大班英语教案 I like,but I dont like

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第一篇:大班英语教案 I like,but I dont like

I like …, but I don’t like…


1.引导幼儿在各种愉快的情境中运用”I like …”的句型,能理解其意义并掌握正确发音,能听懂”What do you like ?”。

2.在熟念掌握”I like …”句型后,试着运用句型”I don’t like …”来表达自己不喜欢的事物。


儿歌音乐,图片(蝴蝶,香蕉,胡萝卜,鱼),动物玩偶(猴子,兔子,猫),动物图表,黑板画“小猴下山” 活动过程:

Step1: Greettings.T: Good morning, Girls and boys.S: Good morning, Miss Qin.T: How are you today ?

S: I am fine.T: What day is today ?

S: Today is …….Step2: Warm up “hello hello”

“Two little funny birds”

“Fly fly the butterfly”

Step3: 唱完儿歌“Fly fly the butterfly”后,出示蝴蝶的图片.T:“Do you like the butterfly? “

S: “yes,I do.”

T:”I like butterflies.Today,there are many animals come to our class ,who are they?

Monkey:Hello,I am a monkey,I like bananas.Rabbit: Hello,I am a rabbit, I like carrots.Cat: Hello, I am a cat, I like fish.T: What animals say “hello” to you ? S:Monkey、Rabbit、Cat.T: Monkey says “I like bananas”。

Rabbit says:“ I like carrot”.Cat says“ I like fish.”(请小朋友扮演猴子、小兔、小猫,老师问小朋友答。扮演猴子的小朋友做出相应的动作并回答老师的问题。)

T:What do you like?

Monkey: I like banana.(扮演小猫、小兔的小朋友按以上的方法进行,加深他们对句型的理解。)拿出pet shop与幼儿进行练习

T: I am the pet shop assistant,What animals do you like ? 如抓到一只小羊玩偶,可以说”I like sheep.”

S: I like …(将幼儿说到的动物取下,送给孩子。)Step4: 出示黑板画及多媒体图片。引出“猴子掰玉米的故事”

One day, the monkey come to a corn field.WOW, “I like corns.”He break off

a corn.He went on descending the hill.Walking Walking Walking Walking,jump jump jump jump, he come to a

peach tree.It’s big and sweet.”I like peaches ,I don’t like corns.”

Walking Walking Walking Walking, jump jump jump jump,he come to a

Watermelon field.It’s round and big.” I like watermelons, I don’t like


Walking Walking Walking Walking, jump jump jump jump,he found a

rabbit.“I like rabbit.” Run run run

Where is the rabbit? He is sad.The monkey will go home with nothing.出示monkey 所说的话的句子。

So we can’t be of two minds.那只小猴子真贪心,结果到头来,反而什么都没留下。Step5:Games 1.在黑板上准备两个板块,I like…另一个是I don’t like….出示水果篮用同样的方式练习。T&S: Cindy, Cindy what do you like ?

出示颜色图卡练习句型”I like…but I don’t like….”,奖励能够清楚表述的幼儿。幼儿一边说,一边将颜色或者水果卡片取下贴到相应的板块。2.操作。示范作业纸。I have a paper,let’s see I like banana,but I don’t like mango.what about you ? please take out your papers.Step6

End T: Today, we learned “I like „„”除了喜欢动物,水果,你还喜欢什么呀?随机引导 e.g.Do you like this flower? Do you like Daddy/Mummy? Chant I like coffee I like tea

T: very very good very very cool,oh oh super.让我们表扬表扬自己

Say “Bye bye” to everybody.


第一篇:快乐英语动动动 快乐英语动动动 Get on the bus!Get off the bus!Eat your cake!Drink your juice!能听指令做出动作get onoff the bus!Eat your cake!Drink your cake。能指出juice 和cake。体验英语活动的快乐。画有cake 和juice 的卡片、闪卡、榔头,磁带。

一、Greeting.Hello, LiLi!

二、Warm up(暖身活动)Teacher: Stand up.Let‟t sing a song.Sit down.三、New Content.1、教师先以图片教小朋友bus。

2、Get on the bus!get off the bus!TPR 互动 hitting game 请幼儿做敲击游戏。

3、学习cake juice

4、老师以动作显示饥饿,引出词组eat your cake。待蛋糕吃完,老师突然做嗌住状,引出词组drink your juice,并和小朋友互动。TPR 互动bomb game

5、Let’s play a game a.Gueing card

b.wolf 游戏


四、结束Say ”bye bye.”

第二篇:bread sausage milk coffee bread sausage milk coffee Teaching aims: new word : bread sausage milk coffee 2 Revision : little car, milk What day i today? How are you? How old are you? Teaching said: picture age reorder music Teaching te : te 1: Greetings T: verybody, stand up!

S: Stand up!Stand up!I stand up!T: Good morning boy and girl!S: Good morning Amy!T: Sit down please!

S: Sit down!Sit down!I sit down!T 2 :warm up T: What day is today ? S:Today is Monday.T: How are you?

S: Fine, Thank you and you?

T:I‟m fine too!And how old are you?

S:I’m fivesix.(每个问提都分别叫幼儿回答或齐答)Ste 3 Revision 全班小朋友一起读歌谣little car, milk Ste 4 Lear ew words

T:I‟m very hungry.Do you have anything give me to eat ? S:NO!O!O!

T:Rellay ?what’ that ?(旁边有一个小袋子装了些东西,突然发现,叫一名幼儿拿来看看,里面是否有吃的)T:Haa!what’ this? we call it bread.S: Bread!

T:Good!(带读,也可叫幼儿起来自己读,每个单词读5 遍以上,而且要使幼儿都会认读。然后把图片贴在黑板上,这样一一引出其它3 个新的单词:milk coffee sausage.最后一起复习)Ste 5 play game 预备的一张画贴在黑板上,一个叫BORBOR 的人推着早餐车,让小朋友们帮忙,但是要知道它们的英语怎样说才可以卖完,一个人大喊:“Bread,bread,who want to buy a read ?It’ very delicious!”随后全班的幼儿一起问:“Bread,bread,在哪里?”然后又叫一名幼儿上来找出所要买的英语卡片大声的说:“Bread,bread,在这里!”以同样的方式来卖出其它的早餐,再给予奖励。

Ste 6 sing a song –Teddy bear.ORBOR 为里感谢大家放的。

Ste 7 It‟ time to say goodbye.第三篇:大班英语教学What’s this ? 名称:What’s this ?


1、能听懂句型“What’s this?”,会用“It’s a„„”句型回答问题。





一、Please stand up.Trun back.Let‟s say “Good morning,teacher.” There‟re many teachers at here, we‟re ha y and gay.Now.Let’s sing a song《Hello, Good morning》.Turn back.Sit down please.二、T: Today is Thursday.What‟s the weather like today? C: It‟s fine.T: On, it‟ fine.Let‟s go to the zoo, ok?

C: Ok!T: Let‟s riding in my car.Are you ready?


1、Oh, how beautiful it is? Look, what‟s this? — It’s a panda.(集体 — 个2 人)Yes, it‟s a panda.What‟s this? — It’s a m&;#111nkey.(集体 — 个3 人)

2、Now, listen.T: “汪汪汪”,Who’s this? — It’s a dog.(集)(出示卡片)— Oh, it‟s a dog.T:“喵喵喵”,Who’s this? — It’s a cat.(集 — 第一、二组2 人)

3、Look, what’s this? — It’s a elephant.(集 — 男

2、女1 人)方法同上复习fish、bird、wolf、tiger。

4、Who’s coming? Look, what’s this?(老师做兔跳)— It’s a ra it.(4 人)

5、新授①出示“羊”的卡片。T: What‟s this? Now, let‟s read it together.Please read after me,“sheep”.幼儿开火车练习,纠正错误读音。What‟s this? Please go on.— It‟s a sheep.②出示“狮子”的卡片。学习“lion”,方法同上。What‟s this? — It’s a lion.(8、9 人)

四、Now, listen and act.1.老师说英文单词。幼儿找相应卡片。排对看谁又快又对。monky、dog、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion。

2.Look and say.(按顺序读一遍)

五、We’ll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.(老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉)

T: Dog!C:(学狗叫,四散跑)T: The wolf is coming.C:(停止发出声音,蹲下)……………………(还可以让幼儿轮流上来做)Who wants to try?

六、Now, it’s too late.Let’s go home.Boys and girls, let’s sing a song《Good bye》.结束。

第四篇:Draw a line 活动名称:Draw a line




3、利用draw a „„造句子

教学准备: 线,三角形、圆形、心形的卡片,黑板,图片


1、用英语日常用语进行对话 ——Good morning,How are you?What your name?How old are you?


3、出示短线(从一个口袋里慢慢拉出一条短线)教幼儿Line,让幼儿跟读line, 提问Where is the line??? Where?(让幼儿指出哪里有line)寻找

4、再从另一个口袋里慢慢拉出一条长线,告诉幼儿long , long line, long line,让幼儿跟读,再出示前面的短线,教short , short line , short line,边教边用手比画。

5、出示黑板(简略说明黑板的英语名称),在黑板上画条线,边画边说draw draw draw a line , Draw,(做动作,让幼儿记下此单词)Follow me , draw,draw a line , Look, What’s the shape ?(出示圆形的图片)Circle ,Oh , draw a circle , draw a circle , ——draw, drew , draw a heart ,draw a flower, Ok,Who can try ?(老师请一位小朋友上台玩游戏,被请上的幼儿背对着下面的小朋友,老师出示图片,下面的小朋友便读出,例下面的小朋友看到circle 时便说draw a circle,讲台上的幼儿听到指令后便在黑板上画上circle)


7、让幼儿Stand up ,listen to the DVD 听音乐,边学做律动边慢慢地Go pee pee。

8、Class is over.第五篇:What's this ? 名称:What's this ? 要求:

1、能听懂句型“What’s this?”,会用“It’s a„„”句型回答问题。

2、复习单词:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish

3、学习新词:sheep、lion 准备:录音机、磁带、背景图、图片、人手一份动物卡片。过程:

一、Please stand up.Trun back.Let‟s say “Good morning,teacher.” There‟re many teachers at here,we‟re ha y and gay.Now.Let’s sing a song《Hello,Good morning》.Turn back.Sit down please.二、T: Today is Thursday.What‟s the weather like today? C: It‟s fine.T: On, it‟ fine.Let‟s go to the zoo,ok? C: Ok!T: Let‟s riding in my car.Are you ready?


1、Oh, how beautiful it is? Look, what‟s this? — It’s a panda.(集体 — 个2 人)Yes, it‟s a panda.What‟s this? — It’s a m&;#111nkey.(集体 — 个3 人)

2、Now, listen.T: “汪汪汪”,Who’s this? — It’s a dog.(集)(出示卡片)— Oh, it‟s a dog.T:“喵喵喵”,Who’s this? — It’s a cat.(集 — 第一、二组2 人)

3、Look, what’s this? — It’s a elephant.(集 — 男

2、女1 人)方法同上复习fish、bird、wolf、tiger。

4、Who’s coming? Look, what’s this?(老师做兔跳)— It’s a ra it.(4 人)

5、新授①出示“羊”的卡片。T: What‟s this? Now, let‟s read it together.Please read after me,“sheep”.幼儿开火车练习,纠正错误读音。What‟s this? Please go on.— It‟s a sheep.②出示“狮子”的卡片。学习“lion”,方法同上。What‟s this? — It’s a lion.(8、9 人)

四、Now, listen and act.1.老师说英文单词。幼儿找相应卡片。排对看谁又快又对。monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion。2.Look and say.(按顺序读一遍)

五、We’ll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.(老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉)T: Dog!C:(学狗叫,四散跑)T: The wolf is coming.C:(停止发出声音,蹲下)……………………(还可以让幼儿轮流上来做)Who wants to try?

六、Now, it’s too late.Let’s go home.Boys and girls, let’s sing a song《Good bye》.结束。第六篇:大班英语:Red Yellow Blue and Green 活动目标:

1、在复习颜色red、yellow、blue 和green,的基础上,让幼儿学会听懂问句“what color?” 并能用“red、yellow、blue„„”来回答。

2、能将所学四种颜色的英语名称:red(红)、yellow(黄)、blue(蓝)、green(绿)用于学过的单词前或一句话中。如It is a red bird.



一、导入,复习四种颜色。游戏:以小组的形式开展比赛,小组叫红队,蓝队,黄队和绿队。(孩子们,欢迎你们来到幸运35 的现场,我是主持人 MI ZHONG,我将和你们一起度过一个愉快的35 分钟,你们准备好了吗?)(每个幼儿手臂上系上一根有四中颜色的带子,分别以它们的颜色命名。)比赛一 出示颜色大转盘,上面有各种颜色,老师捐到什么颜色,请小朋友用英语说出来,速度由慢到快。比赛二 老师:“Boys and girls.Let’s play a game!What's mi ing?”(现在我们来玩个游戏,什么花不见了?)Please close your eyes.(教师任意取走一种颜色,然后请幼儿)Please open your eyes,请幼儿观看后说出Red(yellow、green、blue)flower 不见了。


1、老师“我们知道了四种颜色的英语名称,那如果我们问一种东西是什么颜色,应该怎样说呢?”应该这样问:What color is it?(它是什么颜色的?)回答是:It's red(是红色的)It's yellow(是黄色的)It's blue(是蓝色的)It's green(是绿色的)

2、老师分别指着花和颜色转盘上的颜色,提问:What color is it? 幼儿用It's„„回答。寻找书上的红黄蓝绿。(比赛)colour game: colour the card.T: this is a picture, who is she? C: she is mermaid.T: please colour the hair yellow.Colour the hand pink…… T: please put your picture in the basket.3、游戏:《搭汽车》 教师出示一个红色的圈“It’s a ring.What color is it?”幼儿回答: 教师手持红色圈作开车状“I am a driver.”(我是一名司机,现在我的汽车开到谁的面前,回答 对了我的问题,就请上车)教师随《小司机》音乐手持方向盘开车,绕场一周,停到任意一个幼儿面前,指着其衣服颜色提问:“What color is it?”幼儿回答:It's„„回答正确。教师作请上车手势,幼儿跟在老师身后开汽车,游戏反复进行。

4、游戏《红绿灯》 ①教师“刚才老师扮演了司机,你们也来当一回小司机好吗?请小司机们每人拿一个塑料圈当作方向盘,小司机们先想想,在十字路口看见红绿灯应该怎样做。” ②幼儿手握圆圈随《小司机》音乐开汽车,音乐停。红灯亮:教师提问:Little drivers,Look!What color is it? It's red. Red light stop.(红灯停)黄灯亮:教师“What color is it? It's yellow.Yellow light wait.(黄灯等)绿灯亮:教师”What color is it? It’s green.Green light go.(绿灯行)游戏可反复一次 游戏:我说你做,给每个幼儿一张纸,在纸上给邮局,消防车,大海,圣诞树上涂上颜色。结束: 出示三原色,做变色的实验,引出新的颜色,下一节课再学习。That’s all for today.Cla is over.Bye―bye.Boys and girls. 第七篇:大班英语教案These are 教学名称:英语 教学内容:These are 教学目标:

1、复习It's 句型

2、学习These are 句型 教学准备:图片若干,实物若干 教学过程:

1、Say good morning

2、T:What day is today?

3、What’s the weather like today?

4、Let’s do a worm up,ok? You have one,I have one Two little children see a big man You have two,I have two Four little children go to school You have three,I have three Six little children plant many trees You have four,I have four Eight little children stand at the door You have five,I have five Ten little children stand in a line

5、T:Ok,very good,give me five yeah!

6、出示第一张白色兔子图片 T:What's this? Yes,it's a ra it.Now read after me :It's a ra it What color is it? Yes, it's white

7、出示第二张蓝色兔子图片 方法同上

8、出示第三张绿色兔子图片 方法同上

9、引出句型These are


11、T:Now let's have a rest,ok?

12、教师走到黑板后将画有各种图案的图片扔出来,等幼儿帮忙拾起后,逐一问 What are these?引导幼儿回答These are

13、What are these? C:These are horses.Tet's act horses,ok? These are horses,these are horses,turn around;these are horses,these are horses,yu.......stop!14: T:What are these? C:These are ducks.Tet's act ducks,ok? These are ducks,these are ducks,ga ga ga,these are ducks,these are ducks,ga ga ga 15:What are these? These are birds.What are these? These are rats.16:Now I ask a girl to a wer me,what are these? Yes, very good,give me five,yeah!15:15:312006 年11 月12 日 17et's go to the zoo,ok? 复习句型 第八篇:单词grey、pocket 单词grey、pocket 活动目的:


2、学习单词grey、pocket,正确认读和区分grey 和green 的发音。活动准备:大布袋一只,彩盒一个。袋鼠图片以及彩色的袋鼠词性拼图。预设活动过程:

1、出示大口袋,带领幼儿学习pocket。T:What is this? T:Pocket,This is a pocket。T&;am C:Pocket,Pocket,This is a pocket。

2、取出口袋中的大彩盒,引导幼儿抛彩盒,学习grey。T:This is a color square。There are many colors on It。What color is it? C:WhiteBrownBlueBlackGreen。T:What color is it? T:Yes,grey,grey,grey,grey。T:I see„Who will try?

3、复习韵律儿歌“I see„” T:We see green,black,grey„Now,Let is read the rhyme“I see„”,One,two,start。

4、引导幼儿学习谜语儿歌“Kangaroo”,初步感知和理解儿歌的内容。T:I am grey。I can jump,What am I? T:I am grey,I have a big pocket。I can jump,What am I?

5、猜谜游戏活动: T:What are you? T&;am C:I am grey ,I have a big pocket, I am„What am I? 第九篇:What do you have?(大班)What do you have? Cla :Grad 3 I tructor:stellar Time:Jun、3th,2006 Objectives:

1、学习新句型“what do you have?I have„„”并尝试结合以前所学的学习用品的单词来进行表达;

2、大胆和同伴一起用新句型对话。Teaching Aids: 每人一个小书包 一件小围裙 小熊木偶一个 Procedures: I:Warming-up: T:Good morning,boys and girls!We will begin our cla.Are you ready?(yes!)Let‟s sing a song.(Hello song)IIresentation: Tlease close your eyes.One two three.Open your eyes.What’s this?(老师拿出来一只书包)S:It‟s a bagpack.T:Yes.It‟s a bagpack.It‟s Teddy‟s bagpack.Gue!What‟s in the bagpack? S:It‟s a pencil.(book pencil-box ru er)T 儿歌)What do you have?What’s do you have? Teddy:Gue.Gue.Gue!T:I don‟t know.I don‟t know.Teddy:I have a book.I have a book.(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)IIIractice Teddy: Have you a bagpack?Please open your bagpack.What do you have?What do you have? T and S:Gue.Gue.Gue!Teddy:I don‟t know.I don‟t know.T and s:I have a book(pencil,pencil-box,ru er)T:You can find a friend and ask eachother:“What do you have?” Tet’s play a game.When the music begin,you music find a friend and stand back to back.When the music sto ,you need to turn around and ask “What do you have?”The another one anwser“I have a„„”(学习用品事先已经放在小围裙里)Tet’s sing a song.(改编自hello song)(歌词)Hi,hello.How are you?I’m fine.I’m fine.What do you have?I have a(pencil pencil-box ru er book).How are you!How are you!T:You are very good!See you next time.Byebye.第十篇:大班英语教案《How much》 大班英语教案《How much》 活动目的和要求:

1、复习句型:I put on my „I have „及儿歌“Traffic Lights”。重点练习句型:Show me a „ How much




1、师生互相问好:“Good morning boys and girls.” “How are you?” “Fine, thank you。” “Nice to see you。”

2、师生互动,复习儿歌《Very good》《Ha y》《Give me five》

3、组织幼儿做睡觉、梳洗、吃饭等动作,复习句型:Let’s go to bed.It’s one o’clock„ It’s seven o’clock.Get up.I put on my shirt „I brush my teeth.I wash my face„I have breakfast„

4、师出示红绿灯,提问:“What’s this?”It’s a red light.(yellow lightgreen light)

5、幼儿游戏:乘车。师扮司机,幼儿当乘客。乘客逐一买票,询问司机:“How much ?” 司机回答后方可上车。放音乐,带领幼儿做开汽车状,练习儿歌:“Traffic Lights”

6、师带领幼儿回座位坐好。出示货架、货物等,进行情景表演。师扮售货员,幼儿扮顾客。售货员:“卖东西啦,快来买好东西啦!”顾客:“Please show me a ball(pencilpearbook„)” 售货员:“Here you are.”顾客:“How much ?”售货员:“One yuan„”幼儿依次进行练习对话。巩固句型:Show me a„How much?

7、放录音,带领幼儿做动作结束活动。第十一篇:The very hungry caterpillar 活动名称: The very hungry caterpillar 活动目标:



3、愉快积极参与有关英语游戏,体验英语活动的乐趣。活动准备: 一个神秘箱、一个果篮 一条毛毛虫 各种毛毛虫食物的头饰及图片 根据故事情节制作的Flash 课件 根据故事情节制作的图谱 活动过程:

1、猜一猜(1)将部分毛毛虫的食物及毛毛虫放在神秘箱里,让幼儿摸其中一样, 然后猜一猜摸到的是什么,然后拿出来验证猜测结果。教师首先示范, 用动作提示幼儿操作。Look, it’s a secret box.What’s in it ? I will feel one kind of, will feel what it is?幼儿摸到毛毛虫,教师说 the caterpillar can-------(用动作引导幼儿说creep)。(2)T: a le is sweet, do you want to eat ? s: Yes。T:caterpillar is sweet ,do you want to eat? T: a le pinea le banana orange peach and pear are all sweet ,we like eating them,and the caterpillar also likes eating them.what did the caterpillar eat ? let‟s see.2、欣赏课件,了解故事内容。(1)完整欣赏课件,让幼儿初步了解故事内容。(2)教师讲述故事,让幼儿进一步理解故事内容。T :one Sunday morning ,the caterpillar was hungry, on Monday the caterpillar ate one a le, but he was still hungry(星期天的早晨毛毛虫很饿,星期一它吃了 一个苹果,但是它还是饿)T: where is the a le,stand up ?(老师问孩子苹果在哪里)S: I’m here(幼儿根据各自的头饰做扮演的角色来回答)。T: what did the caterpillar eat on Monday ?S: a le.T:how many a les did the caterpillar eat? S: one.教师出示图谱,让幼儿验证自己的回答。T&;am say on Monday the caterpillar ate one a le(师幼一起回顾故事情节,每说一天回顾一次)(后面每天都这样进行。)T :on Sunday again, the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar, he was going to sleep…… Oh, he was a beautiful butterfly!(3)老师再次讲述故事,幼儿听故事给图片排序。T: look , the caterpillar became a big, fat caterpillar ,because it’s eat lots of food.What did the caterpillar eat from Monday to Saturday ? can you arrange these pictures with the story?(看,毛毛虫变得又大又胖,因为它吃了很多东西。毛毛虫从星期一到星期六都吃了些什么东西啊,你能边听故事边将这些图片按毛毛虫吃东西的顺序排列一下吗?)(4)幼儿对照自己的图谱,与教师一起复述故事。


4、歌曲《butterfly》律动,结束活动。T: the caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly!Now let‟s have a dance ,ok? 第十二篇:Happy Tour 出处:上海市闵行区闵行第四幼儿园 作者:刘苑 教学要求:

1、在情景中,有兴趣地学习区分和说出英文单词 money、peach,并复习已学单词 apple、































大班英语教学What’s this ?

名称:What’s this ?


1、能听懂句型“What’s this?”,会用“It’s a……”句型回答问题。

2、复习单词:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish




一、Please stand up.Trun back.Let’s say “Good morning,teacher.”

There’re many teachers at here,we’re ha y and gay.Now.Let’s sing a song《Hello,Good morning》.Turn back.Sit down please.二、T: Today is Thursday.What’s the weather like today?

C: It’s fine.T: On, it’ fine.Let’s go to the zoo,ok?

C: Ok!

T: Let’s riding in my car.Are you ready?


1、Oh, how beautiful it is?

Look, what’s this?

— It’s a panda.(集体 — 个2人)

Yes, it’s a panda.What’s this?

— It’s a m&;#111nkey.(集体 — 个3人)

2、Now, listen.T: “汪汪汪”,Who’s this?

— It’s a dog.(集)(出示卡片)— Oh, it’s a dog.T:“喵喵喵”,Who’s this?

— It’s a cat.(集 — 第一、二组2人)

3、Look, what’s this?

— It’s a elephant.(集 — 男



4、Who’s coming? Look, what’s this?(老师做兔跳)

— It’s a ra it.(4人)


T: What’s this? Now, let’s read it together.Please read after me,“sheep”.幼儿开火车练习,纠正错误读音。

What’s this? Please go on.— It’s a sheep.②出示“狮子”的卡片。


What’s this?

— It’s a lion.(8、9人)

四、Now, listen and act.1.老师说英文单词。



monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion。

2.Look and say.(按顺序读一遍)

五、We’ll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.(老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉)

T: Dog!


T: The wolf is coming.C:(停止发出声音,蹲下

(还可以让幼儿轮流上来做)Who wants to try? Boys and girls, let’s sing a song《Good bye》.结束。.


大班蒙氏英语:come on, baby 活动目标:


2、进一步熟悉每个角色的台词,能用英语说出台词“I have a long neck.” “I am your mom!Come on,baby!I love your!I love you too!” 活动准备:


2、动画VCD 活动过程:




教师出示小鸟长颈鹿和鸟妈妈的头饰,表演小鸟长颈鹿和鸟妈妈的对话。“I am not your mom.I have a long neck.Cheep, Cheep.Are you my mom?-Mom, Mom, I want mom.-I am your mom!Come on , baby!I love you!-I love you too!” 幼儿模仿跟读。








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