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Unit 1 Cultural relics The sixth period Listening, reading & writing

一、教学目标(teaching aims)

1、能力目标(ability aim)a.Master the patterns that can be used to describe cultural relics by listening.b.Enable the students to have the ability of talking cultural relics and ways to protect them.c.Enable the students to catch details of Big Feng’s story and write a plan on saving the cultural relics.2、语言目标(language aim)a.Help the students learn how to grasp the key words that can help students to answer questions while listening to the tape.b.Help the students to learn how to give opinions clearly about cultural relics.二、教学重难点(Teaching important points)Help the students how to catch the key words and grasp the ways of writing a plan on saving the cultural relics.三、教学方法(Teaching method)Listening, reading and writing

四、教学准备(teaching aids)A tape recorder, a computer and a projector

五、教学步骤(teaching procedure)Step I Listening T: As we know, a developing country builds a big dam to provide electricity for its people and control a great river.Unless something is done, a cultural relic will be list.The government must decide whether or not to save the relics.Do you know what dam and river I’m talking abut? Please look at the picture.Do you know it? Ss: Sorry, we are not familiar with it.T: OK.After listening, you are sure to know that.At first time, try to get the main idea.At

second time, try to finish the exercise and you may compares notes with your partner, at the last time, check them by yourselves.(Listen to the tape)T: Now, I’ll ask some of you to give me your answer.S1: The dam was built to stop floods on the Nile River and to give people more electricity.S2.The water in the lake behind the dam rose.53,000 people had to move and some temples were in danger.S3: False.T: You are right because it is one of the world’s largest.When completed, the Three Gorges Dam will be the world’s largest.S4: The dam would put it under water.S5: The engineers needed to find a way to move the relic to safety.S6: I chose No 3.The listening text only says that visitors are glad to see it.T: How about question No7? S7: I think it is part of history and it can tell us about how people lived in the past.S8: In my opinion, we have no right to destroy what our ancestors have created.S9: I think we can build a museum to protect our cultural relics.Step II Reading T: You know, Egypt is not the only country that has such a question.Since cultural relics are important and useful, it’s necessary for everyone to protect them.After all, they belong to the whole world.Now let’s read a passage about a common person who saves the cultural relics.Read the passage for the first time and answer why Big Feng wants to save cultural relics.(Students read the passage)T: I’d like to invite some students to answer the questions.S10: A person with “a big heart” means a person who is very kind to others.Feng Jicai shows this when he searched for his friends during the Tangshan earthquake to make sure they are safe.S11: He asks the local government to protect things of cultural interest.He works very hard to save all the old buildings of his hometown, Tianjin.S12: His first project was to save the oldest commercial street in Tianjin.S13: He saved the oldest building but the street was rebuilt.S14: He thinks more people follow what he does than what he says.T: Very good.Now how about Question No 6? S15: To put up posters announcing his latest campaign.S16: To make speeches that support Feng Jicai.S18: To go with him when he approaches the local government.Step III Talking T: Now, let’s enjoy some pictures in Beijing as well as some descriptions.T: What do you think of these hutongs in Beijing? S19: They look old and dirty, which is not fit for the heart our country.S20: They can remind us of the past, which seems warm to the Beijingers.S21: They are so close to each other, which is dangerous when there is a big fire in one house.S22: And it’s easy for the thieves to climb from one house to the other.S23: It’s not easy to drive through them, which is not good for the modern transportation.T: OK.Yes, it’s really a big problem.Beijing is developing so fast that in fact, it is a completely new city.If it is turning to a nondescript city like any other modern city in the world, do you think it a great pity? Ss: Yes, I think so.Step IV Writing

T: Speaking of the hutongs, there are so much for us to talk about.The destruction of the old is not a must indeed.Some of it should, and can be preserved.I believe there was a debate among the top leaders and city planners on whether or not to preserve them.Now, let’s try to write a letter to the city planners and tell them what you think.At first, please finish the writing task on P46, which will be helpful to you while you are writing.(Students write)T: Well, all of you did a good job.Your plans are wonderful.I hope the city planners in Beijing will accept some of your ideas and make your plans realised.Now, listen to today’s homework.Step V Homework.Make a plan to protect the Great Wall.


Unit 2Working the landByLuo Hai yanThe first period

Teaching aims: 1.Target Language a.Words and phrases

sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export,rid...of, be satisfied with, lead a...life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather thanb.Important sentences

This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.P10 He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life.P10 2.Ability goals

Enable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming.By talking they can exchange their experience with each other.By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life.In fact this world faces a serious problem—starvation.So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man.Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.3.Learning ability goals

Help Ss learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.Teaching important points

a.Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.b.Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.c.How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.Teaching difficult points

a.How to help students learn more about agriculture.b.Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.Teaching methods

Talking, questioning-and-answering activity and reading.Teaching aids

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways

Warming up

Step 1.Greeting and Revision 1.Greet the students as normal.2.Revise the warming up with the following question How do you think to grow our main food--rice?

-----1)First, the farmers plow the field.They have to make the soil loose enough to plant crops.2)Second,grow some young plants

3)Third, they insert the young plants into the loose field.4)At last ,they will get the harvest

Step2 Discuss: What steps into crops ? Answers: step1 selet the weedsStep 2 plow the soil.Step 3 sow the seeds

Step 4 remove the weeds and pestsStep 5 harvest.Step3 Thinking : What would happen if there is no rice to eat tomorrow ? Discuss freely

Possible answers : If tmorrow there was no rice to eat ,people will hunger to die.They will eat all of things that can eat ,such as: grass bark ,soil and so on.Even worse ,people will eat each other.the world will be a war of cannibalism.Step 4 Get the students to think how to solve this problem.Possible answers : 1, Expansion of cultivated area.2, To save food

3, Control population

4, Scientific farming to increase food productionStep 5 Enjoy a poemStep 6 Homework


England is a nation in northwest Europe and the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total population of the United Kingdom.it is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Atlantic Ocean, and English Channel.England was formed as a country during the 10th century and takes its name from the Angles — one of a number of Germanic tribes who settled in the territory during the 5th and 6th centuries.The capital city of England is London.England ranks as one of the most influential and far-reaching centres of cultural development in the world;it is the place of origin of both the English language and the Church of England, was the historic centre of the British Empire, and the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.England's National Day is St George's Day(Saint George being the patron saint), and it is celebrated annually on 23 April.⑴experience作可数名词时意为“经历,感受,体会”作不可数名词时意为“经验,体验” Eg:You don’t need any experience to work here.He had many interesting experiences while traveling in Afica.⑵earn作动词意为“赚到,挣得;获得,赢得” eg:To earn a living,you have to work hard.It wasn’t surprising for her to earn the top score in the test.⑶respect.n.尊敬,敬重

win/earn/gain the respect赢得某人的尊重 have a deep respect for sb由衷的敬重某人 respect sb for(doing)sth因为…而尊敬某人 eg.She has earned the respect of her classmates.eg.She respected him for his honesty.⑷比较average,common,ordinary,usual的用法 ·average意为“一般的,普通的”,强调的是一般的水准或普通水准。在有数字的情况下表示“平均”。

·common意为“普通的,常见的”,它可以指共同的,共有的特征。·ordinary意为“普通的,平凡的”,侧重人或事平淡无奇。·usual意为“通常的,惯常的”,指熟悉的常用的或习惯性发生的 ⑸ used to do sth.强调过去常常做某事,暗含现在不再做了 be used to sth.(doing sth)习惯于(做)某事 ⑹average adj.平均的,一般的,普通的

on average平均的 above aveage 高于平均水平

below average 低于平均水平eg:On average,nearly twenty traffic accidents happen every day.参考答案:

1.an unforgettable experience 2.with teaching experience 3.The average age of the students 4.It’s not to see 5.as usual 6.like an ordinary girl 7.are used to do a lot of work


Unit 15 Popular youth culture

Enable the students to learn about the reasons why American jeans are so popular.Enable the students to design a questionnaire.How to design a questionnaire.Skimming, scanning and pairwork.Step I Revision

Check the students’ homework.T: Who would like to retell the students’ experiences as volunteers? Ask more students to retell the experiences if possible.Step II Lead-in

Get the students to look at the pictures on Pages 133 and 134 and answer some questions as follows.Step III Reading

1.Skimming Get the students to read the passage quickly to find out the answers to the questions on the screen.Show the following to the students.1.According to the text, why did people in the past like to wear jeans? Would you say this is still true today? 2.Would you say jeans are still as popular with young people today? Why or why not? Check the answers.2.Scanning Ask the students to read the text again to find out what happened in the years shown on the screen.重点句式

However, the jeans of today are very much an American invention.Many schools in the USA did not approve of students wearing jeans to school and forbade them.Step IV Writing

Get the students to learn how to conduct a survey and then ask them to design a questionnaire, collect information and then rewrite the final paragraph.Step V Reading(Workbook: Pages 260-262)

Ask the students to go through the questions on Pages 260-262 and then read the passages quickly and silently to choose the correct answers.Step VI Homework

1.Try to retell the text about the development of American jeans in terms of years.2.Design a questionnaire about music, sports, voluntary work, fashion or other youth culture issues.3.Conduct a survey among students in our school.




Title: Unit 10The world around us

ReadingAre we endangered?

Type of the text: reading

Level: intermediate

Teaching aims: 1.to talk about wildlife endangerment

2.to extend the knowledge of wildlife protection

3.to improve reading skills

4.to learn the writing pattern of the text

Important points in teaching: 1.talking about wildlife endangerment

2.extending the knowledge of wildlife protection

Difficult points in teaching: 1.improving reading skills

2.learning a writing pattern

Teaching approach: film clips, questionnaire, game, internet, proverbs

Interactive patterns: individual work, pair work, group work, class work

Teaching aids: a multimedia computer, a tape, a tape recorder

Time needed: 45 minutes

Students: Senior 1 students

Preparation before the class: asking the students to collect information on wildlife issue on the internet

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 leading-in

First, film clips of the movie “Kekexili”

Teacher: Have you seen this movie?

(option): Who can say something about the film?

Next, pictures of “milu deer”

Teacher: Do you know the name of this animal?

Who can say something about it?

(option): The teacher can introduce milu deer to the students if necessary

Finally, more pictures of endangered animals and plants

Teacher: Today we have two questions to discuss in this lesson

1)Why are they endangered?

2)What can people do to help them?

Purpose: to emphasize the fierce fight between the volunteers and the hunters to arouse students’

awareness of protecting wildlife.Step 2 pre-reading activity

First, Ask the students to finish the questionnaire

Then, Ask one or two students to report their answers

Purpose: to let the students know the relationship between human beings and animals and plants

so they can realize the necessity to protect wildlife

Step 3 fast reading

Ask the students to read the text fast to get the general idea of each paragraph.At the same time, analyze the writing pattern of the text

Purpose: to study the text on the whole and learn a new writing pattern

Step 4 detailed reading & note-making

Ask the students to read paragraph 2 and 3 again and finish the note-making exercise

Purpose: to get the answers to the two questions in leading-in

Step 5 language points

First, Considering the language points are not difficult, the teacher asks the students to listen to

the tape and pick out the language points

Next, Play a game to see which group gets the most language points

Finally, Ask the students to complete some sentences with the phrases from the text

Purpose: to cover the language points

Step 6 talk show

Ask a student to be the host or hostess who guides the other students to a picture show aboutTibetan antelopes.He/she asks his/her classmates to discuss “What can we do for Tibetanantelopes?” in groups.(option)The teacher can suggest the students write a letter to appeal to people to protect Tibetan antelopes and other wild animals and plants

Purpose: to extend the text at an informative and instructive level

Step 7 internet study

Ask the students to display the materials they have found on the internet before the class Purpose: to encourage the students to use the modern technology for studying

Step 8 Proverbs

Give 3 proverbs for the students to relate what they have learnt in class with practice

Purpose: to reinforce students’ awareness of protecting wildlife

Appendix: questionnaire

1.Do you think it is possible for us to live without animals or plants?


2.How often do you go to the zoo?

A.Very oftenB.SometimesC.SeldomD.Never

3.Will you adopt an animal in the zoo?


4.Have you ever keep any pet at home?

A.NeverB.YesC.No, but it is possible

5.What do you think causes the endangerment and extinction of some animals and plants?

A.PollutionB.OverhuntingC.Overusing natural resources

6.Have you ever been in any organizations or groups of wildlife protection?

A.NeverB.YesC.No, but I’d like to

7.Do you often buy products made from some parts of rare animals?

A.SometimesB.NeverC.Not often


1.It is never too late to mend.2.It is no use crying over spilt milk.Kill the goose that laid the golden egg.



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