英语七年级上册Lesson 2全英教案

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第一篇:英语七年级上册Lesson 2全英教案

2017-2018学年七年级(初一)英语上册 第二讲

Unit 1 Family Lesson 1 Photos of Us

Second Period Student: Students of Grade 7 Teaching Content:

1.News words: call, him, run, same, age, as, same...as, sing, dance, live, near, visit 2.International Phonetics.Teaching objectives:

Students will be able to talk about their family members;Students will be able to identify words with the sound /æ/;

Students will be able to read the rhyme without recording.Teaching Methods: The Natural Approach Task-based Teaching Method The Communicative Language Teaching Method Teaching Procedure:

Activity 1: Introduce one of your family members.Say something about him or her, for example, “My mum is 49 years old.She is a cook.” Ask at least 5 students “What about your mum?”

Ask them “How many members are there in your family?” “Who are they?” “What other members do you know?”

Answer the question with, “There are...in my family.They are...” Do the brainstorm and report in class.Activity 2.Pronunciation: /æ/

Say “Listen to the rhyme.What sound do you hear the most?” Play the recording the first time, have the students just listen.Go over some words with the sound /æ/, for example, has, at, mat./æ/发音要领:舌前部稍抬起,舌尖抵下齿。口腔接近全开,上下齿间可容纳食指和中指的宽度,发间时咽喉收缩。.act apple at

2.sad hat fat bad 3.carry happy family salary

Activity 3.Direct the students to the text on Page 27.Challenge individual students say the words aloud.读句子,注意/æ/的发音。.Is this your handbag? 2.Let the cat out of bag.3.Jack’s dad has a mad black cat.Catch that mad black cat.Homework:

1.抄写、背诵本课的单词短语;2.Exercise 9&10 on P27.Teaching Reflection: Students are encouraged to talk about their family members.And they made it.They enjoyed the learning process.

第二篇:Unit8SectionB(1a-2c)全英版教案 (人教版七年级上册英语)

Unit8 SectionB(1a-2c)全英版教案 Teaching Aims 1.Knowledge Objects(1)Function:Talk about the events.(2)Key Vocabulary:school trip, party, basketball game, term, month, busy

(4)Target Language:—We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.—School Day is on October 22nd.(4)Structure:on+月份+ ordinal number 2.Ability Objects: Can talk about the events.3.Moral Objects: Arrange time reasonably and be the master of time.Teaching Key Points

Listening;Ordinal numbers Teaching Methods How to make your own calendar.Teaching Difficult Points Listening methods;Pair work;Group work

Teaching Aids A tape recorder;Some pictures

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greeting(About 2 minutes)

Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2 Practice(About 10 minutes)Show four pictures to the students.(The pictures are the same as those on page 46, la.)

Ask some students to tell us what these pictures describing.T:Turn to page 46, look at the pictures and match the pictures with the right events.Step 3 Listening(About 15 minutes)1.T:My friend John is very busy, he has to participate many activities.Now, let’s listen to the tape and know about his calendar.Play the recording for the students, for the first time, ask the students try to circle the events they hear in la.Let students check their answers after they listen to the recording for the second time.2.T:According to the tape, we know about John’s calendar, now listen to the recording twice and fill in John’s calendar on page 46,1c as much as you can.3.T:Well, you have got lots of information from the John’s calendar, so ask and answer questions about John’s calendar, work in pairs.e.g.:A:When is Sally’s birthday party? B:It’s on October 5 th.Step 4 Reading(About 15 minutes)1.Many schools have all kinds of activities from time to time to enrich students, daily life.What activities do you have at your school? Ask the students to check the activities on page 47, 2a if they have at their school.2.There is a school notice on page 47, 2b.Let students read the notice and list the activities and the dates that mentioned in the notice.Fill this information in the form; T:I’m sure you have got much information from the school notice, so what activities from this notice do you like? What other activities do you like? Discuss the questions with your classmates.Ss:Discuss the questions, and write down what activities you and your classmates like, then report it to others.Step 5 Homework(About 3 minutes)

Make a survey in your family about their activities in the holiday.Blackboard Design


Unit 1 Lessons 1-6 School and Friends Lesson 1 :Hello!一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Greetings: hello, hi , Nice to meet you.2.Self-introduction: My name is… Or I'm.., I'm from...3.Asking for others’names: What's your name?

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Understand the text.2.Remember the words: hello, name, Canada,China,thank.3.Make sure the Ss can self-introduce in English.三、Key points:(重点)

Make sure the Ss can self-introduce in English.四、Difficult point:(难点)Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)

Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)

Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)

Step 1.Warming up.Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese.1.Why do we learn English? 2.Where is English spoken? 3.Do you know any English words? 4.Is English interesting? 5.Do you often come across English words? Step 2.Lead in.Discuss these questions: 1.What do you say when you meet someone? 2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet? 3.How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese? 4.Do you know how to introduce someone in English? Today we’re going to learn something about them.Do you want to know? Step 3.New lesson: No.1 Hello/Hi, my name is 1.Presentation Pretend to meet someone.Say “Hello” or “Hi”, I'm....,I'm from........(自我介绍)self-introduce Make sure the Ss can understand it.Encourage them to repeat.2.Practice Work in pairs.Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves.Then ask some pairs to act it out.No.2.How are you? 1.Presentation.Say “I'm ___.What’s your name?” Translate if necessary.Then repeat a few times.Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly.2.Practice.Work in pairs.Encourage the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs.Demonstrate the dialogue with one or two Ss, and then ask some pairs to act it out for the rest of the class.Demonstrate and practice the dialogue:(A)Hello!I'm ___.What’s your name?(B)My name is ____.how are you?...........Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the greeting and response, combining with the expressions in this lesson.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Remember the new word and practice the dialogue.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)the useful expressions 八.Teaching reflection:(课后反思)

Lesson 2 :Teacher and Students 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Greet people in many different ways in English.useful 2.Introducing others: This is my friend.3.After class: Do “Let's do it.”

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Understand the text 2.Remember the vocabulary:teacher, student ,friend, homeroom teacher, classmate, over there.3.Make the students learn how to write some sentences.三、Key points:(重点)Introduce your friend.四、Difficult point:(难点)Make a distinction between his ,her,he,she.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Teach the new words,review the last lesson.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

In the daily life ,we are usually say what when they meet each other in Chinese.and how to introduce our friend ? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 This is my friend.1.Presentation Read and explain the text,then practice the sentence “This is my friend”.2.Practice Let the student practice the dialogue.A:Good morning,....B:Good morning,....A: B ,This is my friend,his name is C B:Nice to meet you ,C C:Nice to meet you,too.B:This is my friend,D C:Nice to meet you,D D:Nice to meet you,too.No.2 what's her name? 1.Presentation Use the sentence “what's her name?”,for introduce our friend.2.Text:Translate the dialogue.Then requit the student to practice the dialogue in pairs.No.3Culture Tip.You can greet people in many different ways in English.The most common ways are :hello, hi, good morning , good afternoon, good evening , How are you? How's it going? What's up? Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the greeting and response, combining with the useful expressions in this lesson.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Read the text and practice the dialogue.Finish the practice “Let's do it.” Remember the master words.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The useful expressions and the new word.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 3 :Welcome to Our School 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Introduce our school.2.The new words.3.Finish the practice:“Let's do it”.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Understand the text 2.Remember the new words: visiting student, show, playground, around, lab, library.3.Make the student do the practice “Let's do it.”

三、Key points:(重点)Learn to introduce your school.四、Difficult point:(难点)Write some sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review the last lesson words and the usually expressions.Then introduce lesson three in Chinese first.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Let the student introduce your school in Chinese.Then comprehend the text.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)NO1.Text: Jack is from Canada.H

e is a visiting student in Li Ming's school.Now Li Ming Lead Jack around his school.1.Picture one--Classroom This is our classroom.we have lessons here.2.Picture two--Office This is an office.Our teachers plan their lessons here.3.Picture three--Playground That is the playground.We play sports and have fun there.4.Picture four--Library That is the library.we get books there.5.Picture five--Lab It's a lab.We have our science classes there.NO2.Practice:“Let's do it”.Make the student understand the text,and learn to introduce our school.Then write some sentences about it.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the master word, combining with the useful expressions in this lesson.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Read the text and remember the useful expressions.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

the useful expressions and the important word.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 4 :what is it? 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Learn the new word.2.Understand the text and practice the dialogue in pairs.3.Finish the practice.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Understand the text and make sure the Ss can speak the dialogue each other.2.Remember the important words: pen, pencil, box ruler, blackboard, eraser, guess, long, thin.3.Do the practice:after the lesson.三、Key points:(重点)learn new word about the classroom objects.learn sentence pattern--Is it.....?

四、Difficult point:(难点)Play the Guessing Game in groups.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review the last lesson and the word,dictate to the whole class.To make the Ss have more words.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)First,Give the Ss some question: Example our aid to learning in Chinese,then ask some Ss speak them in English.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1Presentation Prepare some cards about classroom objects.Learn new words:pen ,pencil,box,ruler,blackboard,eraser.No.2 Dialogue Introduce the dialogue in Chinese,what are they doing? Then explain the guessing game for using new word.Make the Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.No.3Dig in(拓展).Look at the things in your classroom.Do you know the English words for these things? If you don't know the words,try to find them.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary:Sum up new word about classroom objects.learn sentence pattern--Is it.....? Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Read the text and practice the dialogue,then do the practice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)the useful expressions

八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 5: May I Have a Book? 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Sentential form:May I have/borrow........? 2.Learn classroom objects.3.Understand the meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Remember the master words about classroom objects.2.Understand the text.Use the important Phrase.3.Practice the dialogue for using the sentences pattern “May I have/borrow........”

三、Key points:Sentential form:May I have/borrow........?

四、Difficult point:(难点)Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review the last lesson about classroom objects and the using expressions.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

In our class, classmate usually need help each other.So we can do what when others need help.Example in Chinese first,then explain the text.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Text: Explain the meaning of the text.Danny:Excuse me, May I have/borrow........? Jenny:OK!Here you are.Danny: Thanks.Jenny:You're welcome..............No.2 Practice in pairs.Encourage the Ss to ask for real things like books, pens, marker, erasers etc.No.3 Learning Tip: After someone says thanks or thank you, you can say you're welcome.What else can you say?You can say: no problem,no worries,not at all,my pleasure, don't mention it, forget it or it's nothing.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.4.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the text briefly.Sum up the phrase : Excuse me, May I have/borrow........? Here you are.You're welcome.See you later.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Remember the phrase.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)Sentential form.The phrase.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 6 :Things for School 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.The Numbers.New words(新单词).2.Understand the meaning of the text.3.Make lists.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Learn the number.2.Understand the meaning of the text.3.Learn to make lists.三、Key points:(重点)The number.四、Difficult point:(难点)How to make lists.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking

七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese.1.What things do you need for school? 2.How to send an e-mail? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Learn the numbers and review the classroom objects.Then introduce how to write.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Text:Explain the meaning of the text.No.2 Make a list.Learning Tip: People make lists for many different reasons.There are many different types of lists: shopping list,to-do list,gift list,word list.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the numbers and make a list.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the exercises.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)New words.Make a list.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit Review 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Review the words and expression in this unit.2.Grammar: the verbs am and is ,are.3.Exercise in the lesson.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Master the drills in this unit.2.Learn the proper form of “be”,then practice.三、Key points:(重点)Expressions and grammar.四、Difficult point:(难点)Grammar.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Some pictures or cards

六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review the word and the phrase.Step 2.New lesson.Do exercises: No.1 Search for words from the unit and write them down.No.2 Say the phone number below each picture.No.3 Grammar in use---the proper form of “be”.A:How

you? B:I


your father and mother? B:They


the girl over there?

She your friend? B:Yes, she

my friend.A:Hello.I


your name?

B:My name

Sue.And this



my friends.A:Nice to meet you,Jack and Mary.C&D:Nice to meet you,too.A:

this a classroom? B:No.This

a lab.A:What

that? B:It

a blackboard.Step 3.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 4.Summary.(小结)Sum up the words and expression in this unit.Step 5.Homework.(作业)Finish the exercises.Step 6.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The proper form of “be”.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit 2 Lessons 7-12 Colors and Clothes Lesson 7:Jenny's New Skirt 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.New word:Learn new word about colors and clothes.2.Make the Ss understand the text.3.The important sentences: What's your favourite color?

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Ask the Ss remember the new word.2.Understand the meaning of the text.3.Practice the dialogue.三、Key points:(重点)New word about colors and clothes.四、Difficult point:(难点)Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.1.Greet in everyday English and make sure the Ss can respond in correct way.2.Review all the words the class has learned so far, using cards, pictures or real things.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

First,teach the new word.Make sure the Ss remember all of it.Then explain the text in Chinese.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Demonstrate: Explain the text,make sure the Ss can read the text by themselves.No.2 The dialogue: 1.Can I get a new skirt? Jenny:Mum,my skirt is very old.Can I get a new one? Mrs.Smith:Sure,dear.What color do you want? Jenny:I want a blue skirt ,Mum.Mrs.Smith:OK.What can you wear with it? Jenny:I can wear my favourite blouse with it.I like its color.It's light blue!Mrs.Smith:Blue again!Jenny,you really like blue.2.I like your blue skirt.Kim:Good afternoon,Jenny.I like your blue skirt.Jenny:Thanks.Kim:Is it new? Jenny:Yes,it is.And blue is my favourite color.Do you like blue? Kim:Yes,I do.But my favourite color is pink.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)What’s your favourite colors? Step 6.Homework.(作业)After the class,finish the practice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words and sentences.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 8:Danny's Favourite Color 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Colors:red ,blue, yellow ,green ,orange ,purple ,pink.2.Learn phrases: How about.....? Look at.Come out.In the sky.3.Understand the meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Remember the master words about colors.2.Use the phrases and practice the dialogue.3.Finish the practice:Let's do it.三、Key points:(重点)The master words about colors.四、Difficult point:(难点)Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review last lesson about colors and clothes.Then learn new word of lesson 8.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)Practice the sentences:What's your favourite color? Then learn new sentence:What's Danny's favourite color? Explain the text first in Chinese.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Introduce the lesson about what,and learn new word first.No.2 Dialogue: What's Danny's favourite color? Jenny:Hi,Danny.Do you want to paint with me? Danny:Sure!Jenny:Here is some red paint.Danny:No,I don't like red.Jenny:OK.How about blue? Danny:Blue is good.But do you have yellow? Jenny:Yes.Is yellow your favourite color? Danny:No,but I can mix blue and yellow to make green.Jenny:That's right.Is green your favourite color? Danny:Yes,it is.No.3 Dig in:You can mix two different colors together to make a new color!Blue and yellow make green.Red and blue make orange.Red and yellow make orange.You can mix white with another color to make it a light color.Try it!What colors can you make? Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the words about colors.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the practice and remember the master word.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 9:Whose coat is this? 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Clothes:coat ,scarf, gloves,shots.2.Sentence structure: Whose..is this? Whose..are those? 3.Understand the meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Remember the master word about the clothes.2.Learn the sentence pattern:Whose..is this? Whose..are those? 3.Practice the dialogue.三、Key points:(重点)The word about clothes.四、Difficult point:(难点)The sentence pattern.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Take out the examples of clothing.Hold up each item and say the name of it a few times.Make the students understand and repeat after you.Then write the word on the blackboard and read them together.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Learn the word first,and practice the sentence :Whose...is this?Whose....are those?Then explain the text in Chinese.Read the text a few times ,ask the Ss repeat,until they can read text by themselves.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

Dialogue: Ask the students to find partners and practice reading aloud the dialogue from the student book.Each student reads the sentences for one character.Each student takes a turn being each character.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the words and the sentence.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the remaining exercises in the activity book Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The word and the sentence.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思

Lesson 10:Clothes for a cold day 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New word about clothes: sweater dress hat pants shoes shirts socks.2.The useful phrases:be ready for,catch a cold,go back ,put on,go well with,Don't forget!3.The meaning of the text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Remember the words about the clothes.2.learn the master phrases and learn how to use it.3.Understand the meaning of the text.三、Key points:(重点)Names of clothing.四、Difficult point:(难点)learn the master phrases and learn how to use it.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Demonstrate: Hold up pictures or real clothing to introduce shorts, pants, shoes and socks.Say the words a few times with the class.Ask the students to point to the pictures and say the words several times.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Talk about the pictures with the students.Make sure they understand the meaning of the dialogue.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Learn the new word about this lesson,and remember them.No.2 Text: Read the pictures first,make sure the Ss can understand this lesson talking about what.1.You may catch a cold.Danny is ready for school.He says goodbye to his mum.Mrs.Dinosaur:Wait,Danny!It's cold today.You can't wear a T-shirt and shorts.Danny:Mum,I look nice in this green T-shirt.And I like shorts.Mrs.Dinosaur:Look!It's raining.You may catch a cold.Danny:OK,Mum.(Danny goes back and puts on a jacket)Mrs.Dinosaur:Danny!Your jacket doesn't go well with your shorts.Danny:Well,I don't like to wear pants.Mrs.Dinosaur:OK,Don't forget your umbrella.Danny:It's in my schoolbag.Bye,Mum.2.Sing a song:colorful clothes.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the phrases and remember the master words.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the practice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The master words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 11:Clothes around the world 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Learn the new word:world,report,traditional,India.2.Comprehend the meaning of text.3.Read the passage and finfish the practice.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Remember the master word and learn how to use it.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Read the passage and answer the questions.三、Key points:(重点)The new word.四、Difficult point:(难点)Understand the text.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over last lesson and dictation.Review last lesson of phrases.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Learn new words first.Then translate the text in Chinese.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Read the pictures and answer the questions: 1.Do all people wear uniforms for work? 2.Can men wear skirts? 3.Do you wear a uniform for school? No.2 Text: Li Ming writes a report about clothes around the world.1.These people are wearing traditional clothes.Wow!Their clothes are so colorful.2.In some places ,men wear skirts.How do they look? 3.This woman looks beautiful in her Sari.A Sari is a traditional dress from India.4.Some people wear uniforms for work.These women look so pretty in black and white.5.Many students wear school uniforms.Their uniforms look nice.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Read the text and discuss the questions.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important word.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 12:Let's go shopping!一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Learn new words about this lesson.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Finish the practice.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.Remember the master words.2.Comprehend the meaning of the text.3.Learn how to send an e-mail.三、Key points:(重点)The master words and important phrases.四、Difficult point:(难点)Send an e-mail.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over last lesson,learn new words about the lesson.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Introduce the e-mail,and how to send an e-mail.Then translate the text,make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of the text.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.Who does Kim want to go shopping with? 2.When will they meet? 3.What will Kim wear? No.2 A shopping date!Hi,friends, Let's go shopping!Let's meet at the shopping center at 1:00p.m.this Saturday.You can come with your mum!You can wear your favourite clothes.I will wear my favourite dress.I want to buy a pair of shoes and a pink blouse for school!What do you want to buy? Can you come? We can have FUN,FUN,FUN!!Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the phrases :have fun,a pair of.And practice the using about the phrase a pair of.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Do their excises book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit Review 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Review the words and expression in this unit.2.Grammar: Personal Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns.3.Structures:What's your favourite color?Whose.....is this?Let's go shopping!

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Understand and remember what is reviewed in the lesson.2.Have a clear idea of what has been covered in this unit.3.Learn the grammar and practice it.三、Key points:(重点)The words and expression in this unit.四、Difficult point:(难点)Grammar.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Go over the words and expression in this unit.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Sum up we learning words about colors and clothes.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 Review the words in this unit,and write them down.No.2Grammar in use: Personal pronouns:I,we,you,he,she,it,they,you.Possessive pronouns:my,our,your,his,her,its,their,your.Practice: 1.name is Tom.am 12 years old.2.Jane and I go to the same school.are classmates.We like

school.3.Mary is a girl.likes to wear dresses.This is

favourite dress.4.The kids want to go shopping.want to buy new clothes.Clothes are too old.5.I like

hat.It looks good on

.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the grammar,and use it.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Do the excise book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The grammar.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit 3 Lessons 13-18 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 13:Body Parts 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Master the following: body,head,eye,nose,mouth,ear,arm,hand,fingers,leg,foot,short,long, part,robot,camera,smell,player,homework.2.Comprehend the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Remember the important words about body parts.2.Understand the meaning of text.3.Sentences:I have...She/he has...You have...三、Key points:(重点)

To know and be able to point out a certain body part.四、Difficult point:(难点)

Sentences:I have...She /he has...You have...Use about have and has.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Let some students draw body drawings on the blackboard.Then write the body parts that they have known.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Learn more new words about your body and write them on the blackboard.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 Learn new words:make sure the Ss can read the new words,and understand the words means.No.2Text: Before the class,read the picture,comprehend the meaning of text.Translate the text first,then repeat it in English,ask the Ss read.Make sure the Ss can read text by themselves.Ask the Ss understand the text,then finfish the homework.No.3Grammar:have/has I/you/we have...He/she has Practice for a while.When the students are practicing, the teacher must walk around and find the mistakes that they make.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the body parts,distinction have and has how to use it.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Do your excise book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 14:Colors and Feelings 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.To master these words: sad, sick, scared, angry.To understand the following:question.smile,mean.2.some useful patterns:

How can you feel a color? Don't be scared!

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.to learn how to express the feelings.2.to learn more about the colors.3.to use what was learned in the daily life

三、Key points:(重点)The words about feelings: sad, sick, scared, angry.四、Difficult point:(难点)What colors stand for what feelings.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review the words about colors.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Ask the students questions in the life.You give a student a present and ask his feeling now.Then lead the words: happy, sad, sick, scared, angry.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 I feel blue.Li Ming:Hi,Jenny!I am listening to an English song.In the song,the singer says “I feel blue”.How can you feel a color? Jenny:That's a good questions.In English,we use many colors for our feelings.Blue can mean “sad”.Green can mean “sick”.Yellow can mean “scared”.And red can mean “angry”.Li Ming:Wow!Thank you,Jenny.In China,red is a happy color.No.2 Sentences: Don't feel bad.Don't be scared.Don't see red.Don't feel sick.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the words about feelings,and what colors for what feelings.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The words about feelings.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 15:Tall or Short 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.master these new words: tall,short.2.to understand these words: Meter, stand, on 3.the in-structures : How tall are you? I’m 1.6 meters tall.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.to be able to ask about one’s hight.2.ask the students to do active practice 3.Sentences:How tall are you? How tall is she/he?

三、Key points:(重点)

1.how to say one’s height in English.2.to be able to read the text in the correct tones with the perfect pronunciation.四、Difficult point:(难点)How to read out “3.1 meters , 1.6 meters”.(plural forms of nouns)

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Learn new word: tall,short,meter,stand ,against,tail,flat,upon,ground.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Introduce the text first in Chinese,then ask the Ss read the pictures,answer the questions.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation a ruler or some other things while can be used to measure the length, the height, and so on.No.2 Practice telling one height Ask the students : 1.How tall are you? 2.How tall is she/he? 3.How tall is your teacher? 4.How tall is your friend?

Talk about the partner about the subject.Then ask volunteers to come to the front to act the dialogue out.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Practice the dialogue.Let some students act it out.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The important words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 16:Happy or Sad 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.To master these words:happy, sad.To understand the following:very, tired,enough.2.some useful patterns:

How do you feel? I feel happy!I’m NOT fine, thanks.Are you tired? No, I’m not.I just feel sad.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.to learn how to express the feeling of sad and happy.2.to learn more about the feelings.3.to use what was learned in the daily life.三、Key points:(重点)How do you feel? I feel happy!I’m NOT fine, thanks.Are you tired? No, I’m not.I just feel sad.四、Difficult point:(难点)Practice the dialogue.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Ask the students questions in the life.You give a student a present and ask his feeling now.Then lead the words: happy, sad.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Before the class,make the Ss understand the following questions:1.How does Jenny feel? 2.Is Danny hurt? 3.Is Danny tired? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 Give the presents that you prepared to the students that do well.Then ask “How do you feel?” Explain it in Chinese when it is necessary.Help them answer “I’m happy.” Then take their presents away and ask “How do you feel now?” Help them answer “I’m sad”

No.2Begin “happy, sad” game in pairs, using the presents that we prepared before the class.The best one will get a present.Let’s sing a song together.Listen to the tape and sing happily after it.Encourage students to sing loudly because what we need is a happy feeling.The students can stand up and do according to the text.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up sentences:How do you feel? Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 17:Seeing a Doctor 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

Master these new words and expressions: How do you feel? hurt,stomachache,headache,medicine,have a good rest, see a doctor,have a cold,what's the matter?

二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Encourage students to express the uncomfortable feeling.2.Practice the sentences go on:How do you feel? What’s the matter? 3.Understand the meaning of text and practice the dialogue.三、Key points:(重点)

Help students grasp the expressions to ask and answer the uncomfortable feeling.四、Difficult point:(难点)

Learn the key sentence: What’s the matter? ___ hurt(s).I have a-ache.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Let some students draw body drawings on the blackboard.Then write the body parts that they have known.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Learn more new words about your body and write them on the blackboard.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 Presentation Listen and repeat the new words.Because some words are hard, we listen and repeat for several times until we can read the words correctly.Point to parts of your body as you and the class say the words.No.2 Dialogue: 1 Are you OK? Jenny:How do you feel,Jim? Are you OK? Jim:See my arm?It hurts.Jenny:It looks bad!Let's go and see a doctor.2.You have a cold.Dr.Green:Hi,Danny.What's the matter? Danny:I feel sick.I have a headache.Dr.Green:Do you feel cold? Danny:Yes!I feel very cold.Dr.Green:Well,let me see...You have a cold.Take this medicine.Stay home and have a good rest.Danny:OK.Thank you ,Doctor Green.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sum up the phrases:How do you feel? have a good rest,see a doctor,have a cold,what's the matter?You'd better...Step 6.Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The useful phrase.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 18:We All Look Different 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.master these new words:hair, has.2.learn and understand these words:different,blond.3.Useful instructions : What does he/she look like? She /he has long/short hair.I have short hair.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.learn to describe the looking of oneself and other students.2.to be able to read the text fluently.3.to write a short passage in English, describe oneself or other people.三、Key points:(重点)How to describe one’s hair, including the length and the color.四、Difficult point:(难点)The verb should be in a special form, such as have and has.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Listening and speaking.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review: Express the feelings of yourself.You can say like this: Are you OK? How do you feel? Let some students answer and ask questions like this.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Introduce the text in Chinese first.Learn to describe the looking of oneself and other students.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 What does he/she look like?(describe people)She is beautiful.He is good-looking.He looks cool!She looks cute!No.2 We all look different.(have/has)She has short blond hair.He has three black hair.I have short black hair.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Step 5.Summary.(小结)Sentences: What does he/she look like? She /he has long/short hair.I have short hair.Step 6.Homework.(作业)Come to the activity book.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The master words.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit Review 一、Teaching content:(教学内容)1.Words and phrases.2.Key sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Enable students to use the words and the expressions learned freely.2.Help students grasp the expressions in their daily life.三、Key points:(重点)The words and the expressions in this unit.四、Difficult point:(难点)How to use “have” and “has”.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Warming up.Review words and expressions in this unit.Step 2.Task: No.1 Building your vocabulary.Finish the excise on page 46 for remembering more word.No.2 Grammar in use.(have/has)Practice:Fill in the blanks with have/has.1.May I

a pencil,Jenny? 2.Danny

many yellow shirts.3.You

a cold.You'd better go and see a doctor.4.She feels sick.She

a stomachache.Step 3.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Then finish the homework.Step 4.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the phrases:play with,listen to,wave one's hand,see red,How tall is she/he? How tall are you? a bit,How do you feel?What's wrong?What's the matter?See a doctor.Are you OK? I have a headache.You'd better...Have a cold.stay home.have a rest.What does he/she look like? Look different.look cool/cute/funny.Step 5.Homework.(作业)Finish the excises book.Step 6.Blackboard-writing:(板书)Grammar.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

题 Lesson 19:

Time for Breakfast!课

型 New 课时 1

教学目标 Language goals: ①.Restaurant, fifteen, would, salad, sugar, delicious, Mary, cup, a cup/glass of ②.Time for…What’s for breakfast? What would you like? I’d like…

Ability goals: Enable students to say some words about food and the expressions about what they would like for breakfast.教学重点 The words about food and the expression about what they want to drink and eat.教学难点 1.Learn to express what they want to drink and eat for breakfast.2.Some difficult sentences: Time for…What’s for breakfast? What would you like? I’d like…

教学方法 Speaking and talking method;practice Communicative teaching method.具 Audiotape and pictures.预习准备 1.Learn the new words of the lesson before class.2.Know the meaning of the text and get the language points.教

Part One: Preview Preview Aims: ①Make the class read the words and the text of this lesson.教 ②.Know the meaning of the text and then translate some expressions.Preview Contents: ①Page50,translate the text and underline the language points.②Page 51, Let’s do it.Ex1 and Ex2.③Translate some expressions:

a.a cup/glass of,b.Time for…

c.What’s for breakfast?


e.我早餐要一点面包和一百果汁。Part Two: New Lesson Step1: Review and Check a.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss / Mr … b.Look at pictures and say the words of food, fruit and drink.c.Check their preview homework.①Let some of the Ss read the words and then teach the words

②Work in groups to exchange and discuss the meaning of the text and translate some expressions.③Ask some of them to show their results.Step II Presentation

T: What do you have for breakfast?/ What’s for breakfast?

S1: I have….T:What would you like? S2: I would like….Step III Listen and read Listen to the tape and repeat.Step IV Read and act.Listen and repeat for a few minutes then let some Ss act the dialogue in groups.Step V.Deal with the language points 1.Let the students try to find new expressions like: ①.It’s time / Time for breakfast / lunch / supper.②.What would you like? I’d like… ③ a cup/ glass of

④ I put ___ on ____.Step VI Practice and a quiz 1.Ex4(Page51)

2.Ex3(Page51)Step VII Summary

Go over the words and language points.StepVIII Homework a.Recite the dialogue.b.Try to make a new dialogue.c.Preview Lesson 20 and finish the homework.教学反思

题 Lesson 20: I Like the Supermarket!课

型 New 课时 1

教学目标 Language goals: Mastery the words and expressions: ①full, cookie, chocolate, everything, meat, job.have to, be full of, write down.②Do you want to come with me? What would you like to buy? Good job.Ability goals: Enable students to shop after making a list.Enable students to invite others to shop with the words and expressions in the text.Moral goals: Learn to work in pairs and help each other.教学重点 Learn some words and expressions of this lesson.教学难点 1.Learn to express their plans and invitation for shopping with the words and expressions in the text.2.Some difficult sentences: Do you want to come with me? What would you like to buy? Good job.I can write it down.教学方法 Listening, speaking and reading.教具 Audiotape pictures.预习准备 1.Learn the new words of the lesson before class.2.Know the meaning of the text and get the language points.教


Part One:

and Preview


Preview Aims: ①Make the class read the words and the text of this lesson.②.Know the meaning of the text and then translate some expressions.Preview Contents: ①Page52,translate the text and underline the language points.②Page 53, Let’s do it.Ex1 and Ex2.③Translate some expressions:

a.have to

b.be full of/write down.C.Do you want to come with me?

d.What would you like to buy?

e.Good job.Part Two: New Lesson Step1: Review and Check 1.Dictation for some words and expressions in Lesson 19 2.Check their preview homework.①Let some of the Ss read the words and then teach the words ②Work in groups to exchange and discuss the meaning of the text and translate some expressions.③Ask some of them to show their results.Step II Presentation

a.With some pictures ask the Ss to name some foods and fruits.b.Your fridge is empty, what will you do ? Ask them to answer.(make a


初一英语外研版(上)教案 Module 8 Choosing presents

一、学习目标: 1.单词和短语:

card, party, present, would, always, great, cake, never, special, eat, give, sing, happy, secret, CD, cinema, concert, magazine, scarf, silk, shirt, T-shirt, choose, exercise, wear, expensive, clothes, shoes, spend, money, film, song, match, weekend, at weekends, dear, hear, hear from, afraid


1)—Would you like to come to my birthday party? —Yes, I’d like to.When is it? 2)Great!3)It’s a secret.3.重点句子:

1)Daming always gets birthday presents!2)She often goes to the cinema.3)What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party? 4)We sometimes give birthday cards.5)My mother never makes a birthday cake.二、重点及难点:


三、教学设计: Unit 2 She often goes to concerts.ⅠTeaching model Reading and writing.ⅡTeaching method Communicative approach ⅢTeaching aims

1.To get information from the reading material about choosing birthday presents.2.To write a description of one’s partner.3.To get to know compound nouns.ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: CD, cinema, concert, magazine, scarf, silk, shirt, T-shirt, choose, exercise, wear, expensive, clothes, shoes, spend, money, film, song, match, weekend, at weekends ⅤTeaching aids Recorder, OHP, video ⅥTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up 1.Review the text of Unit 1.2.Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures.3.Introduce the new words.4.Read the new words.Step 2 Practice 1.Look at the pictures in Activity 1.2.Read through the list of presents and have the students repeat them after you chorally and individually.3.Match the words with the pictures.4.Check with a partner.5.Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys:

1.a concert ticket

2.a magazine

3.a silk shirt 4.a box of chocolate

5.a T-shirt 6.a CD 7.a scarf 8.a cinema ticket

9.a football Step 3 Reading.1.Play the recording.2.Ask the students to read through the passage.3.Match the people with what they like doing.4.Check with a partner.5.Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a 5.e

6.Choose presents from the pictures in Activities 1 for them.7.Check with a partner.8.Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys:

1.T-shirt 2.a silk dress, a scarf, and a box of chocolate

3.a magazine and a cinema ticket 4.a CD, a concert ticket 5.football 9.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.10.Check with a partner.11.Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1.spends



4.expensive 5.concert 6.weekends


8.choose Step 4 Writing and speaking.A.Write these sentences with ’(apostrophe).1.Read through the sentences.2.Write these sentences with ’(apostrophe).3.Check with a partner.4.Call back the answers from the whole class.B.Make a list of things you like and do.1.Ask the students to make their lists individually.2.You may care to suggest they write five things they like and five things they do.C.Work in pairs.1.Ask the students to talk about things they like and do.2.Write a description of their partner.Step 5 Important and difficult points.She has got 11 silk scarves, 20 shirts and a lot of shoes.在英语中,有些名词表示由两部分构成的东西。这些名词常常只用复数形式。做主语时谓语动词要用复数,表示数量时常与“数词+ pair(s)+ of”搭配。如:


trousers 裤子

glasses 眼镜





That pair of trousers is Tony’s.那条裤子是托尼的。Scissors are used to cut things.剪刀是用来剪东西的。Step 6 Do exercises: A、单词拼写:

1.I have two ______(双)of new shoes.2.The clothes are very nice.I don’t know which one to ______(选择).3.I have two______(票).One is for my mother, the other is for my sister.4.How much is this ____________(杂志)? 5.How much do you _________(花费)on these presents? 6.Please give me a _______(音乐会)ticket.7.He’ll buy two _____(盒子)of cookies for his son.8.This is a _______(丝绸)shirt.9.I don’t know those ________(歌手).10.My aunt sells ___________(衬衫).Answers: 1.pairs 2.choose 3.tickets 4.magazine 5.spend

6.concert 7.boxes 8.silk 9.singers 10.shirts



__________________________________________________ 2.她从末去看足球赛。

__________________________________________________ 3.他既不喜欢打蓝球,也不喜欢踢足球。

__________________________________________________ 4.我妹妹经常去听音乐会,并且常买些她喜欢的歌手的唱片。__________________________________________________ Answers: 1.He likes reading, but he doesn’t like to go to the cinema.2.She never goes to the football match.3.He doesn’t like playing basketball or playing football.4.My sister often goes to concerts and she usually buys CDs by her favourite singers.


Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 1(Period 1)Teaching contents: A Let’s learn Let’s chant Teaching aims: 1.Let the students master the words: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon.2.When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them.Important and difficult points: Let the students master the words: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach Teaching steps : Step 1 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to school.Step 2 Warm-up T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you.And you? T: I’m fine, too.Thank you.Step 3 Presentation 1.T: I have a pencil box.Do you have a pencil box? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Great!Boys and girls, guess.What’s in my pencil box? S1: Ruler.(Maybe in Chinese.)T: Yes, ruler.Follow me!Ruler, ruler, I have a ruler.(Learn the word “ruler”.)

2.Learn the words like that: ruler, pencil, eraser, crayon in English one by one.3.Read the words together.Step4 Practice 1.Game:

Say what is it in your pencil-box.--I have a pen.2.Teddy Bear asks: What’s this in English? Pupils say: eraser.Do as this.3.Let’s chant

a.Listen to the tape, teacher do it first.b.Let pupils follow teacher to do it and read Let’s chant.c.Do it after tape like:

--I have a ruler.– Me too.Step 5 Homework 1.Ask the student to copy and remember the new words.2.Listen to the tape after class.Bb Design:

Unit1 Hello!A Let’s learn Let’s chant

I have a ruler.a pencil.a crayon.an eraser.Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 2(Period 2)Teaching contents: A Let’s talk

Let’s play Teaching aims:

1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ I’m…”.2.Learn to use Hello, Hi to communicate with others.3.Learn to sing a song: Hello.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach Teaching steps : Step 1 Greetings 1.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: Welcome back to school.2.Listen to the song: Hello.Step 2 Warm-up T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you.And you? T: I’m fine, too.Thank you.Step 3 Presentation 1.Teacher shows and introduces a new friend: a bear.“Hello.I’m Zoom.You can call me Zoom.” Goes to the pupils seat and greets to them, shake the hands.2.Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act.3.Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.4.Find a group of friends to make the conversation.Step4 Practice 1.Listen to the song: Hello and pass a box.If a

child get the box when the song is stopping, he(she)say: Hello(Hi)!I’m…

2.Some children who haven’t got the box stand up and introduce himself(herself): Hello(Hi)!I’m… Step 5 Homework 1.Ask the student to copy and remember the new sentences.2.Listen to the tape after class.Bb design:

Unit1 Hello!A Let’s talk Let’s play

1.Hello, I’m… 2.Hi, I’m…

Unit1 Hello Lesson three Teaching contents:

Let’s sing, Let’s find out, start to read Teaching aims: 1.After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;2.Be able to say 26 letters in order and can find out the letters in “Let’s find out”

and can circle the same letters in“Start to read”.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to say 26 letters in order;

2.After learning the letter song, the students know the pronunciations of 26 letters and know how to write them;

Teaching methods: TPR,Teaching process : Step one :Listen to the letter song, let the students have initial perception.Step two: Listen again, Try to sing the song together if you can sing it.Step three: Sing the song together and then sing it with a variety ways.Step four: Read the letters in “Start to read” and circle the same letters.Step five: Finish the exercises in “Let’s find out”

Step six: Homework:Try to sing the letter songs.Bb decign:

Unit 1 Hello letters Teaching Reflection: 这首ABC歌学生以前有接触过,再加上反复播放并操练,学生基本都掌握了歌曲和26歌字母的读音,但较为薄弱的是,个别字母的读音记得不够牢固,如个别学生会把Gg和Jj 混淆。所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson four Teaching contents:

Let’s talk, Let’s play, Let’s check Teaching aims: 1.Be able to use the sentence “ What’s your name?”

to ask others names and use sentence “My name’s…” to introduce themselves.2.Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.3.Can finish the exercise in “Let’s check”.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to use the sentence “ What’s your name?”

to ask others names and use sentence “My name’s…” to introduce themselves.2.Be able to use “Goodbye” or “Bye” to say googbye.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one(Review): Ask several students to introduce themselves.Step two:(Warm-up): Ask and answer(ask some of the rest students “What’s your name?” and lead them to answer “ My name is …” Step three(Presentation):

1)Listen to the tape and answer the questions: “What are their names?” and “ What do they say to Miss White?” 2)Read the dialogue after the tape.Step four(Practice): 1)Remember names: Ask five students to the lectern and use the sentence “ Hello, my name’s ….” to introduce themselves one by one and then ask one of the rest to come and say “ Hello….” If he/she say right, each of that five students say “Hello!” or say “No”.and the game continue.2)Say “Goodbye to your friends”: Each friend say “Goodbye” to you in the PPT and you say “Bye,…” to your friends as quickly as you can.3)Finish the exercise in“ Let’s check”.Step five(expansion): make a survey about your classmates’ English names: Go around and introduce yourself(Hello, My name is …)and try to know more about your classmates’ English names(Hello, what’s your name?)in one minute.Step six(Homework): 1)Try to act out the dialogue with your partner;3)Make a survery to know some of your friends’ English name.Bb decign:

Unit1 Hello(B Let’s talk)

Hello, I’m … What’s your name?-----

My name’s….Goodbye!------Bye,… Teaching Reflection: 开始拥有自己的英文名,学生很兴奋,迫不及待想自我介绍,同时也对同学的英文名感到好奇,特别想知道,所以在教学活动中,学生都比较积极投入,对本节课的两个对话内容也掌握的比较好,但个别同学对个别句子的整个结构理解比较含糊,如My name’s …个别学生会把’s这细节漏掉,说出“My name….” 所以还需在以后的课堂不断强化练习。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson five Teaching contents: Let’s learn, Let’s do, Read and count, Look and

match Teaching aims: 1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to listen to, read and recognize these four words:(bag pen pencil box book).Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one(Review): Ask several students to introduce the things in their pencil box.Step two(Presentation):

1)Show the teaching picture and ask the students to find out “What does Zoom have?”

2)Lead in the new words one by one and teach them to read.Step three 1)Bomb Game

2)Sharp eyes: What does Zip have? Look and say it as quickly as you can.3)Look or listen, and try to match(I say words and you show me the pictures quickly or I show you pictures and you say the right words.)4)Let’s do(①What stationeries can you hear? Listen and show me;②Listen and do the action together;③ Read and do the action together)5)Finish the exercise in “Read and count” and “ Look and match”.Step four(Expansion): Introduce your bag(What’s in your bag?)Step five(Homework):

1)Finish the exercise about B Let’s learn;2)

Make a survey and find out what are in your classmates’ bags.Bb decign:

Unit 1 Hello(B Let’s learn)

bag(tip the picture of bag)

pen(tip the picture of bag)

pencil box(tip the picture of bag)

book(tip the picture of bag)Teaching Reflection: 本节课的个别单词,学生以为有接触过,所以学起来比较轻快,一节课过后,学生基本掌握了本节课的单词,个别学生对box 掌握不够好,会把它读成boss.往后的课堂要不断强化。

Unit1 Hello

Lesson Six Teaching contents: Main Scene, Story time Teaching aims: 1.Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2.Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Important and difficult points: 1.Catch the main dialogue in main scene.2.Know the main meaning of “Story time” and can answer some questions about “Story time”.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting Step two(Warm-up):Ask and Answer “Hello,What’s your name?” “My name is …” Step three(Presentation): 1)Look at the pictures in page 11 and answer the question“Who are they?”

2)Listen to the tape and answer the question“Is it Tutu?” and “Who’s there?” 3)Read after the tape

4)Watch the video and act out the dialogue.5)Watch the video about main scene and review the main sentences in this unit.Step four(Homework): Try to act out the story with your partner.Bb decign

Unit 1 Hello!

Hello/Hi!I’m ….What’s your name?----

I’m/ My name’s…

Good bye!---Bye,…

Teaching Reflection:

Unit2 Colours Lesson one Teaching contents: A Let’s talk, Draw and say Teaching aims: 1.Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2.Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation.3.Be able to use the sentence “This is …” to introduce others.4.Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Important and difficult points: 1.Know the main meaning of dialogue, and can read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation.2.Be able to use “Good morning!” to greet people in the real situation.3.Be able to use the sentence “This is …” to introduce others.4.Can differentiate “Miss” and “Mr” and use them correctly.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting Step two(lead in): 1.Show the picture of the morning sun, and lead the students to greet teacher and classmates.2.Then show the pictures of their familiar teachers and lead them to say “Good morning, Miss/Mr…” and help them to differentiate “Miss” and “Mr”.3.Show the pictures of the characters appear before and lead the students to use the sentence“ This is…” to introduce them.Step three(Presentation): 1.Show the pictures of Miss Green, Miss White and Mr Jones, Then ask them to find out each of them in the book of P14.2.Listen to the tape and the sentence in order.3.Read after the tape and act out it.Step four(Expansion): 1.Draw and say(take out the pictures you draw before and introduce the character.Step five(Homework):

1)Act out the dialogue with your partner.2)Introduce your families or friends to your classmates.Bb decign:

Unit2 Colours

Mr/Miss… This is …----

Good morning, Mr/Miss…---

Good morning!Teaching Refection:

Unit2 Colours Lesson two Teaching contents: A Let’s learn, Let’s do

Teaching aims: 1.Be able to read and recognize the colour words.Important and difficult points: 1.Be able to read and recognize the colour words.Teaching methods: TPR, the Situational Approach

Teaching process : Step one: Greeting

Step two:(lead-in): Watch the video about “Let’s sing” and lead in the picture of rainbow.And ask the question“ What color is the rainbow?” “,How many colours are there?”, “What are they? ”

Step three(Presentation): 1.Look at the picture and learn the new words one by one.Step four(Practice): 1.Show the pictures and ask “What color do you see?” and lead the students to answer “I can see…”

2.Look or listen, and say or do(I show the color crayon, and you say the right color word, or I say “ Show me….” And you choose the right one and show me.3.Listen to the tape about “Let’s do” and find out the colors mentioned.4.Listen again and put the crayons in the right order.5.Read after the tape and then read together with action.Step five(Expansion): 1.Look at the picture and say the color of the things.Step six(Homework): 1.Draw a picture and color it.Bb decign:

Unit2 Colours

I can see red




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