1.DP drill pipe 钻杆 2.HWDP heavy weight(wall)drill pipe 加重钻杆 3.DC drill collar 钻铤
4.BHA bottom hole assembly 井下钻具组合
5.STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器 6.PNMDC pony non-magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤 7.SMDC short non-magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤 8.PDM positive displacement 1
motor 螺杆
9.BOP blowout preventer 封井器
10.BOPE blow out preventer equipment 封井器设备
11.IBOP inside
preventer 内防喷工具 12.CSG casing 套管 13.TBG tubing 油管 14.JNT/JT joint 单根 15.XO cross-over 配合接头 16.IF internal flush 内平17.FH full hole 贯眼
18.REG regular 正规 19.IU internal upset 内加厚 20.EU external upset 外加厚 21.EUE external upset end 外加厚端
22.IEU internal&external upset 内外加厚
23.OH open hole 裸眼 24.WOB weight on bit 钻压
25.RPM revolutions per minute 转速/分钟
26.SPM strokes per minute 冲程/每分钟
27.ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度 28.MT metric ton 公制吨 29.DST drill stem test
30.KS key seat 键槽 31.KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器
32.STDS stands 立柱
33.VIS viscosity 粘度 34.PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度
35.YP yield point 屈服值
36.FL filtrate loss 滤失 37.WL water loss 失水
38.TVD true vertical depth 垂深
39.MD measured depth 测量井深
40.TD total depth 总井深
41.PBTD plug back total depth 人工井底
42.PCS piece 件,个 43.KOP kick off point 造斜点
44.DIR direction 定向
45.AZM azimuth 方位 46.DEV deviation 井斜
47.ROP rate of penetration 机械转速
48.ID inside-diameter 内径 49.OD outside diameter 外径 50.FTG footage
51.PPG pounds per gallon(密度)每加仑磅
52.PSI pounds per square inch 磅每平方英尺
53.SGL single 单根 54.LP low pressure 低压
55.HP high pressure 高压 56.HP
horsepower 马力 57.HHP hydraulic horsepower 水马力
58.HTHP high temperature high pressure 高温高压 59.AD assistant driller 副司钻
60.LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂
61.API American petroleum institute 美国石油协会 62.IADC
international 4
association of drilling
contractors 国际钻井承包商协会
63.CNPC China national
petroleum 中国石油天然气总公司
64.P/N part number 零件型号
65.S/N serial number 系列号 66.N/W net weight 净重 67.G/W gross weight 毛重 68.P/U pick up 吊起 69.M/U make up
接上 70.L/D lay down 甩开 71.N/U nipple up 接上 72.N/D nipple down 卸开 73.R/U rig up 安装 74.R/D rig down 拆卸 75.WOC wait on cement 候凝
76.WOW wait on water 等水 77.WOW wait on weather 等天气
78.WOO wait on order 等指令
79.RIH run in hole
80.POOH pull out of hole 起钻
81.DR drilling 钻进
82.DDR daily drilling report 钻井日报表
83.RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)84.BR back ream 倒划眼 85.TOF top of fish 鱼顶 86.SX sacks 袋
87.MW mud weight 泥浆密度
88.CBU circulate bottom up 循环一周
89.TOH trip out of hole 起钻 90.MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量
91.LWD logging while drilling 随钻测井
92.POB personnel on board 井场人员
93.SG specific gravity 比重 94.NDT non-destructive test 无损探伤
95.S/I shut in
关井 96.PTW permit to work 工作许可
97.BPV back pressure valve 回压凡尔
98.DIBPV drop in back pressure valve 投入式单流阀 99.NP neutral point 中和点
100.UPS uninterrupted power supply 不间断供电
101.RBP retrievable bridge plug 可取回桥塞
102.SICP shut in casing pressure 关井套压
103.SIDPP shut in drill pipe pressure 关井立压
104.MAASP maximum allowable annular surface pressure 最大允许环空压力
105.BHT bottom hole temperature 井底温度
106.BHP bottom hole pressure 井底压力
107.HP hydrostatic pressure 液柱压力
108.FP friction pressure 摩擦压力
109.SP surface pressure 地面压力
110.CP choke pressure 节流压力 111.CF capacity factor 容积系数 112.DSA drilling spool adaptor 四通转换法兰
113.DSA double studded adaptor 双头载丝法兰
114.CBHP constant bottom hole pressure 恒定井底压力 115.ICP
pressure 初始循环压力
116.FCP.final circulating pressure 终了循环压力
117.BUR.build up rate 造斜率 118.SS string stabilizer 钻具扶正器
119.EMKL emergency kill line 应急压井管线
120.RMR reamer 扩眼器 121.NBRR near-bit roller reamer近钻头牙轮扩眼器
122.SR string roller reamer 钻具牙轮扩眼器
123.RCJB reverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞蓝
124.FPI free point indicator 测卡8
125.PIC person in charge 负责人 126.PJSM pre-job safety meeting 作业前安全会
127.STK stroke 泵冲
128.ACS automatic crown saver 电子防碰天车
129.PVT pit volume totalizer 泥浆体积计量器
130.IWCF international well control forum 国际井控论坛 131.RH rat hole / right hand 大鼠洞 / 井底口袋 132.LOT leak off test 地破试验 133.PIT pressure integrity test 地破试验
134.FIT formation integrity test 地层完整性试验
135.BTC buttress
thread connection 梯形扣
136.LTC long thread connection 长圆扣
137.STC small thread connection 短圆扣
138.CHC circulate hole clean 循环清洗井底
139.ODF original drill floor 原始钻台面高度
140.FAT first aid treatment 急救处理
141.PPF pound per foot 段重
142.TOC top of cement 水泥返高
143.WBM water base mud 水基泥浆
144.OBM oil base mud 油基泥浆
145.LOTO lock out tag out 挂牌上锁 146.TFA total flow area 总流到面积
147.MCC motor control center 马达控制中心
148.SABA supplied air breathing apparatus 空气呼吸器 149.SCBA
self-contained breathing apparatus 自给式呼吸器
150.EPC external pipe coating 钻杆外涂层
151.W&W wait and weight 等待加重法
152.MSDS material safety data sheet 材料安全数据表
153.WBS weld blade stabilizer 焊接式翼片扶正器
154.MPI magnetic particle
inspection 磁粉探伤 155.ESP
pump 电潜泵
156.CP casing pressure/conductor pipe 套压/导管 157.TCA
annulus 油管与套管环空 158.CCA
casing and casing annulus 套管与套管环空 159.LPM liter per minute 升/分钟
160.MUT make up torque 上扣扭矩
161.MWDP maximum well design pressure 最大井眼设计压力 162.NBS near bit stabilizer近钻头扶正器
163.P&A plug and abandon 填井、弃井
164.SCR silicon control rectifier/slow circulating rate 可11
165.JSA job safety analysis 作业安全分析
166.SO slack off 下放
167.SWL safe working load 安全工作载荷
168.TDS top drive system 顶驱 169.VM volumetric method 体积压井法
170.DD directional driller 定向司钻
171.UPR upper pipe ram 上半封闸板 172.LPR lower pipe ram 下半封闸板
173.N/A not applicable 不适用的
174.TK tank 罐
175.DEG degree 度 176.bbl barrel 桶 177.sec second 秒 178.Min minute 分钟 179.Hr hour 小时 180.FC float collar 浮箍 181.FS float shoe 浮鞋 182.DVT 分级箍
183.CMT cement 水泥,固井
184.ft foot 英尺 184.in inch 英寸 186.lb libra=pound 磅 187.L liter 升
188.klb kilo-pound 千磅 189.WT weight 重量 190.@ at 在……位置
191.FOSV full opening safety valve 全开式安全阀 192.HV high viscosity 高粘 193.LV low viscosity 低粘 194.BPH barrel per hour 桶每小时
195.PG pressure gradient 压力梯度
196.CPLG coupling 接箍 197.BU balled up 泥包 198.ASAP as soon as possible 尽早
199.HSE health ,safety and environment 健康,安全和环保 201.PA public announcement 202.SWP safety work permit 安全工作许可
203.LWP life work permit
204.CWP cold work permit 冷作业许可
205.SD shut down 关闭 206.CSE confined space entry 207.HWP hot work permit 热作业许可
208.EWP electrical work permit 用电许可
(一)主-系-表句型是英语中最常用的句型之一,其结构是:主语+系词+表语。主要用来表示某人或某物是什么,处在什么状态或是什么样子。句中的系词be要根据主语的人称而变化。第一人称单数用am(was),第三人称单数用is(was〕,其它人称都用are或 were。如果把系词be放在主语前边,就变成了疑问句
1.我是司钻,你是钻工。I’m a driller.You are a roughneck.2.我们是钻工,你们是机工。We're fIoormen.You are motormen.3.你不是技师。You are not a tool pusher.4.你们不是司机。You are not motormen.5.他不在钻台上。He is not on the drill f1oor.6.他们在泥浆罐上。They are on the mud tank.7.你是技术员吗? 是的,我是。Are you a technician? Yes, I am.8.你们是工程师吗? 不, 我们不是。Are you engineers? N0, we are not.9.这是什么? What is this?
10.这是一个喷射式钻头。This is a jet bit.11.这些是什么? What are these?
12.这些是接头和配合接头(大小头)。These are subs and X-overs(crossovers)
13.那些是什么? What are those? 14.那些是提升短节。Those are lift subs.15.这是卡瓦,对吗?It is a slip, isn't it?
16.那些是安全卡瓦和吊卡,对吧? Those are safety slips and elevators, aren’t they?
17.他们是干什么的? What are they?
18.他们是我们的领导和参观人员。They are our leaders and visitors.19.这个技师的名字叫刘林。The name of the tool pusher is Liulin.20.这些不是这个电机的开关。These are not the switches 二、主-系一表句型
21.我不是这个队的司钻。I’m not a driller of this crew.22.他是泥浆工程师吗? Is he a mud engineer?
23.他是定向工程师,对不对? He is a directional engineer, isn't he? 24.他是干什么的? What is he? 25.他是钻井工程师。He is a drilling engineer.26.他是副司钻,不是司钻。He is an assistant driller.He is not a driller.27.钻头在钻台上吗? Is the bit on the drill floor? 28.吊车在井场吗? Is the crane on the location?
29.我们都是这个队的钻工。We are all roughnecks of this crew.30.这不是一口生产井。This is not a production well.31.安全第一、工作第二。The first is safety, the second is work.32.钻杆长、接头短。The pipe is long,he sub is short.33.中原油田是个大油田。Zhongyuan oilfield is a large oilfield.34.面积大,油层厚。The area is large.The oil formations are thick.35.井深而地层复杂。The wells are deep.The formations are complicated.36.原油储量大,产量高。The crude oi1 reserve is great.The output is high.37.油的粘度是400到1500厘泊。The viscosity of the oil is from 400 to 1500cp(centipoises).38.碳和氢是化学元素。Carbon and hydrogen are chemical elements.39.在常温下碳是固体,而氢是很轻的气体。Carbon is a solid at ordinary temperature.Hydrogen is a very 1ight gas.40.石油一般是液体,有时是液气混合物。Petroleum is usually in the form of a 1iquid, sometimes it is s mixture of liquid and the natural gas.Drilling 钻井
1.Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program.按钻井程序进行钻井作业.2.Prepared bell nipple.准备“喇叭口”短节.3.Make up 2 joints of drill pipe.接两根钻杆.4.Break out this connection.卸开该接头.5.Run hole opener to sea bed.下扩眼器到海底
6.Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole.为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.7.Make up bottom hole assembly.组合下部钻具
8.Check and reset crown-saver on every tour.每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置.9.Number stands on trip out and trip in.起下钻时给立柱编号.10.Pick up BHA and run to seafloor.将下部钻具下到海底.11.Pick up stands.接立柱
12.Don't drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand.钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱
13.Drop TOTCO.投(陶特)测斜仪
14.Fish TOTCO with overshot.用打捞筒捞起测斜仪
15.Resume drilling to T.D.继续钻进到总深Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟
17.Run in hole.下钻
18.Put out of hole.起钻
19.Make an inventory of all ring gaskets.开一个所有垫圈的清单
20.Use spinning tong.使用气动扳手
21.Operate the air winch.操作气动绞车
22.Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe.甩57根钻杆
23.Pick up drill stem test tool.提起钻杆测试工具
24.Circulate mud for 2 hours.循环泥浆2小时
25.Move string during circulation.在循环时注意活动钻具 26.Circulate hole clean.循环清洗井眼
27.Circulate bottoms up.循环泥浆几周28.Fill up every 5 stands.每5柱灌泥浆一次
29.Check mud weight every 15 minutes.每15分钟检查泥浆比重
30.Reverse out excess cement.反循环替出多余的泥浆
31.Change/replace old mud by new mud.用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆
32.Stop drilling.停止钻进
33.Drilling ahead.钻进
34.Pull out of hole bit.起出钻头
35.Change bit.换钻头
36.Run the wear bushing.下抗磨补心
37.The bit thread type is regular pin.钻头丝扣是正规公扣
38.What's the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大? 39.Run in 9” collars.下9”钻铤
40.The cathead can't give enough torque.猫头力量不够 41.Connect crossover sub.接上配合接头
42.The tong angle is too small.大钳的角度太小了
43.Stop circulating.停止循环泥浆
44.Break out the stand.卸立柱
45.Set the single into the mousehole.把这个单根放进鼠洞
46.Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗? 47.No!Break it out with tong.不行!要用大钳卸扣
48.Spin it out with the air spanner.用气动扳手卸扣
49.Put the pipe wiper on the string.装上钻杆刮泥器
50.Don’t set this stand back.这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上
51.Make up the lift sub.接好提升短节
52.Secure the safety clamp.上紧安全卡瓦
53.The bit is nearing the shoe.钻头快到套管鞋了
54.Slow down the running speed.放慢下放速度
55.This is the undergauged interval.这是缩径井段 56.This is the drilling program.这是钻井设计书
57.How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?
58.Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM.转速保持120---140转/分
59.Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM.保持排量3000升/分
60.The pump pressure is too high.泵压太高了
61.Don't ream the hole too fast.划眼不要太快
62.Notice the rotary torque.注意转盘扭矩的变化
63.The penetration rate is getting slower.钻速变慢了
64.The bit is nearly worn out.钻头快磨光了
65.Stop drilling at 2000 meters.钻至2000米停钻
66.Circulate for one hour.循环一个小时
67.The pump pressure has increased.泵压升高了
68.One nozzle may be plugged.可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了
69.What is the hook load? 悬重多少?
70.What's the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少? 71.What's the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少? 72.Run in HWDP.下加重钻杆
73.A stabilizer is needed here.这里需要一个扶正器
74.This is a flexible sub.这是挠性接头
75.This is the BHA log.这是下部钻具组合记录
76.Record all outside and inside diameters.记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径
77.We need a short drill collar.需要一根短钻铤
78.Pull the cat line.拉猫头
79.Operate the break lever.操作(或:扶)刹把
80.Stop the pumps.停泵
81.Make a wiper trip.通井
82.Retrieve wear bushing.取出抗磨补心
83.Bleed off pressure.(释)放压(力)
84.Keep 5 wraps on the drum.滚筒上留5圈
85.Set slips.座上卡瓦 86.If tight hole, repeat wiper trip.如果井眼紧, 重复划眼
87.Setback bottom hole assembly.将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内
88.Make sure all alarms are on.确保所有的警报信号都开着
89.Lay down TDS spinner.拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器
90.Run in hole bit #15 to bottom.用15号钻头下钻到井底
91.Run in hole to casing shoe.下钻至套管鞋
92.Pick up same bit and BHA.装上同样的钻头和钻具组合93.Lay down 5” HW drill pipe.甩5”加重钻杆
94.Move string every 2 hours.每2小时活动钻具一次
95.Keep area around shaker clean.保持振动筛区域干净
96.Control trip gas.控制起下钻气
97.Ream if needed.如必要时进行划眼
98.Select the best penetration rate.选择最佳钻进速度
99.Fix the traveling assembly.固定游动系统
100.Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor.检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台 100.What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?
101.What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合? 102.Drill out cement.钻穿水泥
103.Drill out 20” casing shoe.钻穿20”套管鞋
104.Latch the elevator.扣吊卡
105.Unlatch the elevator.开吊卡
106.Set the slips.放卡瓦
107.Adjust the crown-o-matic(crown saver).调整防碰天车
108.Lock the hook pin.锁紧大钩销子
109.Check OD of stabilizer.检查扶正器的外径
110.Perform leak off test.进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试
111.Connect kill and choke line.接上压井和放喷管线
112.Reverse out the drill pipe.反循环清洗钻杆
113.Make a short trip.进行短途起下钻
114.Change the cutters.换割刀 115.Slug the pipe.灌重泥浆
116.Drill the stand down.钻完立柱
117.Start/run the shale shaker.开振动筛
118.Start the desanders.开除砂器
119.Start the desilters.开除泥器
120.Change it with a 40 mesh screen.换成40目筛布
121.Shut it off.关掉
122.Pull it to the cat ramp.把它拉到坡道上去
123.Make a fast connection.接单根要快
124.Don’t dump the mud into the sea.不要把泥浆排放到海里
125.Disconnect it with a chain tong.用链钳卸开
126.Put a thread protector.加一个(丝扣)护箍
127.Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗? 吊拉和甩下钻杆单根的安全操作规程
1.SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 特殊工具和设备 Drillpipe lifting 钻杆提丝(尺寸合适)
Drillpipe drift(appropriate size)钻杆通径规(尺寸合适)Soft brush and Cleaning solvent软刷和清洗剂 Pinand Box protectors公、母接头护丝 Kelly cock with Wrench方钻杆旋塞和扳手 Circulating sub接头,循环头 Drillpipe dope 钻具丝扣油
Tape measure卷尺(tapeline,tape)Inside BOP(blow out prevent)内防喷器 Correct size Rig tongs正确尺寸的大钳 2.SAFETY INFORMATION 安全注意事项
1)Ensure that escape routes(doors, stairs楼梯, etc.)are accessible,at all times and are not obstructed阻挡,妨碍。by hoses, Tools, etc.随时保证逃生路线可以使用(门,梯子等),不被管线、工具所阻挡。2)Special attention must be paid while lifting the drillpipe from the catwalk猫道(跑道)onto the rig floor with the air tugger and lowering the traveling block at the same time.当用气动绞车把钻杆从猫道吊到钻台并同时下放游车时,要特别注意。3)Nobody is allowed to stand between the single being brought in / laid down and the joint in the rotary table.Nobody is allowed to stand with their back to the V-door, during these activities.严禁站在正在提升或甩掉的钻杆和钻盘内单根之间,严禁背对井架大门。
4)The Floormen guiding the single across the rig floor must keep feet well clear of the pin end of the single.Winch operators must not lower singles until they are completely sure that feet are well clear of the pin end.钻台上的钻工必须注意使双脚离开单根公接头的下方,气动绞车操作者必须确认钻工双脚远离公扣下放后再下放单根。
5)Keep feet well clear of the drillpipe pin end when the drift is still in the pipe and the pipe is vertical.当通径规还在钻杆内并且钻杆处于垂直位置时,保持双脚远离钻杆公扣下方
(1)This operation requires a Toolbox Talk, covering equipment use and positioning of personnel.这项操作要求召开工作前安全会,会议内容包括使用的设备和人员的位置。
(2)Ensure that all hoisting / lifting equipment, wires and lifting caps are in a safe condition and conforms with the current GWDC colour coding and have valid inspection certificates.确保提升设备,钢丝绳和提丝工作状态良好,符合当前GWDC的颜色识别编号和有效的检验证书。
(3)The air winch Operator shall ensure that the winch wire is moving freely in the derrick(possibly guided by pulleys)to avoid any damage to the steel structure, especially the fingerboard.气动绞车操作者要确认气动绞车钢丝绳和井架不干涉(可以用滑轮导向),以避免损伤井架的钢结构,特别是指梁。
(4)Ensure that the correct grade of pipe is being picked up.确认吊起的钻杆级别是正确的。
(5)When installing the lifting cap, ensure it is tight.一定要旋紧提升提丝。
(6)Before and after operation, count the drillpipe(DP)on the pipe rack to verify tally figures.操作前后,数一下钻杆架上的钻杆数量,和钻杆记录表核实。(7)Any damaged DP is to be painted red(highlighting the damage)and reported to the Toolpusher for change of inventory status and transport back to base / warehouse.任何损伤的钻杆要喷上红漆,并报告带班队长变换钻具库存记录,运回基地或库房
(8)When singling in, ensure pipe tally is updated as DP is being picked up.Number as per GWDC DP numbering system.当逐根下入钻具单根时,钻杆记录表要更新,并根据GWDC的程序进行编号。(9)If pipe is 5" in diameter or greater, tail the pipe using a rope as it clears the top of the V-door and enters the rig floor.The use of a rope to tail in pipe of a smaller diameter is at the Toolpusher's discretion.直径是或大于5〞的钻杆,从坡道见到钻台上时,要拴牵引尾绳;直径5〞以下的钻杆,由带班队长决定是否拴尾绳。
(10)When singling out, ensure pipe tally is adjusted to reflect the pipe being laid down.当逐根甩掉单根时,确认钻杆记录表经过调整并反映出被甩的钻杆
钻井英语500句2 2010-03-21 09:45 4.INSTRUCTIONS 指令 4.1.Singling In 吊拉单根
(1)Verify the size and current colour coding of the lifting cap.核实提丝的大小和颜色编码。
(2)Clean and examine the threads and shoulders on box and pin ends, and inform the Driller of any damage.清洗和检验公、母扣的丝扣、台肩,发现损伤报告司钻
(3)Verify the grade of the drillpipe, measure length, record and inform the Driller.验证钻杆的等级,测量长度,记录并报告司钻
(4)Remove the protector from the box end, apply dope(thread compound), and install the drift and lifting cap, ensuring the lifting cap is tight.卸掉母扣护丝,抹上丝扣油,装上通径规和提丝,确保上紧提丝。(5)Attach the air tugger to the lifting cap and lift the pipe off the catwalk.挂上提丝把钻杆吊离猫道。
(6)Tail the drillpipe with a rope as it swings through the V-door.因为钻杆经过井架大门坡道时来回摆动,要在钻杆上拴上尾绳。(7)Remove the pin protector and retrieve the drift, keeping feet well clear.卸掉公扣护丝,取出通径规,保持脚下利索。
(8)Lower the drillpipe joint into the mouse hole, and remove air tugger and lifting cap.下放单根进小鼠洞,摘掉气动绞车和提丝。
(9)If the rig is equipped with a top drive, the Driller activates the linktilt towards the joint in the mouse hole and the Floormen latch the elevators.如果钻机配备了顶驱,司钻打前伸按钮使吊卡靠近小鼠洞中的单根,钻工扣上吊卡。
4.2.Singling Out 甩掉单根
(1)After the connection has been broken out the Floormen pull the single over the mouse hole.卸开扣后,钻工把单根推向小鼠洞。(2)The Floormen dope the pin and install a pin thread protector.钻工给公扣抹上丝扣油,戴上护丝
(3)If a top drive is used, after the single has been broken out, the Driller uses the linktilt to move the single towards and into the mouse hole.如果配备了顶驱,卸开扣后,司钻打前伸按钮,并把单根推向、放入小鼠洞。
(4)The elevators are opened when the joint stands up and then are held back from swinging across the rig floor.下放吊卡,单根接头离开吊卡时,打开吊卡并后摆。
The Floormen dope the box and install the lifting cap, attach the air tugger and lift the joint clear of the mouse hole.钻工给母扣抹上丝扣油,带上护丝,挂上气动绞车把单根提离小鼠洞。
Note: The drillpipe can be cleaned and doped after it has been rolled off the catwalk.注意:钻杆被滚离猫道后要清洁丝扣和涂抹丝扣油。
Tail / push pipe out of the V-door keeping feet well clear.Winch operator must ensure that the last joint laid down is no longer on the catwalk and that the catwalk is clear of personnel before slowly lowering the pipe out of the V-door.保持脚下利落,把钻杆推出或用绳子牵引出大门坡道。气动绞车操作者在慢放钻杆出大门坡道前,要确认猫道上没有钻具和人员。Note: When running in or laying down a large amount of drillpipe, special attention must be paid while working around the mouse hole.The Mouse hole shall be covered at all times when not in use.注意:当吊拉或甩掉大量钻杆时,在小鼠洞周围工作时要特别注意,小鼠洞不用时要一直盖着。
(7)Remove the lifting cap, install the box protector and roll the joint onto the pipe rack.卸掉提丝,带上母扣护丝,把钻杆滚到管排架上。4.3.Special Considerations 特殊事项
(1)When breaking out singles, any problem connection must be marked, recorded in the Tally Book and reported to the Toolpusher.当卸扣时,有问题的接头要划上记号,记录在钻具记录本上,并向带班队长汇报。
Make-Up and Break-Out Procedures Using Rig Tongs
SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 特殊工具和设备 Tong jaws钳头 Tong dies 钳牙
Correct size Rig tongs 适当尺寸的大钳 Tong pins 大钳销子 Safety latch springs 安全锁定弹簧 Split pins 开口销 Grease 黄油 Grease gun 黄油枪
The Driller must ensure that the Floormen are outside the area of the tongs before pulling on the tongs, if an abnormal amount of torque is to be applied during make up or break out.当上、卸扣扭距异常时,司钻拉大钳前必须确认钻工站在大钳区域之外。Snub lines for the rig tongs must be inspected and be in good working order.钳尾绳必须检查并状态良好。
Hanging lines for the rig tongs must be inspected and be in good working order
The Floormen must be instructed on proper placement of hands while operating the rig tongs.操作大钳时,必须教导钻工把手放在正确位置。
(1)Always use two sets of rig tongs of the proper size to break out or make up connections.要使用合乎标准尺寸的双钳上、卸扣。
(2)The Floormen must lubricate rig tongs at regular intervals, and always before and after each trip
(3)The slack in the rig tong safety line must be sufficient for the tong to obtain full benefit from the pull of the cathead, but short enough to prevent half rotation of the rig tong
(4)Ends of the braided safety lines should be secured by thimbles which are properly cast, spliced or talurit-clamped to prevent unravelling.安全绳的末端使用心环,心环要正确的铸造,压制或者用卡子以避免散开。
(5)Rig tongs must be kept clean to ensure proper operation.大钳必须保持清洁确保正确操作。
(6)Rig tong dies must be inspect regularly and must be replaced when worn or damaged.Ensure that the tong dies are secured with safety pins.钳牙必须定期检查,磨损和损坏的钳牙一定要更换,要使用钳牙安全销。
(7)Rig tong line pulleys and counterbalances must be inspected at regular intervals.大钳的悬挂滑轮和平衡配重必须定期检查
(8)Rig tong pins and hinges must be inspected regularly for wear and replaced if any wear is observed.大钳销子和铰链必须定期检查磨损情况,如果磨损严重要更换。(9)Rig tong pins, shackle pins and bolts must be secured with the proper size split pins.大钳销子,卸扣的销子和螺栓必须配有合适尺寸的开口销。
4.1.Breaking Out Connections with the Rig Tongs 用大钳卸扣(1)The Floormen remove the safety latch springs and the tong pins and change the tong jaws to match the size of the pipe or tubular to be broken out.钻工打开安全弹簧和取下大钳销子,换上合适尺寸的钳头以匹配钻杆或管子的尺寸
(2)The Driller ensures that the safety latch springs are replaced on the tong pins.司钻要确保大钳销子上的安全锁定弹簧被放到原位。
(3)The Floormen set the slips, or where applicable, the Driller sets the automatic slips.钻工卡上卡瓦(如果有的话,司钻卡上自动卡瓦)。
(4)The Floormen engage the rig tongs on the drillpipe or tubular tool joint.(The breakout tong is placed on the top tool joint and the makeup tong is placed on the bottom tool joint).钻工在钻杆或管子接头上上打上大钳(内钳打在上方接头上,外钳打在下方接头上)。
Note: Special attention must be made to ensure the rig tongs are placed above the hard facing on the tool joint.注意:大钳必须打在接头耐麽层之上。
(5)The Floormen make the rig tongs bite by pulling on the tong jaw and pushing on the tong arm.钻工通过拉钳头、推钳柄使钳子咬紧。
Note: The Floorman must properly place their hands on the rig tongs to prevent injury.注意:钻工必须正确放置手的位置以免受到伤害
The Driller engages the breakout cathead and pulls on the breakout tong.This will cause the breakout tong to bite on the upper tool joint.At the same time, the makeup tong bites on the bottom tool joint.The connection is then broken.司钻操作卸扣猫头拉动卸扣大钳,这会使卸扣大钳咬紧上部接头,同时上扣大钳咬紧下方接头 扣被卸开。
Note: The Driller must ensure that the cathead line is at right angle(90 degrees)to the tong arm.The Driller must note the breakout torque and mark the joints for further inspection if the breakout torque is not equal to or within less than 10% of the makeup torque.注意: 司钻必须确认猫头绳与钳柄之间的角度垂直(90·),如果卸扣扭距不等于或小于上扣扭距的10%,司钻必须留意卸扣扭距并作好记号以便进一步检查。(7)The Floormen spin out the connection using the air spinner, or if applicable, the Driller utilises the top drive to spin out the connection.钻工使用气动旋扣器卸开扣,或者如果可能,司钻用顶驱卸开扣。(8)The Floormen apply proper pipe dope into the thread box of the pipe joint.钻工用合适的丝扣油涂抹接头母扣。
(9)The Floormen remove the rig tongs and tie them back safely out of the way.钻工打开大钳,放置到安全位置并拴牢。
4.2.Making Up Connections with the Rig Tongs 用大钳上扣
(1)The Floormen remove the safety latch springs and the tong pins and change the tong jaws to match the size of the pipe or tubular to be made up.钻工取下安全弹簧和大钳销子换上合适尺寸的钳头以匹配钻杆或管子的尺寸。
(2)The Driller ensures that the safety latch springs are replaced on the tong pins.司钻要确保钳销上的安全锁定弹簧被放到原位。
(3)The Floormen set the slips and the Driller picks up a joint or a stand of pipe.钻工卡上卡瓦,司钻提起一单根或一立柱。
(4)The Floormen apply pipe dope to the box and pin end of the connection thoroughly.钻工均匀地在公、母扣上抹上铅油。
(5)The Floormen stab the pin end of the joint into the box of the joint in the rotary table.钻工把公扣接头放进转盘上单根母扣接头内。
(6)The Floormen rotate the pipe into the box utilising the air spinner or where applicable, the Driller utilises the top-drive or the kelly spinner.钻工用气动旋扣器旋上扣或者司钻用顶驱或方钻杆旋扣器上扣 The Floormen engage the rig tongs onto the drillpipe or tubular tool joint(The makeup tong is placed on the top tool joint and the breakout tong is placed on the bottom tool joint).The Floormen make the rig tongs bite by pulling on the tong jaws and pushing on the tong arm.钻工在钻杆或管子接头上上打上大钳(内钳打在下方接头上,外钳打在上方接头上)钻工通过拉钳头推钳柄使钳子咬紧。
Note: The Floorman must properly place their hands on the rig tongs to prevent injury.注意:钻工必须正确放置手的位置以免受到伤害。
(8)The Driller engages the makeup cathead, pulls on the makeup tong causing the make up tong to bite on the top tool joint.At the same time, the breakout tong bites on the bottom tool joint.The Driller continues to pull on the makeup tong until proper torque is applied to the connection.司钻操作上扣猫头拉动上扣大钳,这会使上扣大钳咬紧上部接头,同时卸扣大钳咬紧下方接头 司钻继续拉动上扣大钳直到达到合适地扭距(9)After the connection has been tighten to proper torque, the Floormen remove the rig tongs and tie them safely out of the way.用合适地扭距上紧接头后,钻工打开大钳,放置到安全位置并拴牢。
新闻英语标题中常见缩写词 快速查询
ABM==Antiballistic Missile 反弹道导弹 AFP==Agence France Presse 法新社 AP==Associated Press 美国联合通讯社 ADB==Asian Development bank 亚洲开发银行
ASEAN==Association of South East Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)
AIDS==Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 艾滋病
APEC==Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经贸合作组织 ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动取款(出纳)机 BBC==British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司
BBS(Bulletin Board System)电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务
B/L(bill of lading)提单
CBD(Central Business District)中央商务区 CET(College English Test)大学英语等级考试
CEO==Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官;执行总裁 CFO==Chief Finance Officer 首席财务官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 COO(Chief Operating Officer)首席运行官 CTO(Chief Technology Officer)首席技术官 CPA(Certified Public Accountant)注册会计师 CPC==Communist Party of China 中国共产党 CIA==Central Intelligence Agency(美国)中央情报局 CNN==Cable News Network 美国有线电视新闻网络 CRI==China Radio International 国际广播电台
CPPCC==Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference 中国人民政治协商会议
CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)计算机集成制造系统
CPI(consumer price index)消费者价格指数 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 C.O(certificate of origin)一般原产地证 C/D(customs declaration)报关单 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱
DOS(Disc Operating System)磁盘操作系统 DJI==Dow-Jones index道琼斯工业平均指数 D/A(document against acceptance)承兑交单 D/P(document against payment)付款交单 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 DOC(document)文件、的单据 EU==European Union 欧洲联盟 EA(each)每个,各
EMS(express mail special)特快传递
FBI==Federal Bureau of Investigation(美国)联邦调查局 FAC(facsimile)传真 FOB(free on board)离岸价
GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)国民生产总值 GMT==Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间 GM==General Manager 总理
GM == General Motors 通用汽车公司 GPS(Global Position System)全球定位系统
GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)全球移动通信系统 GRE(Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试 GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)国外工商管理硕士MBA入学考试
G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制 G.W.(gross weight)毛重
IAEA==International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 IDA==International Development Association 国际开发协会 IMF==International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 ILO==International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织
IACC==International Association of Conference Center 国际会议中心协会
IMO==International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织(或)International Meteorological Organization 国际气象组织
ISO ==International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
ITS(Intelligent Transportation System)智能交通系统 IMP(import)进口 1 EXP(export)出口 INT(international)国际的 INV(invoice)发票
LAST(Law School Admission Test)法学院入学考试 L/C(letter of credit)信用证 MPs= Members of Parliament MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士 MPA(Master of Public Administration)公共管理硕士 MAX(maximum)最大的、的最大限度的 MIN(minimum)最小的,最低限度 M 或MED(medium)中等,中级的 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨
NBA==National Basketball Association 全美篮球协会 NASA==National Aeronautics and Space Administration 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局
NATO==North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织
NPC==the National People’s Congress 全国人民代表大会(或)National Petroleum Council 全国石油委员会 NHK==Nippon Hoso Kyokai 日本广播协会
NMD(National Missile Defense)国家导弹防御系统
NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)纳斯达克,<美>全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会 N.W.(net weight)净重
OPEC==Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 欧佩克,石油输出国家组织
OPEC==Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国家组织
OAU==Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织 PETS(Public English Test System)全国英语等级考试 PLO==Palestine Liberation Organization巴基斯坦解放组织 PC==Personal computer 个人电脑 PR==Public Relations 公共关系 PM==Project Management 项目管理 PM==Prime Minister总理;首相 PA==Personal Assistant 私人助理 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、的个、的支等 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 P/L(packing list)装箱单、的明细表 PCT(percent)百分比 PR或PRC(price)价格 PUR(purchase)购买、的购货
R&D =Research and Development 研究与开发 Reuters 路透社(英国)REF(reference)参考、的查价 RMB(renminbi)人民币
SDI==Strategic Defence Initiative 战略防御技术 S.S(steamship)船运
STL.(style)式样、的款式、的类型 S/M(shipping marks)装船标记 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 TP==Traffic Policeman 交通警察
TMDE(Test, Measure and Diagnostic Euipment)试验、测量与诊断设备 TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福考试 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传 UN==United Nations 联合国
UNCF==United Nations Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会
UNICEF==United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund 联合国儿童基金会
Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织
UFO==Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物 VOA==Voice of America 美国之音 VIP==Very Important Person 贵宾
WWF==World Wildlife fund世界野生动物基金(或)World Wresting Federation世界摔跤联合会
WTO==World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
WIPO==World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织 WHO==World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WT(weight)重量 W(with)具有 w/o(without)没有
APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经贸合作组织 IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克委员会
ISO(International Organization for Standardization)国际标准化组织 OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)欧佩克,石油输出国组织
WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织
IMF= International Monetary Fund(联合国)国际货币基金组织 MPs= Members of Parliament PM= Prime Minister NASA=National Aeronautics and Space Administration[(美国)国家宇航局]
UFO=Unidentified Flying Object(不明飞行物:“飞碟”)DJI=Dow-Jones Index(道琼斯指数)PC=personal computer(个人电脑)PR=public relations(公共关系)3)表示人们的职业、职务或职称的名词
PM=prime minister(总理;首相)TP=traffic policeman(交通警察)PA=personal assistant(私人助理)GM =General Motors
NATO =North Atlantic Treaty Organization FBI =Federal Bureau of Investigation
UNESCO =United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization R&D =Research and Development, CIA = Central Intelligence Agency CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官 CFO(Chief Finance Officer)首席财务官 CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官 COO(Chief Operating Officer)首席运行官 CTO(Chief Technology Officer)首席技术官 CPA(Certified Public Accountant)注册会计师
MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士 MPA(Master of Public Administration)公共管理硕士 4)表示各种系统的缩略词
BBS(Bulletin Board System)电子布告栏系统或(Bulletin Board Service)电子布告服务
GPS(Global Position System)全球定位系统
GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)全球移动通信系统 CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System)计算机集成制造系统
DOS(Disc Operating System)磁盘操作系统
ITS(Intelligent Transportation System)智能交通系统 NMD(National Missile Defense)国家导弹防御系统
TMDE(Test, Measure and Diagnostic Euipment)试验、测量与诊断设备 NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)纳斯达克,<美>全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会 5)有关金融方面的缩略词
ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动取款(出纳)机 CBD(Central Business District)中央商务区 GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)国民生产总值 CPI(consumer price index)消费者价格指数 6)有关考试方面的缩略词
CET(College English Test)大学英语等级考试
GRE(Graduate Record Examination)美国研究生入学考试 PETS(Public English Test System)全国英语等级考试 TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)托福考试
GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)国外工商管理硕士MBA入学考试
LAST(Law School Admission Test)法学院入学考试 7)外贸中常见英文缩略词 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价 2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇 3 D/P(document against payment)单
交交 4 D/A(document against acceptance)单 5 C.O(certificate of origin)一般原产地证 6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)
惠制 7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱 8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、的个、的支等 9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元 10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打 11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等 12 WT(weight)重量 13 G.W.(gross weight)
N.W.(net weight)
净重 15 C/D(customs declaration)报关单 16 EA(each)每个,各 17 W(with)具有 18 w/o(without)没有 19 FAC(facsimile)传真 20 IMP(import)进口 21 EXP(export)出口 MAX(maximum)最大的、的最大限度的 23 MIN(minimum)最小的,最低限度 24 M 或MED(medium)中等,中级的 25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船 S.S(steamship)
M/T(metric ton)
公吨 28 DOC(document)文件、的单据 29 INT(international)国际的 30 P/L(packing list)装箱单、的明细表
INV(invoice)发票 32 PCT(percent)百分比 33 REF(reference)参考、的查价 34 EMS(express mail special)特快传递 35 STL.(style)式样、的款式、的类型 36 T或LTX
TX(telex)电传 37 RMB(renminbi)人民币 38 S/M(shipping marks)装船标记 39 PR或PRC(price)价格 40 PUR(purchase)购买、的购货 41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书 42 L/C(letter of credit)
B/L(bill of lading)
提单 44 FOB(free on board)离岸价 45 CIF(cost,insurance&freight)成本、的保险加运费价
WTO 世贸组织: World Trade Organization
WHO 世界卫生组织: World Health Organization
CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China
OPEC 石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
SARS 非典: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
AIDS 爱滋病: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BSE 疯牛病: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
NMET 全国普通高等学校入学考试: National Matriculation Entrance Test
CET 大学英语等级考试: College English Test
PETS 全国公共英语等级考试: The Public English Test System
TOEFL 托福: Test of English as a Foreign Language
IELTS 雅思: International English Language Testing System
IT 信息技术: Information Technology
VCD 激光视盘: Video Compact Disc
GPS 全球定位系统: Global Positioning System
GSM 全球移动通讯系统: Global System for Mobile Communications
EMS 特快专递: Express Mail Service
www.xiexiebang.commerce 英国商会联合会
4.ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局
5.AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司
6.ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)
7.A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会
8.AF:Air France 法国航空公司
9.AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行
10.AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织
11.AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)大会
12.AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署
13.AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会
14.ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会
15.Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所
16.ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
17.APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国上海召开部长级会议和非正式首脑会议)国际组织、机构、公司:
UN 联合国: United Nations
UNESCO 联合国教科文组织: United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural
WTO 世贸组织: World Trade Organization
WHO 世界卫生组织: World Health Organization
CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China
OPEC 石油输出国组织: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)(联合国)粮食及农业组织
UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织
UNCF(United Nations Children's Fund,其前身是United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)联合国儿童基金会
UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization)联合国工业发展组织
UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)联合国开发计划署
UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)联合国环境署
UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund)联合国资本开发基金会
UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易与发展会议
WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织
WMO(World Meteorological Organization)世界气象组织
WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织
GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)关税及贸易组织
WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization)世界知识产权组织
WPC(World Peace Council)世界和平理事会
ILO(International Labour Organization)国际劳工组织
IMF(International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金组织
IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克委员会
UPU(Universal Postal Union)万国邮政联盟
ITU(International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟
IFC(International Finance Corporation)国际金融公司
IMO(International Maritime Organization)国际海事组织
ISO(International Standard Organization)国际标准化组织
ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization)国际民用航空组织
IDA(International Development Association)国际开发协会
IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development)国际农业发展基金会
IOJ(International Organization of Journalists)国际新闻工作者协会
ICC(International Chamber of Commerce)国际商会
UEA(Universal Esperanto Association)国际世界语协会
INTELSAT(International telecommunications Satellitic)国际通信卫星机构
IRTO(International Radio and Television Organization)国际广播电视组织
IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)国际原子能机构
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北大西洋公约组织
OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织
OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)经济合作与发展组织
CMEA(Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)经济互助委员会(经互会)
APEC(Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经和组织
ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟
OAU(Organization of African Unity)非洲统一组织
OIC(Organization of the Islamic Conference)伊斯兰会议组织
CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States)独立国家联合体
EU(European Union)欧洲联盟
IPU(Inter-Parliamentary Union)各国议会联盟
OSCE(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)欧洲安全与合作组织
EEC(European Economic Communities)欧洲经济共同体
OEEC(Organization for European Economic Cooperation)欧洲经济合作组织
NAM(the Non-Aligned Movement)不结盟运动
ANC(African National Congress)非洲人民大会
PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization)巴勒斯坦解放组织
ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross)红十字国际委员会
世界各大组织的英文缩写 UN(the United Nations)联合国
FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)(联合国)粮食及农业组织
UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织
UNCF(United Nations Children's Fund,其前身是United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)联合国儿童基金会
UNIDO(United Nations Industrial Development Organization)联合国工业发展组织
UNDP(United Nations Development Programme)
UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)联合国环境署
UNCDF(United Nations Capital Development Fund)联合国资本开发基金会
UNCTAD(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)联合国贸易与发展会议
WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织
WMO(World Meteorological Organization)世界气象组织
WTO(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织
GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)关税及贸易组织
WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization)世界知识产权组织
WPC(World Peace Council)世界和平理事会
ILO(International Labour Organization)国际劳工组织
IMF(International Monetary Fund)国际货币基金组织
IOC(International Olympic Committee)国际奥林匹克委员会
UPU(Universal Postal Union)万国邮政联盟
ITU(International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟
IFC(International Finance Corporation)国际金融公司
IMO(International Maritime Organization)国际海事组织
ISO(International Standard Organization)国际标准化组织
ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization)国际民用航空组织
IDA(International Development Association)国际开发协会
IFAD(International Fund for Agricultural Development)国际农业发展基金会
IOJ(International Organization of Journalists)
ICC(International Chamber of Commerce)国际商会
UEA(Universal Esperanto Association)国际世界语协会
INTELSAT(International telecommunications Satellitic)国际通信卫星机构
IRTO(International Radio and Television Organization)国际广播电视组织
IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)国际原子能机构
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)北大西洋公约组织
OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织
OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)经济合作与发展组织
CMEA(Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)经济互助委员会(经互会)
APEC(Asia and Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经和组织
ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)东南亚国家联盟
OAU(Organization of African Unity)非洲统一组织
OIC(Organization of the Islamic Conference)伊斯兰会议组织
CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States)独立国家联合体
EU(European Union)欧洲联盟
IPU(Inter-Parliamentary Union)各国议会联盟
OSCE(Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)欧洲安全与合作组织
EEC(European Economic Communities)欧洲经济共同体
OEEC(Organization for European Economic Cooperation)欧洲经济合作组织
NAM(the Non-Aligned Movement)不结盟运动
ANC(African National Congress)
PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization)巴勒斯坦解放组织
ICRC(International Committee of the Red Cross)红十字国际委员会
LTRO: Long-Term Refinincing Operation,中文翻译常见“长期再融资计划”,或者“长期再融资行动”
计算公式是:PEG=PE/企业年盈利增长率/100 PEG,是用公司的市盈率(PE)除以公司未来3或5年的每股收益复合增长率。比如一只股票当前的市盈率为20倍,其未来5年的预期每股收益复合增长率为20%,那么这只股票的PEG就是1。当PEG等于1时,表明市场赋予这只股票的估值可以充分反映其未来业绩的成长性。如果PEG大于1,则这只股票的价值就可能被高估,或市场认为这家公司的业绩成长性会高于市场的预期。通常,那些成长型股票的PEG都会高于1,甚至在2以上,投资者愿意给予其高估值,表明这家公司未来很有可能会保持业绩的快速增长,这样的股票就容易有超出想象的市盈率估值。当PEG小于1时,要么是市场低估了这只股票的价值,要么是市场认为其业绩成长性可能比预期的要差。通常价值型股票的PEG都会低于1,以反映低业绩增长的预期。投资者需要注意的是,像其他财务指标一样,PEG也不能单独使用,必须要和其他指标结合起来,这里最关键的还是对公司业绩的预期。由于PEG需要对未来至少3年的业绩增长情况作出判断,而不能只用未来12个月的盈利预测,因此大大提高了准确判断的难度。事实上,只有当投资者有把握对未来3年以上的业绩表现作出比较准确的预测时,PEG的使用效果才会体现出来,否则反而会起误导作用。此外,投资者不能仅看公司自身的PEG来确认它是高估还是低估,如果某公司股票的PEG为12,而其他成长性类似的同行业公司股票的PEG都在15以上,则该公司的PEG虽然已经高于1,但价值仍可能被低估。PEG指标要准确估算的话是比较难的具体根据行业的景气度是不是朝阳行业再看公司批露的财报主要是前3年复合增长是不是稳步趋升再做出对后3年的大概估测值。