
时间:2019-05-15 04:55:05下载本文作者:会员上传



Lesson 1 Xi’an is a beautiful city本课谈论的是旅游方面的话题,对话内容侧重于旅游前的准备活动。通过学习使学生乐于并能主动和别人用英语谈论旅游的话题。学生要掌握一些和旅游活动相关的句子和短语,例如Where are you going? Who will take you there?Are you ready for your trip? have a good time.还有学生要会说一些旅游景点的名称。例如,Qinshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses(兵马俑),the Gteat Wall(长城), the Bell Tower(钟楼), the West Lake(西湖)。

教学目的及重难点分析: 1.会说会用这些句子: Where are you goingI’m going to „(名胜古迹名称)Who will take you there 2.能听懂会说会用名胜古迹名称:Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses;The Bell Tower;the Great Wall;the Weat Lake.3.理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:I’m going to „ I will„ 4.会说会用常用语:take a picture of„ be ready for have a good time 课前准备: 1.教师准备一些同学们都比较熟悉的景点照片或CAI 课件图片:兵马俑,钟楼,长城,西湖等。

2.同学们准备一些和爸爸妈妈一起照的景点合影。教学过程: 热身(Warming up)教师通过手偶A和B的对话引出本课所要学习的重点句型和重点短语。A: What are you doing now? B:I’m buying a train ticketWhy are you here? A:I want to buy a train ticket, too.B:Where are you going? A:I’m going to go to Sichuan.B:Who will take you there? A:My brother.Where are you going? B:Beijing.I’ll visit my grandparents.A:Beijing is a famous city.Do take more photos and have a good time.B:Thank youThe same to you.A:Goodbye.B:Byebye.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师利用CAI课件上的景点图片或是照片讲解本课重点词汇和句型。1)景点词汇教授。


It’s very famous and great.It’s in Xi’an.It’s about the Qin Dynasty.从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词-----Qin Shi huang ’s Terra-cotta Warriors And Horses The Bell Tower 钟楼

The West Lake 西湖

The Great Wall 长城 教法从上。


This is the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses It’s in Xi’an.It’s famous and great.This is the Bell Tower.It’s in Xi’an.It’s famous and beautiful.This is the West Lake.It’s in Hangzhou

It’s famous and nice 2 语言点讲述

1.教师拿出一张照片,询问 What’s this? 学生回答 It’s a picture.或It’s a photo.从而引出短语照相 take a picture of some place take a photo of some placee.g take a picturephoto of the Bell Tower 课文中在take some pictures 之前加上do, 用来加强语气,可理解为“一定要”。For example,Do take some pictures of The Bell Tower when you are in Xi’an 2.be ready for sth 为„做好准备

例如:Are you ready for English test? 3.have a good time 玩得高兴 还可以说 have a nicewonderful time.3 语法点讲述

教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作。有两种表达法:be going to do something will do something 教师出示各个景点图片,师生互动,进行问答练习。Where are you going? I’m going to go to Beijing.Who will take you there? My father will take me there.3.小结 本课重点学习了著名景点的名称,要求学生不但要熟练掌握景点名词,并且能用简单的形容词来修饰。


Listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.(播放录音)A: What is Robin going to do B: He is going to buy the air ticket to Xi’anA: Who will take him thereB: His parents will take him thereA: Which place is the most famous one in Xi’anB: Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 5.Do the exercise of Let’s Practice 11 I’m going to Xi’an.X k B 1c o mI’ll take some pictures of Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 2 I’m going to Shandong I’ll take some pictures of Mount Tain 3 I’m goin gto Hangzhou I’ll take some pictures of the West Lake.Lesson 2 I am a visitor here 本课谈论的仍然是旅游话题,但侧重与在旅馆里,服务员和旅客之间简单的对话。学生要掌握与人交往的基本礼仪句型。Where are you from? Is it the first time you come to„? How did you come here?同时学生还应该掌握个别国家名称,例如England,America,Australia和France。

教学目标: 语言目标


England, English, Austraia, Australian, France, French.2.掌握会说会运用以下句型

Where are you from I’m from „ Is it the first time you come to„I hope you will enjoy yourself here.How did you come here I came here by „


培养学生热情,礼貌,积极,友好的待人态度。教学重点难点分析: 听说读写关于国家名称的单词England, English, Austraia, Australian, France, French 和visitor, hotel.学习并掌握对话内容,相互之间进行模拟练习,并将其灵活运用于实际生活中,着重掌握以上教学目标里的重点句型。

课前准备: 教师准备录音机,磁带,课文中涉及的关于国家的图片,地图或地球仪。

学生准备自制的关于国家名称的卡片以及交通工具的卡片 教学过程: 1.热身(Warming up)教师通过和手偶对话来引出本课的重点句型。A:My name is John.I’m a visitor hereB: Welcome to our city.Can I help you A: I have visitied Qing Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses.It’s great.Where can I go else B: You can go to see the Bell Tower.It’s in the center of Xi’an A: It sounds greatB: Is it the first time for you to come to Xi’an A: Yes.Xi’an is a great city B: Excuse me.Where are you from A: I’m from America B: I hope you will have a good time here A: Thank you very much B: It’s my pleasure.2.新课展示(New Presentation): 教师利用手中的卡片和教具来教授本课的重点单词和句型以及语言现象。教师向学生讲解今天我们要学习的第一个内容,学习如何在旅游时和旅客进行简单交谈,如何向别人询问国籍以及旅游出行方式等。首先来学习如何询问别人的国籍,有三种问法:(教师在黑板上写出以下句子)Where are you from? Where do you come from? What’s your nationality?国籍

所以回答也就有三种答法:(写出来)I’m from „ I come from„

My nationality is„ 在答句后面一般要跟国家名称, 教师出示自己的国家名称图片,在教授的过程中,教师要让学生非常清楚的了解到国家名称和关于这个国家的两类词汇之间的区别,特别是在拼写和语音上, For example,中国 ??? China(Chinese 中国人的,汉语)英国??? England English 英国人的,英语 法国?? France(French 法国人的,法语)澳大利亚??? Australia(Australian 澳大利人的)美国 America(American,美国人的)所以当别人问起你来自哪个国家时,你可以有两种回答的方法: I’m from China.I’m a Chinese.I’m from Australia.I’m an Australian.接下来我们要询问别人的出行方式时,我们可以说 How do you come to„? 教师将这个重要句型写在黑板上,在回答时,我们要用副词短语 “by„”

出示短语by bike------骑自行车 by car-----驾驶汽车 by bus----乘公共汽车 by plane----乘坐飞机 by ship---乘坐轮船 on foot---步行

教师出示关于交通工具的图片先让学生来复习,然后师生之间可以有一些简单的对话.A: How do you go to school? B: I go to school by bus.A: Hpw did you go to work? B: I go to work by car.教师还可以和学生之间有一个比较简单的猜猜看游戏。教师可以拿出地图或者地球仪,指着上面的城市来进行询问。

A: How do you go to Hainan? B: Maybe I go there by train.A:How do you go to Sichuan? B:Maybe I go there by train.在课文中还有一个比较重要的短语 “enjoy yourself”(出示短语和意思)玩得开心。

教师向学生解释这个短语和 ‘have a good time’意思一样。一般用在祝福别人旅途愉快时。





学生进行对话,最后教师可以挑选一部分学生在全班进行展示。4.听课文录音回答问题。(播放课文录音)A: Where is Helen from? B:He is from Astralia.A:Is it the first time for him to come to Xi’an? B:Yes, it is.A: How did he come here? B:By plane.5Do the exercise of Let’s practise ⅠI’m a stranger here.It’s my first time to Yunnan.I like walking in the village and see the hens and cows.Well , I don’t like the buses in the city.I like sleeping in a hotel and eating in a restaraut.I’ll visit Lijiang ancient city and Dali city and go shopping.6Do the exercise of Let’s practise Ⅱ 1.A: This is the first time we come to Qindao B: Welcome to our city!Where are you from A: We’re from France B: How did you come here A: By train B: I hope you will enjoy yourself here 2.A: This is the first time we come to Sichuan B: Welcome to our city.Where are you from A: We’re from America B: How did you come here A: By train B: I hope you will enjoy yourselves here 3.A: This is the first time we come to Beijing.B: Welcome to our city.Where are you rom? A: We’re from Australia.B: How did you come here? A: By ship.B: I hope you will enjoy yourselves here 4.A: This is the first time we come to Hangzhou B: Welcome to our city.Where are you from? A: We're from England.B: How did you come here? A: By plane.B: I hope you will enjoy yourselves here.Lesson 3 How was your trip前两课我们已经学习了一些旅行前和旅行过程中的相关对话。这一课,我们将学习如何用英语向别人介绍自己在旅程中的所见,所闻及感受。例如旅游感受 How was your trip to„?天气 Was the weather OK?所见 What did you see in the city? 食物 What do you think of the food there? 教学目标:1会认会说会写会用以下单词 enjoy, weather, delicious, trip 2询问别人旅游感受的一些句型 How was your trip to „ It was great.I enjoyed it 谈论天气所需要的一些句型 Was the weather OK Yes, but a little bit hot 谈论所见所闻的一些句型 What do you think of the food thereVery delicious 学生不但要理解会说以上的一些基本句型,还要能灵活运用在情景中。

教学重点和难点分析: 1.学生能做到会听会说会认会写这单词

enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.2.通过学生之间的情景对话使学生能够扎实掌握询问别人旅游感受的句型,并能在模拟对话中灵活用。

课前准备: 教师准备录音机,磁带,和一些旅游景点的图片。教学过程: 1.热身(Warming up)教师通过和手偶之间的模拟情景对话来引出本课的重点单词和重点句型。A: How was your trip to Beijing B: It was wonderful A: What was the weather like? Is the weather OK B: Yes, but it was a little cold A: What did you see in the city B: I saw the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.A: What do you think of the food there B: Very delicious.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师通过自己准备的单词卡片来对本课进行教授。1 首先,教师出示一些旅游景点的图片,让学生进行快速抢答,说出这些景点的名称。然后通过景点来复习城市名称。T: 出示长城的图片S: It's the Great Wall T: 出示兵马俑的图片、S: It’s the Qingshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors T: 出示西湖的图片S: It’s the West Lake T: Where is the Great Wall S : It’s in Beijing T: Where is the Qingshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors S:It's in Xi’an T: Where is the West Lake S: It’s in Hangzhou.新课 标 第 一 网



How was your trip to „? 教师将这个重点句型在黑板上写出来。

我们可以回答 It’s great.It’s wonderful.太棒了!I really enjoy it.出示单词 enjoy 享受 学生跟读学习单词。我们还可以回答 It’s just-so so.很一般!2)教师可以用图画的形式来引出下文的学习,出示北京长城的图片,并且用水彩笔现场在上面画一个太阳,然后问学生天气的状况。依次类推,在西安兵马俑上画出云朵,在杭州西湖上画出雨滴。从而引出询问天气时的句型,我们可以说

What was the weather like? Was the weather Ok? 我们可以回答 It was very cold.It was a little cold T:What’s the weather like in Beijing S: It's warm and sunny T: What’s the weather like in Xi’an S: It’s cloudy T: What's the weather like in HangzhouX k B 1c o mS: It’s rainy and wet.3 当我们想要问及旅游的所见所闻时,我们可以说 What did you see in that city? 我们可以回答 I saw many places of interest.(出示短语 places of interest 名胜古迹)For example, the Great Wall长城, the Summer Palace颐和园

当我们想要询问旅游所在地的美食如何时,我们可以说 What do you think of the food there? 我们可以回答 It’s very delicious.出示短语 delicious food---美味的食物 3.小结

本节课我们进一步学习了旅游的话题,包括旅游的总体感受, 所见所闻,天气和美食等。我们学习了问和答的基本句型。




Listen to the tape and then answer the questions A: How was Nancy’s trip to Xi’an B: It was great A: Was the weather OK B: It was a little hot A: What did she see in that old city B: She saw many places of interest A: What about the food of Xi’an B: The food is delicious.6Do the exercise of Let’s practise ⅠA: In order to do the exercise, we must look at the pictures carefully and guess what we should fill in the blanks according to the context.做这道题时,我们要仔细观察图片,然后根据上下文来填空。

Beijing is a wonderful city.There are many places of interest.The peaple are also friendly.Haikou is a beautiful city.The weather there is hot, but it has beautiful beaches.7.Do the exercise of Let’s practise Ⅱ1A: What do you think of Shanghai? B: Beautiful, but it’s very crowed.出示图片 拥挤的2A:What about the people in Kunming? B: They’re very friendly 3A: Did you come to Haikou? B: Yes, I did.A: How was the food? B: It was very delicious.Lesson 4 We’re glad to have her at home这一课主要谈论的是招待他人在家中做客的话题。其中涉及到‘谁将要到家做客’„ will come to our home.本课主要谈论到别人家做客或在某个节日前的准备。还有关于购物的一些常用语:go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket.教学目标: 1.会认会说会写会用以下单词a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping basket 2.通过学习本课,学会怎样为某事做准备。You’d better do„ We’re glad to have her at home Would you like to „ Yes, I’d love to.教学重点难点分析: 熟练并灵活运用邀请别人的句型 Would you like to „? You’d better„

学习并熟练掌握对话内容,并能在实际生活中运用出来。课前准备: 教师准备一个录音机,磁带, 本课单词卡片,学生准备学具单词卡片 教学过程: 1.热身(Warming up)教师通过和手偶之间模拟的对话引出课文内容。

A: Ling Dong, get up!It’s 8 o’clock!

B: What’s the matter, Mum?

A: You’d better go to the supermarket with me.We haven’t got enough food and vegetables.B: Will someone come to our home today? A: Yes.This afternoon Alice will come to our home.B: Who is Alice? A: She’s your aunt’s daughter.B: Where’s she from?

A: She’s from America.B: Oh.I see.Mum, Wait me for a moment.2.新课展示(New Presentation)教师通过准备好的单词卡片对本课重点内容进行讲解。重点句型:„ will come to our home tomorrow.We’re glad to have her at home.Would you like to „We’d better„ 重点短语: go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket 1)学习邀请别人做某事和对别人的邀请表示感谢的一般表达方法 T: 本节课我们将要学习如何在别人来家造访之前作准备。For example, John will come to our home tomorrow 这里我们用一般将来时态表示将来要发生的事情。如果想要对别人的造访表示欢迎,可以说: We are glad to have you at home 这里我们可以将‘glad’换成其他单词。

(出示句型)We’re glad to have you at home.We’re happy to have you at home.It’s nice to have you at home.它们都表示相同的意思: 你能来我们家我们很高兴。

T:当我们想要邀请别人去做什么事情时,我们可以说‘Would you like to „? 这是一种委婉的语气,用来对别人提出建议。

For example, Would you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意和我一起去购物吗? Would you like to go to the supermarket with me? 你愿意和我一起去超市吗? 同时教师在黑板上写出句型和答句

Would you like to „?

肯定回答 Yes, I’d like to.否定回答 No, thanks 教师引导学生练习以上句型,可以让学生两个人一组打电话商量本周末要做的事情,可以用Would you like to „教师还可以让同桌两个人进行造句练习,一个人用动作和手势来表示不同的活动,另外一个人用Would you like to „?来造句,For example, A做出踢足球的动作

B: Would you like to play football with me this weekend? A:No, thanks B做出画画的动作

A:Would you like to paint with this weekend? B: Yes, I’d like to 2 学习去超市购物时经常用到的短语和句型。


教师出示这些短语的卡片,(出示图片go shopping,购物)(出示图片supermarket,超市)(出示图片 a shopping basket, 购物篮)当我们在超市购物时,我们经常会因为要买的东西太多而忘记。所以我们还需要一个购物单。

(出示图片 s shopping list, 购物单)所以我们经常会说‘We’d better make a shopping list’.我们最好制作一个购物单。教师进行讲解,‘We’d better make a shopping list’的原型是‘We had better make a shopping list’ 表示对别人的强烈建议,For exampleWe’d better go shopping You’d better take a shopping basket 教师快速出示卡片,学生大声朗读,巩固复习有关短语。3.小结 本节课我们重点学习了英语中表示建议的两个句型,其中有和别人一起商量来决定的表达法 ‘Would you like to „?’ 意思是你愿意做„„还有表示强烈建议别人做某事的表达法 ‘You’d better „’ 意思是你最好做„„

4.巩固练习教师引导学习操练这两个句型 教师可以让两个学生一组,来玩猜一猜的游戏。一个学生想好自己周末要做的五件事情,另外一个学生来猜。A: Would you like to have a picnic this weekend B: Yes, I ’d like to A: Would you like to learn English this weekend B: No, thanks.教师给学生出示一些场景,学生用You’d better 造句。

T:It’s raining heavily.Ss: You’d better take an umbrella.T: I am so tired today.Ss: You’d better go to bed early this evening.听录音学习课文

Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.播放课文录音A:Who will come to Li Shan’s home tomorrow B: Alice will come to her home A: What does Li Shan want to do B: She wants Alice A: What does Li Shan’s mother want to do B: She will go shopping with Li Shan in the supermarket A: Which supermarket B: The nearest one A: Will they make a shopping list B: Yes, they will.Do the exercise of Let’s practise Ⅱ We should look at the model first and watch the pictures carefully.Then fill in the blanks according to the situation.我们首先应该仔细阅读例子,认真观察图片,然后根据情景补充对话。

A: Children’s Day is coming.What shall we do for our son? B: You’d better send him a basketball.A: Good idea!Let’s go to the sports shop.B: OK!Let’s.A: The new term is coming.What shall we do for our daughter? B: We’d better send her a new schoolbag.A: Good idea!Let’s go the the shop near the school.B: OK.Let’s.Lesson 5 Thank you for having me!本节课和上一节课在内容上有所联系,谈论的都是到别人家做客的话题。但是本节课更侧重于“对别人的热情款待表示感谢”。Thank you and your „for having me.It was really nice and delicious.教学目标: 1.通过听录音和朗读学习,能够很准确理解课文内容,并能够仿照对话内容进行模拟对话练习。

2.理解会说会用会写以下重点单词。A big dinner, nice , delicious 3.能够理解会说会运用对别人的热情款待表示感谢的句型。

It’s time I must go now.Thank you and your „ for having me.It was really nice ang delicious.教学重点和难点分析: 1.理解会说会用会写两个短语 A big dinner, nice and delicious 2.在学习课文对话内容的基础上,能仿照对话进行运用。3.能够会说并且熟练运用对别人热情款待表示感谢的句型。课前准备: 教师准备录音机,单词卡片和磁带。教学过程: 1.热身(Warming up)1.通过手偶之间的对话引出本课的学习内容。After dinner, A is watching TV in the living room.B takes some fruits for her.They are talking to each other.吃过晚饭以后,A在客厅里看电视。B给她端来了水果。他们在一起谈话。

A:Help yourself to some fruits, please.B:Thank you.I’m very full.Today we have a big dinner.A: It was really delicious.B: I’m glad you can say like that.A: Oh, I think it’s time for me to go now.Thank you and your parents for having me.It’s nice of you.B: You are welcome.A: Thank you and your parents again.2.新课展示(New Presentation)1 本节课我们将要在上一节课的基础上,学习如何对别人的热情款待表示感谢,首先让我们一起来复习一下上节课的内容。

在招待客人时,我们经常会用到短语Help oneself to„(出示短语,Help oneself to,自己随便用点„„)Help yourself to some fruit, please.请随便吃点水果。For example, Help yourself to this dish.如果你已经饱了,但还是要对别人的款待表示感谢.No, thanks.I’m full.We had a big dinner.这是一个常用语,我们在别人家吃饭或是在餐馆吃饭都能经常用到。(出示单词‘full’ 饱的, a big dinner, 表示丰盛的晚宴)在这里我们要强调的是关于吃饭的单词: 早饭breakfast 午饭lunch 晚饭supper 一日三餐 meal 丰盛的宴会dinner 2 当我们接受了别人的款待,一定要当面表示感谢或者事后打电话表示感谢,这是一种礼貌的做法。It’s nice and delicious.(出示生日蛋糕的图片,美味好吃)我们还可以说‘ Thanks for having me.’ 在这个句子里,‘have’是招待的意思。所以我们还可以说 ‘ Thank you and your parents for having me.’

3.小结本节课我们主要学习了西方人的一个重要礼仪,那就是在接受了别人的款待以后,我们一定要记得事后通过打电话或是其他方式表示感谢。这里我们学习了几个比较简单但是非常实用的表达法。It’s a big dinner It’s really nice and delicious Thank you and your parents for having me.4.巩固练习


5.Listen to the tape and then answer the questions 听录音学习课文(播放课文录音)A:Did Alice and Li Shan have a big dinner? B: Yes, they did.A: Was Alice grateful? B: Yes, she was.She was very grateful forLi Shan’s parents’ having her.6.Pair work.Do the exercise of Let’s practise Ⅰ.A: Read the model carefully and watch the pictures.Then make dialogues according to the context.1 A: Hi, Jack.Are you free this afternoon? I’m going to play volleyball with my friends.Would you like to go with me? B: It’s great.I’d like to.A: So when should we meet? B: What about 4:30? A: So we need to go now.B: Let’s go.I can’t wait.A: Hi, Tom.Are you free now? I’m going to go fishing soon? Would you like to go with me? B: It’s wonderful.A: Oh, it’s 5:00.It’s time to go now.B: Let’s go.I can’t wait.7.Do the exercise of Let’s practise Ⅱ Dear Jack, I’m really happy that you can write for me.I felt glad when you were at my home.The food we had together was so de


Lesson 3 How was your trip?

前两课我们已经学习了一些旅行前和旅行过程中的相关对话。这一课,我们将学习如何用英语向别人介绍自己在旅程中的所见,所闻及感受。例如旅游感受 How was your trip to…?天气 Was the weather OK?所见 What did you see in the city? 食物 What do you think of the food there? 教学目标:


enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.2.询问别人旅游感受的一些句型

How was your trip to …?

It was great.I enjoyed it.谈论天气所需要的一些句型

Was the weather OK?

Yes, but a little bit hot.谈论所见所闻的一些句型

What do you think of the food there?

Very delicious.学生不但要理解会说以上的一些基本句型,还要能灵活运用在情景中。



enjoy, weather, delicious, trip.2.通过学生之间的情景对话使学生能够扎实掌握询问别人旅游感受的句型,并能在模拟对话中灵活用。




1.热身(Warming up)


A: How was your trip to Beijing?

B: It was wonderful.A: What was the weather like? Is the weather OK?

B: Yes, but it was a little cold.A: What did you see in the city?

B: I saw the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.A: What do you think of the food there?

B: Very delicious.2.新课展示(New Presentation)



T: 出示长城的图片

S: It's the Great Wall.T: 出示兵马俑的图片、S: It’s the Qingshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors.T: 出示西湖的图片

S: It’s the West Lake.T: Where is the Great Wall?

S : It’s in Beijing.T: Where is the Qingshihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors?

S:It's in Xi’an.T: Where is the West Lake?

S: It’s in Hangzhou.结合课文的重点内容,教师讲授在本节课中我们要学习如何询问别人的旅游感受,旅游时的天气,旅游时的所见及食物。


How was your trip to …? 教师将这个重点句型在黑板上写出来。


It’s great.It’s wonderful.太棒了!I really enjoy it.(出示单词 enjoy 享受)学生跟读学习单词。


It’s just-so so.很一般!


What was the weather like? Was the weather Ok? 我们可以回答 It was very cold.It was a little cold.T:What’s the weather like in Beijing?

S: It's warm and sunny.T: What’s the weather like in Xi’an?

S: It’s cloudy.T: What's the weather like in Hangzhou ?

S: It’s rainy and wet.3)当我们想要问及旅游的所见所闻时,我们可以说 What did you see in that city? 我们可以回答 I saw many places of interest.(出示短语 places of interest 名胜古迹)For example, the Great Wall(长城),the Summer Palace(颐和园)当我们想要询问旅游所在地的美食如何时,我们可以说 What do you think of the food there? 我们可以回答 It’s very delicious.(出示短语 delicious food---美味的食物)3.小结


教师让学生两个人一组,编一组对话,谈谈各自旅游后的感受,教师可以挑选出几组来进行展示。5.听课文录音学习课文 Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.A: How was Nancy’s trip to Xi’an?

B: It was great.A: Was the weather OK?

B: It was a little hot.A: What did she see in that old city?

B: She saw many places of interest.A: What about the food of Xi’an?

B: The food is delicious.6.Do the exercise of Let’s practise(Ⅰ)

A: In order to do the exercise, we must look at the pictures carefully and guess what we should fill in the blanks according to the context.做这道题时,我们要仔细观察图片,然后根据上下文来填空。

1.Beijing is a wonderful city.There are many places of interest.The peaple are also friendly.2.Haikou is a beautiful city.The weather there is hot, but it has beautiful beaches.7.Do the exercise of Let’s practise(Ⅱ)

1.A: What do you think of Shanghai? B: Beautiful, but it’s very crowed.(出示图片


2.A:What about the people in Kunming? B: They’re very friendly.3.A: Did you come to Haikou? B: Yes, I did.A: How was the food? B: It was very delicious.Lesson 4 We’re glad to have her at home.这一课主要谈论的是招待他人在家中做客的话题。其中涉及到‘谁将要到家做客’… will come to our home.本课主要谈论到别人家做客或在某个节日前的准备。还有关于购物的一些常用语:go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket.教学目标:


a shopping list, a supermarket, a shopping basket


You’d better do…

We’re glad to have her at home.Would you like to …?

Yes, I’d love to.教学重点难点分析: 1.熟练并灵活运用邀请别人的句型

Would you like to …? You’d better…


课前准备: 教师准备一个录音机,磁带,本课单词卡片,学生准备学具



1.热身(Warming up)

教师通过和手偶之间模拟的对话引出课文内容。A: Ling Dong, get up!It’s 8 o’clock!B: What’s the matter, Mum? A: You’d better go to the supermarket with me.We haven’t got enough food and vegetables.B: Will someone come to our home today? A: Yes.This afternoon Alice will come to our home.B: Who is Alice? A: She’s your aunt’s daughter.B: Where’s she from? A: She’s from America.B: Oh.I see.Mum, Wait me for a moment.2.新课展示(New Presentation)

教师通过准备好的单词卡片对本课重点内容进行讲解。重点句型:… will come to our home tomorrow.We’re glad to have her at home.Would you like to …We’d better… 重点短语: go shopping a shopping list a supermarket a shopping basket 1)学习邀请别人做某事和对别人的邀请表示感谢的一般表达方法

T: 本节课我们将要学习如何在别人来家造访之前作准备。For example, John will come to our home tomorrow.这里我们用一般将来时态表示将来要发生的事情。

如果想要对别人的造访表示欢迎,可以说: We are glad to have you at home.这里我们可以将‘glad’换成其他单词。

(出示句型)We’re glad to have you at home.We’re happy to have you at home.It’s nice to have you at home.它们都表示相同的意思: 你能来我们家我们很高兴。

T:当我们想要邀请别人去做什么事情时,我们可以说‘Would you like to …? 这是一种委婉的语气,用来对别人提出建议。For example, Would you like to go shopping with me?


Would you like to go to the supermarket with me?

你愿意和我一起去超市吗? 同时教师在黑板上写出句型和答句

Would you like to …?

肯定回答 Yes, I’d like to.否定回答

No, thanks 教师引导学生练习以上句型,可以让学生两个人一组打电话商量本周末要做的事情,可以用Would you like to …? 教师还可以让同桌两个人进行造句练习,一个人用动作和手势来表示不同的活动,另外一个人用Would you like to …?来造句,For example, A做出踢足球的动作

B: Would you like to play football with me this weekend? A:

No, thanks.B做出画画的动作

A:Would you like to paint with this weekend? B: Yes, I’d like to.2)学习去超市购物时经常用到的短语和句型。

接下来我们就要学习在超市购物时的一些常用句型。教师出示这些短语的卡片,(出示图片go shopping,购物)


(出示图片 a shopping basket, 购物篮)


(出示图片 s shopping list, 购物单)

所以我们经常会说‘We’d better make a shopping list’.我们最好制作一个购物单。

教师进行讲解,‘We’d better make a shopping list’的原型是

‘We had better make a shopping list’

表示对别人的强烈建议,For example

We’d better go shopping.You’d better take a shopping basket.教师快速出示卡片,学生大声朗读,巩固复习有关短语。


本节课我们重点学习了英语中表示建议的两个句型,其中有和别人一起商量来决定的表达法 ‘Would you like to …?’ 意思是你愿意做……还有表示强烈建议别人做某事的表达法

‘You’d better …’ 意思是你最好做……




A: Would you like to have a picnic this weekend?

B: Yes, I ’d like to.A: Would you like to learn English this weekend ?

B: No, thanks.教师给学生出示一些场景,学生用You’d better 造句。T:It’s raining heavily.Ss: You’d better take an umbrella.T: I am so tired today.Ss: You’d better go to bed early this evening.5.听录音学习课文

Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.(播放课文录音)

A:Who will come to Li Shan’s home tomorrow?

B: Alice will come to her home.A: What does Li Shan want to do?

B: She wants to have lunch with Alice.A: What does Li Shan’s mother want to do?

B: She will go shopping with Li Shan in the supermarket.A: Which supermarket?

B: The nearest one.A: Will they make a shopping list?

B: Yes, they will.6.Do the exercise of Let’s practise(Ⅱ)

We should look at the model first and watch the pictures carefully.Then fill in the blanks according to the situation.我们首先应该仔细阅读例子,认真观察图片,然后根据情景补充对话。

1.A: Children’s Day is coming.What shall we do for our son? B: You’d better send him a basketball.A: Good idea!Let’s go to the sports shop.B: OK!Let’s.2.A: The new term is coming.What shall we do for our daughter? B: We’d better send her a new schoolbag.A: Good idea!Let’s go the the shop near the school.B: OK.Let’s.


2014 陕西旅游版小学英语六年级英语归类复习题


1、A: How many_______ are

there in your________? B: There are twenty

2、I like ________.Idon’t like________.3、My mother is ________ years old and myfather is________.4、A: Are you going to go _______ this Sunday?in that big basket.30、The _________ bag is dearer than the ________one.31、May I have a cup of ________ and two pieces of ________?

32、Is Zhang Hua _________ home or _________ the classroom now?

33、Does he want to be a ________?No, he wants to be a ________?


1, A: _________ did you come here this morning?B: I

_________ here by bus.2, A: _________ Jim play basketball every day?B: No,but he ________ basketball with us yesterday afternoon.3, A: How many books_________ there on the desk?B: There _______ one book on it.4,A: Is he________ strongest in your class? B: No, I am _______ than him.5,A:________B: No, I am going to go ________.5、It’s ________in _________.6、Who is the ________?She is my ________.7、This is a

_________.That is _________.8、This skirt is _________ yuan andthat one is _________yuan.9、A: Are you going to go ________

tomorrow? B: No, I am going to play________.10、It’s _______ in_________.11、LiHua has to go to ________at ________ o’clock everymorning.12、The ________ skirt looks better than the ________ one.13、A: We had ________ and milk for breakfast this morning.What did youhave?We had __________ and eggs.14、A: Is my

pencil-box________ your desk? B: No, it’s ________ your bag.15、My

father was a _______two years ago, but he is a ________now.16、Mr.Wang usually gets up at ________ and goes to ________ at eight thirty.17、Do you like the ________ shirts or the _______ one.18、My favourite

food are ________ and ________.19、The ________shirt is cheaper thanthe ________one?20、There are ________ boys and _________ girls in ourclass.21、Please give me a _______ and some______.22、Is ZhangHua ______ the library? B: No, he is ______ the playground.23、A: Doyou want to be a ________? B: No, I want to be a ________.24、His

number is _________ and my number is ________.25、The________ umbrellais yours and ________ one is mine.26、May I have a cup of _______ anda piece of ________?

27、Your pencil-box is ________ the desk and yoursharpener is ________ the box.28、A: Is Mr.Wang a ________? B: No, heis a ________.29、I can see _________ apples and ________ water-melons

______ to my uncle’so’clock? B: No, but he ________ breakfast at seven yesterday.36,A: Are youyou a good student now? B: No, I am going to _______ a good

student.6,A:________ did you go to last weekend? B: I _home.7,A:_______ Tom clean his room in the morning every day? B: Yes, but he_______ his room in the afternoon yesterday.8,A: _______ there a book on thedesk? B: oh, there _______ three books on the desk.9,A:Is this room ________biggest in this building? B: No, that room is ______ than this

one.10,A:________ they teachers now? B: No, but they are going to _______teachers next year.11,A:_______ did you have for supper yesterday? B:I_______rice, fish and vegetables.12,A:_______ he help you do your homework every day?B: No, but he_______ me do my homework yesterday.13,A: What_______ you goingto do next Saturday? B: I _______ going to see my grandma.14,A:Are you _______shortest in your class? B: No, Li Lei is ________ than me.15,A: _______ itvery hot today? B: Yes, but it is going to _______ cool tomorrow.16,A: _______did you go to school yesterday? B: I ________ school by bike.17,A: ________you watch TV every evening? B: No, but I am _______ TV now.18,A: What ________Li Hua usually have after supper? B: He usually _______ a cup of tea.19,A: IsZhang Hua shorter than you? B: No, He is ________ than _______.20,A: How manypens ________ there in your pencil-box? B: There _______ one.21,A:_______ didyou go to the library? B: I _______ there last Saturday.22, A: _______ youusually draw on Saturday? B: Yes, and I am _______ now.23,A: What _______ LiMing have for breakfast every day? B: He ________ congee and

vegetables.25,_______ there a library in your school? B: Yes, and there

_______ a lot of books in it.26, A:_______ did you go yesterday? B: I _______to see the doctor.27,A:________ you usually cook yourself? B: Yes, look, I am_______ now.28,A: What ________ Li Hua usually do after supper? B: He usually_______ his homework.29,A:________ are you going to buy? B: I _______ going tobuy a red skirt.30,A: ________ your mother get up at six every morning? B:Yes, but she _______ up at seven yesterday morning.31,A: Is the red coat________ dearest? B: No, it is _______ than the purple one.32,A:________ yougive me this picture? B: Of course, but you _______ show it to anybody.33,A:_______ there any water in that bottle? B: Yes, and there ________ threefishes in it.34, A: _______ are you going to go to the party tomorrow? B: I________ going to go by car.35,A:_______ he usually have breakfast at seven________ tallest in your family? B: No, I am ________ than my

brother.37,A:_______ I do my homework here? B: Yes, but you ________ talkhere.38,A: _______ there any pictures in you room? B: Yes, there _______ apicture of Lei Feng.39,A:_______ are you going to go this Saturday? B: I

______ going to go to the park with my friends.40,A:_______ Miss.Ma usually goto work by bus? B: No, but she ______ to work by bus yesterday.41, A: Is Tom______ oldest in your class? B: No, he is _______ than me.42,A:_______ wecross the street here? B: Yes, but you _______ cross the street at a greenlight.43,A:_______ there a pencil-box in your bag? B: Yes, there ______ twopencils and an eraser in it.三、补全对话。

teacher in class.A.canB.mustn’tC.must16,What are you going to_______ tomorrow?A.goB.doC.come17, There is a nice film ____ TVthis evening.A.inB.toC.on18, The Children’s Day _____ on June1st.A.wasB.isC.is going to be19, ______ Li Ming and you usuallygo to school together?A.DoseB.AreC.Do20,Did you _____ this booklast Sunday?A.boughtB.buyC.buys21,You ____ cross the street at agreen light.A.can’tB.mustC.mustn’t22,It is _____ warmer inGuangzhou than in Beijing in winter.A.moreB.veryC.much23, Don’topen the window.It_______.A.rainedB.rainsC.is raining24,____ thereany rice in the packet?A.AreB.IsC.Has 25,______ is he reading?1, A: Do you usually go to the

school library on Sunday?B: Yes, ____________.A:

________________________________________?B: I read books there.A: Can Iborrow the books there?B: Yes, ______________.A:

______________________________?B: You can keep the books for two weeks.A:Are you going to go to the library next Sunday?B: No, ______________.But Iam going to go there next Sunday.A: Ok, I will go with you.2,Li Hua: Hello,Xiao Mei.____________________________? Xiao Mei: We went to visit an old manyesterday.Li Hua: Did you help him do housework? Xiao Mei: Yes, ___________.We helped him clean his roomand wash clothes.Li Hua:

______________________________.Xiao Mei: We stayed there for 4 hours.Li Hua:Were you very tired? Xiao Mei: _________, but very happy.Are you going to gowith us next Sunday? Li Hua: Yes, ____________.3,Tom:

_____________________________________? Mary: I usually go to the country forthe summer holidays.Tom: ______________________________________? Mary: Mygrandfather lives there.Tom: Is he very glad to see you? Mary: Yes,__________.Tom: Does he take you to visit his farm? Mary: Yes,________________________.Tom: Do you like it? Mary: No,______________________.四、选择填空。1, It is snowing today_______ the

North.A.inB.atC.on2, A:_______ do you go to school every day? B:By bus.A.WhenB.WhyC.How3, He_______ this book in 1980.A.writesB.wroteC.is writing4, What _______ shewear yesterday? A.doesB.didC.is5,______ you help me, please? A.MustB.Mustn’tC.Can6,There is a bus stop _____ the right.A.inB.atC.on7, A: ________are you going to have lunch today?A.WhenB.WhatC.Why8, I _______him here two minutes ago.A.seeB.am seeingC.saw9, What ______ hesay to you yesterday?A.doesB.didC.was10, I ______ help you

cross the street ,grandma.A.canB.mustn’tC.must11, Is your mother_____ home?A.inB.atC.on12, A: ____ are you going to have forsupper this evening?A.WhenB.WhatC.How13, Who _____ this box toyou yesterday? A.carryB.is carryingC.carried14, What _____he helpyou do last week? A.doesB.doC.did15, We _______ listen to the

at a red light.A.canB.mustC.mustn’t 29,Mum, there ____ some milkis Jim’s.A.WhatB.WhoC.Whose31, Where are you going to _____,six or eight?A.WhichB.WhatC.What’s46, A:_____ is that man?B:teacher’s birthday party yesterday? A.goB.comeC.get48, The bus stop ismuch cheaperC.more cheap53, Li Ming ______ the boxes.Let’s go to help him.colour, red or purple?A.WhichB.WhatC.What’s 56, A: _____ did youHe is reading a story.A.WhatB.WhoC.Whose26,They are you going to_____ tomorrow? A goB.doC.come27,_____ Tom and I going to go

shopping together?A.DoesB.AreC.Is 28,You ______ cross the streetin the bottle.A.areB.isC.has30, ____ is the book on my desk?Ittomorrow?A.goB.doC.come32,It _____ not very cold in the south inwinter.A.wasB.isC.is going to be33,Did she ____ a red skirt

yesterday?A.wearB.wearingC.wore34,Peter is _____ taller than me.A.moreB.veryC.much35,You must take an umbrella with you.It_____.A.rainedB.rainsC.is raining 36,____ is that man overthere?He is Mr.Wang.A.WhatB.WhoC.Whose37,Our teacher ______my home yesterday.A.wentB.cameC.visited38,The bookshop is next______ the flower shop.A.toB.onC.at39,It_____ very cold herelast winter.A.wasB.wereC.is40,LI Ming and Zhang Hua _______ toschool together every day.A.goes B.go C.are going to41,Did you ______ thisbook last week.A.boughtB.gotC.buy42,A plane is ______ than acar.A.more fastB.much fastC.much faster43,Look, it ______.A.rainedB.rainsC.is going to rain44,He ______ a lot of work to doevery day.A.haveB.hasC.have to 45,_______ number do you likeHe is a teacher.A.WhatB.WhoC.Where47, Did you _____ to our

_____ front of the post office.A.onB.inC.at49, It _____ every daylast week.A.rainsB.rainC.rained50,_____ your mother work in ahospital.?A.DoB.DoesC.Is51, Can he ____ English?A.speakB.speaksC.says 52, This boat is ______ than that one.A.more dearerB.A.carriedB.carriesC.is carrying54, He is very ill.He ____ stay athome today.A.hasB.have toC.has to 55, _____ is your favouritecome to this school? B: I came here three years ago.A.WhatB.HowC.When57,Did you _______ Zhongshan Park last Sunday?A.goB.comeC.visit58, There is a map next _____ the blackboard.A.toB.inC.at60, He usually ____ to the library on Sunday last year.A.goesB.go

C.went61,______ your uncle work in a factory?A.DoB.DoesC.Are62,Did he ____ his homework at home yesterday evening?A.doB.doesC.doing63,Li Ming is _____ than me.A.more tallerB.more tallC.much taller64, Look, the man is Tom’s father.He _____ to our teacher.A.talkedB.is talkingC.talks65,He was very busy last week.He ____ work10 hours every day.A.has B.have to C.had to66,______ fruit do you like,bananas or apples?A.WhichB.WhatC.What’s 67, A: _______ did youcome to school this morning?B: My father took me to school by car.A.WhatB.HowC.When








































1.陈述句 2.疑问句 3.祈使句 4.感叹句 四.语法

一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、一般将来时 五.阅读 六.写作



Module 5 Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.课题:Module5 Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.学习目标:


Trumpet ring doorbell loudly


A、Daming is having a birthday party.B、Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.3、能运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。



1、Daming is having a birthday party.2、Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.教学难点:运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事同时发生。教学用具:录音机、图片、单词卡片 教学过程:

一、Warming up



二、NEW teaching Daming is having a birthday party.引出课题和课文大意。 birthday party I'm playing the violin.老师帮助、指导学生说一个句子:partyhave a picnic.老师带领学生演练几个这样的句子。之后,让学生自己从单词卡片中选取单词来进行类似的句型练习。如:violina picnic



A、正式学习课文以前,老师向学生提出问题;Who is the birthday party for? What is Daming doing? What is Simon playing? Who is coming in the door? Who is singing? Who is laughing? B、将自制的课文挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,学生听完以后,请学生尝试回答前面提出的问题。

C、学生打开书,老师再次播放录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾画出课文中的生词,并猜词义。针对某个词老师做讲解或让学习较好的学生提供讲解。D、老师请学生看活动1的第一幅图画,请一位学生描述Daming正在做什么,另一位学生描述这时又发生了什么事情,请第三位学生将前面两位学生说的话连成一个句子。提醒学生中间要用but来连接,强化学生对 but的理解,再让学生描述后两幅图画。





四、Homework AB中Unit 1 Ex2 and 4 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 5 Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.课题:Module 5 Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.学习目标:


Eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up


A、He's riding his bike, but it's staring to rain.B、She's eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.3、能运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。


1、He's riding his bike ,but it's starting to rain.2、She's eating dinner ,but the phone is ringing.教学难点: 运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。教学用具:录音机、图片、单词卡片 教学过程:

一、Warming up 老师问候学生。出示SB Unit 1的挂图,请几位学生讲述课文故事,提醒他们使用学习过的句型“He/She is „„but„„”讲解,并鼓励学生表演,以此来复习上一单元学过的内容。

二、New teaching



B、老师出示SB Unit 2活动1 中“一个正在吃饭的女孩”以及“电话铃在响”的图片,让学生分别描述一下每张图片的内容,然后把两张图片拼在一起说:“如果把这两张图拼在一起,应该怎么描述呢?”请学生试着说说然后看课文。


A、向学生说明:途中的人物正在做某件事情的时候发生了一些意外情况,提醒学生运用but并向学生解释说明图3的圆框中是一个高温图标,而图中的女孩又是大汗淋漓,引导学生说:It’s very hot.It’s getting very hot.B、老师放录音,学生听听自己的理解是否与录音中的一致,再放一遍录音,让学生跟读。

C、SB Unit 2 中的活动3 :老师放诗歌录音,学生把握诗歌的情节和韵律。放第二遍时让学生跟读并提醒他们注意语音、语调和韵律,再次放录音学生边跟读边打节拍,鼓励学生给这首诗歌编上动作,打着节拍朗读出来。


1、分组完成SB Unit 2中活动2,然后由组长检查指导。

2、分组完成AB Unit 2 Ex 1 and 4,然后由老师检查指导。


1、完成AB Unit 2 Ex 3 and 6。


新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book.课题:MODULE6 Unit1 I bought you this book.Teaching aims and demands: 1.Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组(master)2.Phrases: playing baseball 打棒球 give it to you 把它给你 baseball team 棒球队

looks interesting 看起来有趣(master)3 Main sentence patterns: 1)I bought you this book.2)It looks interesting.3)Who gave it to you? 4)Simon’s family gave it to me.(Master)4 Grammar: The form about the past tense.Function: Give and receive the presents.(掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用)Use the task: 1 SB Unit1 Part3 and 4 2 AB Unit1 Exercises 1-4 Tools: tape, pictures and word cards Teaching steps: Step 1 Warmer and revision 1 Sing a song.2 Talk and write down the words about track and field events.For example: basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, long jump, high jump, morning exercises, swimming, etc.Step2 Presentation: 1 Give the task(布置自学任务)2 Show in class(课堂展示)

1)Write the new words on the Bb.(Read and learn together)2)Write down the main sentence patterns you don’t know: I bought you this book about America.It’s looks interesting.It’s for playing baseball.Simon’s family gave it to me.But you can have this one.(Read together or follow the teacher, then translate)3)Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue.Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.Play the tape.Listen and read the text.4 Explain the knowledge.(知识讲解)1)动词的过去时构成

一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如:

ride---rode win---won drink---drank eat---ate is---was go---went see---saw buy---bought give---gave 2)句型:给某人买东西有两种形式: 主+bought +宾语 + 物品

I bought you this book about China.主+bought + 物品+ for+宾语

I bought this book about China for you.Step3 practice(Use cap, book, computer game and bike)1)For example: I bought you a book.Thank you.Who gave it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me.To make the same sentences 2)Read the dialogue in part 1 in roles.3)Act out the dialogues in roles Step 4 Consolidation 1.Read about Daming.Use the words in the boxes.2.Do Exercise 1-4 in Unit 1 Homework and summary 1 Do Exercise 1-2.2 Read the dialogues in Unit 1.3 Learn Unit 2 Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about?

课题:Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about? Teaching aims and demands Words and phases: took 带着,sent 发送,spaceship 宇宙飞船,even 甚至,space 宇宙,Russia 俄罗斯,bicycle 自行车,American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船,took into带„进入 send „ into把„发送进入„„ looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开

Main sentence patterns: What’s it about? Russia sent the first animal into space.I bought her a bicycle.Teaching point: talk about past tense.Using bought, took and sent.Function: talk about the present.Tools : tape.pictures.some books(一些新书)Teaching steps: Step l Warm up and revision 1.Sing a song “What do you want to eat?” 2.Give out the past tense.如:go----went.go buy give eat is am see watch win ride 3.Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8.(及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)Step 2 Presentation 1.Give the task :(应在前一节课结束时布置任务)① Find out the new words ② Listen and read the text ③ Find out the main sentence patterns ④ Try to introduce your gift 2.Show in class.1)Write the new words on the blackboard and read 2)Read and write down the main sentence patterns Russia sent the first animal into space I bought her a bicycle What’s it about?

It’s about animals:(Read together)4)Do a “ gift show “ one by one 3.Explain the knowledge.1)句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia China 2)bought 是买的过去式 took 是take的过去式 sent 是 send 的过去式

4.Look and listen for “bought, took, and sent”

Listen and read four times.Then act out the dialogues in pairs 5.Talk about the books on page 24.(也可用实物练习)For example: A.This book looks interesting.B.What's it about? C.It's about animals.6.Listen, say and chant.Step 3 Practice 1 Chant and act out.2.Match and say.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Write and read the new words.2.Do Exercise.1----6 Design: Module 6 Unit 2 Omit.新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space.Teaching content: Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space.Teaching objectives 1.words and phrase: flew became spent hour son proud fly--flew become--became spend--spent see--saw make--made 书写单词: 2.sentences: A: Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.B: Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one in space.C: He made a video and now he is very famous.Grammar: 一般过去时态及动词的不规则变化。

Teaching properties: tape-recorder Cards pictures Teaching procedures: A: sing B: Free talk:讲述过去发生的事情。C: New concepts: 1.warm-up T:Good morning, girls and boys.Ss: Good morning, Ms fan.教师向学生展示一张杨利伟的照片,向学生提问:“ Who is he? What do you know about him?” 教师再向学生展示:“神舟五号”的照片,请学生们互相讨论自己所了解的知识。2.Listen to the tape.教师放录音,学生听课文介绍杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。并解释几个不规则动词的变化。

fly--flew become--became spend--spent 以及其它几个词的过去式。3.Practice Do more oral exercises and the activity book.Summery:总结本课的重,难点及三会单词。Homework: 用学过的不规则动词能够造几个简单的英语句子;用英语向父母讲述杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Teaching Content: Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.一、Teaching Objectives:

1、Words and phrases: flew became spent hour son proud pilot

2、Sentences: He spent about twenty-one hours in space.My mother and I saw my father on TV.I went to the airport.We ate in the restaurant.3、Grammar: The simple past tense

二、Teaching prosperities: cards pictures Tape-recorder

三、Teaching procedures: A: Songs: Say a chant: My sister said B: Free talk: Talk about Shenzhou V C: New Concepts:

1、Warmer: a: Greeting: b: Act out the dialogue in Unit 1

2、Leading: 老师总结学生的描述后自己说三个句子:He came from Liaoning.He spent about twenty-one hours in space.He traveled into space.提问 Who is he? 引导学生猜出答案,然后说:“Yes , you are right.He is Yang Liwei.” 用这个方法来做一个游戏,每人说三句话,然后请其他人猜测描述的是谁,或是什么地方?

3、Text teaching : a.T: Show the pictures on the blackboard.Play the tape and have the students look and listen.b.Ss: Listen and underline the new words.Try to read c.T: Explain the new words and the sentences.了解单词的缩写和完全形式

cm = centimetre km = kilometre d.让学生在课文中找出动词的过去式,如,go(went), see(saw), eat(ate), 老师板书将学生分成两组,一组说原形,一组说过去式,展开游戏,看哪组反应快。

e.Do the practice 1 and 2 f.Learn the poem.4、Practice.1).Game:Where did I go? 2).Do the exercise 1 and 2 of the student’s book.5、Summary.6、Homework: 写出生词和动词的过去式,设计并制作自己的宇宙飞船,并到学校展示给同学。

7、Design: Module 7 Unit 2 Words: see---saw fly---flew eat---ate Phrases: make a video

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Content: Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Objectives: 1.Words and Phrase: born child as later drew letter herself all over world mode 2.Sentences: Helen Keller became blind and deaf.She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear.Later she could read and write.She wrote a book about herself.Teaching Properties: Tape-recorder, cards, pictures Teaching Procedures: A: Song: look up at the spaceship B: Free talk: What did you do at the weekend? C: New Concepts 一.把全班分为A,B两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验Helen Keller的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用can/can’t造句 S1: 出示图片

S2:I can can’t„.复习以前学过的单词的同时,并为本节课要学习的couldcouldn’t 做铺垫。二.再出示几张自己小时候的照片并介绍

I was born in Huan Ren 1980.Can you guess what I could couldn’t do? Ss: You couldcouldn’t„.同时让学生谈论下自己小时候能做和不能做的事情

三.出示一张海伦的图片,并让学生根据自己查阅的有关她的一些资料介绍她,并问同学们你们想知道海伦小时候的一些事情吗?今天让我们一起走进MODULE8 UNIT 1,走进海伦,播放CAI。第一遍让学生们边听边划出重点单词,如“born , world, all over„”可以请学生根据上下文猜单词的意思,也可以教师讲解生词,请学生模仿跟读。听第二遍时让学生带两个问题听并试着找出答案。

Q1:What could Helen do? Q2: What couldn’t Helen do?

这两个问题的答案正是本课的重点句,让学生反复操练此句型。听第三遍录音时让学生跟读,并让学生分组练习对话。四.Homework: Tell the story of Helen to your friends and parents.五.Design: 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 8 Unit 2 His name was Louis Braille.Teaching Objectives: 1.Words: 识别并书写was born 2.Sentences: 学习并能口头运用When was he born? He was born in 1809.3.会用这类语句来询问并回答你想知道的人物信息。4.Grammar: the past tense Teaching Procedures: Step1 Warm-up A: chant: Humpty Dumpy sat on a wall.B: Free talk: Talking about one’s experience in the past.C: Let the students describe their young.让学生描述事先准备好的小时候的照片,以此来复习前课所学的内容,并为新课做好准备。

For example: In this photo, I was 5 years.I could dance.I couldn’t speak English.Step 2 Presentation T: Now I will introduce a blind man to you.He was born in France.He became blind in 1812.He was very famous.Who is he? What is he? What happened to him? Now, let’s listen to the tape.(让学生圈出生词)Step3 Listen again then answer the questions(老师把关键的疑问词写在黑板上,运用 “对答如流”的游戏回答本课的问题)如: Where--France Where--in 1809 Who--Louis Braille Summary Homework:以采访的形式询问自己某位朋友的经历并写一份简历。Design

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 9 Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Function: Dealing with misunderstandings.Teaching points: 1.Integrated recycling: why and because.2.Vocabulary and phrases: laugh cup understand mistake baseball cap lots of 3.Sentences: What’s the matter? Why are you laughing? It’s easy to make mistakes with English.4.Looking for the words that their pronunciations are almost the same.Teaching aids: Pictures Tape Recorder Cups Caps Teaching Process: 一.Warming up.1.Greeting.2.Sing an English song.And recite the last lesson’s chant.3.Find out the differences of the words.The teacher is going to write pairs of words on the board.The teacher is going to say the words and the students have to listen to carefully and decide which words the teacher is saying.leek-----lick pan----pin tap------tip cup-----cap big------pig head---had Have the students read the words and, if necessary, the teacher can say and explain each word and have the students repeat them after the teacher.Go through the words and say one word in each row.The students should write down the word.On completion, have the students compare their answers with a partner before the teacher corrects the exercise.Ask the students if it was difficult to distinguish which words were being said(yes).Ask them if they know why(the vowel sounds were very similar).The teacher says: Lots of English words pronunciations are very similar.So we are easy to make some mistakes(learn the word “mis-take=mistake”).And there is the same joke in the today’s text.Now let’s look at it together.二.New concepts: Part 1.Listen, point and find “why” 1.Solve the important words: Laugh大笑 smile 微笑 Under---stand==understand 2.The teacher shows the colorful pictures on the board.Questions: Who are they? What are they going to do? Why are they laughing? Have the students to read the text by groups.Then answer these questions.3.Listen to the tape carefully.The students pay more attention to the important words.4.The students follow the teacher to read the text.Then have the students to study the main meaning of the text by themselves.And answer the questions:(1)Are they going to have a baseball team?(2)What are they laughing?(3)What did Lingling hear?(4)What did Amy say?(5)What has Sam got in his bag? 5.Now the students and the teacher read the text together.Have the students to recite the important sentences.6.Finally, close the students’ books.Play the tape again sentence by sentence.Have the students to follow the recorder.7.Do the exercise book: P34, 1.Lister to the questions.Look and write the answers.8.Have the students to use the cups and caps to act the text out.Part 3.Learn to say.The teacher finds one student to stand at the front of the class.Then the teacher gives him/her a card.The student acts it out according to the content of the card.The teacher leads other students to ask: What’s the matter? Why are you„.?

The student answers: I’m„.三.Homework: 1.Remember the new words well.2.Read the text.四.Retrospection: 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 9 Unit 2 Because it’s going to rain.Function: Dealing with misunderstandings.Why and because.Teaching points: 1.Future tense with “be going to”

2.Vocabulary and phrases: wear raincoat theatre go into be afraid of throw„out of 3.Sentences: Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain.Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Because I’m going to play basketball.4.Learn to the song.Teaching aids: Pictures Tape Recorder Teaching Process: 一.Warming up 1.Greeting.2.Review the Unit 1.二.New concepts: Part 1 Look and listen for “because”.Open the students’ books.Look at the pictures carefully.Discuss how to describe the pictures between the partners.Then listen to the tape carefully.Play the tape again and have the students to imitate.The teacher read the original text slowly.Have the students to understand the text well.Notice: Why--------?

Then listen to the tape again carefully.And the students point to the corresponding pictures.Part 2 Look and say Have the students to say the right, whole dialogues.Now let make silly sentences.For example: I’m wearing a dress because I’m going to go swimming.Have the students to make sentences like this.Do the exercise book: P37, 3.Notice: why and because Part 3 Learn the song.Have the students to know the melody of the song firstly.Then learn the words by groups.Finally, the students follow the tape to sing again and again.Have the students to learn it very well.Part 4 Have the students to understand the riddles by groups.The students may collect riddles to say others.三.Homework: Use “why” and “because” to make two sentences.四.Retrospection:

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese.一 Warm up 1.Say hello each other.2.Sing an English song.3.Warm up(T asks, Ss answer.T and Ss both do the actions.)二Review Words: laugh cup understand mistake

2.Why are you laughing? 三New teaching 1.words: middle school study practise worry Use the pictures and cards to teach new words, and Encourage them to recite the simple ones.2.Sentences: Are you going to middle school this September? Yes, I’m really excited.3.Exercise T: Are you going to go to middle school this September ? What are you going to study? Ss: I'm going to be a middle school student.I'm going to make new friends.I'm going to have new books.I'm going to have new teachers.4.Text: 1)Listen and look.2)Open the book and listen to tape again.3)Answer questions about the text.4)Read(in all kinds of ways)四Extension The teacher makes out a story about the sentences in this lesson.The teacher tells the story.The students act it out.五 Conclusion According to the sentences on the blackboard.六Homework 1 Read the text and acts it out.2.Talk about your new school.Blackboard Module 10 Unit 1 we are going to speak Chinese 1 What are you going to study? Daming: Physics Chemistry History Amy: Chinese 1.Where are you going to go this summer? 2.What are you going to do?

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to study? 一 Warm up 1 Say hello each other.2 Sing an English song.二 Review : Word: middle school study practise worry sentences;Are you going to go to middle school this September ? Yes, I`m really excited.T: 1 What is Daming going to study?(He’s going to study Physics, Chemistry, and History.)2 What is Amy going to study?(She’s going to study Chinese.)三 New teaching 1 Sentences What are you going to study? I’m going to study „ 2 Exercises Ask the students some questions about dialogue they heard on tape.Do the exercise of the student’s book on page 40.四Extension Talk to a friend.What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.五Conclusion T and Ss say the poem.六 Home work 1 Say the poem.2 please make four sentences about subject.Blackboard Unit 2 What are you going to study?

What are / is you / she, he going to study?



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    第四册 Unit 1 What time is it? 这一课我们学习怎样描述时间。通过学习我们要学会用What time is it?问时间,并会用 It’s seven o’clock. It’s twelve thirty. 等表示不......


    六年级英语第一学期期末测试卷 一、写一写。(13分) 1.博物馆________2.跷跷板__________3.书架_______4.秋千___________ 5.教师节________6.forget(过去时)____________7.chil......


    新标准小学英语第八册Module8教案 《英语》(新标准)(供三年级起始用)第八册Module8 第一课时(40分钟) 教学内容: SB(学生用书)与AB(课堂活动用书) Unit 1 Helen Keller 教学目标: 1、......


    陕西旅游版六年级英语下册教学计划 张宏 一、教材分析: 本教材注重学生审美感受和语言能力的培养,强调学生创新意识和实践能力的协调发展,以“接近社会、贴近学生、学以致用”......


    Unit1 hello 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。要求读音正确,语调自然。特别要注意 I'm 和 name 的正确读音。 He......


    Unit 1 hello 教学要求: 1 .能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语,并能运用所学交际用语进行自我介绍及询问对方姓名。Hello/Hi ,I'm … What's your name? 要求读音正确,语调自然。......


    Lesson 1 May I use the telephone ? 教学目标: 1. 语言目标: 1)学会使用May I use „? 句型向别人借东西。 2)学会使用礼貌用语,向别人 表示感谢的句型Thank you。 以及表示“......


    第二册 Lesson 1 Let’s go to school. 教学目标及重难点分析: 1.能够听说读写四会单词、短语以及相关句子:school/ go to school/ Let’s go to school.; home/ go home/ Le......