
时间:2019-05-15 03:43:26下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1:A Parade Day Teaching Contents:

1、Vocabulary : use used, study studied, play played, visit visited, run ran, talk talked, jump jumped, clean cleaned


What did you do yesterday?

I played basketball.What did you do the day before yesterday?

I played basketball then , too.3、Sounds and words : [kl] clean, close, clever, class, cloudy, clothes

4、Functions : Review of students' Book 7 Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Express the drills.3、Master Sounds and Words.Teaching Focus:

1、vocabulary in four skills.2、Drills of describe “What did somebody do? ”.Teaching Difficult Point: How to do “More reading and writing.” Teaching Periods: six periods

The 1st Period



授课时间:第一周 Teaching Contents:

1、Vocabulary : use used, study studied, play played, visit visited,2、Drills: What did you do yesterday?

I played basketball.What did you do the day before yesterday?

I played basketball then , too.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Master the drills in four skills.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills

Teaching Difficult Point:

1、2、The usage of the sentences.The pronunciation of “ed”.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Ask and answer questions(1)What did you do yesterday?


1、Ask the students to answer the questions and show the new words : use used, study studied, play played, visit visited,2、Ask the students to act and say sentences “I ……”

3、Act and answer the teacher's question“What did you do yesterday?”

And help the students to answer.4、Pair work: The students act and make dialogue.5、Show on the blackboard.(三)Practice

Make dialogues in group of four eg : What did you do yesterday?


1、Make dialogue with your good friends.2、Copy down the new words and the sentences.The 2nd Period



授课时间:第二周 Teaching Contents:

1、Vocabulary : run ran, talk talked, jump jumped, clean cleaned

2、Drills: What did you do yesterday?

I ……


1、and 2,Activity Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Master the drills.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills

Teaching Difficult Point:The pronuciation of “ed”

Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Read the words

2、Ask and answer questions(1)What did you do yesterday?


1、Ask the students to answer “What did you do yesterday?”and the teacher write them down on the blackboard.What did you do ? I……

2、Learn the new word ”run ran “.3、Talking to show the new words ” talk talked, jump jumped, clean cleaned

4、Ask the students try to explain the meaning of the words.5、The teacher make dialogue with students.6、Pair work: Make dialogues with your partner.(三)Practice 1 and 2, Activity

1、Practice 1 : Read, listen and check.2、Practice 2 : Ask and answer


(四)Homework:Copy down the new words and the sentences.The 3rd Period



授课时间:第二周 Teaching Contents: Story Teaching Aims:

1、Master the Story in reading.2、Listening comprehension

3、Writing down the main content Teaching focus: Read the Story and write down the main content.Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about the main content of the Story Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:



2、Drills:What did you do yesterday?

I ……


1、Look at the picture of Story and guess “What happened on a Sunday?”

2、Reading the passage.3、Answering questions:(1)What did the men do in the parade? ?(2)What did the girls do?(3)What did Gogo do?

4、Reading again and practice in pairs.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Homework: Tell the main content of the Story.The 4th Period




Teaching Contents: Sounds and words Teaching Aims:

1、Master the sound [kl]

2、Can reading the sentences Teaching focus:

1、Sounds and words [kl]

2、Reading sentences Teaching Difficult Point: List the other words Teaching Tools: radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Reading conversation

2、Ask and answer questions

二、Sounds and Words

1、Show pictures and the words

clean, close, clever, class, cloudy, clothes

2、Listen to the tape and read the words after the tape one by one.3、Explain and practice the words.4、List the other words: ……

三、listen and read

1、Listen to the tape and repeat.2、Read by themselves.3、Pair work.四、Homework:Read the words.The 5th Period



授课时间:第三周 Teaching Contents: Reading and writing.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of Reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the Story and do the practice Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do Reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Retell the main content of the Story.二、Presentation

1、Look, listen , read.2、Check and know the dialogue.3、Do the exercise 2 : Write T for true and F for false.4、Check the answer.5、Do the exercise 3 : Read and match.6、Ask someone to tell the answers and check.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Sum up

(五)Homework: Read the story.The 6th Period



授课时间:第三周 Teaching Contents: More reading and writing.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of the more reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the sentences and do the practice Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do the More reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:



1、Look, listen and read.A.Read the story B.Check the meaning of the story.2、Read again.Answer the questions.A.Do the exercise.B.Check.3、Read and fill in the blanks.4、Check the answer.5、Read the sentences.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Sum up(五)Homework: Read the story.Unit 2 A Magic Day

Teaching contents: Vocabulary : go went, eat ate, write wrote, read read,make made, ride rode, sing sang, drink drank

2、Drills: What did you do this morning?

I read a book.Did you go to the beach after that?

No, I didn’t.I went to the park.3、Sounds and words : [dr] draw, dress, driver, drink, children, bedroom

4、Functions : Asking and giving directions.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Express the drills.3、Master Sounds and Words.Teaching Focus:

1、vocabulary in four skills.2、Drills of asking and giving directions.Teaching Difficult Point: How to do “More reading and writing.”

Teaching Periods: six periods

The 1 Period



授课时间:第四周 Teaching Contents: Vocabulary: go went, eat ate, write wrote, read read,3、Target: What did you do this morning?

I read a book.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Master the drills in four skills.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills

Teaching Difficult Point:

3、4、The usage of the sentences.The pronunciation of “read”.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Show the pictures, ask and answer questions

(1)What did you do yesterday? I ……


1、Ask the students to answer the questions and show the new words :go went, eat ate, write wrote, read read,2、Ask the students to act and say sentences “I…….”

3、Act and answer the teacher's question“What did you do this morning?”

And help the students to answer.4、Show the map and learn the words: go went, eat ate, write wrote, read read,5、Pair work: The students act and make dialogue.6、Show on the blackboard.(三)Practice

Make dialogues in group of four eg : What did you do this morning? I…….(四)Homework

4、Make dialogue with your good friends.2、Copy down the new words and the sentences.The 2nd Period



授课时间:第四周 Teaching Contents:

1.Vocabulary: make made, ride rode, sing sang, drink drank

2.Target: Did you go to the beach after that?

No, I didn’t.I went to the park.3.Chant activity.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Master the drills about talking sick and give the advice.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills

Teaching Difficult Point:The pronuciation of “drink drank”.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Read the words

2、Ask and answer question(1)What did you do this morning?


1、Ask the students to answer “Did you go to the beach after that?”and the teacher write them down on the blackboard.Did you go to the beach after that?

No, I didn’t.I went to the park.2、Learn the new words ”make made, ride rode, sing sang, drink drank”.3、Talking to show the new words.4、Ask the students try to explain the meaning of the phrases.5、The teacher make dialogue with students.6、Pair work: Make dialogues with your partner.7、Do the Chant activity.(三)Practice

1、Play a game : Which word is missing?

2、Make dialogues using the words cards in group of four.(四)Homework:Copy down the new words and the sentences.The 3rd Period



授课时间:第四周 Teaching Contents:


2、Practice1 and 2, Teaching Aims:

1、Master the Story in reading.2、Listening comprehension

3、Writing down the main content Teaching focus: Read the Story and write down the main content.Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about the main content of the Story Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:

一、Warm up 1.Sing a song 2.Greeting


(一)Learn Story 1.Show the picture , look and answer questions.2.Read the story and answer the question.3.Read again and answer the question.4.Listen to the tape and answer the question.5.Listen and read after the tape.6.Learn the new words: magic lamp 7.Try to know the meaning of the story.8.Tell the whole story.(二)Practice 1 and 2 1.Read listen and check.2.Ask and answer.三、Sum up


The 4th Period



授课时间:第五周 Teaching Contents: Sounds and words , Activity Teaching Aims:

1、Master the sound [dr]

2、Can reading the sentences Teaching focus:

1、Sounds and words [dr] draw, dress, driver, drink, children, bedroom

2、Reading sentences Teaching Difficult Point: List the other words Teaching Tools: radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Reading conversation

2、Ask and answer questions

二、Sounds and Words

1、Show pictures and the words

draw, dress, driver, drink, children, bedroom

2、Listen to the tape and read the words after the tape one by one.3、Explain and practice the words.4、List the other words: ……

三、listen and read

1、Listen to the tape and repeat.2、Read by themselves.3、Pair work.四、Do the Activity

五、Homework:Read the words.The 5th Period



授课时间:第五周 Teaching Contents: Reading and writing.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of Reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the Story and do the practice

Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do Reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Retell the main content of the Story.二、Presentation

1、Look, listen and read.2、Check and know the dialogue.3、Do the exercise 2 : Read again and answer the questions.4、Check the answer.5、Do the exercise 3 : Have you been to a fun park? What did you do ? What did you eat and drink? Use the words to help you write about your day.6、Ask someone to tell the answers and check.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Sum up(五)Homework: Read the story.The 6th Period




Teaching Contents: More reading and writing.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of the more reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the sentences and do the practice Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do the More reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:



1、Look, listen and read.A.Read the story by themselves.B.Listen to the tape and know the meaning.2、Read again.Answer the questions.A.Do the exercise.B.Check.3、Look at the pictures, and write some sentences about each person.4、Check the answer.5、Read the sentences.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Sum up(五)Homework: Read the story.Unit 3:A Lucky Day Teaching Contents:

1、Vocabulary :won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift,woke up late, missed the bus, forgot my homework, lost my keys

2、Drills: I had a lucky day!

What happened?

First, I had fun with friends.Next, I won the game.After that, I got a nice gift.Wow!You’re really lucky!

2、Sounds and words : [gr] grass, great, grandpa, hungry, angry, playground

4、Functions : Asking and talking about lucky or unlucky.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Express the drills.3、Master Sounds and Words.Teaching Focus:

1、vocabulary in four skills.2、Drills of asking and giving directions.Teaching Difficult Point: How to do “More reading and writing.” Teaching Periods: six periods

The 1 Period



授课时间:第六周 Teaching Contents:

1、Vocabulary : won the game, ate some cotton candy,st

had fun with friends, got a gift

2、Target: I had a lucky day!

What happened?

First, I had fun with friends.Next, I won the game.After that, I got a nice gift.Wow!You’re really lucky!Teaching Aims:

1、Master the vocabulary in four skills.2、Talking about the food.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills

Teaching Difficult Point: The pronunciation of the new words Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Ask and answer questions(1)What did you do yesterday?(2)What happened?


1、Ask the students to answer the questions and show the phrases : won the game, ate some cotton candy, had fun with friends, got a gift

2、Learn the new phrases.3、Talk about other lucky things.4、Group work: Talk about your lucky day,.4、Pair work: The students read and learn the new sentences.5、Write about your lucky day.(三)Practice

Read the phrases.(四)Homework

1、Copy down the new phrases and the sentences.The 2nd Period



授课时间:第七周 Teaching Contents: Vocabulary : 1.woke up late, missed the bus, forgot my homework, lost my keys rink a lot of water.2.Master the drills.3.Chant activity.Teaching focus:drills

Teaching Difficult Point: Dexribing emotional starts talking about past actions.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Read the words

2、Ask and answer questions(1)What happened?


1、Ask the students to answer “What happened?” and the teacher write them down on the blackboard.2、Learn the new phrase “ woke up late”.3、Use the same way to learn the other new phrase “missed the bus, forgot my homework, lost my keys ”.4、Ask the students try to explain the meaning of the phrases.5、The teacher make dialogue with students.6、Pair work: Make dialogues with your partner.7、learn and do Chant activity.(三)Practice

1、Play a game

2、Make dialogues using the words cards in group of four.(四)Homework:Copy down the new phrases.The 3rd Period



授课时间:第七周 Teaching Contents:


1、and 2,3、Activity Teaching Aims:

1、Master the Story in reading.2、Listening comprehension Teaching focus: Read the Story and know the Story tell about.Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about the main content of the Story Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


二、Presentation 1.Look at the picture of Story and guess “Who had a lucky?” 2.Read the Story and answer the questions:(1)What happened to Gogo?(2)Did Gogo find his keys? 3.Read after the tape.4.Learn the meaning.5.Roll play.6.Do the Practice 1 and 2.7.Read and write the activity.(三)Practice

1、Read the Story.2、Listen to the tape and repeat.3、Try the main content of the Story.(四)Sum up.(五)Homework: Tell the main content of the Story.The 4th Period



Teaching Contents: Sounds and words Teaching Aims:

1、Master the sound [gr]

授课时间:第八周2、Can reading the sentences Teaching focus:

1、Sounds and words [gr]

2、Reading sentences Teaching Difficult Point: List the other words Teaching Tools: radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Reading conversation

2、Ask and answer questions

二、Sounds and Words

1、Show pictures and the words

[gr] grass, great, grandpa, hungry, angry, playground

2、Listen to the tape and read the words after the tape one by one.3、Explain and practice the words.4、List the other words: ……

三、Write and read

1、Write and check.2、Read by themselves.3、Pair work.四、Homework:Read the words.The 5th Period



授课时间:第八周 Teaching Contents: Reading and writing.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of Reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the Story and do the practice Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do Reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Retell the main content of the Story.二、Presentation

1、Look listen and read.Complete the story with the words below, then listen and check.2、Read again.Number the pictures.3、Read and write.4、Check the answer.三、Practice

1、Read the Story.四、Sum up

五、Homework: Read the story.The 6th Period



授课时间:第九周 Teaching Contents: More reading and writing,Activity.Teaching Aims:

1、Master the main content of the more reading and writing.2、Do the practice

Teaching focus: Read the sentences and do the practice Teaching Difficult Point:Talking about how to do the More reading and writing.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


二、Presentation 1.Look listen and read.A.Read.B.Find out the unknown words..C.Check.2.Read again.Answer the question.A.Do the exercise.B.Check.3.Write T for true and F for false.4.Check the answer.5.Read the sentences.6.Do the Activity: Write the names of the books you like most.三、Practice

1、Read the Story.四、Sum up

五、Homework: Read the story.Review 1

Teaching Contents :

1、Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3

2、Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching Aims:

1、Can master the sounds and words from unit 1-3

2、Can master the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching Important Points :

1、Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3

2、Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching Difficult Points : How to write a short composition Teaching Periods: two periods

The 1 Period




授课时间:第九周 Teaching Contents: 1.Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 3.Activities.Teaching Aims: 1.Can master the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Can master the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills Teaching Important Points : 1.Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:

一、Revise the sounds and words

二、Revise verbs

三、Revise the sentences.四、Do the Activities

1、Listen and circle.Then check.2、Listen , look and write.3、Read and write.4、Listen , read and circle.五、Sum up.六、Homework.The 2 Period



授课时间:第十周 Teaching Contents: 1.Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 3.Reading and writing.4.Task: Health survey.Teaching Aims: 1.Can master the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Can master the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills Teaching Important Points : 1.Revise the sounds and words from unit 1-3 2.Revise the drills from Unit 1-3 Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


二、Do the Reading and writing.1、Look , listen and read.2、Read again.Answer the questions.3、Find the past tense of these verbs in the story and complete the sentences.Then check.4、Read and number the sentences in the correct order.三、Task: Activity survey.nd

1.Get into groups.Ask and answer.2.Write a report.3.Report it in class

四、Sum up.五、Homework.Culture1: Arts

Teaching Contents : 1.Look , read and think.2.Read , write and act.3.Please make a list of your favorite arts.Show what you are good at in your class.Teaching Aims:

1、Can master the words.2、Can master the drills.Teaching Important Points : Can master the new words and sentences.Teaching Difficult Points : How to make a list.Teaching Periods: two periods

The 1 Period



授课时间:第十周 Teaching Contents: 1.Look , read and think.Teaching Aims: 1.Can master the words.Teaching focus:vocabulary and drills Teaching Important Points : The new words.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:


1、Ask and answer questions(1)What can you see in the picture?(2)Do you like these things?


1、Ask the students to answer the questions and show the words :, erhu, play, flute, blow……

2、Show and learn the words.3、Group work: Describe how to master these words.And help the students to answer.4、Pair work: The students read and learn the new words.5、Write the words.(三)Practice Read the words.(四)Homework


1、Copy down the new words and the sentences.The 2 Period



授课时间:第十周 Teaching Contents: 1.The sentences.2.Read and check.3.Talk about art.Please make a list.Teaching Aims: 1.Can master the drills.Teaching focus: drills Teaching Important Points : The sentences drills.Teaching Tools:cards ,radio Teaching Procedure:



1、Show the pictures and ask the students to tell what the pictures tell about.2、Show the sentences and learn.3、Read again.三、Read and check.1.Do you know these things.2.Talk in groups.nd

3.Talk to the whole class.四、Talk about arts.Please make a list.五、Sum up.六、Homework.



Module 5 Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.课题:Module5 Unit1 Daming is having a birthday party.学习目标:


Trumpet ring doorbell loudly


A、Daming is having a birthday party.B、Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.3、能运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。



1、Daming is having a birthday party.2、Daming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.教学难点:运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事同时发生。教学用具:录音机、图片、单词卡片 教学过程:

一、Warming up



二、NEW teaching Daming is having a birthday party.引出课题和课文大意。 birthday party I'm playing the violin.老师帮助、指导学生说一个句子:partyhave a picnic.老师带领学生演练几个这样的句子。之后,让学生自己从单词卡片中选取单词来进行类似的句型练习。如:violina picnic



A、正式学习课文以前,老师向学生提出问题;Who is the birthday party for? What is Daming doing? What is Simon playing? Who is coming in the door? Who is singing? Who is laughing? B、将自制的课文挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音,学生听完以后,请学生尝试回答前面提出的问题。

C、学生打开书,老师再次播放录音,学生边听边看书,同时用笔勾画出课文中的生词,并猜词义。针对某个词老师做讲解或让学习较好的学生提供讲解。D、老师请学生看活动1的第一幅图画,请一位学生描述Daming正在做什么,另一位学生描述这时又发生了什么事情,请第三位学生将前面两位学生说的话连成一个句子。提醒学生中间要用but来连接,强化学生对 but的理解,再让学生描述后两幅图画。





四、Homework AB中Unit 1 Ex2 and 4 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 5 Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.课题:Module 5 Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.学习目标:


Eat dinner, ride a bike, do morning exercises, wake up, high up


A、He's riding his bike, but it's staring to rain.B、She's eating dinner, but the phone is ringing.3、能运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。


1、He's riding his bike ,but it's starting to rain.2、She's eating dinner ,but the phone is ringing.教学难点: 运用功能句谈论正在做一件事情时另一件事情同时发生。教学用具:录音机、图片、单词卡片 教学过程:

一、Warming up 老师问候学生。出示SB Unit 1的挂图,请几位学生讲述课文故事,提醒他们使用学习过的句型“He/She is „„but„„”讲解,并鼓励学生表演,以此来复习上一单元学过的内容。

二、New teaching



B、老师出示SB Unit 2活动1 中“一个正在吃饭的女孩”以及“电话铃在响”的图片,让学生分别描述一下每张图片的内容,然后把两张图片拼在一起说:“如果把这两张图拼在一起,应该怎么描述呢?”请学生试着说说然后看课文。


A、向学生说明:途中的人物正在做某件事情的时候发生了一些意外情况,提醒学生运用but并向学生解释说明图3的圆框中是一个高温图标,而图中的女孩又是大汗淋漓,引导学生说:It’s very hot.It’s getting very hot.B、老师放录音,学生听听自己的理解是否与录音中的一致,再放一遍录音,让学生跟读。

C、SB Unit 2 中的活动3 :老师放诗歌录音,学生把握诗歌的情节和韵律。放第二遍时让学生跟读并提醒他们注意语音、语调和韵律,再次放录音学生边跟读边打节拍,鼓励学生给这首诗歌编上动作,打着节拍朗读出来。


1、分组完成SB Unit 2中活动2,然后由组长检查指导。

2、分组完成AB Unit 2 Ex 1 and 4,然后由老师检查指导。


1、完成AB Unit 2 Ex 3 and 6。


新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book.课题:MODULE6 Unit1 I bought you this book.Teaching aims and demands: 1.Words: baseball 棒球 team 队、组(master)2.Phrases: playing baseball 打棒球 give it to you 把它给你 baseball team 棒球队

looks interesting 看起来有趣(master)3 Main sentence patterns: 1)I bought you this book.2)It looks interesting.3)Who gave it to you? 4)Simon’s family gave it to me.(Master)4 Grammar: The form about the past tense.Function: Give and receive the presents.(掌握动词过去时的几种不同构成形式及关键词,并会使用)Use the task: 1 SB Unit1 Part3 and 4 2 AB Unit1 Exercises 1-4 Tools: tape, pictures and word cards Teaching steps: Step 1 Warmer and revision 1 Sing a song.2 Talk and write down the words about track and field events.For example: basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, long jump, high jump, morning exercises, swimming, etc.Step2 Presentation: 1 Give the task(布置自学任务)2 Show in class(课堂展示)

1)Write the new words on the Bb.(Read and learn together)2)Write down the main sentence patterns you don’t know: I bought you this book about America.It’s looks interesting.It’s for playing baseball.Simon’s family gave it to me.But you can have this one.(Read together or follow the teacher, then translate)3)Find the words “bought, gave” in the dialogue.Under line the sentences with “bought, gave”.Play the tape.Listen and read the text.4 Explain the knowledge.(知识讲解)1)动词的过去时构成

一般是在动词末尾+ed 如:played, watched.特殊的类型主要有如下一些词形的变化,如:

ride---rode win---won drink---drank eat---ate is---was go---went see---saw buy---bought give---gave 2)句型:给某人买东西有两种形式: 主+bought +宾语 + 物品

I bought you this book about China.主+bought + 物品+ for+宾语

I bought this book about China for you.Step3 practice(Use cap, book, computer game and bike)1)For example: I bought you a book.Thank you.Who gave it to you? Zhang Wei gave it to me.To make the same sentences 2)Read the dialogue in part 1 in roles.3)Act out the dialogues in roles Step 4 Consolidation 1.Read about Daming.Use the words in the boxes.2.Do Exercise 1-4 in Unit 1 Homework and summary 1 Do Exercise 1-2.2 Read the dialogues in Unit 1.3 Learn Unit 2 Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about?

课题:Module 6 Unit 2 What’s it about? Teaching aims and demands Words and phases: took 带着,sent 发送,spaceship 宇宙飞船,even 甚至,space 宇宙,Russia 俄罗斯,bicycle 自行车,American spaceship 俄罗斯的宇宙飞船,took into带„进入 send „ into把„发送进入„„ looks interesting看起来有趣 went away走开

Main sentence patterns: What’s it about? Russia sent the first animal into space.I bought her a bicycle.Teaching point: talk about past tense.Using bought, took and sent.Function: talk about the present.Tools : tape.pictures.some books(一些新书)Teaching steps: Step l Warm up and revision 1.Sing a song “What do you want to eat?” 2.Give out the past tense.如:go----went.go buy give eat is am see watch win ride 3.Act out the dialogues on Page 22 in book 8.(及时鼓励与强化训练,并给予指导)Step 2 Presentation 1.Give the task :(应在前一节课结束时布置任务)① Find out the new words ② Listen and read the text ③ Find out the main sentence patterns ④ Try to introduce your gift 2.Show in class.1)Write the new words on the blackboard and read 2)Read and write down the main sentence patterns Russia sent the first animal into space I bought her a bicycle What’s it about?

It’s about animals:(Read together)4)Do a “ gift show “ one by one 3.Explain the knowledge.1)句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言的词开头字母也大写,如:Russia China 2)bought 是买的过去式 took 是take的过去式 sent 是 send 的过去式

4.Look and listen for “bought, took, and sent”

Listen and read four times.Then act out the dialogues in pairs 5.Talk about the books on page 24.(也可用实物练习)For example: A.This book looks interesting.B.What's it about? C.It's about animals.6.Listen, say and chant.Step 3 Practice 1 Chant and act out.2.Match and say.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Write and read the new words.2.Do Exercise.1----6 Design: Module 6 Unit 2 Omit.新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space.Teaching content: Module 7 Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space.Teaching objectives 1.words and phrase: flew became spent hour son proud fly--flew become--became spend--spent see--saw make--made 书写单词: 2.sentences: A: Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.B: Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one in space.C: He made a video and now he is very famous.Grammar: 一般过去时态及动词的不规则变化。

Teaching properties: tape-recorder Cards pictures Teaching procedures: A: sing B: Free talk:讲述过去发生的事情。C: New concepts: 1.warm-up T:Good morning, girls and boys.Ss: Good morning, Ms fan.教师向学生展示一张杨利伟的照片,向学生提问:“ Who is he? What do you know about him?” 教师再向学生展示:“神舟五号”的照片,请学生们互相讨论自己所了解的知识。2.Listen to the tape.教师放录音,学生听课文介绍杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。并解释几个不规则动词的变化。

fly--flew become--became spend--spent 以及其它几个词的过去式。3.Practice Do more oral exercises and the activity book.Summery:总结本课的重,难点及三会单词。Homework: 用学过的不规则动词能够造几个简单的英语句子;用英语向父母讲述杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.Teaching Content: Module 7 Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space.一、Teaching Objectives:

1、Words and phrases: flew became spent hour son proud pilot

2、Sentences: He spent about twenty-one hours in space.My mother and I saw my father on TV.I went to the airport.We ate in the restaurant.3、Grammar: The simple past tense

二、Teaching prosperities: cards pictures Tape-recorder

三、Teaching procedures: A: Songs: Say a chant: My sister said B: Free talk: Talk about Shenzhou V C: New Concepts:

1、Warmer: a: Greeting: b: Act out the dialogue in Unit 1

2、Leading: 老师总结学生的描述后自己说三个句子:He came from Liaoning.He spent about twenty-one hours in space.He traveled into space.提问 Who is he? 引导学生猜出答案,然后说:“Yes , you are right.He is Yang Liwei.” 用这个方法来做一个游戏,每人说三句话,然后请其他人猜测描述的是谁,或是什么地方?

3、Text teaching : a.T: Show the pictures on the blackboard.Play the tape and have the students look and listen.b.Ss: Listen and underline the new words.Try to read c.T: Explain the new words and the sentences.了解单词的缩写和完全形式

cm = centimetre km = kilometre d.让学生在课文中找出动词的过去式,如,go(went), see(saw), eat(ate), 老师板书将学生分成两组,一组说原形,一组说过去式,展开游戏,看哪组反应快。

e.Do the practice 1 and 2 f.Learn the poem.4、Practice.1).Game:Where did I go? 2).Do the exercise 1 and 2 of the student’s book.5、Summary.6、Homework: 写出生词和动词的过去式,设计并制作自己的宇宙飞船,并到学校展示给同学。

7、Design: Module 7 Unit 2 Words: see---saw fly---flew eat---ate Phrases: make a video

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Content: Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller Teaching Objectives: 1.Words and Phrase: born child as later drew letter herself all over world mode 2.Sentences: Helen Keller became blind and deaf.She couldn’t see and she couldn’t hear.Later she could read and write.She wrote a book about herself.Teaching Properties: Tape-recorder, cards, pictures Teaching Procedures: A: Song: look up at the spaceship B: Free talk: What did you do at the weekend? C: New Concepts 一.把全班分为A,B两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验Helen Keller的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用can/can’t造句 S1: 出示图片

S2:I can can’t„.复习以前学过的单词的同时,并为本节课要学习的couldcouldn’t 做铺垫。二.再出示几张自己小时候的照片并介绍

I was born in Huan Ren 1980.Can you guess what I could couldn’t do? Ss: You couldcouldn’t„.同时让学生谈论下自己小时候能做和不能做的事情

三.出示一张海伦的图片,并让学生根据自己查阅的有关她的一些资料介绍她,并问同学们你们想知道海伦小时候的一些事情吗?今天让我们一起走进MODULE8 UNIT 1,走进海伦,播放CAI。第一遍让学生们边听边划出重点单词,如“born , world, all over„”可以请学生根据上下文猜单词的意思,也可以教师讲解生词,请学生模仿跟读。听第二遍时让学生带两个问题听并试着找出答案。

Q1:What could Helen do? Q2: What couldn’t Helen do?

这两个问题的答案正是本课的重点句,让学生反复操练此句型。听第三遍录音时让学生跟读,并让学生分组练习对话。四.Homework: Tell the story of Helen to your friends and parents.五.Design: 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 8 Unit 2 His name was Louis Braille.Teaching Objectives: 1.Words: 识别并书写was born 2.Sentences: 学习并能口头运用When was he born? He was born in 1809.3.会用这类语句来询问并回答你想知道的人物信息。4.Grammar: the past tense Teaching Procedures: Step1 Warm-up A: chant: Humpty Dumpy sat on a wall.B: Free talk: Talking about one’s experience in the past.C: Let the students describe their young.让学生描述事先准备好的小时候的照片,以此来复习前课所学的内容,并为新课做好准备。

For example: In this photo, I was 5 years.I could dance.I couldn’t speak English.Step 2 Presentation T: Now I will introduce a blind man to you.He was born in France.He became blind in 1812.He was very famous.Who is he? What is he? What happened to him? Now, let’s listen to the tape.(让学生圈出生词)Step3 Listen again then answer the questions(老师把关键的疑问词写在黑板上,运用 “对答如流”的游戏回答本课的问题)如: Where--France Where--in 1809 Who--Louis Braille Summary Homework:以采访的形式询问自己某位朋友的经历并写一份简历。Design

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 9 Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Function: Dealing with misunderstandings.Teaching points: 1.Integrated recycling: why and because.2.Vocabulary and phrases: laugh cup understand mistake baseball cap lots of 3.Sentences: What’s the matter? Why are you laughing? It’s easy to make mistakes with English.4.Looking for the words that their pronunciations are almost the same.Teaching aids: Pictures Tape Recorder Cups Caps Teaching Process: 一.Warming up.1.Greeting.2.Sing an English song.And recite the last lesson’s chant.3.Find out the differences of the words.The teacher is going to write pairs of words on the board.The teacher is going to say the words and the students have to listen to carefully and decide which words the teacher is saying.leek-----lick pan----pin tap------tip cup-----cap big------pig head---had Have the students read the words and, if necessary, the teacher can say and explain each word and have the students repeat them after the teacher.Go through the words and say one word in each row.The students should write down the word.On completion, have the students compare their answers with a partner before the teacher corrects the exercise.Ask the students if it was difficult to distinguish which words were being said(yes).Ask them if they know why(the vowel sounds were very similar).The teacher says: Lots of English words pronunciations are very similar.So we are easy to make some mistakes(learn the word “mis-take=mistake”).And there is the same joke in the today’s text.Now let’s look at it together.二.New concepts: Part 1.Listen, point and find “why” 1.Solve the important words: Laugh大笑 smile 微笑 Under---stand==understand 2.The teacher shows the colorful pictures on the board.Questions: Who are they? What are they going to do? Why are they laughing? Have the students to read the text by groups.Then answer these questions.3.Listen to the tape carefully.The students pay more attention to the important words.4.The students follow the teacher to read the text.Then have the students to study the main meaning of the text by themselves.And answer the questions:(1)Are they going to have a baseball team?(2)What are they laughing?(3)What did Lingling hear?(4)What did Amy say?(5)What has Sam got in his bag? 5.Now the students and the teacher read the text together.Have the students to recite the important sentences.6.Finally, close the students’ books.Play the tape again sentence by sentence.Have the students to follow the recorder.7.Do the exercise book: P34, 1.Lister to the questions.Look and write the answers.8.Have the students to use the cups and caps to act the text out.Part 3.Learn to say.The teacher finds one student to stand at the front of the class.Then the teacher gives him/her a card.The student acts it out according to the content of the card.The teacher leads other students to ask: What’s the matter? Why are you„.?

The student answers: I’m„.三.Homework: 1.Remember the new words well.2.Read the text.四.Retrospection: 新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 9 Unit 2 Because it’s going to rain.Function: Dealing with misunderstandings.Why and because.Teaching points: 1.Future tense with “be going to”

2.Vocabulary and phrases: wear raincoat theatre go into be afraid of throw„out of 3.Sentences: Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain.Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Because I’m going to play basketball.4.Learn to the song.Teaching aids: Pictures Tape Recorder Teaching Process: 一.Warming up 1.Greeting.2.Review the Unit 1.二.New concepts: Part 1 Look and listen for “because”.Open the students’ books.Look at the pictures carefully.Discuss how to describe the pictures between the partners.Then listen to the tape carefully.Play the tape again and have the students to imitate.The teacher read the original text slowly.Have the students to understand the text well.Notice: Why--------?

Then listen to the tape again carefully.And the students point to the corresponding pictures.Part 2 Look and say Have the students to say the right, whole dialogues.Now let make silly sentences.For example: I’m wearing a dress because I’m going to go swimming.Have the students to make sentences like this.Do the exercise book: P37, 3.Notice: why and because Part 3 Learn the song.Have the students to know the melody of the song firstly.Then learn the words by groups.Finally, the students follow the tape to sing again and again.Have the students to learn it very well.Part 4 Have the students to understand the riddles by groups.The students may collect riddles to say others.三.Homework: Use “why” and “because” to make two sentences.四.Retrospection:

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 10 Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese.一 Warm up 1.Say hello each other.2.Sing an English song.3.Warm up(T asks, Ss answer.T and Ss both do the actions.)二Review Words: laugh cup understand mistake

2.Why are you laughing? 三New teaching 1.words: middle school study practise worry Use the pictures and cards to teach new words, and Encourage them to recite the simple ones.2.Sentences: Are you going to middle school this September? Yes, I’m really excited.3.Exercise T: Are you going to go to middle school this September ? What are you going to study? Ss: I'm going to be a middle school student.I'm going to make new friends.I'm going to have new books.I'm going to have new teachers.4.Text: 1)Listen and look.2)Open the book and listen to tape again.3)Answer questions about the text.4)Read(in all kinds of ways)四Extension The teacher makes out a story about the sentences in this lesson.The teacher tells the story.The students act it out.五 Conclusion According to the sentences on the blackboard.六Homework 1 Read the text and acts it out.2.Talk about your new school.Blackboard Module 10 Unit 1 we are going to speak Chinese 1 What are you going to study? Daming: Physics Chemistry History Amy: Chinese 1.Where are you going to go this summer? 2.What are you going to do?

新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案 Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to study? 一 Warm up 1 Say hello each other.2 Sing an English song.二 Review : Word: middle school study practise worry sentences;Are you going to go to middle school this September ? Yes, I`m really excited.T: 1 What is Daming going to study?(He’s going to study Physics, Chemistry, and History.)2 What is Amy going to study?(She’s going to study Chinese.)三 New teaching 1 Sentences What are you going to study? I’m going to study „ 2 Exercises Ask the students some questions about dialogue they heard on tape.Do the exercise of the student’s book on page 40.四Extension Talk to a friend.What are you going to study? Choose and draw three subjects.五Conclusion T and Ss say the poem.六 Home work 1 Say the poem.2 please make four sentences about subject.Blackboard Unit 2 What are you going to study?

What are / is you / she, he going to study?


中央电视台《开心学国学》 复赛题目及答案详解




题目要求:根据对对联的要求,对出一个成语作为题面给定成语的下联。例如:承前启后,可以对:继往开来(1)上联:雪中送炭 下联参考答案:锦上添花(2)上联:精卫填海 下联参考答案:女娲补天

二、题目要求:请选手在60秒内写出两句带有表示颜色的字的诗句、词句。要求两句间颜色不重复。举例:霜叶红于二月花 黑云压城城欲摧

参考答案:(1)红杏枝头春意闹; 春风又绿江南岸。

(2)流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉; 最是橙黄桔绿时。(3)接天莲叶无穷碧; 姹紫嫣红万里红。

(4)莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦; 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。(5)两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。




(1)“及时当勉励,岁月不待人”是谁的名句? A、苏轼;B、陶渊明


(2)曹植七步成诗,相传历史上还有一位三步就能成诗的人,他是: A、王安石; B、寇准

(正确答案:寇准。寇准,北宋政治家、诗人。他刚直不阿,敢于向皇帝直谏,宋太宗曾称赞道:“朕得寇准,犹文皇之得魏征也”。寇准从小就非常聪明,相传七岁时仅走三步就吟诵出了“只有天在上,更无山与齐。拳头红日进,俯首白云低”的诗句。)(3)《论语》中认为“为仁之本”的是: A、忠义; B、孝悌


(7)“醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营”出自谁的作品? A、陆游;B、岳飞;C、辛弃疾;D、李清照。











题目要求:根据对对联的要求,对出一个成语作为题面给定成语的下联。例如:瓜熟蒂落,可以对:水到渠成(1)上联:绳锯木断 下联:水滴石穿



















一、看朱成碧思纷纷,憔悴支离 为忆君;


























二、不成人之恶 答案:不成人之恶




三、刘备、关羽和张飞 答案:梁山伯和祝英台




三、文成公主入藏 答案:文成公主入藏




三、菊花台 答案:幽州台



Unit 1 My school Target

I.Sentences: 1.There’s a hall, a gym···· 2.How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.3.Of course, Gogo!

4.I have an idea.II.Words: a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

III.Sounds and words:


room moon cool classroom school noodles Materials

Picture Cards 1-8, a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;


The first period Step 1 Review 1.Do you know…?

2.How many words do you know? Step 2

Vocabulary Getting ready Put Picture Cards 1-8 on the blackboard.T: Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat.Hold up each Picture cards.And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat.Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat.Point to each subject as you say it.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.T: Is this an art room?(Point to a music room Picture card.)Ss: No, it isn’t.It’s a music room.Model if necessary.Repeat with several Picture Cards.T: Close your books.T:(Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.)what is it?

Ss: It’s a ….Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see?(S1:A gym```)T: Now read the questions.Have Ss read the questions together.Ask individual Ss to answer.Step 4 Homework




The second period Step 1 Review

1、朗读短语。Step 2 Target Getting ready Ask for three volunteers.Put the Picture cards on the blackboard.T: What’s in our school?(S1: There’s a ```)

Is there a library in our school?(S1: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.)Have S1 point to the Picture Cards.Do the same for S2 and others if time permits.Using the book Have Ss point to the first Picture.Model the dialog.Have Ss point to the second picture.Ask two Ss to model the dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3 Chant activities

1)T: Let’s listen to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted.Point to the picture cards of a library and a teachers’ office.Chant as a whole group again.2)Play the disc one and pause every sentence.Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:

The third period Step 1 Review

1、背读短语、句子。Step 2 Story Using the book(Point to the picture cards of a library.)Look at the picture.T: What’s this?

What’s in it?

Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Read out

the dialog sentence by sentence.Step 3 Practice 1 T: Look at A.T: What’s that on the left?(Ss: A classroom.)T: What’s that on the right?(Ss: A library.)T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc for A, then pause.Continue with the rest.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写本课单词各3个 教学反思:

The Fourth Period Step 1 Review Step 2 Sounds and words 1)Getting ready Write room and moon on the board and underline the spelling –oo.T: Let’s practice this sound.Look at my mouth and repeat.T: /u:/ Ss:/u:/ Drag out the sound /u:/ so Ss hear it clearly.Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page.T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it.T: Let’s listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the disc.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2)Listen and chant T: Let’s listen to the chant.Play the disc once.T: Let’s chant together.Play the disc and have Ss chant along.Step 3 Homework 教学反思:

Unit 2 Our New Home


一、教学目标: 1.认识目标:Is there a living room in your new home? Yes, there is.Is there a garden? No, there isn’t.2.能力目标:Listen and look 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼

二、教学内容:Listen and look






1.Geetting ready:教师事先从报刊杂志上收集公寓套间中各种不同房间的图片(如难以找到,可用本教材的图画卡片代替)。

T:(展示一张卧室的图片)Look.It’s a bedroom.Repeat.Bedroom.[Ss: Bedroom.] 用同样新方法呈现单词living room 和dining room.2.新课呈现: 让学生看着课文。

T:Let’s listen to the tape/disc and read the story.要求学生一边听录音一边用手指,课文中的句子。

T: Let’s listen again and repeat.播放录音,逐句暂停,让学生跟读。


让学生分成四人小组,并安排他们分别扮演Dad, Gogo, Tony, Jeny的角色。再次播放录音,逐句暂停,让扮演不同角色的学生跟读。鼓励学生朗读时声音带有感情,脸上富有表情。



一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:认读单词:home, a kichen, a living room, a bedroom, a garden, a bathroom 2.能力目标:Listen and say 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,实际地用学过的英语。

二、教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,Song


四、课前准备:CD 单词卡


(一)Vocabulary 1.Geetting ready:把图画卡片9-14贴在黑板上,图画一面朝外。

T:(指着厨房的图片)Kitchen, repeat.[Ss: Kitchen]将卡片翻过来,显示单词的一面,并用手指从左到右在单词下划线。


(1)T: Let’s listen to the tape/disc and repeat.Point to each item as you say it.播放录音,让学生逐一跟读单词。教师任意指某一幅图画。请不同的学生根据图画说出单词。(2)Target 1.Geetting ready:教师把图画卡片garden贴在黑板上,单词一面朝外。T:(Ss’s name),make a question.[S1:Is there a garden in the new home? ] T:(No, there isn’t.)

继续用其他的图画卡片与另外一些学生进行问答对话。2.新课呈现 让学生看着本页的图画。请不同的学生读出对话中的句子。

反复播放录音,并让学生跟着录音练习朗读。让学生结对表演对话。(3)Song 1.Geetting ready:让学生看着歌词旁边的图画。T:(指着厨房的图画)What is it? 请一位学生回答。[Ss: It is a kitchen.]在黑板上写kitchen。用同样的方法处理其余图画。2.新课呈现

T: Now let’s listen to the song.再次播放录音给学生听。

T:(指着第二、三段歌词中的空白处)Let’s finish these sentences.Listen again.再次播放录音,在需要的地方暂停,让学生在空白处写出答案。T: Let’s sing together!




(5)Homework: 听录音朗读单词,句型。抄写单词。


Unit 2 Our New Home home,a kichen,a living room, a bedroom, a garden,a bathroom 教学反思:


一、教学目标: 1.认知目标:能够认读单词arm, art, park, card, garden, party.2.能力目标:Listen, point, and say.3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,感知国际音标.二、教学内容:Sounds and words.三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是ar的发音。

四、课前准备:CD 单词卡

五、教学过程: 1.复习单词。2.Free talk.3.指导学生书写单词。4.Sounds and words.1)Listen ,point and say: arm, art, park, card, garden, party.2)找出含有与arm一样发音的词。5.完成workbook Unit 2 Our New Home 6.Homework: 听录音跟读Sounds and words.六、板书设计: Sounds and words

arm,art,park,card, garden,party 教学反思:

Unit 3 Bank or Beach? Target:

一、Sentences 1.Where are you going? I'm going to the bank.2.Is she going to the bank? No, she isn’t.3.Are they going to the beach ? Yes , they are.二、Words: supermarket, bank, park, hospital, restaurant, swimming pool , shopping mall , movie theater.三、Sounds and words [f]

ship ,shirt ,she ,shorts ,shoes, shopping;Picture Cards 15-22,a supermarket, a bank, a park, a hospital, a restaurant, a swimming pool , a shopping mall , a movie theater.The first period Step 1 Review

1.How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms.2.Is there a living room.....Step 2 Vocabulary Getting ready Put Picture Cards 15-22 on the blackboard.T: Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now Listen and repeat.Hold up each Picture cards And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat.Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat.Point to each subject as you say it.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.T: Where is this ?(Point to beach.)Ss: It’s beach.Model if necessary.Repeat with several Picture Cards.T: Close your books.T:(Hold up various Picture Cards and realia.)Where is this?

Ss: It’s a ….Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T:XXX, Can you read sentence ?(S1:Hello,Tony.Where are you going ?)(S2:I ’m going to the restaurant.Ss:He’s going to the restaurant.)Do the same with the picture of shopping mall.T: Now look at column on the right.Where’s Jenny going ? S1:She’s going to the party.Have Ss read the questions together.Ask individual Ss to answer.Step 4 Homework 1.朗读拼背本课单词 2.抄写本课单词各5个 教学反思:

The second period Step 1 Review 1.朗读短语 Step 2 Target Getting ready Ask for three volun teers.Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard.T: Where are you going ? I’m going to the bank.Have S1 point to the Picture Cards.Do the same for S2 and others if time permits.Using the book Have Ss point to the first Picture.Model the dialog.Have Ss point to the second Picture.Ask two Ss to model the dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence,allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3 Song activities 1)T: Let’s listen to the disc first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is chanted.Point to the Picture Cards of swimming pool and movie theater.Chant as a whole group again.2)Play the disc one and pause every sentence.Have Ss fill in blanks in the chant.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:

The third period Step 1 Review

1、背读短语、句子。Step 2 Story Using the book(Have Ss Look at the Pictures on the page.)T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Read out

the dialog sentence by sentence.Step 3 Practice 1 Have Ss read the four sentences listening.T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc for A ,then pause.T: Where’s he doing ?(Ss:He’s going to the restaurant.)Continue with the rest.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写本课单词各3个 The Fourth Period Step 1 Review 背读第21页短语、句子。朗读课文。

Step 2 Sounds and words 1)Getting ready Write ship on the board and under line the spelling –sh.T:(point to sh)Let’s practice this sound.Look at my mouth and repeat.T:/f/ Ss:/f/ Drag out the sound /f/ so Ss hear it clearly.Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page.T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it.T: Let’s listen again and this time ,repeat.Have Ss repeat after the disc.After enough practice , point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2)listen and look T: Let’s listen to the dialog.Play the disc once.T:Now let’s practice.Read outthe dialog sentence by sentence and have Ss repeat.Step 3 Homework



Unit 4 Free Time Target I.Sentences: 1.May I have a peach? Yes, please.2.May I have a balloon? No, you may not.Sorry.3.Thank you.You’re welcome.Come back!

II.Words: go to the zoo, buy an ice cream, call my friend, borrow a book, watch TV, listen to a song.III.Sounds and words:


tea, read, peach, clean, speak, ice cream,Picture Cards 25-28, go to the zoo, buy an ice cream, call my friend, borrow a book, watch TV, listen to a song.The first period

Step 1 Review

1.Where’s Jenny going? She’s going to the party.2.Are you going to the beach? No, I’m not.I’m going to the hospital.Step 2 Vocabulary Getting ready Hold up a ruler.Write May I have a ruler? on the blackboard.(Point to a ruler)T: May I have a ruler? Repeat.Ss: Yes.Here you are.Repeat.Ss: No.Sorry.Repeat.Using the book Put Picture Cards25-28 on the blackboard.T: Look at the Picture Cards.Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat.Hold up each Picture cards.And say the word.Give Ss time to repeat.Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word.Repeat with several Picture Cards.Step 3 Practice 2 Ask and answer

T: May I have a book? Circle have.Continue with the other pictures.Ask individual Ss to answer.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写本课单词各5个 教学反思:

The second period Step 1 Review

1、朗读短语。Step 2 Target Getting ready May I have a ruler?(S1:Sure.Here you are./No.Sorry.)Put the Picture Cards on the blackboard.T: May I use your pencil?(S2: Yes, you may./No.Sorry.)T: May I borrow your book?(S3: Yes, you may./No.Sorry.)T: May I buy your pen?(S4: Yes, you may./ No.Sorry.)When you get an affirmative, pretend to give the student money, then take the pen.Using the book.Point to the first picture and model the dialog.Point to the second picture and model the dialog.Play the disc and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss to repeat.Step 3 Song

1)Listen and sing

T: Let’s sing a song.Let’s listen first.Play the disc and point to each word as it is sung.One group sings the questions and the other group sings the responses.2)Activity 1

Have Ss Look at the Pictures.T: Draw lines to match the pictures and the phrases.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写句子5次 教学反思:

The third period Step 1 Review

1、背读短语、句子。Step 2 Story Using the book T: Let’s listen to the disc.(Point to the pictures in their books)T: Let’s listen again and repeat.Play the disc and pause after each sentence to have Ss repeat.Read out

the dialog sentence by sentence.Step 3 Practice 1 T: Point and talk about the pictures in each number.T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc for A, then pause.Continue with the rest.Step 4 Homework


2、抄写本课单词各3个 教学反思:

The Fourth Period Step 1 Review


2、朗读课文。Step 2 Sounds and words 1)Getting ready Write tea and read on the board and underline the spelling –ea.T: Let’s practice this sound.Look at my mouth and repeat.T: /I:/ Ss: /I:/ Drag out the sound / I: / so Ss hear it clearly.Using the book Have Ss look at the picture on the page.T: Let’s listen to the disc.Play the disc and have Ss point to each word as the disc says it.T: Let’s listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the disc.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.2)Listen and chant T: Let’s listen to the chant.Play the disc once.T: Let’s chant together.Play the disc and have Ss chant along.Step 3 Homework 教学反思:

Review 1






Practce1 1.Geetting ready 让一名学生读出完整的A句。T:What’s there? 要不同学生回答。2.新课呈现

T: Let’s listen to the tape/dic.播放A句录音,然后暂停。

T:Is there a garden,(S1’s name)?[ S1:No,there isn’t.There’s a dining room.] T:Circle the corret answer.(示范画圆圈)继续操练其余几个练习。Practce2 1.Geetting ready 教师把图画卡片任意贴在黑板上。让学生说出单词。2.新课呈现

T:(在黑板上写出不完整句子)Look A,what is Gogo asking? 让不同学生回答。

T:Let’s fill in the blanks and make the sentences complete.(让四个学生上黑板写下他们的答案。)给学生时间写答案。与全班一起核对答案。Practce3 1.Geetting ready 让学生看图画。复习一下图中物品。2.新课呈现

T:What’s in the picture A?[Ss:A playground,a library and a music room.] 播放A题录音。

T:Circle the right picture in A.(让学生圈出答案。)继续完成其他题。Practce4 1.Geetting ready 让学生看本题单词。要不同学生大声朗读单词。2.新课呈现 指着单词room.T:/u:/, /u:/, room.Let’s find the sound /u:/ other words.指着另外三个单词:shopping,moon,art,speak.T: Shopping, Moon, Art, Speak.Which word has the sound /u:/?[ Ss: Moon] T:See the line from ―room‖ to ―moon‖?用手指在两个单词间连线。指着其余三个单词:arm, shorts, peach.T: Arm, Shorts, Peach.Can you find out the same sound for them?(Have Ss do the matching)检查答案并让学生读出有相同发音的词。Practce5 1.Geetting ready 准备相应的图画卡片,把它们贴在黑板上。让学生读出物品名称。2.新课呈现 让一名学生自愿上黑板。

T:What’s missing in the words?(让学生在空缺处填上字母)让其他学生写答案,且不要看黑板。T:Let’s check the answer.Practce6 1.Geetting ready 让学生看看人物在想什么。


T:Where is Tony going ?[Ss:He’s going to the swimming pool.] 让学生写下A题的答案。给时间学生完成练习。

让学生检查答案并结对读出对话。w 教学反思:


Practce7 1.Geetting ready:让学生看图片。让学生把图片和第二行的词组连线。2.新课呈现

T:Let’s do the match.让给学生检查答案。T:Now,let’s raise a question with the phrase.让学生用词组来造一个句子,并写下来。Practce8 1.Geetting ready:把相应的图画卡片贴到黑板上。让学生大声说出物品。2.新课呈现 让学生写下答案。

T:What can you do in the picture A?[Ss:We can have lessons.] 继续完成其它几幅图画。Practce9 1.Geetting ready:让一名学生自愿读出A文段。

T:Listen carefully.What’s in Pam’s school ?[Ss:A Hall, a playground, a gym and a library.] 继续完成B文段。2.新课呈现



T:Now,let’s talk about our home.让学生分成小组,轮流讲讲他们的家。教学反思:

Culture 1: School life


语言目标:There’s a big hall in his school.There isn’t a gym is his school.He often plays games on the playground.They do morning exercise there at 10 am.from Monday to Friday.二、词汇目标:places, activities, Daily routines at school

三、教学资源 学校照片或图画卡片


(一)Look and read 1.Geetting readyw 让学生读36页的文段一次。

T:Where is Bobby? [Ss: He’s in the UK.] T:Does he like P.E.?[ Ss: Yes, he does.] 继续第37页的文段。2.新课呈现


T:What does Weiliang often do on the playground ?[Ss:He often plays games.] T:Is there a gym in Bobby’s school?[Ss: No,there isn’t.]

(二)Read and write 1.Geetting ready:让学生结对,根据书本问和答。让学生写下答案。2.新课呈现


Unit 5 Our Clothes


一、教学目标: 1.认识目标:Whose blue socks are there ? They’re Tony’s.Is this your blue dress? No,it isn’t.2.能力目标:Listen and look 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,用英语打招呼

二、教学内容:Listen and look


四、课前准备:CD 单词卡



1.Geetting ready:教师举起自己的书本。T:This is my book.This is mine.举起S1 的书本。

T:(面对S1)This is your book.This is yours.(面对其他同学)This is(S1’s name)’s book.This is(S1’s name)’s

T:(再次面对S1)Is this your book? [S1: Yes, it is.It’s my book./It’s mine.] 新|课 |标|第 |一| 网

T:(面对S2)Is this your book? [S2:No,it isn’t.It’s(S1’s name)’s book./ It’s(S1’s name)’s.]

用学生的钢笔、书包、尺子等继续练习my/mine your/yours(name)’s/(name)’s等。



T:Let’s listen to the tape/dic.教师举起书本,指着图画。T: Let’s listen again and repeat.播放录音,逐句暂停,让学生跟读。


六、板书设计:教学反思: Unit5 Our Clothes my/ mine

your/ yours



一、教学目标: 1.知识目标:认读单词:a coat, a dress, a skirt, a T-shirt, a sweater, a cap,shorts, shoes 2.能力目标:Listen and say 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,实际地用学过的英语。

二、教学内容:Vocabulary , Target ,Song


四、课前准备:CD 单词卡


(一)Vocabulary 1.Geetting ready:把图画卡片29-36贴在黑板上,同时准备一些实物如衬衫、连衣裙等来介绍新单词。举起每件物品/每张卡片对学生说出单词。


(1)T: Open your books.Let’s listen to the tape/dic and repeat.播放录音,让学生逐一跟读单词。


(2)Target 1.Geetting ready:教师把mine,yours,his,hers,ours, theirs,Gogo’s写在黑板的一栏,把留有空格的my,your,his,her,our,your,their, Gogo’s写在黑板的另一栏,如my_____。

T:(举起一本书)This is my book.(把book写在靠近my的空格处)This is mine.(指着黑板上的mine)利用教室里的实物,继续操练其它几对单词。2.新课呈现 教师要不同学生大声朗读句子。播放几遍录音,让学生随录音练习。(3)Song 1.Geetting ready:让学生看着歌词旁边的图画。T:(指着爸爸)What is he? 请一位学生回答。[Ss: He’s Dad/Mr.Green.] 用同样的方法处理妈妈的画。2.新课呈现

T:Now let’s listen to the song.再次播放录音给学生听。播放录音,全班一起跟录音唱。



(5)Homework: 听录音朗读单词,句型。抄写单词。


Unit 5 Our Clothes

mine= my____

yours=your____ his= his____



theirs=their____ Gogo’s= Gogo’s____ 教学反思:


一、教学目标: 1.认知目标:能够认读单词bird,girl,shirt,skirt,first,birthday 2.能力目标:Listen, point, and say.3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,感知国际音标.二、教学内容:Sounds and words.三、教学重难点:重点是认记单词,难点是ir发音。

四、课前准备:CD 单词卡

五、教学过程: 1.复习单词。2.Free talk.3.指导学生书写单词。4.Sounds and words.1)Listen ,point and say: bird,girl,shirt,skirt,first,birthday 2)找出含有与arm一样发音的词。5.完成workbook Unit 5 Our Clothes 6.Homework: 听录音跟读Sounds and words.六、板书设计: Sounds and words bird





birthday 教学反思:

Unit 6 Jobs



1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写八个单词及其短语: a taxi driver

a firefighter

a police office

a writer an officer worker

a doctor

a nurse

a teacher

2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写Target中的句型: What do you do? I’m a nurse.What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.二、教学重点:单词的学习与掌握,学会句子。


What do you do?

What do you want to be?

四、教具准备: teaching cards.五、教学过程:


1.出示第五单元词汇,学生认读。2.朗读句型。Is this your/his/her…? Are these…?

Whose…is this/are these?



a taxi driver

a firefighter

a police office

a writer an officer worker

a doctor

a nurse

a teacher 3.反复朗读单词。


(三)句型教学 1.出示课文插图。

2.师生共同理解图意及句意。3.重点学习以下句子: What do you do? I’m a nurse.What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.4.播放句型录音。5.带读句子,跟录音朗读。6.分角色朗读。




a taxi driver

a firefighter

a police office an officer worker

a doctor

a nurse

What do you do? I’m a nurse.What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.教学反思:

a writer a teacher


一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读Story的会话。2.完成Practice中的练习。

二、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读Story的会话。



四、教具准备: tape recorder ,cards pictures.五、教学过程:


1.指名认读课文单词。2.朗读课文会话,对话练习。What do you do? I’m a nurse.What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.(二)会话教学

1.教师准备一些从杂志、报刊上选取的医生、消防队员及魔术师的照片。2.T:(出示一张医生的照片)Look,He’s a doctor.Repeat.Doctor.[Ss:Doctor.] 3.T:Let’s listen to the disc.教师举起课本,指着图画。4.T:Let’s listen again and repeat.5.着重理解一下句子。Where are you going? What do you do? What do you want to be? 6.带读内容。7.分角色朗读。

(三)完成 Practice.1:播放录音,学生根据所听到的内容写上序号。

(四)Practice2 1.教师让学生看书本上的问题

T:A.(S1’s name),can you read the sentence? S1:What does she do? 2.教师请其他学生朗读另外三个问题。3.让全体学生练习朗读。

4:Now,look at A.What does she do? 让一个学生回答。S1:She’s an office worker.5.用同样的方法操练其余几幅图画。





What do you do? What do you want to be? 教学反思:



song activity, activity, sounds and words Target: 1.Sing a song.2.Do some exercise.3.Sound.二、教学重点: A song and the sounds.三、教学难点:

Look and write.四、教具准备: tape recorder ,word-cards.五、教学过程:



(二)完成Song activity.1.看图,提问:

What does he do? 2.师生共同分析,让学生看懂课文图意,理解句子。3.听录音。

4.继续播放录音,让学生一句一句跟唱,反复进行。What does he do? He’s a taxi driver.What does he do? He’s office worker.What does he do? He’s a story writer.…

(三)完成Listen and write的练习。1.看图,师生了解图意。2.播放录音。


He’s a firefighter.What do you do? I’m a doctor.What do you do? I’m a taxi driver.(四)Activity2.1.Look at the picture.Look at the people in the classroom.2.T:(指着消防员)What does he do? Ss: He’s a firefighter.3.T:(指着护士)Is she a doctor? Ss: No, she isn’t.She’s a nurse.4.T:(指着一个学生)What does she want to be? Ss: She wants to be an(office worker).5.让学生结对。

6.T: Ask your partner questions like these.(指着该页下面的示范问句)7.给学生时间,让他们两人一组开展活动。8.教师在教室里巡视,检查学生的活动情况。


1.看图,理解图意。2.指导发音:er: /ə/

看father 中红色的er就发/ə/。教师指导发音/ə/。

3.用同样的方法教学其他语音单词: 4.播放录音。5.词汇朗读。












Unit 7 I had a bad day.第一课时


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写八个单词及其短语: ice-skating

listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models

2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写Target中的句型: What’s your hobby? My hobby is riding a bike.Do you like reading books? Yes, I do.二、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读和会写Vocabulary部分的单词。

三、教学难点: Target部分对话的运用。

四、教具准备: Tape picture cards


(一)复习: 1.复习单词:




exercising talking



dancing 2.句型朗读: Are you sleeping? No, I’m not.I’m thinking.Is he playing soccer? No, he isn’t.He’s playing basketball.(二)新词教学: 1.出示图片.T: ice-skating.Repeat.S:….2.用同样的方法教学其他单词。3.录音播放单词。4.指导朗读。


(二)句型教学 : 1.看图,板书: What’s your hobby? My hobby is… Do you like…

Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.2.理解句子,指导朗读.3.录音跟读句型。4.分角色朗读会话。


(四)作业布置: 1.抄写单词。




listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models

What’s your hobby? My hobby is… Do you like… Yes, I do./No, I don’t.教学反思:


一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写八个单词及其短语: ice-skating

listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models


二、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读Story的会话。

三、教学难点: 能根据录音内容完成课文的练习。


Tape-recorder, picture cards


(一)复习: 1.朗读单词:


listening to music

watching TV… 2.会话练习: What’s your hobby? My hobby is riding a bike.Do you like reading books? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.(二)单词教学: 1.看图,逐一板书: ice-skating

listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models 2.运用新词进行会话训练。What’s your hobby? My hobby is… Do you like…

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.3.播放单词、会话录音。4.分角色朗读。

(三)Learn the chant:

1.老师出示图片,提问:What is the boy doing? 2.教师辅导。


(四)布置作业: 1.抄写单词。2.朗读句型。

(五)板书设计: ice-skating

listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models

What’s your hobby? My hobby is… Do you like… Yes, I do./No, I don’t.教学反思:


一、教学目标: 语音教学: /ai/



ride knife



二、教学重点: w Read the words correctly.三、教学难点: Read the words correctly.四、教具准备: Tape picture cards


(一)复习: 1.朗读单词。


(二)语音教学 1.看图,理解图意。

2.指导发音:_i_e: /ai/ 3.用同样的方法教学其他语音单词:






kite 4.播放录音,学生跟读。5.教师带读,学生跟读。


(三)Learn the chant: 1.播放录音。

2.看图,共同理解句子意思。3.逐句教学朗读。4.跟录音朗读。5.全班练习。(四)布置作业: 1.抄写单词。2.朗读句型。










Unit 8 Weekend Fun



1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写八个单词及其短语: go to the park

see a movie

play outside read a story

make a snowman

surf the Internet

2、能听懂、会说、会读和会写Target中的句型: What do you want to do? I want to see a movie.Do you want to make a snowman? Sure.Do you want to see a movie? Not really.I want to go to the park.二、教学重点: 能听懂、会说、会读和会写Vocabulary部分的单词。

三、教学难点: Target部分对话的运用。

四、教具准备: Tape picture cards


(一)复习: 1.复习单词:


listening to music

watching TV riding a bike

playing cards

making models


What’s your hobby? My hobby is riding a bike.Do you like reading books?

Yes, I do.第二课时

一、教学目标: 1.会话教学。

2.Try to express one’s good day or the bad day.二、教学重点:

Using the new words to express what happened.三、教学难点: Using the words correctly.四、教具准备: Tape

picture cards


(一)复习: 1.出示卡片,回忆单词,指名朗读: ice – skating

listening to music

watching TV …….2.会话练习,朗读交流: What’s your hobby? My hobby is riding a bike.Do you like reading books? Yes, I do.(二)Story教学: 1.教师准备一张雪人的照片。2.T:(指着图画)This is a snowman.3.T:(指着雪人的身体部位)What’s this? What are these?

4.复习人体部位的名称,讨论人们用什么来堆雪人。如树枝用来做手臂、纽扣/煤用来做眼睛、胡萝卜用来做鼻子等。5.让学生看该页上的图画。教师用动作和面部表情表达I’m bored.的意思,告诉学生一些令人感到无聊的情景,如下雨天在家无所事事等。

6.T:Let’s listen to the disc.7.教师播放录音,手指每张图画,让学生跟读。

8.充分练习后,让学生结对,鼓励学生带感情和面部表情表演对话。9.Do you want to make a snowman? 10.让学生说出他们想要堆雪人身体的哪个部分。

11.T:What body parts do you want to make,(S1’s name)?[S1:Iwant to make his(arms).,etc.](三)完成Practice 1:播放第一题的录音,然后暂停。T :Write 1 in the correct box.2.以同样的方法继续其余部分。3.播放Chant activities部分的歌曲。教师让学生边学边唱。

(四)布置作业: 1.朗读会话内容。2.抄写句子。教学反思:


一、教学目标: 语音教学: /st/







二、教学重点: Read the words correctly.三、教学难点: Read the words correctly.四、教具准备: Tape picture cards


(一)复习: 1.朗读单词。2.指名练习对话。What do you want to do ? I want to… Do you want to… Sure.Not really.I want to…

(二)语音教学 1:看图,理解图意。

2.指导发音:st: /st/


(三)Listen and chant:

1.播放录音:A star story 2.看图,共同理解句子意思。3.逐句教学朗读。4.跟录音朗读。5.全班练习。(四)布置作业: 1.抄写单词。2.朗读句型。








student 教学反思:

Review 2 第一课时

一、教学目标: 1.复习Unit 5—Unit8的单词。

2.朗读Unit 5—Unit8的句子。

二、教学重点: 1.听对话,表序号 2.学会运用课文的句型。

三、教学难点: 看图,完成答句。

四、教具准备: Tape picture cards



T: What do you do ?

Ss: I’m a …

T:What do you want to be?

Ss: I wan to be a…







Alphabet Objectives and Requirements Target: Learn the alphabet(Aa---Zz)from Do you know? ·Sing a alphabet song together.·Show the picture and the word about the picture’s meaning.Have Ss regonize the first alphabet of the word.·Play the tape, have Ss read after the tape.Have Ss read one by one.·Game: Have Ss read the alphabet one by one, if one student make a mistake, let him/her sing the “A, B, C„ song”.Unit 1 Hello!


Objectives and Requirements Language Target:-What’s your name?-I’m Jenny.-What’s your name?-I’m Gogo.Additional: Nice to meet you.Alphabet: a , b , c Vocabulary Key: hello , hi , goodbye , bye Additional: Gogo , Tony , Jenny , Boomer , Bonnie Alphabet: apple , banana , cat Materials 1)Picture Cards 1-2 plus Tony,Jenny and Gogo;pictures from magazines of people waving,greeting and departing.2)What’s your name? a large piece of paper,tape,Character Cards


三、过程与方法: Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready ·Write my name on the board.·T: Hello!I’m(T’s name).·Encourage Ss to introuduce themselves.Model the sentences if necessary.·When Ss understand what they should do,do it again to give Ss a chance to learn their classmates’names.Using the book ·Before opening the book,show Picture Cards of Gogo and Tony.·Put the Picture Card of Gogo in front of your face.·T: Hello!I’m Gogo.·Do the same with the Picture Card of Tony.·T: Look(Point to your eyes.)and listen.(Put your hand to your ear.)·Play the tape and move the Picture Cards like a puppet show.·T: Now open your books.·Model opening the textbook.·Have Ss look at the page and play the tape again.·Play the tape again,but this time pause after each line to have Ss repeat.Vocabulary Getting ready ·With your book closed,whisper each word while pantomiming the corresponding action.·T: Listen.Hello!Hi!Goodbye!Bye!What am I saying? ·Ss try to hear what you are saying and repeat it.Whisper softly so Ss have to concentrate to hear you.·Once Ss understand,have them repeat each expression.Using the book ·T: Listen and repeat.Point to each picture.·Have Ss listen and point to each picture repeating after the tape.Handwriting : Unit one Hello!hello,hi,goodbye,bye Hello!Hi!Goodbye!Bye!

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 ⅠTarget Getting ready ·Approach one student.·T: What’s your name?

·Elicit a response from S1 or model a response if necessary.·Go to S2 and do the same.·Encourage S2 to ask T’s name.(S2: What’s your name?)·T: I’m Ms.Tang.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the picture.·Point to Gogo and then Tony.Model the dialog.·Point to Jenny and then Gogo.Model the dialog.·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape,pausing after each expression.·After listening and repeating,pick Ss and practice the dialog.Ⅱ Practice 1 Getting ready ·Point to the four pictures.·T: What’s this? ·Elicit responses from Ss.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.·Point to each picture with a questioning expression.·Once the Ss indentify the correct box,trace the number 1in the box with your finger.Have Ss do the same in their books.·Continue with 2,3 and 4,but let the Ss identify the correct box in their books on their own.Practice 2 Getting ready ·Write What’s your name? on the board.·Point to Ss randomly, ask their names and elicit responses.Using the book ·Have Ss draw themselves in the box.·Point to Gogo.·T: Look.·T: Listen and answer.·Play the tape and have Ss respond.ⅢSong Getting ready ·Point to the pictures.Point to each character and read out the name.·Have Ss repeat after you.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape.·Listen to the song a few times.·T: Point.·Demonstrate by pointing to the pictures when singing.Encourage Ss to join in singing when ready.Activity Getting ready ·Write Gogo, Tony, Jenny, Boomer and Bonnie on the board.·Point to each one and say the name out loud.·Circle the first of each name.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the written names and the pictures of the characters.·Point to the written words.·T: Look and repeat.Gogo.(Ss: Gogo.)·Continue with the next four names.·Give Ss time to match the letters with the pictures.Handwriting: What’s your name? I'm „

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready ·Review the Alphabet chant from Do you know......? ·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters.·T: Sing and point.·Model pointing to the letters in the song.(Ss sing and point to the letters.)

Using the book ·Point to T’s mouth.·T: Look and repeat.·Point to the letter A.·T: A.(Ss: A.)·Open your mouth wide so that Ss can see.·T: Apple.(Ss: Apple.)·Continue with the letters B and C.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handariting: Aa Bb Cc apple banana cat

Lesson 4 Revision



二、Copy the letters:Aa,Bb,Cc

Unit 2 My classroom


Objectives and Requirements Language Target:-What’s this?-It’s a desk.-And this?-Oh, it’s an eraser.Alphabet: d , e , f Vocabulary Key: table , desk , chair , book , pencil , ruler

Alphabet: dog , elephant , fish Materials Picture Cards 3—8, plastic/real apple,book,desk,ruler,pencil,chair,desk„


三、过程与方法 Lesson 1 Story Getting ready ·Bring a book and an apple to class.·Hold up the book and give Ss a questioning look when asking the questions.·T: What’s this? It’s a book.Repeat.Book.(Ss: Book.)·Do the same with an apple.·Pick one student and show him/her the apple.·T: What’s this?(S1: Apple.)·Continue with a couple more Ss.Using the book ·T: Open your books.What’s this?(Point to the picture of a book.)

(Ss: Book.)Yes.Read after me.It’s a book.(Ss: It’s a book.)·Do the same with the picture of an apple.·T: Listen.·Play the tape.·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape,pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.·Show Ss how to act out the dialog.(e.g.Mmmmm!with an exaggerated facial expression,etc.)and have Ss mimic.·Divide the class into two groups.·One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half Jenny.·Assign one student to take the role of the worm in the apple.Have each group repeat after the T.Handwriting:What’s this? It’s a/an book/pencil/ apple.Lesson 2 Vocabulary & Target ⅠVocabulary Getting ready ·Review the conversation.·T: Look.What’s this?(point to the desk.)It’s a desk.·T ask again.(Ss: It’s a desk.)

T: Good!Desk,desk,it’s a desk.·Let Ss repeat three times.And then let them make ask each other.·Continue to ask the other real object: chair , table , pencil , book.·T: What’s this?(Point to a ruler.)·T: Ruler.A ruler.It’s a ruler.Let Ss repeat three times.And make dialog.Using the book ·T: Listen and repeat.Point to each picture.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.·Have Ss listen and point to each picture repeating after the tape.Target Getting ready ·Point to a desk in the room.·T: Repeat.Desk.(Ss: Desk.)A desk.(Ss: A desk.)It’s a desk.(Ss: It’s a desk.)

·Hold up a ruler, and do the same.·Write a / an on the board.·T: A desk.Point to a.·T: An apple.Point to an.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the first picture.·Point to Gogo and then Tony.Model the dialog.·Repeat with the second picture.·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape,pausing after each expression.·After enough practice,point to a desk in the classroom.·T: What’s this?(Ss: It’s a desk.)

·Hold up a ruler.And ask: And this?(Ss: It’s a ruler.)Ⅱ Practice 1 Getting ready ·Point to the picture of a chair in Picture A.·T: Chair.Repeat.(Ss: Chair.)·Continue with other pictures.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.·Point to each picture with a questioning expression.·Once the Ss indentify the correct box,trace the number 1in the box with your finger.Have Ss do the same in their books.·Continue with 2,3 and 4,but let the Ss identify the correct box in their books on their own.Practice 2 Getting ready ·Write It’s a _____.on the board.·In the blank, stick the Picture Card of book.·T: It’s a book.Repeat.(Ss: It’s a book.)

·Substitute with a couple more Picture Cards and have Ss repeat.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the pictures.·T: Listen and answer.·Play the tape and have Ss answer in unison.·Pause the tape and point to Picture A.·T: What’s this,(S1’s name)?(S1: It’s a pencil.)·Play the tape for Picture B and do as above.ⅢChant Getting ready ·Use the pictures in the book.·T: Point and repeat.Book.(Point to the book.)·T: Point and answer.What’s this?(Point to the book.)·Continue with the pen, the desk and the chair.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape.·T: Point to the picture.·Model this by pointing to the pictures while chanting.Play the tape.·T: Chant together.Play the tape and chant along.Activity Getting ready ·Write a, e, i, o, u on the board.·Read out the vowel sounds and have Ss listen.·Write an near those letters on the board.T: An apple.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the pictures.·T: Look and repeat.Book.(Ss: Book.)·Continue with the rest of the pictures.·Give Ss a few minutes to circle the correct phrases.Handwriting: table desk chair book pencil ruler

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready ·Review the Alphabet chant.·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters.·T: Sing and point.·Model pointing to the letters in the song.(Ss sing and point to the letters.)

Using the book ·T: Look and repeat.Point to the letter D.·T: D.(Ss: D.)·T: Dog.(Ss: Dog.)·Continue with the letters E and F.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handwriting: Dd Ee Ff dog elephant fish

Lesson 4 Revision



二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。I E G C B H

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。I A G F H D d i a h g f

Unit 3 Animals


Objectives and Requirements Language Target:No, it isn’t.Yes, it is.Alphabet: g , h, i

Vocabulary Key: elephant , panda , monkey , lion , tiger , rabbit Additional: bird Alphabet: girl, hat, ice-cream Materials picture card, pictures of a dog, a bird and a cat.Animal word cards, headband, paper, scissors, glue



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready 1.bring in pictures of a dog and a cat.First, show the picture of a dog.2.T: Is this a dog? Repeat.Is this a dog? 3.Next show the picture of a cat.4.T: Is this a dog? Repeat.No, it isn’t.Using the book T: Open your books.(Point to the dog.)Is this a dog? T: Is this a bird? T: Let’s listen.Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.Divide the class into two groups.One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half Tony.Have each group repeat after the T.Vocabulary Getting ready T: Look at the pictures.Listen and point.Whale.Continue with the rest of the vocabulary pointing to the pictures one by one.Using the book T: Listen to the tape and repeat.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.Point to the picture of panda.T: Panda.Repeat.Panda.Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the word.Target Getting ready T: Is this a tiger? T: Is this an elephant? Continue and substitute with different animals.Using the book Have Ss look at the first picture.Point to Gogo, then Tony.Model the dialog.Repeat with the second picture.T: Listen to the tape and repeat.Have Ss role play in pairs.Handwriting: Is this a bird? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.an elephant a panda a monkey a lion a tiger a rabbit

Lesson 2 Practice 1 & Practice 2 Practice 1 Getting ready Point to Picture A.T: Is this a tiger? Point to Picture D and ask in a whisper.T: Is this an elephant? Motion to remaining half of the class to answer.Point to Picture B without saying anything and motion to half the class to ask the question.Motion to the other half of the class to answer.Continue this activity for Picture C.Using the book T: Now, listen to the tape.Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.T: Which picture is it? Write number 1.Continue with the rest of the numbers.Practice 2 Getting ready Using the Picture Cards of the key vocabulary, cover up a portion of the picture, revealing only a small body part: eyes, mouth, ears, etc.T: Is this a(lion)? Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures.T: This time, listen to the tape and answer.Play the tape for Picture A and have Ss answer in unison.Continue with B and C.Song Getting ready Make one of the animal sounds.T: Meow, meow.Is this a cat? T: Ruff, ruff.Is this a bird? Continue teaching all the animal sounds to Ss the same way.Using the book T: Let’s sing.Listen to the tape.Play the tape.T: This time, point to the picture when you hear the word.Model by pointing to the pictures while singing.Play the tape.T: This time, let’s sing together.Play the tape and sing along.Lesson3 Activity Getting ready Pointing to each picture, pose questions to Ss.T: Is this a dog? Is this a hippo? Is this a panda? Continue in this way, but allow volunteers to make the questions.Using the book Ss look at pictures and read the words.Have Ss make questions, e.g.Is this(a polar bear)? If it is a correct match.Ss put a check mark in the box.If it is an incorrect match.Ss put an “X” in the box.Alphabet Getting ready Write G, H and I on the board.Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.T: Circle G, H and I.Model circling on the board.Ss circle the letters in their books.·Point to the letter G.·T: G.(Ss: G.)·T: /g/, /g/, /g/.[Ss: /g/, /g/, /g/.] ·T: Girl.[Ss: Girl.] ·Continue with the letters H and I.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.Using the book T: Look and repeat.Point to the letter G.Play the tape and have Ss repeat.Handwriting: Gg Hh Ii girl hat ice cream Lesson 4 Revision



二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。I G E D H C B A F


I A G F H D B C E G d i a h g f g e b c

四、抄写字母Aa-Ii.Unit 4 My family


Objectives and Requirements Language Target:-Who’s she?-She’s my mother.-Who’s he?-He’s my friend..Additional: How are you? I’m fine, thanks.How about me?

Alphabet: j , k , l

Vocabulary Key: family , mother , father , sister , brother , friend, grandmother, grangfather

Alphabet: juice , kite , lion.Materials Picture Cards, photos of teacher’s family, Character Cards , paper, crayons/markers, pictures of Ss’ families, tape, scissors



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Getting ready ·Bring in some photos of your family.Introduce your family to the Ss.·T: Who’s he? He’s my father.Who’s she? She’s my mother.·Ask Ss to bring in photos of their families for future lessons.Using the book ·T: Open your books.Who’s this?(Point to Gogo.)·T: Repeat.He’s Gogo.[Ss: He’s Gogo.] ·Do the same with the other characters.·T: Listen.·Play the tape.·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat.·Without the tape, show Ss how to act out the dialog with more expression.·Divide the class into two groups, each group representing a different character.·Have the class perform the dialog, each group saying its lines in unison or repeating its lines after the T.Vocabulary Getting ready ·Use the Character Cards of Gogo’s family from WB p.70.·Before class, hide them around the room with a little of the pictures showing.Tell Ss to remain at their desks, but to point to the hidden cards.·T: Where are the pictures?(Pretend to be looking around.)·Ask Ss to point to the pictures they see.As they find the pictures, describe each picture to them.T: Sister.(Point to the picture.)Repeat.[Ss: Sister.] Continue with the other cards.Using the book ·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.Point to the picture of family.T: Say family.Repeat.Family.Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say each word.Handwriting:Who’s she/he? She’s/He’s my „ mother father grangmother grandfather sister brother friend

Lesson 2 Target & Practice ⅠTarget Getting ready ·Show photos of your family.Make sentences about each family member.·T: Who’s she? ·T: She’s my mother.[Ss: She’s my mother.] ·Continue this activity using the remaining family photos.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the first picture.·Point to Gogo and then Tony.Model the dialog.·Repeat with the second picture.·T: Listen and repeat.·After enough practice, encourage Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.Ⅱ Practice Getting ready ·Point to the picture of Gogo’s mother.·T: Mother.Repeat.·Continue with the other pictures on the page.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape for number 1,and then pause.·T: Which picture is it?(Sweep your hand over the four pictures.)Write number 1.·Write number 1 on the board.·Continue with the rest.ⅢSong Getting ready ·Refer to the mother picture on the vocabulary page.·T: Point and repeat.Mother.·Write mom on the board.·T: Repeat.Mom.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape.·T: Sing together.·Play the tape again and sing along.·Divide the class into two groups.One group sings the questions, the other sings the answers.Activity Getting ready ·Photocopy the Character Cards ·Place the cards on the board.·Write She and He on the board like SB p.27 ·Draw lines to match the words and the cards.·Erase the lines from the board and mix up the pictures.·Do it again.This time, ask some Ss to come to the front and draw lines.Using the book ·Have Ss look at the book.·T: Read and match.Draw a line like this.(Trace the example line with your finger.)·Students match She and He to the corresponding pictures

Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready ·Write J , K and L on the board.·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.·T: Circle J, K and L.·Model circling on the board.Ss circle the letters in their books.Using the book ·T: Look and repeat.·Point to the letter J.·T: J.(Ss: J.)·T: Juice.[Ss: Juice.] ·Continue with the letters K and L.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handwriting;Jj Kk Ll juice kite lion

Lesson 4 Revision



二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。I G E D H C B A F J L K


I A G F H J D K B C L E G d i a k h g f l g e b j c

四、抄写字母Aa-Ll.五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。Who’s he? Hi!What’s your name? It’s a book.Who’s she? He’s my brother.What’s this? I’m Jenny.Hello!She’s my mother.Review 1 Objectives and Requirements Language Target:--What’s your name?--I’m Jenny.What’s your name?--I’m Gogo.--What’s this?--It’s a desk.--And this?--Oh,it’s a ruler.–Is this your panda? No,it isn’t./Yes, it is.–Who’s she ? –She’s my mother.–Who’s he? He’s my friend.Alphabet: a , b, c , d , e , f , g , h , i, j, k.l.Vocabulary Key: hello, hi, goodbye, bye, table, desk, chair, book, pencil, ruler, elephant, panda, monkey, lion, tiger, rabbit, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother, friend.Alphabet: apple, banana, cat, dog, elephant, fish, girl, hat, ice cream, juice, kite, loin.Materials Picture Cards 1 – 14, Alphabet Cards A – I.Review 1 ⅠGetting ready ·Refresh Ss’ memories on the target language from Units 1 through 3 by creating informal conversations.·Practice basic greetings.Using the book ·T: Listen.·Play the tape for Part A and then pause.·T: Point to the picture.·T: Can you see the line from the letter A? ·Trace the line with your finger.·Continue with B – E and have Ss draw the lines.Ⅱ Getting ready ·Copy Alphabet Cards A – I.·Cut them out and distribute them to Ss.·Call out the words in the activity: goat, fish, bear and egg.·When you call out words, Ss should hold up the corresponding letters.·For additional practice, continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from the Alphabet sections of Units 1 through 3.Using the book ·Point to Picture A.·T: What’s this? [Ss: It’s a goat.] ·Do the same with the other pictures.·Write each word from this activity on the board: goat, fish, bear and egg.Culture 1 Family Objectives and Requirements Language Target:This is my father/mother/brother/sister„His /Her name is „ Vocabulary Key:mother,father,brother.sister,friend,grandmother,grandfather.Additional:family tree Materials:Family tree,photos,pencils and stickers.Look and read Getting ready.Show the pictures of Tim’s families to the class.T:(Point to Tim Smith):Who’s this?(Ss:He’s Tim Smith.)T:Yes,he’s Tim Smith.Repeat.Tim Smith.T:Billy Smith is Tim’s father.Mary White is Tim’s mother.Mrs Smith is Tim’s grandmother.Mr.Smith is Tim’s grandfather.T:This is Tim’s family tree.This family’s last name is Smith..Play the tape/disc.The tape/disc says the words from bottom to top and from right to left..Ss listen and find the corresponding photos on the page..Ss say the word as they touth the photos.Family tree.Stick your family’s photos and write their names..Ask Ss to bring their familys’ photos and stick them on the tree..Draw four trees on the blackboard and ask Ss to stick their familys on the tree.Talk about your family.After fishing the family tree,ask Ss to instroduce their families to their partners or group.Then ask some of them to instroduce to the class..At last,ask all students stick their family tree on the blackboard or the other board.Unit 5 Happy birthday!知识与技能

Target: How old are you? I’m ten.This is my brother.How old is he? He’s seven.Additional: Please count.Alphabet: m,n,o Key: balloons, candles, presents, cookies.Alphabet:monkey, noodles, orange.Suggested: balloon, wrapped presents, cookies, paper, pencils, cookies 情感态度与价值观:让学生间用How old are you?询问对方的年龄,并熟练掌握1-10,且体会到学习的乐趣。


Lesson 1 Story & Target Story Getting ready Bring in the picture card of Tony and nine candles.Show the picture card of Tony.T: Today is Tony’s birthday.Sing “ Happy Birthday” using Tony’s name.T: How old is Tony? Let’s count the candles.Repeat after me.One„.Nine.Tony is nine.Using the book T: Now look at your books and let’s listen.Play the tape.T: Let’s listen again and repeat.Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.Divide the class into two groups.One group takes the role of Gogo and the other half takes the role of Tony.Have each group repeat after you the first time.Encourage Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.Vocabulary Getting ready Bring in realia to introduce the new language: two each of balloons, candles, wrapped presents, cookies.Hold up each item and have Ss repeat.T: Repeat after me.Balloons.Continue introducing remaining vocabulary the same way.Using the book T: Listen to the tape and repeat.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.Point to the picture of cookies.T: Say, cookies.Repeat.Cookies.Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the word.Handwriting: How old are you? I’m „

How old is „? He’s /She’s „

a balloon a candle a present a cookie balloons candles presents cookies

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 Target Getting ready Point to a student in the room.T: How old are you? Repeat after me.I’m „.Point to another student.T: How old is „? Using the book Have Ss look at the first picture.Model the dialog.Repeat with the second picture.T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat.After enough practice, have volunteers come to the front of the class and point to different Ss asking How old are you? Other classmates answer accordingly.Practice1 Getting ready Point to picture A.T: Count the candles.Do the same with pictures B and D.Using the book T: Now, listen to the tape.Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.T: Which picture is it? Write number 1 on the board.Continue with the rest.Practice2 Getting ready Before listening to tape, have Ss look at the picture.T: Look at Gogo.Gogo is asking you a question.Using the book Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with the correct answer for them.Using the target language, have Ss interview each other in pairs.Song Getting ready Have Ss look at the pictures.T: How old is Tony? Continue with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.Using the book T: Let’s sing.Listen to the tape.Play the tape.T: This time, sing together.Play the tape and sing along.Divide the class into two groups.One groups sings the questions;the other sings the answers.Make new verses with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.Handwriting: How old are you? I’m„ How old is he ? He’s „.Lesson 3 Activity &Alphabet Activity Getting ready T: Let’s count.Repeat after me.One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.T: Let’s review.What number is this? Continue reviewing the number in this way.Using the book Write each word on the board.Have Ss read the words.Then, add some corresponding numbers.Have Ss help you draw lines from words to matching numbers.T: Let’s match the words and pictures.Ss do the same in their books.T: Draw a line from the words to the pictures.Alphabet Getting ready Write m, n and o on the board.Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.T: Circlem,n and o.Model circling on the board.Ss circle the letters in their books.Using the book T: Look and repeat.T: m Continue with n and o.Play the tape and have Ss repeat.After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.Give Ss one word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handwriting: Mm Nn Oo Monkey noodles orange

Lesson 4 Revision



二、听音,圈出你听到的字母。I G E D H C B A F J L K M N O


I M G F H J K N O L E m k i h g f l e n j o

四、抄写字母Aa-Oo.五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。How old are you? He’s five.How old is your sister? I’m ten.How old is your brother? She’s seven.Unit 6 Let’s sing.一、知识与技能

Objectives and Requirements Language Target:-Can you read?-Yes, I can.-What about you?-No, I can’t.But I can fly.Additional: Let’s sing!

Alphabet: p, q , r

Vocabulary Key: fly , read , sing , draw , swim , cook

Alphabet: panda,queen,rabbit Materials Pictures, classroom objects(book, pencil, desk, etc.)



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Story Getting ready ·Sing a song that Ss all know,such as What’s your name?from Unit 1.·T: I can sing.·Point to yourself and nod yes.·Sing to the class the first few lines of the song and encourage Ss to continue where you left off.·If Ss can continue the song,praise them by saying You can sing.When you stop,point to individual Ss and ask Can you sing? Teach them to answer Yes, I can.Using the book ·T: Open your books.Show SB p.40 ·Point to Gogo and Tony and say their names.Ss repeat.·T: What’s this?(Hold up a book.)[Ss: It’s a book.]

·T: I can read.(Hold your book open and act like you are reading.)·T: What’s this?(Point to Tony’s book on SB p.40.)·Play the tape and help Ss point as they listen.·T: Gogo can’t sing!(Hold your ears as Gogo sings.)·Stop the tape.·T: Can Gogo sing? No![Ss: No!] ·T: Gogo can’t sing.Repeat.[Ss: Gogo can’t sing.] ·T: Listen and repeat.·Play the tape and pause after each sentence.·T: Close your books and listen.·Play the tape again.Vocabulary Getting ready ·Read each word out loud.After each word,make a funny sound effect and pantomime.Have Ss do the same.·Test Ss to see if they can remember the sound effects and pantomimes by calling out individual words and asking them to make the sound effect and pantomime.·After Ss have a little understanding of the vocabulary, have them take turns calling out the words while the class performs corresponding actions and pantomimes.·Ss can continue the activity in pairs or small groups.Using the book ·T: Listen and look.·Point to words while listening to the tape.·Play the tape again and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice, point to the pictures at random and have Ss say the words.Handwriting: Can you read/sing? Yes ,I can./No,I can’t.fly read sing draw swim cook

Lesson 2 Target & Practice 1-2 Target Getting ready ·Write a question mark, a smiley face and a sad face on the board.·T: Listen.·T: Can you read?(Point to the question mark.)·T: Yes, I can.(Point to the smiley face and nod yes.)·T: No, I can’t.(Point to the sad face and shake my head.)Using the book ·While pointing to the pictures of Gogo and Jenny in the book, model the dialog.·T: Listen and repeat.·After enough practice, ask Ss to act out the dialog in pairs.Practice 1 Getting ready ·To review verbs play the following game using pantomime or sound effects.·Divide the class into two teams.·T: Get into two teams.·Motion for one member from each team come to the front.·T: Please come here.·By pointing to the verbs on SB p.41 or showing Picture Cards, give six verbs in random order.S1 pantomimes or makes sound effects for each word.Teams guess the words as fast as they can by making questions with the words, e.g.Can you sing? Can you draw? T can time how long it takes each team to guess all words.Using the book ·Point to each picture and elicit the verbs.·Play the tape and have Ss number the boxes.Practice 2 Getting ready ·Before listening to the tape, point to pictures and ask Ss to make Can you(cook)?questions.[Ss: Can you cook? Can you draw?] ·Draw a smiley face and a sad face on the board.·Point to the pictures and elicit the responses.[Ss: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.]

Using the book ·Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with what is the correct answer for them.[Ss: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.] ·Ask individual Ss the same question.·Encourage Ss to interview each other in pairs.ⅢChant Getting ready ·Call out the verbs one at a time from the pictures.Ss should repeat each verb while pointing to corresponding picture.·T: Point and repeat.Draw.[Ss : Draw.(Point to the picture of draw.)] Continue this activity in order to review all the verbs in the chant.Using the book ·T: Let’s chant.Listen.·Play the tape.·T: Point.·Model pointing to the pictures while chanting and play the tape.·T: Chant together.Play the tape and chant along.Activity Getting ready ·Write the verbs from Activity 1on the board.·Pantomime actions similar to pictures in book.·T:(S1’a name), please come here.Circle the word.Read.Motion for the student to come to the front and model making a circle around the word read.Using the book ·Go over the words and have Ss repeat after you.·Point to each picture and have Ss say the word.·Play the tape and give Ss a few minutes to draw lines from the words to the corresponding pictures.·Then have Ss make Can you(swim)?questions for each picture.Handwriting: What about you? But I can fly.Lesson 3 Alphabet Alphabet Getting ready ·Write P,Q and R on the board.·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.·T: Circle P, Q and R.(Model circling on the board.)·Ss circle the letters in their books.Using the book T: Look and repeat.Point to the letter P.Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·Continue with the letters Q and R.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice,give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handwriting: Pp Qq Rr panda queen rabbit

Lesson 4 Revision




1.Ff 2.Mm 3.Ii 4.Pp 5.Oo 6.Jj

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。I M R P H J K N O L Q m k i h p l q r n j o

四、抄写字母Aa-Rr.五、把下列左右两边的句子连起来组成对话。Can you fly? I’m three.How old are you? He’s eight.How old is your brother? Yes,I can.Unit 7 Food and drink 知识与技能

Target: What do you like, Tony? I like cheese.What do you like, Jenny? I like cake.Yum!Additional: I don’t like ants.Alphabet: s,t,u,v.Key: cake, noodles,ice cream, bread, rice,milk.Additional: juice, noodles, rice Alphabet: sun,tigter,uncle,violin Suggested: inexpensive snacks to share, magazine picture of foods, food wrappers or real food, blindfolds, yarn, paper, scissors.情感态度与价值观:教育学生多吃健康的食品,少吃垃圾食品。过程与方法:

Lesson 1 Story &Vocabulary Story Getting ready Bring in some foods that are inexpensive and easy to share.T: I like(cookies).Offer a snack to a student.T: Do you like „? Repeat after me.I like „

Continue tasting and offering snacks to various Ss.Using the book T: Let’s listen.Play the tape.T: Let’s listen again and repeat.Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat.Divide the class into three groups.One group takes the role of Gogo, another takes the role of Tony and another group takes the role of Jenny.Have each group repeat after the T.Encourage Ss to act out the dialog.Vocabulary Getting ready Bring in magazine pictures of food, food wrappers or real food to demonstrate the new vocabulary.T: Repeat after me.Cake.Continue introducing remaining vocabulary.Using the book T: Listen to the tape, and repeat.Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.Point to the picture of noodles.T: Say, noodles.Repeat.noodles.Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the words.Handwriting: cake noodles ice cream bread rice milk I like „.I don’t like „.What do you like?

Lesson 2 Target & Practice1-2 Target Getting ready T: I like ice cream.T: What do you like? Continue asking other Ss the same questions.Using the book Have Ss look at the picture.Model the dialog.T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat.After enough practice, Ss can act out the dialog.Practice1 T: Do you like monkeys? Go over each picture.Using the book T: Now, listen to the tape and repeat.Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.T: Which picture is it? Write the number 1.Write number 1 on the board.Continue with the rest.Practice2 Getting ready Before listening to tape, have Ss look at the picture.T: What do you like? Using the book Ss listen to the questions on the tape and respond with the correct answer for them.Using the target language, have Ss interview each other in pairs.Song Getting ready Review the food words in the song.T: I like„

Have Ss look at the pictures.T: What do you like? Continue with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.Using the book T: Let’s sing.Listen to the tape.Play the tape.T: This time, sing together.Play the tape and sing along.Divide the class into two groups.One groups sings the questions;the other sings the answers.Make new verses with Jenny, Gogo, Ben and Lisa.Lesson 3 Activity & Alphabet Activity Getting ready T: Repeat after me.I like ice cream.T: Let’s review.Continue reviewing the number in this way.Using the book Write each word on the board.Have Ss read the words.Ss interview each other in groups of four.Each student states all the things they like and don’t like.Partners listen and put check marks in boxes to indicate what their partners like, and they put x’s in boxes to indicate what they do not like.Alphabet Getting ready Write s , t ,u and v on the board.Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.T: Circle s,t,u and v.Model circling on the board.Ss circle the letters in their books.Using the book T: Look and repeat.Continue with t..Play the tape and have Ss repeat..After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.Give Ss one word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Handwriting: Ss Tt Uu Vv sun tiger uncle violin

Lesson 4 Revision


cake()rice()milk()noodles()ice cream()bread()


1.Rr 2.Uu 3.Ee 4.Gg 5.Ll

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。V M R P S J U N O L Q m u v s p l q r n j o

四、抄写字母Oo-Rr.五、找出不同类的单词,把其编号填在括号里。()1.A.chair B.desk C.apple()2.A.pencil B.book C.table()3.A.red B.read C.blue

Unit 8 Sport


Objectives and Requirements Language Target:-Do you like tennis?-No,I don’t.I like baseball..-Hey, Tony!Do you like soccer? Yes, I do.Additional: bat, birdie, racquet

Alphabet: w,x,y,z

Vocabulary Key: soccer, basketball,baseball,tennis,ping-pong Alphabet:watch,box,yellow,zoo

Materials Pictures Cards, objects(soccer,basketball,tennis,etc.)



Lesson 1 Story & Vocabulary Story Getting ready.T:(point to various magazine picture)What kinds of ball is that? What sport is it?.When Ss say the name of the ball and/or the sport in Chinese,write the English words on the board..T:(As you write various sports)Do you like(football)?Me ,too.I like it a lot..Contuinue with various Ss until you have covered as many sports as possible.Using the book.Bring in a socces ball..T:(Show the soccer ball.)This is a soccer ball.(S1’s name),bo you like soccer?(S1:yes, I do./No,I don’t.).Model if necessary..T:Let’s listen..Play the tape..T:What sport does(Gogo)like?(He likes soccer and baseball.).T:Let’s listen again.Read after the tape.Vocabulary Getting ready.Bring a soccer,basketball,baseball,tennis,ping-pong.T:Look at the balls and other things.Do you like ping-pong?.Model playing ping-pong.Continue with other words.Using the book.T:Listen to the tape and repeat.Point to each picture as you the word..Play the tape and repeat..Point to the other pictures at random and have Ss say the words.Handwriting: Do you like „? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.soccer baseball football tennis basketball ping-pong

Lesson 2 Target & Practice 1-2 Target Getting ready.Writing Do you like soccer?on the board..T:Repeat soccer..T:Do you like soccer?.T:Practice with the natural speed.Using the book.Point to the picture and model the dialiog..T:Listen and repeat..Play the tape ,read after the tape.Practice 1 Getting ready.Point to the Picture A.T:What sport is this?(Ss:football)Yes,Do you think she likes football? Using the book T:Let’s listen to the tape.T:Which picture is it? Is it D? Is it C? Continue with the other three pictures,paushing after each one.Practice 2 Getting ready T:Open your books.Look at Gogo.Gogo ask you a question.What is he saying? Using the book T:Now listen and answer the questions.Song Getting reading Point to Gogo and Tony T:What are they playing?Do you like ping-pong? Listen to the song twice.and sing after the tape.Activity 1 T make a modle:I like baseball.I don’t like soccer.T Ask a student.What’s your name?Do you like baseball? Comntinue until Ss understand the survey style.Activity 2.Point to the picture and have the Ss identify each one.T:(S1’s name),do you like ice cream?.Put Ss in pairs or small groups.Handwriting:DO you like „? No, I don’t.I like „./Yes,I do.Lesson 3 Alphabet Getting ready ·Write W,X,Y and Z on the board.·Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in their books.·T: Circle W,X,Y and Z.(Model circling on the board.)·Ss circle the letters in their books.Using the book T: Look and repeat.Point to the letter W.Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·Continue with the letters X, Y and Z.·Play the tape and have Ss repeat.·After enough practice, give Ss one sound and have them point to the corresponding letter.·Give Ss a word and have them point to the corresponding letter.Using the book T:Look and repeat.T:W(Ss:w).T:/w/./w/,/w/,/w/,watch.T:Box,(Ss:box)Continue with Y and Z.Play the tape and have Ss repeat.Listen and chant.T:Let’s listen to the chant.Read after the chant.Handwriting: Ww Xx Yy Zz watch box yellow zoo

Lesson 4 Revision




1.Pp 2.Ss 3.Ww 4.Yy

三、把下列字母的大小写连起来。V X R P S Z U Y O W Q x u v s p w q r y z o

四、抄写字母Oo-Zz.五、选择填空,把正确答案的字母编号填在括号里。()1.What’s your name? A.She’s Jenny.B.I’m Gogo.C.He’s Tony.()2.Is this a dog? A.Yes,it is.B.No,it is.C.I don’t like.()3.What color is it? A.It’s an orange.B.It’s yellow.C.It’s a cat.()4.How old are you? A.I’m fine.B.I’m ten.C.How old are you?()5.Do you like soccor? A.Yes, I do.B.No,I do.C.I like soccor.Review 2 Lesson 1 Target: What color is this? It’s orange.How old are you? I’m ten.This is my brother.How old is he? He’s seven.What do you like, Tony? I like juice.What do you like, Jenny? I like cake.Alphabet: m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z Key: yellow, balloons, candles, presents, cookies, cake, ice cream, bread.Alphabet: monkey,noodles,orange,panda,queen,rabbit,sun, soccer, tiger, violin, watch, box, zoo.Suggested: Picture Card, crossword puzzle Review 2 Getting ready Refresh Ss’ memories on the target language from Units 9 through 11 by creating informal conversations.Using the book

T: Now, listen to the tape.Play the tape for number 1 and then pause.T: Which picture is it? Continue with the rest.(2)Getting ready 1.Have Ss cut a piece of paper into nine squares.2.On each square, Ss write one letter.3.Call out the words in the activity: blue, bread, balloons, candles, cups, etc.4.Ss hold up the corresponding letters.5.Continue this activity reviewing the remaining words from Units 9 through 11.Using the book Point to each picture.T: What’s this?

Write each word from this activity on the board.T: What letter is it? What sound is it? While listening to the tape, draw lines to corresponding letters for each picture.Point to each picture in the boxes.Ask Ss to say the word.Ss listen to the tape and circle the pictures that corresponding to the words stated on the tape.Culture 2:Animals and Countries Objectives and Requirements Language Target:What’s this? It’s a monkey.Can it jump? Yes,it can.Vocablary Key:panda,eagle,kangaroo.polar bear,India,Australia.Canda.China.The US,flag Additional:jump,run Materials:Word map ,Double spinners game,pencils and clips.Do you know these animals? Look, read and write.Getting ready.Show the pictures of the panda and the elephant to the students.T:(Point to the picture of a panda):What’s this? Ss:It’s a panda.T:(Point to the picture of an elephant):What’s this? Ss:It’s an elephant.T:OK.Let’s learn the new animals :polar bear,kangaroo and eagle.Using the book.Play the tape..Ss listen and find the corresponding photos on the page..Ss say the word as they touch the picture.Do you know these flags? Look and match.Getting ready

33.Say each word of the animals on P60 Ss point to the corresponding picture and repeat after you..T:Can you jump(fly,swim)? T:Yes,it can.Repeat.Yes,it can./No,it,can’t.T:Do you like kangaroo(eagle,elephant,panda,polar bear)(Ss:Yes,I do.I like kangaroo/No,I don’t.I don’t like kangaroo)Using the book.T:What’s this?(Ss:It’s a panda.).T:Can it jump? Do you like it?.T:Repeat:Yes,I like it./No,I don’t like it.Where are the animal from? Look and read.T:Where is panda from?(China)..Talk about the animals



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