高二英语sporting events教案1

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第一篇:高二英语sporting events教案1

Unit1 sporting events-Grammar学案


A.adverbial phrases and clauses of purpose 目的状语从句:从句部分是用以补充说明主句中谓语动词发生的目的的。

目的状语从句可以由表示“为了,以便”的so that(有时省略so),in order that和表示“以免,以防”的lest,for fear that,in case引导(lest,for fear that后的目的状语从句一般要用“可以省略的should+动词原形”的虚拟语气形式; in case后的目的状语从句多用虚拟语气,但也可用陈述语气)。


1.They set out early that they might arrive in time.他们早点动身,以便及时到达。

2.She takes notes carefully in class so that she may use them when she reviews her lessons after class.她在课堂上认真记笔记,以便她能在课后很好地复习功课。

3.He shouted at the top of his voice in order that he might be heard.他尽力大声叫喊,以便别人能听见。

4.I will not make a noise lest I(should)disturb you.我不出声,以免打搅你。5.He is working hard for fear that he(should)fail.他认真学习,以免考不及格 6.Take your umbrella in case it rains.带上雨伞,以防下雨。

如果表示“为了,以便”的目的状语从句的主语与主句的主语相同,可用in order to或 so as to取代该目的状语从句,注意体会以下例句:

1.He hurried through his work in order to catch the train.他匆匆干完手中的活,为的是能赶上火车。

2.I sent the plans in order for you to study them fully before the meeting.我寄上这些计划以使你会前充分研究一下。

3.The desks are kept some distance apart, so as to prevent cheating.这些书桌都隔着一段距离摆放,以防作弊。

4.I came so early as to catch the first train.我起得早,以便能赶上头班火车。

B.Adverbial phrases and clauses of concession 表示“虽然,即使,尽管”的让步状语从句的用法

1.although,though,even though,even if都表示“虽然,即使,尽管”之意,though 和although 语气较弱(其中的though 比although 通俗, 不如although 正式),even if和even though 带有强调意味而显得语气更强。例如:

1.Although they are poor, they are happy.虽然他们很穷,但很快乐。

2.Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.天气虽然很冷, 但他没有穿大衣就出去了。3.Though they may not succeed, they will still try.即使他们可能不会成功,但他们仍努力尝试。The article is very important though it is short.那篇文章虽然很短,但很重要。4.He is better, though not yet cured.他好一点了,虽仍未痊愈。

5.Even though it was raining, she walked to work.即使下雨,她也是走着去工作的。6.I’ll visit him this evening even if I can stay only a few minutes.今晚我将去拜访他,即使我只能停留一小会儿。

【注意】: though 引导的让步状语从句的用法比较特殊,它可以倒装,也可以不倒装,具体用法参见as引导让步状语从句的用法。

2.as引导让步状语从句表示“虽然、即使、尽管”,其引导的让步状语从句必须采用倒装结构,as引导的倒装形式的让步状语从句的基本结构为: 形容词/副词/名词(单数可数名词前一般不带冠词,有时也可见单数可数名词前形容词与不定冠词连用、形容词放在不定冠词前)/动词/过去分词+as+主语+谓语的其他部分。注意体会下列典型例句:

1.Great as the author was, he proved a bad model.这位作者尽管了不起,到头来却成了一个坏榜样。

2.Ridiculous as it seems, the tale is true.这个故事看似荒唐,却是真的。3.Rich as he is, he is not happy.虽然他很富有,但他并不幸福。

4.Child as he is, he can tell black from white.(倒装时要省去单个名词前的冠词)尽管还是个孩子,他却能分辨黑白。

5.Brave(a)man as he is, he trembles at the sight of snakes.他尽管勇敢,可见到蛇还是发抖。6.Badly wounded as he was, he remained quite optimistic.尽管伤势很重,他仍然十分乐观。7.Try as he would, he could not lift the rock.虽然尽了最大努力,但是他仍然不能搬动那块石头。

表示“无论, 不管”的让步状语从句的用法



1.“no matter+疑问词”或“带后缀ever的疑问词”可以表示“不管……”的含义,引导让步状语从句(前一结构所表示的语气要稍强于后一结构),例如:

1)However(= No matter how)much I tried, I failed to work out the maths problem.无论怎么努力,我还是解不出这道数学题。

2)However(=No matter how)hard he may try, he will not attain his goal.无论怎样努力,他都达不到他的目标。

3)Whatever(=No matter what)you say, I will not change my mind.无论你说什么,我也绝不改变主意。4)Whenever(=No matter when)you come, you will be warmly welcomed.不论什么时候来,你都会受到热烈欢迎。

5)Wherever(=No matter where)you go, you will find the same thing.无论到哪里,你都会发现同样的事情。

6)Whoever(=No matter who)you are, you have no right to do such a thing.不管你是谁,你都无权做这种事。

2.“whether...or...”可以引导包含选择范围的让步状语从句,意为“不管……”。例如: 1)I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home.不论你来还是留在家中,我都要去。2)Whether she wins or loses, this is her last chance.不管是赢是输,这都是她的最后一次机会。

3)Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is to sit in front of the tube and let it happen.不管我们喜欢不喜欢某条新闻,我们所能做的只是坐在电视机前任其播放。


1.I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ____ I can have time for a cup of tea.(2005北京)A.as soon as B.as a result C.in case D.so that 2.Roses need special care ____ they can live through winter.(2004)

A.because B.so that C.even if D.as 3.Leave your key with a neighbor ____ you lock yourself out one day.(2007北京)A.ever since B.even if C.soon after D.in case 4.I shall stay in the hotel all day ____ there is news of the missing child.(2000上海春)A.in case B.no matter C.in any case D.ever since 5.We had to wait half an hour ____ we had already booked a table.(2007辽宁)

A.since B.although C.until D.before 6.____ most of the earth’s surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious.(2006上海春)A.As B.Once C.If D.Although 7.____ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.(2006)A.Since B.Unless C.As D.Although 8.Although he is considered a great writer, ____.(1991)

A.his works are not widely read

B.but his works are not widely read

C.however his works are not widely read D.still his works are not widely read 9.There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, ____ she was an only child.(2005辽宁)A.ever since B.now that C.even though D.even as 10.Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, ____ they knew it to be valuable.(2007浙江)A.as if B.now that C.even though D.so that 11.Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ____ they are different from your own.(2005湖南)A.until B.even if C.unless D.as though 12.____, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.(2005重庆)

A.A quiet student as he may be B.Quiet student as he may be C.Be a quiet student as he may D.Quiet as he may be a student 13.____, I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John.(2001上海)

A.As long as I have traveled B.Now that I have traveled so much C.Much as I have traveled D.As I have traveled so much 14.____, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(2007重庆)

A.Strange as might it sound B.As it might sound strange

C.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound 15.This is a very interesting book.I’ll buy it, ____.(2006陕西)

A.how much may it cost B.no matter how it may cost C.however much it may cost D.how may it cost 16.He tried his best to solve the problem, ____ difficult it was.(2005天津)

A.however B.no matter C.whatever D although 17.____, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.(2004上海春)

A.However the story is amusing

B.No matter amusing the story is

C.However amusing the story is

D.No matter how the story is amusing 18.The old tower must be saved, ____ the cost.(2005浙江)A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.wherever 19.— Dad, I’ve finished my assignment.— Good, and ____ you play or watch TV, you mustn’t disturb me.(2003上海)

A.whenever B.whether C.whatever D.no matter Answers: 1.[答案] D[解析] so that表示希望实现的目的。2.[答案] B[解析] so that表示希望实现的目的。

3.[答案] D[解析] “you lock yourself out one day”是应该避免出现的结果,下划线处应选用in case,引导目的状语从句, 表示“以免……”。4.[答案] A[解析] 题干意为: 我将整天在旅店里呆着,以防有丢失孩子的消息。本题应选in case引导目的状语从句表示“以防……”.5.[答案] B[解析] 下划线处之后所述的“我们已经预订了一桌”与前面所述的“我们已经不得不等了半个小时”之间语意相反,四个选项中although表示“即便……”,引导让步状语从句最为合适。

6.[答案] D[解析] 句意为: 虽然地球表面覆盖着水,但是纯净水仍然很稀有、珍贵。下划线处应引导让步状语从句,填入although最为合适。

7.[答案] D[解析] 下划线处应引导让步状语从句,填入although最为合适。8.[答案] A[解析] 英语不允许在连词although、though引导的让步状语从句之后的主句句首重复使用连词,如果要在复合句中强调某种特别的意义,可以在主句的句首加上yet、still等副词。例如: Although she has a lot of money,(yet/still)she is not happy.虽然她很有钱,但是她并不快乐。

本题题干中没有通过特定的语境暗示需要对主句进行特别强调,因此只需用although引导让步状语从句即可,不必在主句的句首加副词(更不能在主句的句首加连词)。注意: 本题中的works指“作品、著作”,例如表达“莎士比亚的作品”可以用“the works of Shakespeare”。

9.[答案]C[解析] 下划线处应引导让步状语从句,四个选项中只有even though可以引导让步状语从句。

10.[答案]C[解析] “Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice”和“they knew it to be valuable”意思相反,四个选项中引导让步状语从句的even though最为适合。

11.[答案]B[解析] 题干句意为: 让孩子们有发言的空间,即使他们的观点与你的不同。从句与主句为让步关系,应由even if 引导从句。

12.[答案]B[解析] as引导让步状语从句应该倒装,本题中需要放在as之前的部分应该是整个表语部分并且要省略student前的不定冠词(若要保留该不定冠词,则应将其置于quiet与student之间)。

13.[答案]C[解析] 从句“I have traveled”与主句“I have never seen anyone who’s as capable as John”之间具有明显的让步关系,本题应选用as的倒装形式引导让步状语从句。14.[答案] D[解析] “他的建议在会上被全部的人所接受”与“他的建议听起来或许奇怪”之间意思相反,因此下划线处引导的从句应为让步状语从句,而as引导让步状语从句应采用倒装结构,由此先排除不是倒装结构的选项B、C,再排除倒装形式不正确的选项A,最终选出D。

15.[答案] C[解析] 题干中的让步状语从句应采用however much it may cost或者no matter how much it may cost的形式。

16.[答案] A[解析] 下划线处与形容词difficult连用引导让步状语从句,应采用however或者no matter how的形式。17.[答案] C[解析] however,no matter how引导让步状语从句时应在其之后先接上被其所直接修饰的形容词或副词,然后再接让步状语从句当中的其他成分,因此本题应选C。

18.[答案] B[解析] 本句中让步状语从句意指“无论成本是多少”,应选用疑问词what的相关形式引导该从句。

19.[答案]B[解析] 题干中提供了“you play or watch TV”的选择范围,应用whether引导让步状语从句。

第二篇:高二英语Science versus nature教案_1

高二英语Science versus nature教案













Theytooktheinjuredwomantothenearbyhospitalatonce.=Theytookthewomanwhowasinjuredtothenearbyhospitalatonce.2)Generallyspeaking,theverb-edformoftransitiveverbsexpressespassivemeaningswhiletheverb-edformofintransitiveverbsexpressesactiveandpastmeanings.Someverb-edsbeforenounscanexpresspastmeanings,suchasescaped,retiredandfallen.theescapedcriminal 逃犯


thedevelopedcountries 发达国家










therisensun 升起的太阳
























Averb-edphraseisactuallyaverb-edfollowedbyanobjector/andadverbial.Theverb-edphrasescanbeusedastheadverbial toexpressthetime,thereasonandcondition





















第三篇:高二英语选修6 Unit3 教案1


人教选修6 Unit 3 A healthy life Using language Teaching aims Enable the students to learn something about AIDS and HIV.Teaching important&difficult points How to help the students to get the information about AIDS and HIV.Teaching aids tape recorder, slides Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead in T: What is 1 December 2007? World AIDS Day, 1 December 2007.World AIDS Day is 20.Slogan:

“Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise”.Slide show President Hu Jintao(L)shakes hands with an HIV patient in a hospital in eastern Beijing Friday morning.Slide show HIV is increasing in every region of the world.International Statistics People living with HIV: 33.2 million people living with HIV worldwide 30.8 million adults 15.4 million women

2.5 million children under 15 New HIV cases in 2007: 2.5 million total new cases 2.1 million adults 420,000 children under 15 HIV-related deaths in 2007: 2.1 million total deaths 1.7 million adult deaths

330,000 deaths among children under 15 Step 2 Questions What is HIV?

HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system-the body's defense against diseases.A person infected with HIV may not have symptoms to start with, but eventually without effective treatment the immune system will become very weak and they will no longer be able to fight off illnesses.What’s a virus?

A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease.What is AIDS? 艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)。这是一种慢性致死性传染病,由人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)引起。Step 3 Quiz

T: Now lets do a quiz and see how much do you know about HIV/ AIDS.Slide show True or False Quiz 1.Only bad people get AIDS.2.It is dangerous to get close to a person with AIDS.3.In 2002, there were more than 40 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the world.4.You can only get HIV from injecting drugs(毒品).5.People who have HIV look different from everyone else.6.Evidence show that men get AIDS more easily than women.7.It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV.Keys:FFTFFFT Step 4 Reading 1.Skim the poster on P22 and try to find out the purpose of each section.Section 1: Background information about what the diseases.Section 2: Ways to protect yourself.Section 3: Some common myths dispelled.2.Read the poster on P22 and then choose the answers to the following questions: 1.The word “homosexuals” means______.A.People only attracted by the same sex B.People who don’t care about themselves C.People who are very sexy.D.People who often have sex.2.We can infer from the passage that__________.A.HIV is the same as AIDS.B.HIV is different from AIDS.C.HIV weakens a person’s immune system.D.You can have HIV in your blood for quite a long time.3.In order to stay safe, you ____________.A.should not use the needle someone else has used.B.have to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugs.C.should use a condom if you have sex with another one.D.All of the above.Keys:AAD Step 4 Discussion 1.What can I do to support World AIDS Day? At school, you can support World AIDS Day by: Having a dressing up, down or fancy dress day.Putting up some posters-get people talking.Making and selling red ribbons.Organizing a creative writing/poster campaign.Arranging a sponsored three-legged race or balloon release.Getting your friends, family, to express their feelings and expand their knowledge about AIDS.Using your imagination!

How much do you know about the AIDS red ribbon?

The red ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is

worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern aboutHIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment.2.How should we act towards people who have HIV/AIDS? 3.What can we do to help them? Don’t look down upon them.Show love and care to them.Help them fight fear, shame and injustice(unfair).4.Imagine what the world will be like if there is no HIV or AIDS.Discuss in groups of three and then write a short passage about your imagination.Step 5 Homework Read the passage Successful AIDS Programme in Yunnan in Reading Task in the workbook and finish the questions.






settle, struggle, freeze, exploit, refer, block, average, be famous for, a great deal of, make use of, clear up, from time to time, tell the difference between, tell…from…,generally speaking, sound/look strange, the second largest, struggle against, all the year around, refer to, live on, settle down, breath, injure, lay, wound, safety, wherever, quantity, ought to, take it easy, first aid, muth-to-mouth, deal with, running water, out of one’s reach, hold up, throw up, stay still, give first aid, lie on one’s back, out of reach, get sb.to do sth., by mistake, pay attention to, leave her where she is.2.句型

(1)You mean it looks strange!(2)I’ll tell you something that does sound strange.(3)The population of Canada is…

(4)As in China,the weather is different from area to area.(5)I think she must be injured.(6)Leave her where she is.(7)Repeat this as often as necessary.(8)Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.(9)If anyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.3.语法


(2)复习情态动词must和should的用法,学习ought to的用法 4.交际英语

(1)A lof of people can’t tell the difference between…(2)Are there many differences?(3)What do you mean by…

(4)I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you.(5)Do you use American or British spelling?(6)American spellings are used more and more in Canada now.(7)We must carry her to the side of the road.(8)You should/ shouldn’t(9)I ought to go home.(10)Don’t try to get up.




a drop of blood一滴血;drop by rop/in drops一滴一滴地;drop from the tree从树上掉下来;drop to the ground 落在地上;drop the letter into the mailbox把信投进信箱;drop a handkerchief/stone掉下手帕/石头

习语:drop in 顺便拜访;drop in on sb.顺便走访某人;drop in at his school顺便拜访他的学校。[应用]完成句子

①我看见一个苹果从树上掉下来。I saw an apple______ _______ the tree.②他们这样做是搬起石头咂自己的脚。

In doing so they are lifting a rock to _______ ________on their feet.③你路过的话,千万要来。

Do _______ _______ if you happen to be passing.Key: ①drop,from

②drop, it

③drop, in


average 可用作名词,表示“平均数,一般水平”,也可作形容词,表示“平均的”。如: the average of the pay平均工资;above/below the average平均以上/以下; the average age of the girls姑娘的平均年龄; the average temperature平均气温; on(an,the)average平均起来 [应用]完成句子


_________ _________,one worker in this factory gets 700 yuan every month.②他的功课一般以上。

He is_________ _________ in his lessons.Key: ①On, average

②above, average 3.reach sth./reach for sth.(1)reach sth.表示“够得着某物”,reach是及物动词。如:reach the top of the shelf够得着架子顶部;reach the apple on the tree够得着树上的苹果。

(2)reach for sth.表示“伸手(脚)去够某物”,其中的reach是不及物动词。亦可替换成reach out for sth.或reach out one’s hand(foot)for sth.,意义相同。

(3)reach还可用作不及物动词表示“延伸”。如:The woods reach as far as the river.树林子延伸到河边。(4)短语:reach an agreement达成协议;

beyond/out of one’s reach够不着,力所不及; out of the reach of sb.某人够不着; within one’s reach够得着,力所能及。[应用]完成句子


He ______ ______ the stick but could not_______it.②你最好把吃的东西放在小孩够得着的地方。

You’d better have the food _______the boy’s ________.Key:①reached, for, reach ②within, reach 4.表示态度、语气的短语归纳

generally speaking一般说来;strictly speaking严格说来;honestly speaking诚实地说来;personally speaking就我个人而言;exactly speaking准确地说来。to tell you the truth说实话;to be honest老实说;believe it or not信不信由你;judging from his appearance从他的相貌来说


①严格说来,加拿大英语和美国英语并不完全一样。_______ ________,Canadian English is not just the same as American English.②老实说我不赞同你的想法。

_______ _______ ________,I can’t agree to your idea.③一般地说,青年人喜欢流行音乐。

___________,young people enjoy pop music.Key:①Strictly,speaking ②To,be,honest ③Generally, speaking 5.如何表示“不同,区别”

1)tell the difference between A and B.说出A和B的区别;辨别A和B 2)tell A from B.区别、辨别A和B 3)What’s the difference between A and B?A和B什么不同?

4)There be some differences between A and B.A和B 之间有不同之处。5)A be different from B.A和B不同

6)make sb./sth.different from使某人/物不同于„„ 7)do sth.differently from…做起某事与„„不同 8)make no difference无关紧要



I can hardly_____the difference________ these two words.②绵羊和山羊有什么不同?

________ ________ ________between a sheep and a goat? ③哪一边赢对我都不重要。

It _______ ________ ________ to me which side may win.④你确实很富,但这并不能使你不同于别人。

You are rich indeed, but that doesn’t _________ __________ __________ ________ __________.⑤事实和他所说的大不一样。

The fact _______quite________ _________ what he said.⑥你能分辩出她和她的姐姐吗?

Can you _________ her________her sister? Key:①tell, between ②What’s,the,difference ③makes,no, difference ④make, you,different,from,others ⑤is,different,from ⑥tell,from 6.ordinary, common 二者都有“普通的,平常的”的意思,但侧重点不同。ordinary侧重表示“外表平凡,平平常常”;而common指“普遍存在,经常碰到”。对比:

in ordinary dress穿着平常的衣服; in an ordinary way以通常的方式;

an ordinary – looking man相貌平常的人; an ordinary event平常的一件事; common excuse常用的借口;

common knowledge常识;common people普通人,老百姓; have a bathroom in common合用洗澡间。[应用]完成句子


It was a piece of______dance music.②这种天气在南方是很常见的。

This sort of weather is quite _________in the south.③这弟兄两个没有什么共同之处。

These two brothers have nothing ________ _________.Key:①ordinary ②common ③in common 7.freeze,freezing,frozen freeze是动词“结冰,凝固”;freezing可用作名词“冰点”,用作形容词“冰冷的”,用作副词“极冷地”;frozen既是freeze的过去分词形式,也可用作形容词,表示“冷冻的”。对比:

Water freezes below freezing.冰点以下时水结冰。It was freezing cold that morning.那天早晨非常地冷。The roads are frozen in places.路上多处结冰。[应用]英译汉

①above/over freezing ②freezing weather ③be frozen to death ④give sb.a freezing cold ⑤freezing machine ⑥frozen meat ⑦I’m frozen,so I can’t write

⑧I’m freezing,so I’ve to put on a heavy coat.Key: ①零度以上



④冷冷地看某人一眼 ⑤制冷机


⑦我冻坏了,不能写东西了。⑧我觉得冷极了,我得穿件厚大衣。8.refer to, refer…to

1)refer 可用作及物动词,用于refer… to,表示“将„„提交给”。如: refer this problem to the school把这个问题提交学校;

refer the matter to the United Nations.将这件事情提交联合国

2)refer表示“谈到,涉及;查阅,参考,指”时是不及物动词,需用refer to结构。如: The book which you referred to is not in the library.你所指的那本书不在图书馆。

His report refers to the situation in the Middle East.他的报告谈到中东的形势。

短语:refer to the map/one’s notes/the dictionary 查阅地图/参考笔记/查字典

注意:look up word in the dictionary 查字典

对比:refer to 指语言、内容与某人(物)有关;而point to表示用手指向某人(物)。如: I didn’t know whom she was referring to.我不知道她指的是谁。

She pointed to the map and explained to the students.她指着地图给学生做出解释。[应用]完成句子


A friend of mine often ______ _______ Dr.Bethune when I was in Canada.②两国把这件事提交给了联合国。

The two countries._______the matter _______the United Nations.Key:①referred,to ②referred,to 9.clear


in a clear voice以清楚的声音;

be clear about sth.对„„清楚,明白; be clear to sb.对某人来说很清楚;

make one’s meaning clear 说明自己的意思;

注意两个句型:A:make it clear that…声明,说明;B.It’s(was)clear that…很明显(清楚)„„。(2)用作动词,表示“清除,清理,使干净”。如: clear one’s room/a table/a street/the desk 整理房间/收拾桌子/清扫大街/整理书桌;

clear away the dishes/waste把餐碟收走/把垃圾清除(3)clear up 的三个意义: A.表示“清理,收拾,解决”。如:

The dustmen were busy clearing up the snow on the road.清洁工正在清除路上的积雪。

This book has cleared up many problems for me.这本书给我解决了许多难题。B.表示“(天气)转晴”。如:

It’s snowing now, but I think it will clear up soon.现在正在下雨,但是我想天气很快会晴的。C.表示“露出喜悦的心情”。如: Her face cleared up as she read the letter.她看信的时候面露喜色。[应用]完成句子


She is _________ _________what to do next.②很清楚敌人是不会放弃他们的计划的。

________ _______ _______that the enemy wouldn’t give up their plan.③他明确表示他要离职。

He _________ _________ ________that he would leave office.④在离开办公室以前,请把你的桌子整理一下。

_________ ________your desk before you leave the office.Key:①clear,about

②It, is, clear ③make , it clear

④Clear,up 10.on+身体部位

lay the person on one’s back让这个人仰卧着;

lie on one’s back/stomach/side仰卧/趴着/侧着身躺着; sleep on one’s side 侧身睡; stand on one foot 一条脚站着; stand on one’s head倒立 [应用]完成句子


She ______ _______ ______ ______in the bed,crying all the while ②你想倒立几个小时是很不容易的。

It’s difficult for you to _____ ______ ______ ______ for several hours.Key:①lay, on, her, stomach ②stand,on, your,head 11.deal with,do with

1)二者都可表示“对付,应付,处理,安排”,但deal是不及物动词,可与how连用;而do是及物动词,只与what连用表示上述意义,不能单独使用。对比:We don’t know what to do with the waste materials./We don’t know how to deal with the waste materials.我们不知道怎样处理这此废料。

What’s the best way of dealing with thieves? 对付小偷最好的办法是什么?

(此句中的deal with不可替换成do with)

2)deal with还可表示“论述,涉及到;与„„相处”等意义,而do with 无此用法。如: The books dealing with Asian problems sell well in colleges.论述亚洲问题的书在大学里很畅销。

That man is easy to deal with.这个人容易相处。[应用]完成句子


_________did you deal with matters of this sort? What did you ________ _________matters of this sort? ②我们要处理的棘手事太多了。

There are too many difficulties for us to _________ ______.Key:①How/ do,with ②deal, with 12.still


如:keep(stay)still保持不动;lie(stand)still躺着(站着)不 动;a still lake/evening平静的湖/寂静的夜晚。

2)用作副词,表示“还,仍旧”,可以修饰形容词、副词比较组。如: be still busy仍然很忙;win still greater success取得更大成功。3)辨析still,quiet,silent;still侧重“一动不动”,quiet指“安静”,无动作,无声音,无骚乱,其反义词是noisy(吵闹的、喧哗的);silent指不出声,不说话。对比:sit still坐着不动;Be quiet,and the class will begin.请安静,马上就要开始上课了。

Hearing the answer,be was silent for a minute or more.听了回答之后,他沉默了一两分钟。[应用]完成句子


He is tall,but his brother is _________ _________.②我已经考虑了几个小时,但仍然不能决定。

I have been thinking for hours, but I ______can’t decide.Key:①still, talker ②still

13.hurt,wound 二者都有“受伤”之意,但含义有所不同。


be badly wounded in the battle 战斗中受重伤; wound sb.to death 使某人受伤致死;

hurt one’s back摔伤了后背;hurt one’s feeling伤害某人的感情;be hurt by his words被他的话所伤害。注意:A.wound可用作名词:

have a wound in the chest胸部受伤;

receive a serious wound受重伤;the wounded伤员。B.hurt还可用作不及物动词,表示“疼痛难受”对比: The girl fell off her bike.She hurt one of her legs hurts.姑娘从自行车上掉下来,有一条腿疼得厉害。[应用]完成句子

①这位战士头部受了伤.The soldier ______ ______ _____in his head./The soldier ______ _______in the head./The soldier head ______ ______.②他们说我的那些话使我很伤心。

I was rather__________by what they said about me.③我右腿疼。

My right foot ________.④他的伤似乎是很重。

It seemed that he _________badly_________.Key:①received,a, would/was, wounded/was wounded ②hurt ③hurts ④was, hurt/wounded 14.happen句型归纳

(1)happen to do sth.(主语常为“人”),意为“碰巧。恰好”。to 后可用不定式的一般式to do,完成式to have done进行式to be doing如:

You happened to be out when I came to your house.我到你家时,你正好出去了。

She happened to have just finished reading the book.碰巧她刚刚读完那本书。

The two salesmen happened to be quarrelling when the manager entered.经理进去时两个售货员碰巧在吵架。(2)It(so)happen that…“(如此)碰巧,恰好”。如: It happens that he is a teacher of English.恰好他是位英语老师。

It so happened that he was going that way too.如此碰巧的是他也往那边走。


I happened to have no money with me./It happened that I had no money with me.我碰巧身上没带钱。

(3)happen to sb./sth.“某人/物出事,发生了„„情况”。如:What has happened to your hand?你的手怎么了? Be careful not to let anything happen to that child.小心别让那个孩子出任何事。[应用]选择正确答案

①—We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.(MET’91)—What do you suppose __________to her? A.was happening

B.to happen C.has happened

D.having happened ②They happened to _______for Tianjin when we got there.(MET’)A.leave

B.have left


D.had left ③If anything __________you,let me know.A.is happened to

B.is happening C.happens on

D.happens to Key:①C ②B ③D 16.mistake短语归纳

1)用作名词:by mistake由于差错;make mistakes 出错;make no mistake没出错;correct one’s mistake改正错误;recognize one’s mistake承认错误;make mistake about sb./sth.误会(解)某人/事

2)用作动词:mistake one’s meaning误解某人的意思;mistake sb./sth.for错当成,误以为是„„;be mistaken 弄错,错误的。




Time will _________ whether I made the right choice or not.A.seee



D.tell 分析:D。tell意为“辨别”。题2(NMET 1998)

They ___________the train until it disappeared in the distance A.saw



D.observed 分析:B。题干中until it disappeared in the distance 表明“他们在注视着火车,直到它在视野中消失。”see(be able to use your eyes to look at things and know what they are);watch(look at and pay attention to something that is happening;);notice(see,hear,or feel something);observe(see and notice sth.)从上面内容可知答案为B。题3(上海


Either you or the headmaster__________the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.A.is handing out

B.are to hand out C.are handing out

D.is to hand out 分析:D。句中表按预定的计划做某事,而hand out 不是表示“出发、动身”等意的瞬间动词,因此不能用现在进行时表示将来时,不能选A或C。另外either…or + 主语 + v.结构中的动词单复数形式应与靠近的主语一致。题4(上海


It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I __________in love,at the age of seven,with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.A.wouldn’t have fallen

B.had not fallen C.should fall

D.were to fall 分析:B。虚拟语气。题5(MET 1992)

We _________last night,but we went to the concert instead.A.must have studied

B.might sutdy C.should have studied

D.would study 分析:C。从but一词表示转折来看,前句应与后句相反,所以前句应为“过去本应做的事,而未做。” 题6(NMET 1995)

It’s nearly seven o’clock.Jack ___________be here at any moment.A.must



D.can 分析:C。题干中有be expected to,或具有一种对现在的推测意味,可用should.题7(NMET 1994)

I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I________for her.A.had to write it out

B.must have written it out C.should have written it out

D.ought to write it out 分析:C。此题表示“过去本应该做而未做”。题8(NMET 1998)

—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.—They ________be ready by 12:00.A.can



D.need 分析:B。此题表示对未来情况的推测意味。



By Quan Liling TEACHING MATERIAL: Lesson 30, Unit 8, SEFC2A CLASS: Class 248, Senior II TIME: Friday, November 15, 2003 TITLE: First aid

Ⅰ.Teaching aims: 1.Four skills: cut(n.);electric;container;pool;by mistake pay attention to;in a short while;running water;within;deal with;wound;safety;wire;out of one’s reach Grammar:Revise the mode verbs:must,should and ought to Ⅱ.Teaching focus and difficulties: 1.Talking about first aid;2.Retelling.Ⅲ.Teaching method: Prctising and explaination Ⅳ.Teaching tools: A set of multi-media equipment.Ⅴ.Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Revision Revise the dialogue in L.29 by asking a pair of students to act out a dialogue.Step 2: Presentation 1.Discuss some pictures of first aid;2.talk about first aid.Step 3: Reading 1.Ask the students to read the first sentences of each paragraph and try to tell me the main idea of each paragraph: 1)Description of first aid;2)Three important things to do;3)Common injuries and first aid in the home;4)You need more information.2.give the students some minutes to read the text and then do some exercise;3.Put up some information on the Bb,then talk about them: 1)Three important things to do: A.Check that thhe personca breathe;B.Try to start his breathe;C.Try to stop the bleeding.2)Three common injuries at home: A.animal bites:wash the wound under the cold running water.see a doctor at once.B.Burns:Cool the area of the skin at once.Put a piece of dry and clean cloth over the area of the burn.see the doctor.C.Cuts:Wash the area of the cut,dry it and cover with dry clean cloth.4.Deal with the language points in this part: 1)…you don’t have to be an doctor;

2)Check that the person can breathe.Open the pouth and make sure that no food at the back of the mouth;3)Lay the person on the ground;4)Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries;5)cool the are of skin at once.Step 5:Practice Retell the text one by one.Homework:Finish off the exercises on the Wb.

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