称,并能书写其缩写格式。(2)能够就12个月份进行四季划分并会唱Let’s chant。

(3)能够使用句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „


(1)教学重点:能够听、说、认、读12个月份的名称并能书写其缩写形式,能够运用句型:When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „



Step1: Warming –up & Revision

(1)演唱歌曲,What’s your favorite season,并出示四季卡片,学生看图并跟随录音吟唱歌谣。[设计意图]

利用歌词帮助学生复习所学内容,并以此激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。(2)Let’s start

请学生独立做题,一起校对,12张卡片,按三个月每组在黑板上分成四季。(教师事先在黑板上画四个框,将四季的卡片贴在框顶)师生看单词卡片进行对话。如: T:Do you like spring? Ss:Yes , I do.T:What’s the weather like in spring ? Ss:It’s warm.And it’s windy , too.T:What can you do in spring ?

Ss:I can fly kites ,I can plant trees and flowers.[设计意图]



1、教学单词 March April May

(1)T:which month do you like best in spring ?

(如有学生点到March,,就引入March教学,其余两个单词教师可以通过手势,提问学生T:Before/After March,it is„自然引入)(2)指导读并板书






通过展示商标中的英语,能引领学生关注身边的英语。T:Spring is March、April and May.(师总结)

2、教学July June August


T:Oh, summer is after spring, And it’s hot, very very hot.T:Do you like summer ? S:Yes, I do.T:What can you do in summer ? S1:I can swim in the lake.S2:I can eat ice-cream.T:Which month do you like in summer ? 根据学生的回答随机引入单词教学,其余的两个通过after and before引入。(2)指导读并书写.跟读单词July和June,并且比较两个单词中“U”的发音。

T:Now Let’s write the word“July”(June August„)on the blackboard.Please hold up your finger and write it in the air.(教师将单词慢慢地写入黑板上的四线格中,同时让学生书写所学过的单词,并指导字母的占格及写法,同时示范单词的发音。)[设计意图]


(3)师生一起做“Before and After”游戏 T:Now , Let’s play a game.教师向学生宣布游戏规则:在March→August六个单词中,教师随机给出一个单词并举左手或右手,举左手表before,举右手表after,要求学生反应迅速,口齿清晰。[设计意图]


3、教学September October November


T:Oh, September is in fall.Because leaves are yellow and begin to “fall” now.which other two months are in fall? Ss:October and November.教师应注意学生的发音并引导学生拼读及缩写形式,跟读October,辨别两个”O”的发音。


使学生将单词与自己熟悉的数字想联系,可以适当降低学生记单词的难度。(3)找出三个词的共同点,都以-ber结尾等。(师提醒冬天的第一个月即12月也是以ber 结尾的。)

4、教学December January February


T: Now we have the last season-----winter.How cold it is!It snows!But my favorite season is winter.why? Guess ?

S::You like snow? You can play in the snow ? You can make a snow man ? T:((表赞许)You are right.But that is not all.The most important reason is that------my birthday is in winter.师指着剩余的三个月的卡片

T::They are all in winter.One of them is my favorite month.what is it ? S:Is it December?

教师挑出December卡片,帮助学生正确发音,并拼读和书写其简写形式。T::Yes, I like December.But it’s not my favorite month.S: January or February?

师特别注意纠正学生这两个单词的发音,给出清晰的示范,要求学生准确跟读,最后,教师做出回答:My favorite month is February,because my birthday is in February.(师板书: My birthday is in February.)

T: My birthday is in February.When is your birthday?(学生作答)(2)学生之间进行pair work,两人一组练习句型。教师挑选1-2组进行“连锁回答”要求发音清晰、流畅。[设计意图]


1、教师放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读。教师出示月份转盘请学生结合主情景图的内容用“When is your birthday ? My birthday is in „„句型做游戏,复习巩固所学单词。



4、Game1 : listen and show




5、Game2:look and guess

方法:教师只出示字母卡片的第一个字母,让学生猜一猜是哪一个单词。可采用男女生比赛的形式。Step4:Homework :





笔试部分(95分)Ⅴ.单项选择。(15分)()21.—What's the ______ of the tree? —It's 5.3 meters tall.A.price B.build C.height D.color()22.Do you know the girl with big ______? A.nose B.mouth C.face D.eyes()23.______ of the students is doing the homework in the classroom.A.Every B.Each C.Everyone D.All()24.Reading English is a good ______ to practice your English.A.end B.way C.problem D.build()25.Betty doesn't ______ get up early.So she is ______ late for school.A.never;always B.always;often C.always;never D.never;never()26.His brother is very ______ and he is 1.90 meters.A.tall B.high C.short D.long()27.You are too ______.I think you should do more exercise.A.long B.curly C.straight D.heavy()28.—Is David from Australia or Canada? —______.A.Yes,he is from Canada B.Yes,he is from Australia C.He is from Australia and Canada D.He is from Australia()29.—What does Tom look like? —He is not tall or short.He is of ______.A.curly hair B.medium height C.medium build D.big eyes()30.—What does your father ______? —He likes sports.A.like B.likes C.look like D.looks like()31.Peter is a(n)______.He sings and plays the piano in a club.A.doctor B.policeman C.actor D.singer()32.—Lucy doesn't have curly hair.—Yes,she has ______ hair.A.blonde B.short C.straight D.brown()33.My father ______ reading books,but my mother ______.A.doesn't like;doesn't B.likes;like C.doesn't like;does D.likes;does()34.The boy ______ black hair ______ a blue coat.A.has;has B.with;in C.has;wears D.with;wears()35.—Can you ______ your new history teacher to me? —Sure.Our new history teacher is tall with glasses.A.bring B.describe C.take D.talk Ⅵ.完形填空。(10分)Tom and Tim are my best friends at school.We __36__ in Class 3.The two boys are twins(双胞胎).__37__ some students don't know that __38__ are twins,because there are __39__ differences(不同之处)between them.Tom doesn't __40__ Tim.Tom is short,but Tim is tall.Tom is thin,but Tim is a little bit(有点)__41__.Tom doesn't wear glasses.But his twin brother is a boy with glasses.Tom is a __42__ boy.He doesn't like to talk with others,but Tim is always __43__.Tim likes to tell stories.And he is very __44__ in our school.We often say to him,“Hi,Tim.__45__ is the story today?” Isn't that interesting?()36.A.come B.study C.spend D.read()37.A.So B.But C.Or D.Because()38.A.us B.we C.them D.they()39.A.little B.no C.many D.much()40.A.look like B.look at C.look for D.looks like()41.A.young B.cute C.shy D.heavy()42.A.busy B.quiet C.friendly D.lazy()43.A.talk B.talks C.talking D.to talk()44.A.popular B.smart C.relaxed D.strict()45.A.Who B.Why C.How D.What Ⅶ.阅读理解。(30分)

A There is a shy girl in our class.She is thirteen years old.She is not tall and she is not short.She is a little heavy.Her face is round,like an apple.She has two big black eyes and a small nose.Her mouth is big,but her ears are small.Her hair is short and black.She likes red best.But today she is wearing a yellow sweater,blue jeans and brown shoes.She doesn't like getting up early,so she is usually late for school.She likes little animals very much.She has a little black dog.They are good friends.()46.How old is the girl?She is ______.A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14()47.What does she look like? A.She is of medium height and a little heavy.B.She has long black hair and a round face.C.She has two small eyes and a big nose.D.She has a small mouth,big ears and black hair.()48.What color are the girl's shoes? A.Blue.B.Yellow.C.Green.D.Brown.()49.What is the girl's favorite color? A.Red.B.Yellow.C.Green.D.Brown.()50.What does the girl like?She likes ______.A.little toys B.little animals C.big animals D.her cat

B I can't find my sister,Kelly!She is only four.She is a little heavy with short blonde hair.She has a long face and big blue eyes.She wears a red dress and white sports shoes.She has a toy in her hands.If you see her,please call Nancy at 935-3594.Thanks a lot!We are looking for this person.He is short and is of medium build.He has a beard(胡须).His eyes are small and he has a round face.He usually wears a yellow shirt and jeans.If you see him,please call 110.()51.Kelly is ______ years old.A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7()52.Kelly's eyes are ______ and her hair is ______.A.black;short B.blue;yellow C.blue;blonde D.black;long()53.You can call ______ if you see Kelly.A.935-3594 B.925-3594 C.935-2594 D.931-3594()54.The man usually wears ______.A.a red dress B.a yellow shirt and jeans C.sports shoes D.a white short and jeans()55.We know ______ from the passage(文章). A.someone(某人)is looking for Kelly B.the man is tall C.Kelly is a student D.Nancy is Kelly's mother

C Mr.Wang,don't move(移动).Let me draw a picture for you.First,let me draw your __56__.They are bright and big.They always look at me kindly.I will draw your __57__ now.Do you remember what color it was(是)when I first met(遇见)you?It was black and long.A.但是现在你的头发全部都白了。I draw and draw,but I can't do well.Now,I know why.B.If(如果)_I_can_be_a_teacher_one_day,then_I_can_draw_your_picture_well.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。

任务一:文中有两处描写老师的外貌,请根据短文内容,分别填入相应的名词。56.________ 57.________ 任务二:选择括号中的单词完成句子。

58.We know the teacher may be ________(young,old)now.任务三:将画线部分A的句子翻译成英语。

59.________________________________________________________________________ 任务四:将画线部分B的句子翻译成汉语。

60.________________________________________________________________________ Ⅷ.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项为多余选项。(10分)W:What are you doing? M:I'm reading a letter from my pen pal.W:61.______ M:A girl.W:What country does she come from? M:62.______ W:What does she look like? M:63.______ W:Is she tall? M:64.______Look at her photo,please!W:Oh,she's beautiful.65.______ M:Only a little.A.She has curly hair and is of medium build.B.Can she speak Chinese? C.Is your pen pal a boy or a girl? D.She's from America.E.What's your pen pal's name? F.No,she isn't.G.She is a student.Ⅸ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(5分)66.别等我。我会在五分钟后到达电影院。

Don't wait for me.I will get to the ________ five minutes ________. 67.那两个男演员都很英俊。

The two ________ are both ________. 68.你能描述一下那个人长什么样子吗?

Can you ________ ________ that ________ looks like? 69.最后,警察们抓住了真正的罪犯。

________ ________ ________,the police caught the ________ ________. 70.不要把脏衣服放在床上。

Don't ________ the ________ clothes ________ the bed.Ⅹ.阅读短文,根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。(10分)Joe Brown is a police artist.Do you k__71__ him?And what does he l__72__ like?Let me d__73__ him.He is of m__74__ height.But he is a l__75__ heavy.He has short c__76__ brown hair.He always wears a pair of g__77__.And he has a r__78__ face.He has a big n__79__.He also has a big m__80__.Can you remember? 71.________



74.________ 75.________



78.________ 79.________

80.________ Ⅺ.书面表达。(15分)请根据下面的提示,用英语写一则寻人启事。60词左右。





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